Guilt Free Sweets For A Flat Belly Ebook

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Júlía Magnúsdóttir


Q u i c k , e a s y, a n d h e a l t h y r e c i p e s
to satisfy your sweet tooth!















Hi there!
Do you have a sweet tooth?
I’m guessing you do, since you’re checking out my free
My name is Júlía Magnúsdóttir (feel free to call me Julia) and I’ve loved sweet treats as
long as I can remember.
My favorites used to be Ben and Jerry’s strawberry cheesecake ice cream, Oreos, Chips
Ahoy cookies, chocolate milk, and Krispy Kreme donuts. When I was younger, I even worked
at several bakeries and ice cream parlors in Iceland, my home country. It was a dream job for
a sugar-addicted college student! 
I wasn't overweight, but I wasn’t exactly in great shape either. In fact, I had suffered from IBS
(irritable bowel syndrome) my whole life, which caused poor digestion and frequent stomach
cramps, and I was always the first person to catch a cold or come down with the flu. 
I never thought about nutrition, and why should I have? I didn’t know any better.
I lived like that all through my teenage years, thinking I had no choice. Then all of a sudden,
my health took a turn for the worse. My IBS symptoms flared up more than ever. I had terrible
stomach cramps and was so bloated all the time that I looked pregnant. I also started to gain
weight, but that was nothing compared to how I felt.
I became a total couch potato.
I was constantly tired and wanted nothing more than to stay home and watch movies all the
time. I was grouchy, confused, and frustrated with myself for not knowing what was going on
with my body. I was embarrassed by my appearance and ashamed that my clothes didn’t fit

To top it all off, within a short period of time, I started experiencing major hormonal
imbalance, and I was diagnosed with both PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and
I tried so many different things to improve my health, like cutting out all sweets (I only lasted
a week), going to a personal trainer, writing down everything I ate, following various diets, or
just trying to use self control to eat better, but none of it worked.

My “aha” moment
Then, as if a brick had fallen out of the sky and hit me on the head, it dawned on me: I was
the only one responsible for my health and how I was going to live my life.
No one else was going to swoop in and magically fix my problems. And there was this little
voice that kept telling me - there is a better way!
So over the next year, I researched everything about diet and lifestyle that I could get my
hands on. I became obsessed.
I enrolled in a school called the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN), where I learned from top
doctors, nutritionists, and other experts. I was convinced that diet and lifestyle could help
me, and I was ready to put everything I had learned into practice, but it wasn’t that simple.

The road to change wasn’t so smooth 

First of all, I realized that oatmeal was pretty much the only thing I knew how to cook!
At least my oatmeal was top-notch, though! The next part of my journey involved a lot of trial
and error. I spent so much money on wasted ingredients and so much time trying out recipes
that promised to be delicious but tasted like cardboard and ended up in the trash. And I
spent so many nights crying to my husband, worried that things would never get better.

But then
something started Today

to change.

I had cracked the

code for how to
actually get quick,
sustainable results,
how to lose weight,
boost energy, and feel

Shortly after, in 2011, I started a health coaching company,
Lifðu til fulls.
Liv-thoo-til-fulls. Try saying that out loud! It means “live to the
fullest” in Icelandic, and since then, it’s become my passion and
purpose in life to help others achieve lasting lifestyle change.
I created a national movement with my free sugar-free
challenges, helping over 50,000 people all across Iceland curb
their sugar cravings.
(Fun fact - Iceland only has about 365,000 people!) Over the
years, I have helped thousands of women beat their sugar
cravings, lose weight, and gain energy - sustainably - with my
proven step-by-step method, simple meal plans, and easy-to-
follow recipes from my online courses.
I’ve also published a best-selling cookbook available in
bookstores all over Iceland.
If you’re ever in Iceland and stumble across a bookstore, check
it out! You might not understand a word, but you can always
look at the yummy pictures!

Since starting my business, I’ve continued my education and

become a plant-based chef and life coach.
Here in Iceland, I’m known as the go-to expert on overcoming
sugar cravings and cultivating a healthy lifestyle, and I’ve been
featured in countless magazines and newspapers as well as on
TV and radio.
Now I am so excited to be launching Juliasfood, an online
community where I can finally share my delicious recipes and
favorite tips and offer my popular online courses for the first time
in English - all for women just like you!
I am so thrilled that you’re here, and I hope to see more of you!

