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Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

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Integrated seismic and well-log analysis for the exploration of stratigraphic T

traps in the Carbonera Formation, Llanos foreland basin of Colombia
Lucia Torradoa,1,∗, Luis Carlos Carvajal-Arenasa,1, Paul Mannb, Janok Bhattacharyac
Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston, Houston, TX, 77004, USA
Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston, Houston, TX, 77004, USA
School of Geography & Earth Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada


The Llanos foreland basin of Colombia is the country's most prolific oil producer, with the most known oil fields found in normal fault traps created during flexure of
the foreland basin. The objective of the study is to evaluate the potential of stratigraphic traps in the Late Eocene-Early Miocene Carbonera Formation, a 400-1800 m-
thick reservoir unit with numerous traps related to unfaulted, sand-prone fluvial deposits. We integrated 700 km2 of 3D seismic data with eight wells near the ~8600
bcd Cubiro field in the central area of the Llanos foreland. Interpretations of well logs and stratal slices through multi-attribute and iso-frequency amplitude cubes
show that the Carbonera Formation contains tectonically-controlled, sinuous channel belts seen on seismic lines as strong, high-amplitude, concave reflections with
variable width-to-depth ratio. Well logs through the Carbonera Formation record two regressive-transgressive cycles with greater preservation of non-reservoir, shaly
transgressive deposits within the intermediate Carbonera members 5 and 3, and sandy, lowstand deposits in the lower and uppermost Carbonera members 7 and 1,
respectively. Seismic and gamma-ray facies analyses allowed the distinction of prospective, sand-rich point bars, scrolls, and basal lag deposits from non-prospective,
mud-rich abandoned channels. Stratal slices within the Carbonera Formation show changes from Late Eocene-Early Oligocene, northeast-flowing channel belts of a
main axial fluvial system -proposed to be the proto-Meta River-, to a Late Oligocene southeast-flowing tributary channels interpreted as a result of eastward flexural
migration, enhanced accommodation from loading of the Eastern Cordillera and a shift from an underfilled to overfilled foreland basin.

1. Introduction foreland basin. We differentiate sand intervals for potential hydro-

carbon accumulations from least prospective intervals, identified dif-
The commercial success of oil companies exploring the study area of ferent types of channel deposits, and related our observations to re-
the Llanos foreland basin of Colombia (Fig. 1) is based on the under- gional depositional controls reported in the study area during Late
standing of the Paleogene fluvial depositional system, and the most Eocene-Early Miocene times.
common, four-way dip closures associated with normal faults related to
the flexure of the foreland basin (Barrero et al., 2007). The Llanos basin 2. Geologic setting of the Llanos basin
production is ~754,000 bcd with reserves of ~144 million barrels
(ANH, 2015) and is one of the most prolific South American foreland The Llanos foreland basin of northeastern Colombia is an elongate
basins along the eastern flank of the Andes mountains (Barrero et al., (96,000 km2) and asymmetrical sub-Andean foreland basin formed
2007). during Late Cretaceous to Recent convergent events between the
Exploration in the Llanos foreland basin has been mainly focused on Andean Mountains and cratonic rocks of northwestern South America
structural-type traps consisting of gently-dipping monoclines associated (Moreno et al., 2011; Nie and Horton, 2012) (Fig. 1A and C). The study
with normal faults related to foreland basin flexure (Barrero et al., area is located in the central area of the Llanos foreland basin near the
2007), and up to this time, there has been little exploration of strati- Meta River and the town of Orocue (Fig. 1B).
graphic traps. The basin exhibits a typical cross-sectional configuration of an
In this study, we integrated gamma-ray log and seismic facies ana- asymmetrical, clastic sedimentary wedge thickening westward towards
lysis, seismic geomorphology, and multi-attribute analysis within a the thrusted eastern margin of the Eastern Cordillera of the Andes, and
sequence stratigraphy framework to assess the potential of stratigraphic thinning and pinching out to the east on the gently westward-dipping
traps of the Carbonera Formation in the central area of the Llanos surface of cratonic rocks of the Guyana shield (Cooper et al., 1995;

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (L. Torrado), (L.C. Carvajal-Arenas), (P. Mann), (J. Bhattacharya).
Now at: AGI Exploration LLC, Houston, TX, USA - 77063.
Received 15 July 2019; Received in revised form 14 March 2020; Accepted 12 April 2020
Available online 20 April 2020
0895-9811/ © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

Fig. 1. (A) Location of main structural elements and rivers of Colombia, northwestern South America. The Llanos foreland basin (LLFB), located in the eastern portion
of Colombia is shown in yellow shading. (B) Topographic map showing a zoomed display of the location study area within the Llanos foreland basin and the different
structural provinces defined in the basin by Campos and Mann (2015). The study area is located within the maximum zone of flexure. (C) Schematic structural cross-
section of the eastern flank of the Eastern Cordillera (Llanos foothills) and the Llanos foreland basin (LLFB) showing the relationship between known hydrocarbon
occurrences and its structural provinces. Modified from Barrero et al. (2007), and Campos and Mann (2015). The location of the study area is shown by a black star.
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

Campos and Mann, 2015) (Fig. 1C). Towards the south, the Llanos and noncommercial hydrocarbon accumulations like in the El Miedo
foreland basin is bound by two ranges of exposed Precambrian and field have been discovered in this part of the basin (ANH, 2015)
Cretaceous rocks, the Serrania de la Macarena and the Vaupes arch, (Fig. 1C).
respectively (Restrepo-Pace and Cediel, 2010; Moreno-Lopez and The Llanos foreland basin records shallow marine to a transitional
Escalona, 2015) (Fig. 1A). These basement highs separate the southern deposition in a Cretaceous passive margin setting represented by three
Llanos foreland basin from the Putumayo foreland basin of southern units: 1) the basal, Aptian-Cenomanian sandstone of the Une
Colombia (Barrero et al., 2007) (Fig. 1A). The Arauca arch, a more Formation, 2) the shaly Cenomanian-Coniacian Gacheta Formation
subtle structural boundary, separates the northern Llanos basin from considered to be a source rock in the basin, and 3) the Santonian-
the Barinas-Apure foreland basin of Venezuela (Fig. 1A). Maastrichtian, shallow-marine, regressive sandstone of the Guadalupe
According to Campos and Mann (2015), four structural provinces Formation at the top (Cooper et al., 1995). Shallow marine deposition
are recognized in the Llanos foreland basin: 1) The blind thrust area: terminated abruptly due to a Maastrichtian accretion of arc and plateau
this area is adjacent to the Eastern Cordillera thrust and contains large rocks of the Western Cordillera against the continental basement of
buried folds and blind thrusts (Fig. 1B and C). Significant hydrocarbon northwestern South America (Cooper et al., 1995) (Fig. 2).
reserves occur in this area, in oilfields like Cusiana, La Gloria, Trinidad, By the Cenozoic, fluvial conditions prevailed in the Llanos foreland
and Barquerena (Campos and Mann, 2015); 2) The maximum tectonic basin from the Paleocene until the Late Eocene, and resulted in the
flexure area: this area contains normal faults striking in a SW−NE di- deposition of several units: 1) the Paleocene, sand-rich, estuarine de-
rection related to bending of the lithosphere mainly as the result of posits of the Barco Formation (Cooper et al., 1995); 2) the Late Pa-
tectonic loading from the Eastern Cordillera (Fig. 1B and C) (Gomez leocene to Early Eocene, shaly Los Cuervos Formation corresponding to
et al., 2005). Several small and mid-size oilfields related to structural another source rock interval (Barrero et al., 2007); and 3) the Middle to
traps have been discovered in this area, including Sardinas, Jordan, Late Eocene, Mirador Formation represented by a massive, coarse-to-
Guarilaque, Guarimena, and Cubiro field, the latter located in the area medium-grained sandstone of a braided fluvial system that constitutes
of study (Fig. 1B and C); 3) The basement inversion area: this area is one of the reservoir units in the western the Llanos foreland basin
characterized by basement-related, small-heave normal faults oriented (Villegas et al., 1994; Cooper et al., 1995) (Fig. 2A). The Barco For-
in a north-south strike direction that affect older successions (Fig. 1C). mation, Cuervos Formation, and the Mirador Formation all pinch-out
Major oilfields like Rubiales are located in this area (Fig. 1B and C) against the gently-sloping metasedimentary Paleozoic basement and are
(ANH, 2015); and 4) The backstep wedging area: the most eastern area absent in the study area as observed in well data (Figs. 1C and 2A).
of the Llanos foreland basin consists of a thin zone of sedimentary onlap Inversion along the western flank of the Eastern Cordillera -origin-
onto cratonic rocks of the Guyana shield, which makes it a good can- ally a Mesozoic graben (Mora et al., 2019)- started as early as the Late
didate for the occurrence of stratigraphic traps (Fig. 1B and C). Small Paleocene–Early Eocene (60–50 Ma) with an initial phase of shortening

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

Fig. 2. (A) Generalized stratigraphic column of the Llanos foreland basin showing a summary of the main petroleum systems elements, regional events and de-
positional environments (modified from Barrero et al., 2007); (B) Type gamma-ray log (Well D); and (C) Predominant lithology taken from well cutting descriptions
in the area of study (Montes et al., 2012).

