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Journal of Power Sources 280 (2015) 47e56

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Characterization of plasticity and fracture of shell casing of lithium-ion

cylindrical battery
Xiaowei Zhang*, Tomasz Wierzbicki
Impact and Crashworthiness Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Room 5-218, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

h i g h l i g h t s

 A comprehensive set of mechanical tests on shell casing of 18650 cells was performed.
 Plastic and fracture models of shell casing were provided along with calibration procedure.
 Jellyroll was described by means of a crushable foam model.
 The presence of shell casing significantly improves the cell's resistance to mechanical abuse loading.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Most of the literature on lithium-ion battery cells is concerned with modeling of jellyroll with little
Received 23 December 2014 attention to properties of shell casing. However, shell casing provides substantial strength and fracture
Received in revised form resistance under mechanical loading and therefore must be an important part of modeling of lithium-ion
6 January 2015
batteries. The paper reports on a comprehensive test program on commercially available empty shell
Accepted 13 January 2015
Available online 14 January 2015
casing of 18650 lithium-ion cylindrical cells. Part of the tests was used to determine plastic and fracture
properties from sub-size specimens cut from lateral part of the cans. The other part served to validate
plasticity and fracture models under various loading conditions. The associated flow rule was used to
Mechanical loading
simulate plasticity behavior and Modified Mohr-Coulomb (MMC) fracture model was adopted to predict
Lithium-ion cells crack initiation and propagation of shell casing. Simulation results confirmed that present plasticity and
Battery shell casing fracture models could predict global plastic behavior of the cells under different loading conditions. The
Plasticity jellyroll model with volumetric hardening was introduced to compare the performance of empty shell
Fracture casing, bare jellyroll and complete battery cell. It was shown that in many loading situations, for example,
three point bending of the cylindrical cells, the metallic shell casing provides most of mechanical
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction limit of cells in terms of resistance to mechanical loading and

fracture during accidental load and/or compliance with safety
Shell casing of lithium-ion batteries provides the first level of standards such as SAE J2464 [1].
thermal and mechanical protection to the jellyroll. It has to perform There are a number of requirements that lithium-ion batteries
well under verity of abuse loading, and it must be light and easy to must satisfy regarding electro-chemical, thermal and mechanical
manufacture. The casings are often made from extruded aluminum properties. Most of the literature on the modeling of lithium-ion
tubes with laser welded endcaps. More commonly, a multi-stage cells is devoted to thermal management [2,3]. Recently, the
deep drawing technology is used for both steel and aluminum importance of the laboratory mechanical test and numerical
thin sheets. The supplier of shell casing provided minimum or no simulation has been recognized by the community. Sufficient evi-
information on the mechanical properties of raw material used or dence has now been accumulated proving that fracture of shell
the final product. Such information is critical to assess performance casing is a valid and serious failure mode, exposing the partially
damage jellyroll to the environment. Sahraei and Hill [4] performed
tests on axially compressed cylindrical cells during which a longi-
* Corresponding author. tudinal crack was developed from a local bulge. Fracture on the
E-mail address: (X. Zhang). tensile side of shell casing was observed in three-point bending test
0378-7753/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
48 X. Zhang, T. Wierzbicki / Journal of Power Sources 280 (2015) 47e56

