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Self Sustainable Integrated Township: A resource-based planning to improve the quality of urban life A future of Inclusive Planning for all... Ar.Sahil Singh Kapoor M.Tech. (Urban Development and Management TERI University, New Delhi Sustainable Development in India: Challenges and Opportunities + Urban Sprawl * Minimize on Land + Traffic safety + Enhanced standard and ¢ of living accessibility + Increasing + Affordable Competitiveness Housing | | Challenges | Outcomes S Possible Effects way forward + Productivity Integrated Township + Mobility development — + Livability ; approach of Micro Level planning “70% of the India of 2030 is yet to be built” - 2010 McKinsey Report Objective The objective of this study is to analyze the potential shift towards Integrated Township development with mixed land use, creating employment opportunities close to residential place and requiring minimum land area. Research Questions Can shift from conventional theories to Integrated Land use oriented urban planning address ‘Sustainability’? Acompact planning and coordinated infrastructure can tackle urban sprawl ? Can effective Decentralized solutions can optimize Basic urban services? Methodology Review of Integrated Township policy of States and TCPO Socio-economic analysis for predicting demand of Physical infrastructure and provision of public services. (Census 2011, MoUD, Model Bye Laws, URDPFI guidelines 2014) 3d Software AutoCad Urban Planning incorporating technological interventions Integration Land use and mobility planning Review of Integrated Township State Policy Description Gujarat Integrated Uttar Pradesh Revised than Integrated ‘Township Policy 2008 | Integrated'Township | ‘Township Policy 2007 Policy 2014 EWS and L1G | Mandatory allocation of at_ | Provision of minimum | 7.5% of the total land under Housing least 10% of land area 10% of total housing | Residential land use meant meant for residential units for both EWS and _ | for EWS/LIG housing development LG Commercial | Provision of minimum Maximum 8% of total _ | Up to 5% of the total land of land area for commercial | area under commercial | area development to sustain land use EWS group and recommendation of inimum 5% of the total proposed development area for commercial purpose use Mixed use Mixed use township with Maximum 12% of total Not considered recommended 10% of the area under mixed land total developed area under | use commercial land use FAR of the As per Building Bye-laws | As per Building Bye- gross area laws. Source ~ Internet search Experience of Integrated Townships in India The two most lucrative examples of Integrated Townships in India are — + Hiranandani Garden in Powai - Hiranandani Garden complex has numerous facilities to support the residential establishment like Business Park, school, hospital, shopping complexes and a hotel making it an integrated residential cum commercial township. + Magarpatta City in Pune - Similar to this is Magarpatta City located on the outskirts of Pune city, comprising of Special Economic Zone (SEZ) offering residential, IT and commercial. | Source ~ Internet search Overview of Proposed Integrated Township Dooooa Proposed Area = 5 (5,000 Hectares), 2.5 x 2 Km Average Population Density assumed = 2,500 persons/ Total Population = 12,500 Persons Types of Land use — Residential - HIG - Plot, MIG - Group Housing and LIG+EWS - Affordable Housing Commercial - Offices and CBD Mixed Land use -Retail Shops, Household industries Public & Semi Public — Hospitals, Education & Community centres (Social Infrastructure) Green Spaces — Recreational and Parks Utilities - Transportation and Facilities for Basic urban services Demographic Analysis INTEGRATED MODAL FORSUSTANARIE CTY PROPOSED SUMMARY DEANS