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TAN0010.1177/1756285617722347Therapeutic Advances in Neurological DisordersY-W Shin, S-T Lee

Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders Review

Treatment strategies for autoimmune

Ther Adv Neurol Disord

2018, Vol. 11: 1­–19

encephalitis DOI: 10.1177/

© The Author(s), 2018.

Reprints and permissions:
Yong-Won Shin, Soon-Tae Lee, Kyung-Il Park, Keun-Hwa Jung, Ki-Young Jung,
Sang Kun Lee and Kon Chu

Abstract:  Autoimmune encephalitis is one of the most rapidly growing research topics in
neurology. Along with discoveries of novel antibodies associated with the disease, clinical
experience and outcomes with diverse immunotherapeutic agents in the treatment of
autoimmune encephalitis are accumulating. Retrospective observations indicate that early
aggressive treatment is associated with better functional outcomes and fewer relapses.
Immune response to first-line immunotherapeutic agents (corticosteroids, intravenous
immunoglobulin, plasma exchange, and immunoadsorption) is fair, but approximately
half or more of patients are administered second-line immunotherapy (rituximab and
cyclophosphamide). A small but significant proportion of patients are refractory to all first- Correspondence to:
and second-line therapies and require further treatment. Although several investigations have Kon Chu
Department of Neurology,
shown promising alternatives, the low absolute number of patients involved necessitates more Comprehensive Epilepsy
Center, Laboratory for
evidence to establish further treatment strategies. In this review, the agents used for first- Neurotherapeutics,
and second-line immunotherapy are discussed and recent attempts at finding new treatment Biomedical Research
Institute, Seoul National
options are introduced. niversity Hospital, 101,
Daehangno, Jongno-
gu, Seoul 110-744,
South Korea Program
Keywords:  autoimmune encephalitis, immunotherapeutic agent, treatment option in Neuroscience, Seoul
National University
College of Medicine, Seoul,
Received: 15 March 2017; revised manuscript accepted: 14 June 2017.
South Korea
Yong-Won Shin
Department of Neurology,
Comprehensive Epilepsy
Introduction autoantibodies often affect not only limbic struc- Center, Laboratory for
Limbic encephalitis (LE), first described in tures but also other cerebral regions, and the term Biomedical Research
1960,1 is characterized by a subacute onset of epi- autoimmune encephalitis (AE), rather than auto- Institute, Seoul National
University Hospital, Seoul,
sodic memory loss and confusion frequently immune LE, is used with growing frequency to South Korea Program
accompanied by seizures, psychiatric symptoms, refer to this disease entity. in Neuroscience, Seoul
National University
and lesion involving the medial temporal lobe and College of Medicine, Seoul,
hippocampus. Infectious agents such as herpes AE is classified according to the location of the South Korea
Yeongjusi Health Center,
simplex virus cause inflammation in the central antigen, either intracellular or on the cell sur- Gyeongsangbuk-do, South
nervous system (CNS) including the limbic area face, because each classification is associated Korea
Kyung-Il Park
of the brain, but a substantial number of patients with different clinical features, especially per- Department of Neurology,
with LE are without clear evidence of CNS infec- taining to cancer association and immune Comprehensive Epilepsy
Center, Laboratory for
tion. The existence of autoantibodies and a therapy responsiveness. Antibodies targeting Neurotherapeutics,
response to immunotherapy in these patients sug- nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins (onconeu- Biomedical Research
Institute, Seoul National
gests that an aberrant immune reaction is involved ronal antibodies) such as Hu, Ma, and Ri usu- University Hospital, Seoul,
in the disease pathogenesis. Autoimmune etiol- ally accompany malignancy, 3,4 and LE South Korea Program
in Neuroscience, Seoul
ogy is increasingly recognized as a major cause of coincident with the detection of these antibod- National University
LE along with the finding of the high prevalence ies is termed ‘paraneoplastic LE.’ Patients College of Medicine, Seoul,
South Korea
of anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) producing these antibodies respond poorly to Department of Neurology,
antibody-associated encephalitis after the discov- immunotherapy, but treatment of the cancer Seoul National University
Hospital Healthcare
ery of the antibody2 and the continued identifica- often results in neurological improvements.4–6 System Gangnam Center,
tion of additional novel antibodies in LE. These The intracellular location of the antigens, and Seoul, South Korea 1

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Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 11

