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CPLT M12 Engine Kubota D1105

Parts Index ............................................................................................... 5

Warranty and Liability ............................................................................ 7

Safety Precautions for Portable Compressors...................................... 9

Ordering Spare Parts ............................................................................ 13

Parts Lists............................................................................................... 18

Printed Matter N°

9829 3543 00


A CUBICLE DOOR .....................................................................................28 HOSE LOWER ......................................................................................... 26
AC TOWING ............................................................................................42 HOSE UPPER........................................................................................... 26
ADAPTER............................................................................................26,40 D HOSE CLIP............................................................................................... 32
AIR FILTER ..............................................................................................22 DAMPER ............................................................................................ 23,27 HOUR METER......................................................................................... 28
AIR FILTER ELEMENT ..........................................................................18 DATA PLATE .......................................................................................... 36
AIR FILTER HOSE ..................................................................................22 DECAL......................................................................................................36 J
AIR FILTER SAFETY CARTRIDGE......................................................18 DIODE ......................................................................................................28 JUCTION BOX......................................................................................... 28
AIR FILTER SUPPORT ...........................................................................22 DOOR HINGE .......................................................................................... 24
AIR INLET................................................................................................22 DOOR HITCH .......................................................................................... 24
ALTERNATOR ........................................................................................23 K
DOOR LOCK............................................................................................24
ALTERNATOR AND ACCESSORIES ...................................................23 KEY SWITCH .......................................................................................... 28
DOOR LOCK HOOK ...............................................................................24
AXLE ........................................................................................................40 DRAWBAR...............................................................................................40
B LAMP........................................................................................................ 30
E LAMP COVER AND GASKET............................................................... 30
BALLAST .................................................................................................28 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM.......................................................................... 30
BATTERY .................................................................................................30 LAMP STABILIZER................................................................................ 30
ENGINE ...................................................................................................27
BATTERY CABLE .................................................................................. 30 LATCH MAST BASE .............................................................................. 38
ENGINE COOLANT ................................................................................20
BATTERY PLATE ..................................................................................30 LIFTING JACK ................................................................................... 34,40
ENGINE OIL ............................................................................................20
BELT .........................................................................................................18 EXPANSION TANK.................................................................................26
BOX BALLAST........................................................................................28 EXHAUST ................................................................................................ 33 M
BUBBLE ...................................................................................................28 EXHAUST PIPE ....................................................................................... 33 MARKINGS ............................................................................................ 36
BUFFER ...............................................................................................24,33 MAST........................................................................................................ 38
F MAST BASE ............................................................................................ 38
FAN COWL ..............................................................................................26 MUFFLER ................................................................................................ 33
C FAN GUARD............................................................................................26
CABLE TIE...............................................................................................30 MUDGUARD ........................................................................................... 24
FLANGE RING ........................................................................................30
CANOPY...................................................................................................24 FRAME .....................................................................................................34
CANOPY TOP ..........................................................................................24 FRAME LIGHT TOWER .........................................................................30 N
CAP ...........................................................................................................24 FUEL HOSE ............................................................................................. 32 NYLON PLATE ....................................................................................... 38
CAPACITOR ............................................................................................28 FUEL SYSTEM ........................................................................................32
CAPACITOR AND BALLAST ................................................................28 FUEL TANK ............................................................................................ 32 O
CHAIN ..................................................................................................... 40 FUELFILTER....................................................................................... 18,32 OIL CAN................................................................................................... 20
CIRCUIT BREAKER ...............................................................................28 FUEL SYSTEM ........................................................................................32 OIL FILTER.............................................................................................. 18
CLAMP ......................................................................................22,26,30,33
COIL CABLE............................................................................................30
CONTAINER ............................................................................................20 G P
COOLING .................................................................................................26 GLAND ................................................................................................ 28,30 PANEL ...................................................................................................... 24
COOLER ...................................................................................................26 GROMMET ..............................................................................................26 PARCOOL EG.......................................................................................... 21
COOLER BRACKET ...............................................................................26 GROUND DOOR .....................................................................................30 PAROIL E ................................................................................................. 20
COVER BOX BALLAST .........................................................................28 P CLAMP........................................................................................ 28,30,38
CROSS BAR .............................................................................................24 H PLATE................................................................................................. 24,40
CUBICLE ..................................................................................................28 HAND GRIP ............................................................................................. 38 PLUG ................................................................................................... 24,26
CUBICLE BODY......................................................................................28 HOSE ........................................................................................................26 PULLY................................................................................................. 34,38



REFLECTOR ............................................................................................24
RELAY ......................................................................................................28

SERVICE PAK ..........................................................................................18
SNAP CLIP ..........................................................................................34,40
SPRING ................................................................................................34,40
SPRING LEAF ..........................................................................................40
STEEL ROPE .......................................................................................38,40
STIRP FUEL TANK .................................................................................32
STOP VALVE ...........................................................................................32

TEMPERATURE SWITCH......................................................................30
TIME RELAY ...........................................................................................28
TOWING EYE ..........................................................................................40

UNDERCARRAIGE .................................................................................40

WATER SEPERATOR ........................................................................18,32
WIRE .........................................................................................................24
WIRE HARNESS......................................................................................30


Warranty and Liability Limitation Limitación de garantía y responsabilidad Åããýçóç êáé Ðåñéïñéóìüò Åõèýíçò
Use only authorized parts. Use sólo piezas autorizadas. ×ñçóéìïðïéÞóôå ìüíï åãêåêñéìÝíá åîáñôÞìáôá.
Any damage or malfunction caused by the use of unauthorized parts is not covered by La garantía o responsabilidad del producto no cubre ningún daño o funcionamiento ÏðïéáäÞðïôå æçìéÜ Þ äõóëåéôïõñãßá ðñïêëçèåß áðü ôç ÷ñÞóç ìç
Warranty or Product Liability. defectuoso provocado por el uso de piezas no autorizadas. åãêåêñéìÝíùí åîáñôçìÜôùí äåí êáëýðôåôáé áðü ôçí åããýçóç êáé ôçí åõèýíç
The manufacturer does not accept any liability for any damage arising for modifica- El fabricante no acepta ninguna responsabilidad por los daños provocados por modifi- ãéá ôï ðñïúüí.
tions, additions or conversions made without the manufacturer's approval in writing. caciones, adiciones o conversiones realizadas sin la aprobación por escrito del fabri- Ï êáôáóêåõáóôÞò äåí áðïäÝ÷åôáé êáìßá åõèýíç ãéá æçìéÝò ðïõ ðñïêýðôïõí
cante. áðü ôñïðïðïéÞóåéò, ðñïóèÞêåò Þ ìåôáôñïðÝò ðïõ Ýãéíáí ÷ùñßò ôç ãñáðôÞ
Copyright 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerp, Belgium. Ýãêñéóç ôïõ êáôáóêåõáóôÞ.
Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited. Derechos de reproducción 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Amberes, Bélgica.
This applies in particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and Está prohibida toda utilización o reproducción total o parcial no autorizada de estos Copyright 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., ÁìâÝñóá, ÂÝëãéï.
drawings contenidos, Áðáãïñåýåôáé ïðïéáäÞðïôå ÷ñÞóç Þ áíôéãñáöÞ ôïõ ðåñéå÷üìåíïõ Þ
en especial de las marcas registradas, denominaciones de modelos, números de piezas ïðïéïõäÞðïôå ôìÞìáôïò ôïõ ðáñüíôïò ÷ùñßò åîïõóéïäüôçóç.
y planos Áõôü éó÷ýåé óõãêåêñéìÝíá ãéá åìðïñéêÜ óÞìáôá, ïíïìáóßåò ìïíôÝëùí,
Garantie- en aansprakelijkheidsbepalingen êùäéêïýò åîáñôçìÜôùí êáé ó÷Ýäéá.
Gebruik alleen originele onderdelen.
Beschadigingen of defecten die het gevolg zijn van het gebruik van niet originele Begränsningar av garanti och ansvarsskyldighet
onderdelen vallen niet onder garantie of productaansprakelijkheid. Använd endast godkända delar. Garanti og ansvarsbegrensning
De producent is niet aansprakelijk voor enige schade veroorzaakt door modificatie, Den skada eller funktionsoduglighet som förorsakats av att ej godkända delar har Bruk kun autoriserte deler.
toevoeging of ombouw, gemaakt zonder de schriftelijke toestemming van de fabri- använts, täcks inte av garantin eller produktansvaret. Enhver skade eller funksjonsfeil som skyldes bruk av uautoriserte deler dekkes ikke
kant. Tillverkaren accepterar ingen ansvarsskyldighet för skador som uppstått efter att av garanti eller produktansvar.
ändringar, tillägg eller ombyggnader gjorts utan skriftligt tillstånd från tillverkaren. Fabrikanten aksepterer intet ansvar for noen skade som oppstår på grunn av modifi-
Copyright 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerpen, België. kasjoner, tilføyelser eller forandringer som er gjort uten fabrikantens skriftlige tilla-
Het is niet toegestaan om zonder toestemming de inhoud geheel of gedeeltelijk te Copyright 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerpen, Belgien. telse.
kopiëren of anderszins te gebruiken. Ej auktoriserad användning eller kopiering av innehållet, eller delar av det, är förbju-
Dit betreft vooral trademarks, modelbenamingen, onderdeelnummers en tekeningen. den. Copyright 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerpen, Belgia.
Detta gäller speciellt varumärken, modellbeteckningar, reservdelsnummer och All uautorisert bruk eller kopiering av innholdet eller en del av det er forbudt.
ritningar. Dette gjelder særlig varemerker, modellbenevnelser, delenumre og tegninger.
Limitation de garantie et de responsabilité
Utiliser uniquement les pièces homologuées.
Tout dommage ou mauvais fonctionnement dû à l’utilisation de pièces non homo- Limitazione di Garanzia e di Responsabilità Takuun ja vastuuvelvollisuuden rajoitus
loguées n’est pas couvert par la garantie ou la responsabilité des produits défectueux. Usare solo componenti autorizzati. Käytä vain valmistajan hyväksymiä varaosia.
Le fabriquant décline toute responsabilité en cas de dommage faisant suite à des mod- Qualsiasi danno o malfunzione causati dall'uso di componenti non autorizzati non è
coperto dalla Garanzia o dalla Responsabilità sul Prodotto. Takuu ja tuotevastuu eivät kata vahinkoja tai toimintahäiriöitä, joiden syynä on mui-
ifications, des ajouts ou des conversions effectués sans l’accord écrit du fabriquant.
Il fabbricante non accetta alcuna reponsabilità per danni derivanti da modifiche, den kuin hyväksyttyjen varaosien käyttö.
Copyright 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerp, Belgique. aggiunte o trasformazioni effettuate senza l'approvazione scritta del fabbricante. Valmistaja ei vastaa vahingoista, jotka aiheutuvat ilman valmistajan kirjallista lupaa
Toute utilisation ou copie du contenu, ou d’une parte de celui-ci, non autorisée est tehdyistä muutoksista tai lisäyksistä.
interdite. Copyright 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Anversa, Belgio.
Cette interdiction s’applique en particulier aux marques de commerce, aux Sono vietati ogni uso o copia non autorizzati del contenuto o di qualsiasi parte dello
stesso. Copyright 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerpen, Belgia.
dénominations des modèles, aux numéros des pièces et aux schémas.
Ciò si applica in particolare ai marchi, alle denominazioni dei modelli, ai numeri dei Sisällön osittainenkin käyttö tai kopiointi ilman lupaa on kielletty.
componenti ed ai disegni Tämä koskee erityisesti tavaramerkkejä, mallien nimiä, osanumeroita ja piirustuksia.
Garantie- und Haftungseinschränkungen
Nur zugelassene Teile verwenden.
Jede Beschädigung oder Fehlfunktion, die durch die Verwendung von nicht zugelass- Garanti- og ansvarsbegrænsning Garantijas un atbildîbas ierobeþojumi
enen Teilen verursacht wurde, ist nicht durch die Garantie oder Produkthaftung abge- Brug kun tilladte reservedele.
deckt. Enhver skade eller fejlfunktion, forårsaget af brug af ikke tilladte reservedele, Izmantot tikai ieteiktâs rezerves daïas.
Der Hersteller übernimmt keine Haftung für Schäden, die durch Modifizierungen, omfattes ikke af garantien eller produktansvaret. Ðî garantija nesedz bojâjumus vai disfunkciju, kuri ir raduðies neatïautu rezerves daïu
Ergänzungen oder Funktionsänderungen entstehen, die ohne schriftliche Zustimmung Fabrikanten kan ikke drages til ansvar for nogen skade som følge af ændringer, izmantoðanas rezultâtâ.
des Herstellers erfolgt sind. udvidelser eller ombygninger, der er blevet udført uden fabrikantens skriftlige sam- Raþotâjs nepieòem pretenzijas par bojâjumiem, kas izriet no modifikâcijâm,
tykke. papildinâjumiem vai pârveidojumiem bez raþotâja rakstiskas piekriðanas.
Urheberrecht 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerpen, Belgien.
Jede nicht genehmigte Verwendung oder Kopie des Inhaltes oder von Teilen ist unter- Copyright 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerpen, Belgien. Autortiesîbas 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antverpene, Beïìija.
sagt. Enhver uautoriseret brug eller kopiering af indholdet eller dele deraf er forbudt. Jebkura neatïautâ ðî satura izmantoðana vai kopçðana ir aizliegta.Tas konkrçti attiecas
Das bezieht sich im Einzelnen auf Warenzeichen, Modellbezeichnungen, Dette gælder især varemærker, modelbenævnelser, delnumre og tegninger. uz tirdzniecîbas markâm, modeïu denominâcijâm, daïu numuriem un rasçjumiem.
Teilenummern und Zeichnungen


