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10 Centr A ID\VAN1 CIE IFA ILL II 5 5 IU IE V01.1 No.I.

October 15,1927
Criterion of Styles and lllethodr of Radio Conrtrucfion

Think of it! A complete A.C. set, tubes and all, at a price everyone can afford!


CJocaCei CJou;et- CJet

and Carve
@an e Assenacl
vennzgs of CJ2,eat dun
CJca-c'ze=grzzea-z (91zerst cfolclertng

1.73! \i'!'G. CO. CJleefier

FACTS: The SP -5 represents the total novice can be sure of success. the rear of the front panel, top of the DOUBLE CONDENSER: Mount the vernier
finest commercial design practice There are no delicate adjustments, no base panel, and bottom of the base panel, dial as shown in the instructions which
adapted to the. special requirements neutralizing-just plain work with the with the parts and wiring drawn in as accompany it, and fasten the double
of home construction. It is actually screw -driver and soldering iron. The they appear in the finished set. In ad- condenser to the dial. A slotted piece is
equivalent to the latest sets selling at total assembly time for a novice should dition, there are panel patterns for those furnished with the dial which should be
$300 or more. be about 18 hours, or 4 hours for an who want to drill their own panels, fastened by a screw thru the slot going
OPERATION: Teti illuminated vernier experienced set builder. parts list, and special instructions. The into a threaded bushing on the dial
dials control the siugleand, double tuning TUBES: Four UX-Igq's and a UX-171 Dataprints are planned for use by in- frame just above the condenser shaft.
condensers. FOr bringing up the dis- are used in the set, and a 125 -mil Ray- experienced constructors, so that anyone The other end of the piece must be
tant stations there is a balancing con- theon for the power pack. can follow them with ease. fastened to the condenser by a screw
denser, altho that is not used for locals. LOUD SPEAKER: We recommend the FRONT PANEL: The drilled and engraved
going thru the slot and into a threaded
Volume is controlled by a Resistograd. bushing on the condenser end plate.
Western Electric cone front panel 2 which is
The rheostat is adjusted to make the or R. C. A. speaker or., made up for the SP -5 RESISTOGRAD: Put the Resistograd in
meter read 6o milliamperes. There are if the set is to be put is of walnut -finished place, clamping it firmly with the nut
no controls on the eliminator. in a cabinet which also Micarta, altho undrilled which goes on the front panel. Have the
INSTALLATION: The receiver and power holds the speaker, a black panels can be binding post arm, between the Resisto -
pack comprise the entire outfit, for Baldwin or Erla unit obtained if preferred. grad cover and the front panel, pointing
all power is obtained from the light with a Wood Products The parts should be downward.
socket-uo to 115 volts, 5o to 6o cycles. orthophonic horn. mounted on the panel As you proceed with the assembly if
A good ground is necessary, and an ASSEMBLY: You can go in the order lisped below. you are going to use bus bar and soldered
average antenna. A small indoor an- thru the assembly of the MIDGET CONDENSER: connections, put on lugs, pointing in the
tenna can be used for local and medium SP -5 with a speed that Mount the 7 -plate mid- positions shown on the Dataprints.
distance reception. will make you aston- get condenser at the TOGGLE SWITCH: Fasten the toggle
CosT: The entire cost of the installation, ished with yourself. The left-hand end of the switch in place by the two screws pro-
including antenna, loud speaker, tubes, wiring can be done with front panel, looking at vided, putting them through the indicat-
etc., should be under Silo, or about flexible leads fitted with the set from the rear. ing plate, the front panel, and into the
$75 for all the parts for the set and power- lugs, thereby eliminat- This is held in place by switch itself. You will notice that the
pack. ing all soldering, or bus a large nut at the front switch is stamped oN at one end. This
ASSEMBLY: So entirely have special kinks bar can be used, as in of the panel. Put the marking should be on the top of the
and tricks been eliminated from the the photographs. Since knob on so that the switch when it is in place.
SP-5 design that, with the Dataprints the panels can be ob- arrow is up when the RHEOSTAT: The 3,000 -ohm rheostat for
as guide, showing all the construction tained all drilled and condenser plates are controlling the tubes is also made for
details, wiring, panel pattern, etc., the engraved, no tool work half -way intermeshed. center -hole mounting. Looking at the
is required. 2 If your local dealer can- rheostat from the rear, the center and
I SP -5 Dataprints can be obtained from DATAPRINTS: The Offi- not supply complete SP -5 right-hand terminals are used, and the
A. L. Farris. Radio Hill, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. parts, write to SPEED, 103
$i.00 postpaid. cial Dataprints ' she w $'way, Brooklyn, N. Y. left-hand terminal left open. Turn the
SP -5 is a beautiful radio mechanism
-irresistible to amateur or profes-
sional set builder. Above, the ABC
eliminator mounted in a console
cabinet. Below, the complete schematic