[5,6]. Sahraei et al. [7] described a dynamic test on large format 2. Plasticity modeling for the battery shell casing
cylindrical cell subjected to axial compression. The cell exploded,
tearing the shell casing into small pieces. Recently, Xia et al. [8] 2.1. Material
performed numerical simulation of the 18650 cell under symmet-
ric and eccentric load by a sharp punch, parallel to the longitudinal The cylindrical cells are widely used as batteries for laptop and
direction. The symmetrically loaded shell casing ruptured under portable power. Such cells are also powering the Tesla Model S. The
6 mm indentation depth. Fracture of eccentrically loaded cell shell casing is made by deep drawing, which can reduce the cost
occurred much earlier, when the punch travelled only 1.6 mm. compared with the extruding one with welded endcap. The present
Considering the existing evidence and potential hazard associated paper is studying the properties of the commercially available
with spreading gases, spill of the electrolyte and possible fire from deep-drawn shell casing of the 18650 cell made from low carbon
the bursting cell to the neighboring ones, a proper attention should steel, which is approximately 18 mm in diameter and 65 mm in
be given to this problem by the battery safety community. length.
The objective of the present paper is to determine the contri- Generally, a typical deep drawing process consists of several
bution of the strength of the shell casing to the overall response of steps from a flat circular sheet to the final shape. The deep drawing
the cells to the mechanical loading. To this end, plastic and fracture process results in considerable accumulated plastic strain, leading
properties of the shell casing material were determined by using to the deformation induced anisotropic of the casing that can be
the most modern technology developed in the Impact and Crash- determined experimentally. Therefore, due to the anisotropic
worthiness Lab of MIT [9e16]. This effort consisted of an extensive properties of the virgin rolled sheet and deformation induced
experimental program, model calibration and component valida- anisotropy, the thickness of the shell casing varies along both axial
tion. Almost 100 empty shell casings were tested to complete the direction and hoop direction of the casing, as shown in Fig. 1. The
stated task. Specimens were cut from the actual shell casing, which area with maximum thickness is around the open end of the can
restricted their size and shape to a certain degree. The shell casing and minimum thickness is approximately in the middle. Such a
material had undergone relatively large strain during the deep distribution of thickness was also reported in the literature for deep
drawing process. These strains were distributed non-uniformly drawn shell casing [17]. The average wall thickness is 0.26 mm. The
along the length of the cell. The anisotropic properties arising chemical composition is summarized in Table 1. All specimens were
first from the rolling process of the sheets and then deep drawing extracted from the same package of the battery cell (100 pieces)
process are substantial and were to be taken in to account. There is and can be assumed to have the same mechanical properties.
a considerable variation in thickness of the can from 0.253 mm to
0.29 mm at the ends. The endcap on the other hand was not sub- 2.2. Preparation of the specimens and description of the test
jected to any strain histories and represents the virgin material. method
However, the size of the endcap is too small to cut any specimens.
All the above features made the testing and calibration procedure In this section, a rather detailed procedure on the preparation
much more difficult as compared to previous work in the lab on and test method is given so that similar test could be performed
thin automotive sheets. From this point of view, the present paper around other labs in the world. Two methods were used to prepare
is indeed innovative in terms of both test procedures and numerical tensile specimens for plasticity calibration. In both methods, the
simulations. endcap was removed. In the first method, the shell casing was cut
In the last section of the paper, numerical simulations were lengthwise and flattened, as shown in Fig. 2. Dogbone-shaped
performed on bare jellyroll, empty shell casing and complete cells. specimens were cut from three different flattened-sheet orienta-
It was conclusively proven that in some loading situation, such as tions (axial or deep drawing direction, hoop direction and diagonal
three point bending, the shell casing provided most of the me- direction) using a milling machine. The specimen geometry
chanical resistance of the cell. Distinguished feature of the present (Fig. 3a) is different from that in ASTM-E8M standard (sheet type),
paper is that not only it provides new information about the due to the limited length and diameter of the shell casing. Since the
important modeling problem, but also shows in some details how dimension of the flattened sheet of the shell casing is 65 mm in
the information was obtained. length and 56 mm in width (hoop direction), the geometry of

Table 1
Chemical composition of the shell casing.

Element Mn P Ni Cr Cu Mo V Ti Co

Percentage 0.16 0.008 1.36 0.056 0.012 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.006

Fig. 1. Non-uniform thickness distribution of the shell casing.

X. Zhang, T. Wierzbicki / Journal of Power Sources 280 (2015) 47e56 49

Fig. 2. Specimen preparation from the flattened shell casing in different material orientations (0 , 45 and 90 to the deep drawing direction).

Fig. 3. a) Geometry of the dogbone specimen (Dimension in mm); b) specimens before test.

