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Assessment 2.

Name: Mendez, Chewee Deane S. Date: 11/20/2021
Program/Year/Section: BSME – 2A

Directions: Determine the Object, Intention and Circumstance from the following situations and
suggest a possible ethical course of action. Write your answer on the space provided.
Situation 1: Ellen is an attractive 19-year-old female. She wants to be a pediatrician and has
been accepted to med school. Unfortunately, she does not have the money she needs to go to
school. She has a friend who dances at a topless bar to cover her tuition expenses. Although this
is legal, is it moral? (

a. Object:
Ellen cannot afford the tuition fee in the med school. She has a friend who earns
money in an immoral way. Ellen is thinking if she should do the same job her friend was

b. Intention:
Ellen has a problem with how to have enough money for her med school
expenses. Her friend is earning money through dancing at a topless bar for her to cover
her school expenses. She has good intentions but acts in an immoral way. If Ellen plans
to do the same as what her friend did, it is a good intention but an immoral act.

c. Circumstances
If Ellen would do the same as her friend did, she would also put away her dignity
in exchange for money in an immoral manner. In addition to that, she will be
remembered by the people in the bar, and the stigma of being a topless dancer will be
stimulated for her.

d. Suggested ethical course of action

If I were Ellen, I would find a scholarship program or a study now pay later
program, if she can't find any, find a decent job, or do business, there are a lot of ways to
earn money decently aside from dancing in a topless bar which is an immoral or unethical
Situation 2: A young student complained to her mother that she cannot understand her teacher
during online class because of audio problems. The next morning, she waited for her daughter’s
online class and found out that the reason for audio problems is that the teacher is conducting her
classes in an open space. The mother got mad and immediately interrupted the class and ranted
that the teacher is being paid and must at least in return compensate for a quality of instruction.
The teacher immediately apologized and politely explained that she was at an open space in a
nearby hospital where internet signal is clear. She is currently looking after for her sick mother
who was a COVID-19 patient and she just went outside to look for strong internet signal. What
do you think of the mother’s reaction? (Retold from a Facebook post)

a. Object:
A mother is concerned about her daughter's education quality and acted hastily
and put her in a bad situation by blaming the teacher for her poor audio quality and
disturbing the class.

b. Intention:
It is only natural for a mother to be concerned for her daughter's education; she
has a good intention but delivered it in an immoral way.

c. Circumstances:
The mother created a negative image of herself by bad-mouthing the teacher in
front of the students. The students who noticed how the mother acted will think
lowly of her, and it can also be a source of gossip among the students.

d. Comments:
The mother acted hastily. She bad-mouthed the teacher immediately after seeing
the teacher in an open space without knowing the reason. There are ways to confront the
teacher aside from disrupting the class because you're only putting yourself in a negative
image because of acting unethically. Yes, she is a mother who has the right to be
concerned for her daughter's education, but she is also old enough to think that acting that
hasty is wrong and unethical manner. We should always think twice before acting or
saying something so we can prevent ourselves from bad situations.

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