Soon-Tae Lee the evidence for CD8 + cytotoxic T-cell- anti-amphiphysin antibodies (evidence of T-cell-
Keun-Hwa Jung
Ki-Young Jung
mediated neuronal cell damage in encephalitis mediated neuronal cell damage).24
Sang Kun Lee coincident with these antibodies, raise the pos-
Department of Neurology,
Comprehensive Epilepsy
sibility that the humoral immune response Early, appropriate, and intense treatment is
Center, Laboratory for could be a nonpathogenic ‘epiphenomenon.’ 6 important for achieving a good outcome in AE.
Biomedical Research
However, treatment is challenging because the
Institute, Seoul National Neuronal cell-surface antibodies (NSAbs) are rarity of the disease limits clinical experience and
University Hospital, Seoul,
South Korea Program in
another group of antibodies detected in AE. the evidence base guiding the intervention.
Neuroscience, Seoul NSAbs target an extracellular epitope, and their Moreover, multiple lines of treatment are essen-
National University
College of Medicine, Seoul,
corresponding antigens are often synaptic recep- tial in many cases, and rather experimental
South Korea tors or components of synaptic protein complexes. options are not infrequently required. In light of
Anti-NMDAR antibodies are most common, fol- these issues, we review here the currently used AE
lowed by antibodies against leucine-rich glioma treatment modalities and recent advances in
inactivated-1 (LGI1).7–10 The contactin-associ- immunotherapy. The present review focuses on
ated protein like 2 (Caspr2),11 α-amino-3- AE associated with NSAbs and, without special
hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid notation, we will use the term ‘AE’ to refer to AE
receptor (AMPAR),12 gamma-aminobutyric acid with NSAbs only.
(GABA)-A and -B receptors,13,14 dipeptidyl-pepti-
dase-like protein-6 (DPPX),15 and glycine recep-
tor (GlyR)16 antibodies are other examples of Pathogenic mechanism and diagnosis of
recently identified NSAbs. Unlike encephalitis autoimmune encephalitis
with antibodies to intracellular antigens, the fre- Most T cells that recognize self-antigens are
quency of cancer in cases involving antibodies tar- eliminated in the thymus and some self-reactive
geting cell-surface antigens is, to a varying degree T cells that escape this process are controlled in
dependent upon the particular type of antibody, the periphery by further deletion, induction of
lower.8,17 Several sources of evidence support the anergy, or suppression by regulatory T cells
theory that the pathogenesis of encephalitis is (Tregs).25 Self-reactive B cells are also subject to
mainly antibody-mediated in AEs associated with the processes of negative selection, such as dele-
this group of antibodies.18 Patients producing tion, receptor editing and induction of anergy,
NSAbs generally show a good response to immu- throughout the development in the bone marrow
notherapy and have a better overall prognosis. and spleen.26 Patients may become prone to
autoimmune disease when there is a loss of toler-
Of note, glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 (GAD65) ance to self-antigens, and dysregulated activation
is an intracellular enzyme that catalyzes the con- of T and B cells. In particular, activation of self-
version of GABA, however, AE presenting with reactive B cells and their subsequent prolifera-
anti-GAD65 antibodies is often non-paraneo- tion and differentiation into autoantigen reactive
plastic and shows better immune responsiveness memory B cells and autoantibody-secreting
than paraneoplastic LE.19,20 In addition, anti- plasma cells, play pivotal roles in antibody-medi-
GAD65 antibody is related to diverse diseases ated autoimmunity, including AE. Patients with
including AE, cerebellar ataxia, stiff-person syn- AE respond to the treatments that aim to lower
drome (SPS), and type 1 diabetes.21 SPS is a rare the titers of autoantibodies, such as intravenous
condition characterized by axial and limb muscle immunoglobulin (IVIg) and plasma exchange
stiffness and painful spasms, and is associated (PLEX), emphasizing the role of autoantibodies
with antibodies against GAD65, GlyR, and in disease pathogenesis. Animal model studies
amphyphsin.22 Anti-GlyR antibodies, in particu- replicating features of AE by passive transfer of
lar, are preferentially associated with progressive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or immunoglobulins
encephalitis with rigidity and myoclonus (PERM), (Igs) from anti-NMDAR encephalitis patients to
an aggressive form of SPS spectrum disorder with mice provided more direct evidence of autoanti-
additional symptoms including brainstem dys- body pathogenicity.27,28
function, hyperekplexia, sensory symptoms, and
dysautonomia.23 Anti-GlyR antibodies are Pathogenic roles of autoantibodies include recep-
directed against cell-surface antigens and patients tor crosslinking and internalization, complement
with these antibodies are more responsive to activation and direct disruption of the epitope, as
immunotherapy,23 compared with those with demonstrated in AE by several immunopatho-
anti-GAD65 (against intracellular antigens) or logic analyses and in vitro studies.18,29 In the case

Y-W Shin, S-T Lee et al.

of anti-NMDAR encephalitis, receptor internali- AE is diagnosed based on clinical characteristics,

zation and reduced NMDAR currents were magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalog-
observed in rodent hippocampal neurons and raphy, functional neuroimaging, work-up for sys-
HEK293 cells expressing GluN1 and GluN2 temic tumors, and detection of autoantibodies.49
subunits of the NMDAR treated with patient Detection of anti-neuronal autoantibodies in the
antibody.30,31 Other experiments showed that the serum/CSF is used to confirm AE and specify the
autoantibodies bind to a region within the amino associated antibody. Immunohistochemistry
terminal domain of GluN1 and cause disrupted (IHC) on cryopreserved rodent brain sections is
interaction with ephrin B2 receptor and channel widely used as a primary screening method to
function.32,33 detect autoantibodies. This method has the
advantage in detecting antibodies against a wide
Anti-NMDAR antibodies are predominantly of range of antigens, and has the potential to detect
the IgG1 subclass of IgG.34 However, activation novel neuronal antigens; however, it lacks the
of complement and neuronal injury is not evident ability to identify specific antibody targets. Cell-
in the brain tissues from patients with anti- based assays (CBAs) are now widely used to
NMDAR encephalitis or the passive transfer detect specific NSAbs. CBA is an immunoassay
mouse model.27,34–36 In contrast, antibodies using cultured cells (i.e. HEK 293) presenting a
against LGI1 and Caspr2 are predominantly specific epitope transfected with the complemen-
IgG437–39 and complement activation and neu- tary DNA, which has the advantage of preserving
ronal loss are also reported in AEs with these the conformational epitope.50 This method led to
autoantibodies.36,40 IgG4 antibodies form heter- the discovery of anti-NMDAR antibodies,51,52
odimers that recognize and bind to two different and the subsequent identification of several other
antigens (hetero-bispecific), acting as monovalent NSAbs.11,12,14,53 Whereas there is recent evidence
antibodies and being unable to crosslink and against the use of radioimmunoassay results for
internalize the target antigen.41 In addition, IgG4 detecting antibodies to the voltage-gated potas-
antibodies have low affinity to Fcγ receptor sium channel complex without confirmation of
(FcγR) and are ineffective in activating comple- antibodies to LGI1 and Caspr2,54,55 NSAb detec-
ment. As IgG1, but not IgG4, is an effective acti- tion using CBAs still shows great usefulness with
vator of complement, mechanism of the high sensitivity and specificity, especially for CSF
discrepancy in IgG subclass predominance and samples.50 To achieve the highest sensitivity and
complement activation is currently unclear. The specificity, testing both serum and CSF using a
IgG1-mediated immune response and direct combination of IHC and CBAs is recom-
T-cell-mediated toxicity in the pathogenesis of mended.50,56 However, equipment for identifying
the AEs need further investigation. these antibodies is not widely available in institu-
tions, and it may take several weeks to get the
The differences in IgG subclass and complement results. Recently proposed clinical diagnostic cri-
activation have several clinical implications. teria for AE without antibody testing help to
Patients with anti-LGI1 encephalitis or anti-Caspr2 attain early diagnosis in institutions where anti-
encephalitis generally show a less severe clinical body testing is not readily accessible.17
manifestation and faster recovery than patients
with anti-NMDAR encephalitis, which may reflect
the limited ability of IgG4. Long-term cognitive Treatment overview
impairment and hippocampal atrophy shown in Treatment options for AE range from broadly
follow-up MRI38,42–45 indicate irreversible neuronal immune-suppressing agents to those targeting
damage that may be partly attributable to comple- processes in antibody-mediated disease pathogen-
ment activation and cytotoxic T-cell-mediated esis. As in most other inflammatory disorders, cor-
neuronal injury. Conversely, reversibility of cere- ticosteroids are used in the treatment of AE, acting
bral atrophy in anti-NMDAR encephalitis is con- to broadly inhibit the inflammatory process.
sistent with immunopathological findings including However, corticosteroids possess less specificity
the absence of complement and rare T-cell infil- for the antibody-mediated immune process, and
trates.46,47 With regard to therapy, immunothera- their efficacy is limited in cases of AE, and they are
peutic agents targeting complement, such as associated with several systemic side effects. Other
eculizumab,48 could be a viable option for AEs with lines of treatment address various specific steps in
evidence of complement-mediated neuronal toxic- AE’s pathogenesis. Therapeutic targets for these
ity, but not for AEs without. treatments include autoantibodies and other 3
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 11

