ACCA - Approved Learning Partner Guide

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1 Introduction
2 Levels of approval
3 Benefits of approval
4 Becoming an Approved Learning
Partner – Student Tuition
5 Application process and progression
6 Approval
7 ACCA Tuition Provider List
8 Fees

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To become an Approved Learning Partner
– Student Tuition, you are expected to
demonstrate that you meet challenging
performance targets, representing global
best practice in the provision of ACCA
course tuition and support.

The aims of ACCA’s Approved Learning

Partner – Student Tuition programme
are to:

• approve the highest quality ACCA tuition

providers, who have demonstrated their
success in supporting students through
the ACCA qualifications

• support our learning partners in

providing students with the
opportunity to succeed.


The levels of approval are: PLATINUM
• Gold Platinum approval is the highest and most
• Platinum. prestigious level of the programme and is
available for both face-to-face and distance-
Approval is given to tuition providers who learning providers.
demonstrate that they meet the challenging
performance targets set by ACCA. Gold and In working with Platinum-approved tuition
Platinum approvals are granted only to providers, ACCA aims to provide students
high-quality tuition providers that ACCA with the tuition access and support they
is confident to recommend to students. need to become ACCA members. For this
reason, Platinum approval is given only to
GOLD those who teach the ACCA Qualification
Gold approval is the first level of the as part of their course delivery. To be
programme and requires tuition providers considered for Platinum approval, tuition
to meet a range of challenging performance providers must already be Gold approved
targets covering the institution’s overall and, in addition to the challenging
management and, more specifically, its performance targets that have been
ACCA course management and delivery. demonstrated to attain Gold approval,
the tuition provider must also meet
In determining a tuition provider’s eligibility ACCA’s Platinum performance targets
for Gold approval, ACCA gives that provider and pass-rate targets over two consecutive
flexibility in demonstrating how it meets sets of results.
the performance targets.
Platinum approval will last for three years.
Gold approval can be given to tuition During this time, ACCA will conduct annual
providers who are teaching any of ACCA’s monitoring, including site visits, to ensure
qualifications – ACCA Qualification, CAT, that performance targets and Platinum pass
DipFM and DipIFR – either through face- rates continue to be met and to identify
to-face tuition or by distance-learning. any areas in which ACCA can work more
As part of the approval process, all tuition closely with the tuition provider.
providers will undergo a pre-approval site
visit by a representative of ACCA. Once a
tuition provider becomes an Approved
Learning Partner – Student Tuition, approval
will be renewed on an annual basis and
ACCA will conduct an annual visit to ensure
that performance targets continue to be met
and to identify any areas in which ACCA can
work more closely with the tuition

Approval Teaching any ACCA qualification – ACCA Teaching at least the ACCA Qualification
prerequisite Qualification, CAT, DipFM or DipIFR plus
already achieved Gold approval

Delivery Face-to-face or distance-learning Face-to-face or distance-learning

Approval Performance targets Performance targets

requirements plus
Pass-rate targets

Approval period One year Three years

Renewal fee Annual Annual

Monitoring Annual Annual

Support Continuous Continuous


As an Approved Learning Partner – Student • Online services: you will have online
Tuition at Gold and Platinum, you will access to your account, including the
benefit from the following: facility to maintain your details, apply
to upgrade your approval, apply for
• Best practice certification: in becoming re-approval, use our results analysis
an Approved Learning Partner – Student service, and access past results
Tuition you will have been assessed analysis reports. In addition, your
against ACCA’s widely recognised and online account will allow you access
highly-regarded global best practice to a host of exclusive ACCA resources,
benchmarks. This provides you and such as the Knowledge Library, ACCA’s
your students with unequivocal assurance online Professional Ethics module and
about your ACCA tuition and student up-to-the-minute information on
support frameworks developments at ACCA.