Limites de Garantia e Responsabilidade Autorské práva 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antverpy, Belgicko. Omezení záruky a odpovìdnosti
Utilize apenas peças autorizadas. Akéko¾vek neoprávnené použitie alebo kopírovanie obsahu, alebo jeho èasti
je zakázané. Používejte pouze takové souèásti, které jsou schválené výrobcem zaøízení.
Avarias ou defeitos de funcionamento que sejam causados pelo uso de sobresselentes Toto sa vzt’ahuje najmä na obchodné znaèky, modelové oznaèenia, èísla Jakékoliv poškození nebo závady zpùsobené použitím souèástí, které nebyly
ou componentes não autorizados não serão cobertos pela Garantia ou pela Responsa- súèiastok a nákresy. schválené výrobcem zaøízení, nejsou kryty zárukou, nebo odpovìdností za
bilidade de Produto.
Výrobce nepøijímá žádnou odpovìdnost za jakékoliv škody, zpùsobené
O fabricante não aceita qualquer responsabilidade por quaisquer danos resultantes de Garantii ja piiratud vastutus modifikacemi, doplòky nebo pøestavbami zaøízení provedenými bez
modificações, adições ou conversões efectuadas sem a aprovação escrita do fabri- Kasutage ainult valmistaja poolt aktsepteeritud varuosi. pøedchozího písemného svolení.
cante. Mis tahes vigastus või rike, mille on põhjustanud valmistaja poolt aktsepteerimata
varuosa kasutamine, ei kuulu toote garantii või tootja vastutuse alla. Copyright 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antverpy, Belgie.
Valmistaja ei aktsepteeri ühtegi riket, mis on tekkinud toote modifitseerimisest, Jakékoliv neoprávnìné použití nebo kopírování obsahu tohoto dokumentu
Copyright 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antuérpia, Bélgica. nebo kterékoliv jeho èásti je zakázáno.
lisandustest või ümberehitamisest, mida valmistaja ei ole kirjalikult heaks kiitnud.
Qualquer uso não autorizado ou cópia do conteúdo ou de qualquer parte dele é proib- Toto platí obzvláštì pro obchodní známky, oznaèení modelù, èísla souèástí a
ida. výkresovou dokumentací.
Copyright 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerp, Belgium.
Isto aplica-se em particular a marcas registadas, denominações de modelos, números Käesoleva juhendi mistahes loata kasutamine või kopeerimine on keelatud.
de peças e desenhos. See kehtib nii kaubamärkide, mudeli nimetuste, varuosade numbrite kui ka jooniste Garancijski pogoji in omejitve
Uporabljajte samo odobrene dele.
有限担保和责任 Garancija proizvajalca ni veljavna pri poškodbah ali motnjah v delovanju, ki so
Îãðàíè÷åíèå ãàðàíòèè è îòâåòñòâåííîñòè posledica uporabe neodobrenih delov.
只允许使用经认可的零件。 Proizvajalec ne prevzema nikakršne odgovornosti za poškodbe, ki so nastale
Èñïîëüçóéòå êîìïîíåíòû òîëüêî àâòîðèçîâàííûõ ïîñòàâùèêîâ.
因使用未经认可的零件而导致的任何损坏或故障不在本担保或产品责任所保障 Íå ðàñïðîñòðàíÿåòñÿ ãàðàíòèÿ è îòâåòñòâåííîñòü çà ïðîäóêöèþ ïðè ëþáûõ zaradi sprememb, dodatkov ali prilagoditev na izdelku, ki so bile izvedene brez
的范围之内。 ïîâðåæäåíèÿõ èëè íåèñïðàâíîñòÿõ â ðåçóëüòàòå èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ pisne odobritve proizvajalca.
未经制造商书面许可,制造商概不负责因擅自对设备进行改动、添加附件或改 íåàâòîðèçîâàííûõ êîìïîíåíòîâ.
Ïðîèçâîäèòåëü íå íåñåò íèêàêîé îòâåòñòâåííîñòè çà ëþáûå ïîâðåæäåíèÿ, Copyright 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerp, Belgium.
型而导致的设备损坏。 Brez pisnega dovoljenja ni dovoljeno uporabljati ali razmnoževati nobenega
âîçíèêøèå â ðåçóëüòàòå ìîäèôèêàöèè, äîïîëíåíèÿ èëè èçìåíåíèÿ, âûïîëíåííûå
dela dokumenta.
版权 2013,比利时安特卫普 Atlas Copco Airpower n.v.。 áåç ïèñüìåííîãî óòâåðæäåíèÿ ïðîèçâîäèòåëÿ. To velja še posebno za blagovne znamke, oznaèbe modelov, številke izdelkov
in risbe.
未经许可,禁止使用或复制本手册中所含的全部或任何一部分内容。 Copyright 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Àíòâåðïåí, Áåëüãèÿ.
本公告特别适用于本手册所含的商标、型号名称、零件代号和图纸。 Çàïðåùàåòñÿ ëþáîå íåñàíêöèîíèðîâàííîå èñïîëüçîâàíèå èëè êîïèðîâàíèå
ñîäåðæàíèÿ ýòèõ ìàòåðèàëîâ èëè èõ ÷àñòè. Garantijos ir atsakomybës galiojimas
 îñîáåííîñòè ýòî îòíîñèòñÿ ê òîðãîâûì ìàðêàì, îáîçíà÷åíèÿì ìîäåëåé, íîìåðàì
A garancia és felelõsség korlátozása äåòàëåé è ÷åðòåæàì. Naudokite tik originalias dalis.
Garantija nebus taikoma tuo atveju, jeigu þala ar sutrikimas atsiranda naudojant
Csak jóváhagyott alkatrészeket használjon! neoriginalias dalis.
A nem jóváhagyott alkatrészek használatából adódó sérülésekre és Gwarancja i ograniczenie odpowiedzialnoœci Gamintojas neprisiima jokios atsakomybës dël þalos, susijusios su modifikacija,
üzemzavarra nem terjed ki a garancia és a termékfelelõsség. papildymu ar perdirbimu, atliktu be raðtiðko gamintojo sutikimo.
Stosowaæ jedynie oryginalne czêœci zamienne.
A gyártó semminemû felelõsséget nem vállal a gyártó írásos jóváhagyása
Jakiekolwiek uszkodzenia lub niesprawnoœci spowodowane stosowaniem
nélkül végzett bármilyen módosításokból, kiegészítésekbõl vagy Autorystës teisë 2013, “Atlas Copco Airpower n.v.“, Antverpenas, Belgija.
niezaaprobowanych czêœci zamiennych nie s¹ objête gwarancj¹ lub
átalakításokból adódó sérülésekért. Neteisëtas viso teksto ar kurios nors jo dalies panaudojimas ar kopijavimas yra
odpowiedzialnoœci¹ za produkt.
Producent nie bêdzie ponosi³ ¿adnej odpowiedzialnoœci za jakiekolwiek draudþiamas.
Copyright 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerp, Belgium. Visø pirma ði sàlyga taikoma prekiniams þenklams, modeliø pavadinimams, daliø
szkody spowodowane modyfikacjami, dodatkami lub zmianami wykonanymi
A kézikönyv tartalma vagy annak egy részének engedély nélküli
felhasználása vagy másolása tilos. bez pisemnej zgody producenta. numeriams ir brëþiniams.
Ez vonatkozik különösen a védjegyekre, a típusjelölésekre, cikkszámokra és
rajzokra. Copyright 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerpia, Belgia.
Wszelkie stosowanie lub kopiowanie zawartoœci lub jakiejkolwiek czêœci
publikacji bez zezwolenia jest zabronione.
Záruka a obmedzenia zodpovednosti výrobcu Dotyczy to szczególnie znaków handlowych, oznaczeñ modeli, numerów
czêœci oraz rysunków.
Používajte len schválené súèiastky.
Akáko¾vek škoda alebo porucha spôsobená použitím neschválených
súèiastok nie je zahrnutá v záruke ani zodpovednosti výrobcu za škodu.
Výrobca nepripúšt’a žiadnu zodpovednost’ za akéko¾vek škody vzniknuté
úpravou, pridaním alebo prerobením, ktoré boli vykonané bez
predchádzajúceho písomného súhlasu výrobcu.