Table 1.  Therapeutic agents used in autoimmune encephalitis.

Treatment Regimen
First-line immunotherapy  
 Methylprednisolone 1 g daily, for 3–5 days
  Intravenous immunoglobulin 2 g/kg over 5 days (400 mg/kg/day)
  Plasma exchange/immunoadsorption 1 session every other day for 5–7 cycles
Second-line immunotherapy  
 Rituximab 375 mg/m2 weekly IV infusion for 4 weeks
 Cyclophosphamide 750 mg/m2 monthly for 3–6 months
Alternative therapy  
 Tocilizumab Initially 4 mg/kg, followed by an increase to 8
mg/kg monthly based on clinical response
  Low-dose interleukin-2 (aldesleukin) 1.5 million IU/day, 4 subcutaneous injections
with 3-week interval
Steroid-sparing agents used for maintenance therapy  
 Azathioprine Initially 1–1.5 mg/kg once daily or divided twice
daily, target 2–3 mg/kg/d
  Mycophenolate mofetil Initially 500 mg twice daily, target 1000 mg
twice daily
IV, intravenous.

immune mediators (IVIg and PLEX), B cells and plasma cells may reside in the bone marrow and
short-lived plasma cells (rituximab), and specific intrathecal compartment and contribute to
cytokines associated in the autoimmune and refractoriness and relapses. Proteasome inhibi-
inflammatory process [tocilizumab and low-dose tors target these cells, but clinicians have very
interleukin (IL)-2]. Antiproliferative agents tar- limited experience with their use in AE.61–63
geting lymphocyte proliferation (cyclophospha- Immunotherapeutic agents used in the treat-
mide, azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil, etc.) ment of AE are listed in Table 1. A summary of
are also used in refractory cases or to maintain major published series reporting the largest
remission. number of patients in each NSAbs are presented
in Table 2.
Despite the numerous treatment options avail-
able, there are issues complicating the treatment AE is often monophasic, and instances of sponta-
of AE. First, peripherally activated B cells can neous recovery without immunotherapy or tumor
cross the blood–brain barrier (BBB) and resection have been reported.52,64,65 However,
undergo clonal expansion and differentiation recovery from AE is not without sequelae, and
into antibody-secreting plasmablasts and plasma AE-related deaths during the acute stage or fol-
cells.8,35 Histopathological study and CSF anal- low up after discharge have also been
ysis indicate intrathecal production of antibod- noted.14,38,43,52,66,67 Even if patients survive with-
ies in anti-NMDAR encephalitis.8,34,35,51,57,58 out immunotherapy, they may suffer a slower
Immunotherapeutic agents such as rituximab recovery requiring prolonged hospitalization.
cannot permeate the BBB,59 which may limit Persistent cognitive impairment observed in long-
the therapeutic effects of these agents. Second, term follow up suggests irreversible neuronal
there are long-lived plasma cells (half-life of >6 death and advocate prompt interruption of dis-
months) refractory to conventional immuno- ease activity.38,43,44,68,69
suppressive agents and agents targeting B or T
cells, leading to the chronicity of autoimmunity Patients with AE present with variable clinical
with persistent autoantibodies.60 Long-lived manifestations, severity, comorbidity status, and

Table 2.  Summary of representativea case series of each NSAb-associated disorder.
Study Titulaer and Arino and van Sonderen and Hoftberger and Pettingill and Hoftberger and Carvajal-Gonzalez Tobin and colleagues
colleagues72 colleagues 38 colleagues 39 colleagues 67 colleagues 153 colleagues 154 and colleagues 23 155

