Tugas B Inggris Kelompok I

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Turtles and a Pair of Ducks


A turtle, which you know always carries his house behind his back, is said to never be able to leave
his house, so how hard the turtle tries. Some say that the Jupiter god punished turtles because the
turtles were very lazy and preferred to stay home and not go to the wedding party of Jupiter, even
though the Jupiter god invited him specifically.
After years, the tortoise began to hope that one day he could attend a wedding. When he saw birds
flying happily in the sky and how rabbits and squirrels and all kinds of animals nimbly ran, he felt
very much like being nimble like other animals. The tortoise feels very sad and dissatisfied. He
wanted to see the world too, but he had a house on his back and his legs were so small that he had
to be dragged while walking.
One day he met a pair of ducks and told him all the problems.
 "We can help you to see the world," said the duck. "Hold on to this wood with your teeth and we
will take you far up into the sky where you can see all the land below you. But you must be quiet
and not speak or you will be very sorry."
The tortoise was very happy. He quickly grabbed the wood tightly with his teeth, the pair of ducks
each holding the two ends of the wood with his mouth, and flew up into the clouds.
At that time a crow flew past it. He was very impressed with what he saw and said:
"You must be the King of the turtles!"
"Of course ......" the turtle began to say.
But as soon as he opened his mouth to say these words, he lost the grip on the wood and fell down,
where he finally slammed onto the rocks on the ground.
Stupid curiosity and pride often causes bad luck.
2. Oak Trees and Reeds


A very large Oak tree grows on the bank of a river where there are also thin, alang-alang grass
growing. When the wind blows, the Oak Tree will stand up bravely challenging the wind with
hundreds of branches pointing to the sky. Where at that time, Alang-alang would bow low and
crouch down in the wind.
"You deserve to complain," said the Oak tree. "Only a small amount of wind blows, it is enough to
bow your head, while Me, the mighty Oak, stands tall and firmly immovable."
"Don't worry about us," replied the Reeds. "The wind won't hurt us. We look down so we don't
break it. Whereas you, with all your pride and strength, have so far been able to resist the blow. But
at some point, all this will end."
When the Reeds finished talking, a storm came from the east. The Oak Tree stood up stoutly and
held back the storm, while the Reeds instead ducked lower. The wind that blew became faster and
that's when the mighty Oak tree fell, pulled out from its roots and lay between the Alang-Alang.
There is a time to bow down and succumb to stubbornness and eventually break down.
3. Cats, Roosters and Young Mice

A young mouse that has never come out of its nest feels very happy when he first comes out to see
the outside world. And this is an experience that was told to his mother during an adventure.
"I walked around leisurely, and when I arrived at the corner of the next yard, I saw two very strange
creatures. One looked elegant and kind, while the other was the most frightening creature that
Mother had ever imagined. Mother had to see it. "
 "Above his head and in front of his neck hung a piece of red flesh. He walked incessantly, clawing
the ground with his toes, hitting his arms hard on the side of his body. When he saw me, he opened
his pointed mouth. as if it were going to swallow me, and the creature screamed loudly and sharply
so I almost died in fear. "
Can you guess what young mice saw and explained to their mother? None other than the rooster
and the rooster is the chicken that was first seen by the young rat.
"If it wasn't for that horrible creature," continued the Young Rat, "I must have known a beautiful
creature that looked so nice and gentle. He had thick fur, a calm face, and polite behavior, and his
eyes were bright and shining, when he saw me, he waved his beautiful tail with a smile.
"I'm sure at that time he came to me to speak when the horrible creature I had explained to my
mother screamed so loudly that I was forced to flee in fear."
"My son," said the mother, "the subtle-looking creature that you see, is a cat. Behind its good
appearance, he keeps evil intentions on us. Other creatures that you see, are nothing but birds that
will never hurt us , while cats will prey on us immediately. Be grateful for my child, you are safe
from danger, and during your life, never judge something from his appearance. "
Don't judge someone from his outward appearance.
4. Clever Roosters and Cunning Foxes

 One evening when the sun began to sink, a rooster flew to a tree branch to perch. Before he rested
casually, he flapped his wings three times and crowed loudly. When he would put his head under
his wings, his eyes caught something red and a glimpse of a long nose from a fox.
"Have you heard good news?" shouted the Fox in a very pleasant and vibrant way.
"What news?" asked the Rooster calmly. But he felt a little strange and a little nervous, because
actually the Chicken was afraid of the Fox.
"Your family and my family and all the other animals have agreed to forget their differences and live
in peace and friendship from now to forever. Try to think of this good news! I become impatient to
hug you! Come down here, friend, and let's celebrate happily. "
"Very good!" said the Rooster. "I am very happy to hear this news." But the Chicken spoke while
tilting his legs as if watching and waiting for something to come from afar.
"What are you looking at?" Asked the Fox a little worried.
"I saw a pair of dogs coming here. They must have heard this good news and -"
But the Fox didn't wait any longer to hear the Chicken's words and began to run away.
"Wait," shouted the Rooster. "Why did you run away? Now dogs are your friends too!"
"Yes," Fox answered. "But they probably never heard the news. Besides, I have a very important
task that I almost forgot."
The rooster smiled as he buried his head under his wing feathers and slept, because he had
managed to deceive his very cunning enemy.
Fraudsters will be easy to be scared of.
5. Frogs and Mice

 When a young mouse who is looking for a new adventure, walks along the edge of the pond where
in the pond there is a frog. When the frog saw a mouse, he swam towards the edge of the pool and
"Will you visit me? I promise you will be happy."
The Rat doesn't think anymore, because he really wants to travel around the world and see
everything in the world. But even though he could swim a little, he didn't dare to enter and swim in
the pool without help.
The frog has reason, so that the Rat can be sure that the frog will always be able to help the Rat
while swimming in the pool, he ties the mouse's feet to its own feet with a rope. Then he jumped
into the pool, pulling his stupid roadmate with him.
The mouse that is carried away swimming with the frog finally feels enough and wants to go back to
the edge of the pool; but the evil frog has other plans. He then pulled the Rat into the water and
sank it so he died. But before he could let go of the rope that tied him to a dead mouse, an eagle
flew down, caught the mouse and took it away, with the Frog hanging from the rat's leg. At that
time, the Eagle was aware that with a single sambar get two meals at once for lunch.
Whoever hurts others often gets rewarded for their cunning.
6. Bad Dog

  There is a dog that is very naughty and evil so that the employer ties a beam that is heavy enough
on his neck so that people know the presence of the dog and can avoid the dog.
But the naughty dog was very proud of the wooden necklace and block, he even ran around
dragging the wooden blocks noisily to attract the attention of others. But no one likes to see the
Another dog who saw it then said "You should be wiser and keep quiet at home so people don't see
the beam being put around your neck. Are you happy that everyone knows how naughty and evil
you are?"
Famous for goodness, very different from being famous for evil.
7. Goat and Wolf Children

  A very agile goat has been left by herders on a thatched roof to avoid the kid from danger. The kid
was looking for grass on the edge of the roof, and at that moment he saw a wolf and looked at the
wolf with a face full of ridicule and with a feeling of victory, he began to mock the wolf, even though
at that time he did not want to mock the Wolf. , but because he felt the wolf would not be able to
rise to the roof and catch it, his courage arose to mock.