How you can benefit from my story 
I share my story as proof that lifestyle, diet, and especially sugar all affect our bodies
and well-being.
As I discovered, my insatiable sweet tooth was the underlying cause of many of my
symptoms. That’s why it was so important for me to find a way to enjoy treats without
refined sugar or other unhealthy sweeteners. I also share my story to show you that there
is a better way, a way to live your life and enjoy sweets without sacrificing taste or
So what’s the secret to guilt-free treats that will satisfy your sweet tooth and help you
flatten your belly?

What the heck are

raw desserts?

Raw desserts are exactly what they sound

like - healthy treats made from natural
ingredients that don’t need to be baked.
They’re super simple and convenient, and
since they don’t require an oven or a
stovetop, they take a lot less time to make
than conventional desserts.
Raw sweets are an excellent way to indulge
while supporting your weight loss journey,
increasing your energy, and helping
regulate blood sugar levels.
My recipes are also specifically designed to
help cut sugar cravings and balance the
body, thanks to the 5 magic ingredients.
All recipes in this ebook are free from refined sugar, wheat, gluten, eggs, and dairy and
are suitable for people following a paleo, vegan, flexitarian, or pescatarian diet. In other
words, they’re perfect for almost anyone with dietary restrictions! 
All you need to get started is a food processor or blender and a few key ingredients.
The recipes in this ebook are based on five basic, easy-to-find key ingredients, so you
don’t have to break the bank or drive around to special stores hunting down obscure,
expensive products. My recipes are sweetened with natural, low-fructose sweeteners like
dates and raw coconut nectar.
Take a look at the magic ingredients on the next page!

1. Almonds
Almonds are low in carbohydrates and high in protein and fat, making
them great for supporting weight loss and giving you a sustainable energy
boost. They can also help curb cravings and regulate blood sugar. Buy raw
unsalted almonds for the recipes in this ebook and use the leftovers for
snacking throughout the day.

2. Cocoa powder
Cocoa powder is rich in magnesium, which is essential for balancing sugar
cravings, as well as many other healthy nutrients. One thing I learned
about cocoa powder a while back is that it can help your body digest other
foods better! Isn’t that cool? Make sure to buy organic cocoa powder if
possible, both for the sake of flavor and nutritional value. 

3. Cashews
Cashews are super rich in magnesium. Often when we crave chocolate, it’s
actually because our bodies need more magnesium. Magnesium is
important for stress recovery, relaxation, brain function, and joint health, and
can even ease pain from menstrual cramps.
When blended, cashews add a creamy, cheesecake-like texture, making
them perfect for raw desserts. If you have weight-loss goals, though, be
careful not to go overboard with snacking on cashews, as they’re very high
in calories. Instead, mix them with other, lower-calorie nuts and enjoy in
moderation. It’s all about balance.

4. Dates
Whole dates are naturally sweet, high in antioxidants, and can help regulate
blood sugar. I personally love medjool dates, which are really big and soft.
Don’t forget to remove the pits, or just buy pitted dates to save time. When
buying dates, make sure they do not contain added sugar (some dates are
coated in granulated sugar). 

5. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is excellent for digestion and brain function and also helps
combat sugar cravings. It contains MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides), an
amazing fatty acid that helps you feel full almost immediately, so it can be a
really great help in fighting sugar cravings. I recommend finding a high-quality
brand. It’ll taste better and be more nutritious. If you don’t care for the taste of
coconut, opt for the odorless variety.

Another ingredient I use a lot
Raw coconut nectar (not to be confused with coconut sugar, a caramel-colored
granulated sugar that resembles brown sugar) is naturally low in fructose.
That’s great news, because excess fructose is bad for the body. If you can’t find raw
coconut nectar, you can substitute maple syrup or dark honey, preferably in a slightly
smaller amount since maple and honey are both higher in fructose.

Back when I created these specific recipes, stevia wasn’t available.

Sounds crazy, right? This was back in 2010, when the product selection in Iceland was
more limited. We are an island in the middle of the North Atlantic, after all! So, for the
sake of simplicity, and to make sure these recipes tickle as many taste buds as possible,
we’ll leave stevia out this time.