O u

G G G 3 6 3 G
e --o Q O
o QQ
435 4 5 OTo80
MA 4 5
4° o

íI.000 35 Mfd 000351

Sl. s 120IA/V00
.00 035Mfd-

s (
B+ At A bA

90 40 c- 5v 180

contact arm all the way to the right and second R.F. Redi-blox unit. This must FIRST A.F. UNIT: Use 1%-in. R.H. that you have the terminals of the con-
put on the indicating knob so that the be fastened in place with r%-in. R.H. screws,as before, for mounting the denser toward the right, and put on the
arrow points toward the bottom of the screws and nuts also. Put a lug under Redi-blox transformer A.F. unit. You lugs before mounting the condenser, for
panel. the heads of the mounting screws, as will see that there are four %-in, screws you will not be able to get at the ter-
SINGLE CONDENSER: Mount the single shown in the Dataprints. Then put going through the base panel, carrying minals later.
condenser at the right-hand end of the corresponding lugs on the corner binding lugs at the top and bottom, for making SECOND A.F. UNIT: The second Redi-
panel, with its vernier dial, in the manner posts, to make connections to the under- connections to the binding posts on the blox transformer A.F. unit is mounted
already described. Be sure that the side of the base panel. Fasten the I,200- A.F. unit. Put those screws and lugs in like the other units. There are three
lighting bulbs are in place. ohm by-pass resist- place also. There
ance across the screws going through the base panel with
BASE PANEL: Black Micarta is used for is another lugs above and below for connections to
the base panel. This can be bought front corner bind- screw through the the binding posts on the unit.
ing -posts of the OFFICIAL PARTS LIST FOR SP-5 base panel, with
already drilled, or you can drill your own BINDING POSTS: There are 13 engraved
from the panel patterns in the Dataprints. R.F. unit. Made by Pilot Electric: lugs above and be-
neath, for inter - Bakelite binding posts to be put on place.
Mount the parts on the base panel in the FIRST R.F. UNIT: 2-Illuminated vernier dials Be sure that you get them in the same
order listed. The R.F. Redi-blox I-.0°035 mfd. single condenser panel connection
purposes. order as they appear in the Dataprints.
DETECTOR UNIT: The Redi-blox detector is mounted similar- I-.00035 mfd. double condenser Otherwise, you will make mistakes in
ly to the preceding I-Toggle Switch OUTPUT IMPEDANCE
unit is mounted with four 1h -in, round connecting the set to the power pack.
ones. The same I -3,000 -ohm potentiometer AND CONDENSER:
head screws and nuts. Be sure to have The output im- There is a hole in the screw of each
the spring tube socket toward the front notes concerning r-Resistograd binding post to take connecting wires.
of the set. Put a 2-megohm Polymet the lugs on the I -7
-plate Midget condenser pedance and 2-mfd.
condenser must be When you tighten the binding post in
grid leak in the clips provided on the mounting screws 4-I -in. Bakelite panel brackets mounted simulta- place put a small nail through the hole
Redi-blox detector. Connect the 850 - also apply. Fasten r-Redi-blox detector unit to keep the screw from turning while you
ohm by-pass resistance across the front the 65o -ohm by- 2-Redi-blox R.F. units neously, for the
screws which hold tighten the nut underneath.
corner binding posts of the detector unit. pass resistance 2-Redi-blox A.F. transformer units
across the front I-Output impedance the output im- WIRING AND TESTING: When the Data -
.00002 CONDENSER: Fasten the .00002 prints show wires starting at a terminal
corner binding posts 1-.002 mfd. fixed condenser pedance also hold
mfd. fixed condenser to the base panel the two mounting and ending at a number, on one panel
with i -in. R.H. screws, and with 34 -in. of the R.F. unit. I-.00002 mid. fixed condenser
strips which clamp view, a corresponding wire will be found
screws fasten the lugs to the threaded .002 13-Engraved Bakelite posts below starting with a number and finish-
1 -1,20o -ohm by-pass resistance
the condenser. Use
terminals. Before the first r -in. R.H. screws. ing at a terminal. This is done only
1 -85o -ohm by-pass resistance
BASE PANEL BRACKETS: Fasten the four A.F. Redi-blox unit First put on nuts because it complicates the appearance of
1 -650 -ohm by-pass resistance
r -in. Bakelite brackets to the base panel, can be mounted, to hold the choke the drawing to run the heavy lines from
using %-in. oval head screws. Do not the .002 mfd. fixed I-2-mfd. output condenser place. Then put one panel view to another. The schem-
use longer screws, or you will crack the condenser must be 1-Front Panel 7 X 24 X % West- in on the clamping atic diagram can be used, however, by
Bakelite brackets. The nuts are held in put in place. This inghouse Micarta those who are thoroughly familiar with
place by the recesses in the brackets. is held by u
-in. r-Base Panel 6X23X% West- strips, which you
can cut from a set construction. It is plain sailing.
These brackets must be mounted before R.II, screws which inghouse Micarta Bare bus bar can be used except for the
I-0 to roo Jewel milliammeter piece of thin brass
the other Redi-blox units are put in also hold the solder- two wires which connect the light bulbs
place, for they cover some of the screws. ing lugs to the ter- 3-179 plug-in coils, Twin Coupler sheet, and fasten
the strips with on the illuminated dials, the two leads
SECOND R.F. UNIT: Next comes the minals.
2 - nits. Make sure Concluded on page 7

Here's the X-ir mystery set, M. B. Sleeper's new
hook-up by which the tendency of the set to oscillate
is controlled when the detector regeneration is regulated.
In this way, both R. F. and detector tubes are main-
tained at highest efficiency thruout the broadcast band


