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Journal of Power Sources 343 (2017) 431e436

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Measurement of interfacial thermal conductance in Lithium ion

Aalok Gaitonde, Amulya Nimmagadda, Amy Marconnet*
School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, USA

h i g h l i g h t s

 First measurement of the thermal conductance across the separator-case interface.

 Sample-to-sample variation dominates over pressure and temperature dependence.
 This new data is critical for predicting thermal response and preventing overheating.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Increasing usage and recent accidents due to Lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries exploding or catching on fire
Received 13 October 2016 has inspired research on the thermal management of these batteries. In cylindrical 18650 cells, heat
Received in revised form generated during the charge/discharge cycle must dissipate to the surrounding through its metallic case
9 December 2016
due to the poor thermal conductivity of the jelly roll, which is spirally wound with many interfaces
Accepted 4 January 2017
between electrodes and the polymeric separator. This work develops a technique to measure the thermal
Available online 26 January 2017
resistance across the case-separator interface, which ultimately limits heat transfer out of the jelly roll.
Commercial 18650 batteries are discharged and opened using a battery disassembly tool, and the 25 mm
18650 Lithium ion battery
thick separator and the 200 mm thick metallic case are harvested to make samples. A miniaturized
Interfacial conductance version of the conventional reference bar method (ASTM D5470) combined with infrared thermal mi-
Thermal management croscopy to map the temperature profile including the interfacial temperature jumps enables mea-
Infrared thermography surement of the interfacial thermal conductance across a range of case temperatures and interface
Characterization pressures. The mean thermal conductance across the case-separator interface is 670 ± 275 W/(m2 K) and
no significant temperature or pressure dependence on is observed.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction stacked and rolled together with inside a metallic case with an
electrolyte of lithium salts in an organic solvent [5]. Although the
Rechargeable Lithium ion batteries have high volumetric energy electrical performance of Li-ion batteries mainly depends on the
density, generally 3 to 5 times greater than lead acid, Ni-Cd, and Ni- electro-chemical reactions at the electrodes, the thermal perfor-
MH batteries. This has lead to their widespread use in portable mance depends on the heat transport across the multifarious in-
electronics such as laptops, smart phones, and cameras, and, more terfaces between the different electrodes and the separator.
recently, in hybrid electric vehicles and aircraft [1e4]. Although Li-ion batteries offer many advantages, such as low
Commercially available Li-ion batteries, such as the 18650 cells self-discharge rates, low maintenance, and high efficiency, recent
typically used in laptops, consist of a carbon coated Copper foil, events such as the Boeing 787 Dreamliner battery fires, as well as
which acts as the negative electrode, an Aluminum foil coated with laptops, cell phones, and electric vehicles catching on fire, have
lithium metal oxides as the positive electrode, an electrically generated public concern and motivated the need for a deeper
insulating plastic separator film usually made of polypropylene, understanding of the thermal behavior of these batteries. A list of
10 such recent incidents is compiled by Wang et al. [6]. Driven by
the importance of thermal management of Li-ion batteries,
considerable research has been done in the past decade (i.e.,
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Gaitonde), [7e12]). AlHallaj et al. [1] developed a one dimensional model with
(A. Marconnet). lumped parameters for commercially available 18650 cells, in order
0378-7753/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
432 A. Gaitonde et al. / Journal of Power Sources 343 (2017) 431e436

