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202 7


q rd inins C anv of 2
be n

Any candidate who is eligible under R.P.w.D.

Actz0l6 for any of 2l benchmark
disabilities may obtain certificate of disability
from any one of the under
mentioned institutes for such purpose.

t- vardhman Mahavir Medicar co[ege & safdarjang

,, Hospitat, New Derhi.
All lndia lnstitute of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation (for Locomotor
Disability only) Mumbai.
J- lnstitute of post Graduate Medical Education
& Research Kolkata.
4- Madras Medical College, Chennai.
5- Grant Government Medicar coilege, J.J.
Hospitar compound, Mumbai,
6- Goa Medical College, Goa
7- Govern ment Med ica r cor rege, Th i ruva
na nthapu ra m, Kera ra.
8- SMS Medical College Jaipur, Rajasthan
9- Govt. Medicar coilege and Hospitat, sector
32 chandigarh
10- Govt. Medicar coilege, Agartara, state Disabirity
Board Agartara/Tripura
lt- institute of Medicar sciences, Banaras Hindu
University varanasi, Uttar
1,2- Aii Yavar Jung National lnstitute of speech and
Hearing Disabilities,
Bandra, Mumbai) (For Hearing Disabilities
onry) Mumbai, Maharashtra.
13- AllMS, Nagpur Nagpur, Maharashtra.
1,4- vocational Rehabiritation centre for Handicapped,
L4/ !7s,Ghari chowk,
vijay Nagar, Napier Town Jabalpur Madhya pradesh.

D i recto r 6.;:id u catio n

Tie -j[o ^0-33004/99 RISCD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

C5T> I

CLhs (Baxette of-J*ndia

ui—^rrs 4
PART III—Section 4
tJTfy^iTT ^ yctilftld
Tf. 511 r^l, hmmcik , '•mchI 5, 2019/T4T^T 16, 1940

4'?^, 2019
^t.^T.3TT.’T.-34(41 )/2018-4^./170045.—^k"4ij4 ofH? srRjf^rR-, 1956 (1956
102) ^TRT 33 ?TTT SpJccT 'jTKrfnr tR'^ "m nai 1%f%cjTT Prtt
1997” ^ ijt: ^ftsrr % f^nr, h<*\< #t ^ ^ frRl^rf%rr RP^ 5R irfr t,

1. (i) PP>4H I ^ “H Irl^-' fSt^TT (?T»fr«nT) 2019” ^0^01

(ii) % TRrT^ ^1% ciT^ra' ?r ^tct ^i^ti

2. m-,
ctTT Ptstt PP4hn~fl, 1997" Tf "PP.r-Hi ^iP^i-TT-H'dT HiM-is” yfrr^ yrutcf
4(3) ®Ft PmPPci tPt^iPci 1%Arr^rr^nr:

i^HsTlcTl1^ ^ ^lPr~4 ^TT THT ?n^ % Rrn prjft ^rr '43P4" P^im, 7hi•'-m-P^r, ^fp-
psiK (tit ^m^tP-Pjir sfr ttP-P^it)/ ^fr^-'TiRiPR t-tt frnnfr •ir iFT*T-srr*T T^fpif ^rr
sftr PP^R 4 ^ (2) TT TPTT ypHp'd T^T^TT R Pdid, r-Hi-'-JO-Psild SfR ^RT-P^lO' (TT
:?d?77P~Pd'H irroft'f%TrTiT)/5fP‘ PiRlPPi r P<-iia-/ h 50% sur ttr diTd dip,1’, ;Ptt
STHTdT TTSRrPT ir dTpR PlT( “TJ^Pr m I ^d i d" TfttTT =fr M Rd ^.Rl R ^mT dlpRl
3ip^,Pd RlPP, ?T dd d Ip ;Tt TTT SRET Prri5l ^ff ^ HR n

Psiid, ^dldd-Psifd 3^T PTd-Pdld (RT RR^T ■P-PdlH ift7" RTifr-fpRTR)/ 'jftR yl-RlPPl R RR Pdl'-fH RTR
Pit irrr ^V(dR 3iR7 50% % RRUT 40% fTP) P'OdHT ^TpF % ', 2016 R srntd f^PnR
phFTFTdT dT% SORpRft ^ HRR R T^tiTT R dTP-+ Poll'd, ’RTRR-PtTPT ^fr7' PTd-P^Id/ (RT Rd’aTPr-
Psiid sfiT sii>jR-P511<1) oTplRiR rPtrtrr ^^RRR 50% Rrrtt( 45% Phi i