The wolf looked down at the goat, "I hear you," said the Wolf, "and I don't hold grudges on what
you say or do when you are up there, because it is the roof that speaks and not you."

Do not say something that is not in accordance with your wishes continuously
8. The Donkey Who Wears Lion Skin

A donkey finds a lion skin that has been abandoned by the hunter in the forest. He then used the
lion's skin and entertained himself by hiding in the bushes and suddenly jumped out to scare the
animals passing by in that place. All animals that happened to pass by, became afraid and ran away
from the place when they saw the donkey they thought was a lion.
The donkey was so happy to see all the animals running away from him, as if he were the king of the
jungle, so because he was too proud and happy, he began to roar loudly, but not the lion's roar that
came out of his mouth, but only the hoarse croaked donkey. A fox who had fled along with other
animals, stopped when he heard the sound. Slowly he approached the donkey and realized that
what was frightening all the animals passing by was only a donkey wearing a lion's skin. The fox
then said with a laugh:
"If you close your mouth, maybe I will run scared too. But you roar and you let out a hoarse voice of
A fool might be able to cheat with his clothes and appearance, but from his words, other people will
immediately know who he really is.
9. Shepherd and Wolf Children

A shepherd boy always pastures his master's sheep near a forest that is dark and not far from his
village. Because he began to feel bored living in the farm area, he always entertained himself by
playing with his dog and playing his flute.
One day when he shepherded his sheep near the forest, he began to think what to do when he saw
a wolf, he felt comforted by thinking of various plans.
 His master once said that if he saw a wolf attacking a flock of sheep, he would have to shout for
help, and the villagers would come to his aid. The shepherd thought that it would be funny if he
pretended to see a wolf and shouted for someone from his village to come to help him. And now
the shepherd boy even though he didn't see a wolf, he pretended to run towards his village and
shouted loudly, "Wolf, wolf!"
As he expected, the villagers who heard him shouted, quickly left their jobs and ran towards the
shepherd's child to help him. But what they found was a shepherd boy who burst out laughing
because he managed to deceive the villagers.
A few days later, the shepherd boy again shouted, "Wolf! Wolf!", Again the village people who ran
came to help him, only to find the shepherd boy who laughed out loud again.
One afternoon when the sun began to set, a wolf actually came and grabbed the sheep shepherded
by the shepherd's child.
In his fear, the shepherd boy ran towards the village and shouted, "Wolf! Wolf!" But even though
the villagers heard him scream, they did not come to help him. "He won't be able to cheat us again,"
they said.
The wolf finally pounced on and ate a lot of sheep grazed by the shepherd's son, then ran into the
forest again.
Liars will never be trusted again, even though at that time they said the truth.

10. Imitating Monkeys and Camels


 At a big celebration in honor of the Lion of the Forest King, a monkey was asked to dance in front of
the animals present at the celebration. The Monkey's dance is so beautiful that all the animals
present are happy and happy to see it.
The praise obtained by the Monkey makes a present camel jealous. He was very sure that he could
dance as beautifully as the monkey's dance, maybe even better, so he came forward to break
through the crowd of animals watching the monkey dance, and the Camel raised his front leg, began
to dance. But the huge camel made him look ridiculous when he kicked his legs forward and twirled
his stiff, long neck. In addition, the camel is difficult to keep the large footprints up.
Finally, one big footprint almost hit the King of the Forest's nose so that the annoyed animals saw
the camel's behavior, driving him out into the desert.
Don't be too pushy to do things that you really can't do.
11. Deer and Deer Children

  A deer asks his father: "Father is bigger, stronger, and more agile than a dog, and father has sharp
horns. But why do you always run away when you hear dog barking?"
"My son," said the Deer, "my temper is uncertain, and it could be that when I get close to a noisy
dog barking, I will lose patience and maybe I will hurt the dog."
It's better to avoid all problems that can occur.
12. Wolves and House Guard Dogs

Once upon a time there was a wolf who was thin and very rarely got prey due to village dogs who
guarded the village and livestock, very swift and agile. The wolf was so thin that it looked like a
bone wrapped in skin alone, and this made the wolf sad.
One night, the Wolf bumped into a fat and healthy house dog, who roamed a little far from his
home. The Wolf thinks to prey on the Dog, but the Dog looks very strong and hard to defeat. The
Wolf finally only praised the appearance of the healthy looking Dog.
"You can also be healthy and eat enough like me if you want," said the Dog. "Leave the forest,
because there you live suffering. Why? Because you have to fight to get food. Example me and you
will be healthy and beautiful."
"What should I do?" asked the Wolf.
"It's almost not heavy," answered the house keeper. "Chasing the person carrying the stick and
catching the stick he threw, barking the passing beggar, rubbing his body against the feet of the
people at home. Instead you will get everything a little, chicken bones, a little meat, sugar , cakes
and others, you will also get words of praise and praise. "
The Wolf who imagined all the beauty, made him almost cry. But at that moment he realized that
the fur around the dog's neck had fallen out a bit and his skin was like a scar.
"What happened to your neck?"
"Ah, it's okay," replied the Dog.
"Try saying what happened to your neck." said the Wolf.
"Maybe what you see in my neck is a former necklace where it is usually tied to a rope or chain."
replied the Dog.
"What! A chain!" asked the Wolf. "So you can't go anywhere?"
"Not always! But what's the difference?" replied the Dog.
"Everything is different! I don't care about the pleasure of the food you eat and I certainly won't be
able to enjoy the delicacy of tender lamb when my freedom is blocked." said the Wolf while running
into the forest.
Nothing is more valuable than freedom.

