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Tips for Writing

Headlines for Your
News Releases and

Special Report #39

Copyright © 2002 Joan Stewart, All Rights Reserved.
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Copyright © 2002 Joan Stewart, All Rights Reserved.
Table of Contents
Where to Find Example of Clever Headlines ........................................................................ 4
Use Power Words .................................................................................................................... 5
The Ideal Length...................................................................................................................... 6
Formats for Headlines ............................................................................................................. 6
Great Headlines That Led to Media Coverage ...................................................................... 7
How and When to Use Sub-Heads ......................................................................................... 8
Now, Start Writing................................................................................................................... 9
Other Products Available from ................................................... 11
Free PR Newsletter ................................................................................................................ 11
View a list of all of our special reports at : .......................................................................... 11
Public Relations Print Newsletter ......................................................................................... 13
Get Free Publicity in Print..................................................................................................... 13
How to be a Kick-Butt Publicity Hound.............................................................................. 13 Order Form................................................................................... 14
Special Reports ...................................................................................................................... 14
Tapes & CD’s......................................................................................................................... 14
Books/E-Books ...................................................................................................................... 15

Copyright © 2002 Joan Stewart, All Rights Reserved.
Tips for Writing Eye-Catching Headlines
for Your News Releases and Articles
Special Report #39
An editor will toss the best news release right into the
newsroom wastebasket if the headline is flat, dull and

Your well-written how-to article is likely to be forgotten,

too, if the editor can’t figure out from the headline why
readers should care about what you have to say.

That’s why writing attention-grabbing headlines is

absolutely critical. Scientific surveys actually taken in
newsrooms across the country show that an editor spends
an average of only 5 seconds reading a news release
before deciding whether to use it or toss it. At least one
or two seconds are probably spent reading the headline.

You can apply many of the tips you read here not only to
news releases but to headlines you are writing for
informational products such as special reports and audio
tapes, speeches and headlines posted at the top of pages
at your web site.

Where to Find Example of Clever Headlines

Raleigh Pinskey, author of the books The Zen of Hype
Scientific surveys and 101 Ways to Promote Yourself, suggests you start by
actually taken in reading the tabloids such as the National Enquirer. Pay
attention to how the headlines pull you into the story.
newsrooms across
The best headlines have these characteristics:
the country show
that an editor spends They arouse curiosity.
an average of only 5 They promise answers to a question or solutions to a
seconds reading a problem.
news release before They are laden with benefits.
They promise to reveal secret information, or
deciding whether to
information that’s hard to find anywhere else.
use it or toss it. They create emotional appeal.
They interrupt the readers and make them stop what
they’re doing to read more.

Copyright © 2002 Joan Stewart, All Rights Reserved.
In my media workshops, I suggest that people regularly
scan the headlines on the front of the major magazines
while they are waiting in line at the grocery store. Start
compiling a list of the ones that catch your attention.
Then when you need a headline for a how-to article you
are writing, or a speech you will deliver, simply remove
one or two words from the original headline and
substitute them with your own words. Here are some
examples of headlines that originally appeared in major
magazines. I’ve removed one word so that you substitute
your own:

In my media A Quiz: Test Your _____________ Smarts

workshops, I suggest Common Errors That Kill ______________
How to Bounce Back from ______________
that people regularly
How to Turn ______________ into ______________
scan the headlines The Great _____________ Dilemma
on the front of the The Worst Mistakes You Can Make When
major magazines ______________
while they are What You Must Know About ______________
waiting in line at the 5 No-Fail Strategies for ______________
grocery store.
Use Power Words

Powerful, action-laden words work best in headlines.

Here are several to get you started:


Copyright © 2002 Joan Stewart, All Rights Reserved.
The Ideal Length
Some of the best headlines are the shortest, usually no
more than 7 words. You can create punch and pizzazz
with just a few words. Here are some examples:

Why We Adore Babies

Walk Off Weight
Osteoporosis Alert
Find Instant Cash
Free (fill in the blank)

Formats for Headlines

Ask a question, then give the answer

Always in a Rush?
18 Time-Savers

Direct Quotes

‘I Saved $325 on My Heating Bills’


‘How I Lost 20 Pounds After I Quit Smoking’

Who, what, when, where, why or how

Who to call when your spouse walks out the door

What to do when the bills pile up
When to start saving for retirement
Where to find a romantic hideaway
Why your children won’t listen
How to keep your tiny kitchen tidy

Challenge the reader

Some of the best
headlines are the How ethical are you?
shortest, usually no
more than 7 words. Target a niche

Single parents: How to say ‘no’ to your kids and stand


Copyright © 2002 Joan Stewart, All Rights Reserved.
Great Headlines That Led to Media Coverage
For a book and web site on preventing baldness, Bev
Harris of came up with this great headline
designed to get her client, Jonathon Phillips, booked on
radio talk shows so he could share his tips on treatments
for baldness. It landed 5 bookings in major markets in
Use the words just one day:
“You” and “Yours.”
to the reader.
For a story on office organizing products like in-boxes,
31-day bill organizers, leather-look file binders, Bev did
a news search to find articles about organizing and to
discover hooks that had worked elsewhere. “I discovered
a wonderful quote by a prominent reporter, and used a
quote for the headline:

" 'Death by clutter,' that's what my obituary will say,"
wrote Julie Tripp, of Newhouse News Service.

People often view their mess as failure. But being
disorganized is just a problem to be solved; it's not a
character flaw. And the professionals say it's not too hard
to get organized, with the right tools....

”This next headline snagged 20 interviews, including

several syndicated and national,” Bev said. The
challenge was to pitch a light, entertaining book about
travel with the awful timing of the days just after
September 11. We expanded on the author's other travel
credentials to give him a two-pronged hook, which
worked beautifully.”

