Selection and Scheduling of Actions For Innovation Capabilities Improvement

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2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and

Information Technologies (CoDIT’19) | Paris, France / April 23-26, 2019

Selection and Scheduling of Actions for Innovation Capabilities

Franco Quezada1 , Luis Rojo-González2 and Óscar C. Vásquez2∗

Abstract— This paper introduces the selection and scheduling IC subject to different constraints (e.g. budget constraint)
problem of actions for improving the innovation capability (IC) [9], [17]. These recommendations require to define an action
of an enterprise based on expert assessment using a particular plan, which selects and schedules a set of actions to be
maturity grids for its measurement, in which budget and time
limit constraints are imposed. To address this problem, we performed by the companies. In practice, this action plan
study its computational complexity and formulate a binary is based on the expertise of the persons who are charge
integer linear programming (BILP) for an exact resolution, and to find an optimal selection and schedule of actions that
which meets IC targets and minimizes the total cost of the maximize the IC of the company is still an open problem.
schedule for the selected actions. To illustrate the usefulness of Our Contribution: In this paper, we introduce the inno-
the proposed model, a numerical example based on a French
textile company is considered. vation actions scheduling problem to enhance IC in SME’s.
Index Terms— Selection, Scheduling, Innovation capability. We investigate its computational complexity and prove that
the decision version of this problem is NP-complete. For
I. I NTRODUCTION an exact resolution, we formulate a binary integer linear
programming (BILP), which meets IC targets and minimize
Innovation has been considered as a key process for the the total cost of the schedule for the selected actions. To
economic growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s), illustrate the usefulness of the proposed model, a numerical
which defines important strategic decisions including com- example based on a French textile company is considered.
panies’ business model whose essence is in defining the Outline of paper: The remaining part of this paper is orga-
manner by which the enterprise delivers value to customers, nized as follows. Section II describes the innovations capa-
entices customers to pay for value, and converts those bilities. Sections III introduces the selection and scheduling
payments to profit [21]. In literature, several authors develop problem. Computational complexity is studied in Section
methodologies to evaluate companies’ IC according to a set IV and a Binary Integer Linear Programming formulation
of processes performed by companies called innovation prac- is proposed in Section V. Section VI shows the usefulness
tices [1], [3], [11]. Those methodologies open the possibility of the proposed model, considering a numerical example
to measuring companies’ IC that has relation with companies based on a French textile company. Finally, conclusions and
delivers value to customers as development of new products. directions for further works are discussed in Section VII.
Other authors apply network analyse SME environment and
their interrelationships to classify and describe its innovation II. I NNOVATION CAPABILITIES
performance [10]. The knowledge area which considers IC as its principal
In this context, an important methodology to describe studies has evolved from a black-box perspective, measuring
and to elaborate a diagnosis of SME’s IC is the Potential inputs and outputs, to new trends where most important focus
Innovation Index (PII), proposed by Équipe de Recherche is on relationship between internal processes and innovation
sur les Processus Innovatifs (ERPI) in University of Lor- [14].
raine, France. This methodology has been theoretically and IC will be defined as the absorption capacity and measured
empirically validated by experts [2], [5] and some real cases by the PII. The absorption capacity of a company represents
can be found in [2], [8], [15], [20]. the ability to acquire, assimilate, transform and exploit new
The PII methodology considers a multi-criteria model knowledge or information [4], [12], [19]. This property
with two aggregation levels: Main practices and Observable gives dynamism to the company due to the capacity to
phenomena; classifying SME according to their innovation make decisions on uncertain situation using complementary
performance which defines the opportunities of a company information obtained from its environment [7]. In order to
and its role in four categories: Passive, Reactive, Preactive generate an action plan to increase their IC, companies must
and Proactive [18]. Recent related work has the goal to have a evaluation and diagnosis framework. PII has been a
determine recommendations for improving the company’s relevant indicator being applied in different researches [2],
1 Franco
[8], [20] creating a web tool for IC diagnosis used by 300
Quezada is with Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris
6, Sorbonne Université, 4 Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France companies. PII considers 6 basic practices: 1) Strategy.
2 Luis Rojo-González and Óscar C. Vásquez are with Department of
2) Human resources management.
Industrial Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, 9170124
{luis.rojo.g, oscar.vasquez} 3) Creativity.
*Corresponding author 4) Development of new products.