sno. prscarnon Jroureassumen ——_esnence source CALCULATE pears 1 PPRPOSED AREA. ‘ (500 Hech 2 Population Densiy waumed PS pr sgt Iain Zi FotalPopulation sumed Tz oa tal nunberatausholas Pog Pon pooh nandgrhNotda nal 3 apnea cna ergs Sue 3 peor El Total Popdaon sss 2011 Age data wr a Koa orFo sa ema joa sa pes faa oss 20 Agoda # 35 pseso-99 Oemol : oss 201 Aged wd a Broad Gaaieation Ga RRR TOTS Year oso : oss 20 Agoda waned 4.2 Woung (25-24 years) kr5.20%% Fa 43ers ye] a0 aes 3 Sender 3.1 [Male Bi30% [ 64.875) 5.2 Female, 18.10%, : 60.125] z Tacane Daten eed i Hata opdaion P3300 Mey pr cana woe % hic 3-,300- 7,300. fae [isi of Total Population 300-14 500" aa hic 5% of Total Population. bave 14,500" a2 Buildings Design and Layout Toot Number offand but Print Iuo.of] | top | Torat IMutstoreftequrea sno.|Dessintion/income] Pepuiation [let sie | TT) Storey] FaR | Arex | Ground |, Mex [yt Group eames (samt) | (cqumt) s [] Coverage [MEM | puitdings/ ) Hectare 7 Plated bevtopmen aa HIG) fesissorsaso0)| rs a7 tah af aso Ee x_n 3 375(35%0F Poxe= Ina 302868131520 roup Housing, MIG 12500) sha 109s sso] os as 5 500 (omar xa joar 16 / EWS Mousing 12500) ya oo 150g af s50]{_ 20 18 | _a. OTAL_ Hee HEALTHCARE “a Pispensary/Maternit 2x2 Home lreacn per 10000 | 200 _sschva s|_s00|_s 2 | 72 NetwnianyHospiat F 25 OTAL__ thee 5 _ EDUCATION a Wade vimary Schoo! __fs per S000 200 660A 251 x20 a3 15 hs 5:2_fr. Secondary School} per 10000 soo 180A s| 220) 1 30 FS § 53 Boortcene [per 10000 1500q hs OTAL fs Wee @ fOcio-cULTURAL Gr Wt ommunityHall__}t per 10000 200d socgwa | s00] i 25 x 0 EI Pelegious Bulsing 40 a OTAL_tHee 7_pistaicr centae Zi Piste Cente Toned —soaod wal af 5] 30 HWA a0 He Toral] 10H: Concept development of Integrated Township Master Planning EDUCATIONAL BUILDING COMMERCIALIOFFICE L SPACES SOCIAL INFRASTRUCUTRE RESIDENTIAL LAND USE (HIG) MIG (GROUP HOUSING) Integration and Land use segregati ion CBD, COMMERCIAL BLDGS. MIXED LAND USE. LIG/EWS. (AFFORDABLE HOUSING) HIG, PLOT (Area 750 Sqmt) HOSPITAL BLDG. RECREATIONAL PARKS, a ‘MULTI=STOREY PARKING Mobility Planning for efficiency 2500 / = CLOSED LOOP FOR FAST MOBILITY > nner movement = 200- 300 m (Walk able) Middle Ring =300 - 500 m, Public Transport z Outer Ring = > 500m + Private Vehicles 00 DEDICATED PUBLIC TRANSPORT CORRIDOR oan GED Ge Technological Options — Solid Waste Management (SWM) Compost Making - Organic/Kitchen waste Organic and dry recyclable waste initially processed in shredder after segregation at household level. Following treatment is done in the Organic Waste Composting (OWC) unit *Cost of OWC unit = Rs 7 lakh (200k9) 2 (Source - httov/gowm.stikingly.comy) Output - Organic Khad Green/ Horticultural waste -Green waste (Grass, dry leaves etc.) after processed in the shredder fed into conveyor belt to dry moisture content. Further the waste goes for Pellet press machine +Output - ‘Coal like substance’ with good Caloritic value. Fig. 2 (Source - http:/ Process of Compost Making Plant Coss Sr iat ee Figure 1 Process of Compost Making, Source ~ ‘gpumstrkinglycom! Process of Pellet Making Plant Figure 2-Pellt making Plant Source - Composition of Solld waste In Private Township Organic shen = Recyelsbe 11% ( 45% 44 Figure 3 Composition of Solid vase in rivals township. Souice- gpitip//aww unciedul Rain Water harvesting B — Recharge well df 1 min dia. and 6 mdepth. 