No. of patients 577 76 38 22 45 20 45b 20
No. of patients 501 48 30 for immunotherapeutic 21 15 (12 for outcome) 20 (19 for 45c 20
with data available agent, 28 for relapse, and immunotherapeutic
for treatment and 33 for outcome agent)
Clinical 577/577: 63/76: LE 16/38: LE 12/22: LE 15/15: variable 17/20: LE 33/45: PERM 20/20: encephalopathy
manifestation anti-NMDAR 3/76: non-LEd 11/38: Morvan syndrome 8/22: limbic (including seizures 1/20: ataxia 5/45: LE or epileptic (with cortical,
encephalitis 10/76: 5/38: Peripheral nerve dysfunction with [n = 7], memory 1/20: status encephalopathy cerebellar or brainstem
encephalopathye hyperexcitability multifocal/diffuse impairment [n = epilepticus 2/45: SPS manifestations),
3/38: Cerebellar encephalopathy 7], confusion or 1/20: opsoclonus- 2/45: brainstem myelopathy, and
syndrome 1/22: LE preceded disorientation [n = 4], myoclonus syndrome features autonomic dysfunction
3/38: othersf by motor deficits psychiatric features [n 2/45: demyelinating
1/22: psychosis with = 5], hallucination [n optic neuropathies
bipolar features = 2], anxiety [n = 4]) 1/45: unclear
Female 468 (81%) 26 (34%) 4 (11%) 14 (64%) 23 (51%) 8 (40%) 21 (47%) 8 (40%)
Age, year, median 21 (1–85) 61 (32–80) 66 (25–77) 62 (23–81) 51 (2–80) 61.5 (16–77) 50 (1–75) 53 (13–75)
Tumor 220/577 (38%) 5/76 (7%) 7/37 (19%) 14/22 (64%) 3/14 (21%) 10/20 (50%) 9/45 (20%) 2/20 (10%)
Tumor type Ovarian teratoma Prostate cancer Thymoma (n = 4), Small-cell lung Dysembryoplastic Small-cell lung Thymoma (n = 3), Gastrointestinal
(n = 207), (n = 2), gastric adenocarcinoma of the cancer (n = 5), neuroepithelial tumor cancer (n = 10) lymphoma (n = 1), follicular lymphoma
extraovarian neuroendocrine lung (n = 1), carcinoma in thymoma (n = 4), (n = 1), prostatic and previous treated (n = 1) and chronic
teratoma (n = 4), tumor (n = 1), situ of sigmoid breast cancer (n = cancer (n = 1), and cancer (n = 5)h lymphocytic leukemia
and other tumors colon carcinoma (n = 1), and thoracic 2), ovarian teratoma Non-Hodgkin’s (n = 1)
(n = 9)g (n = 1), and bone mass without pathologic (n = 2), and lung lymphoma (n = 1)
metastasis with diagnosis (n = 1) cancer (n = 1)
unknown origin
(n = 1)
First-line 462/501 (92%) 48/48 (100%) 28/30 (93%) without 20/21 (95%) 4/15 (27%) 15/19 (79%) 37/44 (84%) 11/20 (55%)
immunotherapy tumori
Corticosteroids 421/501 (84%) 44/48 (92%) 16 / 30 (53%) 17/21 (81%) 2/15 (13%) 14/19 (74%) 31/44 (70%) 11/20 (55%)
IVIg 346/501 (69%) 26/48 (54%) 13 / 30 (43%) 12/21 (57%) 1/15 (7%) 7/19 (37%) 20/44 (45%) 5/20 (25%)

(Continued) 5
Y-W Shin, S-T Lee et al.
Table 2. (Continued)
Study Titulaer and Arino and van Sonderen and Hoftberger and Pettingill and Hoftberger and Carvajal-Gonzalez Tobin and colleagues
colleagues72 colleagues 38 colleagues 39 colleagues 67 colleagues 153 colleagues 154 and colleagues 23 155

PLEX 163/501 (33%) 0/48 (0%) 3/30 (10%) 6/21 (29%) 2/15 (13%) 5/19 (26%) 17/44 (39%) 5/20 (25%)
Second-line 134/501 (27%) 7/48 (15%) 7/30 (23%) 5/21 (24%) 0/15 (0%) 3/19 (16%) 4/44 (9%) 7/20 (35%)
Rituximab 101/501 (20%) 6/48 (13%) 5/30 (17%) 5/21 (24%) 0/15 (0%) 2/19 (11%) 2/44 (5%) 5/20 (25%)
Cyclophosphamide 81/501 (16%) 3/48 (6%) 2/30 (7%) 1/21 (5%) 0/15 (0%) 1/19 (5%) 4/44 (9%) 3/20 (15%)
Other 31/501 (6%): 7/48 (15%): 1/30 (3%): azathioprine 0/21 (0%) 1/15 (7%): 1/19 (5%): 7/44 (16%): 3/20 (15%):
immunotherapy azathioprine, azathioprine (n = azathioprine mycophenolate azathioprine (n = azathioprine (n = 2),
mycophenolate 6), mycophenolate mofetil 4), mycophenolate mycophenolate mofetil
mofetil, tacrolimus mofetil (n = 1) mofetil (n = 3), (n = 1)
or methotrexate cyclosporine (n = 1)
Follow up, median 24 months (4–186) 39 months (22–58) 36 months (range 3– 168) 72 weeks (5–266) 18 months (2–20) 7 months (0.75–45) 3 years (18 months 6 months (0–68)
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 11

(range) to 7 years)
Relapse 45/501 (9%) 10/48 (21%) 7/28 (25%)j 1/21 (5%) 1/12 (8%) Not provided 6/43 (14%) 2/20 (10%)
Outcome mRS 0–2: 394/501 CPS0-1: 34 (71%) mRS 0–2: 24/33 (73%) mRS 0–2: 10/21 Improved: 8/12 (67%) Treatment response mRS 0–2: 34/44 Complete remission
(79%) CPS2-4: 14 (29%) mRS 3–5: 5/33 (15%) (48%) Declined: 1/12 (8%) - Complete response: (77%) or mild disability: 4/18
mRS 3–5: 77/501 mRS6: 4/33 (13%) mRS 3–5: 6/21 (29%) Huntington disease 7/16 (44%) mRS 3–5: 6/44 (14%) (22%)
(15%) mRS 6: 5/21 (24%) confirmed: 1/12 (8%) - Partial response: mRS 6: 4/44 (9%) Partial response to
mRS 6: 30/501 (6%) Death: 2/12 (17%) 8/16 (50%) treatment: 5/18 (28%)
- No response: 1/16 Unchanged: 6/18 (33%)
(6%) Worsened: 3/18 (6%)
Death: 8/20 (40%) including 2 deaths

aLargest in number of patients and fully dedicated to a single NSAb.

bA total of seven patients with very low GlyR antibodies (not titrating beyond 1:40) were excluded.
cData on each of immunotherapeutic agent, relapse, and outcome are not available for 1 or 2 patients.
dThere were two that had MRI abnormality outside temporal lobes, one with normal MRI with CSF pleocytosis.
eNo MRI or CSF evidence of inflammation.
fSingle seizure followed by pain syndrome (n = 1), painful polyneuropathy (n = 1), or mild amnestic syndrome with frontal lobe dysfunction (n = 1).
gLung (n = 2), breast (n = 2), testicular (n = 2), ovarian (n = 1), thymic (n = 1), and pancreatic (n = 1) carcinoma.
hBreast cancer (n = 1), breast cancer and thymoma (n = 1), thymoma and lymphoma (n = 1), Hodgkin lymphoma (n = 1), malignant melanoma (n = 1).
iOverall, four of seven patients with tumor were treated with immunotherapy, but information for immunotherapeutic agent is not provided.
jPatients with a ⩾1 year follow up.