978-1-7281-0521-5/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE -25-

CoDIT'19 is technical sponsored by: IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society

5) Project management. Pdefine a schedule σ which

problem for IC improvement is to
6) Knowledge management. maximize the company’s PII, j ∈ J σ wρ(j) , subject to a
These practices are divided in 18 observable phenomena limited budget equal to b and time constraint limit equal
that represent the activities that describe their performance. to T .
Each phenomenon is evaluated on maturity grid form. An A. Illustration of the problem
example of that form is shown in Table I:
The maturity grid of each observable phenomenon is
Each grid represents company’s performance on different
represented by a directed graph, where its flows are actions
observable phenomena using levels that are increasingly
associated to the change of level. Thus, each observable
ordered associated with vector V = (0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1).
phenomenon has associated 5 levels (`) and increases its
The obtained results are aggregated using the flow sort
level through 10 different actions such as Figure 1 shows.
multicriteria method, obtaining PII [16]. According to that
The initial level of an observable phenomenon is obtained
index, companies are classified in four groups [18] such as
by a survey applied to experts that has some participation
on resources assignment and assessment or are important
1) Passive: They tend to be companies that are in a researchers in this area. On this case the initial level of
defensive position with respect to competition. They try the first observable phenomenon (use of tools to motivate
to survive in the market. creativity) is `1 . Therefore, a possible path is represented by
2) Reactive: They react once the technological changes dotted line in Figure 2, considering `5 as the final position.
have become consolidated. They have short-term vision.
3) Pre active: Although they are not responsible for the
generation of the technological changes, they are well
prepared to anticipate them due to the constant use of
technological vigilance mechanisms.
4) Proactive: These are very dynamic and aggressive com-
panies, they are the ones that generate technological
changes in the setting in which they operate. They tend Fig. 1: Representation of different paths.
to dominate the market.
Passive companies are found between [0, 0.25), Reactive
companies between [0.25, 0.5), Preactive companies between
[0.5, 0.75), and Proactive companies between [0.75, 1]. Once
companies have been diagnosed and classified, the challenge
is: How define an action plan to improve its PII and thus
increase its chances of success in the market?.

III. S TATEMENT OF PROBLEM Fig. 2: Representation of a possible solution for one observ-
Given a set of P observable phenomenon, a set Lp of IC able phenomenon.
levels for each phenomenon p ∈ P and a set of actions J .
Let Jp be a set of actions associated to the phenomenon IV. C OMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY
p ∈ P. In this section, we state the status of the computational
Each observable phenomenon level l ∈ Lp has a weight complexity of our problem. We consider the decision version
wl,p on the Potential Innovation Index. We define π(j) := of the problem defined as follows:
(ˆl, p) and ρ(j) := (ˆl, p), which denote two observable Instance: A set P of observable phenomenon and a set
phenomenon levels: the initial ˆl and the current l in the L of innovation capability levels, where Lp corresponds to
observable phenomenon p ∈ P associated to the action the set of levels of an observable phenomenon p. Each level
j ∈ Jp , which has a cost Cj and a time Tj by its l ∈ Lp has a weight wl,p . A set J of actions, which allow
performing. Without loss of generality, we suppose that the to go from a initial level l to a level l0 for an observable
actions associated to a particular observable phenomenon are phenomenon p, each of them with a execution cost and time
in increasing order. Let Jl,p ⊆ J be a subset of actions Cj and Tj , respectively. Moreover, a cost Ci,j is incurred by
associated to each observable phenomenon p ∈ P and performing action i before action j.
observable phenomenon level l ≥ ˆl; (ˆl, l) ∈ Lp , and then Question: Do there exist a schedule of selected actions
each action j ∈ J(l,p) , ρ(j) := (ˆl, p), with l ≥ ˆl. with a PII at least equal to W , that respects paths over
In addition, there exists a cost Ci,j by performing action observable phenomenon, a budget limit b and a time limit
i before action j. A schedule σ is defined by a ranking for T ?.
a subset of actions J σ ⊆ J , where σj denotes the position Theorem 1: The selection and scheduling problem of ac-
of action j ∈ J σ in the schedule. tions for innovation capabilities is NP-complete.
Consider a firm with an initial IC levels for each observ- Proof: To show that our problem is NP-complete, we
able phenomenon ˆlp∈P . The goal of the actions scheduling reduce an instance of the Knapsack problem with Conflict