• Brand enhancement: by becoming an • Marketing tools: you will receive a

Approved Learning Partner – Student certificate of your approval from ACCA
Tuition you will demonstrate to students and, based on your level of approval,
and their employers that you are you will have the use of the Gold or
committed to providing high-quality Platinum approved title and distinctive
tuition and student support, and so logo. You will also receive ACCA’s latest
will enhance your own reputation display merchandise to help you signpost
and promote your courses.
• Continuous improvement: you will
have access to a range of development GOLD
opportunities, tools and tuition provider With Gold approval you will also benefit
events provided by ACCA to help support from ACCA’s recommendation of you as
you in improving your tuition, including a quality tuition provider and will receive
free results analysis reports at each exam tailored support to become Platinum
session, for paper-based and computer- approved.
based exams
• Dedicated contact and customer service: As a Platinum Approved Learning Partner
you will be provided with excellent you will be actively promoted by ACCA to
account management and support our Approved Employers and partners as
through ACCA’s head office and national a highest-quality tuition provider. You will
office network also benefit from priority booking at ACCA’s
teachers’ conference and will have the
• Promotion by ACCA: you will have opportunity to comment on ACCA exams
priority entry on ACCA’s online database by providing written representation for
of tuition providers, with up to 100 words consideration at ACCA’s Examination
of promotional text, plus advertising Review Board. Furthermore, we can
opportunities on ACCA’s website, in provide you with market information
student accountant and through ACCA packages, including assistance with
Access, our direct mailing service potential expansion opportunities.



The following table shows the minimum ACCA tuition provision that tuition providers
must offer in order to be eligible for each level of approval.


Gold Any of ACCA’s qualifications – ACCA Qualification,

CAT, DipFM or DipIFR course

Platinum Running a minimum of eight papers annually from the ACCA

Qualification, which must include all Essentials
papers and two Options papers in the Professional level


To qualify for Gold or Platinum approval, The performance targets are assessed in
tuition providers must offer full-time or two parts: Part 1 – Institution management
part-time face-to-face tuition, or an and Part 2 – ACCA course management
equivalent distance-learning course. and delivery. Depending on the level of
In reviewing a full-time/part-time course, approval, the tuition provider must be able
ACCA will take into account: to demonstrate that they meet all the
performance targets as follows:
• the style of tuition
• Gold: performance targets 1.1–1.14 and
• the duration of the course 2.1–2.22 inclusive

• the timing of the course in relation • Platinum: performance targets 1.1–1.22

to the exams. and 2.1–2.28 inclusive.

Revision courses are considered in the ACCA encourages tuition providers to

approval process, but approval cannot be provide a complete account of why they
given on the revision course alone. believe they meet each target, supported
with relevant evidence or documentation.
PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT MATRIX Guidance and examples of documentation/
When applying for approval, tuition evidence that can be used to support
providers are assessed against ACCA’s the claim that a performance target has
performance targets, detailed in the been met is contained within this pack.
performance assessment matrix.

Tuition providers are given flexibility in how

they demonstrate achievement of each
target, and are invited to relate targets
to their institution and give insight into
their individual practice. ACCA welcomes
diversity and innovation in all areas of
institution management and course delivery.

F2F = face-to-face
DL = distance learning
Please refer to the appropriate
Part 1 Institution Management targets for your delivery methods

Attendance/ 1.1(a) An attendance policy is in place
participation and action is taken where students
and retention persistently fail to attend class.

1.1(b) Action is taken where students

persistently fail to complete

1.2 Student retention figures are

documented and reviewed,
and the reason for student
losses is investigated.

Complaints 1.3 A formal, transparent complaints

procedure procedure or charter is in place and
available to students. Complaints
received are investigated
thoroughly and promptly,
and acted on accordingly.

Premises and 1.4(a) There are permanent premises

facilities for administration and the
majority of tuition.

1.4(b) There are permanent premises

for administration.

1.5 Premises are comfortable and 1.15 Facilities offered have been
create an atmosphere that is designed to meet the needs
conducive to study. of students.

1.6 Lecture rooms are of an 1.16 Premises and facilities are modern
appropriate size for the and well-maintained.
number of students in a class.

