Main Idea Direct Instruction Lesson Plan 1

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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Teachers: Subject/Grade:
Amanda Whitehouse 1st Grade, ELA

Common Core State Standards:

● 1.RI.2 Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.

Objective (Explicit):
● SWBAT identify the main idea and supporting details of the story Whose Feet Are These by correctly matching each
item on a worksheet.

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

◻ Include a copy of the lesson assessment.

◻ Provide exemplar student responses with the level of detail you expect to see.

◻ Assign value to each portion of the response

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to complete their independent worksheet on the main idea and
supporting details of the story. This worksheet will be out of 4 points possible. Exceeds 4/4- if students master the
independent worksheet by correctly matching all the items and then write the main idea of the second worksheet.
(challenge question) Meets 3/4- Students will be meeting expectations if students master the independent worksheet by
correctly matching all the items. Approaches 2/4-Students will be approaching expectations if they incorrectly match any
of the items but with guidance can correct their mistakes. Falls Far Below 1/4-Students will be falling far below
expectations if they cannot correctly match the items even with added guidance.

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

◻ How will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons?

◻ What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson objective?

◻ How is this objective relevant to students, their lives, and/or the real world?

SWBAT determine what the mystery bag items are all about.
SWBAT define what the main idea means.
SWBAT use supporting details to find the main idea.

Key vocabulary: Materials:

Main idea- what the story or book is all about -Mystery bag with items related to brushing teeth
(toothbrush, tooth paste, flossers)
Supporting details- information in a book that helps you to -Main idea anchor chart
figure out what the main idea is. -Whose Feet Are These book
-Exit ticket
Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)
◻ How will you activate student interest?

◻ How will you connect to past learning?

◻ How will you present the objective in an engaging and student-friendly way?
◻ How will you communicate its importance and make the content relevant to your students?

I will use a call to attention and tell students to show me their plan. “It is now time for you to show me your plan
with your eyes on me, everything is out of your hands, and there is no talking, no excuses, right?” I will bring out the
mystery bag and get them excited to see what is inside to grab their attention. I will tell them that I need them to put their
detective hats back on and help me decide what the clues inside the bag are ALL ABOUT. I will pull out each item from
the bag and ask them what they think the items are all about. Students will say something about brushing your teeth and
I will then tell them that what something is all about is also called the main idea. When we read stories and books it is
important to understand what the author is trying to tell us, or what the book is all about. Today we will learn about the
main idea of a book and supporting details.

I Teacher Will: Student Will:

n ◻ How will you model/explain/demonstrate all ◻ What will students be doing to actively capture and process the
s knowledge/skills required of the objective? new material?
◻ What types of visuals will you use? ◻ How will students be engaged?
u ◻ How will you address misunderstandings or common
student errors?
i ◻ How will you check for understanding?
o ◻ How will you explain and model behavioral expectations?
a ◻ Is there enough detail in this section so that another
l person could teach it?
p *Have students gather on the carpet to review key *Students will sit quietly on the carpet while we go over the
u concepts using the ice cream anchor chart. anchor chart on the main idea.
t *Go over expectations for carpet-remind them to show *Students will use hand motions and repeat the phrase “all
me their plan. Raise their hand before they talk. And about” when describing what the main idea is.
show others their plan when they are talking as well.
*Explain that we can use an ice cream cone to think
about the main idea and supporting details.
*Explain that the main idea of a story is the cone of
the ice cream and it is what the story is “ALL ABOUT”
(use hand motion while saying “all about” and have
students repeat it with hand motions. Hand motion is
like a rainbow)
*Then explain that the supporting details are the
information the author gives in the book that helps us
to understand what the main idea is. These are the ice
cream scoops on our ice cream.
*When we read a book we can think about the details
the author gave us, see if we notice a pattern or
something that they all have in common, and then
determine the main idea of the book or what the book
is “all about” (do hand motion again and have students
repeat it again with you)
*We can also look at the title of a book to give us
clues, like the kind detectives need to solve a
problem, to figure out the main idea.
Co-Teaching Strategy
◻ Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

*One teach, one observe

Differentiation Strategy
◻ What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
◻ Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?

*If students are not able to sit quietly and pay attention I will move them to a different spot on the carpet to avoid distractions.
*I will use the hand motions as a way to help keep students engaged and help support students who need to incorporate movement
into learning.

