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Facultad de Jurisprudencia, Ciencias Sociales y Políticas


Ing. Dennis Calderón

09 de septiembre del 2021

1. Complete the instructions with the correct form of the words and phrases in the
box below. Listen and check.
flight attendant book a flight pack check in window seat

go through security departure lounge land departure board

take off show your passport hand luggage gate

checked luggage boarding pass aisle seat


On our website you can
book a flight up to Make sure you 3 pack your
eleven months before own bags and suitcases.
the date of travel, and Don't take any prohibited
you can 2 check in ítems.
online for your flight 24
hours before departure

You're allowed 20 kg
of 4 checked luggage,
and you can carry one
Sometimes there are long
item of 5 hand luggage
lines 7 go through security ,
on the plane. Don't
so make sure you arrive at
forget to bring valid
the airport at least two
identification! You'll
hours before your flight.
have to 6 show your
passport or identity

Wait for your flight in

the 8 departure lounge, When your flight is called,
where you can get show your 11 boarding pass
coffee. Don't forget to to the 12 flight attendant,
look at the 9 departure and check your seat number.
board to see which Do you have an 13 aisle seat
gate your flight leaves or a window seat?

When you board the

plane, find your seat Ninety-five percent of our
quickly. Fasten your seat flights 16 land smoothly and
belt before the plane on time. That's one more
take off . If you have a reason to fly with Go There
window seat , enjoy Airline!
the view!

2. Match definitions 1-8 with words and phrases from exercise 1.

5 a person who works on a
1 bags you carry on a plane. checked luggage flight attendant
2 when the plane leaves the 6 when the plane returns to the
take off land
ground. ground.
3 the document you show to 7 bags you don't carry on a
boarding pass hand luggage
get on a flight. plane.
4 preparing your bags before
pack 8 buy your tickets to fly. book a flight
you fly.

Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1. John didn't sleep at all last night. He must / can't be really tired today.

2. Where's Lidia? She can't / might be at work because her office is closed today.

3. Let's try that store over there. It might / can be cheaper, but I'm not sure.

4. We can / can't be at the right address. There's no restaurant here.

5. A Is Vicki's husband from Australia?

B I think he might / can't be, but l've never asked him.

6. I never see Max studying, so he can't / must be a very good student.

7. Look, Brian must / can be home - the lights are on in his apartment

8. This must / may be the museum Lucy was talking about. I'm absolutely sure.

9. That movie won three Oscars, so it can't / must be good.

10. The people on the street have opened their umbrellas so it can't / must be raining.

Complete the second sentences so they mean the same as the first sentences. Use must,
might, or can't.
1. Luke's not here. It's possible that he's sick.
Luke's not here. He might sick.
2. I'm sure that's not Martin's car. His is much bigger.
That can’t be Martin's car. His is much bigger.
3. Steve goes to the pool every day at this time. He's definitely swimming right now.
Steve must be swimming right now – he goes to the pool every day at this time.
4. It's possible that there are still tickets available for the concert.
There might be tickets available for the concert.
5. It seems impossible that this dish is very healthy - it's full of sugar.
This dish can’t be very healthy- it's full of sugar.
6. I'm totally sure she knows Toni - I saw them talking at the party.
She must know Toni -I saw them talking at the party.
7. It's possible that they're waiting for us outside.
They might be writing for us outside.
8. I don't believe that it's snowing. It's the middle of May!
It can’t be snowing. It's the middle of May!

Complete the conversation with modal verbs. They may be more than one answer.

A. Did I tell you I ran into Maria this

B. You did?
A. Yeah, we talked for a little while. Do
you think she's wealthy?
B. She 1 might be. Apparently, she has
three houses in London and two
apartments in New York!
A. But she looks young – she 2 can’t
be more than 30.
B. I'm not sure. I think she3 might be 35.
A. Anyway, I keep seeing her. Do you
think she's working somewhere near
B. I have no idea. I guess she 4 might
be - or she 5 might be staying with her
brother, Nico.
A. Ah, I saw a woman who looked like Maria leaving a house on Elm Street
yesterday. It 6 might be her, then.
B. It 7 can be the same person - Nico has three sisters!
Choose the correct options to complete the sentences or say if both are correct.
1. I keep seeing Miguel on Green Street. He work near there.

a. can b. must

2. Of course, he not even live here - he could just be visiting.

a. might b. may

3. I'm not sure if that's Gabriel's wife with him. It be her.

a. could b. might

4. I can hear noises coming from the apartment, so someone definitely be


a. must b. can

5. That girl is at least ten. Laura's daughter has just learned to walk, so it be

a. can't b. might not

6. He looks exactly like Alfonso. It be his twin brother.

a. can b. must

7. I thought he was French, but I guess I be wrong.

a. could b. can

8. The woman in the photo is much younger than the man, so she be his

a. can't b. must

Complete the sentences with must, might, and can't.

1. When we met Jack, he was 80; that was years ago, so he must be very old by
2. I have no idea who that guy is. It can’t be Sofia's boyfriend because he's away.
3. I'm not sure if Rachel's here today. She might be.
4. Pedro's boss is bald. That man has loads of dark hair, so it can’t be him.
5. It's completely dark outside – it must be pretty late.
6. I don't know whether Alice is right about Carlos. She might be.
7. There's snow on the ground in the painting, so it must be winter.
8. You haven't eaten since breakfast. You must be hungry!

Match the meaning of get in sentences 1-10 with the verbs in a-e.

1. I'm getting really excited about our vacation. b

2. Could you get me a book from the office, please? e
3. Did you get my text this morning? a
4. Great pants! Where did you get them? d
5. We got to the airport an hour before our flight. c
6. Jamie's just getting a blanket from the car. e
7. I got a really nice rug from that new Swedish store. d
8. It's getting cold, isn't it? b
9. Have you ever gotten a prize in a competition? a
10. She won't get to the concert on time tonight. c

a. We received some complaints about the program.

b. Everyone became pretty angry about the situation.
c. We arrived at the station just before eight o'clock.
d. l always buy a few souvenirs while I'm on vacation.
e. Should I bring in dinner yet?


1 Complete the replies with the words in the box.

could have (x2) so would can

neither did do 'm not

A. I lovesightseeing.
B. So do I. It's better than lying on the beach.

A. I've never been to Japan.
B. Neither have I. But I'd like to go one day.

A. I can't swim very well.
B. Oh, I can . I'm a very good swimmer.

A. I'm staying at home tonight.
B. Really? I’m not . I'm going out.

A. I didn't like that movie.
B. Neither did. I thought it was really boring.

A. l'd love to go to New York one day.
B. Yes, so would I.

A. I just bought a new camera.
B. So did I. What a coincidence!

A. I didn't buy her a present for her birthday
B. Neither have I.

A. I'd like to watch that new reality show.
B. Yes, so would I.

A. Unfortunately, I couldn't go to her party
B. No, neither could I.
2 Write replies to agree (✓) or disagree (X) with the statements. Use so or neither or / +
auxiliary or modal.
1. l've finished all my homework. (✓)
So have I.

2. I won't go to bed late tonight. (✓)

Neither will I.

3. I like going to the movies by myself. (X)

I don’t I like going to the movies with friends

4. I can't speak French very well. (✓)

Neither can I.

5. l usually drive to work. (✓)

So do I.

6. I'm going to the U.S. in the summer. (✓)

So am I.

7. I'm not going to Luke's party. (X)

Really? I will go

8. I haven't bought my ticket yet. (✓)

Neither have I

9. I didn't enjoy reading that book. (X)

Really? I enjoy reading that book

10. l'd love to see her again. (✓)

So would I

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