oC atest /czent4 t íct.»les .ezt t1;1;ecl ; it Cas gestcítt Wiz;chgras ZalCen
astern CJet COuzlders 6y CJtorvn 9c'oLn eloso
FACTS The X-1 r was specifically de-
: 3-Resisto-blocks, with .or mfd.
signed for high quality reception condensers
at the lowest possible cost, and as 1-.00025 mfd. grid cond. with
such represents a new and highly success- clips
ful engineering achievement. The origi- 1-.006 mfd. condenser
nal idea behind the X -i r was to produce r-.coos fixed condenser
a set equivalent to the Browning-Drake, 1-Set of X-rr coils, Twin Coupler
or Roberts circuits, but with the price Co.
engineered down-not up-yet without r-Neutrocap R.F. choke, Twin
any sacrifice of operating ease or efficiency. Coupler Co.
As it worked out, new features were in- r-Phasatrol, Electrad Inc.
corporated which are not found in the 1-6 V 199 filament control, Polymet
other, older circuits, thus introducing r-14 amp. filament control,Polymet
considerable improvement in sharpness 2-1A amp. filament, controls, Poly-
and quality, and making the assembly met
far easier. meg. resistance, Polymet
OPERATION: Wave length is controlled 3-.1 meg. resistance, Polymet
by two vernier art dials, with a Resisto - r-.5 meg. resistance, Polymet
grad to regulate regeneration and volume. r-.25 meg. resistance, Polymet
detector, with three stages of resistance It is not really necessary to use
an output r-io. meg. resistance, Polymet
CosT: Parts for the X -r1 set, including coupling for the A.F. amplifier. This device, although some loud speakers may 1-Westinghouse Micarta Panel
Micarta panels, the coils, condensers, combination is not new, but the design not carry the full current of a UX-r7r.
resistances, in fact everything required details have been worked out in such a It is best to decide upon this by actually 7X2IX%
for the construction of the set, come to
1-Westinghouse Micarta Panel
way as to give decidedly superior results. trying the speaker on the set. 4%X 20X%
about $20.00, leaving only tubes, bat- The inductively coupled antenna cir-
teries, loud speaker, and a cabinet to buy cuit greatly increase the selectivity. By
DATAPRINTS: The Official Dataprints 1 FRONT PANEL: The holes in the front
extra. Considering that this set is equiva- for the X-rr set show the rear of the front
designing the set for a UX-200-A detector panel, top and bottom of the base panel, panel can be laid out quickly by fastening
lent to kits costing sixty dollars or more, greater dependable range can be obtained. the pattern on the panel, and marking
you can understand what remarkable Finally, the efficiency of this type of cir- and the panel patterns for drilling. The thru with a center punch. The drawing
skill is represented in the X -1r design. drilling is such a simple matter that you shows all hole sizes. The parts should be
cuit is increased through the combination can do it easily. The complete parts
INSTALLATION: 135 volts of B battery of the Phasatrol and a special circuit for list, picture wiring diagram, schematic mounted on the front panel in the order
are required with a UX-I12 in the last the Resistograd regeneration control, and special notes are given in the Data - listed below:
stage, or, for greater volume, i8o volts giving the set exceptionally high efficiency prints.
with a UX-171 power amplifier. A over the entire range. The fundamental TOGGLE SWITCH: Mount the toggle
storage battery of 6o amp. -hours is reason for this is that the Resistograd, in PARTS: Following is the official parts list switch at the left of the front panel, look-
recommended. B eliminators can be combination with the circuit employed, for the X -ii receiver:2 ing at the set from the rear. Two screws
used on the X-1 but cheap ones are not supplements the action of the Phasatrol, provided go through the name plate front
Macle by Pilot Electric: panel and into the switch itself. Be sure
recommended because they are liable to so that it is not necessary to depend 2-Vernier Art Dials
motor boat. A C battery is needed, 9 altogether upon a fixed adjustment of the to mount the switch so that the letters
volts with a UX-1 r 2 tube or 4o volts with Phasatrol for neutralizing.
r-Resistograd ON are upward.
a UX-171.
I-Bakelite toggle switch
ASSEMBLY: Although the complete wind- 2-.00035 mfd. Centraline con- RESISTOGRAD: Mount the Resistograd,
TUBES: A UX-I99, EX -200-A, two ing data for X-rr coils is given in the densers clamping it firmly with the nut on the
UX-24o's, and a UX-I12 or 171 com- Dataprints, the coils can be purchased 3-Small panel brackets front of the panel. Have the contact
prise the tube equipment. The entire already wound. If the finished coils are 5-Set builders' sockets arm which goes on the mounting collar
X -1r circuit is built up around this com- purchased, the total assembly time for 1-Midget jack pointing to the right.
bination of tubes, and substitution must the X-rr should not be more than 12 9-Engraved binding posts
not be made, for it will upset the selectiv- hours for an utter novice, and as low as DETECTOR COIL AND CONDENSER: Fasten
ity, the oscillation control, and the signal 2 hours for an experienced set builder. 1 Can be obtained from A. L. Farris, Radio the detector coil on the .00035 mfd. vari-
Hill, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. $1.00 postpaid. able condenser so that the primary coil,
strength. Loup SPEAKER: Any of the good new
X-r1 CIRCUIT: In the X-1r set, a stage speakers, designed for operation with a '-If your local dealer cannot supply you, the concentrated winding, is up, and the
write to SPEED, 103 Broadway, Brook-
of tuned R.F. precedes regenerative 112 or 171 tube, can be used in this set. lyn, N. Y. Concluded on page 7
cAead l..his and Clave CJ ifiy gollars on ovtr (//icforeen CJu96er
IF expense has kept you from building I-No. 53 Pilot condenser recommended. This is an entirely new
a Victoreen Superheterodyne receiver, i-I. mfd. Pilot by-pass transformer, designed by John Geloso,
inventor of the famous Geloso Eliminator
you do not need to worry about that 2-51M Pilot condensers
anymore. You can build a Victoreen super- 2-No. 381 Pilot transformers Circuit. Unlike most audio -transform-
heterodyne' for $50.00, and the only differ- 8-No. 206 Pilot cushion sockets ers, the No. 381 type was not designed to
ence between the set built at that price, i-No. 42 Pilot toggle switch give a specified curve under laboratory
and the set made from the parts called for to-Pilot Bakelite posts test conditions. Instead, it was designed
in the original list, will be in the money for the finest musical reproduction under