Bizarre and entertaining TRUE TRAVEL STORIES

The author of the world's greatest repository of bad
travel experiences! - Roger Rapoport's humorous "bad
travel experience" books have hit an all-time sales record
as travelers relate to unusual and strange travel

Copyright © 2002 Joan Stewart, All Rights Reserved.
experiences. Guess what? Stories from your audience
may end up in the next book, about weird travel after
September 11! A fantastic guest, Roger Rapoport is a
long-time travel editor, formerly of the Oakland Tribune,
and has also written books about airline security. He can
do either humorous or serious talk segments. Rapoport
has traveled nonstop since Sept. 11 and can answer
questions on any aspect of today's travel experiences.

Author/speaker/coach Jim Donovan got onto a local

news show in Philadelphia, the Number 4 TV market in
the U.S., with this headline that topped his pitch about
keeping New Year’s Resolutions:

97% of your audience will abandon their New Year’s

Resolutions within 30 days
Don’t get too cute,
and don’t use bad How and When to Use Sub-Heads
Sub-heads can be used effectively in two ways:

First, you can use them just below the main headline in a
news release—either in the same point size or a slightly
smaller point size—simply to give more information,
explain the “why” of the story, or answer a question you
posed in the main headline. Here’s an example:

New Baby?
Answers to Your Top Questions

Second, you can use them within a how-to article, to

break up the copy, just like I have done in this special
report. Sub-heads break up the gray and keep readers

More Tips and Tricks from Professional Headline


Use the words “You” and “Yours.” They speak directly

to the reader.

Don’t parrot the lead. If you used a clever turn of phrase

in the first sentence of your article or news release, don’t
use it in the headline. It won’t be nearly as effective the
second time around.

Copyright © 2002 Joan Stewart, All Rights Reserved.
Even though you see exclamation marks used liberally in
the tabloids and on the covers of national magazines, it’s
best to refrain from using them with news releases and
how-to articles. A well-written headline makes its own

Avoid all acronyms, abbreviations and industry jargon

that cannot be recognized immediately by people who
are unfamiliar with your topic.

Don’t get too cute, and don’t use bad puns.

Don’t use clichés. Bad writing is bad writing. Period.

…it’s best to refrain
from using Use specific words rather than vague words. Instead of
saying “heavy,” say “300 pounds.”
[exclamation marks]
with news releases Promise measurable results if, in fact, your product or
and how-to articles. service can do just that. Example:
A well-written Cut Your Car Repair Bills in Half
headline makes its
own exclamation. Rather than spelling out numbers, use numerals.

Now, Start Writing

Don’t get discouraged if your first attempt falls flat.
Many professional headline writers have to write several
headlines before they hit on the one they like. Here’s
how to get started:

Make a list of the most important keywords that will

catch the reader’s attention. This could be the main
benefits of your product or service, a specific problem
they need to solve or a question they want answered.

Define your story’s unique selling point, or the one

problem your how-to article helps people tackle. What
will people learn, achieve or gain if they read your
article, or use your product or service?
Define your story’s
Using those words, start writing headlines. Get as many
unique selling point,
down on paper as you can. Mix and match certain words
or the one problem and phrases from one headline with words and phrases
your how-to article from other headline. Then choose the top three headlines
helps people tackle. you like best and ask yourself if you can use stronger

Copyright © 2002 Joan Stewart, All Rights Reserved.
verbs, more descriptive adjectives, or a clever turn of

Test it by asking friends or co-workers which headlines

they like best. Sometimes they’ll even be able suggest
ways to make the headlines stronger.

Copyright © 2002 Joan Stewart, All Rights Reserved.
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Special Report #35: How to be the Local Angle to
Special Report #22: How to Create an Online Media National Stories
Room and Keep the Media Coming Back
Special Report #36: How to Clinch a Media
Special Report #23: "Profitable Publicity Tips to Sponsorship for Your Fund-Raiser or Special Event
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the Phone and Make Every Second Count
Special Report #39: Tips for Writing Eye-Catching
Special Report #26: How to Make Your Story Pitch Headlines for Your News Releases and Articles
Stand Out in the E-mail Jungle
Special Report #40: Publicity Tips for Authors and
Special Report #27: The News Conference: When to Small Publishers
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Special Report #29: Fly High with Publicity in the Participate in Your Story, Not Just Write About it
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Special Report #43: The Do’s and Don’ts of
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___ 3. How To Use Free Publicity To Attract And Keep Valuable Employees $9.00 $0.00
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___ 8. Media Kits On A Shoestring: How To Create Them Without Spending A Bundle $9.00 $0.00
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___ 16. How To Write Tip Sheets That Catch The Media’s Attention $9.00 $0.00
___ 17. 63 Powerful Ways To Promote Your Web Site To Draw Traffic And Boost Sales $9.00 $0.00
___ 18. Clever Contests That Will Tempt Reporters To Call $9.00 $0.00
___ 19. How To Use Polls, Surveys, And White Papers That Brand You As An Expert $9.00 $0.00
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___ 21. 67 Clever Publicity Tips For Professional Speakers And Trainers $9.00 $0.00
___ 22. How To Create An Online Media Room And Keep The Media Coming Back $9.00 $0.00
___ 23. Profitable Publicity Tips To Jump-Start Your Consulting Business $9.00 $0.00
___ 24. How To Create Media Publicity At Trade Shows And Conferences $9.00 $0.00
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___ 36. How To Clinch A Media Sponsorship For Your Fund Raiser Or Special Event $9.00 $0.00
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___ 38. How To Publish A Profitable Electronic Newsletter $9.00 $0.00
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Create Profitable Products And Publicity
___ 42. Public Relations: Tips For Letting Reporters Experience Your Story, Not Just Write About It $9.00 $0.00
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