13. City Mice and Village Mice


A city rat once visited a friend and relative who lived in the countryside. As lunch, village rats
provide wheat, roots, beans and cold water as thirst-releasing drinks. The town rat ate very politely,
tasted a little of this and that, and his polite behavior when eating such simple food, it was quite
obvious that it was just a small talk.
After eating, the two mice talked long enough, city mice told about life in the city, while village mice
listened to the story. The two of them finally slept quietly and comfortably in a cozy nest between
bushes and trees until the morning. In his sleep, the village mouse dreamed that he was a city rat
with all the luxury and beauty of city life as his friend told me this afternoon. So that the next day
when the city rat invited the village mouse to visit his house in the city, the village rat gladly agreed
to it.
When they reached the big house where the city rat lived, they found a dining room table filled
with delicious leftovers. On the table they got sweets, gelatin, delicious cheese, all kinds of tempting
foods that the Rat had ever imagined. But when the village mouse will taste a little food, he hears a
cat who meeps loudly while scratching the door with his claws. In extreme fear, the mice ran in
silence and remained silent for a long time, as if they were breathing in fear. When they finally got
back to the dining table, the door opened suddenly and the waiter came in to clean the table,
followed by a house dog.
The village mouse stopped by the town rat's nest for a moment just to get his bag and umbrella.
"You might have the luxury and all the delicious things I don't have," said the village rat, moving
away in a hurry, "But I prefer food and simple life in the village with all the peace and quiet there."
Safe, simple life is better than a luxurious life surrounded by fear and uncertainty.
14. Dogs and Shadows

A dog that gets a bone from someone, runs home to his house as quickly as possible with pleasure.
When he passed a very small bridge, he looked down and saw his reflection reflected from the
water under the bridge. This greedy dog thinks he saw another dog carrying a bone larger than his.
If only he stopped to think, he would know that it was only his shadow. But the dog did not think
anything and instead dropped the bone he was carrying and immediately jumped into the river. The
greedy dog finally struggled to swim towards the river bank. When he safely arrived at the river
bank, he could only stand pensive and sad because the bones he was carrying were missing, he then
regretted what happened and realized how stupid he was.
It's foolish to have a greedy nature
15. Ants and Grasshoppers

During the late autumn, one family of ants who have worked hard all summer to collect food,
drying the grain of wheat they have collected during the summer. At that time a starving
grasshopper, with a violin in his hand came and begged so much that the ant family gave him a little
"What!" the Ant shouted in surprise, "haven't you collected and prepared food for this coming
winter? What have you been doing all summer long?"
"I don't have time to collect food," complained the Grasshopper; "I was very busy making songs,
and before I knew it, summer had passed."
The ant then shrugged his shoulders because he felt angry.
"Making a song you say huh?" said the Ant, "Alright, now that you have finished the song in the
summer, it's time for you to dance!" Then the ants turn around and continue their work regardless
of the Grasshopper again.
There is a time to work and there is a time to play.
16. Change the Body Blisters and a Hedgehog

A fox who swam across the river, with difficulty finally arrived at the edge of the river, where he
then lay there tired of swimming against the flow. His body was full of abrasions because it was
scratched by sharp river stones. Before long, several flies perched on his wounds, but the Fox only
remained silent because he was too weak and unable to drive the fly away.
A porcupine who happened to see it, said, "I will help you to get rid of the fly,"
"Perhaps...!" shouted the Fox, "do not disturb them! They have alighted and taken everything they
can. If you drive them away, other greedy flies will come again and alight back to the wounds on my
It's better to suffer a little, than to suffer more because you try to eliminate the pain.
17. Woodcutter and Woodcutter

A hunter who is not too brave is looking for a trace of a lion. He then met a woodcutter in the
woods and he asked the logger if he saw any trace of the Lion or knew where the lion was nesting.
"I know," said the woodcutter, "at the same time I can show and show you where the Lion is now."
The hunter turned very pale until his teeth rang out from trembling due to fear. He also replied,
"No, thank you, I did not ask for all that, I was only looking for footprints, and not the lion."
A person who is brave, proven by deeds.
18. Oak Trees and Reeds

A very large Oak tree grows on the bank of a river where there are also thin, alang-alang grass
growing. When the wind blows, the Oak Tree will stand up bravely challenging the wind with
hundreds of branches pointing to the sky. Where at that time, Alang-alang would bow low and
crouch down in the wind.
"You deserve to complain," said the Oak tree. "Only a small amount of wind blows, it is enough to
bow your head, while Me, the mighty Oak, stands tall and firmly immovable."
"Don't worry about us," replied the Reeds. "The wind won't hurt us. We look down so we don't
break it. Whereas you, with all your pride and strength, have so far been able to resist the blow. But
at some point, all this will end."
When the Reeds finished talking, a storm came from the east. The Oak Tree stood up stoutly and
held back the storm, while the Reeds instead ducked lower. The wind that blew became faster and
that's when the mighty Oak tree fell, pulled out from its roots and lay between the Alang-Alang.
There is a time to bow down and succumb to stubbornness and eventually break down.
19. Foxes and Crows

On a sunny morning, a fox sniffs with its keen smell throughout the forest in order to find
something to eat, he sees a crow that perches on a tree branch in front of it. The crow is not the
crow that was first seen by the Fox. What became the Fox's main concern and made him turn
around, was the Crow holding a little cheese in his beak.
"There's no need to look further," thought the Fox. "Here I can get my breakfast."
The Fox then walked toward the tree where the Crow perched, looked up in awe, then shouted,
"Good morning beautiful creature!" The crow, tilting his head to the side, looked at the Fox
suspiciously, while still closing his beak and do not reply to the Fox greetings.
"What an amazing creature!" said the Fox. "How the feathers shine! What a beautiful and amazing
wing! This beautiful bird should have a very sweet voice, because everything about him is perfect. If
he could sing one song, I would adore him as queen and all birds."
Hearing all the words of praise, the Crow forgot all his suspicions and also the cheese held in his
beak. He really wanted to be called the queen of all birds.
He then opened his beak wide to let out his loudest chirp, and when it fell the cheese from the beak
went straight to the open fox's mouth.
"Thank you," said the Fox sweetly while walking away. "Even though it's hoarse, you must have a
voice. But where is your brain?"

Anyone who likes to listen to false praise, is not wise, because it does not bring things that are
20. Greedy Mice and Weasels

A hungry rat found a basket full of corn. He then tried to enter the basket through a very narrow
gap that covered the basket's mouth. The corn was so tempting that the Rat forced himself into the
basket. Finally, with difficulty, the Rat managed to enter and immediately ate greedily until his
stomach became very full, and even made his body three times larger than before entering the
Finally the rat felt satisfied and pulled himself heavy to get out of the basket, but the only thing he
could do, was to get his head out of the narrow gap. There he groaned and complained because he
couldn't get out.
That's when a weasel passed, and when the Weasel saw the mouse, he immediately understood the
incident experienced by the Rat.
"Friend," said the Weasel, "I understand all the events that happened to you. You are really satiated
until you cannot come out. That is a punishment for you. You will stay there until your body is as
thin as before you entered - if you want to get out . "
Greed brings bad luck.
21. Greedy Mice and Weasels

A hungry rat found a basket full of corn. He then tried to enter the basket through a very narrow
gap that covered the basket's mouth. The corn was so tempting that the Rat forced himself into the
basket. Finally, with difficulty, the Rat managed to enter and immediately ate greedily until his
stomach became very full, and even made his body three times larger than before entering the
Finally the rat felt satisfied and pulled himself heavy to get out of the basket, but the only thing he
could do, was to get his head out of the narrow gap. There he groaned and complained because he
couldn't get out.
That's when a weasel passed, and when the Weasel saw the mouse, he immediately understood the
incident experienced by the Rat.
"Friend," said the Weasel, "I understand all the events that happened to you. You are really satiated
until you cannot come out. That is a punishment for you. You will stay there until your body is as
thin as before you entered - if you want to get out . "
Greed brings bad luck.
22. Crow and A Jug