and cooling (Parra et al., 2012). A renewed period of tectonism occurs Conformably overlying the Carbonera Formation, the Middle
during the Late Eocene (De la Parra et al., 2015; Reyes-Harker et al., Miocene Leon Formation was deposited during the major phase of uplift
2015), represented by an increased in accommodation vs. sediment of the Eastern Cordillera where the consequent increase in accom-
supply as reflected in the deposition of fine-grained sediments of the modation allowed the deposition of lagoonal shale under restricted,
base of the Carbonera Formation (Member 8) (De la Parra et al., 2015; quiescent conditions over an extensive area of the Llanos foreland basin
Reyes-Harker et al., 2015). (Villamil, 1999; Gomez et al., 2005; Bayona et al., 2008a, 2008b)
The Oligocene epoch marks a time of major paleogeographic (Fig. 2C).
changes in the Llanos foreland basin (Figs. 2A and 3B) with further The deposition of a thick fluvial succession, referred to as the
eastward overthrusting of the Eastern Cordillera (Gomez et al., 2005), Guayabo Formation, occurred from the Late Miocene until the Pliocene
and inversion and propagation of the Mesozoic graben (Caballero et al., during the latest exhumation of the Eastern Cordillera (Fig. 2A) (Cooper
2010; Mora et al., 2019) (Fig. 3B). An Oligocene fluvial system flowing et al., 1995). These rocks are discordantly overlain by Quaternary al-
along the axis of the Llanos foreland basin,-equivalent to the Carbonera luvial sediments composed of unconsolidated gravels of variable
Member 5- has been referred to as the “Proto-Orinoco River system” thickness known as the Necesidad Formation (Cooper et al., 1995)
(Hoorn et al., 1995; Diaz de Gamero, 1996; Villamil, 1999; Escalona (Fig. 2A).
and Mann, 2006), although more recent work have concluded that the
proto-Orinoco River was not established until the Middle Miocene
2.1. The Carbonera Formation in the Llanos foreland basin
(Pestman et al., 1998; Hoorn et al., 2010; Bande et al., 2012; Rincon
et al., 2014). In this study, we refer to this main axial fluvial system
The Late Eocene-Early Miocene Carbonera Formation has been de-
within the Carbonera Formation as the “proto-Meta River” due to its
scribed by Cooper et al. (1995) as a thick succession of interbedded,
morphological resemblance and proximity of the study area to the
sand-rich members (Carbonera members 1, 3, 5 and 7) and muddy
present-day Meta River in the central area of the basin (Fig. 3B).
members (Carbonera members 2, 4, 6 and 8) deposited on fluvial plains
Fluvial drainage systems in the Middle Magdalena basin and the
with local tidal-influence (Malagon, 1997; Bande et al., 2012) (Fig. 2A).
Llanos foreland basin became separated by the Late Eocene-Early
This dominantly sinuous fluvial system (Moreno et al., 2011; Saylor
Oligocene as a result of the uplift of the intervening Eastern Cordillera
et al., 2012) becomes increasingly sandier towards the flanks of the
(Gomez et al., 2005; Saylor et al., 2012; Reyes-Harker et al., 2015) with
basin (Barrero et al., 2007). The Carbonera Formation unconformably
the most dramatic eastward advance of the orogenic front in the Late
overlies Late Cretaceous rocks in the study area (Fig. 2A), and Late
Oligocene (Parra et al., 2009) and consequently, both basins acquired
Cretaceous and Paleozoic beds in the eastern and southern parts of the
their approximate present-day shape and dimensions by this time
Llanos foreland basin (Ecopetrol, 1995; Moreno-Lopez and Escalona,
(Moreno et al., 2011; Nie and Horton, 2012) (Fig. 3C).

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

Fig. 3. Eocene-Miocene paleogeographic reconstruction of northwestern South America showing: (A) A Late Eocene period of marine regression and fluvial de-
position in the Llanos foreland basin influenced by the onset of the Eastern Cordillera (EC) uplift, the establishment of a foreland basin with sediments mainly sourced
from the Guyana Shield (GS); (B) An Early Oligocene – Late Oligocene period of marine-influenced fluvial deposition in Llanos foreland basin triggered by the initial
eastward migration of the Eastern Cordillera, the deepening of the foredeep with clastic source areas located in both the fold-thrust belt and craton; and (C) An Early
Miocene – Middle Miocene period of widespread, marine incursion influenced by high accommodation triggered by the main phase of uplift of the Eastern Cordillera
(EC) with most clastic source areas located in the expanding fold-thrust belt adjacent to the foreland basin. Subsequently, an enclosed lacustrine and wetlands system
called the Pebas system developed which covered a large area of eastern Colombia. Paleogeographic maps modified from Hoorn et al. (2010), and schematic cross
sections modified from Moreno et al. (2011) and Nie and Horton (2012).

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

Fig. 4. (A) Location of seismic volumes A, B, and C used in this study. (B) Parameters of the seismic volumes used in this study including dominant frequency (Hz),
bin size (m), and vertical resolution (m) with a frequency window of ~8–80 Hz. (C) Example of seismic-well tie with Well H in Survey C (left) and seismic-well tie
using trace spectral decomposition with frequency of 54 Hz (right), where both ties show a good correlation between seismic and well data.

The Carbonera Formation has an average thickness of ~762 m Llanos basin and Llanos foothills.
(~2500 ft) across the Llanos foreland basin with a thickness range from The sandier members of the Carbonera Formation, -particularly the
~61 m (~200 ft) to the Eastern Llanos area to 1220 m (~4003 ft) to the Carbonera Member 7- exhibit porosities ranging from to 14–30% (ANH,
west near the foothills (ANH, 2006) with the highest thicknesses of 2006). These sandier members are considered the main reservoir units
2700 m (~8858 ft) reported close to the Meta River. To the east of the in the central and eastern portions of the Llanos foreland basin
Meta River, the Carbonera Formation thickness decreases to less than (Fig. 2A), whereas the Mirador Formation serves as the main reservoir
~300 m (~984 ft) (ANH, 2006). Along with these thickness changes, unit in the southwestern Llanos foreland basin (Ecopetrol, 1995;
porosity varies from 26% in the eastern Llanos area to 16% near the Barrero et al., 2007) (Fig. 2A). In the study area, the oil and gas pro-
foothills (ANH, 2006). The Carbonera Formation has been dated as Late ducing intervals correspond to the Carbonera Member 7 and the top of
Eocene to Early Miocene by Jaramillo et al. (2011) based on palyno- the Late Cretaceous, Guadalupe Formation (Fig. 1C). The Carbonera
logical information of 70 sections of the entire Cenozoic along the Member 2 acts as an intraformational regional seal due to its relatively

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

Fig. 5. (A) Uninterpreted; and (B) Interpreted, northwest to southeast, arbitrary line through seismic volumes A, B and C showing westward dip of sedimentary
section and high-angle antithetic normal faults related to flexure of the Llanos foreland basin as shown schematically in Fig. 1C. Horizon tops were picked at the top
of the sandy members 1, 3, 5 and 7 within the Carbonera Formation as shown by the well-seismic tie in Fig. 4C. Major fluvial channel belts within the Carbonera
Formation are highlighted in yellow shading, and examples of reflection terminations and seismic character are indicated by the yellow squares. (For interpretation of
the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

broad distribution across the basin (Cooper et al., 1995; Ecopetrol, 2012; Reyes-Harker et al., 2015). These data confirm that active de-
1995). formation and advance of the Eastern Cordillera had already started by
the latest Oligocene (Mora et al., 2010) with a rapid orogenic advance
(Parra et al., 2009; Mora et al., 2010), and a broadening of the basin
2.1.1. Paleographic controls on the deposition of the Carbonera Formation
(Reyes-Harker et al., 2015).
The controlling mechanisms for the deposition of the Carbonera
The unit also exhibits marine influence as reported in the Carbonera
Formation include an interaction between flexural tectonics (Caycedo
members 8 and 2, where the ANH (2006) has described benthic for-
Garcia and Catuneanu, 2018), changes in sediment provenance (Reyes-
aminifera, along with palynomorphs characteristic of marginal-marine
Harker et al., 2015) and short-lived, marine incursions (Bayona et al.,
and lagoonal environments (Cazier et al., 1995; Bande et al., 2012).
Fresh to brackish-water dinoflagellate cysts and foraminiferal tests are
Previous work by Ecopetrol (1995), Cooper et al. (1995), and ANH
found in the uppermost section of the Carbonera Member 2 in the
(2006) defined the Guyana shield as the main source area for Oligocene
southern flank of the Llanos foreland basin (Bayona et al., 2007) with
fluvial sediments in the Llanos foreland basin area with dominant east
pronounced mangrove swamp influence (ANH, 2006).
to west channel paleoflow direction. However, newer paleoflow direc-
The presence of glauconite -a mineral restricted to shallow marine
tions studies show the influence of an early uplift of the Eastern Cor-
settings-, Skolithos ichnofacies, sparse foraminifera, and marginal-
dillera by Late Eocene as an important clastic source for the Carbonera
marine palynomorphs were reported by Bayona et al. (2008b) in Car-
Formation (Bayona et al., 2007; Nie and Horton, 2012; Bande et al.,
bonera Member 2 indicating a locally marine-influenced area despite its
2012; Reyes-Harker et al., 2015) (Fig. 3).
inland location by Late Oligocene. Glauconite and disseminated pyrite
Tectonically, the Carbonera Formation records the eastwardly mi-
were also reported in well data in the study area, as shown in Fig. 2C.
gration of foreland-basin-related subsidence associated with a thick-
Plant debris found in the shalier members of the Carbonera Formation
ening, gradual increase in sand percentage derived from both source
(Hoorn et al., 1995) have been interpreted as having been deposited in
areas, to the west from the Eastern Cordillera and to the east from the
a vegetated tidal flat with low diversity assemblages of Skolithos ich-
Guyana shield, with continental influence increasing towards the wes-
nofacies as described by Malagon (1997) in the basal Carbonera For-
tern flank of the basin (Fig. 3) (Campos and Mann, 2015). In the wes-
mation close to the Llanos foothills. Marine and coastal deposits re-
tern Llanos foreland basin, detrital geochronology documents the ap-
ported by Caycedo Garcia and Catuneanu (2018) in the
pearance of clasts and zircons coming from sources in the Eastern
sedimentological description of the Carbonera Member 5 indicate
Cordillera since the latest Oligocene (Hoorn et al., 2010; Parra et al.,

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

advances of marine sedimentation during periods of tectonic quiescence between well and seismic data scales (i.e., resolution), the gamma-ray
and consequent flexural subsidence even with small amounts of relative facies are contained within the seismic facies, whereas the seismic fa-
sea-level rise. cies comprise more than one gamma-ray facies (Fig. 12).