1.7(a) Premises and facilities are 1.17 A private study area is available to
appropriate for the types of students within office hours.
courses offered and their mode
of delivery.

1.7(b) Facilities and systems are

appropriate for the mode of
delivery of courses offered.

1.8 Students and tutors have

access to modern IT equipment,
including web access.

1.9 Appropriate measures are in place

to minimise disruption to students
in the event of system failure.

Part 1 Institution Management (continued)

Terms and 1.10 All students are issued with the
conditions institution’s terms and conditions
of enrolment, including refund and
deferment policies.

Tutor absence/ 1.11 Appropriate measures are in place

course to minimise disruption to students
cancellation in the event of tutor absence/

1.12 Course cancellations occur only in

circumstances beyond the tuition
provider’s control, and students
are advised upon enrolment of any
factors that may prevent the course
from running.

1.13 Procedures are in place to ensure

that students are given as much
notice as possible in the event
that a course or other scheduled
activity is cancelled.

Financial viability 1.14 Tuition provider is

financially viable.

Continual 1.18 The institution demonstrates a

improvement commitment to innovation and
– course delivery continuous improvement in
course delivery, including the
use of technology.

Progress 1.19 Student progress is reviewed

monitoring throughout the course and, where
applicable, counselling is offered
to students who fail.

Continual 1.20 Study support methods have

improvement been designed to meet the
– student support needs of students.

1.21 The institution demonstrates

a commitment to innovation
and continuous improvement
in student support.

Administration 1.22 The performance of administrative

staff staff is monitored and, where
appropriate, plans are in place to
develop knowledge and customer
service skills.

Part 2 ACCA Course Management and Delivery

Tutors 2.1 Tutors are knowledgeable and 2.23 Tutors’ performance is monitored and
experienced in their chosen field CPD is undertaken to develop their
and hold qualifications appropriate technical and teaching skills.
to the subjects they teach.

2.2 Tutors have access to relevant

teaching reference materials,
e.g. study guides, past papers
and articles.

Student 2.3 Student feedback on tuition 2.24 Summaries of student feedback

feedback provider performance is actively forms are produced and used to
sought, reviewed and acted upon contribute to course review meetings.
where appropriate.

2.4(a) Student feedback questionnaires

include questions on administration,
facilities, tutor performance and
course content.

2.4(b) Student feedback questionnaires

include questions on administration,
tutor performance, course content
and delivery.

2.5 A minimum of 70% of all

student feedback questionnaires
are returned.

Teaching/study 2.6(a) A structured teaching

programme programme is in place and
communicated to students.

2.6(b) Students are provided with a

structured study programme
for each paper.

2.7(a) Homework assignments are set,

reviewed and returned, with
constructive comments on
content and style, within a
specified turnaround time.

2.7(b) Assignments are set, reviewed

and returned, with constructive
comments on content and style,
within a specified turnaround time.

2.8(a) Mock examinations and timed

practice tests are set, reviewed
and returned, with constructive
criticism on content and style,
within a specified turnaround time.

Part 2 ACCA Course Management and Delivery (continued)

Teaching/study 2.8(b) Mock examinations and timed
programme practice tests are given to students
(continued) as part of their course, and
returned, with constructive
comments on content and style,
within a specified turnaround time.

2.25 Students are actively encouraged to

complete/attend mock examinations
and timed practice tests.

2.26 A variety of appropriate teaching,

learning and assessment methods are
offered, reflecting the needs of students
and content of papers taught.

Support 2.9 Students are provided with a course

materials handbook containing up-to-date
essential information on the
institution, the course, and ACCA.

2.10 Students are provided with guidance

on their programme of study, including
a detailed breakdown of their course
into modules or study sessions and
advice on any assignments, mock
examinations and practice tests.

2.11 The format of programmes of

study is consistent across papers.

Tutor contact 2.12 Students are provided with the

details contact details of all their tutors and
are able to access an ACCA course
leader or course tutor
during office hours.

