Scenario Vinna

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*tomorrow may not be this scripted, because I like to be spontaneous, but I’ll read out the red

lines as a keyword so you don’t have to be worry 

Teacher : Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb. Good morning students. How are you today?
Students : (I’m doing fine/fine, Miss/I’m doing great)
Teacher : Okay, I’m so glad that we meet again for the lesson today, and I wish you all in
the great condition. Before we begin, let’s start today’s lesson by praying first.
Please the class leader lead us to pray.
Kiki : Alright friends, before we start today’s lesson, it would be better if we pray first.
Pray begin …. Pray was enough, thank you
Teacher : Okay, thankyou (Student) for leading the prayer. Let me record today’s
attendance by capturing our meet here, so please be ready… (capture zoom).
Alright, done.
Thankyou, I appreciate that you all attend today’s lesson on time.
Okay, so in the last meeting I gave you all the reading materials and the worksheet
about the pH range of natural indicators. Have you read, watch and answer the
answer section?
Some students: Yes, Miss
Teacher : Okay, thankyou for the students who have read the reading materials and also
answer the aswer section in the worksheet. I believe your hardwork of reading,
processing all the information you’ve got, and answering some question in the
aswer section would be very beneficial for today’s lesson. Please keep up this
energy for reading. Any kind of reading material, even outside this class, because
the more you read, the more you could absorb information quickly and efficiently
and that would be beneficial for us in the future.
Teacher : Okay, to make sure that you have read the reading materials. I want to ask some
questions to you.
What do you know about natural indicators?
Julap : May I answer, Miss? *okay* Natural indicators are the natural ingredients are
extracted and can change color in acidic, basic and neutral solutions.
Teacher : What kind of natural ingredients?
Julap : such as plants or vegetables
Teacher : can you give us some examples?
Julap : yes, such as red cabbage, turmeric, beets and so on..
Teacher : very good, thank you for answering. In the reading materials, I attach the video
that you should watch. I assume you’ve watched it because in order to answer the
worksheet, you have to watch that video first. So, anyone want to explain how to
make the natural indicators?
Cynthia : May I, Miss? *yes please* First, you need blend the plant with distilled water or
just tap water. I think if we don’t have blender, we can use mortar and pestle. Then
drain it so we could get the extract only.
Teacher : Great, thankyou so much for your answer. Okay, it already mentioned that the
natural indicators could change color in acidic, basic and neutral solution. Can you
explain what does it mean?
Rifa : I want to explain Miss, may I? *yes, of course*
So for example in red cabbage extract, the color of its extract is purple, but when
we dropped the cabbage extract to acidic solution, the color of indicators will
change into red. And if cabbage extract meets basic solution, the color will change
into blue. If the solution is neutral, the color of cabbage extract stays purple.
Teacher : does the natural indicators necessarily have to change color?
Baim : no, but it should have certain color in acidic, basic and neutral solutions.
Teacher : great answer. I believe you all have read the reading materials diligently… I really
appreciate that.
Okay, for the next session, I want you to open the worksheet, and go to the
discussion section.
Teacher : I want you to all discuss about the answers of the questions in here, each question
must be discussed about three minutes or less, okay? Please feel free to give
opinions in this meeting, I won’t bother you and won’t interrupt unless if the time
is up, okay, so let’s begin with question 1. Explain the reason why natural
substances can be used for an acid base indicator!
Asep, Kiki, Sri
Sri : May I answer first, friends?
Students : yessss
Sri : okay, so I guess the reason why natural substances can be used for an acid base
indicators is because they could change color in acidic, basic or neutral solutions
Asep : Yes, I agree with (Student 1), specifically, it has certain colors in acidic, basic and
neutral solutions
Kiki : Yes, the color is consistent so we can use it as an indicator
Sri : Also, I think it should be stable too, because it has to be have consistent colors…
Students : Yes I agree
Teacher : Okay, because we come to the agreement, I give you one minute to write down
the answers in your worksheet
*after one minute*
So let’s move on to the question number 2, Why can natural indicators can be
used to determine the acidity and alkalinity of a solution?
Sultan, Sarah (atau siapapun nanti backup ya soalnya sarah td ga join zoom), Cynthia