CoDIT’19 | Paris, France - April 23-26, 2019

CoDIT'19 is technical sponsored by: IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society

Promotion of innovation: ideas stimulation, rewards, support and autonomy of the groups
No specific action. The employees involved in the in- Only success is rewarded (fi- Set-up of a re- The risk-taking is rewarded at the
novation policy are congratulated nancial reward, formal feed- ward system of individual and collective level. Ac-
and the company organizes punc- back from the direction, ...). risk-raking. tions are setting up with the aim of
tual events. increasing the group cohesion.

TABLE I: Form Sample

Graph (KPCG) to the decision version, asking for a solution

with a value at least equal to W without exceeding a budget
zj wρ(j) ≥ a (5)
Consider an instance of KPCG problem: Let n be the  
number of items, each of them with positive profit aj and X X
yj Cj + Ci,j xi,j  ≤ b (6)
positive weight cj , j = 1, ..., n, and b the capacity of the j∈J i ∈ J \ {j}

knapsack. Given an undirected conflict graph G = (V, E)

where each vertex i ∈ V corresponds to an item (i.e., |V | = yj Tj +
Ti xi,j ≤ t ∀j ∈ J (7)
n) and an edge (i, j) ∈ E denotes conflicting items i and j, i  J \ {j}

i.e. items that cannot be included together in the knapsack.

The question is: Can a profit of at least W be achieved X
zj ≤ 1 ∀ j ∈ Jp (8)
by a subset of items to be packed into the knapsack, while j ∈ Jp

satisfying the capacity and the incompatibility constraints?

Given an instance of KPCG, we construct an instance of yj ≥ zj ∀j ∈ J (9)
the actions scheduling problem as follows: we first recall
that each possible path from a initial level ˆl to a level X
l for an observable phenomenon p is a subset of actions yj = 0 ∀ p ∈ P, πj := (l, p), ∀ l < l̂ (10)
j ∈ Jp
belonging to Jl,p . We hence introduce a set of possible paths
|J 0 | = 0
P n, where each path j ∈ J has a cost Cj = cj , X
with j∈J 0 Cj > b, and an execution time Tj , where
yj ≤ 1 ∀p ∈ P (11)
j∈J j = T . Moreover, we assume that
T j: π(j):=(l̂,p)
Peach phenomenon
observable level l has a weight wl,p = j∈J 0 l,p aj for all X X
p ∈ P and Cij = 0 for all i 6= j ∈ J . Finally, each yj ≥ yj ∀ p ∈ P, ∀ l > l̂ (12)
j: ρ(j):=(l,p) j: π(j):=(l,p)
incompatibility edge belongs to G represents two paths that
cannot be selected at the same time. Clearly, this instance
has a solution with a objective value at least W if and only xi,j = 0 ∀ p ∈ P, (i, j) ∈ Jp , ∀ π(i) ≥ ρ(j) (13)
if the answer is YES to the KPCG instance.
V. B INARY I NTEGER L INEAR P ROGRAMMING (BILP) xi,j , yj , zj ∈ {0, 1} ∀ (i, j) ∈ J (14)

We propose a Binary Integer Linear Programming (BILP)