3. Dataset 4.2. Fluvial architecture based on time and stratal slices through multi-
attribute seismic cubes and iso-frequency amplitude cubes
The subsurface data used for this study comprises a total of three,
post-stacked time migrated 3D seismic surveys tied to eight wells that The company that provided the data required the use of Kingdom
cover an area of approximately 700 km2 (Fig. 4). The three seismic software for the seismic-well tie, seismic interpretation and the com-
surveys are referred to as “Survey A″, “Survey B″, and “Survey C’ putation of smoothed similarity (“coherence”), most positive and most
(Fig. 4A) where the Carbonera Formation ranges between 1.2 and 1.7 s negative curvature attributes and envelope spectral decomposition.
two-way-time with an average seismic velocity of 1750 m/s calculated During the review of this paper, we acquired limited access to Petrel to
from well data for the interval of interest (Fig. 4B). Well data accessed complement our observations by calculating other seismic attributes
included well logs (gamma-ray, density and neutron porosity logs), and that included sweetness, chaos and ant-tracker, and standard spectral
drilling and lithology reports. The well data does not include core data, decomposition for RGB blending (Fig. 10). These attribute cubes were
but well cuttings' descriptions were incorporated in this study. calculated for a subset of the interval of interest for each of the three
seismic volumes using a sampling interval of 2 ms.
4. Methodology Stratal slices (known as horizon probes in Petrel) were extracted
from the three seismic amplitude and calculated attribute cubes in
The initial step of seismic horizon interpretation calibrated to wells order to identify and map seismic stratigraphic features that produce
was conducted by Pacific Rubiales Energy for each of the seismic vo- sharp discontinuities, such as faults and stratigraphic boundaries like
lumes in the study area (Fig. 4). The seismic-well tie has a good fit in fluvial channel belts (Bahorich, 1995; Davies et al., 2007; Torrado et al.,
the time domain and an even better fit in the frequency domain from 2014) (Figs. 8–11). Attributes like smoothed similarity (coherence) that
Petrel's standard spectral decomposition (SD) algorithm, in this case, at are computed along time slices can contribute to structural dip artifacts
the best fit with the 54 Hz (Fig. 4C) where standard SD acts as a low such as apparent discontinuities (Marfurt and Alves, 2015). To avoid
bandpass filter. these artifacts, Marfurt and Alves (2015) suggest calculating the co-
From this initial seismic interpretation phase (Fig. 5), we conducted herence attribute along the structural dip. Since Kingdom's version used
the following: 1) Gamma-ray log analysis (Figs. 6 and 7); 2) Multi-at- in this study does not allow computation along structural dip -it does
tribute analysis and spectral decomposition (Figs. 8–11); 3) Seismic allow computation along flattened slices-, the smoothed similarity
facies analysis integrated with multi-attribute and gamma-ray log (coherence) attribute calculation with this software along time slices
analysis (Fig. 12); 4) Calculations of channel sinuosity and width/depth were done for a small area where the regional dip of the basin is
ratios (Fig. 13); and 5) Sequence stratigraphic interpretation based on minimum (Fig. 14).
seismic and well data (Figs. 15–17).
4.2.1. Multi-attribute analysis for identification of stratigraphic and
4.1. Identification of fluvial elements based on the integration of structural features
electrofacies and seismic facies analysis The smoothed similarity attribute, also known as coherence or
variance, is a commonly used tool that calculates “the similarity of
We used gamma-ray logs as the main tool in the identification of waveforms or traces adjacent to a lateral and/or vertical windows” (as
electrofacies, which correspond to a set of well-log responses that defined by Kingdom's user guide) and is used to image geologic features
characterize a specific lithologic unit. In this study, we used gamma-ray like faults, channels, deltas, submarine canyons, and mass transport
log values, log shape, stacking patterns, and vertical dimension cali- complexes among others (Chopra and Marfurt, 2018). Some of the
brated with well cuttings descriptions for electrofacies analysis fol- pitfalls with using coherence is associated with seismic quality data
lowing techniques by Emery and Myers (1996), Rider (2002), Miall including acquisition footprint (see example in Fig. 8A), processing
(2006) and the SEPM (Society of Economic Paleontologists and artifacts, and velocity pull-up/push-down effects, the latter commonly
Mineralogists), for the identification of fluvial architectural elements observed in the pre-Miocene successions of the Llanos basin along “fault
(Fig. 6) and stacking patterns (Figs. 6 and 7) that were later used in the shadows” in the footwall of normal faults caused by changes in velocity
sequence stratigraphic analysis (Figs. 15 and 16). from the Leon Formation (Corredor, 2012). Other pitfalls include al-
Five types of gamma-ray log patterns were identified in the gorithmic pitfalls and associated with signal and noise (Marfurt and
Carbonera Formation (Fig. 6) which include: 1) Coarsening upward Alves, 2015).
patterns (or funnel trend) with the finest grain sediment at the bottom; The sweetness attribute is derived by dividing reflection strength
2) Fining upward patterns (or bell trend) with the finest grain sediment (also known as ‘‘instantaneous amplitude’’ or ‘‘amplitude envelope’‘) by
at the top; 3) Cylindrical patterns (or boxcar trend) of low gamma-ray the square root of instantaneous frequency (Hart, 2008). Instantaneous
values corresponding to an even pattern with a sharp top and base of frequency refers to the rate of change of phase and is related to both the
coarser-grained sediments; 4) Serrated trend characterized by a lack of bandwidth of the seismic data and bed thickness (Hart, 2008). Sweet-
character and related to aggradation of fine-grained sediments; and 5) ness can be a useful tool in differentiating sand vs. shale intervals as
Symmetrical trends which combine coarsening and finning upward long as there is a strong contrast of acoustic impedance between these
patterns and vice-versa. The stacking patterns associated with these two lithologies. If this is the case, the reflections characterized by high
gamma-ray logs trends are illustrated as a black triangle for finning- amplitudes and low frequency will correspond to high sweetness zones
upwards patterns, an inverted black triangle for coarsening-upwards (Mitra et al., 2017), whereas other combinations of those attributes will
patterns and a black rectangle for aggradating patterns (Figs. 6 and 7). have low sweetness zones (Hart, 2008). In term of lithology variations,
On the other hand, seismic facies analysis was done based on the since shale-dominated intervals tend to be characterized by smaller
recognition of seismic stratal terminations whose parameters including acoustic impedance contrasts (low amplitudes) and relatively higher
configuration, amplitude, continuity, frequency, and interval velocity frequency (i.e., closely spaced reflections), the sweetness attribute
(Mitchum and Vail, 1977). Seismic facies are confined to a unit with a would highlight shale-prone lithologies as areas of low sweetness zones,
seismic character that is different from the adjacent units at a de- where coarser-grained lithologies would be highlighted as high sweet-
termined seismic sampling rate (Zeng, 2004). Due to the difference ness zones (Hart, 2008; Azeem et al., 2016) (Fig. 10A).

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

Fig. 6. Gamma-ray log facies analysis observed in well data including an example of gamma-ray log display, shape, scale, stacking patterns and abbreviations for six
distinctive fluvial facies (GRF1-6) present in the Carbonera Formation in the study area. Gamma-ray log analysis was based on Emery and Myers (1996) and Rider
(2002). See text for discussion.

The chaos attribute is a dip and azimuth estimation method that positive and most negative attributes as an indicator of lithology and
measures the “lack of organization”, which represents either seismic or identification of fluvial elements (Chopra and Marfurt, 2012). An esti-
geologic noise or a combination of both (Chopra and Marfurt, 2016) mation of lithology within the channel fill in seismic data was done
(Fig. 10B). Chaos, disorder or randomness if often characterized by based on differential compaction observed in the seismic section
seismic reflections that change abruptly in different directions, ex- (Torrado et al., 2014) (Fig. 10C). The concept of differential compac-
hibiting no specific waveform shape, amplitude, or orientation (Chopra tion consists of sediment deformed at different rates under overburden
and Marfurt, 2016). Hence, the chaos attribute can detect disorganized conditions (Chopra and Marfurt, 2012), where soft sediments -e.g.,
(chaotic) textures within seismic data, which can highlight positions of mudstone-deform easier under overburden conditions and sand-prone
reflector disruption directly (Koson et al., 2014). In the case of fluvial material is harder to compact (Chopra and Marfurt, 2012; Torrado
environments, the discontinuous character of coarse-grained sediments et al., 2014). Therefore, mud-prone fill would be imaged as concave
within channel infills can give the chaotic signal pattern contained seismic reflections with a negative curvature and sand-prone deposits
within seismic data, i.e., chaos attribute can be used to distinguish would resemble “structural highs” with a positive curvature (Chopra
different lithology (Koson et al., 2014). and Marfurt, 2007; Torrado et al., 2014).
The most positive and most negative attributes are geometric at- The ant-tracker attribute was created based on the concept of ant
tributes that measure lateral changes in dip and how deformed is a colony systems to determine discontinuities such as faults in 3D seismic
surface at a particular point (Chopra and Marfurt, 2007). We used most data. In the ant attribute algorithm, large numbers of electronic “ants”

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

Fig. 7. Gamma-ray log correlation, formation tops, gamma-ray log facies and stacking patterns in a dip well section of the Carbonera Formation along surveys A, B
and C. Sand-prone facies (GRF1, GRF2, and GRF3) are more common in Carbonera members 7 and 1, whereas mud-prone facies (GRF4, GRF5, and GRF6) are more
common in Carbonera members 5 to 2. Locations of wells used in the C-C' section are shown on the inset map.

are distributed in the seismic volume allowing them to move along (Fig. 10E). Co-rendering of multiple data sets using different attribute
faults, where ants are more likely to choose the shortest route (Ngeri volumes was also done in this study (Figs. 10 and 11A).
et al., 2015). We calculated the ant-tracker attribute along time slices to
better highlight faults and differentiate them from low sinuosity
4.3. Estimation of channel width-to-depth ratio and sinuosity
channels (Fig. 10D).
Calculations of channel sinuosity (S) -calculated as stream length
over valley length-, were done on abandoned channels observed in
4.2.2. Spectral decomposition and RGB blending for frequency bands
stratal slices extracted at the top of the sandier Carbonera Formation
members through amplitude and smoothed similarity cubes (Fig. 13), as
Aside from the attributes calculated for the three seismic cubes, we
an approximation to discriminate if the channels are suspended, mixed
also conducted spectral decomposition (SD), also known as time-fre-
or bed-load dominated (Rosgen, 1994; Gibling, 2006; Miall, 2006).
quency decomposition as an effective method for the definition of
Channel width-to-depth ratio calculations were also done (Fig. 13B),
stratigraphic and structural features (Partyka et al., 1999), and to define
where the channel width was calculated on stratal slices, and channel
thin layers that cannot be resolved in the time domain because of the
depth calculations were done on the vertical seismic display (Fig. 13A).
low seismic resolution (Castagna and Sun, 2006). We calculated ten iso-
frequency amplitude cubes in Kingdom using the SD envelope where
the output corresponds to the amplitude envelope of the frequency/ 4.4. Sequence stratigraphy: definition of major surfaces and system tracks
wavenumber bands that allows the search for amplitude anomalies at
different frequencies. We also conducted standard spectral decom- The sequence stratigraphy model for non-marine settings by Wright
position in Petrel with frequency volumes of 20 Hz, 30 Hz, and 50 Hz and Marriott (1993), Shanley and McCabe (1993a,b), Posamentier and
that were visualized in RGB blending (Fig. 10E). Allen (1999), and Catuneanu et al. (2009) in a foreland setting
We used blending of red-green-blue (RGB) color model, which is (Schwans, 1995) was applied to this largely enclosed-sea, transitional to
one of the most popular multiple seismic attribute analysis methods continental setting, where the sequences were likely controlled by a
(Henderson et al., 2007; Stark, 2006). RGB co-rendering was used with combination of short-lived eustatic transgressions from the distant
the iso-frequency amplitude cubes extracted from the standard spectral Atlantic Ocean (Haq et al., 1987), tectonically-controlled subsidence
decomposition done in Petrel to show thinner stratigraphic features within the Llanos foreland basin (Campos and Mann, 2015), and
with greater clarity and increased detail compared to standard displays changing patterns of clastic sediment discharge from topographically
by blending the low (20 Hz in red color)-, medium (35 Hz in green elevated source areas to the west (Eastern Cordillera) and east (Guyana
color)-, and high (50 Hz in blue color)-frequency components of the shield) of the basin (Blum and Törnqvist, 2000; Moreno et al., 2011;
amplitude spectrum of seismic data (McArdle and Ackers, 2012) Reyes-Harker et al., 2015).