G Teacher Will: Student Will:

◻ How will you ensure that all students have multiple ◻ How will students practice all knowledge/skills required of the
i opportunities to practice new content and skills? objective, with your support, such that they continue to
internalize the sub-objectives?
d ◻ What types of questions can you ask students as you are
◻ How will students be engaged?
e observing them practice?
d ◻ How/when will you check for understanding? ◻ How will you elicit student-to-student interaction?
P ◻ How will you provide guidance to all students as they ◻ How are students practicing in ways that align to independent
r practice? practice?
◻ How will you explain and model behavioral expectations?
t ◻ Is there enough detail in this section so that another
i person could facilitate this practice?
e *I will now read the students a short story reminding *Students will listen to the story and give me a thumbs up
them to listen for details in the story so that we can quietly when they hear something that sounds like a detail
determine the main idea at the end. that can help us figure out the main idea.
*I will say “Hmm.. now I am going to show you how we *Students will participate in think-pair-share to determine
can use supporting details to figure out what the main the supporting details.
idea of a story is or what it is ALL ABOUT. *Students will participate in think-pair-share to use details
*While I am reading, I want you to show me a thumbs from the story to determine the main idea.
up when you hear a detail that you think will help us
figure out the main idea.
*Read story- What Parts Do Plants Have?
*Now that we’ve read the story, to figure out what the
main idea is, I first want to think about what the
supporting details of the story were.
*While I am thinking I want to think of a detail from the
story and tell your partner.
*Think-pair-share- I will have students think for 10
seconds about a detail they remember from the story.
*Then they will share the details with their shoulder
*Then some students will share out what they found
and I will write 3 of them down next to our anchor
chart. In ice cream form.
*Then I will tell students. “Now I can use these details
to figure out what the main idea is or what the story is
ALL ABOUT (say together)
*“So let’s think about what all of these details have in
common or how they are the same so we can decide
what the main idea is and what the author is trying to
tell us.
*So I am noticing there are a lot of different parts of a
plant up here.
*Hmm.. The title of my story is What Parts Do Plants
*Think for a few seconds while I think as well about
what the main idea could have been.
*Now tell your shoulder partner what you think the
main idea is.
*Choose some students to share out what they came
up with.
*Write down the main idea under the supporting
details. (as the cone)
*The main idea is parts of a plant and our supporting
details that helped us figure that out are the plant has
roots, the plant has a stem, a plant has leaves, and a
plant has flowers.

Co-Teaching Strategy
◻ Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

*One teach, one observe.

Differentiation Strategy
◻ What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?

◻ Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?

◻ How can you utilize grouping strategies?

*I will use the strategy think-pair-share in order to support students who may need help. They can get ideas from their shoulder
partners if they are not able to answer the questions in their minds on their own.

I Teacher Will: Student Will:

◻ How will you plan to coach and correct during this practice? ◻ How will students independently practice the knowledge and skills
d ◻ How will you provide opportunities for remediation and
required by the objective?

e extension? ◻ How will students be engaged?

p ◻ How will you clearly state and model academic and behavioral ◻ How are students are practicing in ways that align to assessment?
e expectations?
◻ How are students using self-assessment to guide their own
n ◻ Did you provide enough detail so that another person could learning?
d facilitate the practice?
◻ How are you supporting students giving feedback to one another?
*Now we are going to read a story and you are going *Students will listen to the story as detectives and as we
P to be detectives on your own to figure out the main read they will try to guess what animal has the feet that
r idea of a story. are shown.
a *While I read this story I want you all to be extra quiet *Students will then complete the exit ticket activity.
c so we can be studying this book like detectives do and
listening for clues.
i *Read Who Has These Feet?
c *Tell students we are now going to go back to our seat
and you are going to complete a worksheet on the
e main idea.
*You will need to draw a line from the name to the
correct description/picture. Some are going to be
details from the story and one of them will be the main
idea. It may be tricky so make sure you read all of
them first.
*If you get done early I have a bonus question where
you will look at a few items and decide what the main
idea is.
*Remind students to think about the details the author
gave to give them clues and that they can also use the
title of the book to give them a clue as well.
*Explain that the expectation is for students to be at
their seats and working and may use quiet voices


Co-Teaching Strategy
◻ Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

One teach, one observe.

Differentiation Strategy
◻ What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?

◻ Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?

-Students will have the option if they finish early on the exit ticket to complete a sentence on the back about the supporting details of
the story.
-Students will also have the option if they finish early to draw a picture of the supporting details on the back.

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:

◻ How will students summarize and state the significance of what they learned?

◻ Why will students be engaged?

I will call attention to the students, have them show me their plan and ask who can share with
the class what the main idea of the story Who Has These Feet was? I will then ask the students,
“and what were some of the supporting details that helped us figure that out?” It is important to
understand the main idea of a book so that we understand what the author is trying to tell us or
teach us all about.

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