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Lo usamos para acciones que tuvieron lugar antes de otras

acciones pasadas, o que ocurrieron en un tiempo pasado lejano y
ya finalizaron.
Forma de uso: Subject + HAD + Verb Participle 3erCol

What had the girl planned before going on the trip with Mr.
The girl had planned _____________________

AFFIRMATIVE: “I had met him before the party” (Lo conocí antes
de la fiesta)
NEGATIVE: “Freddie didn’t come to my birthday because I Had
not invited him.” (Freddie no vino a mi cumpleaños porque no lo
INTERROGATIVE: “Had you closed the window before you left?”
(¿Cerraste la ventana antes de irte?)

1) When I arrived at the cinema, the film had already started
(already / start).
2) She had lived (live) in China before she went to Thailand.
3) After they had eaten (eat) the shellfish, they began to feel sick.
4) If you had listened (listen) to me, you would have got the job.
5) Julie didn't arrive until after I had left (leave).
Exam exercises:
1- Joe Smith went to prison because he had stolen (steal) a lot
of money.
2- Lorenzo had eaten (eat) all of the ice-cream before I
opened the fridge
3- Look! Somebody had left (leave) the windows open.
4- Carla didn’t pass the test because she had not studied (not
study) at all.
5- The fire had already reached (already / reach) the roof by
the time the firemen arrived.

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