RyTR Rn 1% Pdfr np STI-R'pf, dl ' rR RpR Rptfl R P, PTRRT rRrTR RlPd Rpt PtRT RRT R, RT
R^ftRRTRRT R RRR RpJiTT R IRR 3TRR1P iTRpR' RR R fr OTT R rPtp^frr joPlPiii-M TP5RRR R TrfRR R
825 GI/2019 (I)
f%TT FT ^ ^ ^ '-UdU^H ^ !Tot f^TT ZWTJTT, TfcT rr=E 4 'P STcFfa TTWT
4|H c;^- ’jn ^Yqt ^TTl

HT^Frft 4T H'.'-M-Cl 5ToTTrTT 'Tl'-d T ’tPTRT Tf, ^ I PT'-r ’|-41'J-.i PR'yT ''1 H^T ?fr 5% 41"?-,
Njijl-q ^rmi ^ Tf^TT €t Tpft w, STT^K TTT, fWTFF ^Tf%41 % Ml^np' 2016% 7TW
% sf^prrr 3% h i % f^FTPTTrsrr 3ri::Tf^:Ti si j. r ^tl TE "3%y:T % P'-l1f^TTTRT A'J Pr^J f % ylTETT7’
srf?) Pi4 h t f^TTHETT” '^, TT f, afp: Rl'Wsh'H 4 Tli%
•3T% 4>rtt^ett, ‘^r’ % sr^Fnr tTrIti ?rf?f%4t !^T4i f^^nr£f, f^r^TFr^PtiMi %
f%TT SFRfelcT 41%, 3TPTfW # SjjqTTcgmT' % ^TTT %T '4^t TZ ^TETt f, 4l' HTT 4^ %r 4%fyrr 'Fpifr % f^rr
*41^ 4t%t 4 ^iiFh'-i 'Ptf^Ri '^i|uni
3.“FntnF f^RR?n fStwr 1997” 4 %f ^TErfr 4frr 4i4t

?P. PT. .^[f<£(4 5pt ^FEj-^rtr T'-il 4 V>ICHj% TT •', IVJ4J

3rf%^r 'ETTFftr %ht Hif^d + 4r1

7^. =pt ftttjtw 1 F5TTfX?f

tt. 4?tt cTi-rtM^, pr^PFrBrr

RR I%^yn : ^JpT f^f^TRT^^T, TRET “JTMTi f^fTTTTT f^T^-TT TT f^fTTRTEpff 1997” '^TPEfPT yiJ-if%51,H
# fTTT'T 4 TT4, 1997 # 3ri^m % iOTT TT7T % TTTPrsr % 'TTT-H? (4) %
!EfTf%T # Tt 4t afrp TT T’ErflT STT^TfR 29.05.1999, 02.07.2002,
30.09.2003, 16.10.2003, 01.03.2004, 20.10.2008, 15.12.2008, 22.12.2008,
25.03.2009, 19.04.2010, 07.10.2010, 21.12.2010, 15.02.2012, 29.12.2015,
' 05.08.2016, 21.09.2016, 10.03.2017, 04.07.2017, 23.01.2018, 06.02.2018 4k
21.05.2018 %r str^Tf Tyfrfyr tor ttt 'Tri

^4141^ ~. 2016' ^ arp^fp i%f?rg wwf %

1. "ftwiTTTT 5n yrnuiT^11, is ^T, 2017 Tr ^mniYrr .srRi^if^Tr rOt (ERiTrarr) ifyirfiN^i

f^'JTFT] 51VT *h I' cl ;Tj|'R if 3ffy -T R^.'-iR R'Rfi'Ji 77 bTRl^r7" RT7fT7 47, 2017 T> y'pTTT 3fHr pTTJT OTrrTTTl

2. fMr Rf%: n "RRir RRRRRr fi ifi-JiT, 5 2018 -7i T'mifTT rpt n-l iriRNifRr tEtfr, [R'ftft rRt
(fTWCTR)JT^r47t777R R-^FT] gFT 'PTET T FTTR 4 i}f>RfT7r “R •f.'.-l nr
I 7; yfyERU, 2016 (2016 Ti 49)
% stcpR yrrR7T fTTr t|tt R,4i rIR if Rfirnr mi^i Tf Tift 'R7p 77^7 t Rte 77 iFfFiv :»tH77 TffnRi