AMPAR, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor; Caspr2, contactin-associated protein like 2; CPS, Cognitive Performance Scale; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid;
DPPX, dipeptidyl-peptidase-like protein-6; GABAAR, gamma-aminobutyric acid A receptor; GABABR, gamma-aminobutyric acid B receptor; GlyR, glycine receptor; IVIg, intravenous
immunoglobulin; LE, limbic encephalitis; LGI1, leucine-rich glioma inactivated-1; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; NMDAR, N-methyl-d-aspartate
receptor; NSAb, neuronal cell-surface antibody; PERM, progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and myoclonus; PLEX, plasma exchange; SPS, stiff-person syndrome.

Y-W Shin, S-T Lee et al.

immunotherapy responsiveness, and thus treat- T cells, inhibition of Th1 differentiation, mac-
ment should be individualized. There are no rophage dysfunction, and eosinophil apoptosis.75
established guidelines for treatment, and diverse At higher concentration, corticosteroids have
regimens are currently being used based on the additional effects on the synthesis of anti-inflam-
patient’s clinical status and the clinician’s opinion. matory proteins, and also induce post-transcrip-
The three common factors derived from a recent tional effects.74 Furthermore, corticosteroids offer
systematic review for better outcomes and fewer extra benefit to CNS inflammatory disorders by
relapses are the commencement of immunother- restoring BBB integrity and controlling brain
apy, early initiation of therapy, and commence- edema.76
ment of second-line immunotherapy if first-line
immunotherapy fails.70 Additionally, a thorough While it is apparent from observations of the last
tumor screening in the early stages of the disease is decade that corticosteroids have therapeutic
important for desirable patient outcomes. Tumors effects in cases of AE, there are several issues that
such as ovarian teratoma, thymoma, and small- should be considered in their use. First, the dif-
cell lung carcinoma are detected in a considerable ferentiation between AE and infectious encepha-
proportion of AE cases.17 Ovarian teratomas, for- litis is often difficult in the acute stage, which
merly believed to be benign tumors, are strongly frequently delays the initiation of corticosteroid
associated with anti-NMDAR encephalitis, and therapy. Second, the reduction of the number of
resection of the tumor is an important part of the circulating B cells by glucocorticoids is much less
treatment.52,71,72 than that of T cells,77 and the effect on serum
antibody titer is also limited.75,78,79 Given the
largely antibody-mediated disease pathogenesis,18
First-line immunotherapy it should be considered that a combination of cor-
Common first-line immunotherapeutic agents ticosteroids with other immunotherapeutic agents
include corticosteroids, IVIg, and PLEX. targeting Igs and B cells may be required for a
Although there is no compelling evidence to sug- more effective treatment of AE. Third, along with
gest the superiority of any specific regimen, corti- various medical complications, corticosteroids
costeroids are frequently the first choice, followed may induce or aggravate psychiatric symptoms
by IVIg and PLEX.70 Corticosteroids with either associated with AE, such as depression, insom-
IVIg or PLEX represent the usual choice when a nia, agitation, and psychosis. Clinical and experi-
combination of first-line agents is administered. mental studies also indicate neurotoxic effects of
For pediatric patients and patients with medical corticosteroids and their potential to induce neu-
conditions that discourage the use of corticoster- rodegeneration upon chronic exposure.80 As cor-
oids, such as diabetes mellitus and seropositivity ticosteroids are the most commonly used agents
for type 1 diabetes-associated antibodies such as in first-line immunotherapy for AE, investigations
GAD65,73 IVIg is often the initial treatment. seeking to optimize the use of corticosteroids for
PLEX is not easily performed on pediatric better outcomes should be conducted. Clinicians
patients, patients with autonomic instability, or must leverage the clinical benefits and harmful
those who cooperate poorly.66 However, PLEX is effects of steroids in the AE treatment pathway.
useful when patients poorly tolerate corticoster-
oids and IVIg. The clinical effectiveness of each
of these agents is nearly confirmed by previous IVIg
observations, but more formal studies are neces- IVIg is a blood product extracted from the col-
sary to identify the ideal first-line treatment lected pool of plasma from over a thousand donors.
regimen. IVIg provides antibodies to a broad range of patho-
gens, and is used to provide passive immunity for
patients with immunodeficiency.75 High-dose IVIg
Corticosteroids (1–2 g/kg) provide various anti-inflammatory and
Corticosteroids bind to intracellular glucocorti- immunomodulatory effects by multidirectional
coid receptors and suppress the transcription of mechanisms such as autoantibody neutralization,
multiple proinflammatory genes that encode blockade of activating FcγR and upregulation of
cytokines, chemokines, adhesion molecules, inhibitory FcγRIIB, inhibition of complements,
inflammatory enzymes, receptors and proteins.74 cytokines, and leukocyte migration.81 In addition,
Glucocorticoids have an influence on almost all IVIg saturates neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn), a
cytokines, and their use results in the depletion of homeostatic regulator of IgG catabolism, by 7
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 11

rescuing IgG from lysosomal degradation, through improvement with patients who received PLEX
competition, resulting in the acceleration of IgG immediately after steroids compared with patients
breakdown.82,83 FcRn also contributes to the long who received corticosteroids alone.87 A recent
half-life of IVIg, and replacement of IVIg is usually systematic review by Suppiej and colleagues for
considered at 3–4 week intervals. IVIg has been PLEX in pediatric anti-NMDAR encephalitis
shown to be effective in several autoimmune and suggested a trend toward better outcomes when
inflammatory disorders, and indications for neuro- PLEX is administered early and when given in
logical disorders include chronic inflammatory combination with steroids.88
demyelinating polyneuropathy, multifocal motor
neuropathy, Guillain–Barré syndrome, and myas- Immunoadsorption is a refined form of PLEX
thenia gravis.84 that enables the selective removal of Igs from sep-
arated plasma.89 Recent studies have shown that
IVIg can be used as a monotherapy in the treat- immunoadsorption could be an effective thera-
ment of AE, but is more often used after or in peutic modality as a part of first-line immuno-
combination with high-dose steroids, or with therapy.90,91 Equivalent efficacy between
PLEX, rituximab, or other immunotherapeutic immunoadsorption and PLEX was reported in a
agents. IVIg has a better side effect profile than small study with 21 AE patients with either NSAb
corticosteroids and is more convenient and cost- or onconeuronal antibodies.92
effective compared with PLEX. However, their
comparable efficacy to other first-line agents, and Technically, PLEX does not remove antibodies
their clinical benefit as an add-on therapy, remains from the CSF unless the BBB is severely dam-
to be clearly established in AE. Considering the aged, and it is unclear whether the removal of sys-
wide use of IVIg, and the perceived therapeutic temic antibodies effectively decreases CSF
effect according to clinical experiences, controlled antibody levels. However, recent reports on the
studies are needed to establish the utility of IVIg use of immunoadsorption for the treatment of AE
in AE. A multicenter randomized trial for the use demonstrated a 64% decrease in CSF antibody
of IVIg in pediatric patients with infectious or titers at early follow up (median 5 days after the
immune-mediated encephalitis was launched in last session).91 Transient elevation of intrathecal
the UK only recently.85 IgG fraction and IgG index (‘spurious quantita-
tive intrathecal Ig synthesis’) is frequently
Most of the adverse effects associated with IVIg are observed in the first 2 days following PLEX or
mild and transient. There is a risk of anaphylaxis in immunoadsorption.93 However, this does not
patients with selective IgA deficiency, but the inci- mean true elevation of intrathecal Ig synthesis,
dence is extremely rare. Screening of IgA antibody and clinicians should be aware of this phenome-
level prior to the administration of IVIg could be non to avoid unnecessary diagnostic and thera-
helpful but is not considered mandatory. peutic procedures.

