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“A study on consumer perception towards cosmetic brand with special

reference to Lakme’’

For partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of

Business Administration (Foreign Trade)

Batch 2019-2022


BBA (FT.) 5th SEM

IBMR, IPS ACADEMY, Rajendra Nagar, A.B. Road, Indore – 452012 (MP)


The bookish knowledge of any program, which we get from educational institutions, is not
enough to be used in our day-to-day life. The more practical knowledge we have, the more
beneficial it is for our learning.

To make the students aware of the working of the business world every student of BACHELOR
OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (FOREIGN TRADE) (5 th Semester) has to undergo a
major research project where he/she experiences many aspects of business under the supervision
of Professional Managers.

I strongly believe that the knowledge gained from this experience is more than the knowledge
gained from the theories in the book.

PLACE: Student Name:



This is to certify that Mr. AMBIKESH PATEL Student of Institute of Business Management
and Research, IPS Academy, Indore of BBA (FOREIGN TRADE) program has prepared
Major research Project report on topic “A Study on consumer perception towards cosmetic
brand with special reference to Lakme” “under my guidance.


Internal Examiner (Guide) External Examiner

IBMR, IPS Academy


I am AMBIKESH PATEL Student of Institute of Business Management and Research, IPS

Academy, Indore of BBA (FOREIGN TRADE) program has prepared Major research Project
report on topic “ A study on consumer perception and towards cosmetic brand with special
reference to Lakme”
The Research as per my knowledge is original and genuine and not published in any research
Journal previously.

Student Name & Signature


BBA (5th Sem)



I often wondered why the project reports always began with acknowledgement. Now, when I
have undertaken project myself, did I realize that project report involves not just the researcher
but so many people that help in making the research possible. Therefore, I take pleasure in
beginning the most beautiful part of the report.

I fall short of words to express my gratitude to my guide SHWETA DAGAONKAR who despite
their busy schedule were able to find some time to guide me through trouble and solve my
problems to the best of abilities. Without their unfailing guidance, encouragement and patience
this project would not have been possible. It has been a learning experience under him/her.
I am thankful to my faculty guide SHWETA DAGAONKAR who gave me detailed instructions
during my MRP


This report is on the compary Lakme. It is the global leader in cosmetics, with 25 brands.
They have 4 key areas of expertise - hair care, skincare, make-up and fragrances. There is a huge
motive behind the study of Lakme. The study will help us to understand the operations which are
carried out by L'Oreal. The operations such as, business marketing strategies, business plans
of company at a glance, business structure, management and operating structures, competitors
position as per this company, business development, discussion of business strategies, SWOT
analysis to understand the different pros and cons of the company, so as to report properly to
operate effectively and deal smartly
This study offers a comprehensive analysis of the
organization, is business segments, and competitors. It analyzes the business and marketing
strategies adopted by the company, to gain a competitive edge in the industry. The profile abo
evaluates the strengths of the company and the opportunities present in the market. This study
presents the key facts & figures, business description, products & services offered and corporate
timeline of the company. It involves analysis of the company at three levek
- segments,
organizational structure and ownership composition. Both business and geographic segments are
analyzed along with their recent financial performance. It further discusses the major subsidiaries
of the company and the recent merger & acquisitions. It abo examines the significant
developments and milestone that have taken place in the company. It is a form of news analysis
where the most critical company news is discussed. Also the factor Financial Performance
included in this study. It discusses the most recent financils of the company and also compares
anyone in evaluating the performance of the company from an investor's viewpoint.

The Lakme Group is the work's largest cosmetics and Beauty Company. Lakme is
an Indian brand of cosmetics, owned by Unilver and run by CEO Anil Chopra. Lakme started as
a 100% subsidiary of Tata Oil Mills, part of the Tata Group; * was named after
the French opera Lakme, which iself is the French form of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, also
renowned for her beauty. Indian cosmetic Lakme was started in 1952, famously because the then
Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, was concerned that Indian women were spending precious

Foreign exchange on beauty products, and personally requested JD Tata to manufacture them
India. Simone Tata joined the company as director, and went on to become its chairman.