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

Fig. 8. (A) Uninterpreted; and (B) Interpreted stratal slices through smoothed similarity (“coherence”) attribute cubes of seismic surveys A, B and C extracted along
the top of the sandy members of the Carbonera Formation: Carbonera Member 7, Carbonera Member 5, and Carbonera Member 3. The smoothed similarity
(“coherence”) attribute highlights lateral lithology discontinuities like the edges of abandoned channels (mug-plugs) within sinuous channel belts and straight, low
coherence features with a northeast orientation that correspond to faults (modified from Torrado et al., 2014). Also shown is the proto-Meta River a prominent
feature located at the top of the Carbonera Member 5. Interpreted stratal slice through amplitude cube along the top of the Carbonera Member 1 show channel belts
not highlighted by the smoothed similarity attribute. Directions of fluvial paleoflow is shown by the blue arrow while channels colors represent relative ages and do
not represent lithology. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

The identification of major flooding surfaces, sequence boundaries, indicated channel incision (Fig. 16).
and the extent of marine influence was carried out combining seismic Additionally, neutron porosity (NPHI), density (RHOB), and
geomorphology with well data, and integrating previous paleogeo- gamma-ray logs were combined in a three-dimensional plot (Z-plot
graphic reconstructions from Villamil (1999), Gomez et al. (2005), diagram) from wells C and D. Z-plot diagrams (NPHI vs. RHOB vs. GR)
Escalona and Mann (2006), Hoorn et al. (2010), and Reyes-Harker et al. calculated in Kingdom are used to discriminate lithofacies clustering for
(2015). geological interpretations. Similar to the methodology followed by
In this study, the three distinctive chronostratigraphic key surfaces Saeid et al. (2020) in Paleocene to Early Eocene successions in the
identified in well data are the Sequence Boundary (SB), the western flank of the Llanos foreland basin, clear cluster patterns were
Transgressive Surface (TS), and the Maximum Flooding Surface (MFS) identified tying sequence boundaries and defined system tracts
(Fig. 15). (Fig. 17).
Following Posamentier and Allen (1999), all wells were tied to the
Maximum Flooding Surface Datum (Datum MFS in Fig. 15) that in this
case represents the maximum flooding during the transgression of the 5. Results
“Leon lake” in the Early Miocene (Bayona et al., 2008a) and is re-
cognizable in well logs by very high gamma-ray values close to the base 5.1. Seismic expression of the study area
of the Leon Formation (Fig. 15). On seismic data, the Datum MFS was
observed as a thin but strong, very continuous, laterally extensive, high An arbitrary seismic section crossing all three seismic cubes over a
amplitude reflection of positive polarity throughout the study area distance of 20 km in the study area shows a slight westward sediment
(Fig. 16) and in well data corresponding to laminated shale packages thickening characteristic of the overall structural profile of the Llanos
rich in iron minerals, i.e., a condensed section (Fig. 15). This same foreland basin (Campos and Mann, 2015) (Fig. 5). High-angle, normal
surface has been described by Bayona et al. (2008b) as a coal-rich faults related to flexure of the foreland basin penetrate to basement, cut
horizon interbedded with siderite and dolomite-rich layers. Other the entire sedimentary succession, and control broad monoclinal and
“Maximum Flooding Surfaces (MFS1 and MFS2)” were defined as anticlinal structures that form the most productive structural traps of
gamma-ray peaks that separate prograding, finning-upwards succession the Llanos foreland basin (Fig. 5B). The top of the metasedimentary
from regressive, coarsening upward successions with serrated hourglass Paleozoic succession, -commonly referred to in the Llanos foreland
a gamma-ray log pattern (Figs. 6 and 15). basin as “economic basement”-, is seen as a strong, irregular reflection
The “Sequence Boundaries” (SB1) was defined in well data as the at the base of the Tertiary-Cretaceous sedimentary sequence (Moreno-
first sharp, low gamma-ray log peak marking the base of the onset of Lopez and Escalona, 2015) (Fig. 5B).
fluvial deposition (Fig. 15). In seismic data, the sequence boundaries A regional unconformity formed between Cretaceous and Late
are easily recognizable as a strong, wavy, continuous, high amplitude Eocene strata is expressed as a strong reflection with top-lap termina-
reflection with toplap-truncated reflections of the underlying units tions against the top of the Late Cretaceous, Guadalupe Formation in-
dicated as the light green horizon in the study areas (Fig. 5B).

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

Fig. 9. (A) An example of a dry well (“Well X”) targeting a stratigraphic trap in the eastern flank of the Llanos foreland basin (Carvajal-Arenas, 2008). The well was
drilled in a proposed sandy-channel at the top of the Carbonera Member 3 that was observed in a time slice along with a coherence cube (white arrow on time slice).
However, the gamma-ray log indicated that this channelized feature corresponds to a mud-prone, abandoned channel rather than a prospective, sand-prone channel;
(B) Stratal slice displayed through amplitude cube along the base of the Carbonera Member 3 showing a sinuous channel belt with an abandoned channel (white
arrows) and point bars (yellow arrows); (C) Uninterpreted stratal slice displayed through smoothed similarity (“coherence”) cube along the base of the Carbonera
Member 3 highlighting the mud-prone, abandoned channel within the sinuous channel belt shown in item (B); (D) Vertical seismic display of the channel shown in
item (B) and (C). The muddy abandoned channel is shown as a laterally-confined, concave-downward reflection as a result of soft sediment deformation and
differential compaction. In contrast, sandy levees are shown as a laterally-confined, flat to concave upwards reflections; and (E) Interpreted stratal slice displayed
through smoothed similarity (“coherence”) cube at the top of the Carbonera Member 3 highlighting the mud-prone, abandoned channel within the sinuous channel
belt shown in items (B), (C) and (D). Also shown in red are normal and reversed, en echelon faults oriented in a northeastern direction following the basin's main
deformation trend. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

Fig. 10. Stratal slice (horizon probe) extracted along the top of the proto-Meta River in Survey B through (A) sweetness; (B) chaos; (C) most positive curvature co-
rendered with most negative curvature attribute cubes showing the different fluvial elements identified in Fig. 11. Item (D) shows the ant tracker attribute used for an
enhanced fault visualization. Also shown is a (E) trace spectral decomposition shown in RBG blending display of frequency bands of 20 Hz (red), 35 Hz (green) and
50 Hz (blue) where fluvial elements are better delineated. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version
of this article.)

The interpreted horizons correlate to the tops of the four sandy cuttings, six gamma-ray facies associated with fluvial architecture ele-
members of the Carbonera Formation (Carbonera members 7, 5, 3, and ments were identified in the study area (Fig. 6), and are described
1). The general seismic character within the Carbonera Formation in- below:
cludes continuous to discontinuous reflectors, seismic polarity inver- Gamma-ray facies 1 (GRF1): This facies is characterized by mod-
sion, variations in the reflector's shape, lateral and vertical changes in erately thick (average thickness ~ 20 m [~66 ft]), blocky gamma-ray
seismic amplitude, and low-dipping reflections with locally-onlapping log patterns with low values and sharp bases (Fig. 6). GRF1 was mostly
truncations produced by intraformational and lithologic heterogeneities observed within Carbonera members 1 and 7, where cuttings in wells A
(Fig. 5B). Some of the channelized features within this unit that were to F within these members indicate that this facies corresponds to beds
easily recognized on the seismic volumes are highlighted in yellow of quartz-rich, medium-to-coarse-grained, angular to subrounded, well-
(Fig. 5B). The overlying Leon Formation forms a widespread regional sorted sandstone (Fig. 7). We interpret GRF1 as amalgamated fluvial
shale seal interval of Middle Miocene age characterized by homo- channels and point bars (Rider, 2002; Escalona and Mann, 2006;
geneous dull, discontinues, wavy, weak amplitude strength reflections Donselaar et al., 2015; Naseer Ahmad and Rowell, 2012) (Fig. 7).
with minimal thickness variations throughout the study area. Gamma-ray facies 2 (GRF2): This facies exhibits a gamma-ray
“bell shape” trend with sharp bottom and with an average bed thickness
of ~10 m (~33 ft) (Fig. 6). Well cuttings show that this facies is
5.2. Gamma-ray log facies analysis of the Carbonera Formation characterized by fining-upwards successions of quartz-rich, pre-
dominantly medium-to fine-grained sandstone, occasionally coarser-
Based on gamma-ray log values and tying log shapes to well

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

Fig. 11. (A) Chair display of seismic amplitude cube (inlines 138 and 345 in Survey B), and a stratal slice (horizon probe) through most positive curvature attribute
cubes co-rendered with iso-frequency cube of 50 Hz along the base of the proto-Meta River within the Carbonera Member 5, where a transparency has been applied to
the lowest curvature values. The most positive curvature attribute highlights topographically higher features like crevasse splays and levees along the proto-Meta
River. Also shown is a correlation of gamma-ray log facies with fluvial elements associated observed in the proto-Meta River. Location of inlines is shown on the inset
map. (B) Vertical seismic displays along the proto-Meta River showing the different fluvial elements identified in item (A).

grained at the bottom, with subangular to angular grains, and fair to well cuttings is also common in this facies (GRF4 in wells in Fig. 7).
well-sorted intervals (see GRF2 in wells A to E within the uppermost GRF4 was observed mostly in Carbonera members 5, 3, and at the base
portion of the Carbonera Member 1 in Fig. 7). We interpret GRF2 as a of the Carbonera Member 1.
point bar, mid-channel bar, or basal channel-fill deposits based on Rider Gamma-ray facies 5 (GRF5): This facies is characterized by ser-
(2002), and was mostly observed within the Carbonera members 7 and rated, hour-glass gamma-ray log pattern with higher gamma-ray values
1 (Fig. 7). than GRF4, and a finning-to-coarsening-upward trend (Fig. 6). GRF5 is
Gamma-ray facies 3 (GRF3): This facies includes funnel-shaped, closely associated with Carbonera members 8, 6, 4, and 2, and unlike
coarsening-upward, gamma-ray log patterns (Fig. 6). GRF3 mostly the sandier GRF4, this facies corresponds to dark to light gray, lami-
corresponds to silty, quartz-rich, very fine-to-medium-grained, sub- nated and fissible shale that lacks interbedded sandstone (Fig. 7). Do-
angular to subrounded sandstone in coarsening upward successions as lomite occurrences are more common compared to GRF4, whereas
seen in well F (Fig. 7). This facies is thinner (average thickness ~5 m coaly intervals are rare (see Carbonera Member 6 in wells A to F in
[~14 ft]), siltier than GRF1 and GRF2, and is interpreted as crevasse Fig. 7). We interpret the highly serrated, hourglass gamma-ray log
splay deposits (Rider, 2002) mostly observed within Carbonera mem- pattern as shale deposition during small pulses of relative sea-level rise
bers 7, 3 and 1 as shown in wells B to F (Fig. 7). This type of gamma-ray in brackish water conditions (Caycedo Garcia and Catuneanu, 2018).
log response may be interpreted as shoreface distributary mouth bar According to Bayona et al. (2008b), glauconite inclusions have been
deposits, delta front and submarine fan (Rider, 2002); however, there is reported within the Carbonera members 2 and 8, as far as the south-
no lithologic evidence in well data that indicates a marine environment eastern flank in the Llanos foreland basin, which supports a marine
associated with this electrofacies. influence.
Gamma-ray facies 4 (GRF4): This facies includes serrated and Gamma-ray facies 6 (GRF6): This facies exhibit a sharp, hourglass
sawtooth patterns with a spiky, irregular gamma-ray log trend lacking trend with a sharp top (Fig. 6), consisting of gray, brown and greenish
an internal reflection character (Fig. 6). Wells cuttings in Fig. 7 show clayey and laminar coaly material (e.g., Well B in Fig. 7). We interpret
that this facies corresponds to intercalated beds of gray, brown, purple GRF6 as a fluvial mud-plug formed during channel abandonment (see
and greenish claystone, siltstone and very fine-grained sandstone, with example of Well X in Fig. 9A), or oxbow cut-offs(?) and is observed
coaly beds interpreted as aggrading floodplain deposits (Rider, 2002; within the Carbonera members 7 and 1 in wells A and B (Fig. 7) al-
Donselaar et al., 2015) of up to 152 m (500 ft) thick. The presence of though it may be present in the other odd members of the Carbonera
disseminated pyrite, siderite, iron minerals, and some plant debris in Formation.