dogbone along hoop direction is 10 mm shorter than in axial and displacement (Vic 2D, version 2009). All the specimens were tested
diagonal direction. Fig. 3b shows the specimens after cutting. on a table-top uniaxial loading machine (Instron Model 5940 with
Relatively large spring back was observed for specimens along di- load capability 2 kN) with speed of 0.2 mm min-1.
agonal and hoop direction. Fig. 5 shows the engineering stressestrain curves in three di-
The flattening process may bring a certain amount of pre- rections from 6 tests of flattened shell casing (2 in each direction).
damage to the final specimens. To study the flattening effect, an The displacement for calculating engineering strain was measured
alternative uniaxial tensile test was conducted. Window-shaped from positions closed to the end of the gauge section (gauge length
specimens were cut directly from the shell casing without flat- was 8 mm for specimens along hoop direction and 18 mm for the
tening process, as shown in Fig. 4 (left). The geometry of the gauge other two). The cross section was assumed as 0.26 mm when
section of the specimen is approximately the same as the above calculating the engineering stress. The repeatability of the test is
dogbone specimen. Fig. 4 (right) shows the setup of the uniaxial relatively good, even though the thickness of the flattened sheet
tensile test of the window-shaped specimen. To calculate the en- varies from specimen to specimen and even varies from region to
gineering stressestrain curve of the specimen, exact area of the region within specimen. The nominal Young's modulus is 160 GPa
initial gauge section was obtained from geometric model. Digital (due to non-uniform thickness) and the average flow stress is
Image Correlation (DIC) was used to measure the local strain and 500 MPa. The comparison of window-shaped specimen and dog-
bone specimen is shown in Fig. 6. The results show that there was
only a slight hardening effect due to the flattening process for this

2.3. Determination of hardening curve before and after necking

For tensile test, the true stressestrain curve is only valid up to

the point of the diffused necking. To determine the post-necking
stressestrain curve, an inverse method must be used. Following
the procedure developed by Dunand [12], a one-parameter linear-
combination of Swift-Voce law fitting function was adopted

Kopt ¼ aKs þ ð1  aÞKv (1)

where Swift law Ks ¼ A(εp þ ε0)n and Voce law

Kv ¼ BC*exp(D*εp). The parameters in Swift and Voce law were
fitted from uniaxial tensile test data while a was optimized from
Fig. 4. Geometry of the window-shaped specimen (left) and uniaxial tensile test setup the inverse method. All the calibrated parameters are listed in
(right). Table 2.
50 X. Zhang, T. Wierzbicki / Journal of Power Sources 280 (2015) 47e56

Fig. 5. Engineering stressestrain curves (left) and fractured dogbone specimens (right).

Fig. 6. Comparison of stressestrain curves of uniaxial tension (left) and fractured window-shape specimen (right).

The yield surface of the shell casing material is also crucial since Table 2
the material of shell casing has considerable anisotropy. Hill'48 Combined Swift and Voce hardening law parameters.

yield condition was used and related parameters are given in A ε0 n B C D a

Appendix A. 800 0 0.084 356 194.5 360 0.5

3. Fracture modeling for the battery shell casing

where Dðεf Þ is the damage indicator, εp is the equivalent plastic
In the previous work of the investigating team, it was shown ε f is fracture locus, h is the stress triaxiality and q is the
strain, b
that the Modified Mohr-Coulomb (MMC) fracture model was able normalized Lode angle [10].
to predict correctly the initiation and propagation of the cracks. Another concept is the fracture locus b ε f ðh; qÞ for proportional
This fracture model was adopted for the present paper. There are loading. A specific form of the fracture locus was derived from the
two concepts in the MMC model. One is the damage accumulation classical Mohr-Coulomb fracture model [10]. Transforming the local
rule. fracture criterion on the fracture plane into the space of (h; q; εf ), the
following fracture criterion was obtained
  Zp dεp
D εf ¼   (2) where A ¼ 680 MPa and n ¼ 0.047 are the parameters from refitted
ε f h; q
0 optimized hardening curve by Swift law, and c1, c2, c3 are three
parameters of MMC model needed to be calibrated from fracture

8 " 2sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 39 1
pffiffiffi    #      =n
  <A 3 qp 1 þ c21 qp 1 qp
ε f h; q ¼ c þ pffiffiffi ð1  c3 Þ sec 1 4 cos þ c1 h þ sin 5 (3)
:c2 3 2  3 6 3 6 3 6 ;
X. Zhang, T. Wierzbicki / Journal of Power Sources 280 (2015) 47e56 51

tests with different combinations of stress triaxiality h and Fig. 7aed were cut from flattened sheets of shell casing and the
normalized Lode angle q. shear specimens in Fig. 7e were cut directly from casings without
flattening process because of the buckling and spring back prob-
lems for flattened shear specimens. The fracture parameters
3.1. Calibration of the MMC fracture model
(c1 ¼ 0.20, c2 ¼ 425 MPa, c3 ¼ 0.90) were determined by using the
inverse method which required finite element simulation of each
Calibration procedure, to determine the three unknown pa-
test. Interested readers are referred to the above mentioned papers
rameters (c1, c2, c3) followed the work by Luo [12]. This involves
for details. Here only the final results are given. Fig. 7 presents
extracting five different specimens from the shell casing material
comparison of measured and calculated load displacement curves.
and performing tests in which measured were loadedisplacement
In all cases, good agreements were observed.
curves including displacements to fracture. The specimens in

