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Modi orders review of reopening on Omicron COVID concerns Page 3 Grammys 2022: A quick look Page 5 Black Friday draws US shoppers but many shun stores for online Page 7
Nepal’s No. 1

The Himalayan
Weather: Partly cloudy
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Printed simultaneously from

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Late City ★★ 8 pages Rs 5

(Rs 2 additional air surcharge to
Vol. XX No. 5 s Kathmandu, Sunday, November 28, 2021, Mangsir 12, 2078, Nepal Sambat 1142 T I M E S Jomsom and beyond)

197 new cases of
Hong Kong film
coronavirus reported
Himalayan News Service
TAIPEI: Taiwan’s annual Golden Horse
Awards kicked off on Saturday with a Hong
Kathmandu, November 27 Two succumb
Kong drama receiving the most nominations Health authorities today di-
for the Asian equivalent of the Academy agnosed 197 cases of coro- to COVID
Awards. The Golden Horse Awards, which navirus infection in the KATHMANDU: Ac-
began in 1962, is considered one of the most country, including 121 from cording to the health
prestigious awards for Chinese-language Kathmandu valley. ministry, three COVID
films. This year, the Hong Kong film ‘Drifting’, With this, Nepal’s COVID deaths were reported
which is based on a 2012 court case involving c a s e l o a d h a s re a c h e d in the past 24 hours.
homeless people in the working neighbour- 820,724, including 802,047 With the recent addi-
hood of Sham Shui Po, received 12 nomina- recoveries, 7,156 active cas- tions the number of
tions including for Best Director, Best Lead- es, and 11,521 deaths. people who have suc-
ing Actor and Best Cinematography. Two Tai- Of those testing positive cumbed to the respira-
wanese movies, titled ‘The Soul,’ ‘The Falls’ for the contagion in Kath- tory infection has ad-
and ‘Till We Meet Again’ received 11 nomina- mandu valley today, 94 are vanced to 11,521. The
tions each. ‘The Falls’ won Best Original from Kathmandu, 20 from case fatality rate is 1.4
Screenplay, while ‘Drifting’ won Best Adapt- Lalitpur, and seven from per cent. — HNS
ed Screenplay. ‘Revolution of Our Times,’ a Bhaktapur.
documentary about the Hong Kong political Of the others diagnosed
unrest in 2019 by Hong Kong director Kiwi with the disease today, eight from health centres after re-
Chow, won Best Documentary Feature. are from Jhapa, seven from covering from the infection.
(Details on Page 3) Rupandehi, six from Mo- The recovery rate stands at
rang, five from Sunsari, four 97.7 per cent.
‘Russia planning coup’ each from Chitwan, Dang, Kathmandu valley has al-
and Kailali and three each together 1,711 cases of infec-
KYIV: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelen- from Dhanusha, Saptari, Sir- tion — 684 in Kathmandu,
skyy on Friday claimed that his country’s in- aha, Makawanpur, and 480 in Bhaktapur and 547
telligence service had uncovered plans for a Nawalparasi East. in Lalitpur.
Russia-backed coup d’etat in the country set Skanda Gautam /THT
Similarly, two persons The health ministry said
for next week that allegedly involves one of People warming themselves near a fire along a street on a cold winter day in Kathmandu, on Saturday. each from Ilam, Mahottari, 178 people were in intensive
Ukraine’s richest oligarchs. Both the oligarch S a r l a h i , My a g d i , a n d care — 32 in Province 1, one
and the Russian government rejected the al- Surkhet, and one each from in Province 2, 107 in Bagma-

Independent mechanism sought

legations. In Nantucket, Massachusetts, US Parsa, Bara, Kavrepalan- ti, 15 in Gandaki, 21 in
President Joe Biden expressed concern at the chowk, Dhading, Sindhupal- Lumbini, and two in Sudur-
coup talk. (Details on Page 4) chowk, Gorkha, Lamjung, paschim.
Syangja, Arghakhanchi, Similarly, a statement is-
Kapilvastu, Bardia, Banke, sued by the health ministry
Ram Kumar Kamat carrying out investigation. and Kanchanpur tested said there were 30 people on
NEPAL COUNT Kathmandu, November 27 s#534/$)!,$%!4(302/"% “As far as what type of cases positive for the respiratory ventilator support — 11 in
the police wanted to file in re- contagion. Province 1, 17 in Bagmati,
Government agencies always said and added that cases of cus- Spokesperson for Nepal lation to the alleged custodial As many as sixteen people and one each in Gandaki
say they are committed to pro- todial death were rising mainly Police Basanta Bahadur Kun- death is concerned, it de- tested positive for antigens and Lumbini.
tecting human rights, but for two reasons: Those responsi- war said that in recent cases pends on the investigation in the past 24 hours. Kathmandu and Lalitpur
they have failed to prevent cus- ble for custodial deaths are nei- of custodial death, independ- report,” Kunwar said and According to the Ministry districts have more than 500
todial deaths. ther investigated nor punished ent committees comprising added that police was trying of Health and Population, active cases of coronavirus
Mohmmed Hakim Shah of and rights organisations are not home ministry officials were prevent custodial death . 325 people were discharged infection.
Sunsari, who had been detained allowed to visit custodies.
on the charge of indecent be- Human rights lawyer Mohan
haviour, was found dead in po- Kumar Karna said that all deaths
lice custody in October. Ladai where the victims’ families ac-
Sah, who had been serving jail cused police of negligence or
Updated COVID-19 figures sentence in Rautahat District torture should be investigated.
Prison, was found dead in the “Sometimes a detainee may die
on Saturday second week of November. of natural causes in police custo-
Confirmed cases 820,724 While police and government dy, but when a detainee dies due
authorities said both victims to torture or police negligence,
Total tests (PCR) 4,604,396 committed suicide, the victims’ then such incidents should be
families have accused police of investigated by a fair and impar-
New Tests 4,907 foul play. tial mechanism,” Karna argued.
Project Manager of Advocacy Associate Professor of law Bal-
In Quarantine 98 Forum Bikash Basnet and Direc- ram Prasad Raut said, “Police in-
tor of Amnesty International, flict psychological and physical
In Isolation 7,156 Nepal Nirajan Thapaliya said an torture on the detainees and
Recovered 802,047 independent and impartial sometimes that leads to death.”
mechanism was needed to Raut added that although the
Deaths 11,521 probe custodial deaths. cops took detainees to health
“Police are always blamed for centres for check-up, the pro-
(Source: MoHP)
custodial death and the existing cess was a mere ritual. “Police do
laws require the victim’s family not want to hear the word ‘no’
to file an FIR at the same police from detainees. They want to
station which creates a situation force detainees to admit their
of conflict of interest. This prob- crime and therefore they inflict
lem can be resolved only physical and mental torture on
through a fair and impartial them or their family members,”
investigation mechanism,” Bas- Raut said and added that under
net argued. the existing laws, inflicting phys-
Thapaliya said impartial in- ical or mental pain on detainees
vestigation mechanism should or their families was a crime and
be considered for all deaths oc- the perpetrators of such crime
curring in prison. He said that were liable to punishment. They
often people from marginalised also have to provide compensa-
&/2%8 communities were found dead tion to the victim’s family. He
CURRENCY UNIT BUYING (in Rs) SELLING (in Rs) in mysterious circumstances in said none of the custodial deaths
Indian Rs 100 160.00 160.15 police custody. “If police custody had been impartially and inde-
US Dollar 1 119.50 120.10 cannot be safe for detainees, an- pendently investigated so far.
Euro 1 134.59 135.27 ybody who is taken into police Member of National Human
Pound Sterling 1 159.10 159.90 custody for questioning or probe Rights Commission Surya
Swiss Franc 1 128.94 129.59 could lose their lives,” he said. Dhungel said his office had been
Japanese Yen 10 10.47 10.52 Detainees who are supposed trying to investigate custodial
Chinese Yuan 1 18.70 18.80 to be safe in state custody are deaths, but NHRC investigation
The foreign exchange rates are fixed by Nepal Rastra Bank
sometimes found dead in mys- could take some time due to a
terious circumstances, Basnet number of factors.

Omicron: How worried should we be?

Reuters cron, as a SARS-CoV-2 ‘var- nity are threatened. move indoors to avoid win-
California, November 27 iant of concern,’ saying it Scientists say it could be ter weather.
may spread more quickly several weeks before they Beyond government re-
The new Omicron corona- than other forms of coro- can define the type of dis- strictions such as travel
virus variant, identified navirus. The new variant ease caused by the variant, curbs, individuals should
first in South Africa, but has over 30 mutations in determine how contagious still assess their own vul-
also detected in Europe the part of the virus that it is and identify how far it nerability to COVID and
and Asia, is raising concern current vaccines target. has already spread. tolerance for risk as they
worldwide given the num- The mutations are likely to The biggest question is make travel decisions for
ber of mutations, which render certain COVID-19 whether protection from the winter holidays.
might help it spread or treatments ineffective, said COVID-19 vaccines will Vaccination should re-
even evade antibodies Dr David Ho, professor of hold up. And, will people main a priority despite
from prior infection or vac- microbiology and immu- previously infected with questions about effective-
cination. nology at Columbia Uni- the coronavirus be im- ness against Omicro.
News of the variant versity. mune to Omicron? Everyone should also
prompted countries to an- Experimental antiviral Experts also don’t yet continue to wear masks,
nounce new travel restric- pills such as Pfizer Inc’s know whether Omicron avoid crowds, ventilate
tions and sent drugmakers Paxlovid and Merck & Co will cause more or less se- rooms, and wash hands.
scrambling to see if their Inc’s molnupiravir target vere COVID-19 compared “We have all those tools
COVID-19 vaccines remain parts of the virus that are to other coronavir us that will work against any
protective. not changed in Omicron, strains. variant,” said Dr Eric Topol,
The World Health Organ- and these could become Even without the new director of the Scripps Re-
isation classified the important if vaccine-in- variant, US COVID-19 rates search Translational Insti-
B.1.1.529 variant, or Omi- duced and natural immu- have increased as people tute in La Jolla, California.


Mercury starts dipping as winter closes in

Himalayan News Service ple of days. The minimum days, the maximum tempera- Meteorological Forecasting flowing moisture filled cold bringing cold temperature.
s/.#%/6 %2
Health worker dies
Kathmandu, November 27 temperature in Kathmandu ture has remained at around Division. “The minimum tem- wind inside the country. This Also, days becomes shorter
has decreased by almost one 20 degree Celsius. Yesterday, perature has dropped swiftly will continue to create cloudy and nights longer in the winter RAJBIRAJ: A health worker committed
The mercury has dropped due degree Celsius with each pass- Kathmandu recorded maxi- compared to the maximum weather in Province 1, Bagma- while the land surface be- suicide by jumping into the
to the influence of various ing day in the past few days, as mum temperature at 19.6 de- temperature which has made ti, and Gandaki for the next comes cold. Saptakoshi River on Saturday. A resi-
seasonal impacts and local per meteorologists. Yesterday, grees Celsius. Meteorologists people feel the chilling cold in two days. Similarly, the north-western dent of Jhapa’s Damak Municipality-,
phenomenon as a few more the minimum temperature say that people’s perception of the past couple of days,” Light rainfall is also likely in wind flowing in winter brings Suvash Nepal, 45, jumped into sluice
days are left for the official was recorded at 7.6 degrees winter is normally high when Pradhananga added. the mountainous region of in chill air from the Himalayan no 52 of Saptakoshi barrage and killed
onset of the winter season in Celsius in Kathmandu while the minimum temperature He further said cloudy these provinces. Likewise, ranges, thereby further de- himself at Hanumannagar Kankalini
the country. meteorologists unofficially dips suddenly while maxi- weather in Kathmandu in the Tarai region is also likely to creasing the temperature in Municipality at around 11:45am, ac-
Winter is said to enter the said that temperature was be- mum temperature drops past couple of days also result- witness fog for the next few Nepal. cording to police. He was working as
country from December 1, but low 6.5 degree Celsius this down gradually. ed in the swift decline in the days, as per MFD. The MFD has called every- AHW at Morang District Health Of-
people living in Kathmandu morning. On Thursday, the “Similar conditions are seen temperature. This is because Winter occurs in the coun- one to become extra cautious fice. The cause of the suicide is not
valley have already experi- minimum temperature was at in Kathmandu these days,” of the low-pressure system try as the sun shifts towards and keep themselves warm as known. Locals had reported to the po-
enced comparatively cold 8.8 degrees Celsius. said Raju Pradhananga, senior created around the northern the southern hemisphere and sudden cold can affect health lice after they saw Nepal jump into
temperature in the past cou- But unlike in the core winter Divisional Meteorologist of part of Bangladesh that is far from the Earth, thereby in different ways. sluice No 52 of Koshi barrage. Police
recovered the body after two hours,
said DSP Madhav Prasad Kafle. The