PLEX and immunoadsorption Second-line immunotherapy

PLEX effectively removes autoantibodies and First-line immunotherapy is often insufficient in
other pathologic substances in the plasma. PLEX the treatment of AE, and secondary immu-
also alters the immune system by changing lym- nomodulatory agents are typically used.
phocyte numbers and their distribution, Observational studies show that second-line
T-suppressor cell function, and T-helper cell treatment results in better functional outcomes
phenotypes.86 Steroids alone are frequently insuf- and lower relapse rates with manageable adverse
ficient to ameliorate autoantibody-mediated effects.52,66,72,94 The decision to initiate second-
immune process, and direct removal or neutrali- line immunotherapy is made with consideration
zation of autoantibodies from the circulation by of the disease severity, response to the first-line
PLEX and IVIg may show a synergistic effect. In immunotherapy, presence of relapse, and other
addition, PLEX increases the proliferation of clinical conditions. Consensus criteria on the
antibody-producing cells and this could increase appropriate time to initiate second-line immuno-
susceptibility of these cells to immunosuppres- therapy are yet to be established, but a quick pro-
sants and chemotherapeutic agents.86 A small ret- cession to second-line immunotherapy is favored
rospective study in anti-NMDAR encephalitis in some institutions including in our group.94,95
patients showed that there was greater clinical Rituximab and cyclophosphamide are the most

Y-W Shin, S-T Lee et al.

commonly used second-line agents in AE treat- treatment of AE, and the known association of
ment. However, these agents are not without better outcomes with early treatment,72 the
their shortcomings, and are not effective in all authors proposed the incorporation of rituximab
patients. Additional therapeutic options should into the first-line treatment protocol. Additionally,
be introduced in the second-line immunotherapy one study of the use of rituximab in a pediatric
but clinical experience is currently insufficient to population with autoimmune or inflammatory
permit doing so. CNS disease further supported the administra-
tion of rituximab in the early stages of the dis-
ease.101 However, this study reported 11 (7.6%)
Rituximab patients with infectious complications, including
Rituximab is a partially humanized monoclonal two life-threatening or disabling infections and
antibody directed against CD20, a glycoprotein two deaths. The authors concluded that rituxi-
primarily found on the surface of B cells, initially mab should be reserved only for those with sig-
approved for the treatment of non-Hodgkin B-cell nificant morbidity and risk of mortality in the
lymphomas. It is widely used to treat various auto- pediatric population.
immune disorders and appears to be effective in
several autoimmune CNS and peripheral nervous Rituximab therapy increases the risk of reactiva-
system disorders.96 Rituximab depletes both naïve tion of chronic viral infections such as hepatitis B,
and memory B cells through antibody-mediated and serologic screening tests should be considered
cellular toxicity, complement activation, and prior to initiation of the treatment.105 Progressive
induction of apoptosis.96 A substantial reduction multifocal leukoencephalopathy is a rare CNS
in relapse rate with the depletion of memory B cells complication of rituximab therapy,106 and has not
has been demonstrated in neuromyelitis optica yet been reported in patients with AE.
(NMO) or NMO spectrum disorder (NMOSD).97–
99 Circulating levels of B cells are usually below the

detectable range for 6–8 months after treatment.100 Cyclophosphamide

Effective depletion of B cells in the peripheral Cyclophosphamide is an alkylating agent that
blood is confirmed in AE patients,94,101 and subse- inhibits cell proliferation, affecting both B and T
quent depletion of short-lived plasmablasts is also cells. Along with rituximab, it is a constituent of
reported in anti-NMDAR encephalitis.102 The the so-called R-CHOP regimen (rituximab, cyclo-
high effectiveness of rituximab in IgG4-related dis- phosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and pred-
ease103 further supports the use of rituximab in AE nisolone) used for the treatment of non-Hodgkin
in which antibodies of IgG4 subclass predominate, lymphoma.107 It is a widely used chemotherapeu-
such as in anti-LGI1,37,38 anti-Caspr2,37,39 and tic agent as well as an immunosuppressant for life-
anti-IgLON5 encephalitis.104 Rituximab does not threatening or severe rheumatologic and renal
target CD20-negative cells including long-lived diseases such as ANCA-associated vasculitis,
plasma cells, thus reducing adverse immunosup- lupus nephritis, and other systemic vasculid-
pressive effects.100,102 ites.75,107–109 However, it is not typically used to
treat autoimmune neurological disorders and is a
Lee and colleagues reported on the efficacy and less preferable agent than rituximab as a second-
safety of rituximab as a second-line immunother- line agent in AE. Its potentially serious side effects
apy for AE.94 In this retrospective study of 161 such as myelosuppression, infertility, hemorrhagic
patients, additional rituximab treatment was cystitis, and an increased risk of malignancy lower
associated with improvement of functional out- the priority of its use. However, its low cost (com-
comes measured by the modified Rankin Scale pared with rituximab), direct suppression of lym-
(mRS). This study included AE with or without phocyte proliferation (unlike first-line agents),
proven antibody (both NSAb and onconeuronal and the greater accumulated clinical experience of
antibodies) status, and showed rituximab to be its use (compared with the immunotherapeutic
effective independent of patient antibody status. agents currently not included in the first- or the
Infusion-related adverse effects were noted in 5 second-line therapies) contribute to the justifica-
(6.7%) patients and infection (all pneumonia) in tion of its use in refractory cases. Gonadotropin-
9 (11.3%), but there were no life-threatening or releasing hormone agonist administration or egg/
recurrent infectious adverse events. Given the sperm collection may be employed to preserve fer-
substantial efficacy and safety of rituximab in the tility following cyclophosphamide use.110 9
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 11