In 1996 Tata sold off their stakes in Lakme Lever to HLL, for Rs 200 Crore (45 million
USS), and went on to create Trent and Westsie. Even today, when most multinational beauty
products are available in India, Lakme still occupies a special phce in the hearts of Indan

Lakme abo started is new business in the beauty industry by setting up Lakme Beauty
Salons all over India. Now HUL (Hindustan Unilver Limited) has about 110 salons all over
Indin providing beauty services. Lakme' has been ranked as 47th most trusted brand in India
by The Brand Trust Report. The company is the title sponsor for Lakme Fashion Week (LFW) a
biannual fashion event which takes place in Mumbai


The main objective behind the study of this project is to evalate the distribution channel for
Lakme Company.
To study the marketing strategies of Lakme cosmetics.
To study the 4ps of marketing,
To study Lakme market shares in cosmetic industry in comparison to other brands
To analyze the reason for Lakme's initial strategy in India.
• To know and analyze the level of satisfaction of customers wih regard to Lame as one
of the major players in Cosmetic industry
To understand the relationship between customers (who demand the product) and the
suppliers or manufacturers (who produce the product).
For understanding the company's structure and functioning among variols departments
like finance, accounts, HR, etc better.


This study uncovers the impact, wility and effectiveness & efficiency of marketing
strategies of Lakme on the success of cosmetic industry. A special emphasis is laid down on
Lake cosmetics.
The project begins with detailed information about marketing strategies and the impact of
measuring customer satisfaction in cosmetic industry. Further, it covers topics as data collection
took and research methodology used for the project. Then it gives a complete analysis of the
data collected and it is then used to reach to a conclusion. The study took nearly 2 months to
complete. The study is useful for the better understanding of marketing strategies towards the
Lakme cosmetic industry.
For the purpose of this study, a questionnaire was designed based on different parameters to
judge and understand the consumer behavior towards Lame cosmetics. Target group of the
project was mainly Lakme customers.
As this study is confined to Lakme, it covers an analysis of consumer behavior, attitude,
perceptions, marketing strategies and satisfaction with respect to Lakme as a BRAND in
cosmetic industry.
A nThe study takes into account the customers of Lakme in New Delhi and Gurgaon.

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Geographical scope of the study was limited to a small area, which may not represent the
whole sector of India. Size of the sample is 100, which is, of course small in comparison to
entire population.
Due to limitation of time only few people were selected for the study. So the sample of
consumer was not enough to generalize the finding of the study.
There can be many interpretations and explanation to the data collected. This is empirical
study and the research and the research provides the explanation as understood by the
researcher only.
The source of data for the study was primary data with the help of self-administered
questionnaire. Hence, the chances of unbiased information are less.

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Research Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem.
The Research Methodology includes the various methods and techniques for
conducting a Research, "Marketing Research is the systematic design, collection,
analysis and reporting of data and finding relevant solution to a specific marketing
situation or problem". D. Slesinger and M. Stephenson in the encyclopedia of
Social Sciences define Research as "the manipulation of things, concepts or
symbols for the purpose of generalizing to extend, correct or verify knowledge,
whether that knowledge aids in construction of theory or in the practice of an art",
Research is, thus, an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge
making for its advancement. The purpose of Research is to discover answers to the
Questions through the application of scientific procedures. Our project has a
specified framework for collecting data in an effective manner. Such framework is
"Research Design". The research process followed by us consists of
following steps:
4.1 Research Design:-
4.1.1 Conclusion Oriented Research: - The research was conclusion oriented
because this research aimed at identifying the characteristics of a successful
entrepreneur. In other words it is a research when we give our own views
about the research
4.1.2 Descriptive Research: - The research was a descriptive research as it was
concerned with specific predictions,
with narration
of facts and
characteristics concerning individuals specially entrepreneurs. In other
words descriptive research is a research where in researcher has no control
over variable. He just presents the picture which has already studied.