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

Fig. 12. (A) Summary chart of main seismic facies (SF1 to SF4) observed within the Carbonera Formation, along with uninterpreted and interpreted seismic facies
example, description of seismic facies, seismic to gamma-ray log facies correlation, and associated channel deposits; and (B) Vertical seismic display B–B′ in Survey B
correlated with Well E showing the relationship between seismic facies and gamma-ray log facies.

5.3. Seismic characterization, attribute analysis and application of coherence values (Fig. 8) (Torrado et al., 2014).
differential compaction for lithology estimation within the Carbonera Similar attributes to smoothed similarity (“coherence”) have been
Formation used in the past to identify channels within the Carbonera Formation as
shown in Fig. 9A (Carvajal-Arenas, 2008; Torrado et al., 2013a, 2013b,
An important part of this study was the use of several seismic at- 2014; Osorio et al., 2008; Arango, 2014; Castillo and Vargas, 2018). In
tributes combined within the complex Carbonera Formation that were the example shown in Fig. 9A, a time slice was extracted at the top of
key for 1) the interpretation of fluvial architectural elements, 2) the the Carbonera Member 4 in the southeastern flank of the Llanos fore-
determination of sand-prone vs. mud-prone intervals, and 3) faults land basin by an unnamed oil and gas company. The main features
detection. observed in the time slice was interpreted as a sand-filled channel
Stratal slices extracted at the top of each of the odd members of the (Fig. 9A). However, after well completion, it was revealed that the
Carbonera Formation show a series of channels oriented in a north- drilled feature was a mud-plug resulting from channel abandonment,
eastern direction, similar to the main deformation trend during the i.e., the last position of the channel before avulsion (Slingerland and
maximum Eocene-Oligocene flexure of the foreland basin (Campos and Smith, 2004) as seen in the gamma-ray log of Well X (white arrows in
Mann, 2015) (Fig. 8). Faults are recognized by en echelon, elongated Fig. 9A). We correlate the abandoned channel shown in Fig. 9A
lineaments of low coherence values that lack an oblique-slip component (Carvajal-Arenas, 2008) to GRF 6 (Fig. 6) observed in Well B (Fig. 7) in
(Corredor, 2012) and are also oriented in a northeastward direction this study. Torrado et al. (2014) showed that the smoothed similarity
(Fig. 8). Ant-tracker also helped with the differentiation of low-si- (“coherence”) attribute mostly highlights the mud-plugs within the
nuosity channels from faults. On the other hand, high coherence values Carbonera Formation, and works well in enhancing bigger features (like
are dominantly observed within the abandoned channels that exhibit the proto-Meta River in Fig. 8) but misses thinner fluvial elements that
variable sinuosity and width through time, where the biggest channel is could be resolved with the iso-frequency amplitude cube (see example
proposed to be the proto-Meta River at the top of the Carbonera in Fig. 10E).
Member 5 (Fig. 8B). The edges of the abandoned channels also have low An example of a channel-belt observed within the Carbonera

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

(caption on next page)

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

Fig. 13. (A) Calculation of channel sinuosity and width-to-depth ratio along abandoned channels of the Carbonera Formation using stratal slices through amplitude
and smoothed similarity (“coherence”) cubes extracted from surveys A, B and C; and (B) Table summarizing channel width (m), depth (m), width/depth ratio,
average sinuosity values, and schematic representation for the channel belts of members 1, 3, 5, and 7 of the Carbonera Formation observed on amplitude and
smoothed similarity (“coherence”) stratal slices in Fig. 8. In general, the channels within the Carbonera Formation exhibit an average moderate sinuosity with the
lowest sinuosity measured in the proto-Meta River. In the case of the Carbonera Member 7, only one measurement could be done due to the homogeneous, connected,
amalgamated nature of the channel belts (SF1 in Fig. 11), where the computed attributes had difficulties picking up discontinuities along abandoned channels
(Torrado et al., 2014).

Member 3 in Survey B shows the difference in visualization between the As reported previously in Torrado et al. (2014), the seismic attri-
amplitude cube (Fig. 9B) in comparison to the smoothed similarity butes and iso-frequency amplitude cubes did not pick discontinuities
(“coherence”) cube (Fig. 9C). In the amplitude cube, the mud-plug within amalgamated channels of the Carbonera members 7 and 1
within the channel belt is observed (white arrows in Fig. 9B), as well as (Fig. 8A). This phenomenon has to do with reservoir homogenization
the adjacent point bars (yellow arrows in Fig. 9B). The same stratal slice -rather than the use of time vs. stratal slices according to Marfurt and
through the smoothed similarity cube only highlights the mud-plug Alves (2015)- where the lateral seismic response is so similar that minor
within the whole channel belt (Fig. 9C). discontinuities (such as lateral facies changes from mud plug to point
A vertical seismic display cutting perpendicular to the channel belt bar) cannot be detected. The opposite occurred with isolated channels
on Fig. 9B and C shows a high-amplitude, laterally discontinuous, of the Carbonera members 5 and 3, where the attributes worked well
concave reflection, which corresponds to the abandoned channel. The (Fig. 8B and C). Hart (2008) also notes that an attribute like sweetness
concave shape and relative lower position compared to the surrounding is not a particularly useful attribute for distinguishing sand from shale
sediment is explained by differential compaction, where softer sediment when the contrast in acoustic impedance is low between those lithol-
(such as mud) is easier to compact, resulting in morphologic depression ogies, for example, in successions with many closely spaced sand like
(see Fig. 9D) as described by Chopra and Marfurt (2012). Features like the case of the Carbonera Member 7.
levees with sandy, harder lithology (as observed in Fig. 9B and D) are The collective seismic response of each of these fluvial features
more resistant to compaction and observed as positive features in the observed in the seismic data within the Carbonera Formation were
vertical seismic display (Fig. 9D) as shown by Chopra and Marfurt grouped in a total of four seismic facies, which are correlated to several
(2012) and Torrado et al. (2014). gamma-ray log facies as explained in the following section (Fig. 12).
The sweetness attribute highlights areas of sand-prone deposits as
the highest sweetness zones (gray tones Fig. 10A), whereas areas with
finer-grained deposits like levees and crevasse splays (compared to 5.3.1. Seismic facies analysis
sandier point bars and channel fills) are identified as areas of low Based on the seismic wave character, amplitude, differential com-
sweetness (light blue tones in Fig. 10A). Moderate sweetness zones paction, and stratal slices through multi-attribute and iso-frequency
(dark blue tones in Fig. 10A) are related to muddy abandoned channels amplitude cubes, four different seismic facies (SF1 to SF4 in Fig. 12)
and an isolated feature that we interpreted as an oxbow lake (?). Hart were identified in the study. The proposed facies are correlated to the
(2008) also shows a relationship of high sweetness zones with sandy six gamma-ray log facies shown in Figs. 6 and 7:
lithologies within channel fills in a deep-water setting, and with deltaic Seismic facies 1 (SF1): This facies consist of laterally continuous to
sandstone in Azeem et al. (2016). semicontinuous, strong, straight to wavy, parallel to subparallel re-
Similar to the sweetness attribute, laterally confined crevasse splays flection packages with high amplitude strength (Fig. 12A). This facies
and levees are seen with the highest chaotic signal (Fig. 10B). On the correlates to gamma-ray log facies 1, and 2 and 3 (GRF1 and GRF2) and
contrary, the lowest chaotic signal corresponds to point bars. We in- is interpreted as sand-prone, amalgamated channel deposits with good
terpret that the highest chaos is not only a result of a finer lithology but lateral and vertical connectivity (Fig. 12A). SF1 is commonly observed
also of the lateral facies variations within a succession of stacked levees within the Carbonera Member 7 and locally in the Carbonera Member 1
and crevasse splays. Therefore, the sweetness and chaos attributes work (Fig. 12B).
well as lithology indicators, particularly in laterally confined features Seismic facies 2 (SF2): This seismic facies consists of laterally semi-
like crevasse splays and levees in the Carbonera Formation (Fig. 10A continuous to discontinuous, parallel, wavy, and weak to dull reflection
and B). packages with low to locally moderate amplitude strength and mod-
The most negative curvature attribute cubes highlighted abandoned erate amplitude values (Fig. 12A). Well data (Fig. 7) show that this
channels as elongated features (blue tones in Fig. 10C) reflecting the seismic facies correlates to gamma-ray log facies 4 and 5 (GRF4 and
concept of differential compaction shown in Fig. 9D. The most positive GRF5, respectively), corresponding to floodplain aggradation with
curvature attribute has been used to identified sand-prone, point bars marine episodes, preservation of tidal flats and locally crevasse splay
deposits in the case of isolated channels (Torrado et al., 2014). How- deposits. SF2 is commonly observed within the Carbonera members 6,
ever, in this study, we show that in a more complex feature like the 5, 4, and 3 (Fig. 12B).
proto-Meta River, this attribute also highlights features like levees and Seismic facies 3 (SF3): This facies consists of laterally confined,
crevasse splays with less sand content than point bars, but that are straight-to-convex shape, strong to moderate amplitude strength re-
located topographically higher with respect to the main channel flections with positive curvature values, and onlapping at the top
(Fig. 11A and vertical seismic displays C–C′ and D-D’ in Fig. 11B). The (Fig. 11A). The most positive curvature attribute indicates low differ-
use of spectral decomposition combined with the RGB blending helped ential compaction; therefore, this seismic facies is correlated to laterally
to the better delineated thinner, finer-grained fluvial elements like le- confined, sandy channel deposits including channel fill, point bars and
vees (Fig. 10E) that were not initially detected in the amplitude and levees correlated to gamma-ray log facies 1, 2 and 3 (GRF1, GRF2, and
smoothed similarity (coherence) volumes. GRF3, respectively). SF2 is commonly observed within the Carbonera
Also shown in Fig. 11B is the correlation between gamma-ray log members 7, 5, 4, and 1 (Fig. 12B).
facies observed in Figs. 6 and 7, with the iso-frequency amplitude cube, Seismic facies 4 (SF4): This seismic facies consist of laterally
where a variety of fluvial architectural elements were observed in- confined, concave to wavy, moderate to high amplitude strength re-
cluding levees and crevasse splays (GRF3), point bars (GRF1 and flections with negative curvature values and truncation at the bottom
GRF2), floodplain deposits (GRF4), and mud-plugs (GRF6) (Figs. 6 and interpreted as mud-plugs (Fig. 12A). SF4 is commonly observed within
7). the Carbonera members 5, and 3, and 1, and locally observed within the
Carbonera Member 7 (Fig. 12B).