In a very dry season, when the birds were very difficult to get a little water to drink, a crow found a
jug containing a little water. But the jug is a tall jug with a narrow jug neck. However the crow tried
to try to drink the water in the jar, he still could not reach it. The crow almost felt hopeless and felt
like he would die of thirst.
Then suddenly an idea appeared in his mind. He then took the pebble next to the jug, then dropped
it into a jar one by one. Every time the crow puts a pebble into a jug, the surface of the water in the
jar gradually rises and rises until finally the water can be reached by the crow.
Although a little, knowledge can help ourselves at the right time.
23. Mice that Fight Against Weasels

Weasels and mice from the past never get along and are always hostile to one another. In every
war, weasels always win and rats that lose in war always fall prey to ferrets. Desperate, the Rat held
a large meeting and discussed so that their next war could be won. At the meeting, they concluded
that rat troops often lost because they did not have an army leader. So it was formed and appointed
a group of generals and army leaders from rats who seemed able to lead the troops.
To distinguish the ranks of commanders, generals and soldiers, these new leaders proudly tied their
heads with badges and jewelry from feathers and straw. After making long preparations and
practicing in the art of war, these rat troops sent challenges to the weasel.
Weasel gladly accepts the challenge because they are always ready to fight if their prey is in sight.
They immediately attacked a large number of rats. In an instant, rows of mice scattered and they
ran scattered to save themselves. Low-ranking rat troops easily enter hiding into mouse holes, but
their leaders find it difficult to get into a narrow hole because of the adornment that is attached to
their heads. That's when their death ends and becomes a prey by a hungry ferret.
Rank and greatness does not mean it has no weaknesses.
24. Foxes that do not have a tail

A fox caught in a trap, finally able to free itself from the trap. But the Fox was forced to sacrifice
and lose his beautiful tail.
For a long time, he hid this from other foxes, because he realized that if other foxes knew, they
would surely make fun of him and laugh at him. He then thought of a plan so that all the other foxes
did not have a tail like him so that he did not have to live without the tail alone.
He then made a meeting between the foxes, and said that he would announce something very
important for the fox group.
When they had gathered, the Fox without the Tail then gave a long speech about how dangerous it
had to have a tail for a fox.
One of the contents of his speech was about a fox caught by a hunting dog simply because its fox
tail was stuck on a fence. Another speech is about a fox that cannot run fast because of its heavy
tail. After all, according to the Fox Without Tails, humans chase foxes because they want their tails.
With evidence of how dangerous it has to have a tail, the Fox Without Tail advises all other foxes to
cut their own tail if they want to survive.
When he had finished delivering a speech, an old fox rose, and said with a smile:
"Mr. Fox, try turning your body for a while, and you will get an answer from us."
When this Tailless Fox turned around, there was a mocking shout and loud laughter from the other
foxes, that's when the Fox Without the Tail realized that all his speeches, inducements and tricks so
that the other foxes would throw their tails away, were in vain.
Don't listen to the advice of someone who wants to lower your rank to a lower degree.
25. Stumpy Donkey

A donkey rests for quite a long time and receives a lot of good food. Because of that he felt very
strong, prancing haughtily, and raised his head high.
"My father must have been a race horse," he said. "I can feel it clearly."
The next day, his employer began hiring him hard and that night he became very tired and sad.
"I'm wrong," he said. "My father is just a donkey."
26. The Great Crane

A stork walks gracefully along a small river, its eyes staring at the clear river water, its long neck
and beak ready to catch prey in the water for breakfast. At that time, the river was filled with fish
swimming, but the Crane felt a little arrogant that morning.
"I don't want to eat small fish," he told himself. "Small fish are not worthy of being eaten by elegant
storks like me."
Now, a fish that is slightly larger than other fish, passes nearby.
"No," said the Crane. "I will not bother myself to open the beak and eat that big fish!"
When the sun starts to rise, the fish in the shallow water near the banks of the river, finally swim
move to the middle of the river that is deeper and cooler. The Crane who did not see the fish
anymore, was forced to be satisfied by eating small snails on the banks of the river.
Don't be too arrogant and reject something small, because you might get nothing because of your
27. Dogs and Oysters

There is a dog that is very happy to eat eggs. The dog often goes into the chicken coop and greedily
swallows chicken eggs.
One day, the Dog strolled on the shore. The dog saw an oyster, and in an instant the dog swallowed
the oyster round which he thought was an egg.
Not long after, as we thought, the Dog felt a great pain in his stomach.
"I finally understood that not all round objects are eggs," he said, groaning in pain.
Acting too hastily often results in suffering.
28. Foxes and Monkeys Appointed as Kings

At a large meeting held by animals to choose a new king, a monkey was asked to dance. Because
the Monkey's dance was so beautiful, and made all the animals who saw it to be happy, the
Monkey was appointed to be their king.
But a fox who was present at the meeting, was unhappy with the decisions of his friends because he
thought that the Monkey was not worthy of being made a king.
One day the Fox found a trap with meat bait installed by the hunter, and immediately the Fox faced
the Monkey who had become king, to convey to him that he had found a treasure that was
priceless, only he did not dare to touch it because the treasure belongs to the king.
The greedy monkey followed the Fox to the trap. When he saw the meat in the trap, the Monkey
immediately grabbed it without thinking until finally the Monkey was trapped. The Fox standing
next to the Monkey laughed and said:
"You pretend to be our king, but you can't take care of yourself!"
After the incident, the animals in the forest held an election for the newly returned king.
The right leader is proven by his quality.
29. Venomous Snakes and Eagles

A poisonous snake managed to surprise and wrap itself around an eagle perched on a tree. The
Eagle who can't peck with his beak or scratch the Snake with his claws, goes up high into the sky and
tries to release the snake's twist. But the Snake wrapped around it even tighter and slowly, the
Eagle who was suffocated, flew back down to the ground.
One villager who saw this battle, was merciful to the Eagle, and quickly helped the Eagle, releasing
the snake's winding until the Eagle could be freed.
The venomous snake which had been wrapped around the Eagle became very angry, and because
the Snake did not have the chance to peck at the person, the Snake pecked on the place of drinking
water which was at the waist of the villagers, while removing can from sharp fangs into the drinking
The villager who was unaware of the Snake's actions, continued his journey to go home. When he
felt thirsty on the trip, the villager stopped by a source of water he met and filled his drinking water
with water. It was then that a large flap of wings came down and grabbed, and the Eagle who had
been rescued by the villagers, took the place of his savior's drinking water, then took the place of
water to fly away to be hidden in a place that no one would ever find.
Good deeds will get a good reply.
30. Dogs in a Buffalo Cage

A dog sleeping in a cow cage full of hay, was awakened by buffaloes who were exhausted and
starved after working in the fields. But the Dog does not allow the buffaloes to approach the cage.
The dog growled and threatened to bite as if the cage was full of meat and bones all of which were
for himself.
The buffaloes stared at the Dog with a look of annoyance. "How selfish he is!" said one buffalo. "He
did not eat straw but he did not let us who were very hungry to eat the straw!"
That's when farmers come. When he saw how the behavior of the Dog, the Farmer then took a
wood and drove the Dog away while hitting him because of his selfish and selfish behavior.