4.2 Sample Design: - A sampling design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample
from a given population. It refers to the technique or the procedure the

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researcher adopts in selecting items for the sample. The following factors need to
be decided within the scope of sample design:
Universe of the Study: - The universe of the study included
respondents specially entrepreneurs in gurgaon city.
Sample Size: - Sample size is the number of elements to be included
in a study. Keeping in mind all the constraints 100 respondents was
Sampling Techniques:
The sampling techniques used are
and simple random sampling

All items in any field of enquiry constitute a 'Universe' or 'Popubtion'. A complete
enumeration of all items in the population is known as a census enquiry,


The number of items selected from the universe to represent the universe is called size of the
sample. The sample size of 100 served the purpose of the study. The sampling method used is
non-probability convenience sampling
The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research
design plan checked out. While deciding about the method of collection of data to be used for
study two types of data should be kept in mind vie, primary and secondary. For the study, both
primary data and secondary data were collected.
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For primary data, this is those, which are collected afresh and for the first Time, and thus
happen to be original in character. There are many ways of data collection of primary data like
observation method, interview method, through schedules, pantry Reports, distributors audit,
consumer panel etè. The Team Managers and employees of both the Department were
to get information about procedure of both the online and off line share trading. But the method
used by us for the primary data collection was through questionnaires,

For secondary data, these are those data, which are not collected afresh and are used earler also
and thus they
cannot be considered as original in character. There are
many ways of data collection of secondary data like publications of the state and central govern
ment, reports prepared byresearchers, reports of various associations connected with business,
Industries, banks etc. And the method, which was used by us, was with the help of reports of

For the collection of primary data I used questionnaire method. A formal st of questions,
which are to be asked, is prepared in a questionnaire and questions are asked on those bases.
There are some merts and demerits of this method. These as under:
Merits: -
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1. Low cost even when universe is large.
2. It is free from bias of interviewer.
3. Respondents have proper time to answer.
4. Respondents who are not easily approachable can also be reachable.
5. Large samples can be made.

Data collection method

The data has been presented by way of pie charts and graphs. These have been specifically
used to present the data collected from respondents through questionnaire.



Cosmetics (colloquially known as makeup or make-up) are care substances used to enhance
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the appearance or odor of the human body. They are generally mixtures of chemical compounds,
some being derived from natural sources, many being synthetic.
In the U.S., the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which regulates cosmetics, defines
cosmetics as "intended to be applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting
attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the body's structure or functions."
This broad definition indices, as well any material intended for use as a component of a
cosmetic product. The FDA specifically excludes soap from this category.
The word cosmetics derives from the Greek (cosmetics techno), meaning
"technique of dress and ornament", from cognition (cosmetics), "skilled in ordering or
arranging" and that from Kogyo (cosmos), meaning amongst others "order" and "ornament"
Archeological evidence of
Cosmetics dates at least from ancient Egypt and Greece
According to one source, early major developments include:(IlCastor oil by ancient Egypt as a
protective balmSkin creams made of beeswax, olive oil, and rosewater described by Romans.
Vaseline and kaolin in the nineteenth century.Nivea Creme in 1911.The Ancient Greeks also used
cosmetics. Cosmetics are mentioned in the OH Testament--2Kings 9:30 where Jezebel painted her
eyelids- approximately 840 BC-and the book of Estherdescribes various beauty treatments as well.
Cosmetic use was frowned upon at many points in Western history. For example, in the 19th
century, Queen Victoria publicly decked makeup improper, vulgar, and acceptable only for use
by actors Of the major cosmetics firm, the biggest is LAKME, run by Uncover and owned by CRO
Anil Chopra.Beauty products are now widely available from dedicated internet-only retailers, who
have more recently been joined online by established outlets, including the major department stores
and traditional bricks and mortar beauty retailers,Akbough modern make-up has been used manly by
women traditionally, gradually anincreasing number of males are using cosmetics usually associated to
women to enhance or cover their own facil features.