All of these indulgent dessert recipes are nutritious and super simple.
In fact, the only hard thing about them is deciding which one to make first - and then not
eating it all at once!
Be sure to follow me over at @juliasfood on Instagram, and don’t forget to tag me when
you try out a recipe. I love seeing all of your creations! 

5 Minute Energy Balls

Chocolate Avocado Pudding

Simply Dreamy Chocolate Fudge

Creamy Dairy-Free Strawberry Cheesecake

Chocolate Raspberry Cake

Chocolate Brownie Cake With Minty Frosting

5 - 10 mins

These energy balls only take a few minutes to make and are the perfect snack to tide you over
between meals or whenever sugar cravings hit. Not only are they quick and simple, they also
keep well in the fridge for at least 2 weeks. My sister Lilja, who is also a chef, started making
these treats for our father a while ago. Whenever we would visit him, my husband would devour
all of them, so now I make a batch every once in a while to have at our house. I confess that I
sometimes grab one before a workout. They are so yummy!

1 cup oats  
Basic Energy Balls
½ cup soft pitted dates Place oats in a food processor and grind into a fine flour. 
1 Tbsp cinnamon Add dates and cinnamon and blend well. 
½ cup raisins
Add raisins and mix just to combine. 
Form into little balls and serve. Store leftovers in a covered
container in the fridge.

1 cup walnuts Chocolate Energy Balls

1 cup raisins/dates
2 Tbsp cocoa powder Place walnuts in a food processor and pulse until finely
shredded coconut/ground Add raisins or dates and cocoa powder then blend well. 
almonds/orange peel/lime
peel Shape into balls and roll in coating of your choice, such as
cinnamon or unsweetened shredded coconut or other. Store
leftovers in a covered container in the fridge.

Recipe Notes
If mixture is dry and crumbling, add more dates or raisins. As
dates and raisins are natural ingredients, their moisture may
vary from the type and brand you’re using at a given time. I
prefer to use medjool dates as they’re super soft. I highly
recommend using them if you can find them. 

For the Chocolate Balls, feel free to use almonds soaked for
4-8 hours instead of walnuts.
15 - 20 mins

I love this fudge recipe because it’s super versatile and easy to adjust to your taste buds. Try
one of the three versions below and I promise you won’t be disappointed. Sweet dreams...

1 cup raw cocoa powder

Sweet and Simple Fudge
½ cup coconut oil (melted) Place all ingredients in a large bowl and mix until soft and well
½ cup raw coconut nectar/ combined. 
honey/maple syrup
Press into a baking dish or roll into 8 balls and freeze for 2
½ cup finely shredded hours (or serve right away as a chocolate mousse).
coconut (unsweetened)
1 tsp vanilla extract Spiced Chocolate Fudge
Replace vanilla extract with a bit of cinnamon and a pinch of
chili powder or cayenne pepper.

Nutty Chocolate Fudge

Grind around ½ cup (or more) almonds or walnuts in a food
processor (soak them in filtered water for 4-8 hours ahead of
time if you can, that just makes the nuts easier to blend).
Add a few dates and process until combined (optional).
Add to the original fudge mixture and stir to combine.

15 - 20 mins

If you’ve never tried chocolate pudding made from avocados before, you’re in for a real treat!
The texture is so creamy and the dates and raw coconut nectar add the perfect sweetness. I like
serving this pudding chilled and topped with fresh berries. Kids love this recipe too!

¼ cup soft pitted dates Pudding

½ cup raw coconut nectar/ Place dates and sweetener in food processor and blend to a
maple syrup/honey
smooth paste. 
2 medium or 4 small
avocados, diced Add remaining ingredients and blend until smooth.
3 Tbsp cocoa powder
bit of filtered water
Recipe Notes
Be careful not to over-blend or the avocado might become
bitter or sour. 
For a tasty chocolate orange flavor, add a bit of fresh orange
Another fun twist is to put the chocolate pudding in the freezer
for at least three hours. Voilà, now you have chocolate ice

30 - 45 mins

This cake has a crunchy base and a filling so rich and creamy, you’ll never know it’s dairy-free!
Perfect for a special occasion or any time you want to treat yourself!