SINGLE CONDENSER saved. As far as results are concerned, Two .0005 mfd. PILOT Centraline actual operating conditions, where many
they will be identical. It is just a matter condensers, operated by the PILOT factors are present, affecting the quality
Pilot single vernier drum of knowing the Victoreen circuit well double drum dial, are substituted for the considerably, which are not found in test
control takes both the Pilot Cen- enough to understand what parts can be Master control and vernier specified in circuits.
traline and Pilot S.L.F. condensers, as substituted without affecting the results, the original list. The double drum and The No. 206 cushion sockets are spring
well as practically any other make of and then the proper parts to use, so that condensers take up less panel space. At mounted, but the strain, when the tube
condenser. the revamped design will be in every way the same time, you get the benefit of is removed from the socket, is not upon
A single drum can be used in a vari- equivalent to the the springs them-
ety of plain tuning circuits, while two standard outfit. 2né3. UX-112. selves, for stops
single drums are adaptable to all are provided on
super -heterodyne circuits, Browning-
Drake, Roberts, various regenerative
hook-ups, X -I i circuit and many
Below is the
official parts list, $
with a list of º.
Pilot Precision
+ r>
1FG the center but-
ton which pull
against the mold-
others. parts 2 which can ed socket base,
be substituted. thus relieving the
If the changes are 05C. springs them-
made as specified, LOURER selves from all
there will be no strain.
sacrifice what- It seems to
ever in distance, most set builders
sharpness, at-
tractive appear-
ance, or mechan-
A+ A-
B- 45V. 44V 90V.
135 V
that a toggle
switch should be
a very simple
DOUBLE CONDENSER ical excellence. thing to build.
As a matter of
super -heterodyne fact, many toggle switches have proved
circuits work beautifully with the ORIGINAL PARTS LIST
unsatisfactory because very simple forms
two -condenser arrangement. In tuned Parts starred below are those for which Above, the best of Victoreen hook-ups, of mechanism were employed, which did not
R.F. circuits, where mechanical design Pilot Precision parts should be used. capable of extreme distance and selectivity. provide solid contacts. If those simple
makes separate single vernier drum A set of Victoreen intermediate transformers methods could be made satisfactory,
*1-Master control and coupling coil, plus the Pilot Precision you would find them, for example,
control units preferable to the double *1-Tuning dial
vernier drum, a single condenser and a parts shown below, comprise the complete in electric light switches. The PILoT
4-Victoreen transformers No. 17o kit of construction parts. By using the toggle switch is a real piece of mech-
double condenser, each on single *2-3o -ohm rheostats Pilot parts, the sel can be built for less than anism, as you will find if you examine
drums, work to perfection. *i-io-ohm rheostat $95.00, a saving of about $50.00 to you. it. Actual experience shows that special,
If the arrangement of the parts *1 -6
-ohm rheostat
s make it necessary, both condensers *1 -2
-ohm rheostat positive contact design" is necessary.
Otherwise, the
can be put on either side of the single I-Victoreen
drum. antenna switch will soon
coupler wear out inside
No. 16o and the contacts
*I -400 -ohm will not close the
pot en- circuit positively.
tiometer Little need be
I-Victoreen said as to the
oscillator high efficiency
coupler of the Victoreen,
No. 150 for that has been
TRIPLE CONDENSER proved by the
*r-.00l mfd. thousands of set
VERY successful results have been fixed con-
denser builders who have
obtained with the triple conden- used this circuit.
ser arrangement in special circuits *r-r. mfd. by-
It is highly im-
where two condensers are used for pass con-
denser portant to follow
tuned R.F. circuits and the third con- the wiring dia-
denser, sometimes of lower capacity, *2-, oo025mfd. gram exactly,
as a capacity regeneration control. grid con-
densers in each detail.
The triple unit is also used for sin- Changing values
gle -control tuned R.F. sets having two 2-2 meg. grid as specified, al-
stages of R.F. and detector. Again, leaks
*2-A.F. trans- tering the grid
used with a single drum and conden- returns, or vary-
ser, three stages of R.F. and the de- formers
*8-Sockets ing the oscillator
tector can be tuned. and detector cir-
*1-Filament cuit will surely reduce the efficiency of
switch single dial control, for the PILOT double
*to-Engraved binding posts drum dial is so designed that both drums the Victoreen set.
1-Bakelite panel 7X 26X %6 in. can be turned simultaneously with the Space does not permit a detailed
1-Wooden base board 10%X25X thumb. Then, since each condenser can description of the completed set, altho
1/2 in. be adjusted individually by means of its all the information necessary is presented
own vernier disc, you get the greater effi- in the Dataprints. This outfit, built in
I-Bakelite strip 6X34X%s in. ciency of the two -control arrangement. the RADIO DESIGN laboratory, follows the
I-Bakelite strip 5X%X%6 in. If the set is made up for i99 tubes, with general plan of the standard Victoreen
a 120 power tube in the last stage, this assembly, but several improvements have
QUADRUPLE CONDENSER PILOT PRECISION PARTS same combination of resistances will be all been made to simplify the work and to
2-No. 1523 Pilot condensers right. improve the general appearance.
four condensers on the single i-No. 1281 Pilot double drum The fixed condensers specified are the You'll like the set with the PILOT drum
drum, they can be divided be- 2-No. 93o Pilot rheostats PILOT Bakelite molded condensers, so dials better than any arrangement of flat
tween the two sides in any combina- r-No. 9to Pilot rheostat designed that they are impervious to dials, not only because the drums give the
tion, but for mechanical balance the 1-No. 906 Pilot rheostat moisture and free from any capacity set a real commercial appearance, but
two -and -two plan is best. i-No. 902 Pilot rheostat changes due to tightening terminal because, in addition, the drums, with
The single dial, with four conden- i-No. 400 Pilot potentiometer screws. Connections to the PILOT their individual verniers, make it so much
sers, will tune three R.F. stages and bakelite condensers are made to threaded easier to tune distant stations right on
the detector, and if a single drum and Complete construction Dataprints for the into the Bakelite. the nose.
Victoreen can be obtained from A. L. Farris, bushings molded

