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Respondents Survey Report

Age Frequency Percentage

18 and below years old 28 28%

18-20 years old 53 53%

21-29 years old 19 19%

Total 100 100%

Table 1. Age of the Target Market

Table 1 shows the age of the respondents target market wherein 28 or 28% are below 18
years old, 53 or 53% are 18 to 20 years old, and 19 or 19% to 21 to 29 years old. The highest
percentage is age 18 below probably because these are the respondents present at the time of
the fielding of the questionnaires. Ages 21 to 29 years old are the lowest since most are
already employed at this age, and are too busy with their jobs or business to take active part
in surveys for new products in the market.
The result shows that the highest possible market are students aged 18 to 20 years old and

Gender Frequency

Female 77

Male 23

Total 100
Table 2 Gender of the Target Market

Table 2 and show that 77 of the respondents are female, while 23 are male. Therefore, the
highest possible market for our product are females.

Occupation Frequency Percentage

Students 66 66%

Self-Employed 19 19%

Private Employed 15 15%

Total 100 100%

Table 3 Occupation of the Target Market
Table 3 shows that 66% are students and 15% private employees and 19% are self-employed
and it shows that the students are the highest possible market for the business.

Civil Status Frequency Percentage

Single 100 100%

Married 0 0%

Separated 0 0%

Total 100 100%

Table 4 Civil Status of the Target Market

Table 4 shows that all 100 or 100% of the respondents are single. This is probably because
the project business is in an area occupied by students.
Students are the most exposed in different technological products, so they are most capable as
the primary market audience of our product. Therefore, the students are most capable of
buying or using the product.

Income per Month Percentage

25,000 and Above 15.7%

15,00-20,00 62%

10,00 and below 22.3%

Total 100%
Table 5 Monthly Income of the Target Market

Table 5 shows the monthly income of each respondents that 22.3% have an monthly of
10,000 below, 62% have a monthly income of 15,000-20,000 and 15.7% have a monthly
income of 25,000 and above,
Therefore that most of the respondents have a capability to buy the products in terms of their
monthly income and the in terms of affordability the product could be range at 100-300php

DIY Handicrafts they interested to buy Percentage

Bags/Handmade Accessories and Jewelry 38.9%

Knitted Suits 23%

Crocheted Clothes 33.3%

Handmade Rags 4.8%

Total 100%
Table 6 Interested Products of the Target Market

Table 6 shows that 38.9% of the respondents are interested in buying DIY handicrafts for
handmade accessories and jewelry and bags while 23% are interested in knitted suits and
33.3% are interested in crocheted clothes and 4.8% are interested in handmade rags.
Most of the respondents are interested in handmade accessories and jewelry and bags mostly
because the highest respondents are females. Only a small portion in rags because they
cannot appreciate the item much, probably because it's not fashionable for female

What are the features/things you look for in Percentage

the product?

Quality 50%

Uniqueness and Design 27%

Culture Made and Fashion 16.7%

Others 6.3%

Total 100%
Table 7 Things that the respondents look for the product

Table 7 shows that 50% of the respondents are looking for quality, 27% of the respondents
are looking for uniqueness and design and 16.7% of the respondents are looking for culture
made and fashion and 6.3% of the respondents are looking for other aspects
The highest percentage is quality which is quite obvious since it is safe to say that no
customers wants the quality to be compromised

How much would you expect for the DIY Percentage

Handicrafts priced at?

250-300 55.5%

100-150 38.9%

50 and below 5.6%

Table 8 How much respondents are willing to pay for the product

Table 8 shows that 55.5% are willing to pay P250-300, 38.9% are willing to pay P100-150,
Lastly 5.6% are willing to pay for P50 and below. This shows the value perceived of the
respondents of how a DIY Handicrafts is priced. It also shows that the consumer favours a
higher price so they can expect better product quality.
Would you be interested in buying DIY Percentage

YES 72.2%

NO 0%

MAYBE 27.8%

TOTAL 100%
Table 9 Willingness to buy

Table 9 shows that 72.2% of the respondents are willing to buy DIY handicrafts and 27.8% of
the respondents are maybe willing to buy the products.
This shows that the majority of the respondents are very curious with the products that we are
going to introduce and the majority of the respondents are willing to buy DIY handicrafts and
based on the data gathered the project business is feasible.

Proposed Business Name
The proposed business project will be introduced with business name Krusty Craft. The
business name is based on the proposed project to serve quality and unique DIY handicraft
that most of the residents can appreciate. The business will cater to the 100 selected residents
in Brgy. Maliwalo, Tarlac City, mostly the millennials in the area, the project aims to uphold
the product, quality, and integrity using durable and reusable, especially eco-friendly

The proposed business site will be operated in Brgy. Maliwalo Tarlac City along Sta. Rosa
Road Tarlac City located in the nearest establishment. We have seen that the place will be
suitable for putting up a business because there are a lot of stores where the people can shop
and it is very accessible since it is along the road.

Description of the Industry

According to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI (Department of Trade and
Industry), Krusty Craft will fall under the industry of handicrafts and handmade items made
in recycled materials. Handicrafts represent local traditions by indigenous populations.
Selling handicrafts can play a significant role in reducing poverty rates in the city. Most
handicraft production uses simple technology and local available raw materials. Handicrafts
are part of a much larger home accessory market, which includes handcrafts materials, semi
handcrafted, and machine-made goods. The target market is strongly influenced by fashion
trends, and economic conditions in end markets. The study extracts information on probable
performance of the handicrafts in terms of five aspects of business viabilities, and assesses its
acceptability in the prospect municipality. This product is available to all residents in the
barangay Maliwalo.