to evaluate the internal temperature profiles of the battery as a environment to prevent oxidation, and Di-methyl carbonate is used
function external cooling rates, for different discharge rates and to wash the separator and the metallic case, to avoid degradation or
predict the temperatures at which thermal runway occurs. oxidation of the electrolyte in air. After the components are
More recently, the rate of heat generation during discharge was removed from the battery, washed, and dried, they are taken out of
measured in situ for a 26650 battery [13]. At high discharge rates, the glove box and samples for experiments are prepared by cutting
most of the heat is stored within the cell, in the absence of any the materials to approximately 1 cm  1 cm cross sections. The
active cooling methods. Shah et al. [14] investigated the use of heat cylindrical case is flattened using a manual hydraulic bench press
pipes passing axially through the cylindrical cells as an active and cut to the same cross-section (see Fig. 1).
cooling method to conduct heat away from the batteries during For thermal analysis, the battery materials (and the interfaces of
operation, yielding a large temperature drop of 18e20  C at the core interest) are sandwiched between two layers of a known reference
of the cell, which helps prevent the batteries from overheating. Due material, black polytertrafluroethylene (PTFE), which is opaque to
to the numerous electrode-separator interfaces in the radial di- IR and has a high melting point (326  C). One edge of the sample
rection, the effective thermal conductivity is low [10], which limits stack (consisting of the hot side reference layer, separator layers,
heat transport from the core to the cell package. Thus, increasing 18650 metallic case, separator layers, and cold side reference layer,
the external heat transfer co-efficient does not always aid in cooling see Fig. 4) must be polished in order to enable a flat surface for
of the core of the battery [7,14]. Since the heat generated in the cell thermal imaging (it is crucial that the top surface of the sample is
must ultimately be conducted to the outer case and then to the planar due to the depth of focus of the IR microscope). To enable
surroundings, characterization of thermal conductance across the polishing, the sample stack is temporarily held together with an
interfaces within the cell is important. acrylic resin (Lecoset 100) at the edges of the oversize sample stack.
Only a few researchers [5,12,15] have measured thermal prop- After polishing and after the sample is mounted and secured in the
erties and thermal contact resistances of some components within measurement rig, excess resin is ground off using a Dremel tool to
the batteries, such as the cathode-separator interface recently enable pressure dependent tests (see Fig. 2).
measured by Vishwakarma et al. [10]. But little data yet exists for
the interfacial thermal conductance between the metallic case of
the battery and the jelly roll, which may ultimately limit heat 2.2. Comparative infrared thermal microscopy
removal from the system.
Here, we measure the interfacial thermal resistance between Fig. 3 shows the measurement system for comparative infrared
the polymeric separator and the case of a commercial 18650 battery thermal microscopy. During measurement, heat generated on side
cell using a comparative infrared microscopy technique across a of the sample stack (with cartridge heaters embedded in an
range of temperatures and pressures relevant to operation. As the aluminum adapter plate) conducts through a multi-layer sample
outermost layer of jellyroll is typically the polymeric separator, this stack to a temperature controlled heat sink. The sample stack
interface resistance is crucial to the overall heat dissipation in the consists of a hot side reference layer, separator layers, the 18650
system. Overall, the average measured interfacial thermal metallic case, separator layers, and a cold side reference layer as
conductance is 670 ± 275 W/(m2 K), and no significant pressure or shown in Fig. 4 (c). This symmetric structure enables measurement
temperature dependence is observed. of the two case-separator interfaces (on either side of the case)
during a single test. Several separator layers are placed on either
2. Experimental side of the case to better resolve the temperature profile in the
separator region. Prior to each temperature measurement, the
A miniaturized version of the conventional reference bar
method, based on the ASTM D5470 standard [16] for measuring
thermal conductivity and thermal resistances is used in conjunc-
tion with a high resolution infrared microscope [17,18] to quantify
the thermal resistance of the separator-case interface. In general,
this technique allows quantification of both the cross-plane ther-
mal conductivity of the individual materials, as well as the interface
resistances between materials, if the thermal resistances are on the
same order of magnitude. Here we focus on the interface between
the polymeric separator and the case as a function of temperature
and pressure.

2.1. Fabrication of test samples

Commercially available rechargeable 18650 cells, with a

graphite coated anode and a LiNiMnCoO2 cathode, are discharged
completely prior to dis-assembly. A compact 18650 disassembly
tool from MTI Industries rotates the battery while a high speed
cutting wheel makes two circumferential cuts through the case,
one at the top and one at the bottom of the battery cell. A micro-
meter limits the depth of the cut to the thickness of the metallic
case, in order to avoid shorting the electrodes. Note that the jellyroll Fig. 1. Battery Disassembly Procedure: The compact 18650 disassembly tool cuts off
does not slide out of the case, nor can it be pushed out. Thus, a the (a) top and (b) bottom ends of the battery cell. The tabs connecting the electrodes
micro-mill cuts a lateral incision along the length of the battery and to the case are cut with ceramic scissors. (c) An incision is milled along the length of
the case and (d) the case is removed to fully expose the jellyroll. Note that the sepa-
jellyroll can be removed from the cell. The two tabs which connect rator is the final layer of the jellyroll which is in contact with the metallic case. The
the cathode and anode to the terminals are cut using ceramic tools. electrodes and separator in the jellyroll are unrolled and washed inside a glove-box
The jellyroll is then placed inside a glove-box with an Argon with an Argon environment.
A. Gaitonde et al. / Journal of Power Sources 343 (2017) 431e436 433

Fig. 2. (a) An oversized sample with one polished edge with resin on the other three edges is placed between the jaws of the cross plane measurement rig, (b) excess resin is
ground/cut off using suitable Dremel tools, and (c) the sample stack is held between the jaws without any resin. Pressure is now adjusted using a load cell.