condenser are used in addition, the Radio Hill. Poughkeepsie. N. Y., $1.00 post- These condensers have mica dielectric If you are a DX fan, this extra-
combination will handle four R.F. paid. between the plates. fine tuning will add twenty or thirty
2 If you cannot get these _parts from your
stages and detector. local dealer, write to SPEED, 103 B'way
For audio -frequency transformers, the stations to your log records of long-
Brooklyn, N.Y. No. 381 PILOT giant transformers are range reception.

-4 -

aere s oeafest CC12ing CJuer-26t Construction USE OF DRUM CONTROLS

NOR', a real super -range type of PILOT PRECISION PARTS ings are relieved of all strain when you
super-heterodyne, a set that will FOR LABORATORY SUPER press your finger against the drum. The
give you that feeling of tremendous condenser is held to the bracket at two
power held in leash by the touch of your i-Pilot condenser No. 51M points with a substantial, universal
finger on the vernier drum controls, brace which fits all types of condensers.
1-Pilot potentiometer No. 200 Using a positive type friction drive for
ready to reach out, at your bidding, to 2-Pilot condensers No. 800
bring in stations thousands of miles away. the vernier wheel, there is no rough
That's the impression you'll get from i-Pilot rheostat No. 904 feeling or noise from gears. Moreover,
this set built with Pilot parts in con- I-Pilot toggle switch No. 42 the drum and the vernier wheel turn in
junction with the Silver -Marshall type the same direction. On other makes, the Two SINGLE CONDENSERS
2-Pilot giant trans. No. 381 drum is moved up to increase capacity,
440 amplifier unit. The first model was 4-Pilot sockets No. 206 TUNING with the double drum is a
described in Radio Broadcast for August, and the vernier moved down for further
1927, and in the Call Book. Claims increase. This was found so awkward real experience when you do it
and confusing for the first time. Either drum can be
made for the set
have been thor- .0000Is Mfd that the Pilot turned separately, or they can be
oughly substan- drum was design- turned simultaneously. It's just a
tiated by tests in ed with an en- matter of putting your thumb on one
the RADIO DESIGN TIME AMPLIFIER tirely new ver - or both drums. Then each control
MJ UR^ol-A V%111
laboratory. It is -4-1
n i e r mechanism can be brought to hair -line accuracy
an amazingly 'F teems P P AIIF i111 = to overcome that with its individual vernier.
powerful set.
3 +30 -b04-
àINr defect. The double drum is ideal for Rein-
Now comes the
.00035 Mfd. The double artz circuits, Browning -Drake, Rob-
question of ex- Pilot vernier erts, Diamond of the Air, all super -
pense. Personally, drum control is heterodynes, and the Infradync.
I prefer to put SM11 pictured here It is also possible to arrange a con-
extra time and 4 atho, if you denser on one side and a tickler coil on
OMAS 2.00 00M5 SW
prefer, you can
care into each set 1 o b o
use two separate the other, so that drum dial control
I build-and I AMr. GM0.¡ A- A+ C- C- a+ B+ Bt
single drums.
can be used on three -circuit tuner sets.
find that the care- Ct DET AMP 45V . SOY AMR
ful planning in ad- There are the
vance is repaid to a surprising extent by Above, the complete schematic wiring new Pilot giant audio -transformers take and
savings I can make in the cost of the parts. diagram for the new Laboratory Super, using the shock absorbing sockets whichOnly four
At the same time, I insist upon the very the S -M shielded intermediate amplifier both U X and U V tubes. in
highest quality, for out-of-date parts, and coils, and the Pilot Precision parts sockets are needed, since four tubes go
cheap as they may be, take the edge off illustrated below. Using the Pilot double the intermediate amplifier can.
the pride that every skilled set builder vernier drum for tuning single -control At the left of the Bakelite toggle
takes in his equipment. operation can be obtained, and with the switch is the new 8o -millihenry Neutro -
This is my method of saving without efficiency of a two -control super for each cap R.F. choke, designed by inM.three B.
sacrificing: I checked over the original drum has its individual vernier. Sleeper. This choke is wound
parts list, and sections, to split
then made the the distributed SINGLE AND DOUBLE CONDENSERS
changes noted.1 capacity in three
parts. Since these condensers with the double
First you will capacities are, in THREE
drum are ideal for neutrodyne and
see the original effect, in series, the familiar tuned R.F. sets. Here are
parts list, as given some useful hints about balancing.
in the various the total over-all
capacity must be Use the single condenser for the an-
magazines. Then tenna stage. Across one of the double
comes the list less than the
capacity o f the condensers put a .00002 mfd. Pilot
of PILOT parts2
smallest section. Bakelite fixed condenser No. 50E.
which can be Over the broad- Across the other section put a .000025
substituted with- mfd. Pilot midget condenser, No.
out actually cast band, the
changing the set, capacity varies J 7
but which afford from 2 to 5 micro- That will add a slight amount of
a very substan- microfarads-not capacity to the second R.F. tuning
tial saving in the zero capacity, but circuit. Then, to compensate for the
cost of the con- so close to it that grid condenser in the detector stage,
struction kit. If special precision you can adjust the midget condenser
you, too, want instruments are to get an accurate balance.
to try out every necessary to
new hook-up, you measure this neg-
know the impor- ligible amount.
tance of these small collective economies. Complete Dataprints, showing the
2-Pilot drum dials No. 1260 construction of the Laboratory super-
ORIGINAL PARTS LIST i-Twin Coupler choke No. 130 heterodyne, built with the S -M inter-
I-Pilot midget No. J-23 mediate amplifier unit and Pilot Pre-
Parts starred are those for which 2-Pilot Centraline No. 1517 cision parts give all the information,
Pilot Precision parts should be used. panel patterns, and picture wiring dia-
9-Pilot engraved posts grams needed to build this high -power
*1-.00025 condenser with clips receiver. The total cost of the parts SINGLE AND TRIPLE CONDENSERS
*I -200-ohm potentiometer The new 23 -plate Pilot midget con- and panels is about fifty dollars, by far
the lowest price at which it has ever double drum with the one -
*2-.5 by-pass condensers denser is a handsome little device. The THE
three condenser combination is a
solid frame is of polished, molded Bake- been possible to build a fine type of
*I -3 -ohm rheostat
lite, with gold -finished plates. Altho super set. real temptation to build a high -power
*I-Filament switch the original specifications call for .000075 Using this intermediate amplifier unit tuned R.F. set.
4-tip jacks mfd., the regulation of the feed-back is makes the construction and wiring unusu- Such an arrangement can be worked
I-2-meg. grid leak a little better, at long waves, with the ally simple. The number of leads and out to perfection with the No. 176 or
.000100 mfd. capacity of the Pilot midget connections is cut about in half, for all 179 plug-in coils-the former for
*2-A.F. transformers condenser. the assembly in the can is completed. UX-2o1-A tubes and the latter with
*4-Sockets Centraline or the S.L.F. variable con- As the wiring diagram shows, there are UX-199 tubes-with the No. 205
*2 ---drum dials densers can be used with the drum dials. just eight connections to be made to the sockets to mount them.
*1-R.F. choke Now, just a word or two about drum terminals on the can. Stage shields are not needed with
dials. Like all new things there are The can, with partitions to shield each the plug-in coils, unless you want
*1-.000075 midget condenser stage, contains all the sockets, trans-
good ones and those not so good. The them for appearance.
I-Silver-Marshall 44o amplifier unit Pilot vernier drum was designed to be formers, and condensers required for the For maximum volume at all wave-
2-S-M 515 coil sockets "more good." intermediate amplifying stages of the set, lengths, use 90 volts on all the R.F.
2-S-M III A coils You can see from the illustration that and protects the parts from dust. tubeswith a Resistograd in the lead to
*2-00035 variable condensers heavy angle brackets are used at each 1 Official Dataprints for this Super can be the B battery. That will control oscil-
side. Three pillars, fastened to each obtained from A. L. Farris, Radio Hill, lations, and serve as a volume regu-
