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The Oxford Dictionary of Ludic (Ludmal)

nǣmel þēan to be able

nǣmel able

for about, on the subject of; toward

um about, around

abredan to agree

abredē agreement

sēr alone

gamol ancient

jan and

-jo and; behaves like a clictic

prist angry

mutcōs aphrodisiac

māna apple

hadur arguement, dispute, quarrel

gūþbyrne armour

um around, about

som as, like

ċæd ash

tarto bag

sūtan to bake

suddum bakery

enan to be born

stedan to be located, to be (somewhere)

wex bean

børster beard ["bristles"]

sjēn beautiful

sod because

falla bed

lindi belt

hūcen to bent, to squat

nēr berry

fordrēoran to bleed
drēor blood, gore

ax blue

axnēr blueberry

eofor boar

tabel board, plank

conic boat

naca boat, ship

ċonthās body (lit. "bone-house")

ċont bone

cnic book

cnicdum bookstore

barm bosom, lap

brund box

sef standard boy

dreng boy

ċabo boy

gutt boy
magu boy, servant, retainer

hjern brain

cǣn bread

børst bristle

Brīþildex place name ["foggy-field"]

fiður brother

hrā bruised

sæl building, hall, house

ac but

nǣmel capable

wroċ carrot

mǣċe cat

garċe catfish

bryne chainmail

lyster chandelier

mēclan to change

wang cheek

wīsa chief, leader

bǣn child

hrān clean

flāċan to cling to

wolcen cloud

tēr city

dālra coin

blēo colour

hof courtyard

bērca cow

bacc creek, spring, stream

binn creep

binnic creepy

faroþ tide, current

lat custom, habit

sagan to cut

sexio dagger

marran damage
mørc dark

formørcan to darken

diþ day

lēmo daydream

dontan to decide

dwīnan to decline

dwinan to decrease

hyge desire, inclination, thought, mind

hospul despised

scieþan to destroy

seru device

quelan to die

windio direction

piċ dirt

piċic dirty

coþu disease

hadur dispute, quarrel, arguement

dālan to divide
helir doctor

wio dove

lēam dream

ūgan to drill

cōs drink, beverage

cōsan to drink

fol ear

folstul earwax

saċan to eat

foldo earth, ground

cwild evening

balo evil

møcc excrement

frōd experienced, mature, wise

cwid expression

runn eye

nefe face
wǣr faith

brēme famous, reknown

flenċan to fasten, tie

gǣr fat

dryht fate

smeās feast

dex field

sliða fierce

þēm finger

lig fire

cōnan to float

brīþil fog, mist

wen friend

holþ friendly

becca frog

wixio fruit

harsten to fry

serðan to fuck
lūt fun

swamm fungus

lutic fun

scattra garbage

edur gate

drūgur ghost

starceric giant

jenta girl

lēb girl

drēor gore, blood

abbi grandfather

omma grandmother

wyrm green

hwax grey

leldum grocery

scol group, troop

hajan grove
foldo ground, earth

wexan to grow

weð growth

lat habit, custom

sæl hall, house, building

reċed hall

mund hand

ēad happyness

ēadic happy

marto hawk

hø hay

holl head

folgan to head

halan to heal

tungst heavy

scētan to help

yrfa heritage

marrom hermit
nølan to hesitate

snēpan to hesitate

holm hill

formencan to hire

gǣd hoard

ūc hole

cud hole

milþ honey

luþur horn

gryre horror, terror

ēo horse

hās house

oj how

starur huge

ljud human

mīf hunger

miffit hungry
oc I

lottra idiot

lott idiotic

hyge inclination, thought, mind, desire

dātan to intend

hrā irritated

hu island

sermo island

andic jealous

and jealousy

wōs juice

muċan to kiss

sax knife

loran to know

lor knowledge, -ology

lur land, country, region

mal language, speech

barm lap, bosom

wīsa leader, chief

ben leg

ǣ life

ǣjan to live

weht lightning

frēa lord

mut love

mudan to love

myxan to lug

garan to make, to do

metod maker, creator, God

hal man

bern man

frōd mature, wise, experienced

lynn maple

pax market

larfa mask
hræl master

wa me

seċ meal

meðal means, way, method, strategy

us meat

meðal method, strategy, means, way

hyge mind, desire, inclination, thought

arm miserable

beāg money

firg mountain

swamm mushroom

cenep mustache

ocra my

ocwa myself

nēw name

lund nature

cunda news

nelit nice
gǣðra noble

tolc noble

naus noise

ā / ai not

æsc one

swǣs oneself reflexive

miram our

warc pain

blac pale

blinn pause

gallam pidgeon

stet place

dunnan to place, put, set

tabel plank, board

cwēman to please

þēggan to point

lēoþ poem
ord point

scen poor

brego prince

wendan to proceed

marmo pudding

þryggan to push

dunnan to put, place, set

hadur quarrel, arguement, dispute

fort quick

max rabbit

harod rabbit

yss rain

weð ram (male goat)

hrā raw (of meat)

wǣr religion

brēme famous, reknown

merd reward

gǣðra richman
cim rice

rīf ring

mefra rock

baff room

mør rule, power

hlaður rumour, spit, saliva

tā sea

glær dial. sea

sibb self

mǣtan to sell

þēgnan to serve

dunnan to set, put, place

løst sin

domman to sit

bulan to share

byl a share

hona she
fara sheep

līxan to shine

pagan to shop

mescla shoulder

semma sky

mø̄ d sleep

mødic sleepy

none some

nox son

galdur song

sāh songbird

frebb sparrow

mal speech, language

wig spear

lel spice

æþm spirit

rungan to spot

lent spring season

bacc spring, stream, creek

hūcen to squat, to bend

hwix squirrel

sagan to stab

tahwo starling

mardan to stay

lopan to steal

gommur stomach

flōm storm

flōmic stormy

meðal strategy, means, way, method

bacc stream, creek, spring

nembaff a study

neman to study

est summer

sōl sun

alx swan
nel sweet

billa kind of sword with two sharp edges

bist task

smæc taste

smægan to taste

smægic tasty

gryre terror, horror

jem their

bæn then, thereafter

jet m. honan f. they

hyge thought, mind, desire, inclination

scattan to throw away

flenċan to tie, fasten

faroþ tide, current

for toward; about, on the subject of

lǣm tongue

cēn torch

smett trash
gȳga troll

scol troop, group

geð trousers

stygg ugly

am- un-

ohām uncle

bider upright

mir we, us

brūcen to use

fall village

wōþ voice

smēnan to vow

gūþ war

mǣċċed wares, products

gūþbern warrior

recca warrior

cunsan to water
faroþ wave

meðal way, method, strategy, means

mir we, us

gǣð wealth

gelan wear

wolcen weather

bōð wheat

blæst wind

bōr wine

þoja whisper

þojan to whisper

frōd wise, experienced, mature

fax wolf

quēna woman

mencan to work

minc work

macca worm

wrigan to wound
wric wound

gilnan to wrap

Wyrms place name; meaning "green".

hof yard, courtyard

weþ year

māgan to yield

sed you pol.

se thou inf.

es thee

jā you pl.

sedra your pol.

sera thy inf.

jām your pl.

ung young

Original Mutated
a e

ā ē

æ e

ǣ ē

e i

ē ī

o ø

ō ø̄

ø y

ø ȳ

u y

ū ȳ

tower distri (borrowed from Tellic distris)

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