Fig. 3. Miniature IR Reference Bar Setup. The sample stack is sandwiched between hot (H) and cold (C) side adapter plates. The cold side is attached to the temperature-controlled
water block (WB). The hot side temperature is controlled with cartridge heaters embedded in the hot side adapter plate. A load cell (LC) measures the force applied to the sample
stack. When a temperature gradient is applied, the IR microscope measures a 2D temperature map of the top surface of the sample stack.

spatially dependent emissivity is calibrated by uniformly heating Ohms Law for Thermal Resistances:
the sample to a known temperature and measuring the radiant
power. 00 00 q
DT ¼ q R ¼ : (2)
While the temperature gradient is applied, the IR microscope G
measures a 2-D temperature map, which is then averaged in di- Specifically, the thermal resistance is the slope of the tempera-
rection normal to the heat flow path to generate a 1-D temperature ture jump as a function of heat flux (see Fig. 5), and the conduc-
profile (see Fig. 4). Based on the slope of the temperature profile in tance is simply the inverse of the slope.
the reference region, the heat flux is quantified with Fourier's law.
Note that the thermal conductivity of the black PTFE reference
material is verified against gum rubber, a Standard Reference Ma- 3. Results and discussion
terial certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technol-
ogy (NIST). As shown in Fig. 4, the temperature jump at the left and Eight interfaces are measured across a range of temperatures
right interface can be identified from the 1D temperature profile, (35e120  C) and pressures (0.1e0.25 MPa). Across all measured
denoted by DTleft and DTright . temperatures and pressures, the mean thermal conductance be-
Combining these measurement, the thermal conductance, G, is tween the case and the separator is 670 W/(m2 K) with a standard
calculated from deviation of 275 W/(m2 K). This magnitude is comparable to the
thermal conductance of 300 mm of polymer (approximately 10e15

kref dT
layers of the separator). As illustrated in the following sections, no
1 ref ;avg
G ¼ 00 ¼ : (1) clear temperature or pressure dependence is observed, but large
R DT sample-to-sample variations are evident. Since the thermal
For each cold side temperature, four temperature maps at conductance is expected to increase in the presence of an electro-
different heat flux levels are measured. This enable simultaneous lyte, due to improved contact at the separator-case interface, the
evaluation of an average fitted interface conductance based on values mentioned in the manuscript are expected to represent the
434 A. Gaitonde et al. / Journal of Power Sources 343 (2017) 431e436

Fig. 5. Interfacial temperature jump as a function of applied heat flux for a sample
with a cold side temperature of 90  C. The fitted thermal resistance of the interface is
the slope of the fitted line.

120  C) required relatively low heat flux levels, since the high side
temperature was limited to 130  C (the melting point of the sepa-
rator). Variations in data at the same case temperature (e.g. 100  C)
for the same sample are due to the different heat flux levels
required to achieve the case temperature with different cold side
Fig. 6 (a) illustrates the thermal conductance for 4 interfaces
tested in the range of 60e80  C across all pressure levels
(0.1e0.25 MPa). Fig. 6(b) illustrates the thermal conductance for all
8 interfaces tested in the range of 30e120  C across all pressure
levels (0.1e0.25 MPa). As illustrated by the overlapping data,
although much variation between individual trials is observed,
there is no clear temperature or pressure dependence. Individual
measurements for each sample do not show a consistent, signifi-
cant trend of either increasing or decreasing of conductance with
case temperature. Binning the data into 2  C and 5  C windows, for
the narrow and wide data ranges in temperature, yields the aver-
aged data curve shown in Fig. 6 (a). Although a slight increase in
thermal conductance at low temperatures is observed in these
mean values, it is not statistically significant given the variation
from trial to trial.

3.2. Pressure response

Fig. 4. (a) A representative, averaged 1D temperature map, and (b) the corresponding
2D temperature profile showing the temperatures and gradients in the different re-
gions of the sample stack (c). The 1D temperature profile shows no temperature drop Fig. 7 shows all values of thermal conductance at all pressure
in the case, due to its thermal conductivity being an order of magnitude higher than settings for the four interfaces tested in the range of 60e80  C.
that of the separator or reference material.
Although there are a few trials which show higher conductance at
higher pressures, the mean of all samples at the given conditions is
constant at 700 W/(m2 K) across all pressures. While an increase in
lower bound of conductance in application.
contact conductance was expected, due to improved physical
contact between the separator and the case with increasing pres-
3.1. Temperature response sure, based on the data, the range of pressures is too small for this
effect to be significant.
Here we use the temperature of the case as the metric for
classifying temperature dependence. Case temperatures were 3.3. Uncertainty quantification
indirectly controlled by setting the high side and low side boundary
temperatures. Note that the thermal resistance (L/k) of the case Here, the uncertainty is evaluated by an uncertainty propaga-
itself is quite small. Thus, the temperature drop across the case is tion approach. Uncertainty in the measured interface conductance
negligible. is due to uncertainty in the measured heat flux and uncertainty in
Experiments for higher case temperatures (between 80  C and the measured interfacial temperature drop. Uncertainty in the
A. Gaitonde et al. / Journal of Power Sources 343 (2017) 431e436 435