*9-binding. posts bracket, carry an inside bearing plate. Poughkeepsie, New York, $r.00 postpaid.
2 If you cannot obtain these from your local lator as well.
1-7X24X3í6 in. Micarta panel That provides a bearing for each drum dealer, write to SPEED, 103 B'way, Brooklyn,
I-7X23X%-in. base board j -in. long. Thus the condenser bear - New York.
grere CJs l%e C`Jer C1 amznalor for gull X 1. C . OfSerallon
TiIE first striking thing that you'll Instead of sealing the condensers in a SERIES CIRCUIT: Some set builders have
discover about the Geloso ABC solid block, 2-mfd. units and the buffer, felt an antipathy toward series filament
eliminator is that it works per- each in an individual metal case, are connections, and have offered what may
fectly. Not in any almost satisfactory solidly clamped together. Now, if you appear to them valid reasons for their
way, mind you, but in that exactly right want to change your eliminator at any prejudice.
fashion that will make you tell those who time, you will have the units available to Here are the actual facts about series
have had hard -luck experiences-" Say, hook up in any kind of circuit, while if wiring. This system is much older than
I've got it now! Honest -to-goodness they had been sealed in a single can, you broadcast reception, for Western Electric
A.C. operation!" would have to discard the whole thing sets made before the War were designed
That's the first impression. Bye and and buy a new condenser block. that way. And certainly no one will
bye, when you've lived with it for months, A partial view of the ABC unit is given question the practices of those circuit
as I have, you'll have that friendly, on page 2. This eliminator, the first to supermen, the Western Electric engineers.
kindly feeling toward your Geloso ABC be put on test, is mounted in a console Now it may be that inexperienced
that you have toward your favorite easy cabinet, beside the box containing an designers who do not understand the
chair. You know-it's always ready for orthophonic horn. You can see the facilities for taking off grid biases which
you, never failing. terminal strip, resistance unit, the chokes series circuits offer may condemn the
without their cases, and the filter con- method thru ignorance, but to those in
PILOT CENTRALINE TYPE Confidence like that doesn't happen. denser. The power transformer and the know, the series filaments can be
It's engineered with brains in the research Raytheon are hidden at the rear. made to do all kinds of tricks.
Centraline condensers are laboratory, and built with intelligence in To give you a few simple examples:
made in the following ranges: the factory. Yet the parts for the Keep this simple form of Ohm's Law
Geloso ABC cost very little, and anyone in mind, E= I X R, where E is the voltage,
No. i6o8-.000008 to .000165 mfd.
No. 1613-.000008 to .000255 mfd.
can do the simple assembly work required. B+ B+ C- g C. 5-'- R the resistance in ohms, and I the cur-
No. 1617-.000012 to .000370 mfd. No dangerous voltages are employed, 30 40 A+ A- 5V. 18o rent in amperes.
No. 1623-.000012 to .000500 mfd. nor does the unit offer any fire hazard. Suppose you have four 199 tubes in
It can be put away in a console cabinet, series. The current must be adjusted to
Calibration curves, made from pre- or hidden in any convenient place. 6o milliamperes. That is fixed. You
cision instrument readings, are sup- know that 3 volts are required to push
plied with the condensers. GELOSO CIRcuIT: This ABC eliminator,1
6o mils thru a 199 tube. In other words,
For broadcast reception, the sec- working with a 125 -mil Raytheon, sup- there is a 3 -volt drop across each 199.
ondary tuning inductance, used with plies 180 volts B, 40 volts C, and 5 volts This much information is given on the
the No. 1613 condenser, should have A, for a UX-171 amplifier tube, 90 and box the tube comes in.
98 turns of No. 24 D.S.C. wire on a 40 to 45 volts B for UX-199 tubes, and Starting from the F- binding -post, a
2 -in. tube. The range from to to loo A current for four to ten 199's connected wire is run to the first tube. If no bias
divisions on the dial will be 198 to in series. is required, the grid return is run directly
575 meters. This combination takes care of the to the filament post on the socket.
No. 1617 condenser, with a coil of 83 SP -5 receiver, tho it is not at all limited But if you want, say, 2 volts bias
turns of No. 24 D.S.C. wire on a 2 -in. to that circuit, for it will run multi -stage Ohm's Law will show you how to get it.
tube, shows 195 to 58o meters. tuned R.F. sets and eight or ten -tube The voltage drop is 2 volts, the current is
No. 1623 condenser, with a coil of 68 supers just as well. fixed at .o6 ampere. This makes R=33
turns of No. 24 D.S.C. wire on a 2 -in. Using the Prior transformer and ohms. Just connect a 33 -ohm resistance
tube, shows 195 to 590 meters. chokes designed for this unit, the PILOT between F- and the tube, run the grid
X- process filter condensers, and the return to the F- side of the resistance,
PILOT wire -wound resistors, ample elec- and you will have 2 volts negative bias
trical allowances are provided to give on the grid.
splendid voltage regulation on heavy and Or if you should want 2 volts positive
light loads. bias, put that same resistance between
the first and second tubes, and run the
LONG SERVICE: When the eliminator is grid return of the first tube to the resist-
operating the SP -5 set, the drain is only ance at the end connected to the second
8o -mils, or 36% below the rating of the tube.
new Raytheon. This increases the life Without such resistance, 12 volts must
of the tube greatly, so that your first tube be applied to four 199's in series. When
will last indefinitely. No other part will a resistance to give a special biaa is added,
require replacement. PILOT X- process the total voltage must be 14 volts.
condensers, operating under normal life, Biases on the second and following
are guaranteed for ro years. By that tubes can be obtained in the same man-
time we may not need eliminators. ner. A simpler method can be employed
PARTS REQUIRED: Following is a list of sometimes. Suppose 6 volts negative is
PILOT parts 2 required for the Geloso required on the third tube. The grid
ABC: return can be run to the F- side of the
first tube. Since there is a 3 -volt drop
I -125 -mil Raytheon tube 4' Mfd. across the first tube, and a 3 -volt drop
S.L.F. condensers a1+emade in Made by Pilot Electric Co.: across the second, the total of 6 volts
the following ranges: 8-2 mfd. filter condensers TYPE
1-.I -.I mfd. buffer negative bias is obtained.
No. 1508-.000008 to .000130 mfd. 8H
No. 1513-.000010 to .000285 mfd. 2-I. mfd. by-pass condensers
No. 1517-.000012 to .000370 mid. 1-Condenser block clamp
No. 1523-.000014 to .000500 mid. I-No. 41 tube socket SPECIAL DX ISSUE
M I-ABC transformer As the Advance Fall Issue of RADIO
S.L.F. condensers are generally pre- 2-ABC chokes Irlfd )mfd DESIGN goes to press we are completing
ferred by those of technical inclina- I-ABC resistance the laboratory work on sets to be shown
tions. Also, with the new wavelength I -2250 -ohm resistance
in the Winter Number. It will be mailed
allocations, many prefer them because 9-Engraved binding posts to subscribers on November Ist.
of their tuning curve. Like the Cen- 1-Micarta terminal strip We aren't going to tell you in advance
traline type, they are accurately I-Wooden baseboard Sf 5
about the special things now in prepara-
matched for gang control. The No. tion, but if you'll take a little tip from
16o8 is intended for use with all ASSEMBLY: Space does not permit a lllll 1111ti the inside, you'll get your quarter mailed
standard short wave coils. detailed description of the assembly, but P D Q for a year's subscription. Take
For broadcast reception, the second- all necessary construction data are pro- POWER no chance o`. missing the Winter Number.
ary tuning inductance, used with the vided in the official Dataprints,' including Just one inkling-you may have heard
the layout pattern, picture -wiring dia- TRAU ORMER
No. 1513 condenser, should have 98 from time to time about new apparatus
turns of No. 24 D.S.C. wire on a 2 -in. gram, and special notes. developed in the commercial laboratories,
tube. The range from io to loo divi- It is an easy matter to mount the )ut not released to the public. One of the
parts on the baseboard. Your attention

