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Phrasal verbs with


Come up:

It can mean to be mentioned or talked about in a conversation.

If anything important comes up during the meeting, I'll tell you about it later.

It can also mean to approach or to go towards someone, especially if they are on a higher

level than you are.

Come up on stage and collect your award!

Come up to my apartment, it's on the fourth floor.

If something like a job or an opportunity comes up, it becomes available.

This new opportunity has come up and we need to take it.

If a problem or an issue comes up, it happens and it needs to be dealt with immediately.

Something's just come up, so I need to cancel my appointment.

Come up with

Came up with what?

I came up with a plan.

I came up with a new idea.
I came up with a solution.

For this phrasal verb to make sense, you must always include what
you have come up with.

Come in
It means to enter a building or a room.

The TV was so loud, he didn't notice me come in.

Are you busy? Can I come in?

But it can also mean arrive:

The train comes in at 3 o'clock.

News is coming in that they found survivors in the crash!

But it can also be used when talking about clothing or fashion:

These shirts come in three colours.

Come out
The opposite of ‘come in‘ is ‘go out‘. If some information comes out,
something that was previously unknown becomes known.
After ten years, the truth finally came out.

Now it can also be a synonym for ‘appear'.

There was a dead tree coming out of the water.

If your favorite band is working on a new album, they'll probably tell you
when it's going to come out.
The new album will come out in June.

It can also mean to go somewhere with someone for a social event.

Do you want to come out with us on Friday night?

Come on

‘Come on‘ is an expression that you'll hear all the time! It can mean hurry up.

Come on, we're going to be late!

Or you could use it to encourage or support someone.

Come on, you can do it!

It can also be used when you don't believe something that someone said.

Oh come on! That's not true!

‘Come on‘ can also mean to start working.

The light in the bathroom just came on.

The hot water isn't coming on. Are you sure it's working?

Come down

This phrasal verb is a synonym for reduce or fall. It's used when something moves
in a downwards direction.

There was a big storm last night and many of the trees came down.

Come down here now!

Come down here!

Now, this phrasal verb actually is the opposite of ‘come up‘: Come down to get me.

‘Come down‘ is also used when something reduces the price.

After Christmas, the price of the sofa will probably come down.

‘Come down‘ is also used when someone travels south, to meet you or to visit you.

He came down from Sydney last night. Their family comes down for the Easter holidays
every year.

Come across

It can be used to describe your characteristics or the characteristics of someone. Often
when you first meet them to say that they seem to be a particular type of person.

When we first met, he came across as quite arrogant.

So when you met her, how did she come across? What was she like?

She comes across really well on television.

To ‘come across‘ something can also mean to meet someone or to find something, by
chance, without expecting to.

When we were walking in the forest, we came across an old abandoned house.

Come over

This phrasal verb has multiple meanings but the most
commonly used one is used to describe movement. The
movement from one place to another.

Come over here!

Why don't you come over to my house for dinner?
My brother is coming over from Melbourne for the weekend.

Come at

Now this phrasal verb is transitive and it usually
involves a person or an animal coming towards
someone in an aggressive or physical way.

As soon as I opened the gate, the dog came at me.

I wasn't expecting him to come at me with a knife.

Come back

Most commonly this phrasal verb is used when somebody or
something returns to a place or returns to an original state.

I'll come back in half an hour and get you.

I thought I got rid of my cold, but I think it's coming back.
When are you coming back home?

Now as a compound noun, it can mean to attempt to it can mean
to attempt to return to former glory, to try to become famous or
important again after a period of being less so.
The wrestler is making a comeback!


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