Fig. 7. Comparison of forceedisplacement curves between test and simulation: (a) notched specimen; (b) specimen with central hole; (c) butterfly tension specimen; (d) punch
specimen; (e) simple shear specimen.
52 X. Zhang, T. Wierzbicki / Journal of Power Sources 280 (2015) 47e56

4. Validation of the plasticity and fracture model on the

“structural” level

To validate the plasticity and fracture model built in Sect. 3, four

types of experiments on empty shell casing were performed. All of
these types of tests are common loading cases of mechanical abuse
of battery cells. The endcap in all tests was not removed.

4.1. Axial compression test

Several tests on axial compression of the can were performed.

The measured loadedisplacement curves are shown in Fig. 8.
During these tests, no fracture of shell casing was observed.
Therefore, only the plasticity model can be validated at this stage. A
relatively accurate FE model of the shell casing including the end-
cap was built with thickness varying along axial direction, ac-
cording to the geometry measured in Fig. 1. The geometry of
endcap, which is not flat (Fig. 1), was carefully measured. In the FE Fig. 9. Force-displacement of lateral compresssion of shell casing.
model, the body of the shell casing was taken as anisotropic along
axial and hoop direction, while the endcap was assumed to be
defining the boundary condition conveniently. From Fig. 9, the force
isotropic. Two models were constructed, one with shell elements
level of the shell casing with endcap removed was greatly reduced,
(element type: S4R and mesh size 0.2 mm  0.2 mm) and the other
and the endcap played a major role in resisting the lateral
with solid elements (element type: C3D8R and mesh size:
compression of shell casing.
0.2 mm  0.2 mm  0.032 mm) and 8 elements through thickness.
Fig. 8 shows the comparison of the experiment and FE simulation
results. The numerical simulation predicted higher peak force, 4.3. Three point bending test
which is normal for a geometrically perfect axisymmetric model.
For the second and third peak, both the shell element and solid Three point bending test is also a typical loading case for battery
element models agree with experiment well. cell [5,6]. The test setup is shown in Fig. 11 (left), where the radius of
the cylindrical indenter is 10 mm, and the radii of supporting cyl-
inders are 24 mm. The distance between the two supporting cyl-
4.2. Lateral compression test
inders is 58 mm. No fracture was observed even when the
displacement of indenter reached 20 mm, 2 mm larger than the
The shell casing was also subjected to lateral compression be-
diameter of the casing. The model with shell element in Sect. 4.1
tween two flat plates. The forceedisplacement curves are plotted in
was used to simulation the test. The friction coefficient was set to
Fig. 9. No fracture was observed. The previous FE model with shell
0.05. The comparison of forceedisplacement curves of test and
elements (element type: S4R) was used to simulate the compres-
simulation is shown in Fig. 11 (right). The agreement between
sion process. The main contribution for the displacement mismatch
simulation and test is good. This also validated the plasticity model
in Fig. 9 is due to the modelling of the endcap, which has a
of shell casing only.
complicated geometry. Two additional simulations were run by
using the same model but one with endcap removed (Model A) and
the other with endcap only (Model B) as shown in Fig. 10. The 4.4. Internal pressure test
model B that with endcap only was cut from the position of 6 mm
from the edge of endcap rather than the edge with the purposes of A hydraulic bulge test using water was introduced, and the

Fig. 8. Concertina folding of shell casing (left) and forceedisplacement curves of axial compression of shell casing (right).
X. Zhang, T. Wierzbicki / Journal of Power Sources 280 (2015) 47e56 53

Fig. 10. Models with or without endcap.

Fig. 11. Test setup of three point bending test and forceedisplacement curve.

Fig. 13. Force-displacement curve of hydraulic bulge test.