Maoist Centre’s body has been sent to a hospital for

post-mortem. — HNS

Accident claims two

local-level RUPANDEHI: A person and his son
died when a Belahiya-bound truck hit
the motorcycle they were riding at

conventions held Barmeli Chowk of Bhairahawa along

the Siddhartha Highway on Saturday.
The deceased have been identified as
Gita Nath Khanal, 53, of Chapakot
Rastriya Samachar Samiti conventions in Lalitpur, said Municipality, Syangja, and his
that a new wave had been 13-year-old son Sudip. Both of them
Kathmandu, November 27 died at Universal College of Medical
seen in favour of the party.
The CPN-Maoist Centre Secretary Dhakal also at- Sciences in Bhairahawa, said the po-
conducted its local level tended conventions in two lice. The truck driver and the truck
conventions across the local levels in the district of have been taken under control. — RSS
country today. Tanahun while the party’s
Party Chairman Pushpa central election commis- Public welfare
Kamal Dahal inaugurated sion’s Chief Bishnu Pukar
LALITPUR: Chairperson of CPN-Uni-
the conventions virtually Shrestha was present in
fied Socialist Madhav Kumar Nepal
from Kathmandu. the convention of Nilkantha
has said his party was for people’s
The party’s Central Office Municipality in Dhading
welfare. At a programme organised to
Secretary Shreeram Dhakal district.
announce Godawari municipal com-
said that processes were ini- Party leader and Minister
mittee of the party here on Saturday,
tiated for the selection of of Land Reforms, Coopera-
Nepal asserted that the party he was
new leadership after com- tive and Poverty Alleviation
leading was against injustice and an-
pleting the inaugural session Shashi Shrestha took part in
archy. “CPN-Unified Socialist
in most of the local levels. the party’s convention in
emerged out of revolt. It unites all
According to him, the Madhyapur Thimi.
progressive forces and communist
leadership has been elected Finance Minister and
parties and advocates for poor peo-
unopposed in most of the Maoist leader Janardan
ple.” Party standing committee mem-
districts’ local levels while Sharma visited Athbiskot
ber and Minister of Health and Popu-
some local levels conducted Municipality and Baphikot
lation Birodh Khatiwada accused the
election to choose the new Rural Municipality in Ru-
UML of giving up thoughts and com-
leadership. kum district to participate in
mitment. — RSS
Dhakal stated that the the local-level conventions
leadership in all local of the party there and
A view of the increased number of tourists enjoying boat ride on the Fewa Lake in Pokhara, on Saturday. levels would be selected by pledged to make the Maoist Toilets go unused
tomorrow. Centre the single largest par- BAJURA: Public toilets have gone use-
Processes for the selection ty in the election. less at Bajura headquarters. Bajura
Need of Oli to choose UML office-bearers of new leadership have been
initiated in Kathmandu val-
ley as well.
The party yesterday held
776 local-level conventions,
including 753 local levels,
was declared open defecation free
district seven years ago. The head-
quarters is littered with urine and fae-

capable Rastriya Samachar Samiti

Sauraha, November 27
man Bhim Rawal announced
his candidacy during the
closed-door session while
UML’s assistant General
Secretary Bishnu Prasad Pou-
del said different clusters, in-
Maoist leaders attending
the conventions in the local
levels said that they were
party’s liaison coordination
committees and special
ces. Due to the concerned authorities’
apathy, some latrines are dilapidated,
while some have not come into use.
The closed-door session of challenging the proposal that cluding women, indigenous, elated after witnessing active From the conventions, the
leadership in the ongoing 10th National
Congress of the CPN-UML
has given responsibility to
gives authority to Oli to select
the entire new team.
Chairman Oli will also pro-
Muslim, Tharu, backward so-
ciety and others, would be
represented in the 301-mem-
participation of leaders, cad-
res and citizens in the party’s
gatherings. Likewise, leaders
Maoist Centre also picked
representatives for the par-
ty’s province conference to
Traders, local people and others are
bearing the brunt. — HNS

NC stressed party Chairman KP Sharma

Oli to present the name-list of
office-bearers and central
pose the members of central
accounts commission and
central discipline commis-
ber central committee.
In today’s closed-door ses-
sion, Oli urged the entire par-
of the Maoist Centre also at-
tended the conventions in
different districts.
be held on December 11.
The Maoist Centre is
organising its national con-
Rastriya Samachar Samiti committee members. sion. Both the commissions ty rank and file to make the Pampha Bhusal, who took ference from December EMERGENCY
Kathmandu, November 27 However, party Vice-chair- will have 25 members each. UML united. part in different local levels’ 26 to 28.

Nepali Congress leader Prakash-

man Singh has pointed out
the need for capable leadership
in the party to make it strong and
10 persons held with Police Control Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Traffic Police Control Room . . . . . . . . 103
Singh said this at a programme
organised to announce candidacy
of the panel of the presidential
sandalwood essential oil Fire Fighters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Traffic Jam Information (SMS) . . . JAM 4321
Emergency Police Service . . . . . . . 4228435
candidate of the NC, Kathmandu, Himalayan News Service started smuggling and trading in
Krishna (Sabuj) Baniya. Kathmandu, November 27 the form of powder and prayer Crime Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4412748
“Such leadership is required beads.
Child Missing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
from the 14th General Conven- Police arrested 10 people with 35 The oil is distilled from the
tion in order to run the party in an litres of red sandalwood essen- wood of an entire tree, including Nepal Electricity Authority . . . . . . . 4153164
institutional manner and as per tial oil from Tilganga, Kathman- stump and roots. It is also used Blood Bank, Pradarshani Marg. . . . . 4225344
the rule and regulation,” he du Metropolitan City. in Ayurvedic medicine for treat-
shared. He mentioned that the NC A special team of Metropoli- ment of both somatic and men- Nepal Red Cross Society, Teku . . . . 4270650
would move ahead as per the wish tan Police Crime Division raided tal disorders, including common Bhaktapur Red Cross . . . . . . . . . . . 6611661
of the people after the 14th Gener- a room and took them into cus- cold, bronchitis, fever, urinary Army Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4271940
al Convention. tody. The suspects include Hem tract infections, and inflamma-
The NC should seriously ana- Kumar Shrestha of Sindhuli, tion. Jorpati-Gokarna road section being black-topped, in Kathmandu, on Saturday. Bir Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4221988
lyse why the party was defeated in Mangal Singh Lho of Makawan- Red sandalwood is an aromat- Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital . . . . . . 6611532
the three-tier election, added the pur, Karsang Lama of Bhaktapur, ic tropical hardwood tree en-
Chirayu National Hospital. . . . . . . . 5905888
NC leader. Saying top leaders
should be the guardians for taking
the party ahead in a systematic
Ghanashyam Ale Magar and
Jeevan Thapa of Khotang,
Sudeep Thadrai of Tanahun and
demic to southern India. It does
not grow naturally in Nepal.
It is listed under Appendix II of
‘Stay alert for new COVID variant’ Kanti Children Hospital. . . . . . . . . . 4411550
Norvic Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4258554
way, NC central committee mem- Ikram Shrestha, Madan Pode, Convention on International Rastriya Samachar Samiti reported anywhere across the globe, said
ber Gagan Kumar Thapa said that Anila Charan Shrestha and Anup Trade in Endangered Species of Joint Secretary at the ministry Dr Samir Police Hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4412430
Kathmandu, November 27
the 14th GC should elect a leader- Kumar Shrestha of Kathmandu. Wild Fauna and Flora, to which Kumar Adhikari. So caution is necessary, Patan Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5522295
ship that gives hope and trust to They were arrested in the act Nepal is a party. In the wake of the new COVID-19 variant he added. The World Health Organisation
Om Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4476225
the people. of trading in the aromatic oil for Thus, Nepal is obliged to out- reported lately in South Africa, the Minis- has classified the variant as ‘of concern’.
Thapa urged all to cast their Rs 500,000 per litre yesterday. law transportation, possession, try of Health and Population has urged “Following this, we have stepped up vigil Star Hospital, Sanepa . . . . . . . . . . . 5550197
vote in a prudent manner. The red sandalwood essential sale and distribution of the rare people to remain cautious and follow the on people visiting Nepal through South Teaching Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4412505
Similarly, NC Kathmandu Presi- oil was stored in jerry cans inside wood and its extracts. health protocols. Africa,” he said.
dent candidate, Krishna (Sabuj) the room. The oil is mainly used Meanwhile, the arrestees have The variant classified as B 1.1.529 could There is no need to worry as the variant Grande Hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5159266
Baniya, said that he was going to for aromatic therapy, body mas- been handed over to The Divi- spread to Nepal as well. So people visiting has not been reported in Nepal. But cau- Dr. Iwamura Memorial Hospital . . . 6612695
file his candidacy for the post of sage and to cure skin diseases. sion Forest Office, Kathmandu Nepal through South Africa should com- tion is necessary, he said. “At present, the
Tilganga Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5970048
president for the second term in After police stepped up crack- for further investigation and le- pulsorily stay in a week-long quarantine number of COVID-19 cases is decreasing.
order to make the NC organisa- down on smuggling of red san- gal action under the existing For- facility, said the ministry. But the risks still persist. So there is a need Hearse (Shav Vahan). . . . . . . . . . . . . 6612266
tion stronger. dalwood logs, racketeers have est Act. Nepal is at risk when a virus variant is to follow health protocols.”

Making Nepal a middle-income developing nation: Opportunities and challenges

Rastriya Samachar Samiti proposal on the basis of Gross opment prospects. ment and trade partners, and vided on the question of remov- grading in collaboration with bi- Economic and Social Council, to
Kathmandu, November 27 National Income, Human Asset Although the challenge for Ne- creating a conducive environ- ing Nepal from the list of poor lateral, regional and multilateral analyse the adequacy of the pre-
and Economic and Environmen- pal is to increase the income of ment for investment. countries and restoring its lost development and trade partners, paratory period at its 2024 trien-
The 40th plenary meeting of the tal Vulnerability, in view of the every Nepali, free them from the It has become imperative for image to the world community. including the UN system. nial review and recommend fur-
76th Session of the United unwavering plan of the Govern- vicious cycle of poverty and keep the country’s political leadership Even though Nepal, as a least The five-year preparatory peri- ther extension if necessary. The
Nations General Assembly unan- ment of Nepal to realise the na- them busy in sustainable income to immediately engage in dia- developed country, will continue od is provided for a smooth tran- resolution also invites Nepal and
imously adopted a resolution tional aspiration of ‘Prosperous generation, upgrading can be logue with Nepal’s bilateral and receiving favour, facilities, con- sition, recognising the effect of the other two graduating coun-
on Thursday endorsing the grad- Nepal, Happy Nepali’ reflected in marketed as an attractive desti- multilateral development and cessions and assistance from the the COVID-19 pandemic and the tries to prepare smooth national
uation of Nepal from the Least the 15th Periodic Plan. nation for foreign direct invest- trade partners to ensure that the international community till De- resulting need to implement pol- transition strategies, with the
Developed Country category It is a matter of pride for all Ne- ment and there is ample oppor- common ‘agenda’ of national de- cember 2026, it will be reduced icies and strategies to reverse the support of the UN system and in
with the preparatory period palis that Nepal, which has been tunity to increase domestic pri- velopment remains the same, thereafter. In order to work with a pandemic’s damage to the eco- cooperation with their bilateral,
of five years. a victim of poverty and back- vate sector investment for despite political differences. For clear action plan focusing on the nomic and social sectors. The regional, and multilateral devel-
With the unanimous adoption wardness for more than five dec- smooth upgradation. There is no that, strong will and sincerity country’s abundant water re- five-year transition period is pro- opment and trading partners.
of the proposal, it has become in- ades, is moving towards transfor- alternative to moving forward for must be demonstrated. sources, commercialisation of vided on an exceptional basis After the adoption of the reso-
evitable to focus the vision of all mation into a middle-income sustainable and irreversible de- Nepal’s political leadership, agriculture, optimum utilisation mainly in the context of the COV- lution, Nepal has reiterated its
political players on the activities developing country. Not only has velopment by gradually devising which has been able to resolve of forest and forest products, in- ID-19 pandemic, which would commitment to making all-out
of national income generation, the country’s uplift been a sign of development strategies, expedit- the a decade-long armed conflict cluding herbal medicine and normally be for three years. efforts for smooth graduation
and maintain political stability progress, but it has also sent a ing policy and procedural re- peacefully, once again should tourism sectors, it has become The resolution has mandated with the enhanced level of sup-
for the next five years. positive message to the world forms and adjustments in coop- take advantage of the opportuni- imperative to formulate a na- the Committee on Development port from development partners,
The meeting approved Nepal’s community about Nepal’s devel- eration with Nepal’s develop- ty to exhibit that they are not di- tional transition strategy of up- Policy, a subsidiary body of the including the UN system.