To be read attentively and acted accordingly before towing, lifting, operating, performing maintenance or repairing the compressor

0.1 INTRODUCTION eliminate all possible sources of danger at the unit. when air is admitted.
When handling, operating, overhauling and/or performing maintenance or 4 Normal ratings (pressures, temperatures, speeds, etc.) shall be durably
The policy of Atlas Copco is to provide the users of their equipment with repair on Atlas Copco equipment, the mechanics are expected to use safe marked.
safe, reliable and efficient products. Factors taken into account are among engineering practices and to observe all relevant local safety requirements
5 Operate the unit only for the intended purpose and within its rated
others: and ordinances. The following list is a reminder of special safety directives
limits (pressure, temperature, speeds, etc.).
- the intended and predictable future use of the products, and the and precautions mainly applicable to Atlas Copco equipment.
environments in which they are expected to operate, 6 The machinery and equipment shall be kept clean, i.e. as free as
These safety precautions apply to machinery processing or consuming air.
- applicable rules, codes and regulations, possible from oil, dust or other deposits.
Processing of any other gas requires additional safety precautions typical to
- the expected useful product life, assuming proper service and the application and are not included herein. 7 To prevent an increase in working temperature, inspect and clean heat
maintenance, transfer surfaces (cooler fins, intercoolers, water jackets, etc.)
- providing the manual with up-to-date information. Neglecting the safety precautions may endanger people as well as regularly. See the maintenance schedule.
environment and machinery:
Before handling any product, take time to read the relevant instruction - endanger people due to electrical, mechanical or chemical influences, 8 All regulating and safety devices shall be maintained with due care to
manual. Besides giving detailed operating instructions, it also gives - endanger the environment due to leakage of oil, solvents or other ensure that they function properly. They may not be put out of action.
specific information about safety, preventive maintenance, etc. substances,
Keep the manual always at the unit location, easy accessible to the 9 Care shall be taken to avoid damage to safety valves and other
- endanger the machinery due to function failures. pressure-relief devices, especially to avoid plugging by paint, oil coke
operating personnel.
All responsibility for any damage or injury resulting from neglecting these or dirt accumulation, which could interfere with the functioning of the
See also the safety precautions of the engine and possible other equipment, precautions or by non-observance of ordinary caution and due care device.
which are separately sent along or are mentioned on the equipment or parts required in handling, operating, maintenance or repair, also if not expressly
of the unit. 10 Pressure and temperature gauges shall be checked regularly with
mentioned in this instruction manual, is disclaimed by Atlas Copco. regard to their accuracy. They shall be replaced whenever outside
These safety precautions are general and some statements will therefore not The manufacturer does not accept any liability for any damage arising from acceptable tolerances.
always apply to a particular unit. the use of non-original parts and for modifications, additions or 11 Safety devices shall be tested as described in the maintenance schedule
Only people that have the right skills should be allowed to operate, adjust, conversions made without the manufacturer’s approval in writing. of the instruction manual to determine that they are in good operating
perform maintenance or repair on Atlas Copco equipment. It is the If any statement in this manual does not comply with local legislation, the condition.
responsibility of management to appoint operators with the appropriate stricter of the two shall be applied.
training and skill for each category of job. 12 Mind the markings and information labels on the unit.
Statements in these safety precautions should not be interpreted as 13 In the event the safety labels are damaged or destroyed, they must be
Skill level 1: Operator suggestions, recommendations or inducements that it should be used in replaced to ensure operator safety.
An operator is trained in all aspects of operating the unit with the push- violation of any applicable laws or regulations.
buttons, and is trained to know the safety aspects. 14 Keep the work area neet. Lack of order will increase the risk of
Skill level 2: Mechanical technician
A mechanical technician is trained to operate the unit the same as the 15 When working on the unit, wear safety clothing. Depending on the
operator. In addition, the mechanical technician is also trained to perform 0.2 GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS kind of activities these are: safety glasses, ear protection, safety helmet
maintenance and repair, as described in the instruction manual, and is (including visor), safety gloves, protective clothing, safety shoes. Do
allowed to change settings of the control and safety system. A mechanical not wear the hair long and loose (protect long hair with a hairnet), or
1 The owner is responsible for maintaining the unit in a safe operating wear loose clothing or jewelry.
technician does not work on live electrical components. condition. Unit parts and accessories must be replaced if missing or
Skill level 3: Electrical technician unsuitable for safe operation. 16 Take precautions against fire. Handle fuel, oil and anti-freeze with care
because they are inflammable substances. Do not smoke or approach
An electrical technician is trained and has the same qualifications as both 2 The supervisor, or the responsible person, shall at all times make sure with naked flame when handling such substances. Keep a fire-
the operator and the mechanical technician. In addition, the electrical that all instructions regarding machinery and equipment operation and extinguisher in the vicinity.
technician may carry out electrical repairs within the various enclosures of maintenance are strictly followed and that the machines with all
the unit. This includes work on live electrical components. accessories and safety devices, as well as the consuming devices, are
Skill level 4: Specialist from the manufacturer in good repair, free of abnormal wear or abuse, and are not tampered
This is a skilled specialist sent by the manufacturer or its agent to perform
complex repairs or modifications to the equipment. 3 Whenever there is an indication or any suspicion that an internal part
of a machine is overheated, the machine shall be stopped but no
In general it is recommended that not more than two people operate the inspection covers shall be opened before sufficient cooling time has
unit, more operators could lead to unsafe operating conditions. Take elapsed; this to avoid the risk of spontaneous ignition of oil vapour
necessary steps to keep unauthorized persons away from the unit and

