Meeting 12: Sound

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Meeting 12

I. Sound fan Pronunciation Audio\Unit-36.mpa
Touch your top teeth with your bottom lip.
Blow out air between your lip and your teeth.
Practice 1
Practice 2
Listen and repeat
Listen and repeat
Sound 1 Sound 2
Sound 1 Sound 2
pin fin
hat fat
Peel(kupas) feel
heat feet
Pail(ember) fail
hill fill
Pine(cemara) fine
hall fall
Snip(gunting) sniff(bau)
hole foal(anak Kuda)
Harp(kecapi) half
Test Tick the words you recognise in
the sentences you hear.
1. a) pin b) fin(sirip)
2. a) peel b) feel
3. a) snipping b) sniffing
4. a) heel b) feel
5. a) hat b) fat
6. a) pole b) hole c) foal
7. That’s a long fin
8. Peel this orange
9. She walks around the garden sniffing flowers.
10.Please heel the shoes.
11.Mr. Pierson is a hat seller.
12.That’s a very big hole.
Practice 3 Listen and repeat
fill in office if
finished sofa wife
feels fine profile laugh
five telephone photograph
for beautiful photographer
form comfortable myself
February after soft
full front Mr. Puffin Phillips
friendly difficult Phillippa

Dialogue At the photographer’s

II. Sound van Pronunciation Audio\Unit-37.mpa

First practice f. Use your voice to make v.

Practice 1 Listen and repeat

Sound 1 Sound 2
feel veal(daging anak lembu)
fine vine(tumbuhan2 yang merambat)

fail veil
few view
leaf leave
half halve(membagi 2)
Practice 2 Test Tick the words you
Listen and repeat recognise in the
Sound 1 Sound 2 sentences you hear.
Bet(truhan) vet (dkter hwan) 1. a) few b) view (in this room we have a view)
best vest(rompi) 2. a) half b) halve (halve the apple)
ban van 3. a) fast b) vast(new York is a fast city)
Bolts(baut) volts 4. a) boat b) vote(we got the boat)
boat vote 5. a) bolts b) volts (there’s should be 50 bolts)
bowl vole(mkanan tkus) 6. a) fowls(unggas) b) bowels(isi perut)
c) vowels(I don’t like the sounds of beach fowls)
Practice 3 Listen and repeat
Vera living have
very November five
village leaving love
valley (lmbah) driving lovely
van lived leaves
Victor arrived

III. Sound window Pronunciation Audio\Unit-38.mpa

First practice u:. Make your lips round and hard for
w. w is a short sound.
Practice 1 Test Tick the words you
Listen and repeat recognise in the
Sound 1 Sound 2 sentences you hear.
V we 1. a) vine b) wine
veal wheel 2. a) v b) we(he used “V” at the
beginning of the sentence)
vest west
3. a) veal b) wheel(please change this wheel)
vet wet
4. a) verse b) worse
vine wine
5. a) veils b) whales(we was surprised to
veil whale see some whales in the water)

6. a) viper b) wiper(look, that viper gone

from the corner)
Practice 2 Listen and repeat
when woods everywhere
well why sandwiches
wet weather wild twelve
Wendy went white wine twenty
which were quiet
what was where quickly
watched wore sweet
walk away Gwen
warm railway squirrels
IV. Sound yellow Pronunciation Audio\Unit-39.mpa

First practice i:. Very quickly move your tongue to

make the next sound. Do not touch the root of your
mouth with your tongue.

Practice 1 Listen and repeat

Sound 1 Sound 2
joke yolk
Jack yak
jam yam
Jess yes
jeers years
Test Tick the words you recognise in
the sentences you hear.
1. a) joke b) yolk
2. a) jam b) yam
3. a) Jess b) yes
4. a) jeers b) years
5. a) juice b) use
6. a) jet b) yet (he hasn’t flown by jet)
Practice 2 Listen and repeat
yes university Hugh
yesterday excuse me huge
yellow tutor Young
years tunes few
York tuba knew
Europe tubes New York
onion stupid music
millionaire student beaut iful
you stew produces

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