3. RRt1^: fRFRTFTcTT «M'T ^ 77 Rttt rrtp tt 'Tr7 ttft fR -It 4 RprnJrn '-fir “’EFrir FpTt 40% (t'RnP

4. pit TP '777TTTT RiRr (R .r. ) yp? tt' trfr Rn. TrrnTrr 1

[m in-Tsnrg 4] 3

^.TT. f^rvTFTcn f5 ’fi'.'i ij i a i ft^r

yWT* WP"
nfs'-tiM Tr-r-j-ztiH Tlfspp' 'Tr^VT-l T 'n^npi
^FT fpn. r-TPI, fp TR, f^rpi'rr • T. fprr TT4 -r?t
f^T7Ti'4 ^TRi; <T7( ^ Rn'
^rpn V. P7>t qT^ 'TR

1. yrr^rfH T. f^-ftfTRr r>. VZ 7TlT R XRTT 40% ^ 40-80% f^FRFRT 80% p yfRf:
f^FTPHTTF i ^ --f.M I ‘I'lTMT RtPRiiRI f^RPRIT

5I. ^ ^ Pn1 'A

P’fi'l i*ldl (T *T

^T. 5


^■, 0(737**’

■OTJrP -rtipTf,
'(i Pi ;-fi ‘^ri •; irrf?

* iviiPi'^n , ?r'-ifr r rtpt ‘-Pf yrr ■i^i',3T ^ orrftRit r rpt P jj f ji i-i i

^li^rr.cT'-ifT ?)Rp?fr ’jRr^Fn17 tiff R'^I Tlf?:lT1

^FRT =Pt 4^HU4 ‘f TP1} ‘Pt ^.rPl R RPT f^TT PFRIT ^ 1 f?1 ^ sfr3" y^f^FTTp
FfRFFfi Trf^ni

**'PP.f4T TT^JITO % fvPT PR 4R 3HTP r. Prrr TPTT fTPI R, y^.V'P RTRSFI, Tpf'F
.3fP' Tp TR T’ TTW ■ysfmr ?TR £1

’3'. ^ 3T. '147.MnT 40% 4 w 40% F R'RT3'

f^RTFTrFT R RfP yfyp:
n ’S'. m*-4
(y-'TPT ^nfi III
(20%)' MF'II

R. '-4RF PP TTRT 40% Tr s:r 40% ^ R7R

f^PRl’lR ’FT R‘4 R)
FS. RT 7dl

(*) 40% f ’Pt ’'.Tpr/ Prtfrtt trt '-sfR’rr stt rtttsf Prtp;RT PfiTT if
TFT T fpTT Rp RTTST ^TF RRl -i jfp- Rq- 0Rf p; RfR giRFiTT Pr ST ’RRTT t fp: rtfv
fRRTRT FT ■•UTyf^T f^g RT’FR PTTRT ST P: RfriTVl/ tnfRFTR RJlf? ft
RTRIT T 40% P' 'J'TR PT' ’! Rl V: ”[••' RI RTTT ^r'T|

@ 40% T Tprs; €t R-tt fRRfTR TTR RfRR srj RTT'-P f%fSRTT pFR if T
ppT R? RRTT ST TWT t 'TIT RT 'R-f T RIr oRRJF frR “IT RR! t fP WT *
P=f>'-1 i^idl W7F HI'F =t. FTTRTT 'Pf -T^TTrfT 7> 40% F P'S'JR' T SR ip ’R HR -TiR SRI

RR4 3RTTST, RpS % ’RT 60% T iUfys: R ’FR f^R.' '>RT FRT TlffOT

'T. TPT rR TFTT iTpffifR/’FfRT RPR 40% T SR 40% s:

f^R’TFRnrr $ frsRi’Rn TT 'iHP RT



$ TJf, M •Ld I ^ R-4 I ^ncTT ^ f% pH'-Tl'Jl n ^ '4\C-1M‘H 4 rprF TT TPT ^ t f^iT -iTr^T ?PT
(n^T irri tt) ctr 3 4 srfyR ^rfr ^hti r*r 4 irfro tft 1%; nuTfnftrrJT 4 Tlf^FT % f?rn rm
40% grTHTTfr tptfZv TTR '-•'Jfrti MHTi'ji'^ ’TT^nTR if t ?r ^rw ^ 3ffyR ? ffr
TRvUIT f T^f % 'TTR tTTF ■'iTP' f\ T^' Tit iTRiTn’ UTR ^mTI