½ cup soft pitted dates Crust

2 cups walnuts
Place all crust ingredients in food processor and blend until
1 cup (or more) shredded
well combined. Press into a 9-inch springform pan and place
coconut (unsweetened)
in freezer. 
pinch of salt

3 cups cashews (soaked in

filtered water 2 hours min.
or 8 hrs max.) Next, place all filling ingredients in food processor or blender
¾ cup lemon juice and blend until silky smooth. Remove crust from freezer, top
¾ cup (or less) honey  with filling, and return to freezer for about 2-4 hours or until
¾ cup coconut oil (melted filling is solid. 
in a double boiler)
1 tsp (or more) vanilla
pinch of salt to bring out the

¾ cup cashews (soaked in

filtered water for 2 hrs min.
Strawberry Cream
or 8 hrs max.) Place all ingredients for strawberry cream in food processor or
pinch of salt blender and blend until silky smooth. Pour on top of filling and
bit of vanilla extract freeze cake overnight.
1 ½ cups (or more) The cake will keep well in the freezer for up to 5 weeks, but
strawberries (if frozen thaw it’ll probably be gone way before that!
before using) 
1-2 Tbsp coconut oil
filtered water (as needed)
30 - 45 mins

This cake is simple to make but beautiful enough to serve at a dinner party. I took this to a family
gathering once and people loved it!

3 cups flaked or shredded Cake

coconut (unsweetened)
Place coconut in blender and pulse until finely ground. Pour
2 cups walnuts or almonds
into a large bowl and set aside. 
(soaked in filtered water for
4-8 hrs) Place walnuts, raw coconut nectar, water, and vanilla extract in
1 ½ cups raw coconut blender and blend to a smooth paste. Add cocoa powder and
nectar/maple syrup/honey sea salt and blend to combine.
1 cup filtered water
Pour over ground coconut and stir until well combined. 
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups dark cocoa powder Line two springform pans with parchment paper. Divide cake
mixture evenly between the two pans and press down to form
1 tsp sea salt
even layers. I like putting raspberries between the layers as
fresh raspberries well as on top of the cake.

2 cups cashews (soaked in Chocolate “Mousse”

filtered water for 2 hrs min.
or 8 hrs max.) Place cashews, coconut, and water in a blender and blend
until thoroughly combined. Add cocoa powder, vanilla, salt,
1 cup flaked or shredded
coconut (unsweetened) and sweetener and mix well.
1¼ cups filtered water Finally, add coconut oil and mix well. Spread chocolate cream
¼ cup cocoa powder mixture over cake layers and freeze for about 2 hours. 
2½ tsp vanilla extract
pinch of sea salt
1 cup raw coconut nectar/
maple syrup/honey
1½ cups coconut oil (let jar
sit in hot water until oil

1 hour

If you love mint and dark chocolate, this is the cake for you. The base is like a gooey brownie,
and the vanilla cashew filling and mint cream pair perfectly on top of it. If you’re brand-new to
raw desserts, I’d recommend trying out a couple simpler recipes first, as this cake is probably
the most complicated recipe in this ebook. But once you’ve got the hang of things, give it a try -
it may take more time and steps, but it’s so worth it!

2 cups almonds or walnuts Brownie Base

(soaked in filtered water at
least 4 hrs) Start by placing nuts in food processor and grinding for about
8 seconds. Be careful not to blend too long or the nuts will
1½ cups soft pitted dates (or
become too fine and start releasing oil. 
½ cup cocoa powder With machine still running, add dates one at a time.
1 tsp vanilla extract Add remaining ingredients and mix well (the dough will be
pinch of salt crumbly but should hold together when you press it between
your fingers).
Press dough into a baking dish to form a crust about ½ to ¾
inch thick.

1 cup cashews (soaked in Vanilla Cashew Filling

filtered water for 2 hrs min.
or 8 hrs max.)  Place cashews, almond milk, raw coconut nectar, and vanilla
extract in a powerful blender and blend thoroughly (about
1 cup almond milk
30-60 seconds).
¼ cup raw coconut nectar/
maple syrup/honey Add all remaining ingredients and blend until mixture is silky
4 tsp vanilla extract smooth. 
¾ cup coconut oil (melted Pour filling over crust and freeze for about 1 hour or until solid
in a double boiler) enough that you can spread the mint frosting on top.
¼ cup lucuma powder
2 Tbsp lecithin powder/
granules (helps filling hold
together and also great for
brain health)
1½ cups raw coconut
nectar/maple syrup/honey
Minty coconut cream frosting
1½ cups cocoa powder Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until thoroughly
combined (the mixture might be pretty stiff, so use a spoon or
⅔ cup coconut oil (melted
in a double boiler) spatula to help if need be).
½ tsp peppermint extract Remove cake from freezer and spread frosting evenly over the
½ cup finely shredded top.
coconut (unsweetened)
Sprinkle with extra coconut if you like.
pinch of salt
Return cake to freezer for at least 1 hour. (Cake will keep well
in freezer up to 3 weeks).