0.3 SAFETY DURING TRANSPORT AND members shall be applied as near to perpendicular as possible. If injury or death. For breathing air quality, the compressed air must be
required, a lifting beam shall be applied between hoist and load. adequately purified according to local legislation and standards.
INSTALLATION Breathing air must always be supplied at stable, suitable pressure.
9 Never leave a load hanging on a hoist.
9 Distribution pipework and air hoses must be of correct diameter and
To lift a unit, all loose or pivoting parts, e.g. doors and towbar, shall first be 10 A hoist has to be installed in such a way that the object will be lifted
suitable for the working pressure. Never use frayed, damaged or
securely fastened. perpendicular. If that is not possible, the necessary precautions must be
deteriorated hoses. Replace hoses and flexibles before the lifetime
taken to prevent load-swinging, e.g. by using two hoists, each at
Do not attach cables, chains or ropes directly to the lifting eye; apply a expires. Use only the correct type and size of hose end fittings and
approximately the same angle not exceeding 30° from the vertical.
crane hook or lifting shackle meeting local safety regulations. Never allow connections.
sharp bends in lifting cables, chains or ropes. 11 Locate the unit away from walls. Take all precautions to ensure that
10 If the compressor is to be used for sand-blasting or will be connected
hot air exhausted from the engine and driven machine cooling systems
Helicopter lifting is not allowed. to a common compressed-air system, fit an appropriate non-return
cannot be recirculated. If such hot air is taken in by the engine or
It is strictly forbidden to dwell or stay in the risk zone under a lifted load. valve (check valve) between compressor outlet and the connected
driven machine cooling fan, this may cause overheating of the unit; if
Never lift the unit over people or residential areas. Lifting acceleration and sand-blasting or compressed-air system. Observe the right mounting
taken in for combustion, the engine power will be reduced.
retardation shall be kept within safe limits. position/direction.
1 Before towing the unit: 11 Before removing the oil filler plug, ensure that the pressure is released
- ascertain that the pressure vessel(s) is (are) depressurized, by opening an air outlet valve.
- check the towbar, the brake system and the towing eye. Also check
the coupling of the towing vehicle,
0.4 SAFETY DURING USE AND OPERATION 12 Never remove a filler cap of the cooling water system of a hot engine.
Wait until the engine has sufficiently cooled down.
- check the towing and brake capability of the towing vehicle,
- check that the towbar, jockey wheel or stand leg is safely locked in 1 When the unit has to operate in a fire-hazardous environment, each 13 Never refill fuel while the unit is running, unless otherwise stated in
the raised position, engine exhaust has to be provided with a spark arrestor to trap the Atlas Copco Instruction Book (AIB). Keep fuel away from hot
- ascertain that the towing eye can swivel freely on the hook, incendiary sparks. parts such as air outlet pipes or the engine exhaust. Do not smoke
- check that the wheels are secure and that the tyres are in good when fuelling. When fuelling from an automatic pump, an earthing
2 The exhaust contains carbon monoxide which is a lethal gas. When the cable should be connected to the unit to discharge static electricity.
condition and inflated correctly, unit is used in a confined space, conduct the engine exhaust to the
- connect the signalisation cable, check all lights and connect the Never spill nor leave oil, fuel, coolant or cleansing agent in or around
outside atmosphere by a pipe of sufficient diameter; do this in such a the unit.
pneumatic brake couplers, way that no extra back pressure is created for the engine. If necessary,
- attach the safety break-away cable or safety chain to the towing install an extractor. Observe any existing local regulations. Make sure 14 All doors shall be shut during operation so as not to disturb the cooling
vehicle, that the unit has sufficient air intake for operation. If necessary, install air flow inside the bodywork and/or render the silencing less effective.
- remove wheel chocks, if applied, and disengage the parking brake. extra air intake ducts. A door should be kept open for a short period only e.g. for inspection
2 To tow a unit use a towing vehicle of ample capacity. Refer to the or adjustment.
3 When operating in a dust-laden atmosphere, place the unit so that dust
documentation of the towing vehicle. is not carried towards it by the wind. Operation in clean surroundings 15 Periodically carry out maintenance works according to the
3 If the unit is to be backed up by the towing vehicle, disengage the considerably extends the intervals for cleaning the air intake filters and maintenance schedule.
overrun brake mechanism (if it is not an automatic mechanism). the cores of the coolers. 16 Stationary housing guards are provided on all rotating or reciprocating
4 Never exceed the maximum towing speed of the unit (mind the local 4 Close the compressor air outlet valve before connecting or parts not otherwise protected and which may be hazardous to
regulations). disconnecting a hose. Ascertain that a hose is fully depressurized personnel. Machinery shall never be put into operation, when such
before disconnecting it. Before blowing compressed air through a hose guards have been removed, before the guards are securely reinstalled.
5 Place the unit on level ground and apply the parking brake before or air line, ensure that the open end is held securely, so that it cannot
disconnecting the unit from the towing vehicle. Unclip the safety whip and cause injury.
break-away cable or safety chain. If the unit has no parking brake or
jockey wheel, immobilize the unit by placing chocks in front of and/or 5 The air line end connected to the outlet valve must be safeguarded with
behind the wheels. When the towbar can be positioned vertically, the a safety cable, attached next to the valve.
locking device must be applied and kept in good order. 6 No external force may be exerted on the air outlet valves, e.g. by
6 To lift heavy parts, a hoist of ample capacity, tested and approved pulling on hoses or by installing auxiliary equipment directly to a
according to local safety regulations, shall be used. valve, e.g. a water separator, a lubricator, etc. Do not step on the air
outlet valves.
7 Lifting hooks, eyes, shackles, etc., shall never be bent and shall only
have stress in line with their design load axis. The capacity of a lifting 7 Never move a unit when external lines or hoses are connected to the
device diminishes when the lifting force is applied at an angle to its outlet valves, to avoid damage to valves, manifold and hoses.
load axis. 8 Do not use compressed air from any type of compressor, without
8 For maximum safety and efficiency of the lifting apparatus all lifting taking extra measures, for breathing purposes as this may result in

- 10 -
17 Noise, even at reasonable levels, can cause irritation and disturbance 26 Never operate the unit at pressures or speeds below or in excess of its 12 Support the towbar and the axle(s) securely if working underneath the
which, over a long period of time, may cause severe injuries to the limits as indicated in the technical specifications. unit or when removing a wheel. Do not rely on jacks.
nervous system of human beings. 13 Do not remove any of, or tamper with, the sound-damping material.
When the sound pressure level, at any point where personnel normally Keep the material free of dirt and liquids such as fuel, oil and cleansing
has to attend, is: agents. If any sound-damping material is damaged, replace it to
below 70 dB(A): no action needs to be taken,
above 70 dB(A): noise-protective devices should be provided for 0.5 SAFETY DURING MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR prevent the sound pressure level from increasing.
people continuously being present in the room, 14 Use only lubricating oils and greases recommended or approved by
below 85 dB(A): no action needs to be taken for occasional visitors Maintenance, overhaul and repair work shall only be carried out by Atlas Copco or the machine manufacturer. Ascertain that the selected
staying a limited time only, adequately trained personnel; if required, under supervision of someone lubricants comply with all applicable safety regulations, especially
above 85 dB(A): room to be classified as a noise-hazardous area and qualified for the job. with regard to explosion or fire-risk and the possibility of
an obvious warning shall be placed permanently at decomposition or generation of hazardous gases. Never mix synthetic
1 Use only the correct tools for maintenance and repair work, and only with mineral oil.
each entrance to alert people entering the room, for
tools which are in good condition.
even relatively short times, about the need to wear 15 Protect the engine, alternator, air intake filter, electrical and regulating
ear protectors, 2 Parts shall only be replaced by genuine Atlas Copco replacement parts. components, etc., to prevent moisture ingress, e.g. when steam-
above 95 dB(A): the warning(s) at the entrance(s) shall be 3 All maintenance work, other than routine attention, shall only be cleaning.
completed with the recommendation that also undertaken when the unit is stopped. Steps shall be taken to prevent
occasional visitors shall wear ear protectors, 16 When performing any operation involving heat, flames or sparks on a
inadvertent starting. In addition, a warning sign bearing a legend such machine, the surrounding components shall first be screened with non-
above 105 dB(A): special ear protectors that are adequate for this as ”work in progress; do not start” shall be attached to the starting
noise level and the spectral composition of the flammable material.
noise shall be provided and a special warning to On engine-driven units the battery shall be disconnected and removed 17 Never use a light source with open flame for inspecting the interior of
that effect shall be placed at each entrance. or the terminals covered by insulating caps. a machine.
18 Insulation or safety guards of parts the temperature of which can be in On electrically driven units the main switch shall be locked in open 18 When repair has been completed, the machine shall be barred over at
excess of 80 °C (175 °F) and which may be accidentally touched by position and the fuses shall be taken out. A warning sign bearing a least one revolution for reciprocating machines, several revolutions for
personnel shall not be removed before the parts have cooled to room legend such as ”work in progress; do not supply voltage” shall be rotary ones to ensure that there is no mechanical interference within
temperature. attached to the fuse box or main switch. the machine or driver. Check the direction of rotation of electric
19 Never operate the unit in surroundings where there is a possibility of 4 Before dismantling any pressurized component, the compressor or motors when starting up the machine initially and after any alteration
taking in flammable or toxic fumes. equipment shall be effectively isolated from all sources of pressure and to the electrical connection(s) or switch gear, to check that the oil
the entire system shall be relieved of pressure. Do not rely on non- pump and the fan function properly.
20 If the working process produces fumes, dust or vibration hazards, etc.,
return valves (check valves) to isolate pressure systems. In addition, a 19 Maintenance and repair work should be recorded in an operator’s
take the necessary steps to eliminate the risk of personnel injury.
warning sign bearing a legend such as ”work in progress; do not open” logbook for all machinery. Frequency and nature of repairs can reveal
21 When using compressed air or inert gas to clean down equipment, do shall be attached to each of the outlet valves. unsafe conditions.
so with caution and use the appropriate protection, at least safety
5 Prior to stripping an engine or other machine or undertaking major 20 When hot parts have to be handled, e.g. shrink fitting, special heat-
glasses, for the operator as well as for any bystander. Do not apply
overhaul on it, prevent all movable parts from rolling over or moving. resistant gloves shall be used and, if required, other body protection
compressed air or inert gas to your skin or direct an air or gas stream at
people. Never use it to clean dirt from your clothes. 6 Make sure that no tools, loose parts or rags are left in or on the shall be applied.
machine. Never leave rags or loose clothing near the engine air intake. 21 When using cartridge type breathing filter equipment, ascertain that
22 When washing parts in or with a cleaning solvent, provide the required
ventilation and use appropriate protection such as a breathing filter, 7 Never use flammable solvents for cleaning (fire-risk). the correct type of cartridge is used and that its useful service life is not
safety glasses, rubber apron and gloves, etc. surpassed.
8 Take safety precautions against toxic vapours of cleaning liquids.
23 Safety shoes should be compulsory in any workshop and if there is a 22 Make sure that oil, solvents and other substances likely to pollute the
9 Never use machine parts as a climbing aid. environment are properly disposed of.
risk, however small, of falling objects, wearing of a safety helmet
should be included. 10 Observe scrupulous cleanliness during maintenance and repair. Keep 23 Before clearing the unit for use after maintenance or overhaul, check
away dirt, cover the parts and exposed openings with a clean cloth, that operating pressures, temperatures and speeds are correct and that
24 If there is a risk of inhaling hazardous gases, fumes or dust, the paper or tape.
respiratory organs must be protected and depending on the nature of the control and shutdown devices function correctly.
the hazard, so must the eyes and skin. 11 Never weld on or perform any operation involving heat near the fuel or
oil systems. Fuel and oil tanks must be completely purged, e.g. by
25 Remember that where there is visible dust, the finer, invisible particles steam-cleaning, before carrying out such operations. Never weld on, or
will almost certainly be present too; but the fact that no dust can be in any way modify, pressure vessels. Disconnect the alternator cables
seen is not a reliable indication that dangerous, invisible dust is not during arc welding on the unit.
present in the air.