Sultan : Okay, I think the reason why natural indicators can be used to determine the
acidity and alkalinity of a solution are pretty similar to the answer number one.
Cynthia : Yes, I think each natural ingredient or each natural indicators have consistent
colors in acidic, basic and neutral solutions
Sarah : Yes I agree. But I guess we have to elaborate more, the color of natural indicators
in acidic solution must be different in basic solution. Thus, we can differentiate the
solution that is basic and the solution that is acid.
Cynthia : Yes, you’re right, because if the color of the natural ingredient we use is same in
acid or base solution, we cannot differentiate the solution and it cannot be called
as indicators.
Sultan : okay, so let’s write that in our worksheet
Sarah : I want to add again, so to be clear, the natural indicators have different colors in
certain pH
Students : Yes I agree
Teacher : Okay, because we come to the agreement, I give you one minute to write down
the answers in your worksheet
*after one minute*
so let’s move on to the question number 3, determine the pH range of the red
cabbage indicator!
Baim (siapin backup siapapun okey, request dari Baim wkwk), Nadia, Herlinda
Baim : so, based on the data we have, I think we can find the range
Nadia : I agree, first, all of the acid solutions gives the red color. And all of the base
solutions gives the blue color.
Baim : Yes, the lemon juice, vinegar and soda gives red to pink color. And they are the
acid solution
Nadia : And for water which is neutral is stays purple. Toothpaste water and baking soda
gives blue color. So I guess, the color range is from red to blue.
Herlinda : But the strongest base is making the purple color fades, what should we do about
Baim : I think the strongest base, which is bleach in the video, destroy the pigment colors
of the red cabbage.
Nadia : so we cannot use the red cabbage for the strongest base? If the pH is more than
nine or ten?
Baim : I think so… maybe we could write the red cabbage can be used for the pH three
to nine, since based on the data we collect, the pH range is from three to nine
Herlinda : okay, so let me recall, the the pH range is from three to nine with red to blue
Students : Yes I agree
Teacher : Okay, thankyou students for the discussion, it went really well, I appreciate all of
you who delivered your opinions clearly.
Teacher : We come to the conclusion of the lesson, so please anyone wants to conclude
about the experiment in the video?
Hana : May I Miss? *yes please* So, the natural indicators from red cabbage have purple
color, and it changes red in acidic solution and changes to blue in basic solution
and stays purple in neutral solution.
Teacher : very good, thank you. Does anyone wants to add or simplify the conclusion?
Julap : May I Miss? *yes please* With the explanation from Hana and from the video,
we got the pH range is around three to nine with red to blue colors.
Teacher : Very good. Thankyou. Okay, so to recall again, I want to show again the video but
not all of it. Just to be clear, okay?
Students : Yes miss
Teacher : So, in the video you can see why natural indicators have certain colors in acid,
base and neutral solution.
Teacher : So since you are aware about what is natural indicators are, and why they can be
used, and what is the criteria of the natural indicators that can be use, also you
aware how to make natural indicators. I want you to make groups consist with 3
to four members, and please discuss at home what natural indicators that you
make. And please also try to determine the pH range by testing it to some acid,
base, and neutral solutions that you find around your house. I believe the video
that I gave may help. And the experiment result should be collected with
documentations and a brief explanation of the experiments. This assignment is
submitted through google classroom. Please any question?
Students : already clear Miss.
Teacher : Okay, thank you so much. And also, don’t forget to collect or submit your
worksheet today because I will give you score based on the worksheet that you
So, we have learned about natural indicators for today, about why we can use
natural indicators and how to make natural indicators. I hope today’s lesson is
helpful for your project at home.
Before we end this meeting, let me record the second attendance
And please to class leader lead us to pray before the lessons end
Kiki : Okay, before we end this meeting, it would be better if we pray first, pray begin…
Teacher : Thankyou class leader. And also thank you to all of you that have been
enthusiastically learned, really active and can deliver your opinions clearly. I really
appreciate it. Please be healthy to all of you. Please let me close today’s lessons.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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