Values in clients' personal lives have changed and that leads to a change in how they
consume. People are spending more time with friends and family, and are focusing on what they
consider to be the more important things in life. Consuming for the sake of consumption is no
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longer a way of life. Cosmetic consumers are demanding more quality products with multipk
benefits, and what is inside the package will soon become more important than the package
self. Athough packaging and presentation will always be very important, it will not be enough
to hold a chent, and it will not be the foundation upon which to build a business
To predict how and where mineral makeup will grow in the future, it is important to revisit
is history and evolution Traditional makeup was initially used to add color accents to the face,
and after a while, it was used to cover up imperfections. Mineral makeup brought the evolution
to not only color and cover, but also to protect and enhance. Mineral makeup today is almost as
much about skin care benefits as it is about the color and coverage.
That is not to say that mineral makeup is intended to replace skin care; it is meant to enhance
¿. The mineral makeup category must continue to offer innovative and exciting formultions in
order to kad the cosmetic industry. Currently, most mineral, formulas are cosmetic-grade only,
but the future could bring drug formulas right into color formulas. The beauty of this is that the
consumer is more likely to use color more consistently than skin care. The more a person uses
products with beneficial ingredients, the better the results will be.
Following are the coming trends for mineral makeup.
Face color formulations. Formulations for the face will do more than just correct uneven
skin tone; they will address texture issues, such as large pores, scars and pitted skin. The
coverage will camouflage without a heavy look or feel. Look for products that will address issues
such as discoloration; not just covering it, but also reversing is symptoms, whether red (rosacea
and acne), blue
(dark circle and bruising), brown (hyper pigmentation) or white (hypo
Eye color formulations. Formulations for the eyes will still help make the eyes look larger
and brighter, but will also address issues such as wrinkles, dark circles, sagging, and thinning
eyelashes and eyebrows. Look for concealers and eye shadows that have powerful ingredients
included directly in the color formula.
New pharmaceutical skin care formulations are offering soktions for longer and darker
eyelashes. This will create resurgence in the sale of mascara and eye liner, as well as other eye
color products in general. In particular, the category of tubular mascara will skyrocket.
Tubulr mascara formulas use a flexible copolymer instead of traditional oils and waxes and
can literally be built on top of the lashes to add even more length. Tubular mascara offers a
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water-resistant formula without compromising the lashes; it is easily removed with just warm water
and pressure.
Women pay approximately $120 per month for the upkeep of longer, darker
lashes, and they will demand a mascara formula that will not break them down. One weakness of
the tubular mascara is that it does not offer the thickening power of traditional oil and wax
formulas. Look for a product that does both in one application. So far, most options require a
two-step process to enjoy both of these benefits.
Lip color formulations. Formuktions
for the lips have already addressed long-wearing
humping and moisturizing issues. The one area that needs to be seriously examined is the long-
term damage that high-shine lip gbsses are doing to the lips. Lip melanomas have increased
dramatically during the past few years, and wearing high-shine lip gloss is like wearing a
magnifying glass over the lips. To counteract this danger of sun damage, future formulas should
include protective ingredients, such as zinc and titanium dioxide. Chemical sunscreens on the
lips will raise the heat factor on the lips and exacerbate conditions, such as canker sores.
Sun care formulations. Formubtions for sun care will continue to improve, and the category
of powder sunscreen has brought sun care formulas to a new level. The heat factor of chemical
sunscreens is important because heat can exacerbate skin conditions, especially acne and hyper
Pigmentation. Clients are more ingredient-savvy than ever and are aware of which ingredients work.
have raised their standards and now must have real results from their cosmetic products. They
expect a product to offer mutiple benefits. The consumer is still spending money on cosmetic
products, but is boking for vale; it is not so much about price as it is about vale. If a product
delivers real results and can do double-duty, it will be successful. That is why authentic mineral
makeup formulas will still lead the cosmetic industry as a major force.