Fig. 6. (a) Thermal conductance as a function of temperature for interfaces 1e4 with pressures from 0.1 to 0.25 MPa. These first four samples have been tested for a narrow range of
case temperatures. Circles indicate individual measurements and the error bars are the uncertainty in those individual data points. The bolded square symbols indicate the average
measured thermal conductance for bins of width 2  C centered at the marked temperature location. The error bars on these binned averages represent the standard deviation of
measurements within the given temperature bin. There is no statistical significant variation in the measured interface conductance with temperature in this range, (b) Thermal
conductance as a function of temperature for all 8 interfaces across all pressures. Here, the range of case temperatures evaluated is expanded to 30e120  C. Colored symbols indicate
individual measurements and the error bars are the uncertainty in those individual data points. The black bolded circles indicate the average measured thermal conductance for
bins of width 5  C centered at the marked temperature location. The error bars on these binned averages represent the standard deviation of measurement within the given
temperature bin. There is no statistical significant variation in the measured interface conductance with temperature.

individual data points in Fig. 5.

3.4. Sample to sample variation

Thermal interface conductance is due to many factors including

the dissimilar materials, contact conditions (e.g. rough/smooth
surfaces, pressure levels, etc.), and temperature. Here, the battery
materials (cases and separator) are harvested from freshly dis-
charged 18650 battery cells. Some natural variation from sample to
sample is expected in the extracted materials that contributes to
the variation in interface resistances. Unlike atomically smooth
interfaces prepared for scientific analysis, these interfaces are ex-
pected to have large variations due to the natural variations in the
porous separator material. Eight interfaces are measured and give a
snapshot of the large variation that could have a significant impact
on resulting Li-ion battery temperatures.

4. Conclusions
Fig. 7. Thermal conductance as a function of pressure for 4 interfaces with case
temperatures in the range of 60e80  C. With increasing usage of Li-ion batteries, safety concerns are on
the rise, and most failures or accidents reported are due to thermal
effects such as poor heat dissipation from the core of the battery to
measured heat flux stems from the uncertainty in the thermal the outer case leading to thermal runaway. In this work, the first
conductivity of the reference material (which is 10% of the reported measurements of the thermal conductance across the final layer of
value) and the uncertainty in the measurement of the temperature the jelly roll, which is the separator, and the metallic case are re-
gradient in the reference material. ported. Our infrared microscopy technique allows accurate in situ
Uncertainty in the temperature gradient stems from uncertainty temperature mapping across the case-separator interface with a
in the reference temperature used in during the emissivity cali- high spatial resolution of upto 1.7 mm. Experiments have been
bration step. Specifically, there is an uncertainty in the measure- carried out for case temperatures of 35e120  C, between a pressure
ment of Tref, due to the uncertainty in the measured temperature range of 0.1e0.25 MPa for each case temperature. Although the
by the thermocouples. The accuracy of T-type thermocouples used conductance across the case-separator interface is expected to in-
in this work is ±0.5  C, resulting in an uncertainty in emissivity of crease with pressure due to improved contact, measurements car-
~3%. This uncertainty in emissivity corresponds to less than ~1% ried out in this work do not show this trend. The measured
uncertainty in the measured temperature gradient. This uncer- conductance across all 8 samples at all temperatures and pressures
tainty is combined with uncertainty in the slope due to the manual is 670 W/(m2 K) with a standard deviation of 275 W/(m2 K).
selection of the reference region for a combined uncertainty in the Since no pressure dependence is seen in these measurements,
reference temperature gradient. The uncertainty in the tempera- higher pressures need to be investigated. Further, because the
ture jump is calculated by shifting the location of the separator-case contact pressure at the jelly roll-case interface is unknown, a
interface by a few data points. The combined uncertainty from all similar experimental approach needs to be used to measure the
these effects is represented by the error bars shown on the interfacial conductance at the actual contact pressure by using a
436 A. Gaitonde et al. / Journal of Power Sources 343 (2017) 431e436

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