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

Fig. 14. Examples of the different seismic expression of the channel deposits (CD1 to CD7) observed in seismic data within the Carbonera Formation. Seismic
examples are interpreted from stratal slices though iso-frequency amplitude cubes and smoothed similarity (“coherence”) attribute cubes, and vertical seismic
displays within the seismic volumes. See text for discussion.

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

Fig. 15. Gamma-ray log correlation and sequence stratigraphy including system tracts and major bounding surfaces. The well correlation shows two cycles of
regression-transgression within the Carbonera Formation in the study area where the lowstand system tracts are associated with relative low sea-level, higher
sediment supply and channel incision (Carbonera members 1 and 7), in comparison to the transgressive and highstand system tracts which are associated with marine
incursions (Carbonera members 2 and 8), and floodplain aggradation (Carbonera members 3 and 5) driven by tectonically-enhanced accommodation from the uplift
of the Eastern Cordillera. Location of wells shown on inset map.

5.3.2. Width-to-depth ratio and sinuosity variations within the Carbonera 5.3.3. Type of channel deposits observed within the Carbonera Formation
Formation in the study area The variety of inherent complexity of channel-fill deposits and flu-
Based on the identification of mud-plugs with the smoothed simi- vial architecture is described below for each member of the Carbonera
larity (“coherence”) attribute and using differential compaction in Formation and illustrated in Fig. 14. A particular seismic character is
vertical seismic display, we calculated the width/depth ratio and si- associated with one or several channel belt deposits grouped as
nuosity of the abandoned channels observed in Fig. 8 at the top of the “Channel Deposit” as shown below:
odd members of the Carbonera Formation (Fig. 13A). Channel deposit 1 (CD1): This channel deposit represents a series
Overall, the Carbonera Formation exhibits an average low to mod- of remarkable morphologic channelized features of ~4 km (~2.5 mi)
erate channel sinuosity, where the lowest sinuosity value (~1.04) wide and up to 50 m (~164 ft) deep. These features truncate the un-
corresponds to the proto-Meta River (Fig. 13B). A general increase in derlying strata, juxtaposing genetically unrelated strata (Catuneanu,
average sinuosity occurs within the unit (Fig. 13B), where we inter- 2006), in this case, fluvial incision that erodes the underlying Carbo-
preted as a rising of the base level caused by the gradual increment in nera Member 2 and locally, into the Carbonera Member 3 (as shown in
flexure occurring at the time in the Llanos foreland basin (Gomez et al., Fig. 14 and “item E” of Fig. 5). We interpreted these features as incised
2005; Bayona et al., 2007; Caballero et al., 2010; Mora et al., 2010; Nie valleys that are characterized by a series of laterally confined channel
and Horton, 2012; Saylor et al., 2012; Campos and Mann, 2015). belts with extensive point bar accretion seen as high amplitude, strong,
This is also evidenced by an increase of shale deposition vs. sand laterally continuous reflections (Fig. 14). The sinuosity of the upper-
deposition, particularly in the Carbonera members 6 to 2 (Fig. 7), where most abandoned channels within these incised valleys is moderate
a less steep base level favors deposition of lower energy deposits with (~1.43 in Fig. 13B). However, the overall valley exhibits a straight
higher avulsion frequency (Slingerland and Smith, 2004) as the systems morphology which is typical of an overall incision of the system rather
tried to catch-up with the newly enhanced accommodation (Schwans, than lateral migration (Posamentier, 2001; Catuneanu, 2006).
1995). This increase in avulsion frequency can be seen in Fig. 8, where According to Catuneanu (2006), incised valley fills tend to have
channel belts in the Carbonera members 5 and 3 have less connectivity lower width/depth ratios (ratio of ~12 as shown in Fig. 13B), than
than the highly-connected, sheet-like deposits observed within the unincised valley system like the proto-Meta River. These valley fills
Carbonera Member 7 (SF1 in Fig. 12). represent only the uppermost portion of the Carbonera Member 1 in the
area of study and marks an abrupt basinward shift of the fluvial system

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

Fig. 16. Vertical seismic display showing seismic sequence stratigraphy interpretation for the Carbonera Formation in the study area: (A) Inline across Survey B
shows main bounding surfaces and system tracts recording two transgressive-regressive cycles within the Carbonera Formation that are also shown in Fig. 15; and (B)
Major bounding surfaces correlated to Well D.

(Posamentier, 2001). observed in stratal slices in Fig. 11 and vertical seismic display in
Channel deposit 2 (CD2): This seismic character consists of strong, Fig. 14. The higher W/D ratio of ~25 calculated for the proto-Meta
small (~100 m-wide [0.06 mi]), concave reflections that are inter- River (Fig. 13B) is more typical of unincised valleys (Caycedo Garcia
preted as mixed to sand-dominated load channels with adjacent, lat- and Catuneanu, 2018) - in this case, it has twice the width/depth ratio
erally extensive point bars expressed as strong, flat reflections of up to of the incised valleys in CD1 (Fig. 12B) - and a shallower scour was
500-m wide (0.31 mi) (CD2A in Fig. 14). In stratal slices, these types of observed into the underlying unit, indicating vertical aggradation of the
channels have moderate sinuosity and good development of scrolls and system (Posamentier, 2001) with no nickpoint migration like with in-
are characteristic of the Carbonera member 1 and 7 (Fig. 14). In the cised valleys. Unincised valleys with similar dimensions to the proto-
vertical seismic display, these channels correspond to vertically- Meta River have been reported within the “lower” sequence of the
stacked, wavy, semicontinuous reflections of high-amplitude strength, Carbonera Formation by Caycedo Garcia and Catuneanu (2018), which
where channel belts show good vertical and lateral connectivity (CD2B is equivalent to the Carbonera Member 5. Additionally, the lateral and
in Fig. 14). underlying deposits mostly consist of floodplain, tidal flats, and inter-
Channel deposit (CD3): This seismic character consists of isolated, fluve mudstone (GRF4 and GRF5 in Figs. 6 and 7), indicating a juxta-
wide (~500 m [0.31 mi]), very concave, high to moderate amplitude position of genetically-related successions, which is the opposite to the
reflections with dull, alternating reflections interpreted as mud-filled, incised valleys in CD1.
abandoned channels. Because of their pronounced concave shape, we Channel deposit 5 (CD5): Isolated, very narrow (~300 m wide
propose that these channels are more mixed to mud load-dominated [0.18 mi]), concave, low amplitude strength reflections interpreted as
than channels in CD2 and CD1 (Donselaar and Overeem, 2008). In mud-filled channels characteristic of CD5 (Fig. 14). In stratal slices,
stratal slices, these channel belts show moderate sinuosity with good these channels are seen as dull features with moderate sinuosity. Point
point bar development and are thicker than the individual channel belts bar preservation is not evident, possibly as the result of thin beds below
than those observed in CD1 and CD2 (Fig. 14). the tuning thickness and/or the low sinuosity of the channel.
Channel deposit 4 (CD4): CD4 is characterized by a strong, very Channel deposit 6 (CD6): These types of channels exhibit similar
wide (~2 km [1.2 mi]), and dominantly concave to locally convex re- characteristics as CD5 and also appear as isolated, narrow (~200 m
flection (Fig. 14). We propose that this channelized feature corresponds wide [0.12 mi]), low amplitude features but with a flat basal reflection
to the proto-Meta River with a depth that varies from 35 to 40 m of negative amplitude (similar to the flat reflection in seismic display A-
(~115–131 ft). In comparison to the incised valleys of the uppermost A' in Fig. 11B), interpreted as dominantly, mud-filled deposits with
Carbonera Member 1 (CD1), we interpreted the proto-Meta River at the sandy channel lag deposits that are little affected by differential com-
top of the Carbonera Member 5 as an unincised valley system with paction (Fig. 14). In stratal slices, these channels are seen as strong
stacked, multistory channels, as shown by the several channel threads reflectors with low sinuosity and with little point bar preservation

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

Fig. 17. Density (RHOB) and Neutron (NPHI) logs crossplots of the Carbonera Formation of (A) Well C and (B) Well D. The crossplosts show the clear cluster patterns
that coincided with 1) lowstand, sand-prone, amalgamated channels, b) shaly floodplain deposits of the transgressive system tract 2, 3) coal beds and 4) flooding
surfaces associated with marine incursions (?). See Fig. 4A for location of wells.

(Fig. 14). feature like the valleys observed in CD1 in Fig. 14, so we interpreted
Channel deposit 7 (CD7): This type of channel deposits forms this as pseudo-sheets of aggrading channels rather than incised valleys.
strong, laterally continuous reflectors of highly amalgamated sand- The total thickness of these amalgamated, sheet-like deposits is the
prone channels with excellent lateral and vertical connectivity. In equivalent to the thickness of the Carbonera Member 7 up to ~91 m-
stratal slices through the smoothed similarity (coherence) cube, parti- thick (300 ft).
cularly in the Carbonera Member 7 (Fig. 8), these channels are not
easily identifiable due to their amalgamated nature where the attribute
cannot distinguish lateral discontinuities or facies changes (Torrado
et al., 2014) (Fig. 14). Similarly, the amplitude cubes didn't show any