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Revlon was founded in the midst of the Great Depression, 1932, by Charles Revs-on and his
brother Joseph, along with a chemist, Charles Lachlan, who contributed the "L" in the Revlon
name. Starting with a single product - a new type of nail enamel - the three founders pooled
their resources and developed a unique manufacturing process. Using pigments instead of dyes,
Revlon developed a variety of new shades of opaque nail enamel. In 1937, Revlon started selling
the polishes in department stores and drug stores. In six years, the company became a
multimillion dollar organization. By 1940, Revlon offered an entire manicure line, and
added lipstick to the collection During World War I, Revlon created makeup and related
products for the U.S. Army, which was honored in 1944 with the Army-Navy 'E" Award for
Excellence. By the end of the war, Rev-in was listed as one of America's top five cosmetic houses

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Expanding its capabilities, the company bought Grief & Schmidt, a cutlery manufacturer seized
by the government in 1943 because of German business ties. This acquisition made it possible
for Revlon to produce its own manicure and pedicure instruments, instead of buying them from
outside supply sources.

Avon Product is a multi-level marketing company. The company's CEO is Sherilyn S.

McCoy, who was appointed to that position in April 2012.The former CEO, Andrea Jung,
became the executive chairman of the board. Jung was the bongest tenured female CEO among
Fortune 500 companies.Avon uses both door-to-door sales people ("Avon ladies," primarily and a
growing number ofmen) and brochures to advertise ts products.n addition to is corporate pursuits, the
Avon corporation is involved in philanthropic causes,The Avon Foundation for Women, public
charity, is the lrgest corporate-affiliated philanthropy for women in the work. Avon founded the Avon
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Foundation for Women with itsfirst grant, a $400 scholarship, in 1955. Avon was committed to
helping women achieve their highest potential of economic opportunity and self-fulfillment by
empowering them through scholarships and support for other forms of educational and occupational
training and advancement. Women's empowerment continued to be the focus through the early 1990s
when Avon began to increase its philanthropy with a new emphasis on breast cancer; the Avon
Foundation still awards scholarships for Avon Sales Representatives and their families, as well
as for the children of Avon associates. The Avon Foundation is currently focused on two key
causes: breast cancer and domestic violence. The Foundation approved $38 million in grants in
2011. In 2012, Avon launched its first global fundraising scheme. The symbol of this fundraising
action is the Women's Empowerment Bracelet.

The guiding image of VICC is 'Transforming Lives', which refers to the transforming self,
transforming future and spreading happiness. These are the three pillars, which are VICC's
hallmarks which were established in 1989 by Mrs. Vandana Luthra. One of the above mentioned
hallmarks, the foundation has continued to grow as a kading beauty brand. VICC, a re-defning
wellness business has revolutionized the beauty industry as well as acquired the position of
largest beauty brand and heath in India. VICC today is the solitary mammoth competitor in the

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industry with a Pan Indi presence of around 225 outlets in approximately 75 cities, 1 outlet in
Katmandu, Omen, Bahrain and 8 outlets in UAE.
The VLCC is a 'Super brand' serving as a sunshade for is other products such as VICC
Health Care, Personal Care and Institute of Health, Management and Beauty. Its services offer
holistic wellness, traditional therapies and marrying a scientifie research. Having served more
than millions of consumers since its beginning, VLCC, at present, has achieved a start status all
over the world. It is India's most preferred and argest Slimming, Heath and Beauty brand
VLCC - Vision
Ta provide better quality life to everyone, by pursuing and adopting socially and ethically
significant business practices, which are aimed at shaping up the confidence of people and
making Beauty Care, Health and Fitness available to each and every section of the society.