Student support 2.13 Students are offered advice on 2.27 Students are offered appropriate pre-
and advice study options as well as ACCA enrolment advice on entry points to
progression rules, exam entry the ACCA Qualification and advised
rules and exemptions. of available study routes suited to
their needs.

2.14 Staff are fully aware of the practical

experience requirements (PER) for
ACCA membership and are able to
provide students with support and
guidance in achieving them.

2.15 Students are offered advice on

the most appropriate study material
for their course.

Student support 2.16(a) Tutorial support on technical
and advice course content is available
(continued) to students.

2.16(b) Students are provided with tutor

contact details or have access
to a centralised system through
which they can make technical
enquiries on course content.

2.17 Students receive responses to

any queries within a specified,
published time frame.

Administration 2.18 Customer-facing administrative

staff staff are appropriately trained
to respond to queries about
any of ACCA’s qualifications
and tuition provider procedures.

Course review 2.19 Course review meetings are

meetings held after each examination
session to review:
i. course structure and delivery
ii. student performance, retention
and feedback.

Reports to 2.20 Reports on student progress are

sponsor supplied to sponsors on request.

Promotional 2.21 Promotional material contains

material accurate information regarding
ACCA and up-to-date ACCA
Connect contact details.

2.22 Promotional material contains

accurate information regarding
the tuition provider and makes
no unsubstantiated or potentially
misleading claims.

Induction 2.28 An induction session is offered

to new students before the start
of a course.

Before making an application to become an Approved Learning Partner – Student Tuition, you should consider carefully whether
your institution meets the performance targets outlined in the above performance assessment matrix. If there are any targets that
you cannot meet at this time, we ask that you delay your application until you are confident that you can meet all the targets.


Applications for Gold approval are invited PERFORMANCE TARGETS
from tuition providers who demonstrate that ACCA will consider exemption from
they meet all the Gold performance targets. some elements within the performance
assessment matrix where a tuition
MAKING THE APPLICATION provider has already been assessed
Applications can be made online at and approved against these elements, where you will by another regulatory body, or where
initially be asked to provide some details the tuition provider belongs to a group of
about your institution. ACCA will contact providers who take a standard approach to
you to discuss your eligibility to apply and certain elements, such as course materials.
upon confirmation will issue you with a In the first instance you should contact the
username and password for myACCA – learning partnerships department to discuss
where you will be able to access the full whether the accreditation held will be
application form. Alternatively, contact satisfactory for exemption. to obtain paper-
based versions of the form and guidelines GOLD PRE-APPROVAL REVIEW AND VISIT
from the learning partnerships department. Once your application is complete and
the fee has been received, a desk based
In your application, you will be asked pre-approval review will be carried out
to declare that to the best of your followed by a pre-approval visit arranged
knowledge your institution meets by an ACCA representative. Before the
each of the performance targets, visit, you will receive an information pack
and to detail the ways in which explaining what will happen at the visit,
you are able to demonstrate this. and what you should do to prepare for it.

You will be required to submit with MULTI-SITE TUITION

your application (or upload online) PROVIDERS AND SATELLITES
any documentation that can be used Approval on the programme applies to
to demonstrate that each of these individual tuition providers at single-site
performance targets is met. locations. Tuition providers based at more
than one site should seek separate approval
A non-refundable initial application fee for each location. Tuition providers that
of £50 is payable with the application. operate satellite campuses for teaching,
When the fee has been received your but have centralised administration within
institution’s details will be displayed on the main campus, are not required to seek
the ACCA Tuition Provider List, if an approval for each satellite, but must notify
entry does not already exist. ACCA of these arrangements.