2. '/I Hst t. t%Dnz # rYrt'I q mrfrnvnfT fr ir^PTn ‘^nr ^f; fpri; Yttp mpr-R'ir
fTT'TPPTTp (TT-JIRT TRTPT pfl f., RTfRTT 40% TT TP iflX irTTlTT ? yP T^TT:
R-t.'Tmmt, R•‘••tf-Yi'4t fprr wfyT/ •'rp.T -fr TTTRPRf ^ i
40% T yTJT 40% % PPW tt TFT 80% 4 3tR1t;
ftiRnfTTTT ifF fTTTTPl'TT arFjr; fw-TFrcn- tr TT fr*fF
ftTTTFkJTT- ^-FrpF-rr) rtft, f7iri%TTyrT XRlTfTI TT -rTTFI
n TT’F TTTnfT^n/TTTRTTTy 4 511 -I I ?TFJV

Rwtjtt TP ! fy;" -Jlir TTltT!


-ft FTTW 4 TFTtTPT 4tt

TT 51 MiTpT T^IHdT T7"

TT. 'TRTT-ftlTrT FTTPTT R --fPlTTFI TT rirftFT: €t 60% F TrR")'

iT'TTT TT 4l'yT'Ifl rJT ^TTT ^-JTftrT tt tff arfRr:
3RH J Ttf f%TT TTTI TTTfn, yrttr
ftflF 'iTPPTR/TTP % FTF T7, ftTTTPTTT 4t
(■Frt^’pnT) 4 ftTFTtiRT 'TtTPT tl TRR FlFTTfr ifp-/ TT
Tppn7'40%- 'R5f?TTf PrpPtT TF fpF -JR PTft; TT
60% in7! F'TF-TIT pRP' PlFT frirra' ttf
ftTTTiFFT, FT FTTriT 4l »iri I'lTnftcTTiTiT

FFT ^41% TT TTT'JVF 4 Ttt

ftTft ftyTTF t: Rtit


iiH-Pi^rmt Y FrdT;?i

ft’7 TTTTF

3. 4MRlT> hmPif 4? R-TFiTFr TT ftIfft :itirr4 ft 40% T .TRFF

FFFTF F'flTT FT tY^rTt tt ifnrT tyrfTrr TT RPT FplF

41 4'-11 TTRT €t FTP? TFF T^ft Pttttttft 7F
fTTTTFRfT: 4 F'Tnr T; TRT FFT ?f?' Rft TT

40% fttt yfr Pttji 'T?n T^rfr, RFfl TqfF'JT

('TFtTtnmr •ypyrryTTP t: ftt rR, FVTi 4 Ftit


Tsfr?r ftFPt? tf ftF FTTT tl
FT? T; ^-jajT pRP' PlFT ...irftpR 4
FT qTTTT h §14tf tf4 t;
fprr pRFF rft
'TP'ffrn t; fpi
. FI7!?! ^FP‘
Rtt • fht

Fttftt ^4 f%
[*TP1 111-lsF^ 4] '41^ gn wra ■; 5

'ffl^T T, iTTR'r
?^fr -r
jf%T if^TRl
?PT i '-f HI'I


4. srnt j "M Pa n T. i. ToT'T *cit 40% q tit 40%-80% 80%

T TFT rra^ir fTT-TPIrTr ■irfy'-T:
ii. TTffTqf^Tir f^TTrnRn q'
f^TFTFTTTT Pi-Ti^illctl