- 11 -
0.6 TOOL APPLICATIONS SAFETY - the capacity of the vessel V in l.
2 The pressure vessel is only to be used for the applications as specified
Apply the proper tool for each job. With the knowledge of correct tool use above and in accordance with the technical specifications. Safety
and knowing the limitations of tools, along with some common sense, reasons prohibit any other applications.
many accidents can be prevented. 3 National legislation requirements with respect to re-inspection must be
Special service tools are available for specific jobs and should be used complied with.
when recommended. The use of these tools will save time and prevent 4 No welding or heat treatment of any kind is permitted to those vessel
damage to parts. walls which are exposed to pressure.
5 The vessel is provided and may only be used with the required safety
equipment such as manometer, overpressure control devices, safety
valve, etc.
0.7 SPECIFIC SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 6 Draining of condensate shall be performed regularly when vessel is in
7 Installation, design and connections should not be changed.
When servicing batteries, always wear protecting clothing and glasses.
8 Bolts of cover and flanges may not be used for extra fixation.
1 The electrolyte in batteries is a sulphuric acid solution which is fatal if
it hits your eyes, and which can cause burns if it contacts your skin.
Therefore, be careful when handling batteries, e.g. when checking the Safety valves
charge condition.
All adjustments or repairs are to be done by an authorized representative of
2 Install a sign prohibiting fire, open flame and smoking at the post the valve supplier (see maintenance schedule).
where batteries are being charged.
3 When batteries are being charged, an explosive gas mixture forms in
the cells and might escape through the vent holes in the plugs.
Thus an explosive atmosphere may form around the battery if
ventilation is poor, and can remain in and around the battery for
several hours after it has been charged. Therefore:
- never smoke near batteries being, or having recently been, charged,
- never break live circuits at battery terminals, because a spark
usually occurs.
4 When connecting an auxiliary battery (AB) in parallel to the unit
battery (CB) with booster cables: connect the + pole of AB to the +
pole of CB, then connect the - pole of CB to the mass of the unit.
Disconnect in the reverse order.

Pressure vessels
(according to directive 87/404/EEC annex II § 2)
Maintenance/installation requirements:
1 The vessel can be used as pressure vessel or as separator and is
designed to hold compressed air for the following application:
- pressure vessel for compressor,
- medium AIR/OIL,
and operates as detailed on the data plate of the vessel:
- the maximum working pressure ps in bar,
- the maximum working temperature Tmax in °C,
- the minimum working temperature Tmin in °C,

- 12 -


Always quote the part number, the designation and the quantity of the parts Toujours indiquer le numéro de pièce, la désignation, la quantité désirée Siempre comunicar el número de parte, la designación y la cantidad
required, as well as the type and the serial number of the machine. ainsi que le type et le numéro de série du groupe. deseada así como el tipo y el número de serie de la máquina.
Establishes the connection between a part in the list and a part in the illus- Réfère à la pièce détachée spécifiée dans la liste et sur l’illustration. "–" Establece la conexión entre una parte en la lista y una parte en la ilus-
tration. implique que la pièce n’est pas indiquée sur l’illustration. tración.
"–" means that the part is not shown in the illustration. "–" quiere decir que la parte no está ilustrada.
PART NUMBER Si le numéro n’est pas indiqué, la pièce n’est pas disponible en tant que PART NUMBER : NUMERO DE PARTE
If no part number is given, the part cannot be obtained as a spare part. pièce de rechange. Si no se da ningún número, quiere decir que la parte no está disponible
Parts marked with a dot are part of the assembly listed right above them. Les pièces indiquées par un point gras font partie de l’ensemble se trouvant como parte de recambio.
au-dessus des pièces détachées correspondantes. Partes marcadas con un punto son partes del conjunto indicado más arriba.
Usually this is the name of the part. For standard parts, in addition to the DESIGNATION DESIGNATION : DESIGNACION
name, a number of characteristics are given. En général, le nom de la pièce. S’il s’agit de pièces standard, outre la désig- Principalmente el nombre de la parte. En caso de partes estándares, el nom-
nation, un certain nombre de caractéristiques sont indiquées. bre es seguido por especificaciones.
Indicates the quantity of the part concerned. "AR" stands for "As QTY : QUANTITE QTY : CANTIDAD
Required". Indique la quantité de la pièce détachée. “AR” indique “As required”, Indica la cantidad de la parte correspondiente. La indicación "AR" significa
c’est-à-dire la quantité à déterminer selon le cas. "As Required" (como sea requerido).


Stets die Teilenummer, die Bezeichnung, und die Anzahl der gewünschten Ange alltid reservdelsnummer, benämning och kvantitet för varje önskad
Vermeld steeds het onderdeelnummer, de benaming en het aantal van de Teile sowie den Typ und die Seriennummer der Maschine angeben. detalj samt maskinens typ och tillverkningsnummer.
gewenste stukken, evenals het type en het serienummer van de machine.
REF : REFERENTIECODE Stellt die Verbindung zwischen einem Teil in der Liste und einem Teil auf Identifierar motsvarande detaljer i listan och illustrationen. "–" betyder att
Legt het verband tussen een onderdeel uit de lijst en een onderdeel op de der Zeichnung her. "–" bedeutet, daß das Teil nicht in der Zeichnung darg- detaljen inte visas i illustrationen.
tekening. "–" betekent dat het onderdeel niet is getekend. estellt ist. PART NUMBER : RESERVDELSNUMMER
PART NUMBER : ONDERDEELNUMMER PART NUMBER : TEILENUMMER Om inget reservdelsnummer anges, kan detaljen inte erhållas som
Indien niet opgegeven is het onderdeel niet als wisselstuk beschikbaar. Wenn keine Teilenummer angegeben ist, ist das Teil nicht als Ersatzteil reservdel. Detaljer som anges med en punkt ingår i den monteringssats som
Onderdelen aangeduid met een stip maken deel uit van het geheel dat erhältlich. listas ovanför dessa.
boven de betreffende onderdelen staat. Mit einem Punkt markierte Teile gehören zu der Einheit, die über den jew-
eiligen Teilen aufgeführt ist. DESIGNATION : BENÄMNING
DESIGNATION : BENAMING Detta är vanligen namnet på detaljen. För standarddetaljer anges förutom
Meestal de benaming van het onderdeel. In het geval van standaard DESIGNATION : BEZEICHNUNG namnet ett antal specifikationer.
onderdelen worden naast de benaming een aantal karakteristieken opge- Meistens die Bezeichnung des Teils. Bei Standardteilen werden neben der
geven. Bezeichnung einige technische Daten angegeben. QTY : KVANTITET
Anger den ifrågavarande detaljens kvantitet. "AR" (As Required) betyder
QTY : AANTAL QTY : ANZAHL enligt behov.
Geeft de hoeveelheid van het betreffende onderdeel weer. De aanduiding Gibt die Anzahl des betreffenden Teils an. Die Angabe "AR" steht für "As
"AR" betekent "As Required" (zoals vereist). Required" (wie erforderlich).

- 13 -

ORDINAZIONE DI PARTI DI RICAMBIO BESTILLING AV RESERVEDELER Refira sempre o número da peça, a designação e a quantidade das peças
que pretende encomendar, assim como o tipo e o número de série do apa-
Menzionare sempre il numero della parte, la denominazione e il numero de Oppgi alltid delenummer, betegnelse og antall på de delene du trenger, relho.
pezzi desiderati, nonché il tipo e il numero di serie della macchina. samt maskintype og serienummer.
REF : CODICE DI RIFERIMENTO REF: REFERANSEKODE Estabeleça a ligação entre a peça na lista e a peça no desenho. "–" significa
Stabilisce il nesso tra un pezzo nell'elenco e un pezzo nell'illustrazione. Viser hvor en del i listen er vist på illustrasjonen. que a peça não vem no desenho.
"–" siginfica che il pezzo non è presente nell'illustrazione. "-" betyr at delen ikke er vist på illustrasjonen.
PART NUMBER : NUMERO DELLA PARTE DELENUMMER Se não vier referido o número da peça, a peça não pode ser adquirida como
Nel caso non sia fornito il numerom di parte, il pezzo non puó essere ordi- Hvis delenummer ikke er oppgitt, kan delen ikke bestilles som reservedel. peça sobressalente.
nato come parte di ricambio. Deler merket med en prikk er del av enheten som er oppgitt like ovenfor de As peças marcadas com pontos são peças de um conjunto listado acima
Il componenti indicati con un puntino fanno parte del gruppo elencato aktuelle delene. dessa peça.
immediatamente sopra di essi.
DESIGNATION : DENOMNAZIONE Dette er vanligvis delens navn. Ved standarddeler blir enkelte karakteristika Geralmente é o nome da peça. Para peças normalizadas, além do nome da
Generalmente si tratta della denominazione della parte. Per i pezzi standard oppgitt i tillegg til navnet. peça, vem também referido um número.
oltre alla denominazione sono fornite alcune caratteristiche.
QTY : QUANTITA' Oppgir antallet av den aktuelle delen. "EB" betyr "Etter behov". Indica a quantidade da peça em questão. "AR" (As Required) quer dizer
Indica la quantità dei pezzi in questione. "AR" significa "As Required" “Como solicitado”.
(Come richiesto).