1 well for /hec. area Rain water harvesting potential Perc rd ior porn ea Emin eyerun) 350 130 HIG (Piot) 45,500 (Avg 0.790 m) MIG (Group 470 1085 5 lakh Housing) UG (Housing) 250 4500 3.75 Lakh Educational 10,000 4 40,000 Bidgs Commercial 12,000 18 2 Lakh Bidgs Hospital 20,000 1 20,000 Community 8,000 8 64,000 centers ‘Dispensaries Total 11 Lakh 8.96 Lakh cubic metre ratte Figure Recharge wellin Parks Figut~ Rain water Harvesting Group Housing 15 Decentralize Waste water Treatment Layout DEWAT SYSYEM,MIG 264 KLD 121 12800 18.12 Lakh Decentralize Technological option Waste water treatment Description | Wastewat | Name of | Treatment Method | Number of os Scone co Poe oy (KLO) HIG, Individual 75 DEwaT Sedimentation 7x1 Pots ‘anaerobic digestion, titration and phyto- remediation MIG,Group 628 DEWwaT 3 264x2 Housing LIG, Affordable 1000 Dewar z 500 x2 Housing Toial DEWAT System -Advantages — Low maintenance Offers conventional treatment system »Low on O&M > Reuse of Treated Water — Horticulture “Disadvantages — > Aerobic large space requirement Anaerobic - Odor and difficult to contra! Source ~ Cente for Science and Environment 2010. Capital cost ron Pc year) (Lakh) Per) care Rs 95,000 1.50 Horticulture , Biogas generation es 1.50,000 10.56 Horticulture , Biogas generation Rs 200,000 20 Horticulture , Blogas generation Rs 4,00,000 Figuto - DEWAT Aravind Eye hospital, Pondichory ‘Source ~ Contre for Seionas and Emvren9n 2010. 7 Solar Roof Top Potential LIG/EWS, 10 KW COMMERCIAL BLDG, 100 KW EDUCATIONAL BLDG, 50 KW. HOSPITAL BLDG, 300 KW Hea (tot ie (Group Housing) LU (atordase Housing) Eduestonal Bide commercie Blag Hospi Communty ‘repersaics 9000 che ei rer ens Peon) 120,08) 2 teeteas ax 12248 100,25%) 0 rox4=40 410240 ‘Average electricity consumption in Building (units) 006%) 2 200 foxs=200 1000 (5%) 0 5000 1004 =400 00,2) 0 000 tox4=400 Source ~ BEE, India Soures ~ BEE, nda Calculated Solar Potential Perr Er Eo Poo om ec (Kw) Residential Hig Piot) 8 130 MIG (Group Housing) 2 1095 Lia (Affordable 0 1500 Housing) Other then Residential Educational Bldg 0 4 ‘Commercial fice 100 8 Buldings Main Hospital 100 1 Buiding Community centers! 0 ‘ Dispensaries Total pone eerCong) 1040 19140 15000 200 100 0 3,000 KW CAPTIVE USE FEED INTO GRID FEED NTO GRID FEED INTO GRID CAPT use (CAPTIVE USE CAPTIVE USE BEE, India Sustainable Building planning Sustainable vs. Unsustainable Description Parameters for Sustainable Township Incase parameter is not considered Road Design with dedicated bicycle and pedestrian track Segregated movement of Motorized and Non- motorized transport (NMT) on road with safety of NMT user, ‘Safety of NMT user is compromised and discourages walking and bicycling. ‘Siweet Lights LED Solar street Lights with stand alone installation Eleciic connection for street light Dual water supply and distribution system Individual portable and recyded water supply lines to minimize water ‘consumption, Per capita water consumption will increase significantly Rooftop Rain water harvesting in Buildin; ‘Continuous replenishment of water table ‘and aquifer ‘Seepage of rain water ‘Artificial recharge well rain water collection Stored water used for horticulture ‘Additional water for Horticultural purpose ‘Storm water collection irom street ‘Collect excess rain water and recharge ground water table Ponding of excess water on stieet Decentralized waste water treatment “Treating and reusing of wastewater through cost efficient approach Contly centralized waste water treatment with high Operational cost “Treatment oF Organic waste Efficient treatment of Organic waste Maximizing waste to landfill since segregation taking place “Treatment of Horticultural waste “Treating daily green waste for valuable ‘output product ‘Burning of waste in open Plastic waste to fuel Effective degradation of plastic waste Maximizing plastic waste to landill Roof top Solar generation Minimizing electicity from ‘conventional sources by 10% Dependence on Conventional sources Tor electricity 2 THANK YOU “Medium and small cities, those which nobody knows about, are going to grow faster in the future. Our century is about global cities.” The Mayor of Istanbul

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