Modi orders review of

reopening on Omicron
COVID concerns
Reuters with a specific focus on different from the one
New Delhi, November 27 countries identified ‘at risk’, existing coronavirus that
the government said in a vaccines are based on,
Indian Prime Minister Nar- statement after he met has raised global alarms
endra Modi told officials to- with officials to review the and frightened financial
day to review plans to ease COVID-19 and vaccination markets.
travel restrictions as con- situation. Modi said people must be
cerns rise over the new Omi- The WHO said Omicron, more cautious and take
cron variant of COVID-19. initially detected in South proper precautions, such as
The world’s second-worst Africa, may spread more wearing masks and social
affected country by the pan- quickly than other forms. distancing. He ‘spoke about
demic had only yesterday This week, India posted the need to be proactive
decided to resume interna- the smallest rise in new cas- in light of the new variant,’
tional passenger flights from es in one-and-a-half years, the statement said. “He di-
countries deemed ‘at risk’ of due to increased vaccina- rected that intensive con-
the coronavirus, while or- tions and antibodies in a tainment and active surveil-
dering tightened border large section of its popula- lance should continue in
screening. tion from previous infec- clusters reporting higher
But after the World Health tions. The nation’s daily cases and required technical
Organisation declared the caseload has halved since support be provided to
new variant to be ‘of con- September. It reported 8,318 states which are reporting
cern’, Modi highlighted the new cases in the last 24 higher cases presently.”
need for monitoring all in- hours. Modi told officials to ac-
ternational arrivals, their But the new variant, with a celerate second-dose cover-
testing as per guidelines, spike protein dramatically age, it said. People taking pictures of a Christmas decorated tree during sunset at Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong, on Saturday.

China urges US Afghan girls appear for entrance exams United States, others concerned
to stop official for Turkish-run schools in Kabul about Myanmar military offensive
interaction Reuters
Kabul, November 27
seized power in August. “We want
all girls to be educated. This is our
ban say they are still working on a
national system.
Washington, November 27
statement, the nations ex-
pressed their ‘grave concern’
ployment of thousands of
troops accompanying what

with Taiwan Hundreds of Afghan girls took en-

trance exams yesterday for a Turkish
president’s and our government’s
wish and that of Afghans,” the Edu-
cational Councillor at Kabul’s Turk-
An official of the Taliban-led edu-
cation ministry, Ehsan Khateb, also
attended the ceremony and
The United States issued a
joint statement along with
over reports of abuses, in-
cluding sexual violence and
torture, especially in the
security forces assert are
counter-terrorism opera-
tions, which are dispropor-
Xinhua foundation in Kabul that runs some ish Embassy, Changez Idmir, said at thanked the Turkish government. Australia, Canada, New Zea- northwestern area that com- tionately impacting civil-
Beijing, November 27 of Afghanistan’s most highly regard- a news conference to mark the Afghan-Turk schools have had to land, Norway, South Korea prises Chin State and the re- ians,” the countries said.
ed schools, despite a delay by the holding of the entrance tests. make changes to their curriculum, and Britain expressing con- gions of Sagaing and Magwe, The UN Security Council
A foreign ministry spokesperson Taliban in allowing the 13-year-olds Facing mounting global pressure, shutting music, theatre and dance cern over a military offensive where at least 50,000 people on November 10 issued a
of China yesterday urged the Unit- to return to the classroom. the Taliban have said they will allow departments at the request of Talib- in Myanmar that they say is are reported to have been statement expressing con-
ed States to earnestly abide by the Some 3,500 students sat the high- older girls to resume classes once an officials, the head of the Turkish disproportionately harming displaced. They called for cern and calling for the ces-
one-China principle and the three ly competitive exams for the Af- arrangements are made to ensure educational foundation, Salleh civilians. the junta, which has been sation of violence.
China-US Joint Communiqués, ghan-Turk school system, with girls they can do so in conformity with Saghar, told Reuters. The founda- Washington and other na- accused of destroying The seven nations went
and immediately stop all forms of making up almost 40 per cent of what the movement considers tion respected the rules and culture tions have repeatedly de- homes and churches, to im- further, calling for countries
official interaction with Taiwan. candidates, Reza Parsa, a school of- proper Islamic standards. of the host country, he said. nounced a February 1 coup mediately end the violence. to ‘suspend all operational
The visit to Taiwan by certain ficial, said. Afghan-Turk schools are regarded “Like the music, theatre and that threw the Southeast “We are concerned about support to the military, and
US lawmakers gravely violates the The move came despite the Talib- among the top schools in Afghani- dancing department ... based on Asian country into turmoil, allegations of weapons to cease the transfer of arms,
one-China principle and stipula- an government’s delay in authoris- stan and admission is highly com- Taliban requests we closed the de- with regional militias taking stockpiling and attacks by materiel, dual-use equip-
tions of the three China-US Joint ing girls above grade 7 - aged about petitive. Unofficially, many parts of partments,” he said, and it was for up arms after the military at- the military, including shell- ment, and technical assis-
Communiqués and sends a seri- 13 - to return to school following a the country have seen older girls re- the Taliban government to decide if tempted to crush wide- ing and airstrikes, use of tance to the military and its
ously wrong signal that the US is ban imposed when the movement start classes, while officially the Tali- they would reopen. spread protests. In their joint heavy weapons, and the de- representatives.”
supporting the ‘Taiwan independ-
ence’ separatist forces, spokesper-
son Zhao Lijian said at a daily
press briefing. “China strongly de-
plores and firmly rejects this and
has lodged solemn representation
Sri Lanka bans travellers from
with the US side,” he said.
Noting that China’s reunifica-
tion is an unstoppable trend of
six African nations
history, Zhao said the clumsy Reuters kan government said in a statement.
show put up by certain US politi- Mumbai, November 27 Travellers who arrived from these
cians and the Taiwan authorities six countries over the past two days
is only to be overwhelmed by Chi- Sri Lanka today said that it was barring will have to undergo mandatory 14
na’s reunification process and can travellers from six Southern African days of quarantine.
never change the unbreakable countries with effect from Monday The World Health Organisation
landscape where 180 countries in over concerns about the new Omicron yesterday declared the new coronavi-
the world are committed to the variant of the coronavirus that has rus variant to be “of concern” as it
one-China principle. “A stern originated from South Africa and has spreads very fast
warning to the Taiwan authorities: spread quickly in African countries. It was first reported to the World
Attempting to solicit foreign sup- From Monday, travellers will not be Health Organisation from South
port and rely on the United States allowed into the country from South Africa on Wednesday and has been
to seek independence will prove a Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namib- identified in Botswana, Belgium, Hong
dead end,” he said. ia, Lesotho and Eswatini, the Sri Lan- Kong and Israel.


A Taliban fighter searching a car as he guards a checkpoint in Kabul, on Saturday.

HK drama shine at Golden Horse Awards

Associated Press in the working neighbourhood The film was a controversial topic
Taipei, November 27 of Sham Shui Po, received 12 nomina- in Hong Kong and Chow was accused
tions including for Best Director, of flouting coronavirus rules after
Taiwan’s annual Golden Horse Best Leading Actor and Best Cine- authorities raided a private screening
Awards kicked off today with a Hong matography. of the documentary in Hong Kong.
Kong drama receiving the most nomi- Two Taiwanese movies, titled ‘The Under Hong Kong laws, private
nations for the Asian equivalent of the Soul,’ ‘The Falls’ and ‘Till We Meet gatherings are not limited by corona-
Academy Awards. Again’ received 11 nominations each. virus restrictions.
The Golden Horse Awards, which ‘The Falls’ won Best Original Chow has since sold the copyright
began in 1962, is considered one of Screenplay, while ‘Drifting’ won Best of the documentary to a European
the most prestigious awards for Chi- Adapted Screenplay. ‘Revolution of distributor and disposed of all his
nese-language films. Our Times,’ a documentary about the footage, in light of risks from a
This year, the Hong Kong film Hong Kong political unrest in 2019 by sweeping national security law
‘Drifting’, which is based on a 2012 Hong Kong director Kiwi Chow, won implemented in the city following the
court case involving homeless people Best Documentary Feature. political unrest.