sions on the dial will be 194 to 575 sets under way is a totally new design,
meters. is called particularly to the PILOT method
No. 1517 condenser, with a coil of 68 of assembling the filter condenser unit.
sw built for a new tube which, we are assured,
will be put on sale in time for us to show
turns of No. 24 D.S.C. wire on a 2 -in. the receiver in the Winter Number.
tube, shows 185 to 58o meters. Complete Dataprints can be obtained from If we are given the release, RADIO
No. 1523 condenser, with a coil of 83

A. L. Farris, Radio Hill, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. DESIGN will be first to publish the dope.
turns of No. 24 D.S.C. wire on a 2 -in. Si.00, postpaid. 115V In fact, you'll find RADIO DESIGN pretty
tube, shows 185 to 58o meters. 2 If your local dealer cannot supply you,
much in the lead with new stuff. Keep
write to SPEED, so3 Broadway, Brooklyn, A C.
N. Y. your eye peeled!
X-11 MYSTERY hand clip, which must be mounted with a
3' -in. F. H. screw. The reason for this
Connect the batteries as shown in
the diagram. The C post takes 4o
Continued from page 3 is that the panel bracket will come directly
above the resistance clip later on.
volts or 9 volts negative C bias with a
r71 or II2 respectively. The other
long side of the fixed condenser plates are GRID CONDENSER: Mount the grid con- C post should have 3 or 4% volts.
up. One coil bracket goes under the nut denser at the right of the group of four You can determine this experimentally. Twin Coupler Coils
which holds the bottom frame pillar of sockets. Use %-in. R. H. screws. Put The B AMP. post takes 1So or 135 volts,
the condenser, and the upper bracket is the screws through the grid leak clips, and according to the power tube used. are sold in KRESGE,
held by a machine screw passing through turn them into the threaded bushings in B DET. takes 45 to 90 volts. Some set KRESS, GRANT, and
a hole in the condenser frame. the condenser. builders prefer 67? 2 volts, although we other stores thruout
Clamp the condenser firmly with the .0005 CONDENSER: A 0005-mfd. fixed seem to get the best results with 90
nut on the front of the panel, put the Art condenser is used across the first amplifier volts on the detector and R.F. tubes. the U.S.A., Canada,
dial in place, and fasten the dial with the plate resistance. It is mounted between Tune in a station at about Soo meters, and foreign countries
screw and nut provided. the third and fourth sockets of the group with the Resistograd turned all the way
PHASATROL: Mount the Phasatrol on the of four. Use h
-in. R. H. screws, put- out. Adjust the Phasatrol until the set
is just under the oscillating point. Then,
front panel with á -in. F. H. screws and ting them through the panel, and thread- TWIN COUPLER
ing them into the condenser terminal as the wave length is reduced, the oscil-
nuts. The terminals marked PC and P
should extend out horizontally. bushings. Fasten on the lugs with nuts.
.006 CONDENSER: In series with the
lations can be controlled by turning the
Resistograd in.
R.F. COIL AND CONDENSER: Mount the SUMMARY: The X-II gives more high
R.F. coil on the other .00035-mfd. variable Resistograd is a .006 mfd. fixed con-
denser. This is mounted in front of the class radio results at a lower cost than
condenser just as the detector coil was
mounted. Have the small primary wind-
ing toward the bottom. Mount the con-
grid condenser, with -in. R. H. screws.
Under that, as the Dataprints show, the
any other set we have ever handled.
It is a safe set for the novice and can be Largest Radio Coil
rear terminal of this condenser has a lug recommended, without reservation, for
denser and set the dial as previously
underneath, but on the front mounting use in homes where utmost of quality Manufacturers in
screw a lug is put on the screw at the top reception is expected at an exceedingly the United States
PANEL BRACKETS: Fasten the three tri- of the base panel. small expense.
angular panel brackets on the front panel,
using %-in. F. H. screws. As you will see MIDGET JACK: Mount the midget jack at GENERAL OFFICES AND FACTORY
from the Dataprints, a lug must be put on
each upper fastening screw. This is to
the rear and left hand corner of the sub
make connections from parts on the front FRONT PANEL WIRING: If you are work- Continued from page 2 POUGHKEEPSIE NEW YORK
panel, through the brackets, to parts ing from the Dataprints, you will see that
under the base panel. the wiring is shown for each panel sepa- from the light circuit of the right-hand
R.F. CHOKE: Mount the R.F. choke on rately. There are also wires on the front dial down to the corner binding post of
the front panel, using %-in. F. H. screws panel which started at terminals but end the second Redi-blox A.F. unit, and the
simply at numbers, such as r, 2, 3. Where two leads which run from the binding
and nuts. wires of this sort appear, if you will run posts on the second A.F. unit to the
BINDING POSTS: Mount the nine engraved your eyes straight down you will see on binding posts. It is a good idea to
Bakelite binding posts on the sub panel, the drawing of the top or bottom of the insulate the leads from the toggle switch
fastening the lugs in place as you go along. base panel, a wire starting with the same to the binding posts, also, although this
was not done on the original model.
BASE PANEL: Black micarta is used for number and finishing on a terminal of one If you
the base panel also, drilled from the panel of the base panel parts. This is done Kester rosinmake soldered connections, EXCLUSIVE
core solder is recommended. PUBLISHERS OF
pattern in the Dataprints. Mount the simply to avoid the necessity of drawing With this solder must have a hot
parts on the base panel in the following in the wires where they run between iron, and the lugsyou must be rubbed off M. B SLEEPER'S
order: panels.
SOCKETS: Mount all four sockets. Put
With the parts mounted on the front with sandpaper, so that they will be clean Official Radio Dataprints
panel, all the front panel wiring should be and bright. Apply sufficient heat to
the springs into the socket button in such done. Later, the base
a way that the longer half of the contact be done, and then afterpanel wiring will make the solder flow freely. All Pilot
panels parts are of genuine Bakelite, so that they show full-size picture
spring will press against the contact pins have been fastened the two
will not be injured by any ordinary wiring diagrams, panel patterns,
of the tube. Fasten the buttons with the panel wiring together the inter -
schematic battery connections, parts
will be put on. amount of heat.
screws and nuts provided. Each socket If you must use soldering paste, put list, construction notes, coil data,
should have the arrow pointing toward BASE PANEL WIRING: With the parts all on only the tiniest speck for each ter- everything you need to know in order
the rear of the base panel. mounted on the base panel, the base panel minal, to assemble the pats successfully- -
wiring should be done. That is all simple wipe it and if there is any excess visible,
off with the greatest care. All O.K'd by M. B. Sleeper.
RESISTO -BLOCKS: Remove the resistor
work. The only special precaution neces-
clips from the base of the resisto -blocks, sary is where
take off the .or condensers, as well as the socket contact wires are soldered to the PLUG-IN Cons: This set is designed for READY: Official Dataprints are
springs. The wire should use with the No. 179 Twin Coupler plug- now ready for the SP -5, A B C
two connecting strips. Discarding the be put through Eliminator for 199's and 171, Silver -
Bakelite bases, remount the parts on the spring and bent the small hole in the in coils. With the condensers provided, Marshall Super, Victoreen Super and
base panel, the clips above and the con- Then an ample over slightly if possible. they cover approximately 190 to 550 X-I I.
necting strips underneath. The exact put on each spring. amount of solder must be meters.Plug the coils into the fixed sockets,
method is illustrated in the Dataprints. with a little Rub each spring Price $r.00 each, postpaid
sand paper. Do not use put the UX-,71 tube in the right-hand
FILAMENT CONTROLS: There are four fila- soldering paste on any socket spring, for unit and 199's in the others. Make the
ment control mounting clips required. it will surely cause trouble by reducing necessary cross connections to the elimi-
They must be mounted next, using %-in. the resistance between grid, plate, and nator, plug the eliminator into the light
R.H. screws and nuts, except for the right filament. If you use rosin cone solder, socket, and push the toggle switch up. Radio Hill, Poughkeepsie, N Y.
be careful that the rosin tloesn't run up Adjust the rheostat until the ammeter
inside the socket through the hole in the reads exactly 6o mils. The light bulbs
panel, for it may prevent contact with the on the dials can be turned on or off at will.
tube pins.
Tune in a station by adjusting the two
dials. If it is weak, you can bring the
Fasten the station up to full strength with the midget
base panel to the brackets, using j2 -in. condenser.
R.H. screws and nuts. Note that the the Resistograd. Volume can be regulated by
This control affects
FOR RADIO BUILDERS SUPPLIES front mounting screw takes a lug under the ammeter reading slightly. If it brings
the base panel, there is a lug under the the needle
rear mounting screw for the center the rheostat. down below 6o mils, readjust
IF YOU CAN'T GET THE bracket, and lugs under both screws for
the right hand bracket. SUMMARY: The simplicity, ruggedness,
and dependability of this set make it
between panels should be left now. provide the satisfactory as an outfit to RADIO DESIGN
Start with interpanel wire No. r and for the home.finest radio entertainment
DESIGN WRITE TO go right through them all. You will als, and breakdowns
Service troubles, renew- FOUR ISSUES COST

