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Physical Education

Coach Davis
Grades 8-9
April 26, 2021

All grade levels: Opening Exercises

Students enter the gym and go directly to their exercise spaces.

Warm-up activity

Unit: Kickball
The purpose of this unit will be to give a basic understanding of the rules and skills in
To give students a basic understanding of the skills and rules of kickball.
To provide opportunities for enjoyment of this sport as a lifetime activity.
The achievement of a physically active lifestyle.
The development of movement skill competency.
To develop responsible social and personal behaviors.
To appreciate the relationships and benefits that result from working and
participating with others in and out of physical education class.
To use class time effectively.
Lesson 1: Kickball
Overall goal: To give basic skills and understanding of the games.
Skill: Throwing
To increase the distance, speed and accuracy of a thrown ball.
To be able to make accurate tosses to a partner at varying distances
Whether a ball is thrown, underhand, sidearm or overhand, the grip is the same.
Fingers are spread comfortably but tightly across the seam of the ball.
Weight transfers begin on the rear foot and follows through to the front as the ball
is released.
Procedure: One ball for every two players – practice throwing and catching
Students will play a game of “Fat Bat” wiffleball.

Lesson 2: Base running

For the students to use the skills learned in track activities in the
kickball/wiffleball activities.
Use the skills learned in phys. ed. class in after school activities.
You may overrun first base only
Runners must touch each base
No leading off base
No base stealing
Run within the limits of the base lines
If the base line is blocked by another player the runner is awarded the next base
Procedure: Teacher demonstration of correct base running and the students will do a
short base running drill before they play an actual game of kickball.
Activity: Students will play a game of kickball.

Lesson 3: Catching
To increase success in catching a thrown, hit or kicked ball
To be able to demonstrate proper form when catching ground balls, line drives
and fly balls.

Keep your eye on the ball.
Little fingers are together and directed down for catches below the waist.
Thumbs together, fingers pointed up for catches above the waist.
On high fly balls, try to catch the ball above the head.
Procedures: Students will practice throwing and catching a ball with a partner.
Activity: Students will play a game of kickball.
Special inside rules for playing in the gym:
3 foul balls is an out
Running pass home plate on the kick is an out

Ball hits the ceiling is an out

Leading off the base or stealing is an out.
Daily observation evaluations are made at the conclusion of each class period.
Scores are given for:

Algebraic Concepts
Represent and/or analyze mathematical situations using numbers, symbols, words,
tables and/or graphs
“Charting Team and Tournament Standings

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