Cosmeties S.A (Luxembourg) is a cosmetics group, founded in 1967 in
Sweden by the brothers Jonas AF Jochnick and Robert AF Jochnick. The company sells skin
care, cosmetic products and reated products through an independent sales force of over 3 million
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Oriflame Cosmetics is an international beauty company selling direct. The company began
operations in 1967 in Sweden and has today a presence in over 60 countries workdwide. The
company has over 3.5 milion "consultants" workdwide with annual sales of €1.5 billion
Orifhme has been listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm since 2004.
The brand got its name from the royal banner of medieval France which was unfurled only
on the battlefiekd and accompanied by the war cry Montjoie Saint Denis Oriflame gained its
first UK consultant in 1970.
is involved in several programs for example the 'Work Childhood
Foundation", SOS Chikren's Villages 'as well as in local small charities,
The company has been ranked 8,5 out of 9 in the Palm Oil Buyers' Scorecard which is
compiled by the Work Wide Fund and rates purchasers of palm oil on environmental

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Company profile
Lakme is an Indian brand of cosmetics, owned by Unilver and run by CEO Anil Chopra.
Lakme started as a 100% subsidiary of Tata Oil Mills (Tomco), part of the Tata Group; * was
named after the French opera Lakme, which itself is the French form of Lakshmi, the goddess of
wealth, also renowned for her beauty. Indian cosmetic Lakme was started in 1952, famously
because the then Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, was concerned that Indian women were
spending precious foreign exchange on beauty products, and personally requested JD Tata to
manufacture them in India. Simone Tata joined the company as director, and went on to become
its chairman In 1996 Tata sold off their stakes in Lakme Lever to HLL, for Rs 200 Crore (45
million USS), and went on to create Trent and Westside. Even today, when most multinational
beauty products are available in India, Lakme still occupies a special place in the hearts of Indian
Lakme alo started its new business in the beauty industry by setting up Lakme Beauty
Salons all over India. Now HUL (Hindustan Unilever Limited) has about 110 salons all over
India providing beauty services. Lakme' has been ranked as 47th most trusted brand in India
by The Brand Trust Report The company is the title sponsor for Lakme Fashion Week (LFW) a
biannual fashion event which takes place in Mumbai
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include skin-care creams, lotions, powder, perfumes, lipsticks,
fingerail and toe nail polish, eye and facial makeup towelettes, permanent
waves, colored contact lenses, hair colors, hair sprays and gels, deodorants, hand
sanitizer, baby products, bath oils, bubble baths, bath salts, butters and many other
types of products. A subset of cosmetics is called "make-up,"
which refers
primarily to colored products intended to alter the user's appearance. Many
manufacturers distinguish between decorative cosmetics and care cosmetics.
Most cosmetics are distinguished by the area of the body intended for
• Face Primer, Come in various formulas to suit individual skin concerns. Most
are meant to reduce the appearance of pore size, prolong the wear of makeup,
and allow for a smoother application of makeup. Applied before foundation.
Eye Primer, Used to prolong the wear of eye shadows on the eye as well as
intensify color payoff from shadows.
Lip gloss, is a sheer form of lipstick that is in a liquid form.
Lipstick, lip gloss, lip liner, lip plumper, lip balm, lip conditioner, lip primer,
and lip boosters. Lip stains have a water or gel base and may contain alcohol to
help the product stay on the lips. The idea behind lip stains is to temporarily
saturate the lips with a dye, rather than covering them with a colored wax.
Usually designed to be waterproof, the product may come with an applicator
brush or be applied with a finger.
Concealer, makeup used to cover any imperfections of the skin. Concealer is
often used for any extra coverage needed to cover blemishes, or any other
marks. Concealer is often thicker and more solid than foundation, and provides
longer lasting, and more detailed coverage. Some formulations are meant only
for the eye or only for the face.
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Foundation, used to smooth out the face and cover spots or uneven skin
coloration. Usually a liquid, cream, or powder, as well as most recently, a light
and fluffy mousse, which provides excellent coverage as well. Foundation
primer can be applied before or after to get a smoother finish. Some primers
come in powder or liquid form to be applied before foundation as a base, while
other primers come as a spray to be applied after you are finished to help make-
up last longer.
Face powder, used to set the foundation, giving a matte finish, and also to
conceal small flaws or blemishes.
Rouge, blush or blusher, cheek coloring used to bring out the color in
the cheeks and make the cheekbones appear more defined. This comes in
powder, cream, and liquid forms.
Contour powder/creams, used to define the face. It can be used to give the
illusion of a slimmer face or to even modify a person's face shape as desired.
Usually a few shades darker than one's own skin tone and matte in finish to
create the illusion of depth. A darker toned foundation/concealer can be used
instead to contour to create a more natural look.
Highlight, used to draw attention to the high points of the face as well as to add
glow to the face. It comes in liquid, cream, and powder form. Often contains
shimmer, but sometimes does not. A lighter toned foundation/concealer can be
used instead to highlight create a more natural look.
Bronzer, used to give skin a bit of color by adding a golden or bronze
glow. Can come in either matte, semi matte/satin, Or shimmer finishes.
Mascara is used to darken, lengthen, and thicken the eyelashes. It is available in
natural colors such as brown and black, but also comes in bolder colors such as
blue, pink, or purple. There are many different formulas, including waterproof for
those prone to allergies or sudden tears. Often used after an eyelash curler and
mascara primer. There are now also many mascaras with certain components to
help lashes to grow longer and thicker. There are specific minerals and proteins
that are combined with the mascara that can benefit, as well as beautify