If you are based in a country that has a Applications can be made online once your
regulatory requirement for your institution eligibility to apply for Platinum has been
to register with a government organisation confirmed, by following the myACCA link
(or similar), ACCA expect that you have on the home page
complied with these requirements and will and logging-in using your username and
ask you to verify this through your initial password. Paper-based versions of the
approval and subsequent re-approvals. application form and guidelines are also
available from the learning partnerships
As an Approved Learning Partner – Student In your application you will be asked to
Tuition, you will be expected to abide by detail the ways in which you are able to
the International Association for Accounting demonstrate the additional performance
Education and Research (IAAER) Global targets required for Platinum approval, and
Code of Ethics for Accounting Educators. to submit any supporting documentation that
The code of ethics is designed to guide can be used as evidence. No additional fee
accounting tuition providers by underlining is required to apply for Platinum approval.
their responsibilities in this field.
Visit the IAAER website at Once your application is complete,
to see the Code of Ethics in full. a pre-approval visit will be arranged
with an ACCA representative. This may
MOVING TO PLATINUM be combined with your annual Gold
ACCA will confirm when you are eligible to re-approval visit if it has not already
apply for Platinum approval. Gold Approved been conducted in the year of the
Learning Partners will become eligible to Platinum application.
apply for Platinum approval on meeting
the Platinum pass rate targets over two
consecutive examination sessions. You will
then be required to demonstrate that you
meet all the Platinum performance targets.


APPROVAL FEES AND You will be able to download the
TIMING OF APPLICATIONS appropriate Approved Learning Partner –
Once your application is approved, you Student Tuition logo by following the link
will be invoiced for the approval fee, which to myACCA on the
for Gold status is equivalent to the annual home page and logging-in using your
fee. Newly-approved Platinum Approved username and password.
Learning Partner – Student Tuition will be
invoiced for the difference in fee. UNSUCCESSFUL APPLICATIONS
ACCA reserves the right to decline approval
There is no deadline for applications for to institutions that have submitted unsuitable
Gold or Platinum status. However it is applications. It is the responsibility of the
worth noting that the annual renewal institution to demonstrate that it has met
process takes place in the last quarter of all relevant performance targets, and to
the year, and all existing Approved Learning demonstrate this in their application or
Partners – Student Tuition are invoiced for at the pre-approval visit.
the following year’s annual fee at this
time. Applicants gaining approval late in If your application is unsuccessful, you
the year may therefore incur two sets of will receive confirmation from the learning
fees in a short space of time. partnerships department, which will detail
recommendations for improvement.
APPROVAL PACK AND Tuition providers whose application for
ADDITIONAL BENEFITS Gold approval has been unsuccessful
On approval, you will receive confirmation will retain their entry on ACCA’s Tuition
from the learning partnerships department Provider List in accordance with the
and, if applicable, this will also detail any renewal cycle. There is no appeals
conditions or recommendations upon which process, however tuition providers are
your approval is based. welcome to reapply when improvements
have been implemented.
A certificate declaring your Gold or
Platinum approval will be enclosed with
the confirmation letter. In addition, ACCA
promotional materials will be issued to
you directly from ACCA’s mailing house.


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In addition to Approved Learning Partners Further information on the ACCA Tuition
– Student Tuition, the Tuition Provider List Provider List is available separately on
also includes tuition providers who have ACCA’s website or
not been formally approved by ACCA. by e-mailing ACCA’s learning partnerships
This includes tuition providers who are department with
not eligible to apply for approval, have your queries.
been unsuccessful in their application to
become an Approved Learning Partner –
Student Tuition, or who have chosen not
to pursue formal approval.

Only ACCA’s Approved Learning Partners –

Student Tuition have been formally
assessed by ACCA. Subscription to the
Tuition Provider List alone does not signify
approval from ACCA or guarantee the
quality of tuition.


The following fees will apply per site:

£650 a year plus £50 initial application
fee (non-refundable).

£750 a year.

Payment should be made in £ sterling to

‘ACCA’ and sent directly to the learning
partnerships department in Glasgow.

The information contained in this publication is provided for general purposes only. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate and up to
date at the time of going to press, ACCA accepts no responsibility for any loss which may arise from information contained in this publication. No part of this publication may
be reproduced, in any format, without prior written permission of ACCA. © ACCA August 2007

2 Central Quay

United Kingdom
Glasgow G3 8BW
89 Hydepark Street
tel: +44 (0)141 582 2000

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