Alternative therapy and at the last follow up compared with patients

Approximately 20–50% of patients with AE who received additional monthly rituximab or
show inadequate responses to second-line ther- observation without additional immunotherapy.
apies, and exhibit persistent neurological These results encourage the introduction of new
issues.72,94 Re-administration of first-line immu- agents with different mechanisms of action for
notherapeutic agents, extended use of second- use in refractory cases. However, the study was
line immunotherapy, and long-term maintenance conducted retrospectively without standardized
of prednisolone or steroid-sparing agents such treatment and follow-up protocols, and 65.9% of
as azathioprine and mycophenolate mofetil, are the patients studied had seronegative AE. These
among the options that have been used so far. results must therefore be confirmed by further
Mycophenolate mofetil, in particular, has selec- studies with more sophisticated design and larger
tive antiproliferative activity on lymphocytes samples in order to establish tocilizumab as a via-
and has shown better efficacy in inducing remis- ble alternative treatment option for therapy-
sion and a more favorable side effect profile resistant cases of AE.
than cyclophosphamide in other autoimmune
disorders,111 supporting its use as a safer alter- Tocilizumab increases the risk of infection, but
native to cyclophosphamide for second-line impaired IL-6 receptor signaling may blunt the
immunotherapy in AE. A small number of stud- fever response and elevation of C-reactive pro-
ies reported a more targeted therapy with mono- tein.122,123 Clinicians need to be wary of systemic
clonal antibodies or direct infusion of immune infection in patients treated with tocilizumab.
mediators.61–63,112,113 Other side effects include neutropenia, thrombo-
cytopenia, and elevated liver enzymes and lipid
levels. Regular checkup of complete blood count
Tocilizumab with differential, liver profile, and lipid levels is
Tocilizumab is a monoclonal antibody targeting required after tocilizumab treatment.
the IL-6 receptor. IL-6 induces B-cell prolifera-
tion and differentiation into antibody-producing
cells, promotes differentiation of CD8+ cytotoxic Low-dose IL-2 therapy and Treg modulation
T cells, induces differentiation of naïve CD4+ The number and function of Tregs are dysregu-
helper T cells into IL-17-producing T-helper lated in autoimmune conditions.124,125 IL-2 is a
cells, and inhibits differentiation of those cells key regulator for Treg differentiation, survival,
into regulatory T cells, which all contribute to and function, and has a role in keeping tolerance
autoimmune tissue damage.114 Tocilizumab over autoimmunity.126,127 IL-2 activates effector
binds to both soluble and membrane bound IL-6 and memory T cells, and is classified as a proin-
receptors and inhibits IL-6 from binding to its flammatory cytokine. However, low-dose IL-2
receptors, leading to the blockade of IL-6- administration can selectively expand Tregs with-
mediated inflammatory cascades.115 The thera- out promoting effector T-cell responses because
peutic effect of tocilizumab is demonstrated in Tregs have lower activation thresholds to IL-2
various autoimmune diseases, including rheuma- than to effector T cells.128,129 In this regard, low-
toid arthritis116 and systemic juvenile idiopathic dose IL-2 therapy has been proposed as a promis-
arthritis.117 Among autoimmune neurological dis- ing new therapeutic option for autoimmune and
orders, the efficacy of tocilizumab in therapy- inflammatory disorders with Treg insufficiency.130
resistant cases of NMO and NMOSD was Some studies report that low-dose IL-2 adminis-
demonstrated in several small studies.118–120 A tration was clinically beneficial, with improve-
case report of anti-Caspr2 encephalitis success- ment of Treg number and functions in hepatitis C
fully treated with tocilizumab showed therapeutic virus-induced vasculitis,131 alopecia areata,132 sys-
potential of tocilizumab for therapy-resistant temic lupus erythematosus,133 and graft-versus-
AE.121 host disease.134

A recent observational study by Lee and col- Lim and colleagues evaluated the feasibility of
leagues showed that tocilizumab potentially low-dose IL-2 therapy with 10 patients with
improves clinical symptoms of AE in patients who refractory AE.113 The patients underwent four to
do not respond adequately to rituximab.112 In this five cycles of low-dose IL-2 therapy and showed
study, the patients who received tocilizumab modest responses with a median mRS improve-
showed superior clinical improvement at 1 month ment from three to two. All four patients with

Y-W Shin, S-T Lee et al.