ÐAPAÃÃEËIA ANTAËËAKTIKÙN Tilauksessa tulee aina mainita osanumero, nimike ja määrä sekä kompres-
sorin tyyppi ja sarjanumero.
BESTÄLLNING AV RESERVDELAR ÐÜíôïôå óçµåéþíåôå ôïí êùäéêü, ôïí ðñïóäéïñéóµü êáé ôçí ðïóüôçôá ôùí
Ange alltid reservdelsnummer, benämning och kvantitet för varje önskad áðáéôïýµåíùí áíôáëëáêôéêþí, êáèþò åðßóçò ôïí ôýðï êáé ôïí áýîïíôá êùäéêü
detalj samt maskinens typ och tillverkningsnummer. áñéèµü ðáñáãùãÞò ôïõ µç÷áíÞµáôïò. REF: VIITE: VIITEKOODI
TÖRKLARING AV SPALTER Viitekoodi yhdistää luettelossa mainitun osan kuvassa olevaan. "_" tarkoit-
taa, että osaa ei ole merkitty kuvaan.
Identifierar motsvarande detaljer i listan och illustrationen. "–" betyder att ÐáñïõóéÜæåé ôç ó÷Ýóç µåôáîý åíüò åîáñôÞµáôïò óôç ëßóôá êáé åíüò Ellei osanumeroa ole mainittu, osaa ei ole saatavana varaosana. Pisteellä
detaljen inte visas i illustrationen. åîáñôÞµáôïò óôç öùôïãñáößá. Tï "–" óçµáßíåé üôé ôï åîÜñôçµá äåí merkityt osat kuuluvat niiden edellä mainittuun asennelmaan.
PART NUMBER : RESERVDELSNUMMER åµöáíßæåôáé óôç öùôïãñáößá.
Om inget reservdelsnummer anges, kan detaljen inte erhållas som PART NUMBER : KÙÄIKOÓ APIÈMOÓ Nimikkeenä käytetään tavallisesti osan nimeä. Vakio-osien ollessa
reservdel. Detaljer som anges med en punkt ingår i den monteringssats som Aí äåí äßíåôáé êÜðïéïò êùäéêüò áñéèµüò, ôüôå ôï åîÜñôçµá äåí µðïñåß íá
listas ovanför dessa. kyseessä mainitaan nimen lisäksi osan joitakin ominaisuuksia.
ëçöèåß ùò áíôáëëáêôéêü.
DESIGNATION : BENÄMNING Tá åîáñôÞµáôá ðïõ Ý÷ïõí µáñêáñéóèåß µå µßá ôåëåßá åßíáé ôµÞµáôá ôïõ QTY: MÄÄRÄ
óõãëñïôÞµáôïò ðïõ ðáñïõóéÜæåôáé áêñéâþò ðÜíù áðü áõôÜ. Tarkoittaa kyseisten osien lukumäärää. "AR" tarkoittaa "tarpeen mukaan".
Detta är vanligen namnet på detaljen. För standarddetaljer anges förutom
namnet ett antal specifikationer. DESIGNATION : ÐPOÓÄIOPIÓMOÓ
QTY : KVANTITET ÓõíÞèùò áõôü åßíáé ôï üíïµá ôïõ åîáñôÞµáôïò. Ãéá ôá âáóéêÜ åîáñôÞµáôá,
åðéðñïóèÝôá óôçí ïíïµáóßá, äßíåôáé êáé Ýíáò áñéèµüò ÷áñáêôçñéóôéêþí.
Anger den ifrågavarande detaljens kvantitet. "AR" (As Required) betyder
enligt behov. QTY : ÐOÓOTHTA
Äçëþíåé ôçí ðïóüôçôá ôïõ õðüøç åîáñôÞµáôïò. “AR” óçµáßíåé “Ùò
áðáéôåßôáé”. Ãéá ôá âáóéêÜ åîáñôÞµáôá, ç ðïóüôçôá äßíåôáé óôç
öùôïãñáößá ðáñÜ óôç ëßóôá.


- 14 -


Nale¿y zawsze podawaæ numery, nazwy i iloœci potrzebnych czêœci, a V objednávce vždy uveïte èíslo dílu, jeho oznaèení a požadované množství. 请务必提供所需部件的部件号、名称和数量,以及设备型号和序列
tak¿e typ i numer seryjny maszyny. Rovnìž tak udejte typ a výrobní èíslo zaøízení. 号。
Kojarzy czêœæ na liœcie z czêœci¹ na ilustracji. Udává spojitost mezi dílem v seznamu a dílem na obrázku. 确立列表内部件与插图内部件间的联系。
Symbol “–” oznacza, ¿e czêœæ nie jest przedstawiona na ilustracji. “–” znamená, že díl není na obrázku uveden. “–” 表示插图内未显示此部件。
Brak numeru oznacza, ¿e dana czêœæ nie jest dostêpna jako czêœæ Pokud není èíslo dílu uvedeno, nelze tuto souèást objednat jako náhradní 如果未给出部件号,则表明无法通过备件方式购买此部件。
zamienna. díl. 标有圆点的部件是其上一行所列配件的一部分。
Czêœci oznaczone kropk¹ nale¿¹ do zespo³u wymienionego bezpoœrednio Díly oznaèené teèkami jsou souèástí konstrukèního celku, který je uveden
nad nimi. pøímo nad nimi. 名称
DESIGNATION (NAZWA) OZNAÈENÍ 通常为部件的名称。对于标准件,除了名称外,还会列出它的一些特
Zwykle jest to nazwa czêœci. W przypadku czêœci standardowych oprócz Ve sloupci oznaèení bývá obvykle uveden název dílu. U standardních
nazwy podano szereg w³aœciwoœci. souèástí je vedle názvu uvádìna též øada dalších charakteristik. QTY:数量
QTY (IL.): ILOŒÆ POÈET : MNOŽSTVÍ 表明可供部件的数量。 “AR” 代表 “ 根据需要 ”
Iloœæ czêœci danego rodzaju. “AR” (“OP”) oznacza “odpowiednio do Oznaèuje množství uvedených dílù. Zkratka “PP” znamená “Podle
potrzeb”. požadavku”.


Çàêàç çàïàñíûõ ÷àñòåé Mindig jelezze a szükséges alkatrész számát, megnevezését és mennyiségét Uvádzajte vždy èíslo súèiastky, oznaèenie a množstvo požadovaných
, valamint a gép típusát és sorozatszámát. súèiastok, ako aj typ a výrobné èíslo stroja.
Íåîáõîäèìî âñåãäà óêàçûâàòü íîìåð äåòàëè, íàèìåíîâàíèå è
êîëè÷åñòâî çàêàçûâàåìûõ çàï÷àñòåé, à òàêæå òèï è ñåðèéíûé íîìåð AZ OSZLOPOK MAGYARÁZATA VYSVETLENIE STÅPCOV
Ez teremt kapcsolatot a listán szereplõ alkatrész és az ábrán látható Stanovuje spojitost’ medzi súèiastkou v zozname a súèiastkou na obrázku.
Ðàñøèôðîâêà ñòîëáöîâ
alkatrész között. "–" znamená, že súèiastka nie je zobrazená na obrázku.
ÈËË. : êîä ñíîñêè “–”: azt jelenti, hogy az adott alkatrész nem szerepel az ábrán.
Ïîêàçûâàåò ññûëêó äåòàëè â ñïèñêå íà åå ñîîòâåòñòâóþùóþ ALKATRÉSZ-SZÁM
Ak nie je uvedené žiadne èíslo súèiastky, táto súèiastka nie je k dispozícii
èëëþñòðàöèþ. Ha nincsen megadva alkatrész-szám, akkor az adott alkatrész nem ako náhradná.
rendelhetõ meg pótalkatrészként. Súèiastky oznaèené bodkou sú èast’ou zostavy uvedenej hneï nad nimi.
"–" îçíà÷àåò, ÷òî ê äàííîé äåòàëè íåò èëëþñòðàöèé. A ponttal jelölt alkatrészek a közvetlenül fölöttük felsorolt szerelvény
MEGNEVEZÉS Obyèajne je to názov súèiastky. U normalizovaných súèiastok sa okrem
Îòñóòñòâèå íîìåðà äåòàëè îçíà÷àåò, ÷òî äàííàÿ äåòàëü êàê názvu uvádza aj nieko¾ko charakteristík
çàï÷àñòü íå ïîñòàâëÿåòñÿ. Rendszerint ez az alkatrész neve. Az alapfelszereltséghez tartozó
alkatrészek esetében a név mellett néhány jellemzõ adat is szerepel. QTY : MNOŽSTVO
Äåòàëè, ïîìå÷åííûå òî÷êîé, ÿâëÿþòñÿ ÷àñòÿìè ñáîðíîãî ìåõàíèçìà, Oznaèuje množstvo danej súèiastky. "AR" je skratka pre “Pod¾a potreby”.
êîòîðûé óêàçàí íàä ýòèìè äåòàëÿìè. QTY: MENNYISÉG
Az adott alkatrész mennyiségét jelzi. “SZ” jelentése “Szükség szerint”
Îáû÷íî, íàçâàíèå äåòàëè. Ê ñòàíäàðòíûì äåòàëÿì, êðîìå íàçâàíèÿ,
ìîãóò áûòü äàíû íåêîòîðûå èõ õàðàêòåðèñòèêè.
ÊÎË-ÂÎ: Êîëè÷åñòâî
Ïîêàçûâàåò êîëè÷åñòâî äåòàëåé. «Ïî òð.» îçíà÷àåò «ïî òðåáîâàíèþ».