'T. T4rf fTffrrat i. ^TTTT'Pl r?i'Tr 40% q 5w 40%-80% 80%

fw-ri'JFrr f^TTFHT i] -tRtT /
ii. '4P'i4ifip.ii
iii. fqTTT

5. qTqfyF?n Ti'fTi if q nq: q tt'4TT ii fl ifr^rfr t qry if ^4 spnr qnrff €f

q1#r Tpi ■yfifT srq^rqTT if fr'pr tt tut tt^tt q'rfi qyiTT: ttt? fTTTFrrr
TTTFFRTT f^rqtiRrn7 % it; 5f; T'T if ‘-^fp, ’-Ft7!, THf ^F '4147 f^TTFI-fT,
Trf^r [^TTTRTrTi aiF qjqpfr f^mqTn 'F PfFF Pftt tfit
TiIft ^ f%7ft if HT q ypF4 •yF'q'-JTl^ f^fq FFi?
t, 7FFT ?FT 47# f^TFFTrlT €f IFTTqT T# T pTir, '4TFT
q-J TTt ^FT T# €7 q£ F3p# FFTP arPlTTF ?FT
arfy'qf#! qqrmrTrfT # ar^^rqr # -jikPi f,:
T + F(90-T)

(41# T = f^TFTtWT T % TT T^q qn :jTTt F = R'+Hi^Kli T
% tt fq-iq ijft # ptFF-ftFq fTTFTq-uafr t fqn tPtPtt
f#?n 44T #1 FT Tf^vi Tl FqqFT -RF fTTFt'FiTWl TTF
trriTFT if Pfjt fjtt afF ttP# frirr t ftf if ifr^r f#iiF
f^--t."l I'llTliff T aFFTF TT1%f afr'/Tr aTF'.TF t qw q
€\ Fliri


New Delhi, the 4th February. 2019
No. MCJ-34(41)/20l8-Mecl./170045.—In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 33 of the
Indian Medical Council Act. 1956 (102 of 1956). the Medical Council of India with the previous sanction of
the Central Government, hereby makes the following Regulations to further amend the "Regulations on
Graduate Medical Education. 1997‘\ namely:-
1. (i) These Regulations may be called the ‘'Regulations on Graduate Medical Education(Amcndmcnl). 2019.
(ii) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Ga/_e((e.

2. In the '‘Regulations on Graduate Medical Education. 1997", under the heading of "Admission to the
Medical Course-Eligibility Criteria'' clause 4(3) shall be substituted as under:
To be eligible for admission to M13I3S course, a candidate must have passed in the subjects of Physics.
Chemistry. Biology (or Botany and ZoologyVBiotechnology and English individually and must have obtained
a minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (or Botany and Zoology)/Bio-
icchnology at the qualifying examination as .mentioned in clause (2,1 ol Regulation 4 and in addition must have
come in the merit list of "National Eligibilily-cum-Entrnnce Test" for admission to MBITS course. In respect

of candidalcs belonging lo Scheduled Casics. Scheduled Tribes or oilier Backward Classes ihc minimum
marks obtained in Physics. Chemistry and Biology (or Botany and Zoology)/Bu>-tcchno!ogy taken together in
qualifying examination shall be M\% instead of 50%. In respect of candidates with specified disability under
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act. 2016 the. minimum marks in qualifying examination in Physics.
Chemistry and Biology/Bio-technology taken together in qualifying examination shall he 45% instead of 50%.
Provided that a candidate who has appeared in the qualifying examination the result of which has not been
declared, he/shc may bo provisionally permitted to-take up the National Eligibiliiy-cum-Eniranec Test and in
case of selection for admission to the MBBS course, he/she shall not be admitted to that course until he fulfils
the eligibility criteria under Regulation 4.
5% of the annual sanctioned intake capacity in Government or Government aided higher educational
institutions.shall be filled up by candidates with benchmark disabilities in accordance with the provisions of
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act. 2016. based on the merit list of 'National Eligibility-eum-Entrance
Test' . For this purpose the “Specified Disability" contained in the Schedule to the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities Act. 2016 is annexed in Appendix ‘G' and the eligibility of candidates-to pursue a course in
medicine with specified disability shall be in accordance with Appendix ‘IT. If the scats reserved for the
persons with disabilities in a particular category remain unfilled on account of unavailability of candidates, the
seats shall be included in the annual sanctioned seats for the respective Category.
3 In the "Regulations on Graduate Medical Education. 1907". after 7"' row of Appendix-T’. the. following
row shall be added as under:

