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“There is no one right way to write. The effectiveness of any text

depends on context”

- Writing is art
o There was never 1 form of painting, martial arts, etc…
o Why should there by one/a category on how to write
- Express the individual there are more billions of us
o Grounding to a genre or type might limit such expressions
o Originality
- Context is the content of the text, the soul of text.
o You are never reading the genre nor the way of writng,
you’re reading the contents of the text tailored by the style of
the author
I wonder who am I like in a few years?

3 questions:

- How can you wake up so early without being so sleepy?

- How could you blindly believe something while people proved it
- Where do we go from here as a humanity?

What makes people want to believe they are right?

- What would you need to know and why?

o How the human mind works
 Crowd effect
 Ego, fear, insecurity, stubborness
o Their background (childhood, education, personality,etc…)
o Their environment (strong political ideologies,…)
o Why?
 Link A  B
Key skills and expertise:
- Studying & experience
o Coding experience
 Learned to use: python, c++, C#, javascript, html, css,
(some php)
 School Coding club leader for 6yrs
o Major: Business Information system / Business Analyst

- Working mentality:
o Unbias
o Adaptive
o Likes a challenge
o Always try to sharpen and learn more skills
 Love learning things, even beyond my expertise

- Why interested:
o Have potential to help me learn new skills,
o Make new relationships
o Learn the organization’s vision/way of working/…
o Further develop my way of working…
o Use as experience during my years in university (if im still
- Reading manga
- Watch some films, youtube
- Play games
- Lie in bed and think about life, philosophy, reflecting,…

Emotional release:
- Watch funny vieos, animal videos
- Talk to someone about it

- Body care, eat somewhere new/not the regular

Thought challenge:
- Reflect on situation, analyze the situation (all possible situations)

Access your self-esteem:

- Have deep conversations with a friend, maybe help them out in
their troubles

Meditation – take a break app

Person vs person:
- Cancel cultural and YouTubers
o Cause: people of different belief attacking one another
o Effect: the target to be fired/boycotted
o Result to YouTubers:
o Root cause:
o Cases that did not have effect:
 Why did it not?
o Opinion/solution:
- Discrimination: in workplace, employment
o Cause: Because of cultural, skin color, belief, [certain trait]
o Effect: aggression, violence, employment inequality
o Result:
o Root cause: lack of communication  lack of understanding
(to be expanded)
o Counterproblem: hiring people because of their trait
o Solution/Opinion
Person vs technology:
- Privacy:
o Data mining/data collecting
 E.G: Facebook case
Person vs self:
Adapting to an environment that is against who you are?
Cancel cultural and Online Influencers (YouTubers, Streamers,…)

- Cause: People of different belief attacking one another

o Polititcal
o Opinions
o Hobby difference (K-Pop fans)
- Effect:
o Target gets hated
o Gets targeted for harassment by community
- Results
o Losing subscribers & audience
 Lose earnings
o Constant harassment in the comments, on other platforms
 Mental health!! Depression,…
o Lose sponsorships
 Any chance of further advancements in career
 Giving up their hard earn job/work
- Examples:
o Mild case
o Extreme cases
- Root cause of actions:
o Mental instability (to be expanded + wording)
 Fragile, easily offended, “snowflake”
o Attention seeker
o Egotistic
 Needs to be on top of everyone  put down everyone
better than them (find examples)
o The effect of being online – no direct consequences
 Face to face, they might not say it
 But behind a screen, they have a mask on so that they
can do anything without facing any actual responsibility
o Just plain evil (maybe?)
- Cases that did not have effect: Jshlatt, VanossGaming
o Why did it not? (to be expanded)
 Cause they did not care  others slowly lose interests
 They did things to trigger them even further  cant
stand it anymore

- Opinion & Solution:
o Whats wrong with cancel culture:
 Gives them no chance to change, just gets cancelled
 Instead:
 Actually talking it out
o Might reach a concensus
 Give feedback instead of screaming, yelling,
o For content creators:
 There will always be haters
 But don’t just ignore the cause, they might be on
to sth u need to improve
 But there will be moments when you just have
haters. And its okay
 If you are right and they are wrong
 Just keep doing what your doing
 Maybe call them out as a joke to stop their
behaviors (rephrase)
Title: how cancel culture is destroying online influencers’ career
- A quote? A rhetorical question
o "Cancel culture is not actually about justice. It is about control.
People use cancellation to force conformity to ideals." - Teal Swan
- Introduce the topic
o How cancel culture has been prevalent, how it is related to
- Thesis statement: harming, but it can be changed for the better

- Cancel culture:
o When did it start
o What happens
o Who’s involved
- Online Influencers:
o Create content, entertain via online platforms
o YouTubers, Twitch Streamers,…
Debate standpoint: why cancel culture is not gonna bring a difference
- (to be decided after thorough research)

"Cancel culture is not actually about justice. It is about control. People use
cancellation to force conformity to ideals." – Teal Swan. A new trend has been
rampaging on social media in recent years, where a huge crowd of people trying to
cancel others over their statements. While it started out as a movement to cancel
individuals that are wrong, it had slowly turned into a tool to cancel those that
didn’t have the same opinion that a certain group has. This has affected many
people online, especially those who make a career based on online presence like
influencers, like YouTubers and live-streamers. In the end, cancel culture has
ruined many influencers’ hard-earned career with just statements that didn’t fit
someone else’s opinion.

- Hook
- Definition
- Background/history/context
o What they need to know
- Thesis
Body paragraph:
- Topic sentence
- Explanation
- Example
- [insert transitions]
 Unanswerable questions!  better
 root cause, critical thinking
 Less quoting, more paraphrasing
Have to interview somebody that uses the internet for

HW: 1 intro + 1 body (causes)

Split causes, effect,… under headings

Final Web:
- Reflection part: strength and weaknesses (prove that they are being
- Opening questions: who is or are your favourite celebrity(ies)?
- Have you heard about cancel culture?
o If not, then explain
- What would be the effect to someone/your favourite if they are cancelled?
- Why do you think cancel culture exist?
o How would you have resolved it different

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