The Associated Press
Kyiv, November 27
Ukrainian President Volody-
‘Ukraine invasion plan
myr Zelenskyy yesterday
claimed that his country’s in-
telligence service has uncov-
malicious US propaganda’
ered plans for a Russia-backed Reuters cy, said in an interview
coup d’etat in the country set Moscow, November 27 broadcast on state televi-
for next week that allegedly sion, referring to com-
involves one of Ukraine’s rich- Russia has no plans to in- ments on Russia’s alleged
est oligarchs. vade Ukraine and sugges- invasion plans.
Both the oligarch and the tions to the contrary are “Everything that is hap-
Russian government rejected malicious US propaganda, pening around this topic
the allegations. In Nantucket, Moscow’s foreign intelli- right now is of course mali-
Massachusetts, where he is gence chief said today. cious propaganda by the
spending a holiday weekend, US, NATO and Ukraini- US State Department.”
US President Joe Biden ex- an officials have raised the Naryshkin spoke a day
pressed concern at the coup alarm in recent weeks over after the State Depart-
talk and renewed US support what they say are unusual ment’s top US diplomat for
for Ukraine’s sovereignty and Russian troop movements European affairs said all
self-government. near the border with options were on the table
At a news conference in Ukraine, suggesting that in how to respond to Rus-
Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, Moscow may be poised to sia’s troop buildup near
Zelenskyy said he received launch an attack. Ukraine’s border and that
information that a coup was Russia has repeatedly NATO would decide on the
being planned for next said it is free to move its next move after consulta-
Wednesday or Thursday. He troops on its own territory tions next week.
did not give many details to and that such movements While US officials have
back up his allegation, but should not be a cause for voiced concerns about a Gulls flying at sunset at Bang Pu seaside resort in Samut Prakan province on the outskirts of Bangkok, on Saturday.
pointed to a suspected role of concern. possible Russian attack on
Ukraine’s richest oligarch, “I need to reassure Ukraine, Moscow has ac-
Rinat Akhmetov.
The president said that
Ukrainian intelligence has au-
dio recordings of an alleged
everyone. Nothing like this
is going to happen,” Sergei
Naryshkin, head of Russia’s
foreign intelligence agen-
cused Washington, Kyiv
and NATO of provocative
and irresponsible behav-
iour near its borders.
Japan prime minister vows to step s4(%7/2,$/6%2
meeting between Russian
and Ukrainian officials dis-
cussing a plan for a coup al-
legedly funded by Akhmetov,
working to obtain additional
and Western officials have
expressed concern that a Rus-
up defence amid China, NK threats Two killed in Niger
NIAMEY: At least two people were
whose fortune is estimated at Biden told US reporters he sian military buildup near Associated Press Kishida, who took office in on power. He now advocates killed and 16 others injured in west-
$7.5 billion. expected to talk to Putin and Ukraine could signal plans October, served as top com- increasing Japanese military ern Niger on Saturday when protest-
Tokyo, November 27 ers clashed with a French military
Zelenskyy refused to dis- Zelenskyy, ‘in all probability.’ by Moscow to invade its mander for the first time at to- capability and spending.
close further details about Volodymyr Fesenko, a Ky- ex-Soviet neighbour. The Japanese Prime Minister Fu- day’s Self-Defence Force troop Yesterday, Kishida’s Cabinet convoy they blocked after it crossed
the alleged coup, saying iv-based political analyst Kremlin insists it has no such mio Kishida, at his first troop review held at the main army approved a 770 billion yen the border from Burkina Faso, the lo-
only that he doesn’t plan to and head of the Penta Centre intention and has accused review today, renewed his base Camp Asaka, north of To- ($6.8 billion) request for an ex- cal mayor said. The armoured vehi-
flee the country. think tank, told the AP that Ukraine and its Western back- pledge to consider ‘all op- kyo. “The security environ- tra defence budget through cles and logistics trucks had crossed
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Zelenskyy targeted Akhmetov ers of making the claims to tions,’ including acquiring ment surrounding Japan has March to expedite the pur- the border on Friday after being
Peskov rejected the allega- after a ‘proper information cover up their own allegedly enemy base strike capability, been rapidly changing at an chase of missiles, anti-subma- blocked in Burkina Faso for a week by
tions in comments to journal- war’ was waged against the aggressive designs. and vowed to create a stronger unprecedented speed. Things rine rockets and other weap- demonstrations there against French
ists in Moscow yesterday. president over the last two Zelenskyy said Ukraine has Self-Defence Force to protect that used to happen only in ons amid rising concern over forces’ failure to stop mounting vio-
“Russia had no plans to months on TV channels the full control of its borders and the country amid growing science-fiction novels are to- the escalation of military ac- lence by Islamist militants. Anger
get involved,” Peskov said. oligarch owns. is ready for any escalation of threats from China and North day’s reality,” Kishida said. He tivities by China, Russia and about France’s military presence in its
“Russia never does such A mass protest in front the conflict with Russia. But Korea. said his government will lead North Korea. former colonies has been rising in Ni-
things at all.” of the president’s office is he noted that the media are Kishida said the security sit- ‘calm and realistic’ discus- The request, still pending ger, Burkina Faso and other countries
Akhmetov called Zelen- also being planned for De- engaged in fearmongering uation around Japan is rapidly sions to determine what is parliamentary approval, is a in West Africa’s Sahel region where
skyy’s allegations ‘an absolute cember 1. over the possibility of such a changing and that ‘the reality needed to protect people’s record for an extra defence France has thousands of troops to
lie.’ “I am outraged by the The analyst pointed to great conflict. He also said that the is severer than ever,’ with lives and gain their under- budget and will bring Japan’s fight local affiliates of al Qaeda and Is-
spread of this lie, no matter discontent among Ukrainian head of his office, Andriy Yer- North Korea continuing to standing. military spending for the cur- lamic State. Last weekend, hundreds
what the president’s motives oligarchs, including mak, will soon be in contact test-fire ballistic missiles while The possibility of possess- rent year to a new high of of people in the Burkinabe city of
are,” Akhmetov said in a state- Akhmetov, over a law pushed with the Russian authorities at advancing its capability, and ing so-called enemy base more than 6.1 trillion yen Kaya blocked the French convoy,
ment, relayed to the Associat- by Zelenskyy that limits their the request of the European China pursuing a military strike capability has been a di- ($53.2 billion), up 15 per cent which is on its way from Ivory Coast
ed Press by his spokeswoman influence on politics. Council President Charles buildup and increasingly as- visive issue because oppo- from 5.31 trillion yen in 2020. to Mali. It was able to leave Burkina
Anna Terekhova. Fesenko called Zelenskyy’s Michel and German Chancel- sertive activity in the region. nents say it violates Japan’s The combined budget for Faso on Friday but ran into new pro-
Asked about the alleged reference to Akhmetov in con- lor Angela Merkel. “I will consider all options, war-renouncing Constitution. 2021 will be just over 1 per tests on Saturday morning less than
coup plans, the US State De- nection with the alleged coup “They want contacts be- including possessing so-called Kishida has shifted his dov- cent of Japan’s GDP, keeping 30 km across the border in the west-
partment’s top official for ‘a pre-emptive signal’ for the tween our administration and enemy base strike capability, ish stance to a more hawkish its customary cap. ern Niger town of Tera, where it had
European and Eurasian af- oligarch not to get in involved the Russian administration. I to pursue strengthening of de- one, apparently to please in- Kishida has said he is open stopped to spend the night. Hamma
fairs, Karen Donfried, said: in risky political ventures, think that in the near future fence power that is necessary,” fluential leaders within his to doubling Japan’s military Mamoudou, the mayor of Tera, told
“We are in touch with the cross the red lines and negoti- Yermak will contact them. We Kishida said in an address to governing party, including for- spending to cope with Reuters that two of the protesters
Ukrainian government to dis- ate with Moscow.” are absolutely not against hundreds of Ground Self-De- mer Prime Minister Shinzo the worsening security envi- were killed and 16 others injured dur-
cuss this further, and we’re In recent weeks, Ukrainian this,” Zelenskyy said. fence Force members. Abe, and to strengthen his grip ronment. ing the standoff. — Reuters

Travel controls
100 pc of 4HAILANDBANSTRAVELLERS BUDAPEST: Hungary will impose re-
strictions on travellers from Botswa-

population FROMEIGHT!FRICAN na, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique,

Namibia, South Africa and Zimba-
bwe, the government said on Satur-

day after a new coronavirus variant

received one Agence France Presse From today they will be

was detected in South Africa. Hunga-
ry said it was joining a European
Union move to curb air travel from

COVID jab: UAE Bangkok, November 27

Thailand said today it would
unable to register to enter
the country. “Those that
have already been approved
southern Africa and that its measures
would be published in a government
decree later in the day. On Friday,
Agence France Presse ban travellers from eight to enter the country from all 27 EU member states ‘agreed on
southern African countries these eight countries will be the need to activate the emergency
Abu Dhabi, November 27 brake & impose temporary restric-
where a new COVID-19 ordered to undergo an addi-
One hundred per cent of the United strain has emerged. tional 14-day mandatory tions on all travel into EU from
Arab Emirates’ population has re- The World Health Organi- quarantine, starting now,” southern Africa”, the current Sloveni-
ceived at least one dose of a vaccine sation has named the new department director general an presidency of the EU said on
against COVID-19, the health min- ‘variant of concern’ Omi- Opas Karnkawinpong told Twitter. — Reuters
istry has said. cron, and scientists are rac- reporters.
The announcement late yester- ing to understand it and People from other African Flights suspended
day came amid growing global con- whether vaccines need ad- countries who have already
NAIROBI: Mauritius will suspend all
cern over a new COVID variant justments. The variant has secured approval to visit
commercial passenger flights from
dubbed Omicron that was first de- already reached Asia and Eu- Thailand will be subject to
South Africa from November 28 due
tected by South Africa. rope with one case in Hong 14 days in hotel quarantine.
to the new coronavirus variant Omi-
The World Health Organisation Kong and a confirmed infec- Opas noted that no African
cron, its foreign affairs ministry said
said the new variant is more infec- tion in Belgium. countries are on a list of 63
on Saturday. A ministry statement
tious than the dominant, highly Thailand’s disease control nations eligible for quaran-
also said any passengers who have
transmissible Delta strain, and sev- department said people tine-free travel to Thailand
been physically present in South
eral countries, including the UAE, from Botswana, Eswatini, which started this month.
Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Botswana,
have restricted travel from a num- Lesotho, Malawi, Mozam- Thailand has recorded
Eswatini and Zimbabwe will be de-
ber of south African countries. bique, Namibia, South more than 2.1 million COV-
nied entry or transit through Mauri-
According to the UAE health min- Africa, and Zimbabwe would ID infections, the lion’s share
Reuters tius. — Reuters
istry, ‘a total of 21,802,032 doses’ of be barred entr y from since the Delta variant took
COVID vaccine have been adminis- Protesters demonstrating against migrant deaths, in London, on Saturday. December. off in April.
tered in the Gulf Arab nation.
“One hundred per cent (of the
population) have received one
dose” while “90.18 percent are fully
The UAE — a federation of seven
emirates — is home to around 10 Associated Press in the dry bed of the Zayan- wounds in his back from bird- water from Isfahan to other government-set gasoline prices and Agriculture Organisation.
million people, a majority of whom Dubai, November 27 dehrud River in the city of Isfa- shot. They also show similar provinces Thursday night. Some that Amnesty International says The Iran Meteorological Organi-
are expats. The energy-rich Arab han. The videos correspond to unrest in nearby streets in Isfa- people in Isfahan later reported saw over 300 people killed. sation says that an estimated 97
country was considered as far back Police fired tear gas and bird- reporting by The Associated han, which is 340 kilometres that mobile internet service was Farmers reportedly ended a per cent of the country now fac-
as July a leader in terms of popula- shot while fighting protesters Press and satellite images of the south of Tehran. disrupted in the city. The group long protest in the area on es some level of drought.
tion in inoculating people against with batons yesterday in a area, as well as some semioffi- The Iranian semiofficial Fars NetBlocks reported an outage in Thursday after authorities The farming area around Isfa-
COVID. central Iranian city that has cial Iranian news agency ac- news agency said a heavy pres- recent days that also affected promised to compensate them han was once well supplied
In October, the UAE declared it seen days of demonstrations counts of the unrest. ence of security forces brought the southwestern city of Ahvaz for losses suffered in by the Zayandehrud River, but
had overcome the coronavirus crisis demanding government action Videos from Human Rights the gathering of some 500 peo- amid water protests there. drought-stricken areas of cen- nearby factories have increas-
after recording its lowest number over a drought, online videos Activists in Iran show demon- ple in Isfahan to an end. A sepa- Iran in the past has shut down tral Iran. ingly drawn on it over the years.
of infections that month. The UAE show. strators throwing stones at po- rate report carried by the semi- both mobile and landline inter- Drought has been a problem The river once flowed under
has so far recorded more than The social media videos and lice, while others depict blood- official Tasnim agency said un- net to halt protests. That includ- in Iran for some 30 years, but it historic bridges in Isfahan’s
741,000 cases of Covid-19, including others from activists show ied protesters, including one known perpetrators had dam- ed a nationwide shutdown dur- has worsened over the past dec- city centre, but is now a barren
2,145 deaths. police and protesters clashing man who appeared to have aged a pipeline that transfers ing 2019 protests over rising ade, according to the UN’s Food strip of dirt.