model for the actions scheduling problem for IC improve-
Constraint sets (2)-(3) state if action two actions i and j
ment. We have an initial IC levels for each observable phe-
are performed, then only one possible sequence. A cyclic
nomenon ˆlp ∈ P . Without loss of generality, we suppose that
is avoid by constraint (4). Equation (5) represents the lower
the actions associated to particular observable phenomenon
bound of PII (α) to be satisfied. Constraints (6) and (7) report
are in increasing order. Let yj and zj be binary variables that
the budget and limit time to perform the selected actions,
takes value 1 if the action j ∈ J is performed and if the
respectively. Set constraints (8) imply that only one action
action j ∈ J corresponds to the last performed action in the
j ∈ J can be the last one in each observable phenomenon
observable phenomenon p ∈ P; and 0 otherwise. Let xi,j be
p ∈ P and set constraints (9) exhibit the conditions that
a binary variable that takes value 1 if the action j ∈ J is
an action j is last performed only when it is performed.
performed after of performing the action i ∈ J \{j}. The
Set constraints (10) avoid that some action j that has its
BILP formulation is introduced as follows:
starter level l = π(j) before than the current observable
phenomenon level ˆlp∈P for each observable phenomenon
max wρ(j) (1)
j ∈Jσ
j be performed and equation (11) constraint the output
2xi,j + 2xj,i ≤ yi + yj ∀ i 6= j ∈ J (2) flows (actions) from initial level ˆlp∈P . Finally, set constraints
(12) state the flow process; set constraints (13) impose
xi,j + xj,i ≥ yj + yi − 1 ∀ i 6= j ∈ J (3) that the actions associated to an observable phenomenon
are performed in the schedule in increasing order; and set
xi,j + xj,k + xk,i ≤ 2 ∀ i 6= j 6= k ∈ J (4) constraints (14) establish the domain of the variables.

CoDIT’19 | Paris, France - April 23-26, 2019

CoDIT'19 is technical sponsored by: IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society

Human resources, (5) Project management and (6) Knowl-

edge management. A reactive profile for the practices (1)
Creativity and a proactive profile for (4) Strategy. In general,
the company is classified as reactive.
A. Solution
To illustrate the the usefulness of the proposed model, the
scenario for the company to reach the maximum PII will be
solve. To achieve this goal, the required budget is b equal to
0.9 (90%) of the company’s current estimated budget. This is
one of the possible scenarios, if the company does not want
to take this risk, it can let a lower investment percentage.
Therefore, in this case the instance is:
max a
Fig. 3: Performance profile for the case of study.
s.t. constraints (2)-(14)
with b = 0.9K, where K is the current budget
VI. C ASE OF STUDY The mathematical model determines the set of action and
We consider a French company to be analysed is a limited the schedule of them, which maximizes the PII subject to the
liability company that has operated in the country for 8 budget and time limit. Table V shows the obtained results by
years, specialized in waste recovery classified sector. They the proposed mode for binary variables yj and zj .
have worked constantly on new ways of innovating in the
processes, in 2014 announce new recycling methods for σj yj zj
polyester brought from China, which increased employment 1 y170 z170
2 y139 z139
rates in the company. Table II shows the most relevant 3 y127 z127
characteristics for our investigation previously obtained by 4 y37 z37
Riquelme [17], who worked on a similar problem for this 5 y59 z59
6 y27 z27
study case. Table III and IV show the obtained results from 7 y20 z20
the PII application. 8 y64 z64
9 y110 z110
Company Anonymous
Location Lorraine, France TABLE V: Results of yj and zj and its schedule.
Business sector Textile
Employees 10 - 50 people
Sales 10 - 100 million of euros From the obtained results for this company, the PII in-
creases from 0.335 (reactive) to 0.637 (proactive).
TABLE II: Characteristics of the company Figure 4 shows the increase in the different innovation
practices of the company. Table VI shows different final
percentages in the different practices:
Practice Evaluation
1 0.2675
2 0.23417
3 0
4 0.865
5 0.15917
6 0.145
PII Reactive (0.335)

TABLE III: PII of the company.

Initial level Observable phenomena

`1 1, 5, 7, 8, 15, 16, 18
`2 3, 4, 13
`3 6, 14
`4 2, 11, 17
`5 9, 10, 12

TABLE IV: Initial level of the 18 observable phenomena. Fig. 4: Results illustration

In Figure 3, we can observe that the company has a passive Figure 4 shows the improvement in the innovation prac-
profile for the practices (2) Development of new product, (3) tices of the company. Development of new products and

CoDIT’19 | Paris, France - April 23-26, 2019

CoDIT'19 is technical sponsored by: IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society

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sion of this work. This research was partially supported by
the supercomputing infrastructure of the NLHPC (ECM-02)
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CoDIT’19 | Paris, France - April 23-26, 2019


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