Don't act like you don't want to share something that you can't enjoy on your own.
31. Old Grandfather and Grandson
Brothers Grimm

In the past, there was a very old grandfather, whose eyes had become shortsighted, his hearing
was almost deaf, his knees were trembling, and when he sat at a table to eat, he could barely hold a
spoon so often spilled broth from his spoon on tablecloths and sometimes broth it dripped down
from his mouth.
His son and his wife's wife became fed up with this situation, so they sat the Old Grandfather in a
corner near the kitchen alone, and they gave him food in a pottery bowl. The food provided is
always little and not enough.
While eating, the Old Grandpa often looked at the dining table with teary eyes. One time, his
trembling hands could not hold the bowl, and the bowl fell to the floor and broke apart. His son and
his wife's wife became angry, but the old man said nothing and could only sigh deeply.
Then they bought a cheap wooden bowl for the Old Grandpa so that the wooden bowl did not break
when it fell.
As they sat at the table to eat, his little grandson and four-year-old began to collect several pieces of
wood on the ground.
"What are you doing there, my child?" asked the father.
"I will make a small wooden bowl," replied the Little Boy, "for father and mother, for later you will
use when you eat when I grow up."
Men and his wife looked at each other for a few moments, and finally they cried because they were
awake and regretted their bad treatment. Then they took the Old Grandfather to the dining table,
and for the next the Old Man always ate with them at one table. Since then also, they have never
said anything or complained when the Old Grandpa spilled something on the table.
32. Snakes that give gold
Joseph Jacobs

Once upon a time, there lived a poor farmer named Haridatta. One day, on a very hot afternoon, the
farmer felt very hot and sheltered in the shadows of the trees to lie down for a moment. Suddenly
he saw a poisonous snake coming out of a nearby hill. At that time he thought, "Surely this snake is
the guardian of this field."
The farmer went home to take a little milk from his house, pour it into a bowl, and put it near the
snake's nest as a gesture of gratitude, then the farmer said, "O guardians of this field, I give this
bowl of milk as my thank you to you ! " After that, the farmer returned to his house. The next
morning when he came back to the fields to work, he saw the gold in the bowl, and from that day
on, every day the same thing continued: he gave a bowl of milk to the snake and every morning he
always got a gold currency .
One day the farmer will go to the next village for several days and for that he orders his child to put
a bowl of milk in front of a snake nest in the field. The child orders his father, brings a bowl of milk,
puts it in front of the snake's nest, then goes home. The next morning when he brought another
bowl of milk, he found the gold in the old bowl, and the Son thought: "This snake nest may be full of
gold; If I kill the snake, I can take everything at once for me." The next day, when he put a bowl of
milk in front of a snake's nest, he waited for the snake to come out, and when the Snake came out
of the nest, the Son hit the snake's head with a bat. But the snake was still lucky to escape death
and in an angry state, pecking the child with sharp and venomous teeth so the child died
immediately. The villagers who found the dead child buried the child and called the Farmer home.
Two days later after the Farmer arrived home and got an explanation of his son's death, the Farmer
felt very sad. But after a few days, he again took a bowl of milk, headed for the fields, put the milk
in front of the snake's nest and then called the Snake out of the nest. After a long wait, the Snake
finally appeared and said to the Farmer: "The greed that brings you now is here, greed makes you
forget about your child's death. From now on, friendship between us will never be established
again. That stupid kid hit me with a club , and I bite it to death. How can I forget the punch with the
club? and how can you forget the grief of losing your child? " After that, the Snake gave an
expensive pearl to the Farmer and disappeared into the nest. But before disappearing, the Snake
said: "Don't come to my nest again." The farmer took the pearl, went home while regretting the
stupidity of his son.

33. Deer Who Want to Borrow Flour


One day, a male deer visited a sheep and asked that the sheep lend a handful of flour. The Lamb
was not sure of the honesty of the deer and was afraid that the deer would be difficult to chase
when the deer ran away when billed. Therefore he then asked whether the deer knew other
animals that could guarantee the honesty of the deer.
"Yes, yes," said the Deer confidently. "The Wolf can guarantee my honesty."
"Wolf!" said the Lamb who was surprised.
"Do you think that I will believe in such a guarantee? I know the Wolf! He took everything he
wanted and then ran without paying. You might also like him, you can run so fast that I don't have
the chance to collect your debt! "
Words from bad people cannot be guaranteed.
34. Milking and Buckets

A milking woman has milked several cows and walks back from the farm, with a bucket of milk that
she holds on top of her head. When he walked home, he thought and imagined his plan ahead.
"The milk I milk is very good in quality," he thought amusing himself, "will give me a lot of cream to
make. I will make a lot of butter from the cream and sell it to the market, and with the money I have
later, I will buy a lot eggs and their incubation, It is very beautiful to see if the eggs have hatched
and my body will be filled with healthy young chickens, at one time, I will sell it, and with that
money I will buy beautiful clothes to use to a party. All handsome young men will look at me. They
will come and try to seduce me, but I will look for young men who have good business! "
When he was thinking about his plans which he felt were very clever, he nodded his head proudly,
and unwittingly, the bucket on his head fell to the ground, and all milk that had been milked poured
out onto the ground, with all his thoughts about butter, eggs, chicken, new clothes and pride.
Don't count the hatched chickens.
35. Angry Peacocks and Storks

A peacock that walks arrogantly, one day meets a heron, and to make the crane amazed, he
stretches his beautiful feathers in the sun.
"Look," he said. "Can you beat my beauty? I'm bathed in luxury and rainbows, while your fur is dull
gray like dust!"
The crane stretched its wings wide and flew far high up.
"Follow me if you can," said the Crane. But the Peacock can only stand transfixed because the
peacock is a type of bird that cannot fly, while the Crane flies freely in the blue sky.
Usability is more valuable and more important than things that are decorative.
36. Imitating Monkeys and Camels