The Himalayan ON S U N D A Y

Tony Bennett Lady Gaga Pop Smoke Chick Corea DM Brandi Carlile

Grammys 2022: An acknowledgement of

the excellence of music
A quick look J
on Batiste might be the Grammys
biggest surprise: The multi-genre
performer and recent Oscar winner
made such an impression on
voters that he scored the most
nominations with 11 on November 22.
in three genres. All voters can vote for the
top four awards.
The new system replaced the anony-
mous nominations review committee — a
group that determined the contenders for
key awards. Some claimed committee

ith new rules in Batiste earned an album of the year nod members favoured projects based on per-
place this year and for We Are along with record of the year sonal relationships and promoted projects
a promise to re- with Freedom, a feel-good ode to the city of they favoured and worked on.
gain trust among New Orleans. His nominations span several Mason knows the new voting system
its members, the genres including R&B, jazz, American roots might not be perfect at first, but he believes
Recording Acade- music, classical and music video. the initiative will produce fair results in the
my released its nominations on No- “Oh my goodness. I’m still in a state of long run.
vember 22 for its 64th Grammy astonishment and shock,” Batiste told “I know we didn’t get every single one
Awards. Here are some facts about this The Associated Press moments after perfect,” Mason said. “I know there will
year’s nominees: learning of the nominations. “I’m just be some people that feel left out or that
really happy that we were able to make we missed a nomination here or there.
A RETIREE Anderson .Paak and Bruno Mars
Photos: AP
something in complete artistic integrity
and have it be recognised.”
That makes me sad because I don’t
want anybody to have that feeling. But I do
REVOLUTION Justin Bieber, Doja Cat and H.E.R. feel like we’re heading in the right direction.
each came away with the second-most I’m pleased with the way our voters did
Certainly pop music tends to cater nominations with eight by the time the the work.”
to young teens, but this year’s record of Recording Academy was done announcing Batiste credited the changes to his nom-
the year category nominees range its nominees for its January 31, 2022 inations: “I really just want to give props to
from ages 95 to 18, with names that show. Billie Eilish and Olivia Rodrigo both the Grammys. They tried this year to make
multi-generational families will all rec- had seven nods. the process more inclusive and be about
ognise. Tony Bennett, the oldest of the Along with Batiste’s surprise domination, the music first. Other creators listened to
bunch and packing 18 Grammy wins another shock was The Weeknd nabbing the music and decided to give me these
under his belt, is nominated with Lady three nominations after the pop star nominations and I’m so grateful for that.”
Gaga for their version of I Get a Kick Louis CK claimed he would not allow his label to For the first time, the academy expanded
Out of You. But Swedish pop icons submit his music. Earlier this year, he the number of nominees in the general field
ABBA aren’t resting on their laurels ei- ahit of the summer from the Korean angrily slammed the Grammys, calling categories from eight to 10. The change
ther. The four Scandinavian septuage- band, but their only Grammy nod this them “corrupt” after he received zero impacts categories such as record, album,
narians are up for their first ever year came in the best pop duo/group nominations despite 2020’s biggest single, song of the year and best new artiste.
Grammy nomination for their come- performance category. Blinding Lights. Mason said the academy increased slots
back song I Still Have Faith In You. Even though The Weeknd said he would in the general field categories after seeing
Perhaps grandparents and grandchil-
dren will have something to bond over
SILK SONIC SURPRISE boycott future Grammys, he still became a
nominee for his work on album of the year
an uptick voting participation over the past
year along with the acceptance of new
at this year’s Grammy Awards. New duo Silk Sonic made their TV projects, including Doja Cat’s deluxe edition membership invitations and a high number
debut on the last Grammy Awards Planet Her and Kanye West’s Donda. His of more than 21,730 entries submitted for
SNUBS show and now they return as nomi-
nees, although they only released a
third nomination was for his appearance
on West’s single Hurricane, which also
Grammy consideration.
“We thought the timing was right,” he
Country star Morgan Wallen’s com- small number of songs in the eligibility features Lil Baby. said. “We saw an opportunity to do what
mercial highs came at the same time of period. Of course, when the duo is Morgan Wallen “What I like is the fact that no one is the academy does — which is to highlight
his own personal lows. Wallen was 11-time Grammy winner Bruno Mars thinking about what happened before, what music, highlight the industry and highlight
caught on camera using a racial slur and four-time Grammy winner Ander- nomination comes as the comedian move the song into the pop category, was the controversy, what was the noise, or excellence in a bigger way. With the change
earlier this year, but, despite that, his son .Paak, special attention must be deals with backlash from his most instead of American roots where it was where was this artiste making music last in our voting structure, we don’t have the
album Dangerous: The Double Album paid. The duo earned four nomina- recent Netflix special and his initially submitted. year,” said Harvey Mason Jr, the Recording nomination review committee. This gives
was one of the biggest selling albums tions including record of the year, song anti-transgender remarks. Academy’s CEO. He said voters focussed our voters an opportunity to have their voice
of the year, spending 10 weeks on top of the year, best R&B song and best POSTHUMOUS NOMS on the “excellence of music” while consid- heard, but also gives them a chance to
of Billboard 200 albums chart. Wallen
was disqualified or limited from
R&B performance. BLURRING GENRES Rapper Pop Smoke, who was killed
ering nominees like Batiste and Kacey
Musgraves, whose work also crosses over
have a bigger pool to draw from when it
comes time to that one winner that takes
several music award shows this year
and the Recording Academy gave him
COMEDY COMEBACK While the Recording Academy’s new
rules this year meant ditching the
in 2020, earned another posthumous
Grammy nomination, this time
into different categories.
“The voters are truly evaluating music
home the Grammy.”
Other album of the year nominees in-
no nominations this year. Comedian Louis CK is nominated anonymous selection committees, as a contributor on Kanye West’s and not getting caught up in the reputations clude: Bieber’s Justice (Triple Chucks De-
The general record of the year and for best comedy album for Sincerely some artistes still found themselves in Donda, which is nominated for album of any other outside noise or any history of luxe), Eilish’s Happier Than Ever, West’s
song of the year categories also left out Louis CK, a comeback after acknowl- categories they didn’t want to be in. of the year. DMX earned a Grammy artistes,” he continued. “With that in mind, I Donda, Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga’s Love
some major singles that dominated edging sexual misconduct allegations Six-time Grammy winner Brandi Car- nomination for best rap song for think they’re voting for things that they are for Sale, Olivia Rodrigo’s Sour, Taylor Swift’s
both social media and the charts. Kali made against him by several women in lile is nominated for song of the year Bath Salts, featuring Jay-Z and Nas, acknowledging as excellence.” evermore and Lil Nas X’s MONTERO.
Uchis found an audience for her mixed 2017. The album came from a film that and record of the year for her single which was released after his death ear- Mason said he was pleased with the Batiste, the bandleader of The Late
language hit Telepatía on TikTok, while CK released on his website last year. Right On Time, which also got a nomi- lier this year. And jazz pianist Chick new peer-driven voting system after seeing Show with Stephen Colbert, picked up a
Cardi B extended her reign with her Dave Chappelle is also nominated nation in the best pop solo perfor- Corea has four nominations this year the list of nominees. He instituted the 10-3 bid in the best score soundtrack for
No 1 hit Up, which is nominated only this year for best spoken word album mance. But Carlile posted on social in the jazz, Latin jazz and classical cat- initiative — which allows the academy’s visual media category for his work on
for best rap performance. But a more for 8:46, a special he released last year media last month that she was disap- egories. Corea died earlier this year more than 11,000 members to vote for up Pixar’s Soul, which won him an Oscar for
surprising snub is BTS’s Butter, a meg- after the killing of George Floyd. The pointed by the academy’s decision to due to cancer. — AP to 10 categories best score earlier this year. Coming into
November 22, he had three Grammy
nominations but no wins yet.

With 83 nods, Jay-Z is most-nominated artiste for Grammys Batiste will compete for record of the
year against a bevy of candidates including
Bennett and Gaga’s I Get a Kick Out of You,
ABBA’s I Still Have Faith in You, Bieber’s

OS ANGELES: Jermaine Dupri, Money Ain’t and video received eight Peaches featuring Daniel Caesar and Gi-
Ra p p e r- p r o d u c e r a Thang. total nods. veon, Brandi Carlile’s Right on Time, Doja
Jay-Z has become He won but did not attend This did not improve his Cat’s Kiss Me More with SZA, Lil Nas X’s
the most-nominated the awards, later saying he complicated relationship MONTERO (Call Me by Your Name), Rodri-
artiste in Grammy Awards “boycotted” them because with the Grammys, and Jay-Z go’s drivers license, Eilish’s Happier Than
histor y, with his three fellow New Yorker DMX stated his opinion on the Ever and Leave The Door Open by Silk
2022 nominations pushing had not been nominated matter unequivocally Sonic — the super duo of Bruno Mars
him to 83. despite racking up two No 1 in Apesh**, released the fol- and Anderson .Paak.
He had previously been albums in a year. lowing year on his duet — AP
tied with legendary produc- Jay, who turns 52 next album with wife Beyonce,
Jon Batiste

er/composer Quincy Jones month, has been nominated Everything Is Love.

at 80, reports in 18 of the 22 Grammy The first of McCartney’s 18
Jay-Z, who last released an years since then, even wins came in 1964 with two
album in 2017, is nominated though his release schedule as a member of the Beatles,
for guest appearances with has slowed considerably over who took Best New Artist as
rapper Kanye West and the the past decade. well as one for the song A
late DMX. He currently has The Brooklyn native’s Hard Day’s Night.
23 wins. Paul McCartney, biggest Grammy-winning Next in line after Jones and
previously tied for second JAY-Z years were 2009, 2010 and Beyonce are Stevie Wonder
place with Beyonce, gains 2012, when he took home and late classical conductor
two nods in the rock catego- are nominated for 2022 Jay-Z made his Grammy three each. Georg Solti, tied with 74; and
ry and passes her and Jones awards, although Q did bow in 1999 with three nods, Ironically, he won no tro- film-music maestros Henry
for sole possession of the write the liner notes for two from his classic Vol 2 phies in his most-nominated Mancini and John Williams,
No 2 spot with 81. top nominee Jon Batiste’s Hard Knock Life album and year, 2017, when his 4:44 tied with 72, none of whom
Neither Jones nor Beyonce We Are album. one for his tag-team with album and related singles have 2022 nominations. — IANS


Madonna slams Instagram

roadway composer and Vaughan and Judy Collins,
lyricist Stephen Sond- among others. Sondheim earned
heim, who helped Amer- a best-song Academy Award in
ican musical theatre
evolve beyond pure entertain-
ment and reach new artistic
1991 for Sooner or Later (I Always
Get My Man), sung by Madonna
in the Dick Tracy movie.
for removing her pictures
heights died on November 26 at In 2015, US President Barack As if that is the only part media website ahead
the age of 91. Obama presented him the Presi- of a woman’s anatomy of Thanksgiving.
The musical great died at his dential Medal of Freedom. that could be sexualised,” Referencing the same, Ma-
home in Roxbury, Connecticut, One of Sondheim’s greatest Madonna wrote. donna said she is thankful to
spokesperson Kathryn Zucker- triumphs was the Pulitzer Prize The photographs were first have managed to maintain
man said. His eight Tony Awards he shared with composure posted by the Material Girl “my sanity through four dec-
for lyrics and music surpassed James Lapine for the 1984 musi- singer earlier this week, and ades of censorship, sexism,
total of any other composer. In cal Sunday in the Park with were removed by the social ageism and misogyny”. — PTI
2008 he also won a Special Tony George. As Sondheim collected