SI. Schedule for Admission Central Counseling State

No. Counseling
All India Quota Deemed + Cl

7A. Commencement of Academic Session I" August


| ADVT.-III/4/Fxty./525/l S‘|
Foot Note: The Principal Regulations namely. “Regulations on Graduate Medical Education. 1997" were
published in Part-Ill, Section (4) of the Gazette of India vide Medical Council of India
notification dated 4lh March. 1997. and amended r/V/r MCI notifications dated
29/05/1999. 02/07/2002. 3(M)9/2003. 16/10/2003. 0lA)3/2004. 20/10/2008. 15/12/2008.
22/12/2008. 25/03/2009, 19/04/2010. 07/l()/2mo. 21/12/2010. 15/02/2012. 29/12/2015.
05/08/2016, 21/09/20)6, 10/03/20)7.04/07/2017. 23/01/2018. 06/02/201 8 & 2 1/05/201 8.
Appendix “H”
Guidelines regarding admission of students with “Specified Disabilities" under the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities Act. 2016 with respect to admission in MBBS
Note 1. The “Certificate of Disability" shall be issued in accordance with the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules.
2017 notified in the Gazette of India bv the hv the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment | Department ol
Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities on I 5th June 2017.
2. The extent of ‘'specified disability" in a person shall he assessed in accordance with the "Guidelines tor the purpose ol
assessing the extent of specified disability in a person included under the Rights ol Persons with Disabilities Act. 2016
(49 of 2016)" notified in the Gazette of India by (he Ministry of .Social .fustice ami Empowenneni [Depanmeni of
Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan)\ on 4th January 2018.
3. The minimum degree of disability should be 40% (Benchmark Disability) in order to be eligible for availing
reservation for persons with specified disability.
4. The form ‘Persons with Disabilities’ (PwD) is to be used instead of the term 'Physically Handicapped' (PH)
SI. • Disability Type of Specified Disability Disability Ranee
No Type Disabilities Eligible for Eligible for Medical Nol Eligible for
Medical Coarse, Eligible for Medical Course
Course. Nol PwD Quota
Eligible for
PwD Quota
I. Physical A. Locomotor a. Leprosy cured Less than ‘10% 40-,S()% di.snbiliiv More ihan XD7/
Disability Disability. person* ilisahiliiy
[■m m-isps 4] ’qra ; arcnvR11!’ 7

including h. Cerebral Palsy s»s*!'

Disabilities fa to c. Dwarfism
r>. tl. Muscular
e. Acid aliack vidinis
f. f.)iltcrs!i'-|!'' such a>
Poliomyelitis, etc.
Attention should be paid to loss of sensations in lingers ami hands, amputation, as
well as involvement of eyes and corresponding rceoinmciuluiions he looked at.
Attention .should be paid to impairment of vision, hearing, cognitive (unction etc.
and corresponding reeommemlaiioiis be looked at.
sf: Roth hands' intact, with intact sensations, sufficieni strength and range of motion are

essential to be considered eligible for medical com sc

B. Visual a. BJindness- Less titan 40% flcjnal to or More

Impairment ("') disability (i.e. than 40% Disability
b. Low vision Category '0 (i.c. Category III and
VKK/r.V. 'i above)
(20%)' & 'll
C. Hearing a. Deaf Less than -IO'/i Iwiual it' or more
impairmentC Disabilitv than -107, Disahiliiv
h. Hard of heai ing
(’"’l Persi'tns with Visual impairment / visual disability of more (hart -!fK> nj;iy lx: made
eligible to pursue Cnidiatte Medical nilucalinn ami may be given reservation, subject to
the condition that the visual disability is brought to a level of less than the benchmark ol
40% with advanced low vision aids such as telescopes / magnifier etc.
C1 Persons with hearing disability of more than 40% may he matte eligible to pursue
Graduate Medical Education and mnv he given res'ervalinn. subject to the comlitinn that
the hearing disability is brought to a level of less than the benchmark of 40'# with the
aid of assistive devices.
In addition to Ibis, the individual should have a speech discrimination score ol more
than 60%.
D. Speech & Organic/ neurological Less than 40% Equal to or more
language causes Disabilitv than 40% Disnbdily
S It is proposed that for admission to MBBS course the Speech IntcHigibilitv Affected t.SIA) .score shall tmi
exceed d i Which will correspond to less than 40'/;; m Iv eligible m pursue ihe MBPS course. The
individuals beyond this score will not be eligible for admission to the M BBS course.
Persons with an Aphasia Quotient (AQ) upto 40'#1 may he eligible to pursue MBBS course hut beyond that
they will neither he eligible to pursue the MBBS course nor will they have aitv reservation.
o Intellectual a. Specific learning tl currently ihere is no Quantification scale available n< assess
disability disabilities the severity of Spl.,1). therefore the cut-off of 40% is arbitrary
i Perceptual and more evidence is needed.
disabilities. Dyslexia.
Less than 40% ('qnal to or uiniv Moic than SI)';;, or
Disahiliiv Ihan 40%. disabilitv severe nature oi
Dyspraxia cV
Developmental •
But selection will be cognitive/
based on the imcllccm.i) disabiliiy
evaluated with the
help of the
assisted technology/
aids/ infrastructural
changes by the
Expert Panel