At a big celebration in honor of the Lion of the Forest King, a monkey was asked to dance in front of
the animals present at the celebration. The Monkey's dance is so beautiful that all the animals
present are happy and happy to see it.
The praise obtained by the Monkey makes a present camel jealous. He was very sure that he could
dance as beautifully as the monkey's dance, maybe even better, so he came forward to break
through the crowd of animals watching the monkey dance, and the Camel raised his front leg, began
to dance. But the huge camel made him look ridiculous when he kicked his legs forward and twirled
his stiff, long neck. In addition, the camel is difficult to keep the large footprints up.
Finally, one big footprint almost hit the King of the Forest's nose so that the annoyed animals saw
the camel's behavior, driving him out into the desert.
Don't be too pushy to do things that you really can't do.
37. Two Goat Tails

Two goats walked gallantly from the opposite direction on a steep mountain, when they
coincidentally each arrived at the edge of a cliff below which very heavy river water flowed. A fallen
tree has been used as a bridge to cross the chasm. The tree used as the bridge is so small that it
cannot be passed simultaneously by two squirrels safely, especially by two goats. The very small
bridge will make even the bravest people become frightened. But the two goats did not feel scared.
Their pride and pride do not allow them to budge and give way to other goats.
When one of the goats put his foot on the bridge, the other goat did not want to budge and also set
foot on the bridge. Finally the two met in the middle of the bridge. Both of them still refused to
budge and instead pushed each other with their horns so the two goats finally fell into the ravine
and were swept away by a very heavy flow of water beneath it.
It's better to succumb to experiencing bad luck because of being stubborn.
38. Buffalo Pulling Trains and Train Wheels

A pair of buffaloes pulled a heavy train with loads along a muddy village road. They pulled the train
with all their might without issuing a word of complaint.
Unlike the train wheels. Although the task was very light compared to the task carried out by the
pair of buffaloes, the Wheel shrieked and issued a complaint at every turn. The poor buffalo and
those who have worked hard pulling the train through the mud, finally can't stand hearing
complaints from the Roda.
"Shut up!" shouted the buffalo losing patience. "What are you complaining so hard about? We who
work hard attract all these heavy burdens, not you, and until now, we have never complained along
the way."
Those who often complain, usually don't work hard.
39. Big mouthed frogs

An old frog announced to all its neighbors that he had learned to be a doctor and could cure all
kinds of diseases. A fox who became a neighbor, hurried to meet the Old Frog. He then watched the
Frog carefully.
"Mr. Frog," said the Fox, "I was told that you can cure any disease! But try to see yourself, and try
some of your homemade remedies too. If you can cure wrinkles on your skin and current rheumatic
diseases you suffer, people will believe you. If you don't recover, I suggest that you change your job.
Who wants to improve others, should improve themselves first.
40. Three Bear Tails
Joseph Jacobs

One time, there were three bears living together in a house that they built themselves in the forest.
One small bear, one medium sized bear, and one large. They have each bowl for their porridge, a
small bowl for a small bear, a medium sized bowl for a medium bear, and a large bowl for a large
bear. And they have every seat to sit, a small chair for a small bear, a medium sized chair for a
medium bear, and a large chair for a big bear. And they have each bed for sleeping, a small bed for a
small bear, and a medium sized bed for a medium bear, and a large bed for a big bear.
One day, after they had made porridge for their breakfast, and poured it into their bowl porridge,
they walked out into the forest while waiting for their porridge to cool down so that their mouths
were not too hot when they ate them. And while they were out on a walk, a little girl named
Goldilocks happened to arrive at the house of the bears. First, Goldilocks looked from the window,
and then he peered from the keyhole, and because he did not see anyone in the house, he turned
the door handle. Incidentally the door was not locked, because the bears were good bears, who had
never committed a crime, and never suspected that there would be people who would do evil to
them. Goldilocks then opened the door and entered, and when he saw the porridge on the table, he
became happy. If he were a wise little girl, he would wait until the bear came home, then asked for
the porridge a little from the bears as a courtesy, because they were kind and friendly bears. But the
porridge on the table seemed so tempting that Goldilocks didn't wait much longer to eat the
At first he tasted porridge from the biggest bear of the big bear, and because the porridge was still
too hot for him, he then tasted the porridge of the medium bear, and the porridge was too cold.
Then he tasted the porridge of the little bear, and because the porridge was neither too hot nor too
cold, he then ate everything.
Then Goldilocks sat in the big chair of the big bear, but the chair was too hard for him. Then he sat
in the bear's chair, and he felt the chair was too soft for him. And then he sat in the chair of the little
bear, and he felt the chair was right for him because it wasn't too hard and not too soft. So he sat
alone in the chair until the bottom of the chair was broken and he fell to the floor.
Then Goldilocks went upstairs to the room where three bears slept. First he lay on a big bed, but
that bed was too big for him. Next he lay on a medium bear bed, and it felt too big. Then he lay on a
small bed and felt the bed was right for him. So he covered himself with a comfortable blanket, and
lay there until he fell asleep.
At this time the bears thought that their porridge was quite cold, they returned home to eat it.
Goldilocks had left a large spoon belonging to a big bear in his porridge bowl.
"Someone has touched my porridge!" said the big bear, with a deep and heavy voice. And when the
bear was staring at his porridge, he saw that the spoon was also in the bowl too.
"Someone has touched my porridge!" said the bear, with a moderate voice. Then the little bear
looked at the porridge, and he saw a spoon in the porridge pot, and all the porridge had run out.
"Someone has touched my porridge and eaten everything!" said the little bear in a small voice.
After the three bears realized that someone had entered their house, and ate all the breakfast for
the little bear, they began searching around them. Goldilocks did not return the seat cushion on the
big bear seat after sitting down.
"Someone has sat in my chair!" said the big bear, with a deep and heavy voice.
Goldilocks also sat in the middle bear chair and left a mark.
"Someone has sat in my chair!" said the middle bear, with its middle voice.
"Someone has sat in my chair, and has sat down so that my chair is broken!" said the little bear in a
small voice.
Then the three bears made a further search, until finally they went upstairs, to their bedroom.
Goldilocks had pulled a pillow from a large bear bed.
"Someone has berbop
aring in my bed! "said the big bear, with a heavy voice.
Goldilocks had also pulled the middle bear's pillow from its place.
"Someone is lying in my bed!" said the middle bear with its middle voice.
And when the little bear approached to see his bed, he saw the Goldilocks head sleeping on his bed.
"Someone is lying on my bed and he is here!" said the little bear in a small voice.
When Goldilocks heard the sound of a big, heavy bear and a medium bear's voice, he thought that
he dreamed and heard that voice in his dream. But when he heard the sound of a small bear who,
although not loud, but high-pitched, he immediately woke up. And when he saw three bears on one
side of his bed, he dropped himself off the bed from the other side, then ran to the window in fear.
The windows were left open by the bears, because they were good and neat bears, and they always
opened their bedroom windows when they woke up in the morning. Goldilocks jumped out of the
window, and ran as fast as possible without looking back, and what happened to him after this
incident, no one knew and the three bears never saw him again.
41. Horses and Donkeys Loaded with Loads

