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Guru : assalamualaikum, goodmorning everybody

Student : good morning sir

Guru : how are you today ?

Student : fine sir

Guru : well before we start today's lesson, let's pray together first, prayer begins…. Finished

Guru : Next, please fill out today's attendance list at the following link
Guru : then I will also share the worksheets that we will use today

kemudian saya juga akan membagikan LKPD yang akan kita gunakan hari ini


Guru : well let's start today's lesson, last week we discussed about electrolyte and nonelectrolyte
solutions. Does anyone want to explain the difference between electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solutions

Sultan : me sir

Guru : oh yes, please sultan

Sultan : Electrolyte solution is a solution that can conduct electric current, while nonelectrolyte solution
is a solution that cannot conduct electric current

Guru : great answer, tengkiu sultan. Furthermore, does anyone still remember why a solution can
conduct electricity?

Rifa : because it contains free moving ions

Guru : yes, its true rifa, tengkiu for your answer. Now why did I relate those things to the current lesson?
We will find out.


Guru : as we know that we often encounter electrolyte solutions and we use in everyday life, for
example, as in the following picture. does anyone know what picture this is

Kiki : that is accumulator sir,

Guru : nice kiki, the electrolyte solution in the battery will play a role in delivering electric current when
the battery is used to power electrical devices in the vehicle.

Guru : OK, to better understand the material about the properties of electrolyte solutions, let's look at
the following picture. can you predict which are strong electrolytes, weak electrolytes, and
nonelectrolytes ?

Qoqoqo : I wan to try sir

Guru : yes tasya,please

Qoqoqo : In my opinion, vinegar solution is a weak electrolyte, salt solution and distilled water is a
strong electrolyte solution, and sugar solution is a nonelectrolyte

Guru : allraight tasya, thank you for your answer, does anyone disagree with tasya's answer

farhan : me sir,

Guru : oh yes please farhan

Farhan : I don't agree with tasya's answer, because in my opinion distilled water is non-electrolyte just
like a sugar solution

Guru : hmmm okay farhan, thank you for your answer. Does anyone else want to share their opinion?

_________________________________hening tidak ada yang merespon_________________________

Guru : ok if not, now we have 2 different answers, to determine the correct answer, we will get it after
watching the demonstration video. Furthermore, can anyone predict the effect of the distance between
the electrodes on the phenomenon during testing?

Berlin : me sir

Guru : okay please berlin

Berlin : I think, the distance between electrode can affect the result sir

Guru : okay good berlin, thank you for your answer, Is anyone agree with berlin ?

All student : yes I agree sir

Guru : really ? its fine, wi will find out after this


Guru : Allright, before we start the video, please prepare your worksheet to observe the phenomenon
from the video

Student : allright sir

Guru : lets take a look here

_______________________________Mengamati video_________________________________
Guru : okay, have you finish record the data ?

Student : yes sir

Guru : allright, can anyone share your screen to show your data ?

Rifa : i want to try sir

Guru : oh okay please rifa


Guru : thank you rifa for showing us. is the other have same data with rifa ?

Student : yes sir


Guru : allraight , before the discussion begin, I want you to all discuss about the answers of the
questions, Please give your opinions into this discussion, okay, so let’s begin with question 1. Why the
solution can ignite the light bulb in the test apparatus ?

Nadia, kiki, herlinda

Nadia : can I start first ?

Student : yesss

Nadia : the light bulb ignite because of the electricity, right ?

Herlinda : yes, that’s right,

Nadia : so the electricity can through the electrolyte

Kiki : but, why ?

Nadia: based on the information I got on the internet, electricity is the flow of electron.

Kiki : so we can relate that the ion from electrolyte can bring electron and ignite

Nadia : oh ya get it

Guru : oke thank you for the discussion, next, the question no 2. Why the distance between the
electrodes is brought near or far from each other can cause different phenomenon in the test ?

Hanaul dan Sarah

Hanaul : I think from what Nadia said about flow electron, my opinion is the transfer electron would be

Sarah : is that the reason why the distance between electrodes can affect ?

Hanaul: I think so, but I still confuse why the light bulb can be brighter ?

Sarah: ehmm maybe because the distance of the flow electron shorter
Guru : allright, that’s enough, thank you for your great participations for this discussion. Finally, after
the discussion, we already have reach the conclusion. Now is any body want to represent our
experiment today ?

VINNA: I want to try sir

Guru : of course, please vinna

VINNA : okay, the ions that move freely in a solution will play a role in flowing electrons or electric
current, so that they can turn on bulb. Then, the closer the distance between the electrodes during the
test results in the shorter electron transfer distance and make it easier the flow of electrons in a solution

Guru : okay, thank you for your amazing conclution, finally we are at the end of the lesson, I want to
remind you not to forget to collect the worksheets that have been done on the google drive link that has
been provided. And before the end, please fill out the quiz questions at the following link

Guru : okay, last, before we end this meeting, it would be better if we pray first, pray begin… finished.

Guru : thank you to all of you that have been enthusiastically learned, really active and can deliver your
opinions clearly. I really appreciate it. Please be healthy to all of you. Please let me close today’s lessons.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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