b. Autism spectrum Absence or Currenlly not Equiil lo or more

disorders Mild ri.'comnK-iHlat clue (him (iUr/f diMibiliiy
Disabilily, (o laeR of o/'jeciicv or [rrcseHCc* <>)
Asperger rncihod io estahlish cognitivc/iiiicMccuiiil
syudiouie presenc e ami extern tlivahiliiy iinj/or il
(disability of of mental illness. ihc person is deemctl
40- 60'};' as Howevei. the iml'il for pursnmu
per ISA A i heiKi'u of MBPS comse hy an
where the I'cservaiion/ciiKHa cxpia'I jiaiiel
individual is may He considered
deemed )if lor in imme al'ter
MRBS com sc developing' heltei
he .in expert melluxls of
panel disahiJiie

3. Mental Mental illness Absenc e or Cuireiuiy not I.T|u;)I to or more

behaviour mild recommended due ihan -10'T disability
Disability: less to lack of objective or if the person is
than 40% method to estahlish deemed unlit to
(under presence and extern perform his/her
IDEAS) of menial illness. duties, Standards
However, the may He drafted for
benefit of the definition of
reservation/c|uoui "fitness to practice,
may be considered medicine", as are
in future after used by several
developing heller insiiiuiions of
methods of countries oilier than
disabilily India.

4. Disability a. Chronic . Multiple Sclciosjs Less than 40% 40-X0'/, disahiliiv More than SOfi
caused due to Neurological Disability 4
i. Parkinsonism

h. Blood . Haemopliilia Less tban M)"'n 40-Sn% disabilitv More than NO'*
Disoulcrs Disabilitv
i. Thalassemia

ii. Sickle cell disease

5. Multiple More than one of the iVIList consider all above while deciding in individual cases
disabilities above specified recommendations with respect to presence any of the above,
including disabilities namely. Visual. Hearing. Speech cV Language disability.
deni' Intellectual Disability, and Menial Illness as a component ol
blindness Multiple Disability.
Combining Formula as notified by the related Gazette
Notification issued by ihc Gnvi. of India

a -t- b (90-a)

(where a= higher value of disability 'Vt and b=|ower value ol

disabilily % as calculated for diflereni disabilities)
is recommended foi computing the disability arising when
more ihan one disabling condition is presem in a given
individual. This formula may be u.Mal in eases will) multiple
disabilities, and recommendations regarding admission and/m
reservaiion made as per the specific disabililivs pic'em in a
given individual

Uploaded by Dtc. of Printing at Government of India Press. Ring Road. Mayapuri. New Delhi-1 I OHM
and Published by the Control lei' ol Publications. Delhi -1 10054 Digitally signed by
Daie.2019.02 08
o List of Centres who will issue Disability Certificates as per
21 Benchmark Disabilities given under RPWD Act-2016.

S/No. Centres who will issue Disability Certificates as per 21 City/State

Benchmark Disabilities given under RPWD Act-2016

i. Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjang New Delhi


2. ' All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Mumbai

Rehabilitation (for Locomotor Disability only)

3. Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research Kolkata

4. Madras Medical College Chen nai

5. Grant Government Medical College, J.L Hospital Mumbai, Maharashtra


6. Goa Medical College Goa

7. Government.Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram T h i r u v a n a nth a p u ra m,
8. SMS Medical College Jaipur, Rajasthan

9. Govt. Medical College and Hospital, Sector32 Cha ndigarh

10. Govt. Medical College, Agartala, State Disability Board Agartala/T ripu ra

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