Award for Lifetime Achievement. accolades, New York City’s op star Madonna said she is
He started early, learning the Broadway theatre industry un- thankful to have maintained her
art of musical theatre when he derwent changes. It had a key sanity “through four decades of”
was a teenager from his mentor role in American culture through censorship, sexism, ageism and mi- YOUR LUCK
Oscar Hammerstein II. Hamil- the 1950s, with many Broadway sogyny as she blasted social media
ton creator Lin-Manuel Miran-
songs making the pop charts, platform Instagram for removing her HAPPY BIRTHDAY: You are ambitious, confident and generous. Basically,
you’re an adventurous optimist. You are charismatic and popular with others.
da, who was in turn mentored by
Sondheim, has called him musi-
cal theatre’s greatest lyricist.
Sondheim’s most successful
Broadway legend but lost significance as rock mu-
sic gained a hold on the public
starting in the 1960s. Increasing-
ly, musicals borrowed material
photographs from her official page
without any warning.
Reposting the 10 pictures which
were removed by the photosharing
Many of you have a strong love for animals. This is a strong year for you, be-
cause it’s a time of recognition and acknowledgement for you. You might get
a raise, a promotion, kudos or awards. People will admire and respect you.
Moon Alert: Avoid shopping or making important decisions after 7:00 pm
works included Into the Woods,
which opened on Broadway in
1987; the 1979 thriller Sweeney
Todd, and 1962’s A Funny Thing
Happened on the Way to the Fo-
Sondheim dies at 91 from television and movies, in-
stead of the other way around.
Sondheim said Broadway had
experienced decline, expressing
it repeatedly in interviews. But
platform for allegedly violating its
nudity policy, the 63-year-old music
icon said it is “astounding” to her that
a culture which commodifies
women’s bodies is having issues with
EST today (4:00 pm PST). The moon is in Virgo.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): You will initiate conversations
with people who are different from you. You will enjoy ex-
ploring ideas with people from different backgrounds. You
rum. He also wrote the lyrics to paramount to me,” Sondheim brated for their sharp wit and in- Broadway musicals also became a little expose. want to know more!
Leonard Bernstein’s score for said in a 2013 interview. sight into modern life and for more artistic, and Sondheim “I’m reposting photographs Insta- Tonight: Work.
West Side Story, and collaborated Several of his hit musicals giving voice to complex charac- played a key role in their evolu- gram took down without warning on This Week: Bosses favour you. ✹✹✹
with fellow composer Jule Styne were turned into movies, includ- ters, but few of them made the tion, critics said. He explored notification. The reason they gave my TAURUS (April 20-May 20): This is a good day to examine
as lyricist for Gypsy. ing the 2014 film Into the Woods, pop charts. He scored a hit, how- such weighty topics as political management that does not handle your relationship to the wealth of others. This includes debt
“I love the theatre as much as and the 2007 Sweeney Todd. A ever, and one of three Grammys violence, the human need my account was that a small portion that you share as well as shared property and jointly held
music, and the idea of getting new film version of West Side of his career, with Send in the for family and the pull of dys- of my nipple was exposed. It is still assets. How do you come off in these relationships?
across to an audience and mak- Story, directed by Stephen Spiel- Clowns from his 1973 musical A f u n c t i o n a l re l a t i o n s h i p s , astounding to me that we live in a Tonight: Socialise!
This Week: Travel for pleasure. ✹✹✹✹✹
ing them laugh, making them berg opens next month. Little Night Music. It was record- social inequality, and Western culture that allows every inch of wom-
cry — just making them feel — is Sondheim’s songs were cele- ed by Frank Sinatra, Sarah imperialism in the plays. — Reuters an’s body to be shown except a nipple. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): This is an interesting day. You
have many conversations with others. In part, this will hap-
pen because you will attract talkative people to you! Call this
a yakety-yak day. “Take out the papers and the trash …”
POTPOURRI Tonight: Cocoon at home.
This Week: Money and gifts come to you! ✹✹✹
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Today the Sun is lined up with
GARFIELD Jim Davis THE LOCKHORNS Bunny Hoest & John Reiner Mercury, which gives you a clear mind and a strong focus.
That makes this the perfect day to do routine paperwork.
Knuckle down and get this stuff out of the way, because
you’ll make great progress!
Tonight: Get busy.
This Week: Cosy times with others. ✹✹✹✹
LEO (July 23-Aug 22): Today you’re full of wonderful,
creative ideas! Enjoy any involvement in the arts or creative
projects. You especially will be effective talking to younger
people. In fact, your conversations with others might
inadvertently educate you in some way. You will learn more
about something.
Tonight: Be generous.
This Week: Work hard; party hard. ✹✹✹✹
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): Family discussions, especially
with a parent or an older relative, will be lively! This is an ex-
cellent day to sit down with someone and decide how to
tackle home repairs or make improvements either at home
or within the family.
THE BETTER HALF Glasbergen Tonight: Things go your way.
This Week: Romance and fun times. ✹✹✹✹✹
LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Let’s face it, today you’re talking a
lot! You’ve got something to say and you intend to say it.
You’re an observant sign, and you often see relationships
between events and situations that others miss.
Tonight: Quiet time.
This Week: Redecorate and entertain. ✹✹✹
SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21): Write down your moneymaking
ideas today, because you’re on fire! The Sun and
Mercury are causing your mind to be full of ideas about fi-
nances, earnings, cash flow and anything to do with
your possessions.
Tonight: Time with friends.
This Week: Appreciate your surroundings. ✹✹✹
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): You couldn’t pick a better
day to start new things or initiate new projects. Furthermore,
CALVIN AND HOBBES Waterson you are motivated to reach out to others by mail or in person
and do whatever is necessary to get things rolling.
Tonight: Listen.
This Week: You are favoured! ✹✹✹✹
sFASCINATING FACTS CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): This is a great day to do re-
search of any kind, because your mind is focused and very
What is the azimuth? clear. Furthermore, you are interested in behind-the-scenes
information or anything that is hidden and hard to access.
Tonight: Explore!
This Week: Shop for wardrobe items. ✹✹✹✹✹
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): This is the perfect day to sit
down with someone and bounce your ideas off them regard-
ing your plans for the future, because their feedback will
help you. Even if you’re talking to yourself in your own head,
think about your future plans.
Tonight: Check your assets.
This Week: Your ambition is aroused! ✹✹✹
PISCES (Feb 19-March 20): Lively discussions will take
place today between you and bosses, parents, teachers or
VIPs. They have something to say, and so do you. Fortunate-
ly, you will express yourself with such clarity and focus that
they will sit up and listen. Nevertheless, be smart and listen
as well.
Tonight: Cooperate.
This Week: Enjoy friends. ✹✹
Used in navigation and in reporting the position of stars,
planets, and other celestial bodies, the azimuth is the Born today: Actor Ed Harris (1950), actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead (1984),
TV host Jon Stewart (1962) By Georgia Nicols
number of degrees between the direction of North (0°)
The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult
and the direction in which the object is viewed from the
perspective of the observer. In more mathematical terms,
it is the angle between two vertical planes, one formed
between the observer and the object observed, and the
other formed by the observer and true North.
Quick Clues of orange - “elvan” anagram ? (5) - seen over one’s shoulders in heavy Another girl is about to prohibit her
Himalayan Double Crossword — 8414 Across: 1 Stagger or sway (4) - 3
20 Employ again (5) - 21 Certainly traffic hurrying home (5) - 4 Con- comeback (7) - 15 Doctor in form
not close at hand ! (4). fused about the right singer to take over short appearance ! (3) - 16
Set on fire; enkindled passions in ?
(5) - 5 Put back outstanding piece Cowardly way to voice pain (6) -
(8) - 9 The type of card to send to a Cryptic Clues of bone (5) - 6 Single line about 18 Rod and Edward like some
sick friend ? (3,4) - 10 Man’s name
Across: 1 Raise a means of trans- learned man’s illustrative effects apartment complexes (5) - 19 Do
(5) - 11 The runners take off from
port (4) - 3 What a reformed drink- (7) - 7 They tell us to look for an In- cattle salute at the river-bend? (5)
here ? (8,4) - 14 Quality character-
er does ? (8) - 9 I admit it, I sinned dian (4) - 8 Went after fresh detail - 20 Last character in fever, raving
istic of person or thing (9) - 17
in Rome (7) - 10 One may be fired (6) - 12 Fall behind in providing in- mad with this on his wound ? (5) -
Bringing out; developing good or
if there’s a space that may need sulation (3) - 13 Vulgarity which 21 Improvised jazz is enough to
bad qualities ? (7,5) - 22 Former
filling (5) - 11 Ringer, glassy eyed makes one pull a face (3,5) - 14 send anyone away (4).
French coin (5) - 23 Bird of prey (7)
- 24 Musical performances (8) - 25 and insulated from the cold (6,6) -
14 Dan or possibly Ginny say? SOLUTION FOR 8413
Increases the number of rotations
per minute (4). Signs of both (9) - 17 Creating fa-
vourable impression in a satisfac-
Down: 1 Formal or official list of tory answer to clue (2,1,4,5) - 22 YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION
items, names, etc. (8) - 2 ___ cover
Seaman in bed, a famous seaman
: position on the cricket field ? (5) -
(5) - 23 A strong accent on incipi-
4 “Inception” director (5) - 5 Re- HOW TO SOLVE:
ent simplicity evident in the shoes
ceive enthusiastically ? (3,2) - 6 Fa- Every number from 1 to 9
(7) - 24 Be patronising in speech
mous French artist (7) - 7 Fish for a must appear in each of the
small boat (4) - 8 Seven for music and overbearing in argument (4,4)
9 vertical columns, in
(6) - 12 The speaker’s gift (3) - 13 - 25 Wine finally giving double vi-
each of the 9 horizontal
Illuminated boats? (8) - 14 Old Se- sion going through Peterborough rows and in each of the 9
mitic language (7) - 15 Radio Direc- (4). boxes
tion Indicator, acronym (3) - 16 Re- Down: 1 Girl on the line having
veal or disclose in words; explain been given the run-around by a
(6) - 18 Legal or valid (5) - 19 Kind man of stone (8) - 2 It might be QUICK CRYPTIC

NOVEMBER 21 - 26

Chicago, November 27
Bargain hunters ventured out in
chilly weather to buy Christmas
Debt fears mount as Britons go on 2757.53 WEDNESDAY CLOSING

Sensitive: 515.64
gifts on Black Friday only to dis-
cover that many US retailers of-
fered smaller price markdowns
this year amid tight supplies.
buy-now-pay-later spree Float: 188.35



"!.+).'  ./. ,)&%).352!.#% 

COVID fears and fewer ‘door- Reuters than they can afford,” parlia- She warned people risked
-!.5&!#452).'  &).!.#% 
buster’ sales thinned crowds the London, November 27 mentarian Stella Creasy told amassing unmanageable debts
day after the US Thanksgiving the Thomson Reuters Founda- as retailers encourage them to $%6%,/0-%.4"!.+3 
A farmer drying rice during the rice holiday, which kicks off the year- As British shoppers gear up for tion, accusing lenders of ‘pred- go all out for Christmas after -)#2/&).!.#% 
harvest season in Kampong Speu end holiday shopping season. a multibillion-pound Black Fri- atory’ behaviour. axing of last year’s celebrations ,)&%).352!.#% 
province, Cambodia, on Saturday. On the same day, the World day and Christmas splurge, Black Friday kicks off Christ- due to soaring COVID-19 cases. (9$2/0/7%2  -545!,&5.$3 
Health Organisation named the lawmakers have called for ur- mas shopping season when re- Lawmakers, who debated the 42!$).'  ).6%34-%.4 
newly identified omicron variant gent regulation of ‘buy now, pay tailers offer big discounts on issue in parliament this week,
Khalti bags award of the coronavirus as a ‘variant of later’ fintech services, which everything from toys to TVs. urged the government to publi- 4/0#/-0!.)%3
concern’, triggering worldwide they say lead many people to Almost 10 per cent of Britons cise risks of borrowing mecha- WEEKLY TURNOVER
.%0!,4%,%#/- 2SBN
KATHMANDU: At the ‘NewBiz Start- alarm and a selloff in the US stock spend beyond their means. are planning to use ‘buy now, nism ahead of festive season. .!"),"!.+ 2SBN
Rs 20.46 billion
up Summit’, Khalti received special market. Britain has seen an explosion pay later’ (BNPL) options for Critics say the platforms risk .%0!,2%).352!.#%
recognition by bagging the ‘Start-up Stores on Black Friday had the of online platforms such as Christmas shopping, according normalising and glamourising #/,4$ 2SBN MARKET
Success’ award. In its five-year jour- lowest level of clearance goods Klarna, Clearpay and Laybuy, to consumer charity Citizens debt — charges strongly refut- .%0!,,)&% CAPITALISATION
ney, Khalti has grown from a start-up for sale in five years or more, which let consumers buy goods Advice. ed by Klarna and other lenders. ).352!.#%#/ 2SBN
to a big corporate name. Since its es- Cowen analysts said in a note. interest free and spread out But Creasy said the combina- A Klarna spokesperson said #)4):%.).6%3442534 2SBN
Rs 3.83 trillion
tablishment, the company has ex- Many shoppers chose to pick up payments. tion of Black Friday promotions consumers were switching to
panded with 230-plus employees, merchandise curbside rather “I’m really worried how and ‘pay later’ platforms was BNPL because credit cards 93,900

GOLD (RS/1.1664 GRAMS)

