With or Without Social Media at Work

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Gineth Tatiana Posada Palacios

It isn´t strange to see that technology is part of the daily life of all people. Social networks have
become a necessity for our work. Such as electronic payments, comunication with family,
friends, sending emails with important documents, etc, through a Cellphone or Computer.

The internet and social networks, being so immersed in our lives have generated a serious
problems of addiction. According to DATAREPORT, on average, a person is on social media
between six and seven hours a day. However, much of this time is spent in school or working
hours and this has put both teachers and employers on alert.

In the workplace, it is necessary to use the internet that contributes to the development of the
employee´s work, as well as the use of social networks, many communication companies
require the constant use of this tool for the execution of their activities.

Now, the problema lies in the use of social networks for leisure or entertainment outside of work,
which affects according to employers, the performance of the worker and clearly, we don´t deny
that, many times we are curious to see a little of our personal Facebook or talking to friend by
whatsapp or even this becomes a kind of “active pause”.

In Colombia, there isn´t law that prohibits the use of social networks at work. Everything
depends on the policies of the company, for the regulation of them. Now, if the employee fulfills
his responsibilities, there isn´t problema in that he checks social networks.

And what about non-productive workers? For large companies it isn´t a problema, they focus on
the performance of the worker and if he doesn´t comply for y or x reason he will be simply fired.

But now we´re going to small businesses or Jobs that don´t require such rigorous tracking and
how it affects both the company and the one that receives the service. I will give two examples:
1. A teacher gives his physics classes to certain young people. The teacher puts the
activities to be done on the board, explains a little what they should do and goes to his
desk to check his social networks. The students dedicate themselves to answering or also
checking their social networks. At least 40 minutes elapse and class has not yet been
2. A tourism company “x” sells extreme sports. Employees must offer customer services
and sell as much as possible. The use of cell phones or social networks cannot be
restricted since it is required in case of researching a new service or communicating with
a company. However, when a client has not arrived, the employer enters their social
networks. Their distraction causes many of the customers to leave the company or the
boss must call them for immediate attention.

In both cases we see that the use of social networks affects both the company and the person who
is taking the service or learning. Also in both cases the use of it cannot be restricted. to do?
Limit? ban? educate? perhaps look at the problem and be aware of it, be responsible for our work
and set certain limits that benefit both parties.


Roa, M. M. (February 20, 2021). Statista. Obtained from The addiction to social networks in the

world: https://es.statista.com/grafico/18988/tiempo-medio-diario-de-conexion-a-una-red-social/

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