- 15 -


Zmeraj navedite številko nadomestnega dela, oznaèbo in kolièino Alati viidake osa numbrile, tähisele ja vajalikule osade kogusele, samuti
potrebnih delov ter tip in serijsko številko stroja. masina tüübile ja seerianumbrile.
Predstavlja povezavo med delom na seznamu in delom na ilustraciji. Loob seose nimekirjas toodud osa ja illustratsioonil esitatud osa vahel.
“-” predstavlja del, ki ni prikazan na ilustraciji. "–" tähendab, et illustratsioonil ei ole seda osa kujutatud.
Èe številka dela ni podana potem je ne morete dobiti kot nadomestni del. Kui osa numbrit ei ole toodud, pole seda osa võimalik varuosana soetada.
Deli oznaèeni s piko so sestavni del montaže, navedene nad njimi. Punktiga tähistatud osad on nende kohal toodud koostu osaks.
Obièajno je to ime nadomestnega dela. Pri standardnih delih je poleg imena Tavaliselt on see osa nimetus. Standardosadel on lisaks nimetusele toodud
podano še število znaèilnosti. ka tunnusnumber.
Oznaèuje kolièino nadomestnih delov. “AR” pomeni “kot je bilo Osutab vastava osa kogusele. "AR" tähendab vajadusel ("As Required").


Vienmçr miniet daïas numuru, apzîmçjumu un nepiecieðamo detaïu
Visuomet nurodykite dalies numerá, pavadinimà ir reikiamà daliø kieká, daudzumu, kâ arî maðînas tipu un sçrijas numuru.
taip pat ir maðinos tipà bei serijiná numerá.
NRD.: NUORODOS KODAS Izveido saikni starp detaïu sarakstâ un detaïu uz attçla.
Susieja sàraðe nurodytà dalá su jos atvaizdu iliustracijoje. "–" nozîmç, ka detaïa nav attçlota ilustrâcijâ.
“–” reiðkia, jog dalis iliustracijoje nepavaizduota. DETAÏAS NUMURS
DALIES NUMERIS Ja detaïas numurs nav minçts, tad detaïu nevar iegût kâ rezerves daïu.
Jei numerio nenurodyta, detalës negalima ásigyti kaip atsarginës dalies. Ar punktu apzîmçtâs detaïas ir mezgla sastâvdaïas, kurð ir attçlots tieði virs
Taðku paþymëtos dalys yra prieð jas sàraðe nurodyto mazgo sudëtinë dalis. tâm.
Paprastai tai dalies pavadinimas. Standartinëms dalims kartu su Parasti tas ir detaïas nosaukums. Standarta detaïâm, papildus nosaukumam,
pavadinimu nurodomos ir kelios charakteristikos. tiek minçta virkne raksturojumu \ specifikâciju.
Nurodo susijusiø daliø kieká. “AR” reiðkia “As required” (pagal poreiká). Norâda domâtâs detaïas daudzumu. "AR" nozîmç "As Required" – “kâ

- 16 -
- 17 -

- 18 -


- 3002 6072 00 SERVICE PAK 200H


- 3002 6072 10 SERVICE PAK 400H

D - BELT 1

- 3002 6072 20 SERVICE PAK 1200H

D - BELT 1

- 19 -


A 1615 5953 00 OIL CAN 5 L 2

B 1615 5954 00 OIL CAN 20 L 2
C 1615 5955 00 STEEL DRUM 209 L 2
D 1630 0096 00 CONTAINER 1000 L 1

- 20 -


A 1604 5308 00 PARCOOL EG 5 LITER CAN 1

B 1604 5307 01 PARCOOL EG 20 LITER CAN 1
C 1604 5306 00 PARCOOL EG 210 LITER BARREL 1

- 21 -


5 1615 7126 01 AIR FILTER 1

10 1615 7125 00 SUPPORT 1
15 1092 6368 00 AIR FILTER HOSE 1
20 0347 6113 00 CLAMP 2
30 1092 6369 00 AIR FILTER SUPPORT 1
35 1615 5664 00 BOLT 4

1625 0542 19_00

- 22 - 1625 0542 19/00



5 1092 6239 00 ALTERNATOR 1

10 0144 3248 03 BOLT 6
15 0147 1364 03 BOLT 8
20 1092 6224 00 SUPPORT 1
25 1619 2766 00 BOLT 1
30 1092 6366 00 DAMPER 2
35 0300 0274 92 WASHER 2
40 0147 1401 03 BOLT 2
45 0147 1360 03 BOLT 4

1625 0542 10_00

1625 0542 10/00 - 23 -


1625 0542 12_00

- 24 - 1625 0542 12/00



5 1092 6229 00 PANEL 1 195 0266 2108 00 NUT 2

10 1619 2766 00 SCREW 12 200 1604 3858 00 CAP 2
15 1092 6246 00 DOOR LOCK HOOK 1 205 1626 4121 00 PLUG 1
20 0129 3101 00 BLIND RIVET 2 210 1092 0383 60 MUD GUARD 2
25 1092 6230 00 PANEL 1 215 1619 2766 00 SCREW 8
30 1619 2766 00 SCREW 12 220 1202 9404 00 REFLECTOR 4
35 1092 6246 00 DOOR LOCK HOOK 1 225 0129 3101 00 BLIND RIVET 4
40 0129 3101 00 BLIND RIVET 2 230 1202 9402 01 REFLECTOR 2
45 1092 6231 00 PANEL 1 235 0129 3101 00 BLIND RIVET 4
50 1619 2766 00 SCREW 6
55 1092 6232 00 PANEL FRONT 1
60 0147 1340 03 SCREW 1
65 1092 6236 00 CANOPY TOP 1
70 0301 2335 00 WASHER 4
75 0261 2110 00 NUT 4
80 1092 6237 00 DOOR 2
85 1092 6050 00 DOOR HINGE 4
90 0162 4207 00 SCREW 16
95 1092 6298 00 DOOR LOCK 2
100 0301 2321 00 WASHER 8
105 0261 2108 00 NUT 8
110 1092 6329 00 DOOR HITCH 2
115 0129 3101 00 BLIND RIVET 8
120 1092 6330 00 DOOR HITCH 2
125 0129 3101 00 BLIND RIVET 8
130 1092 6233 00 SUPPORT 1
135 0147 1340 03 SCREW 4
140 1092 6238 00 CROSS BAR 1
145 0147 1359 03 BOLT 2
150 1092 6234 00 SUPPORT 1
155 1092 0386 84 GASKET 2
160 1092 6321 00 CAP 2
165 1619 2766 00 SCREW 8
170 1092 6235 80 SUPPORT 1
A5 1092 6235 00 PLATE 1
A10 1092 6384 00 PIN 1
A15 5730 0078 22 SPRING 1
A20 1092 6398 00 WIRE 1
175 0147 1369 03 BOLT 2
180 0147 1379 03 BOLT 2
185 1604 1869 00 BUFFER 2
190 0333 3220 00 LOCK WASHER 2

1625 0542 12/00 - 25 -



5 1092 6241 00 COOLER 1

10 0661 1033 00 SEAL WASHER 1
15 0686 3716 02 PLUG 1
20 1092 6243 00 COOLER BRACKET 2
25 1619 2766 00 SCREW 4
30 1619 2766 00 SCREW 4
35 1092 6254 00 FAN COWL 1
40 1619 2766 00 SCREW 6
45 1092 6291 00 FAN GUARD 1
50 1619 2766 00 SCREW 4
55 1092 6257 00 HOSE UPPER 1
60 0347 6109 00 CLAMP 2
65 1092 6377 00 HOSE LOWER 1
70 0347 6109 00 CLAMP 2
75 1092 6396 80 EXPANSION TANK 1
A5 1092 6397 00 CAP 1
A10 1092 6396 00 EXPANSION TANK 1
A15 1615 6652 00 GROMMET 1
A20 1615 6651 00 ADAPTER 1
80 1092 6372 00 BRACKET 1
85 1503 1056 00 SEAL AR
90 1619 2766 00 SCREW 2
95 0075 4005 55 HOSE AR
100 1604 4137 00 CLAMP 2

1625 0542 13_00

- 26 - 1625 0542 13/00



5 1092 6287 00 ENGINE 1

10 1092 6225 00 SUPPORT 2
15 0147 1959 45 BOLT 8
20 1092 6367 00 DAMPER 2
25 1092 6364 00 SPACER 2
30 0300 0274 92 WASHER 2
35 0147 1401 03 BOLT 2
40 0147 1360 03 BOLT 4
45 1092 6371 00 SUPPORT 1
50 0147 1959 45 BOLT 2
55 1092 6407 00 SUPPORT 2
60 0147 1364 03 BOLT 8
65 0301 2344 00 WASHER 4
70 0147 1364 03 BOLT 4

1625 0543 00_00

1625 0543 00/00 - 27 -


1625 0550 00_00

- 28 - 1625 0550 00/00



5 1092 6264 80 CUBICLE 1

A5 1092 6261 00 CUBICLE 1
A10 1092 6263 00 CUBICLE DOOR 1
A15 0147 1244 03 BOLT 8
A20 1092 6265 00 BRACKET CAPACITOR 1
A25 0147 1244 03 BOLT 2
A30 1092 6839 00 CIRCUIT BREAKER 4
A35 1092 6840 00 CIRCUIT BREAKER 1
A40 1092 6841 00 CIRCUIT BREAKER 1
A45 1092 6842 00 SOCKET 1
A50 1092 6843 00 HOUR METER 1
A55 1092 6844 00 KEY SWITCH 1
A60 1092 6845 00 TIME RELAY 1
A65 1092 6846 00 BUBBLE 1
A70 1092 6847 00 RELAY 1
A75 1092 6848 00 CAPACITOR 1
A80 1092 6849 00 DIODE 1
A8 xxxx xxxx xx GLAND 2
A90 xxxx xxxx xx BOLT 4
A95 1092 6260 00 COVER BOX BALLAST 1
A100 xxxx xxxx xx BOLT
A105 1092 6259 00 BOX BALLAST 1
A110 1092 6412 00 JUNCTION BOX 1
A115 xxxx xxxx xx BOLT 2
10 xxxx xxxx xx P CLAMP 1
15 xxxx xxxx xx NUT 1
20 xxxx xxxx xx BOLT 4
25 1092 6352 00 CAPACITOR 4
B5 1092 6354 00 CAPACITOR 4
B10 1092 6373 00 BALLAST 4