see that most of these wires are run down to an
through holes in the base panel.
have been brought
almost irreducible minimum.
In fact, there is nothing which should go
OPERATION: Put the Polymet filament wrong over a period of years. Occa-
controls in the clips. From left to right, sionally, a tube will go out. When one

BROOKLYN, N. Y. looking at the set from the rear, they 199 tube burns out, the others will not RIGHT NOW SUBSCRIBE. USE BLANK
should go in the following order:- light until the defective one has been BELOW. SAVE MONEY. BE SUCCESSFUL.
.5 amp., .5 amp., .25 amp., and 6V 199. replaced, since they are all in series. LET RADIO DESIGN GUIDE YOU.
From left to right also, the resistances If the filament current drops off, after
SEND STAMP are as follows: .25 megohm, .1 megohm, a year or so of operation, it may be that
.5 megohm, .r megohm, s. megohm, the Raytheon needs replacement. Other RADIO DESIGN:
FOR CATALOG 103 Broadway, Brooklyn, N. Y.
and .1 megohm. Then there is the so. than this, there should be no difficulty of
megohm leak for the grid leak. any sort.
Here's my quarter for four issues.


Published on Oct. 15, Dec. 15, Feb. 15, and April 15, by Radio Design Pub. Co., 103-C
SERVICE IN THE WORLD Broadway, Brooklyn, New York, A. H. Ghirardi, Editor, M. B. Sleeper, Technical Editor. Street
Price loc. per copy, 25c. annually. Application for entry as second-class matter Sept. 15, 1927.
Copyright, 1927, and application for registry of title as a trade mark by Radio Design Pub. Co. City State
made Aug., 1927.

Look for
Pilot wihdow.
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nifies a dealer
who handles
")!L,4,T jiqain Leading fhe Way
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J Redi-Blox Detector Unit. Spring mounted tube
socket takes ail U X and U V tubes. Positive Cr
negative rid return. Flug in coi -s for 180 to 3000
meters. Designed for .00035 mfd. tuning condenser.

Redi-Blox Radio Wired Units is the appli-
cation of the sectional book -case idea
for radio construction!
To the experimenting set -builder, Redi-
Blox offers the Key to countless combi- For instance, to build a Five -tube R. F.
nations. With Redi-Blox Units any circuit set, simply hook-up two R. F. Redi-Blox,
is built in minutes instead of hours. one Detector Redi-Blox and two Audio
Redi-Blox R. F. Unit. Construction similar to Redi-Blox.
detector unit. Wired for tatteryoreliminator The man with fair technical knowledge,
circuits with series or parallel filaments. Genu-
ine Bakelite base, as used in all Redi-Blox units. who wants to build a real good set, at No soldering! Completely wired! Simply
minimum cost and labor, finds Redi-Blox connect the various Redi-Blox Units just
the solution to his problem. as you'd hook-up a couple of dry cells!

PILOT Vernier Drum Dials

Cleanable Celluloid
Vernier friction Ring
Condenser Mountings
Redi-Blox A. F. Uait. Equipped with new
ForUniversal Braces
Pilot Giant s udio Transformer in handsome
steel case which als i acts as a shield. Takes Condenser Shaft Collar
all power tubes including 2i0.

Outer Bracket

Genuine Bakelite Drum

Inner Bearing

Constant Spring
Smooth and silent, the PILOT vernier
drums can be revolved singly or together
with the pressure of your thumb, and set
Socket -Power Radio is the pass-word today! With to hair-line accuracy with the individual
the Pilot ABC Eliminator you can easily change your verniers. Made with single or double
present battery set to a dependable trouble -free A-C drums. Single drum takes condensers on Vernier Drive
operated receiver. If you are building a new set, it
will be electric, of course!
both sides. Fits all condensers, Wheel

Return this coupon with stamp for latest Pilot
Catalog showing full line of Pilot precision radio
parts. Because produced in world's largest parts
plant and sold throughout the world, Pilot parts
are world's outstanding radio value.

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