Once there was a man who kept a horse and a donkey to lift weights. It was customary for the man
to load his donkey with a heavy burden until the donkey staggered because the burden was too
heavy, while the Horse was allowed to prance along the road with a light burden.
As they traveled one day, the Donkey, who had been ill for the past few days, said to the Horse,
"Will you take some of my burden for a few kilometers? I feel very unwell, but if you want to bring
some my burden today, maybe I'll get well soon. This overload can kill me. "
The Horse just kicked his legs and said to the Donkey so he wouldn't have to complain and bother
him with words of complaint. The Donkey staggered for half a kilometer and suddenly fell to the
ground and died.
That's when, the owner comes and can only surrender to what has happened. He then releases the
burden of the dead donkey, then is placed on the horse's back. "Ouch," complained the Horse as he
felt a heavy burden on his back, added to the weight of the dead Donkey's body, "Now I get
rewarded for my ugly nature. By refusing to partially bear the donkey's burden, now I have to bring
all this burden, added to the weight of my poor friend. "
Help people who need help, then you will be helped too.
Bad traits will get rewards.
42. Stingy

A very stingy person buried his gold secretly in a place he kept secret in his garden. Every day he
went to the place where he buried his gold, dug it and counted it one by one to make sure that no
gold was lost. He did this so often that a thief watching him guessed what the Pelit had hidden and
one night, the thief secretly dug into the treasure and took it away.
When the Pelit realized his loss of property, he became very sad and desperate. He groaned while
tugging at his hair.
One wanderer happened to pass by at the place to hear him crying and asking what had happened.
"My gold! Oh ... my gold!" said the Miser, "someone robbed me!"
"Your gold! In that hole? Why did you keep it there? Why didn't you keep the gold in the house
where you could easily pick it up when you wanted to buy something?"
"Buy something?" the Miser shouted angrily. "I will not buy anything with that gold. I never even
thought of shopping for something with that gold." he shouted angrily again.
The wanderer then took a large stone and threw it into the empty treasure hole.
"Then," he said again, "close and bury the stone, the value is the same as your lost treasure!"
The assets we have are of equal value to the use of these assets.
43. Ratu Lebah
Brothers Grimm

Two of the king's sons who went on an adventure together, fell into wild life and raged into
forgetting their father's responsibilities and kingdoms again. The third son who was the youngest
son and was called by the nickname the Stupid, tried to catch up with his two brothers, and when
he found them, his two brothers mocked the Fool and said that the Stupid would not be able to join
them in the adventure of conquering the world, because they alone smarter, unsuccessful to date.
But finally they agreed to adventure together and one day they found an ant nest mound. There
was an idle desire from his two brothers to dismantle the nest and see small ants running around in
fear carrying their eggs, still the Fool said,
"Let the little creature itself, I will not let them be disturbed."
And then the three of them continued their journey until they arrived at a lake, where on the lake
there were a number of ducks swimming. The two oldest sons of the king wanted to catch the duck
and bake it, but the Fool did not allow them, and said, "Leave the creature alone, I will not let them
be killed."
When they find a honeycomb on a tree, where the nest is filled with honey to flow out into the
trunk of the tree, the oldest two sons of the king want to make a fire under the tree so that the bees
in the nest are expelled by smoke so they can take honey. But the fool ignored them and said,
"Let the little creature itself, I will not let them suffocate by smoke."
Finally the three brothers found a palace where in the palace stables there were many horses made
of stone, and when the three brothers entered the palace and explored all the rooms, they found a
locked door with three keys, and at the door The room, found a small hole where they could see
into the room through the small hole. They saw an old, gray-haired man sitting at a table. They then
shouted for him once, twice, and for the third time, the old man stood up, opened the door, then
came out of the room. Without saying a word, he led them to a table full of good items and
delicious food. And after the three sons of the king ate and drank, he showed each bedroom to the
three sons of the king. The next morning, the old man visited the eldest son of the king, called him
and took him to a stone table, where on the table were three writings showing things to remove the
curse from the palace. The first thing is, in the forest under moss, there are pearls belonging to a
king's daughter that number one thousand, and these pearls must be sought and collected, and if
the person who gets the assignment does not finish it until sundown, or if there is still a single pearl
missing , he will turn to stone. The oldest son of the king went out to look for the pearls, but all day
until sunset, he only found a hundred pearls, and as written on the stone table, he turned to stone.
The son of the second king, accepted the assignment the next day, but he also failed to finish it and
only received two hundred pearls. He instantly turned to stone.
When the Stupid gets his turn, he starts searching in the whole forest and under the moss, but the
search for this pearl is really not an easy task, until finally the Stupid starts to despair, sits on a rock
and starts crying. When he sat down, there came the ant king along with five thousand ants, who
had been saved by the Fool. Not long after the little creatures managed to collect all the pearls and
put them in one pile.
The second thing written on the stone table was getting the King's bedroom key from the lake.
And when the Stupid came to the lake, the duck whose life had been saved by him, came swimming,
diving, and brought the key found at the bottom of the lake. The third thing that must be done and
is the hardest thing, is to choose the youngest daughter of three princesses who are asleep. All
daughters have faces that are similar to one another, and what can be a difference between them
is, before they fall asleep, they drink three kinds of sweet drinks. The oldest daughter drinks sugar
water, the second drinks syrup, and the youngest drinks honey. That's when the Queen of Bees who
had been saved by the Stupid, came to help and alighted on the daughter who had drunk honey, so
the Stupid could guess with right. It was then that all the magic curses on the palace disappeared, all
the people and creatures exposed to the curse, including the two sons of the king, became
awakened and transformed from stone, again becoming as usual.
The Fool finally married the youngest daughter, and was appointed king to replace his deceased
44. Jack the Slacker
Flora Annie Steel