1625 0550 00/00 - 29 -


1625 0542 18_00

- 30 - 1625 0542 18/00



5 1092 6297 00 LAMP 4

A5 1092 6834 00 FLANGE RING 2
A10 1092 6835 00 LAMP COVER AND GASKET 1
A15 1092 6836 00 LAMP STABILIZER 1
10 0698 5141 84 GLAND 1
15 1092 3234 00 COIL CABLE 1
20 1092 6486 00 BATTERY 1
25 1092 6363 00 BATTERY PLATE 2
30 1202 9011 00 CLAMP 2
35 1619 2766 00 BOLT 4
40 1092 6433 00 BATTERY CABLE 1
45 1092 6434 00 BATTERY CABLE 1
50 1089 0637 33 TEMPERATURE SWITCH 1
55 1092 3226 00 WIRE HARNESS 1
60 1092 3237 00 WIRE HARNESS 1
65 xxxx xxxx xx CABLE TIE 10
70 xxxx xxxx xx P CLAMP 10
75 xxxx xxxx xx GROUND DOOR 2
80 xxxx xxxx xx BOLT 1
85 xxxx xxxx xx NUT 1
90 xxxx xxxx xx CONTACT WASHER 2

1625 0542 18/00 - 31 -



5 1092 6286 00 FUEL TANK 1

10 1092 6365 00 STRIP FUEL TANK 2
15 1619 2766 00 BOLT 4
20 0075 4005 55 FUEL HOSE AR
25 1092 6386 00 WATER SEPERATOR 1
30 1604 4137 00 HOSE CLIP 2
35 0075 4005 55 FUEL HOSE AR
40 1092 6387 00 FUEL FILTER 1
45 1604 4137 00 HOSE CLIP 2
50 0075 4005 55 FUEL HOSE AR
55 1604 4137 00 HOSE CLIP 2
60 0075 4025 43 FUEL HOSE 1
65 1092 6388 00 STOP VALVE 1
70 1092 6401 00 HOSE CLIP 2
75 0075 4025 43 FUEL HOSE AR
80 1092 6401 00 HOSE CLIP 2

1625 0542 17_00

- 32 - 1625 0542 17/00



5 1092 6290 00 MUFFLER 1

10 1619 2766 00 SCREW 2
15 1092 6289 00 EXHAUST PIPE 1
20 0346 3001 15 CLAMP 1
25 1604 0134 00 BUFFER 1
30 0300 8019 00 WASHER 2
35 0291 1185 04 LOCK NUT 2
40 1092 6393 00 GASKET 1
45 1092 6394 00 BOLT 4

1625 0542 16_00

1625 0542 16/00 - 33 -


1625 0542 00_00

- 34 - 1625 0542 00/00



5 1092 5856 00 FRAME LIGHT TOWER 1

10 1092 6189 00 SUPPORT 2
15 1092 6210 00 LOCK PIN 2
20 0301 2344 00 WASHER 2
25 0384 5000 60 SPRING 2
30 0111 1232 00 SPLIT PIN 2
35 1092 6420 00 LIFTING JACK 2
40 0335 1152 00 SNAP CLIP 2
45 1092 6421 00 LIFTING JACK 1
50 0335 1152 00 SNAP CLIP 1
55 1092 6211 00 SPRING 1
60 0147 1401 03 BOLT 2
65 0301 2358 00 WASHER 2
70 0291 1112 00 LOCK NUT 2
75 1092 6361 00 SUPPORT 1
80 1092 6362 00 LOCK PIN 1
85 0301 2371 00 WASHER 1
90 3217 0345 00 SPRING 1
95 0111 1232 00 SPLIT PIN 1
100 1615 5664 00 BOLT 2
105 0147 1418 03 BOLT 3
110 0301 2358 00 WASHER 3
115 1092 6376 00 MAIN PIN 1
120 0300 0276 24 WASHER 4
125 0111 1252 09 SPLIT PIN 1
130 1092 6374 00 PULLEY 1
135 1092 6375 00 PIN 1
140 0111 1306 00 SPLIT PIN 1
145 0296 1111 02 WING NUT 1

1625 0542 00/00 - 35 -


1625 0542 20_00

- 36 - 1625 0542 20/00



5 1092 6800 00 DECAL 1

10 1092 6801 00 DECAL 1
15 1092 6802 00 DECAL 1
20 1092 6803 00 DECAL 1
25 1092 6804 00 DECAL 1
30 1092 6805 00 DECAL 1
35 1092 6806 00 DECAL 2
40 1092 6807 00 DECAL 1
45 1092 6808 00 DECAL 1
50 1092 6809 00 DECAL 1
55 1092 6810 00 DECAL 1
60 1092 6811 00 DECAL 1
65 1092 6812 00 DECAL 1
70 1092 6813 00 DECAL 1
75 1092 6814 00 DECAL 1
80 1092 6815 00 DECAL 2
85 1092 6816 00 DECAL 1
90 1092 6817 00 DECAL 1
95 1092 6818 00 DECAL 1
100 1092 6819 00 DECAL 1
105 1092 6820 00 DECAL 1
110 1092 6821 00 DECAL 1
115 1092 6822 00 DECAL 2
120 1092 6823 00 DECAL 1
125 1092 6824 00 DECAL 3
130 1092 6825 00 DECAL 1
135 1092 6826 00 DECAL 2
140 1092 6827 00 DECAL 1
150 1092 6829 00 DECAL 1
155 1092 6830 00 DECAL 1
170 1092 6400 00 DATA PLATE 1
175 0129 3270 34 BLIND RIVET 4

1625 0542 20/00 - 37 -


1625 0542 11_00

- 38 - 1625 0542 11/00



5 1092 6198 00 MAST BASE 1 215 1092 6374 00 PULLEY 1

10 0300 0129 30 PLAIN WASHER 1 220 1092 6375 00 PIN 1
15 0291 1128 43 LOCK NUT 1 225 0111 1306 00 SPLIT PIN 1
20 1092 6346 00 LATCH MAST BASE 1 230 0301 2358 00 WASHER 1
25 0147 1962 72 BOLT 3 235 0147 1252 03 BOLT 1
30 1092 6370 00 T-BOLT 1 240 0301 2321 00 WASHER 1
35 0147 1367 03 BOLT 1 245 0291 1108 00 LOCK NUT 1
40 0301 2344 00 WASHER 1 250 1092 6381 00 NYLON PLATE 1
45 0291 1111 00 LOCK NUT 1 255 0160 6079 00 SCREW 2
50 1092 6201 00 MAST 1 260 1092 6381 00 NYLON PLATE 1
55 0300 0129 30 PLAIN WASHER 2 265 0160 6079 00 SCREW 2
60 1202 8673 00 HANDGRIP 1 270 1092 6381 00 NYLON PLATE 1
65 0211 1246 03 SCREW 2 275 0160 6079 00 SCREW 2
70 1092 6422 00 WINCH 1 280 1092 6382 00 NYLON PLATE 1
75 1619 2766 00 BOLT 3 285 0160 6079 00 SCREW 1
80 0301 2335 00 WASHER 3 290 1092 6199 00 MAST 1
85 0291 1110 00 LOCK NUT 3 295 1092 6391 00 STEEL ROPE 1
90 1092 6378 00 U-BOLT 1 300 0147 1326 03 BOLT 1
95 0261 2111 00 NUT 2 305 0300 0274 91 WASHER 1
100 0301 2344 00 WASHER 2 310 0291 1110 00 LOCK NUT 1
105 0291 1110 00 LOCK NUT 2 315 1092 6214 00 SUPPORT 1
110 1092 6380 00 NYLON PLATE 1 320 0147 1411 03 BOLT 2
115 0160 6079 00 SCREW 2 325 0301 2386 00 WASHER 8
120 1092 6380 00 NYLON PLATE 1 330 0291 1128 36 LOCK NUT 4
125 0160 6079 00 SCREW 2 335 0147 1244 03 BOLT 3
130 1092 6380 00 NYLON PLATE 1 340 1613 0801 07 P CLAMP 6
135 0160 6081 00 SCREW 2 345 0291 1112 00 LOCK NUT 4
140 1092 6382 00 NYLON PLATE 2
145 0160 6079 00 SCREW 2
150 1092 6374 00 PULLEY 1
155 1092 6375 00 PIN 1
160 0111 1306 00 SPLIT PIN 1
165 0301 2358 00 WASHER 1
170 0147 1252 03 BOLT 1
175 0301 2321 00 WASHER 1
180 0291 1108 00 LOCK NUT 1
185 0147 1401 03 BOLT 4
190 1092 6200 00 MAST 1
195 1092 6390 00 STEEL ROPE 1
200 0147 1326 03 BOLT 1
205 0300 0274 91 WASHER 1
210 0291 1110 00 LOCK NUT 1

1625 0542 11/00 - 39 -


1625 0542 14_00

- 40 - 1625 0542 14/00



5 1092 6195 00 AXLE 1

A5 1092 6355 00 AXLE 1
A10 1092 6360 80 SPRING LEAF 2
A15 1092 6359 00 PLATE 4
A20 1092 6357 00 U-BOLT 4
10 1092 0499 85 TYRE 2
15 1092 6273 00 DRAW BAR 1
20 1092 6274 00 ADAPTER 1
25 0147 1415 03 BOLT 2
30 0301 2358 00 WASHER 2
35 0291 1112 00 LOCK NUT 2
40 1092 6423 00 WINCH 1
45 1619 2766 00 BOLT 3
50 0291 1110 00 LOCK NUT 3
55 1092 6421 00 LIFTING JACK 1
60 0335 1152 00 SNAP CLIP 1
65 1604 1574 80 CHAIN 1
70 1092 6389 00 STEEL ROPE 1

1625 0542 14/00 - 41 -



5 1092 0575 02 TOWING EYE 1

1625 0542 23_00

- 42 - 1625 0542 23/00

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