1 cup almonds (soaked in Homemade Almond Milk (Optional)

filtered water about 8
hours) Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for 2-3 minutes. 
5 cups filtered water
Strain almond milk to remove any gritty bits. Place a fine mesh
2 dates or 1 Tbsp raw
sieve over a bowl or jar and pour almond milk over it. For a
coconut nectar/maple
syrup/honey super-smooth milk, use a nut milk bag (also called a
cheesecloth bag) instead.
1 tsp vanilla extract (or a
pinch of ground vanilla
bean powder) Recipe Note
Store-bought almond milk is perfectly fine too, just make sure
it has no added sugar! 




It simply means “have at it and enjoy”

in Icelandic!
There you have it, some of my very favorite raw dessert
recipes to get you started.
I know it’s easy to look at a delicious new recipe and think to yourself,
“wow, this looks so yummy, I can’t wait to try this!” If you’re like most of us,
you’ve probably done that plenty of times, but then put the cookbook or
magazine on the shelf and never actually tried the recipes.
But don't do that this time!
You deserve to feel and look your best - and you can do it without giving
up sweet treats.
Getting started is as simple as picking up my 5 magic ingredients next
time you’re at the grocery store and whipping up one of my recipes next
weekend! n

When you replace refined sugar with nutritious natural sweeteners and my
5 magic ingredients, you’re well on your way to better health, reduced
cravings, boosted metabolism, and higher energy. 
So take some time now to find your favorite recipe in this ebook and pick
a day to try it out! And when you do make it, it’s okay to lick the spoon. I
promise I won’t tell!
Come on over to the Juliasfood community and let’s keep the
conversation rolling!
Follow me on Facebook and Instagram, where I share tips, more delicious
recipes, and inspiration for healthy living.  
Don’t forget to let me know how you like these recipes. I’m dying to know
what you think!
Plus, make sure you tag in your pictures. I would love to see
your take on my favorite guilt-free treats!

Here are some inspiring stories from women I’ve helped throughout the

“Julia makes it easy to completely change your

Yesmine Olsson, Icelandic TV host, celebrity chef,
and personal trainer

“Julia’s recipes are just brilliant and sinfully

Lovisa Vattnes 

“The crazy sugar cravings I used to get all the

n time have completely disappeared.”
Linda Olafsdottir,  University professor

“I’m 11 pounds lighter, more energetic, and I sleep

Brynja Gudlaugsdottir 

It all starts with one simple decision. Decide today that your health
deserves better.

Until then, sweetheart.



Hi, I’m Júlía (yu-li-a) or call me Julia.

I help women who crave sweets to lose weight naturally, increase their energy and feel
confident in their bodies without sacrificing their favorite foods or wasting time with
tedious diet and exercise plans.

I am a best-selling cookbook author, health coach, and plant-based chef, well known in my
native Iceland as the go-to expert on curbing sugar cravings and developing a healthy

After helping thousands of people in Iceland since 2012, I'm making my simple and
foolproof method available to women around the world with the launch of Juliasfood is a supportive online community where I will share free tips for
healthy living and tasty recipes to help you control sugar cravings, boost your energy, and
lose weight naturally.

Plus, I'll open up enrollment for my online program, available in English for the first time

These courses are specifically designed to give you a simple roadmap and step-by-step
meal plans that will guide you all the way to sustainable, lasting change - one delicious
bite at a time.

Julia's Food

© 2020 Juliasfood. All Rights Reserved.
Photographer: Tinna Bjort

Photo Credits
Chocolate Mousse Cake by The Good Food Goddess.
Raw, Vegan, Gluten-Free Chocolate Mint Slice by Bare Blends. 
Almonds Background photo created by topntp26 via Freepik
Cashews Background photo created by topntp26 via Freepik
Dates Food photo created by azerbaijan_stockers via Freepik
Coconut Oil Photo Space photo created by freepik
Cocoa Powder Food photo created by freepik


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