Current Market Analysis

Krusty Craft products covered under this category include embroidery, handmade jewelries
and lace, women’s knitted or crocheted suits, skirts, dresses, shirts, shirt blouses, nightwear,
innerwear, and ensembles of cotton, synthetic fiber, wool, and other textile material, knitted
or crocheted men’s or boy shirts, nightwear, and innerwear. The price is fair based on
consumer demand and it is competitive. The price of the product in the market is initially set
at 100-150/piece for regular items and at 250-300/piece for customized units. It is the reason
that this study has been designed with the goal of evaluating the feasibility of establishing
handicrafts in Municipality of Tarlac City specifically in Barangay Maliwalo in including the
motivations to start up and sustain the business as well as the challenges it faces in the
handicrafts market.

Advertising and Promotion

Available social sites will be used as a medium (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to advertise
and to promote the product to the market. The product would be customized to conform to
the event of the month such as during Valentine’s day, Halloween, Christmas, etc. and to
increase the product's appeal to customers. The product will be distributed to phone retailers
in the local market to improve sales.

Krusty Craft price is fair based on consumer demand and supply and it is competitive. The
price of the product DIY crafts in the market is initially set at 100-150/piece for regular items
and at 250-300/piece for customized units. Since we are operating from a shop and not in an
online store, we will need to maintain a reasonable and affordable price with high quality and

Target Market
Krusty Craft is targeting people in the Maliwalo area, Tarlac City area. This is a sophisticated
county and there is no doubt that the community is the centerpiece of stylish shops.

Market Needs
The handicrafts we will market will meet the needs of women who are looking to dress up
their outfit with quality handmade handicrafts consisting of some knitted suits and DIY
accessories.. The crafts will be suitable for both formal and informal events.

Unique Features of the Service and the Products

Krusty Craft DIY Handicrafts will be made based on the customers design and size because it
will present the process on how to reuse plastic waste and proper waste and the feasibility of
it as our future sustainable way to cope with plastics and proper waste. The shop also offers
customized pieces that will be designed onsite and can offer a 3 hours period to finish the
customized crafts.
Opening a business, especially a handicraft, takes a lot of time and effort to be successful.
One of the most important things to know the target market for a handicraft is who the
competition is. The competition can range from indigenous handicrafts all the way to a high-
class shop. Many people could not like DIY products because of so much competition in the
marketplace. These people then must decide if they want inexpensive products or go to a
well-known shop. That is why it is so important for the artisan to know who the target market
is. It should be balanced between high demand and supply, and provides potential sources of
employment for the residents that have low-income earners and e-Commerce and Internet
have emerged as promissory distribution channels to market and sell the craft products.

Anticipated Future Market Potential

There are many things that need to be taken into consideration when projecting a business
potential income. The location of a business can has a large effect on the amount of income
that a business can obtain, which is why finding a suitable location for a handicraft business
is important. The better the location, the more people will know about it and want to shop in,
if the price is consistent. Having a Handicraft shop in a place where it is very accessible to
the consumers can be beneficial to the business success because people walking down the
street could see the shop and decide to shop in.

Potential Buyers and Sources of Revenues

Tarlac City is continuasly growing with new housing tracks recently built and some currently
being constructed. The city is also rising in population and marketing towards in becoming a
tourist destination. Tarlac City also attracts people to its downtown area with many places to
shop. Maliwalo seems to be a suitable location for a new handicraft shop because it must be
the first handicraft shop in the Barangay. Tarlac city also has a shopping mall near the
Barangay, which attracts even more people to the area. Tarlac is known as a melting pot town
as well, which helps bring more tourists to the city. All potential buyers are students aged 18-
20 years old and mostly female customers. A Handicraft shop near the city could be a
suitable location that people will see the shop in a good spot.

Sales Projection
The monthly income of each respondents shows in the survey that 22.3% have an monthly of
10,000 below, 62% have a monthly income of 15,000-20,000 and 15.7% have a monthly
income of  25,000 and above, Therefore that most of the respondents have a capability to buy
the products in terms of their monthly income and the in terms of affordability the product
could be range at 100-300php and 38.9% of the respondents are interested in buying DIY
handicrafts for handmade accessories and jewelry and bags while 23% are interested in
knitted suits and 33.3% are interested in crocheted clothes and 4.8% are interested in
handmade rags.  Most of the respondents are interested in handmade accessories and jewelry
and bags mostly because the highest respondents are females. Only a small portion in rags
because they cannot appreciate the item much, probably because it is not fashionable for
female respondents and 55.5% are willing to pay P250-300, 38.9% are willing to pay P100-
150, Lastly 5.6% are willing to pay for P50 and below. This shows the value perceived of the
respondents of how a DIY Handicrafts is priced. It also shows that the consumer favours a
higher price so they can expect better product quality and that 72.2% of the respondents are
willing to buy DIY handicrafts and 27.8% of the respondents are willing to buy the products.
This shows that most of the respondents are very curious with the products that we are going
to introduce and most of the respondents are willing to buy DIY handicrafts and based on the
data gathered the project business is feasible.

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