Fig. 12. Setup of hydraulic bulge test.

setup is shown in Fig. 12. The shell casing was filled with so called
de-aired water, which is commonly used in rock and soil tests and is
assumed to be incompressible. A piston with a steel seal plug to
release the spare water was assembled in the open end. The piston
sat on a flat plate and the side with endcap was subjected to
compression by another flat plate. The O-ring was designed to
prevent water from leaking out during the test. The clearance be-
tween the edges of shell casing and piston prevents possible sup-
ports from piston. The experimental forceedisplacement curves are
shown in Fig. 13, where the displacements were measured from the
flat plate at the endcap side during the test. The test was performed
up to the point of bursting fracture. Fig. 14. Comparison of fracture in test and simulation (contour: plastic equivalent
To simulation this test, a fine FE model of the shell casing with
varied thickness distribution along axial direction (Fig. 1 average
54 X. Zhang, T. Wierzbicki / Journal of Power Sources 280 (2015) 47e56

curve) was used and the calibrated MMC fracture model was     

implemented. In the model, the loading was applied as an inside pl pl 1 1 Pt

  sc εaxial sc εaxial a2 þ 9 þ 3
pressure, which was calculated from the force in Fig. 13 over the Pc εpl ¼ (5)
vol sc ðεpl
area of the piston (diameter: 17.45 mm) by neglecting the small axial Þ
Pt þ 3
friction force between O-ring and shell casing. From the simulation,
it was observed that slant fracture occurred when the pressure where εpl and εpl are volumetric and uniaxial plastic strain and
vol axial
reached maximum value from test, see Fig. 14. It is worth noting they are equal in uniaxial compression when the Poison's ratio is
that this kind fracture can seldom happen in practice because the assume to be very small (highly compressible).
battery cell has cap valve to release internal pressure (typically less The flow potential is defined as
than 3 MPa). However, this type of test provides important vali-
dation of the present fracture model. The fracture of shell casing 9
happened when the pressure load increased to 15.6 MPa in nu- G¼ q2 þ p2 (6)
merical simulation, which indicated the accuracy of MMC fracture
model. The model involved four independent parameters, E, y, k, kt. The
stressestrain curve in Fig. 15 was calculated from the test data from
5. Modeling of jellyroll lateral compression of pouch cell in the author's laboratory [4]. The
tests were performed in room temperature. It was observed that
In order to demonstrate the contribution of the shell casing to the temperature raise of jellyroll happens only after the onset of the
the bending strength of an individual cylindrical cell, a computa- electric short circuit. The present model is valid up to the onset of
tional model of the jellyroll must be established. Such a model, the electric short circuit. The values of Young's modulus and Pois-
along with a detailed calibration procedure was developed in a son's ratio were obtained from Ref. [4]. The parameter k is set to 1.1
series of publications [4,5] in the LS-DYNA environment. An alter- according to the test data [8] and kt is optimized from the simu-
native compressible foam material in Abaqus was proposed in lation. From the parameters in Table 3, all other parameters defined
Ref. [8] to model deformation of 18,650 cylindrical cell. This model above could be calculated.
was adopted in the present paper. The crushable foam model is an
extension of the one developed by Deshpande and Fleck [18]. Be-
6. Modeling of full battery
sides the original feature of isotropic hardening law in the Desh-
pande and Fleck model, it incorporates a new option of a volumetric
Having determined separately the constitutive behavior of the
hardening law and the corresponding yield function to address the
shell casing and the jellyroll, we can now move to the prediction of
difference of yield evolution between hydrostatic compression and
the strength of the complete battery. This will demonstrate the
tension states [19]. There are three concepts involved, the yield
relative contribution of the individual components to the strength
surface, the hardening function and the flow potential. The pres-
of the structural systems. Two loading cases were considered: three
sure dependent yield function is assumed in the form.
point bending and lateral indentation under cylindrical punch
u 0 12 loading.
u Pc εpl  Pt Pc εpl þ Pt
u vol vol The computational model of the shell casing was the same as the
F≡tq2 þ a@p  A a ¼0 (4) one with solid elements described in previous section. It should be
2 2
noted that even though the shell casing is thin, the solid element
representation with 8 elements through thickness was used. There
where q is Mises stress, p is pressure, pc is hydrostatic compression were 190,000 solid elements in the shell casing model. The jellyroll
yield strength and pt is tension yield strength which is a constant was modeled by means of the solid element with type C3D8R in
throughout any plastic deformation process. s0c and p0c are initial Abaqus [19], with a total of 670,000 elements. All together, the
yield strengthpin uniaxial compression and hydrostatic compres-
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi complete model of the cell consisted of 860,000 elements. It would
sion. a ¼ 3k= ð3kt þ kÞð3  kÞ, where k ¼ s0c =p0c , kt ¼ pt =p0c . The take approximately 10 h on 6 CPUs workstation to complete one
hardening function Pc ðεpl vol
Þ has the following form loading case. General contact method was defined between the
interacting components with 0.05 friction coefficient.
Results of the three point bending are shown in the Fig. 16. Three
different cases are compared in Fig. 16a, the bare jellyroll (dash
double dot line), the empty shell casing (dash line) and the com-
plete battery (dash dot line). Also the experimental measured
loadedisplacement curves are shown by the solid lines. The bare
jellyroll developed a negligible resistance force, not larger than
10 N. This was a quite unexpected results but simple hand calcu-
lations of the bending deformation of an elastic beam confirmed
the above results. The strength of the empty shell casing was more
than an order of magnitude higher and reached almost 500 N. The
predicted loadedisplacement relation of the complete battery
(jellyroll inside the shell casing) followed closely the experimental