60,000-plus merchants, and over two than venturing inside stores. many people will get into debt ‘like pouring petrol on fire’, es- charged extortionate interest
million registered users throughout Black Friday retail sales are up this Christmas as these compa- pecially for those struggling fi- rates and used ‘dirty tricks’ to SUNDAY
the country, as per a media release. 29.8 per cent versus 2020 through nies push them to spend more nancially due to the pandemic. trap people in debt. 93,700
Khalti has been a young, trendy, and 3:00pm ET, according to Master- TUESDAY
innovative brand in the fintech in- Card SpendingPulse. 92,300 FRIDAY
dustry of Nepal. Currently, millions of Consumers spent $6.6 billion ings of up to $60 on Apple Watch- ings from multiple rounds of gov- Economy Index. The National Re- 91,800 91,900
people regularly use Khalti them- up until 9:00pm ET on Friday, ac- es and AirPods. ernment pandemic relief and tail Federation has forecast com- THURSDAY
selves and also through its wide- cording to Adobe Digital Econo- Several retailers — including double-digit wage increases as bined brick-and-mortar and on- 91,700
spread agents network. — HNS my Index, which expected total Walmart, Target and Best Buy — businesses compete for workers. line holiday sales to reach be- Source: Federation of Nepal Gold and Silver Dealers’ Association (FeNeGoSiDA)
spending of between $8.8 billion are expected to post lower Yet retailers had lured shoppers tween $843.4 billion and $859 bil-
Starlink in soup and $9.2 billion for the day. fourth-quarter profit margins to make holiday purchases as lion, 8.5 to 10.5 per cent higher


Walmart and Target stood to due to tight inventory and higher early as September this year, as than last year. TUESDAY
NEW DELHI: The Indian government outperform other retailers in part costs for raw materials, freight supply chain logjam has prevent- Elver Gomez, a 21-year-old stu-
has asked Starlink Internet Services 1,255
because of their buy-online-pick- and labour. “Though holiday sea- ed them from quickly replenish- dent in Chicago, said he didn’t SUNDAY
of Elon Musk’s SpaceX aerospace up-at-store services, Cowen said. son should be okay from sales ing year-end merchandise. find the Apple and Microsoft lap- 1,260
company to comply with country’s Target added more than 18,000 standpoint — as retailers are dis- A Deloitte survey showed peo- tops he wanted while shopping at THURSDAY
regulatory framework before offering ‘drive-up’ parking spaces, more counting less — margins won’t ple had spent 80 to 85 per cent of a Best Buy store Friday morning. 1,230
its satellite-based internet services. A than doubling spots versus last necessarily be higher because of their holiday gift budgets even ‘It seems like this year it’s either
Communications Ministry statement year. The company said its most inflation,” said Forrester Research before Black Friday. For Novem- out of stock’ or for sale at what he WEDNESDAY FRIDAY
late Friday said that because Starlink popular Black Friday deals in- analyst Sucharita Kodali. ber and December, online sales said was ‘not that great of a price’. 1,225 1,225
is not the holder of a licence, the pub- cluded $219.99 for a KitchenAid US consumers are entering the are estimated to hit a record $207 Best Buy added a message to its Source: Federation of Nepal Gold and Silver Dealers’ Association (FeNeGoSiDA)

lic is advised not to subscribe to Star- professional stand mixer that reg- holiday season flush with cash billion, up 10 per cent from last website warning of ‘limited quali- FRIDAY

link services that are being adver- ularly sells for $429.99, and sav- thanks to a still-hefty pile of sav- year, according to Adobe Digital ties’ and ‘no rainchecks’.
tised. “The same is also evident from
the website of Starlink wherein satel-
lite-based internet services can be
booked by users in Indian territory,”
it said. There was no immediate com-
Police to look into SUNDAY
ment from Musk’s company. Media
reports said Musk’s SpaceX has been
accepting pre-orders for the beta ver-
claim of beating of MONDAY
sion of the service for a fully refunda-
ble deposit of INR 7,400 ($99). — AP ATA whistleblower Source: Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB)

WTO delays meeting

GENEVA: The World Trade Organisa-
tion is postponing its conference of
Kuala Lumpur, November 27
Malaysian police said today it will look into a
Macao detains
government ministers set to open
Tuesday after Switzerland initiated
new travel restrictions following the
claim a factory worker of Dyson supplier ATA
IMS Bhd was beaten at its station but that it
had not received any formal complaints.
Suncity boss on
emergence of a worrying new coro-
navirus variant, officials said. The
MC12 conference at WTO headquar-
ters in Geneva was set to take up key
British home appliance maker Dyson told
Reuters that it was ending its contract with
ATA after an audit of the company’s labour
practices and allegations by a whistleblower.
China gambling
issues like a long-awaited agreement
on subsidies for fisheries, seen as a
major way to prevent overfishing in
Dhan Kumar Limbu, a former ATA worker,
told Reuters on Thursday that ATA officials
took him to a police station in June, where he
the world’s seas, and an effort to was questioned about sharing information Associated Press
waive patent and other intellectual about conditions at the factory with activists

property protections linked to COV- A file photo of tourists watching sunset aboard sailboats, near the holiday island Boracay. Beijing, November 27
and then beaten by police.
ID-19 vaccines. Ambassadors from The police department in the southern Jo- The Philippines will reopen its borders to tourists from some countries on a trial basis Macao police today detained the head of Macao’s
the WTO’s 164 member states agreed hor state, where ATA’s factory is located, said from December 1, its government said on Friday, as part of efforts to rebuild an economy biggest casino junket organiser and others
on Friday to delay the four-day con- it has not received any reports on the matter. hit hard by the pandemic. after Chinese authorities issued an arrest warrant
ference after new Swiss travel restric- “Johor police takes note of the issue that for them over accusations that they ran an illegal
tions meant all participants wouldn’t was reported and will conduct an investiga- cross-border gambling syndicate.
be able to attend in person. — AP

Travel payment rules

tion if what was reported exists,” it said in a
statement on Facebook.
ATA said on Friday it had appointed con-
2ARECOINMINTEDIN#OLONIAL.EW The arrests in the gambling enclave came after
prosecutors in Wenzhou, in the eastern province
of Zhejiang, on Friday accused Suncity Group
BUENOS AIRES: Argentina’s govern-
ment launched measures on Friday
to discourage foreign travel as a way
sultants to review findings of forced labour in
an audit summary it received from Dyson
and claims of physical abuse raised by a for-
%NGLANDSELLSFORMORETHAN  CEO Alvin Chau and another person, Zhang
Ningning, of leading cross-border gambling
operations and setting up casinos across China.
mer worker. The manufacturer said it had Associated Press coins known to still exist — cance and outstanding Casinos and most forms of gambling are illegal
to protect the country’s thin dollar re- hired a law firm in Malaysia to conduct an in- was sold to an anonymous original state of preserva- in mainland China, and semi-autonomous
serves ahead of heavy debt pay- Boston, November 27
dependent review of the allegations of physi- online bidder from the US, tion.” Macao is the only Chinese city allowed to operate a
ments. The central bank banned use cal abuse by the former worker, and a de- One of the first coins minted London-based Morton & Before 1652, coins from casino. Mainland visitors are able to travel to
of credit card instalment payments tailed report would be finalised soon. in Colonial New England, Eden Ltd said in a statement. England, the Netherlands, Macao to gamble but are required to obtain a visa.
for airline flights and other tourist Malaysia’s human resources minister said which was recently found The auctioneer had ex- the Spanish Empire and oth- “Based on evidence obtained from previous
services abroad. While Argentines the ministry will investigate Dyson’s decision among other coins in a can- pected it to sell for $300,000. er nations were used as cur- criminal investigations, the (Macao) police
pay those in pesos, the local agencies to sever ties with ATA IMS. dy tin, has sold at auction for “I am not surprised at rency in New England. brought the criminal suspect Chau and other
must pay for most of those services In interviews with Reuters, seven current over $350,000, more than it the amount of interest this But a shortage of coinage persons involved back to the police station for
by transferring dollars abroad. The and former ATA employees said they had was expected to get, the auc- exceptional coin attracted,” prompted the Massachusetts investigation in accordance with the law
Argentine peso has fallen to historic worked overtime in excess of limits under tioneer said on Friday. coin specialist James Morton General Court to appoint this morning,” Macao’s government said in a state-
lows against the dollar recently, ag- Malaysian law and paid recruitment fees in The one shilling silver coin said in a statement. John Hull as Boston mint- ment today.
gravating the nation’s persistent in- their home countries to labour brokers, a made in Boston in 1652 — “The price paid, which was master, responsible for Authorities said they had been investigating
flation. — AP practice activists have criticised as a form of considered the finest exam- above estimate, reflects its producing North America’s the case since July last year. They said that the
debt bondage. ple of just a few dozen such extraordinary historic signifi- first silver coins. gambling syndicate has 199 shareholder represent-
atives, over 12,000 agents that promoted its
gambling operations and more than 80,000 gam-

RBI sidesteps proposal on corporate ownership of banks blers in its network.

The syndicate also set up asset management
firms to assist gamblers with cross-border fund
transfers and to recover debts they owed, authori-
Reuters state bank, known as bank of India (RBI) working group well-positioned to expand tions made by working group three years of operations. ties said,
Mumbai, November 27 promoters, must only reduce recommended that banking into banking, an investment and had made some partial On new rule concerning di- In 2019, China’s official Xinhua news agency ac-
their stake to 26 per cent stake regulations be amended to al- banker who did not wish to be modifications where it con- lution of promoters’ stakes, cused Suncity of targeting mainland gamblers with
India’s central bank said on after 15 years, the central low large industrial groups to named said last year when sidered them to be necessary. RBI said: “This stipulation online gambling and proxy-betting operations
Friday it would reform rules bank said, rather than to the act as bank promoters and the working group made its “The remaining recom- should be uniform for all based in Cambodia and the Philippines. Suncity
on the structure of private current limit of 15 per cent own big stakes in a lender. recommendations. mendations are under exami- types of promoters and would denied the allegations.
sector banks but a source fa- within that timeframe. Such a move could transform A source familiar with the nation,” the RBI said. not mean promoters, who Authorities said the syndicate ‘severely damaged
miliar with the matter said Bank promoters currently the country’s banking land- matter said on Friday, howev- The central bank said pay- have already diluted their the social order of the country’ and on Friday urged
the changes would not in- do not include industrial scape but is something the er, that the RBI had decided ments banks must operate for holdings to below 26 per cent, Chau to turn himself in in exchange for a more le-
clude allowing industrial groups whose holdings in a central bank has strongly re- against allowing corporates at least five years before ap- will not be permitted to raise nient punishment.
groups to own lenders. bank are capped at 10 per sisted in the past. to own banks. plying to become small fi- it to 26 per cent of paid-up Hong Kong-listed Suncity Group could not be
Under the new rules signifi- cent. Bajaj Group, Piramal Group The RBI said it was accept- nance banks, longer than voting equity share capital of reached for comment by phone and did not imme-
cant shareholders in a non- A year ago a Reserve Bank and Reliance Industries are ing 21 of 33 recommenda- group’s recommendation of the bank.” diately reply to e-mail inquiries.