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

5.4. Late Eocene-Early Miocene, sequence stratigraphy and seismic System Tract 2 (LST2) that is bound at the bottom by the SB2 and the
sequence stratigraphy of the Carbonera Formation TS3 at the top (Figs. 15 and 16). Sediment supply increases again from
erosion of the uplifting Eastern Cordillera, surpassing the effect of ac-
The sequence stratigraphic framework of the Carbonera Formation commodation and causing basinward fluvial progradation.
in the study area is comparable to those proposed for mixed fluvial- “Transgressive Surface 3” (TS3) is manifested by a sharp, flat, high-
coastal stratal by Shanley and McCabe (1995) and Blum and Törnqvist gamma-ray peak on top of the Carbonera Member 1 (Fig. 15). On
(2000) which corresponds from bottom to top to a series of 1) amal- seismic section (Fig. 16), this surface is represented by high-amplitude,
gamated fluvial channels (equivalent to the marine lowstand), 2) tid- laterally discontinuous reflection, marking a drastic shift from the flu-
ally-influenced channels correlated to marine transgressions, and 3) vial setting of the Carbonera Formation to lagoonal deposition of the
isolated, meandering channels embedded in thick floodplain deposits Leon Formation.
preserved during base level rise. Both the LST1 and LST2 are characterized by gamma-ray log facies
The lower boundary of the Carbonera Formation is defined by the 1, 2, and 3 and seismic facies 1 (Figs. 6, 7 and 12) which correspond to
“Transgressive Surface 1” (TS1) located at the base of the shaly, thin a clear cluster of sandstone with the lowest gamma-ray values within
(~20 m [65 ft]) Carbonera Member 8 that separates underlying Late Carbonera members 7 and 1, respectively (Fig. 17). Also shown in
Cretaceous shoreface sandstone of the Guadalupe Formation from the Fig. 17 are defined clusters of low-density coal intervals within trans-
overlying dominantly shallow marine sediments of the Carbonera gressive and highstand system tracts that correlated with seismic facies
Member 8 and records an episode of sea rise during the Eocene at 2 and gamma-ray log facies 4 and 5 (Fig. 12), and high-density clusters
~35 Ma (Haq et al., 1987) (Fig. 15). related to flooding surfaces from marine incursions within the even
The Sequence Boundary 1 (SB1) represents a diachronous surface members of the Carbonera Formation. The biggest cluster corresponds
separating non-conformable successions of the fluvial progradational to intermediate density and gamma-ray values mostly correlated to
deposits of the Carbonera Member 7 from the marine transgression of floodplain aggradation within Carbonera members 5 to 3.
the Carbonera Member 8 (Fig. 15). In seismic sections, the SB1 is lo-
cated above the TS1, where a maximum flooding surface (MFS1) is only 6. Discussion
observed as a continuous gamma-ray peak in well data (Fig. 15). The
onset of the Lowstand System Tract 1 (LST1) is bound by SB1 at the 6.1. Stratigraphic traps of the Carbonera Formation
bottom and TS2 at the top, and marks the amalgamation of fluvial
channels of the Carbonera Member 7 driven by gradual, eustatic sea- A summary of the inherent complexity of channel-fill deposits and
level fall during a forced regression causing erosion of the underlying fluvial architecture is described below for each member of the
cycle (Fig. 16). Carbonera Formation, as well as a distinction of sand-prone, pro-
The “Transgressive Surface 2” (TS2) separates fine-grained deposits spective, reservoir, channel deposits vs. non-prospective, channel de-
of the Carbonera members 6, 5, 4, and 3 from the underlying, sand- posits:
prone Carbonera Member 7 (Fig. 15). These deposits exhibit serrated Carbonera Member 7: The producing reservoir of the Carbonera
patterns of high gamma-ray values (GRF4 in Figs. 6 and 15) correlated Member 7 in the area of study corresponds to amalgamated, sand-
with continental, varicolored, coaly shale, siltstone and fine-grained dominated channel belts which formed as a result of low accommoda-
sandstone observed in well data (Figs. 2C and 7). These deposits in- tion (Fig. 18), base level fall and initial steep slope in an early under-
dicate floodplain preservation and aggradation with no evidence of filled foreland setting during a forced regression (Fig. 19). Little pre-
major eustatic marine transgressions, i.e., tectonically-triggered in- servation of abandoned channels and floodplain deposits - as seen in
undations within a Transgressive System Tract 2 (TST2) (Torres et al., Fig. 8-, indicate dominant channel incision where the channels have
2001). The shift from amalgamated channels of the LST1 to floodplain good lateral connectivity and low avulsion frequency, that results in
aggradation with isolated channels within TST2 is observed in seismic sandy, sheet-like deposits (SF4 in Fig. 12 and CD7 in Fig. 14) corre-
data as a change from laterally continuous, high amplitude strength sponding to an excellent reservoir (Donselaar and Overeem, 2008) in
reflections (Fig. 16) corresponding to SF1 to dull reflection packages the adjacent Cubiro oil field.
that correspond to SF2 (Fig. 12). According to Bayona et al. (2007), Carbonera member 5 and 3: This member exhibits isolated,
finer-grained strata within Carbonera members 5 and 3 show evidence shallow, narrow (~300 m [0.18 ft]), muddy, single channels embedded
of eastward migration of coastal-plain environments. We interpreted within thick (up to 500 m [~1640 ft]) floodplain deposits (GRF 4 and
that the preservation of crevasse splays and overbank deposits in the GRF5 in Fig. 7), with the exception of the proto-Meta River that cor-
proto-Meta River (as seen in the attribute analysis in Fig. 10) indicate responds to the biggest channelized feature (~1 km wide or 0.6 mi)
flooding episodes (Blum and Törnqvist, 2000), which in terms of fluvial within the Carbonera Member 5 (Figs. 8 and 16). We propose that
sequence stratigraphy is equivalent to a marine transgression or the stratigraphic traps within these members occur in isolated sandstone
TST2 in this study. beds within basal lags (vertical seismic display A-A’ in Fig. 11B and CD6
The “Maximum Flooding Surface 2” (MFS2), interpreted at the top in Fig. 14), crevasse splays, and fair to poorly-developed point bars
of the Carbonera Member 3, records a regional marine transgression as (CD3 in Figs. 14). In the particular case of the proto-Meta River, lat-
a sharp, high gamma-ray peak in well data (Fig. 15) separating finning erally continuous point bars bound by finer-grained elements like well-
upward from coarsening upwards successions also seen as GRF5 defined levees and crevasse splays (Fig. 11 and CD4 in Fig. 14) and
(Fig. 6). The MFS2 is attributed to a Late Oligocene, short-lived, global overlain by floodplain shale may constitute the best stratigraphic trap
sea-level rise defined by Haq et al. (1987) at ~25 Ma marked the in- within the Carbonera Member 5.
itiation of the Highstand System Tract 2 (HST2), and the deposition of The slight increase of the channels’ sinuosity within the Carbonera
the Carbonera Member 2 (Fig. 15). In seismic sections, TS2 is observed Member 3 marks the continuous lowering of the slope (i.e., orogenic
as a continuous to locally discontinuous, soft, low-to-moderate ampli- unloading in a late underfilled foreland stage as shown in Fig. 19)
tude strength reflection of positive polarity (Fig. 16). causing higher avulsion frequency, with potential development of cre-
“Sequence Boundary 2” (SB2 in Fig. 15) is marked by a sharp, low- vasse splays, but more probabilities for the preservation of non-pro-
gamma-ray peak correlating with sand-rich, erosive incised valley de- ductive, sealing shale-prone channel abandonment facies (Slingerland
posits at the base of the Carbonera Member 1, and unconformably and Smith, 2004; Lynds and Hajek, 2006) (Fig. 8 and CD5 in Fig. 14).
overlying marine mudstone of the Carbonera Member 2. The SB2 has Abandoned loops from oxbow lakes are also seen in seismic data at the
the same seismic response as SB1 (Fig. 16). The progradation of the top of this unit which may also act as an effective seal (Fig. 8B). We
Carbonera Member 1 fluvial sandstone is related to the Lowstand propose that these mud-plugged channels may repeatedly cut across

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

Fig. 18. Schematic diagram showing the Eocene-Miocene channel evolution of the Carbonera Formation in relationship to enhanced accommodation, changes in
channel aggradation, channel avulsion frequency and channel migration, resulting in: (1) Amalgamated, sand-prone channel belts of the Carbonera Member 7; (2)
Mixed, mud-to-sand-prone channel belts of the Carbonera Member 5; (3) Isolated, mud-dominated channel belts of the Carbonera Member 3; and (4) Amalgamated to
vertically stacked, sand-dominated channels and incised valleys of the Carbonera Member 1. Also shown are changes in the paleoflow direction of the reservoir
members of the Carbonera Formation and sequence stratigraphic interpretation; and (B) Schematic representation of controls on fluvial architecture taken from
Bristow and Best (1993).

each other, further isolating sand-prone intervals, and creating re- 6.2. Implications on the Late Eocene – Early Miocene changing fluvial style
servoir compartments (Reijenstein et al., 2010; Hossain, 2019). and sequence stratigraphic framework of the Carbonera Formation
Carbonera Member 1: The lowermost portion of the Carbonera
Member 1 exhibits wide, moderately sinuous channel belts with good The change in fluvial dynamics within the Carbonera Formation
development of scrolls, lower avulsion frequency, and high lateral- during the Late Eocene–Early Miocene epoch corresponds to a pro-
channel accretion (CD2 in Figs. 14 and 18). Incised valleys observed at longed pulse of increased flexural subsidence from the Late Eocene
the uppermost portion of this member (CD1 in Fig. 14) occur during a (~34 Ma) to Early Miocene (~23 Ma) caused by the uplift of the
normal regression caused by an increased sediment supply from de- Eastern Cordillera as stated by previous work (Gomez et al., 2005;
nudation of the partially exhumed Eastern Cordillera during an over- Bayona et al., 2007; Caballero et al., 2010; Mora et al., 2010; Nie and
filled foreland stage (Fig. 19). Incised valleys with similar dimensions of Horton, 2012; Saylor et al., 2012; Campos and Mann, 2015; Reyes-
~5 km wide (3.1 mi) and up to ~50 m depth (164 ft or 50 ms in seismic Harker et al., 2015) (Fig. 19).
data) have also been reported by Caycedo Garcia and Catuneanu (2018) A general eastward widening of the foredeep of the Llanos foreland
within the “upper sequence” of the Carbonera Formation, equivalent in basin takes place as the Eastern Cordillera adds tectonic load and
this study to the Carbonera Member 1. Development of incised valley flexure (Campos and Mann, 2015), where we propose that the proto-
fills along the southern and southeastern flanks of the Llanos foreland Meta River developed as the main, axial fluvial system (Fig. 18). Other
basin have also been observed in the Apiay field by Malagon (1997), the factors that influenced the migration of the foreland basin system in-
Brujas High by Bayona et al. (2007), and at Rubiales oil field by Lugo clude inversion and reactivation of extensional faults, shifts in the
and Isea (2013). source of sediments from craton to orogen, and changes in the advance
The amalgamated and incisive nature with good lateral point bar direction of the orogen front (Parra et al., 2009, 2010; Bande et al.,
accretion, along with valley incision account for a connected, laterally 2012) (Fig. 3).
extensive reservoir similar to the Carbonera Member 7. We propose that These regional changes had significant control over the flow di-
the potential for hydrocarbon accumulation within this member would rection and alignment of fluvial channel belts of the Carbonera mem-
depend on carrier beds (such as leaky faults) and simple, short migra- bers 7 and 5, as illustrated in Fig. 8 on interpreted stratal slices. An
tion patterns. However, no hydrocarbon has been encountered within initial SW-NE channel orientation parallel to the NE-trending foreland
this member in the study area, which indicated that the intermediate, axis at the time (Figs. 8 and 18) was recorded during the Late Eoce-
mud-rich successions of the Carbonera members 5 and 3 act as an ef- ne–Early Oligocene time by paleochannels of the Carbonera Member 7
fective intraformational seal. to the Carbonera Member 5 along the axis of the Llanos foreland basin
(Figs. 8B and 18). In the Rubiales Field, Lugo and Isea (2013) reported
incised valleys in the Carbonera Member 7 (also known as “Basal
Sand”), filled by a series of stacking fluvial deposits, predominantly
oriented in a northwest-southeast direction that results from its location