anti-NMDAR encephalitis responded to the ther- highest functional state possible, as well as to
apy, and two of six antibody-negative AE patients make certain that the patient reaches complete
showed seizure reduction. Serious side effects remission free of relapse. One study found that
were observed in two patients (decreased neutro- additional monthly rituximab after 4 weekly infu-
phil count and ileus) but these events did not lead sions contributed to further mRS improvement.94
to the termination of the treatment. Increased Sustained use of oral corticosteroids and monthly
eosinophil counts were common (8 of 10 patients) IVIg or PLEX may also be considered for patients
but resolved spontaneously. These results war- with incomplete recovery. Azathioprine and
rant further trials to clarify the efficacy of low- mycophenolate mofetil are commonly used oral
dose IL-2 therapy in AE. steroid-sparing agents for maintenance therapy in
autoimmune neurological disorders such as myas-
thenia gravis and NMO.142,143 These agents may
Bortezomib be used following acute treatment of AE for sus-
Bortezomib is a proteasome inhibitor particularly tained remission, however, it remains to be evalu-
effective at depleting plasma cells and is approved ated whether long-term immunosuppression with
for the treatment of multiple myeloma.135 Given oral agents is effective in reducing the relapse rate
that long-lived plasma cells are not the target of of AE. Intermittent administration of rituximab
B-cell-depleting agents and are also resistant to at regular 6-month intervals or depending on cir-
glucocorticoid and antiproliferative agents such culating B-cell numbers may be considered as
as cyclophosphamide,60 bortezomib and other another option for patients who respond well to
proteasome inhibitors can represent alternative rituximab therapy. The appropriate duration of
options for refractory cases. Currently, three maintenance therapy is currently unknown and
reports with nine cases exist that have explored the length of empirical use ranges widely from 6
the treatment of severe anti-NMDAR encephali- months to several years according to the patient’s
tis with bortezomib.61–63 Clinical improvement as status and clinician’s opinion.
well as a tolerable safety profile was reported with
bortezomib use in these patients. However, a
prolonged treatment period or intensive treat- Future directions
ment combined with several immunotherapeutic Criteria and guidelines for the clinical diagnosis
agents obscured the effectiveness of bortezomib of AE have recently been developed by expert
therapy, and the remission achieved could be consensus.17 However, there have been no rand-
part of the natural course of the disease or the omized controlled trials for the treatment of AE,
effect of preceding agents. More experience with and immunotherapeutic agents currently used in
bortezomib therapy is needed before making any AE do not have a definite indication due to the
conclusions. low level of supporting evidence. Given the rar-
ity of AE, international collaboration for pro-
spective clinical trials is imperative to establish
Maintenance therapy treatment guidelines. There are several addi-
AE is not always monophasic and relapse of AE tional issues that should be considered to estab-
has been noted even after 5–10 years.38,43,136 The lish better treatment strategies. First, an
rate of relapse stated in recent literature (approxi- optimized regimen and dosing schedule is not
mately 10–20%, varying with the type of anti- yet determined. Regimens used for acute man-
body70) may still be underestimated, given the agement differ among clinicians, and there is no
relatively short time period since the discovery of clear standard to determine treatment failure
the relevant autoantibodies. Early aggressive ther- and when to initiate different immunotherapeu-
apy is reported to reduce relapse rates,70,72 but the tic agents. The appropriate duration of immuno-
role of maintenance therapy is largely unexplored. therapy for sustained remission must also be
Overlap with multiple sclerosis,137–139 NMO or determined. Second, while treatment response,
NMOSD,140,141 and myelin oligodendrocyte gly- length of treatment, and outcome vary depend-
coprotein antibody positive demyelinating syn- ing on the type of associated antibody, current
drome141 in anti-NMDAR encephalitis suggests immunotherapeutic regimens for AE are not tai-
that long-term maintenance therapy is required at lored to the type of associated antibody. Third,
least for a specific population. Maintenance ther- the proportion of patients who show inadequate
apy is usually considered in clinical practice in response to first- and second-line immunother-
order to maximize therapeutic gain and attain the apy is not negligible, and yet several new 11
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 11

immunotherapeutic agents are still not applied neuronal (neurofilament light chain protein and
in the treatment of AE. Investigation of more total tau protein) and glial cell (glial fibrillary
therapeutic options is needed to augment the acidic protein) damage suggested that these
therapeutic armamentarium for the treatment of markers reflect disease activity and long-term dis-
AE. Attempt to induce immune tolerance, for ability in AE.152 Investigations of additional
instance, is an option that is yet poorly explored chemokine/cytokines and other biomarkers for
for the treatment of AE. In NMOSD and other disease activity may provide valuable information
autoimmune disorders, several innovative to the clinician in the treatment of AE.
approaches to induce antigen-specific tolerance
or other strategies to restore central and periph-
eral tolerance are being developed.144,145 Conclusion
Although AE responds to immunotherapy and
Lastly, more investigations into biomarkers for the majority of patients recover from the self-
AE are needed to aid early diagnosis and to pre- destructive autoimmune process, many patients
dict treatment response, relapse, and outcomes. fail to regain baseline cognitive and functional
CSF profile and oligoclonal band positivity differ status. Early aggressive therapy is recommended
among associated antibodies.8,10 There is also a in AE but steroid abuse should be avoided to
report that a low white blood cell count on the prevent potential cognitive and other adverse
first CSF examination is associated with a good effects. Each immunotherapeutic agent has its
neurologic outcome at 6 months after admission own strengths and weaknesses, and an appropri-
in adult patients admitted to intensive care unit ate combination of these agents is often needed
with anti-NMDAR encephalitis.146 However, the to complement each other and achieve synergis-
association between CSF profile and clinical out- tic effects. Results from several studies favor the
come was not evident in other studies.57,147 In commencement of second-line therapy and
anti-NMDAR encephalitis, high antibody titer is demonstrate the therapeutic potential of a few
associated with poor outcome and/or the pres- alternative treatment options. However, the
ence of teratoma, and faster and greater decrease number of patients included in such studies is
in CSF antibody titer during the first 1 month of often very small, and the studies are uncon-
the disease is associated with better outcome.56 trolled and prone to severity bias due to the pre-
Recovery and relapses are associated with dominant use of these agents in more severe
decrease and increase of CSF antibody titer, cases. Prospectively designed controlled trials
respectively. However, the correlation between are needed to confirm the efficacy and safety of
antibody titers and clinical symptoms is imperfect currently proposed immunotherapeutic agents,
and the titer of autoantibodies often remains along with efforts to uncover more therapeutic
detectable long after remission.38,56,148 The prog- options and biomarkers.
nostic utility of the persistence or drop in anti-
body titer for future relapses is uncertain. It Funding
should also be noted that antibody titer is not This work was supported by Seoul National
associated with long-term cognitive outcome in University Hospital Research Fund, South
anti-LGI1 encephalitis38 and the association Korea (grant number 2520140040). K Chu
between antibody titer and clinical outcome in was supported by research grants from JW
AE with other NSAbs are not well-established. Pharmaceutical (grant number 0620162210),
C-X-C motif chemokine 13 (CXCL13) is a Yuhan (grant numbers 0620151690 and
B-cell-attracting chemokine, and its levels corre- 0620140910), and Ildong Pharmaceutical
late with the presence of CSF B cells, plasmab- (grant number 0620130950).
lasts and intrathecal Ig synthesis.149 In a study of
anti-NMDAR encephalitis, the level of CSF Conflict of interest statement
CXCL13 was found to be increased during the The authors declare that there is no conflict of
early stage of the disease and a high level of interest.
CXCL13 was associated with limited response to
therapy and clinical relapse.150 However,
CXCL13 is not a specific biomarker for anti-
NMDAR encephalitis and was shown to be References
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