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Control your life…the Yoga Way

Seminarski rad

Mentor: Student:

MA Marijana Vukčević Jovana Mumalo M031-09/2019

Beograd, 2020.


Yoga is one of the most powerful system of treatment that don’t includes medicines. It is
having its own concept of personal wellness which has been scientifically understood. Yoga can
be adopted as lifestyle for promoting our physical and mental health and help us control our

Key words: yoga, yoga way, control, life, health


Table of Contents






Every person wants to live healthier life with no diseases. Even though people use to take
certain measures to provide healthier lifestyle, sometimes they get and suffer from from diseases
due to pollution of air, water etc. We can also keep our living space clean and still our health
may be spoiled by our surrounding. In this sense good habits are the essential factors for
maintaining of good health.

Good Health is the right of every human being. But this right depends on individual,
social and environmental factors. Along with social or environmental factors to a large extent,
we can develop a better immune system and a better perception of oneself so that other
conditions do not affect us adversely and we can achieve good health. Health is a positive
concept. Positive health does not mean merely freedom from disease, but, it also include a
jubilant and energetic feeling of well-being with an amount of general resistance and capacity to
easily cultivate immunity against specific offending agents. 1

Yoga could help us attain the absolute knowledge of the difference between the spiritual
which is defined as timeless, unchanging, and free of sorrows, and the material which is not.
Only this and can guarantee us peace and tranquility. If we compare for example government and
our body, we come to the conclusion that just as a government is unable to function without the
support of its people similarly the body is unable to function if the controller-the mind has lost
control over the senses. Total peace is only possible if the mind has absolute control on the
senses. Practicing yoga, the physical body assumes paramount importance as it serves as an
instrument of education for the mind and the nervous system.

This essay is about controlling our lives via yoga methods.

Yoga A Healthy Way of Living Secondary Stage, First Edition June 2015 Jyaishtha 1937, National Council of
Educational Research and Training, 2015., page 2.

1. Control your life…the Yoga Way

Yoga could help to inculcate healthy habits and healthy lifestyle to achieve good health.
The aim of yoga is to encourage a positive and healthy lifestyle for physical, mental and
emotional health. Yoga helps in the development of strength, stamina, endurance and high
energy at physical level. It also empowers oneself with increased concentration, calm, peace and
contentment at mental level leading to inner and outer harmony.2

One type of yoga practice, that is named-hatha yoga, provides great health and possibility
for controling body and mind. It consists od three important aspects:

1. Control of breath-Pranayama practice.

2. Control of mind-Meditation.
3. Yogic exercises-Asanas.

As we could see, Hatha yoga not only refers to physical exercise, but also the action of
body and mind via various types of asanas and pranayama.
Control of breath-Pranayama practice consists of the breathing techniques which are
related to the control of breath or respiratory process. Pranayama popularly known as ‘yogic
breathing’, involves a conscious manipulation of our breathing pattern. The health of the
respiratory system depends upon the quality as well as the quantity of air inhaled by the person.
It also depend on the rhythm and completeness of the breathing. Through pranayama, a
practitioner advantageously works with her/his respiratory, cardiovascular and the nervous
system which bring about emotional stability and peace of mind. 3 Yoga puts you in control of
your mind and emotions, making you more relaxed and thus allowing you to breathe easier.4 

Yoga A Healthy Way of Living Secondary Stage, First Edition June 2015 Jyaishtha 1937, National Council of
Educational Research and Training, 2015., page 2.
Ibidem, page 6.

Control of mind-Meditation is a practice which helps in concentration of the body and

mind. In meditation, concentration is focussed for a long time on a single object like tip of the
nose, space between eyebrows, etc. It develops a sense of well-being and improves memory and
decision making power in the person.5

The term asana means sitting in a particular posture, which is comfortable and which
could be maintained steadily for long time. Asana gives stability and comfort, both at physical
and mental level. There may be variations in the techniques of some of the asanas depending
upon the following yoga institutions.6

The goals of doing asanas are not to show a muscular display of strength and agility.
Asanas are meant to aim at control, purification, and coordination of the nervous system.
Practicing yoga regularly, we build immunity which serves to prevent diseases.

