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College of Teacher Education and Leadership

Department of Teacher Education
EDUC 151: Fundamentals of Christian Education
Take Home Sectional

Student’s Name: _____________________ I.D. #: ______________

Total: ____/77

True or False (10 Marks)

Instruction: Write “TRUE” if the statement is correct and “FALSE” is the statement is incorrect
in the space provided.

1. ______ Sin caused man’s mental capacity to be lessened.

2. ______ It was distrust of God’s goodness and rejection of His authority that made Adam
and Eve sin.
3. ______ The basis of creation, redemption, and true education is prayer.
4. ______ In communion with God we find the highest education.
5. ______ All that was lost by yielding to Satan cannot be regained trough Christ.
6. ______ True education prepares persons for this life and the next.
7. ______ All true knowledge and real development have their source in a knowledge of
8. ______ When we are truly educated we will be unselfish.
9. ______ The work of True Education and the work of redemption are different.
10. ______ The work of true education is to train the youths to think for themselves.

Multiple Choice (6 Marks)

1. Which one of the following groups of subjects best represent the curriculum of Adam and
Eve?:- (1 mark)
(a) Botany, physics geometry
(b) Mathematics, biology, business principles.
(c) Zoology, astronomy, information science
(d) Geology ,pescatology, meteorology
2. Eve’s eating of the forbidden fruit made her (1 mark)
(a) Prove Satan a liar.
(b) Prove God a liar.
(c) Fantasize rather than rationalize.
(d) Rationalize rather than fantasize.

3. At creation labour was given as a …… (1 mark)

(a) Promotion of industry, purity and fitness
(b) Way to teach that man must work hard to survive
(c) Curse due to the sin of Adam and Eve
(d) means of physical but mental and spiritual development

4. Two institutions that came to humans from Eden are... (1 mark)

(a) marriage and family
(b) marriage and Sabbath
(c) obedience and sacrifice
(d) sacrifice and the Sabbath

5. The first promise of salvation is found in... (1 mark)

(a) John 3:16
(b) Genesis 3:15
(c) Exodus 20: 8-11
(d) Matthew 1:21

6. The lifespan of Christian education is (1 mark)

(a) Eternity
(b) Age seventy
(c) Death
(d) Tertiary level

Essay (35 Marks)


1. Nature is said to be “God’s Handwriting”. Select two things from nature that we can

learn lessons about God the creator from and say how it applies to your own life. (Be

sure to include appropriate scripture to support points)

2. From the Chapter “Lives of Great Men”

a. Identify two characters who impressed you most

b. Compare and contrast their lives, highlighting at least five (5) points of

comparison and five (5) points of contrast. (10 marks).

2. Accurately write the memory passage from the book Education, that begins:“The greatest

want of the world…” (5 marks)

3. The book of Proverbs contains many valuable counsels that can be used by the modern

student in about 150 words identify three of these counsels and present arguments as to

how you could use them to foster right and moral living (10marks).

Short Answer (26 Marks)

4. The __________ _________ is the source of true education. (1 mark)

5. List four (4) consequences of sin:- (4 marks)

 __________________________________
 __________________________________
 __________________________________
 __________________________________

6. What is the work of redemption? (2 marks)


7. __________ is the basis (foundation) of true education. (1 mark)

8. Fill in the following diagram to demonstrate the sequence that lead to Adam and Eve’s
(3 marks)

_____________ ______________ _____________

9. “Higher than the ________________human thought can reach is ___________ ideal for
His children. ____________________ - _________________________ - is the goal to
be reached. (4

10. Nature speaks of ____________ and ____________. (2 marks)

11. For the schools of Eden, The Prophets and The Hereafter please indicate what would fall
in the following categories. (1 mark per

a. Teacher
b. Student
c. Classroom
d. Textbook
e. Subjects
f. Purpose (where relevant)
g. Entry requirements (where relevant)
h. Branch
i. Location

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