Women’s World Cup
qualifiers cancelled
cricket World Cup qualifying tourna-
ment in Zimbabwe has been aban-
Himalayan News Service defending deeply and we had to go
Kathmandu, November 27 through air to find the back of the
doned after the discovery of a new
nets,” he added. “We were able to
COVID-19 variant in South Africa
Manang Marshyangdi Club and score as the opponents looked
that prompted travel curbs, the
Chyasal Youth Club registered vic- tired in the latter stage of the
sport’s governing body (ICC) said on
tories in the Qatar Airways Martyrs match.”
Saturday. The detection of the new
Memorial A Division League here Himalayan Sherpa coach the
coronavirus variant called Omicron
at the Dasharath Stadium today. team was on track. “We can pro-
in South Africa forced a number of
MMC defeated Himalayan Sher- duce desired results if we continue
countries to tighten border controls
pa Club 1-0 riding on solitary goal playing like today,” said Rai. “We
and impose curbs on travel from sev-
from Afeez Olawale Oladipo. The are playing according to a plan and
eral southern African countries, in-
match was heading towards a draw most importantly the players are
cluding Zimbabwe. The ICC took the
before Oladipo produced a mo- disciplined. We have some prob-
decision after Saturday’s game be-
ment of brilliance to seal all three lems in scoring and we need to im-
tween the West Indies and Sri Lanka
points his side. prove on that front,” he added.
was called off when a member of the
Pujan Uperkoti took a short cor- In another match, Chyasal Youth
Sri Lankan support staff tested posi-
ner passing the ball to Nishan Lim- Club defeated Nepal APF Club 1-0.
tive for COVID-19. Bangladesh, Paki-
bu, who centred it for Oladipo to After a goalless first half, Rumesh
stan and the West Indies will progress
head home in the 84th minute. Bartaula put Chyasal ahead in the
to next year’s World Cup in New Zea-
MMC had earned the corner after 49th minute. Bartaula slammed
land by virtue of their rankings, the
Himalayan Sherpa goalkeeper home a spectacular goal following
ICC said. They will join hosts New
punched out Deepak Rai’s header a pass from Kamal Shrestha. APF
Zealand, Australia, India, England
on a cross from Nishan Limbu. goalkeeper Raju Yogi rescued his
and South Africa. — Reuters
Earlier, MMC defender Dinesh side in the 17th minute when he
Rajbanshi saved his side from go- blocked Ajit Gurung’s attempt.
Holder rested ing down when he cleared Ulrich APF’s Rajan Gurung made a goal- Arsenal’s Bukayo Saka (right) scores his side’s opening goal against Newcastle United during their English Premier
Siewe’s header in rebound after line clearance to deny Bikash League match at the Emirates Stadium in London on Saturday.
all-rounder Jason Holder has been Himalayan Sherpa skipper Bishwo Meraglia in the 41st minute, while
rested for next month’s white-ball
tour to Pakistan while Evin Lewis,
Shimron Hetmyer and Andre Russell
have been left out for personal rea-
Limbu struck against the bar with a
free kick in the 41st minute. MMC’s
Adelaja Somide headed wide fol-
lowing a pass from Dayananda
Susan Lama’s shot in rebound was
saved by Sanish Shrestha.
Chyasal coach Bal Gopal Sa-
hukhala lauded his youth players
Arsenal stroll past rock-bottom Magpies
sons, the country’s cricket board Singh Elangbam in the 55th min- for good performance. “We have Reuters had new manager Eddie dominated the opening was denied by the wood-
(CWI) said on Friday. The selectors ute, while MMC striker put the ball given chance to youth players and London, November 27 Howe on the touchline for half with Pierre-Emerick work in the first half but
also omitted all-rounder Fabian into the nets but his goal was ruled the win has boosted the team’s mo- the first time after he was Aubameyang missing a once they went behind, a
Allen and paceman Obed McCoy offside a minute later. Himalayan rale,” said Sahukhala. “We had Arsenal returned to winning forced to isolate due to a sitter. 17th defeat in 18 league
due to injury. West Indies have Sherpa’s Mutamba Pistone Vunyoli seen problems in set pieces in the ways and deepened New- positive COVID-19 test, but But their patience was re- games against Arsenal
picked several uncapped players in missed a chance in the 71st minute previous match and the team castle United’s relegation they were well beaten in the warded as Saka finished su- looked inevitable. Arsenal
the two 15-man squads, including when he failed to beat MMC goal- seemed comfortable on that front worries as goals by Bukayo end and remain without a perbly in the 56th minute stayed fifth in the table, lev-
batsmen Justin Greaves and Shamarh keeper Bishal Sunar in one-on-one in the match,” he added. Saka and Gabriel Martinelli league win after 13 games. before substitute Martinelli el on points with fourth-
Brooks, spinner Gudakesh Motie situation and shot over the bar. APF coach Kumar Thapa said his sealed a comfortable 2-0 Arsenal, whose 10-game volleyed the second 10 min- placed West Ham United.
and all-rounder Odean Smith. “There MMC coach Rajendra Tamang side badly needed the services of Premier League win on unbeaten run in all compe- utes later with his first touch Newcastle have six points
are a number of talented newcomers said his side succeeded in scoring foreign players. “We have already Saturday. titions came to a juddering of the game. and are five behind 17th-
in each format that will have the in the second half after the team lost six points and the team is weak Bottom club Newcastle halt at Liverpool last week, Newcastle’s Jonjo Shelvey placed Leeds United.
opportunity to show what they changed the strategy. “Himalayan in finishing,” he said. “I have al-
Sherpa was looking for a point and ready talked with my club and I be-

are capable of,” said lead selector
Roger Harper. — Reuters they had not been able to put pres- lieve four foreign players can make
sure on us,” he said. “It was hard to huge difference,” added the former
penetrate as the opponents were star midfielder.

Mixed-gender football to end violence HANDYLEADAGAINST.:

Reuters edges that fell agonisingly short of
Himalayan News Service norities, where they are mi- New Delhi, November 27 fielders, Ravichandran Ashwin
Kathmandu, November 27 grants or refugees and when ended India’s 66-over wait for a
they are living through natu- Left-arm spinner Axar Patel first wicket by ending a 151-run
The teams from Nepal ral and other humanitarian claimed figures of 5-62 to help In- opening stand between Tom
Sports Journalists Forum crises,” Volk said. Volk called dia grab a handy 49-run first-in- Latham and Will Young. Young,
(NSJF) and Association of on the journalists, partici- nings lead in the opening Test having made a career-best 89,
the Nepalese Alumni from pants and audience to in- against New Zealand on Saturday. edged Ashwin and substitute wick-
Australia (ANAA) played a tensify their efforts to pro- The home side suffered a set- etkeeper KS Bharat — replacing
mixed-gender friendly foot- mote women in sports and back, however, with Shubman Wriddhiman Saha who was being
ball match at the ANFA shift gender stereotypes, as Gill’s late dismissal as they finished treated for a stiff neck — grabbed a
Complex grounds today. well as harness sport as a day three on 14-1 at Kanpur’s low catch.
The match was organised tool to fight against gen- Green Park Stadium. Kyle Jamie- Young was initially ruled not out,
by Sathi, a nongovernment der-based discrimination. son bowled Gill for one and trou- but India reviewed that decision,
organisation in association Member of the Commit- bled Cheteshwar Pujara who re- which had to be overturned after
with ANAA, NSJF, All Nepal tee of the Convention on the mained unbeaten on nine. replays confirmed the edge. Reply-
Football Association and Elimination of Discrimina- Opener Mayank Agarwal was on ing to India’s first-innings total of
Australian Embassy, to mark tion Against Women (CE- four not out with India 63 ahead in 345, New Zealand were cruising at
16-day of activism against DAW ) Bandana Rana said the first match of the two-test se- 197-1 in the morning session with
Photo Courtesy: hamrokhelkud
gender-based violence and football could influence a ries. “This is the kind of pitch Latham approaching his hundred
to celebrate the Internation- CEDAW Member Bandana Rana handing over certificate large audience, especially where you can’t expect wickets all and skipper Kane Williamson in
al Day for the elimination of to NSJF’s Dil Tamang after the mixed-gender friendly youth, men and boys. “This the time,” Patel said after register- the middle. Soon after India took
violence against women, football match against ANAA at the ANFA Complex mixed-gender fr iendly ing his fifth five-wicket haul in sev- the second new ball, however,
with the theme of Orange grounds in Lalitpur on Saturday. match can score a common en innings. “You have to be con- seamer Umesh Yadav trapped Wil-
the World: End Violence goal for ending all discrimi- sistent with your line and length. liamson lbw on the stroke of lunch.
against Women Now. were vulnerable to gen- lesbian, bisexual, transgen- nation against women and The odd ball turned and occasion- Williamson, who made 18, re-
Australia’s Ambassador to der-based violence. “This der or intersex, when they girls and building a society India’s Axar Patel bowls against New ally it kept low. I think the wicket viewed the decision, but replays
Nepal, Felicity Volk said the vulnerability is compound- live with disabilities, are in- where no rights are violated, Zealand on the third day of their first Test will slow down further.” confirmed the ball would have hit
women and girls in general ed when women identify as digenous or from ethnic mi- and no one is left behind.” match in Kanpur, India on Saturday. Earlier, after inducing several the top of his middle stump.

+#WINS7ARSTEINER'OLF4OURNAMENT Pakistan make strong reply against

Himalayan News Service
Kathmandu, November 27
Sangam KC won the title of the Warsteiner
B’desh on Day-II of opening Test
Golf Tournament here at the Royal Nepal Golf Associated Press third half-century off 84 balls. Yasir Ali spent some nervy mo-
Club today. Chattogram, November 27 Shafique brought up his half-cen- ments in the crease and survived a
Played under stableford 3/4 handicap format, tury in style, clubbing occasional leg-before review by Pakistan.
KC accumulated 41 points to finish first. Sanjeev Pakistan made a strong reply and bowler Mominul Haque for the However, he got off the mark in
Tiwari came second on count back after he was reached 145 for no loss after maximum. international cricket with a cov-
tied on 38 points with Lt Gen Victory SJB Rana, fast bowler Hasan Ali claimed 5-51 Bangladesh’s hope of racking up er-drive four off Afridi on the 14th
Hari Thapa and SSP Ashok Singh. to dismiss Bangladesh for 330 a substantial total was dashed by ball he faced. But Ali tested him
Hari Thapa won the gross section trophy with on day two of the opening Test fast bowler Hasan Ali earlier. Ali with short balls and finally rattled
33 points. Gita Gurung was the winner in wom- on Saturday. broke Bangladesh’s resistance in him stump with a delivery that jag-
en’s section with 29 points, while Arshiya Banu Openers Abid Ali and debutant the first session as the home side ged in sharply.
was second with 27 points. Lt Gen Victory SJB Abdullah Shafique played out the resumed on 253-4. He alone took Bangladesh relied on overnight
Rana won the senior category title with 38 second and third sessions com- four wickets on day two with Bang- unbeaten Mushfiqur to take
points, while Maj Gen Vijay Moktan came sec- fortably in a good batting track to ladesh adding just 77 runs for the the side to safety and he grew with
ond with 36 points. Lt Col Ishwor Budhathoki cut the deficit to 185 runs. Abid, rest of the six wickets. confidence, hitting Afridi for a
was the winner among guests with 39 points. who reached the 1,000-run mark in Ali’s sixth five-for was well-com- boundary through backward
Mithun Rai won the most birdies award with his 15th Test, closed in on his plemented by his new ball partner point. Medium pacer Ashraf
four birdies, while Phursang Lama and Bhai fourth century, remaining unbeat- Shaheen Shah Afridi who returned moved the ball nicely to coax
Raja Pandey bagged the longest drive and clos- en on 93 at stumps, owing to bad figures of 2-70 and medium pacer an edge from him as Mushfiqur,
est-to-the-pin awards respectively. Tej Bahadur light. Shafique overcame a nervy Faheem Ashraf, 2-54. who reviewed the decision in
Rai bagged the best sportsmanship trophy. start to finish the day on 52 not out. For Bangladesh, Liton Das top- vain, fell nine runs short of his
A total of 69 players took part in the tourna- Abid struck the first three scored with 114 after hitting his eighth century.
ment sponsored by Jawalakhel Group of Indus- boundaries when Shafique strug- maiden century and Mushfiqur After losing three wickets for just
tries. JGI Chief of Sales and Marketing Prabin gled to get off the mark. Shafique Rahim added 91. Mehidy Hasan 23 runs, the much-needed resist-
Nath, Chief of the Army Staff Prajwalla SJB Rana, flicked through midwicket for four was not out on 38. ance came from Mehidy Hasan
RNGC President Prachandra Bahadur Shrestha, off pacer Abu Jayed and grew with Liton, starting the day with 113, who guided lower order amid
Captain Rajendra Man Sherchan, former Presi- confidence. added just one run before Ali had the well directed short ball barrage
dent Madhukar Yakthumba and former NGA RNGC President Prachanda Bahadur Shrestha handing over the trophy to Abid was fluent in his approach him leg-before, which the umpire of Afridi and Ali. Hasan Ali cleaned
President Pradeep Kumar Shrestha handed over Sangam KC (left) after the Warsteiner Golf Tournament at the Royal Nepal Golf and glanced offspinner Mehidy disagreed, only for the decision be up the tail to bring an end to the
the prizes to the winners. Club in Kathmandu on Saturday. Hasan for a couple to reach his overturned on review. Debutant innings.

Published by: International Media Network Nepal (Pvt) Ltd, APCA House, Baidya Khana Road, Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal, PO Box 11651 Phone: 4770358, E-mail: Regd No 143/051/052 Postal Regd. 62/072/73 Printed at: Sama Printers (Pvt) Ltd, Sainbu, Lalitpur. Acting Editor: Rajan Pokhrel

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