At one time, there lived a boy named Jack and lived with his mother. They were very poor and their
elderly mother supported them by working as weavers, but Jack himself was a very lazy child and
never wanted to do anything other than basking in the sun on a hot day, and sitting in a corner of
the house during the winter. So he was called Jack the Slacker. His own mother could never make
Jack do something for him, and finally one day he said to Jack, that if he did not start working and
support himself, his mother would not care for him anymore.
This troubled Jack, and he then left the house looking for work the next day at his peasant neighbor
and managed to get a penny (British currency); but because all this time he had never returned
home while holding money, he lost his money when he passed a river.
"A stupid kid," said his mother, "you should put your money in the pocket."
"I'll do it another time," said Jack the Slacker.
The next day, Jack returns to work for a baker who gives him nothing but a big cat. Jack then takes
the cat, and carries it carefully in his hand, but the cat scratches his hand so he has to let go of the
cat which then runs away to disappear.
When he returned home, his mother said to him, "You are a stupid child, you should tie it with a
rope and pull it to follow you."
"I'll do it another time," Jack said.
The next day, Jack came out and worked for a butcher, who gave him a gift of large lamb. Jack took
the lamb, tied it with a rope, and dragged it on the ground along the way, so that when he arrived
at home, the lamb had been completely destroyed. His mother said nothing to him this time, and on
Sundays, his mother required him to take the cabbage home to cook later.
"You have to take it home and carry it on your shoulders."
"I'll do it another time," Jack said.
On Monday, Jack the Slacker worked for a cattle keeper, who gave him a donkey as his reward.
Even though Jack was very strong, he still felt overwhelmed to carry the donkey on his shoulders,
but finally he carried the donkey on his shoulder and walked slowly home bring the prize. On the
way he walked in front of a house where the house was occupied by a rich man with his only
daughter, a very beautiful girl, who was deaf and mute. And the girl never laughed during her life.
Doctors once said that the girl would never be able to speak until someone could make her laugh.
His sad father promised that he would marry his daughter to a man who could make his daughter
laugh. At that moment the girl happened to look out the window when Jack passed in front of his
house while carrying a donkey on his shoulder; where the donkey kicked its legs wildly into the air
and neighed loudly. The scene was so funny that the princess laughed and then also gained her
ability to hear and speak. His father, who was so happy to see his son able to speak and hear,
fulfilled his promise by marrying his daughter to Jack the Slacker, who later became a rich person
too. They then stayed together in a large house with Jack's mother and lived happily until the end of
their lives.

45. Evil Water Fairy

Brothers Grimm

One day, two brothers, sisters and brothers played near a well, and when they played, accidentally,
they both fell in. In the well, there remained a wicked Water Fairy, when she saw the two brothers
who fell into the well, she then said, "Now that I have got you guys, you have to work hard for me!"
Then, the Fairy Water took them to their place of residence. He assigns a female child to weave
hemp, and the boy takes water with a bucket with a hole in the middle, and the boy is also required
to cut down the tree with a blunt ax. They were also not given proper food, only makeshift food
that was as hard as rock.
Finally the two children could not stand it anymore, and planned to escape from the evil fairy. They
waited until the Water Fairy came out of the house, and that's when they fled. But when the Water
Elf came home and saw that the two children had disappeared, he then followed them quickly.
When the siblings saw it coming from afar, the girl threw her hair comb behind her which
immediately formed a large hill filled with thousands of spears, where the evil fairy was forced to
pass it with difficulty, but finally the evil fairy could cross the hill.
When the siblings saw the evil fairy approaching again, the boy threw his comb back which
immediately formed a large hill with thousands of bars, but this evil fairy also made it past him and
kept chasing them both. Then the girl throws her glass mirror backwards which immediately forms a
very slippery mirror hill so it doesn't allow the Water Fairy to cross it.
Then the Water Fairy thought, "I will go home and take my ax, and will break the glass hill until it
breaks apart."
The Water Fairy returned home to pick up the ax, came back to break the glass hill, but the children
had escaped and escaped out of the old well. The Water Fairy was forced to return to her house
alone because she could not leave the well.

46. Farmers and their children


A very rich farmer who feels he will not live too long, calls his children beside his bed.
"My children," he said, "Pay attention to what I will say to you. For whatever reason, never sell land
that belongs to our family for generations. Because hidden treasure on this land. I do not know
where of course, but the treasure is here. Look for the treasure with all your might by digging and
don't miss any piece of land that is not dug up.
The farmer later died, and not long after his burial, his children began to work as hard as possible
digging every inch of their farm with a shovel, even after finishing, they still did it until they
repeated two or three times.
There wasn't a single hidden gold they got, but during the harvest season, their bags and coffers of
money became full with huge harvest benefits compared to their neighbors. In the end they became
aware that the treasure mentioned by their father was a wealth of abundant crops, and their hard
work was actually a treasure.

Hard work is a treasure

47. Woodcutter and Hunter

A hunter who is not too brave is looking for a trace of a lion. He then met a woodcutter in the
woods and he asked the logger if he saw any trace of the Lion or knew where the lion was nesting.
"I know," said the woodcutter, "at the same time I can show and show you where the Lion is now."
The hunter turned very pale until his teeth rang out from trembling due to fear. He also replied,
"No, thank you, I did not ask for all that, I was only looking for footprints, and not the lion."
A person who is brave, proven by deeds.
48. Shepherd and Promises

A sheep shepherd, one day calculated the number of herdsmen, and found that a number of sheep
had died.
Angry, the Shepherd said loudly that he would arrest and punish the thief who took his sheep. The
Shepherd suspected that a serigal preyed on his sheep and for that, the Shepherd walked towards a
hilly mountain where in the mountains there was a cave that became a nest of wolves. Before
leaving, the Shepherd prayed to God to help him find his cattle thief, and for that, the Shepherd
promised to sacrifice a fat sheep as his gratitude later.
The Shepherd then searched here and there all day, but he found no one, and as he passed a large
cave on the side of a mountain, a large lion walked out carrying a sheep in his mouth. In a great
sense of fear, with trembling body and legs, the Shepherd immediately knelt and prayed back to
"My God, I am not aware that what I have asked for will be like this. Help Your servant now, I
promise to give sacrificial animals in the form of a large cow if this sheep thief goes away from
Do not ask for something explicit, things that make you regret if it really happened.
49. North Wind and the Sun.

North Wind and Sun argue about who among them is stronger. While they argued violently, a
wanderer walked through a road wrapped in robes.
"Let us prove" said the Sun, "that the strongest among us is anyone who can make the wanderer
open his robe."
"Alright," said the North Wind, and immediately it blew the cold strong wind on the wanderer.
With strong winds, the tip of the wand worn by the wanderer was blown back. But he immediately
wrapped the robe tightly around his body, and the stronger the wind blew, the tighter he wrapped
his body. The north wind tried to tear the wandering cloak with the wind, but all his efforts were in
The sun's turn arrived. The sun begins to emit its light. At first the light released was soft enough,
and in an instant, warmth replaced the cold feeling of the North Wind. The Nomad then loosened
his robe and let it hang from his shoulder. The sun's rays then shine more hot and blazing. The man
took off his hat and wiped his eyebrows wet with sweat. Finally he became hot so he let go of his
robe, and to avoid the blazing sun, he took shelter under the shade of a tree on the roadside.
Softness is superior to violence.
50. Nomads and a Tree

Two wanderers walked along a dusty and barren road on a very hot day. Shortly thereafter, they
found a large tree, and happily both of them then sheltered from the hot sun under the shade of
thick tree leaves. When they rested, they looked up at the tree and said to their companions in the
"How useless this big tree is! This tree does not have fruit so it is not useful to humans at all."
The big tree then said:
"You ungrateful man! He said:" You come and take shelter in the shade of my leaves from the hot
sun, and you enjoy the shade of my branches and leaves, but you still call me useless at all! "
Sometimes, people don't appreciate the help they have received.

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