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

Fig. 19. Schematic block diagram showing

the evolution of the Carbonera Formation
depositional systems in relationship to fold-
thrust deformation in the frontal zone of the
Eastern Cordillera, Colombia. (A) Initial
Eastern Cordillera uplift and onset of fluvial
deposition, mainly incised valleys in the
basin's flanks to amalgamated, sinuous flu-
vial channel belts in the study area (Late
Eocene: Carbonera Member 7); (B)
Eastward advance of the deformation front
and continued fluvial deposition of isolated,
sinuous channel belts with localized la-
goonal deposits (Oligocene: Carbonera
members 6 to 3); and (C) Major uplift pulse
of the Eastern Cordillera with a shift from
fluvial to lacustrine-lagoonal deposition
(Early Miocene: Carbonera Member 1 to
Leon Formation).

along the edges of the basin in the basement inversion area (Campos isolated channels belts in the Carbonera Member 5 is caused by base
and Mann, 2015) (Fig. 1B). level rise marking the initiation of the transgressive system tract
A change from amalgamated channels in the Carbonera Member 7 (Fig. 18) (Blum and Törnqvist, 2000). The orientation of these channel
of a lowstand system tract (SF1 in Fig. 12A) to moderately sinuous, belts is the same as the numerous, flexure-related normal faults

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

trending parallel to the ENE axis of the Llanos foreland basin (Osorio good lateral point bar accretion of the Carbonera Member 7, and in-
et al., 2008), but not in an EW direction as has been described in the cised valleys and amalgamated channels of the Carbonera Member 1.
literature for the central area of the Llanos foreland basin by Ecopetrol The seconds best stratigraphic traps are: 1) isolated, moderately sinuous
(1995), Hoorn et al. (1995), Diaz de Gamero (1996), and Villamil channels point bars with good lateral accretion; 2) isolated, low si-
(1999) (Fig. 18). nuosity, sand-prone, erosive channels, observed within the Carbonera
A shift of the main paleoflow direction started in the Late Oligocene members 5 and 3; 3) interconnected, vertically stacked channels deposit
during the deposition of the Carbonera Member 3 in flexurally-en- during the shift from sand-prone members to mud-prone members; and
hanced accommodation in a late underfilled foreland setting (Figs. 8B 4) possible basal lag where the thickest basal lag may be preserved in
and 18). This shift included an eastward migration of the main axial bigger channelized features like the proto-Meta River. Lastly, smaller
fluvial system (i.e., the proto-Meta River) as transverse to orthogonal, stratigraphic traps may be related to laterally confined crevasse splay;
southeast flowing tributaries from the western flank of the basin de- however, finer-grained intervals may have reduced permeability.
veloped and lengthened (Carbonera Member 3 in Fig. 8B and Fig. 19). The best sealing intervals are associated with shale deposition
Reyes-Harker et al. (2015) refer to the location of a north northeast- during transgressive events, aggradating floodplain intervals, mud-
trending reentrant of shaly facies that marks the geographic location of plugs from channel abandonment, and paleosols. However, cross-cut-
the basin axis along the “maximum tectonic flexure” domain from ting from mud-plugs may also cause reservoir compartmentalization.
Campos and Mann (2015) which also corresponds to where the study The risks for hydrocarbon accumulation include migration patterns
area is located. This would also represent the topographically lowest (leaky faults and vertically connected channels), and effective thick seal
area, i.e. the axis that separates regions of Eastern Cordillera-derived intervals that separate producing sandstone of the Carbonera Member 7
sediments from craton-derived sediments (Reyes-Harker et al., 2015). from the potential reservoir intervals within the overlying members of
A channel rotation takes place during the Early Miocene, recorded the Carbonera Formation.
by the channel belts and incised valleys of the Carbonera Member 1 as a Stratigraphic traps are closely linked to changes in base level and
result of further eastward migration of the forebulge and the axial accommodation that consequently affects channel sinuosity, migration,
fluvial system that once prevailed during the Early Oligocene (Campos and avulsion frequency. Overall, the Carbonera Formation records a
and Mann, 2015) (Reyes-Harker et al., 2015) (Figs. 8B, 18 and 19). variety of low to moderate sinuous channelized features that include: 1)
Mapped faults within the Carbonera members 3 and 1 (Fig. 8B) may be amalgamated, pseudo-sheet, sand-prone channels (Carbonera Member
propagated at this time from the last orogenic event of the Eastern 7) deposited during lowstand stage with a forced regression; 2) isolated,
Cordillera during the Miocene (Mora et al., 2019) which would explain mud-prone channels with high avulsion frequency deposited during a
the different orientations of the channels vs. faults within these mem- transgressive system tract with flexurally-enhanced accommodation
bers (Fig. 8B). (Carbonera members 5 and 3); 3) a main axial unincised valley referred
Based on the overall observations on paleoflow channel direction in in this study as the proto-Meta River at the top of the Carbonera
seismic, along with previous provenance studies in the Eastern Member 5 with the highest W/D ratio; and 4) a combination of sand-
Cordillera, we agree that an earlier Late Eocene uplift of the Eastern prone, laterally accreted, channels and incised valleys (Carbonera
Cordillera had a strong influence on fluvial dynamics as studied in the Member 1) formed during an overfilled foreland setting where the
last decade (Bayona et al., 2007, 2008a, 2008b; Osorio et al., 2008; lowest W/D ratio corresponds to abandoned channels within incised
Caballero et al., 2010; Hoorn et al., 2010; Ayala et al., 2012; Nie and valleys.
Horton, 2012; Ochoa et al., 2012; Mora et al., 2010; Saylor et al., 2012; Changes in paleoflow direction observed in 3D seismic data allowed
Moreno et al., 2011; Delgado et al., 2012; Bande et al., 2012; Santos to better understand the controls on the deposition of the Carbonera
et al., 2008; Campos and Mann, 2015; Reyes-Harker et al., 2015; Mora Formation that include: 1) the Early Eocene to Middle Miocene uplift of
et al., 2019) rather than a Late Oligocene (Gomez et al., 2005; Parra the Eastern Cordillera as proposed by several authors in the most recent
et al., 2005; Martinez, 2006; Santos et al., 2008), or Miocene initial decade; 2) changes in provenance from the Guyana shield and the
Eastern Cordillera uplift (Cooper et al., 1995; Ecopetrol, 1995; Hoorn Eastern Cordillera; and 3) variations of accommodation and sediment
et al., 1995; Diaz de Gamero, 1996; Casero et al., 1997; Villamil, 1999). supply caused by exhumation and loading of the Eastern Cordillera.
In terms of providing a sequence stratigraphic framework, a similar The classic definition of the Carbonera Formation as a succession of
approach was conducted by Caycedo Garcia and Catuneanu (2018) “sandy, odd members and muddy-even members” by several authors
within the members 5 to 1 of the Carbonera Formation in the western (Ecopetrol, 1995; Cooper et al., 1995; Villamil, 1999; Barrero et al.,
flank of the Llanos basin where the producing interval (i.e. “basal 2007) does not apply to this unit in the maximum flexure zone of the
sands”) actually correspond to the Carbonera Member 5. The authors central area of the Llanos foreland basin, as seen in seismic and well
conducted a higher resolution study based on seismic and well data that data. We propose that this “cyclic” behavior of the unit may be present
included core data. They propose nine regressive-transgressive cycles in the flanks of the basin and the Llanos foothills, where the unit was
and were able to identify incised and unincised valleys, with similar first defined.
characteristics to the valleys observed in this study (CD1 and CD4 in We propose seismic criteria for identifying the fluvial channels with
Fig. 14). We also identified major flooding surfaces (like the Datum the greatest potential to form productive, stratigraphic traps within the
MFS) like those observed by Caycedo Garcia and Catuneanu, 2018 in Carbonera Formation. We identified seven different types of channel
their dataset. The authors also mention, and we agree, that the absence deposits and illustrated that interpretations of sand-filled channels
of some deposits (in their specific case, the lowstand deposits) and the embedded in shaly interfluves previously done in the Llanos foreland
lateral variability of the Carbonera Formation may be related to the basin have been erroneous.
position of the study area. The importance of conducting a sequence The workflow and processes conducted in this work can be easily
stratigraphic approach like Caycedo Garcia and Catuneanu (2018) and replicated in other areas of the Llanos basin and analog foreland basins
this study is that it provides a better understanding of the reservoir for exploration of stratigraphic traps in fluvial systems, as along the
variability of the Carbonera Formation through the basin. interpreter 1) understands the limitations of the techniques used, 2)
integrates observations with a sequence stratigraphic framework, and
7. Conclusions 3) takes into account the geologic evolution of the basin and the con-
trolling factors for vertical and lateral tectonostratigraphic variations.
There are potential stratigraphic traps in the Llanos foreland basin
within the Carbonera Formation that have yet to be explored. The best
stratigraphic traps are associated with amalgamated channels with

L. Torrado, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102607

CRediT authorship contribution statement Campos, H., Mann, P., 2015. Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the northern Llanos
foreland basin of Colombia and implications for its hydrocarbon potential. In:
Bartolini, C., Mann, P. (Eds.), Petroleum Geology and Potential of the Colombian
Lucia Torrado: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Caribbean Margin: AAPG Memoir 108, pp. 517–546.
Visualization, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Luis 13531948M1083651.
Carlos Carvajal-Arenas: Validation, Methodology, Investigation, Carvajal-Arenas, L.C., 2008. Caracterización facial, eléctrica y sísmica de la Formación
Carbonera en la cuenca de Los Llanos Orientales: Bachelor of Science thesis.
Visualization, Software, Writing - review & editing. Paul Mann: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, pp. 26.
Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing, Validation, Funding Casero, P., Salel, J.F., Rossato, A., 1997. Multidisciplinary correlative evidence for
acquisition, Supervision, Resources. Janok Bhattacharya: polyphase geological evolution of the foot-hills of the Cordillera Oriental (Colombia).
IV Simposio Bolivariano “Exploración Petrolera en la Cuencas Subandinas 1,
Conceptualization, Validation, Writing - original draft, Supervision. 119–128.
Castagna, J.P., Sun, S., 2006. Comparison of spectral decomposition methods. First Break
Declaration of competing interests 24 (3), 75–79.
Castillo, L.A., Vargas, G., 2018. Seismic geomorphology and fluvial environmental ele-
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