Development of personality is an important issue. Personality starts developing since

birth, but it assumes great importance during adolescence, when reorganisation of personality
takes place. Personality is a very common term which is used in our day-to-day life. It tells us
what type of person one is. We know that each person generally behaves consistently in most of
the situations. The examples of this consistency can be seen in a person who remains friendly or
a person who is generally kind or helpful in most situations. Such a consistent pattern of
behaviour is termed as personality. It can be called as the sum total of behaviour that includes
attitudes, emotions, thoughts, habits and traits. This pattern of behaviour is characteristic to an
individual. There are various dimensions of personality. These dimensions are related to
physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual aspects of our behaviour. For a holistic
personality development, yoga plays an important role.7

Yoga is not just the practice of asanas and pranayama, it is improving the quality of life
itself. Practicing of yoga that can bring about miraculous changes in our lives. If one develops
the quality of non-violence one will automatically emanate compassion and will radiate love.
Yoga A Healthy Way of Living Secondary Stage, First Edition June 2015 Jyaishtha 1937, National Council of
Educational Research and Training, 2015., page 8.
Ibidem, page 5.
Ibidem, page 9.

Yogic practices are found effective for development of all dimensions of personality.
Here are the yogic practices that influences development of different dimensions of personality:8

 Yoga and Physical Dimension of Personality: Physical dimension is related to our

body. It means that all organs and systems of our body should be properly
developed and function. It implies a healthy body without any disease.
 Yoga and Emotional Dimension of Personality: Yogic practices are effective for
development of emotional dimension related to our feelings, attitudes and
emotions. There are two kinds of emotions–positive and negative. For emotional
development, positive feelings, attitudes and emotions should be developed and
negative ones should be controlled, as the negative attitudes and emotions work as
a mental block for the development of personality.
 Yoga and Intellectual Dimension of Personality: Intellectual development is
related to the development of our mental abilities and processes such as critical
thinking, memory, perception, decision making, imagination, creativity, etc.
Development of this dimension is very important as it enables us to learn new
things and acquire knowledge and skills.
 Yoga and Social Dimension of Personality: Primary socialisation, probably the
most important aspect of the personality development takes place during infancy,
usually within the family. The process of socialisation is not limited to childhood,
but continues throughout life and teach the growing child and adolescent about
the norms and rules of the society in which she/he lives. Some key elements of
this process include respect for others, listening carefully to other persons, being
interested in them, and voicing your thoughts and feelings politely, honestly and
clearly so that you can be easily heard and understood.
 Yoga and Spiritual Dimension of Personality: This dimension is related to the
development of values. It is also concerned with selfactualisation which is related
to recognising one's potential and developing them to the maximum. Proper
development of this dimension helps the person to realise one's true identity.

Yoga A Healthy Way of Living Secondary Stage, First Edition June 2015 Jyaishtha 1937, National Council of
Educational Research and Training, 2015., page 10/11

Yoga teaches us how to control our mind and the mad rush of thoughts that actually lead
us on the leash. Yoga teaches us to hear ourselves inwards, listen to that small voice that most of
us usually choose to ignore, to treat our mind and body as it was intended to be treated.


At the end we could conclude that yoga is principally a way of life. It is not the
abandonment of action but it is the correct performance of it in the correct spirit. It is not about
running away from civilization as it is. It is actually the shaping of one’s attitude to home and
society at large with a new understanding. It is not avoiding life, it is living life to its fullest.

The do’s and don’ts of yoga highlight a character of our personality. Highlighted
character will automatically by default become a part of our entire existence. It will show in our
actions, in our attitude, and in the way we conduct our life. Because of that we come to the
conclusion that yoga is not just a technique, it is a lifestyle.

The result of practicing yoga is clear minded actions, a revitalized body and a fresh,
peaceful heart.


1. Yoga A Healthy Way of Living Secondary Stage, First Edition June 2015 Jyaishtha 1937,
National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2015.

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