Table 3
Parameters of jellyroll model.

E(MPa) n k kt s ε

500 0.01 1.1 10 Piecewise

Fig. 15. Stressestrain curve of jellyroll.
X. Zhang, T. Wierzbicki / Journal of Power Sources 280 (2015) 47e56 55

Fig. 16. Comparison of three-point bending test and simulation results and corresponding contour of deformation of cell components.

curve and reached 2.5 kN before failure. The above example clearly process of sheets and deep drawing process, considerable aniso-
shows that the strength of the battery is not a sum of the strength of tropic properties of the shell casing were detected in the tests.
the individual components loaded separately. This result should Those properties were well captured by introducing Hill'48 aniso-
serve as a justification that modeling of the shell casing, which is tropic yield function with the associate flow rule. Another feature of
the main subject of the present paper, is indispensable for accu- the present method was a relatively exact hardening curve valid for
rately predicting the response of the lithium-ion batteries. the post necking range which was incorporated in the FE simula-
The second example is the local indentation of the cell by a rigid tion. Modified Mohr-Coulomb (MMC) fracture model was used to
cylinder. It is seen from the simulation that the sum resistance of predict the onset of fracture and an extrusive experimental pro-
the components is much closer to that of the entire battery. The gram was conducted to determine fracture parameters.
contribution of the shell casing is not negligible and it is actually Four validation studies were performed on empty or water-
quite important in the initial phase. This is illustrated in Fig. 17. filled shell casing. Those included axial and lateral compression
tests, three point bending test and hydraulic bugle test. In each
7. Conclusion case, a very good correlation between test and simulation results
was observed.
In this paper, the plasticity and fracture behavior of shell casing Only after the calibration and complete validation of plasticity
of cylindrical lithium-ion battery was studied. Due to the rolling and fracture models of the shell casing, we were able to

Fig. 17. Comparison of Indentation test and simulation results and corresponding contour of deformation of cell components.
56 X. Zhang, T. Wierzbicki / Journal of Power Sources 280 (2015) 47e56

demonstrate that the shell casing provided the most of the resis-
Table A-1
tance of the cell in some loading situation. These properties were
Hill'48 coefficients determined from Lankford coefficient
proven by comparing bending strength of the bare jellyroll, empty
shell casing and the complete cell. It was shown that the jellyroll F G H L M N
itself provided only a small percentage of the strength of the 0.65 0.56 0.43 1.5 1.5 1.37
complete battery. The final conclusion is that mechanical behavior
of the shell casing must be an integral part of characterizing the
lithium-ion cell from the mechanical loading. 1077.

Table A-2
Lankford coefficients determined from uniaxial tensile tests
The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of
MIT Battery Consortium. We would also like to thank our col- a ¼ 0 a ¼ 45 a ¼ 90 ravg
leagues, Yong Xia, Elham Sahraei, Stephane Marcadet, Kai Wang r 0.77 0.62 0.66 0.683
and Keunhwan Pack for valuable discussions. Thanks are due to
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