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BEAUTY FOR ALL For more than a century, Lakme has devoted itself solely to one
business: beauty. It is a business rich in meaning as it enables all individuals to express their
personality gain self-confidence itself and open up to others. Beauty is a language. Lame has set itself
the mission of offering men & women worldwide the best cosmetics innovation in terms of quality;
efficacy & safety .It purses this goal by infinite diversity of beauty needs and desires all over
the world. Beauty is universal. Since its creation by a researcher, the group has pushing back the
frontiers of knowledge. Its unique research arms it to continually explore new territories & invent the
products of the future, while drawing inspiration from beauty rituals the world over.
Beauty is science. By drawing on the diversity on its teams, & the richness & the
Complementarily of its brand portfolio, Lakme has made the universalization of beauty its project for
the years to come. Lakme offering beauty for all

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Lakme is world renown and great cosmetic company a
gift hamper for today's women.
1. Lakme lipstick
2. Lakme eyeliner
3. Lakme kajal
4. Lakme strawberries face wash
5. Lakme radiant rose powder
6. Lakme nail enamel remover
7. Lakme shampoo
8. Lakme deep pore cleansing milk

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Marketing Strategy for Customer Satisfaction:

Promotional strategies

Promotional posters.
Launch of beauty magazines.
Advertisement through film Commercials.
Open spa to promote the Brand.
Selecting reputed brand ambassador.
Sponsoring and Social Responsibility.
Start campaign for safe cosmetics which will be started in February 2013.

Positioning strategies:
Most innovative.
High Quality, Advanced products & affordable price.
Only cosmetic brand in world that has products in all the segments
Consumer, Luxury, Professional & Pharmaceuticals.

Distribution strategies

Widen distribution network by giving various incentives to distributors,

retailers, stockiest etc in order, not to lose self space Product Modification

By modifying the product by adding SPF, so that lips can be protected from

Future plans

The company plans to open 110 cosmetics shops outlets across the globe
next year, the share of Indian market to Lakme tumover of euro 15.8 billion
small, but is growing.
With other emerging economies India's contribution to global cosmetics
amounts to 60%.
• Lame turns to cheap products to spur future growth.
Lakme is focusing on south market & is planning to open 10 stores in
Chennai & Hyderabad
The company has drawn up a fresh strategy, including aggressive discounts
& opening up of new stores.
At present the company is operating 25 stores in 8 Indian cities under a
franchise agreement with retail major Future group.

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Theoretical Perspective

o Marketing Mix refers to the ingredients or the tools or the variable which
the marketer mixes in order to interact with a particular market
"Marketing Mix is a set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its
marketing objectives in the target market"
o Marketing mix is a term used to describe the combination o the four inputs
which constitute the core of a company's marketing system: the product;
the price structure; the promotional activities, and the distribution system.
o Marketing mix represents the total marketing programmed of a firm. It
involves decisions with regard to product, price, place and promotion.
Marketing mix is a blending of decisions in the '4 Ps'.

Four major ingredients of marketing mix are



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A product is any good or service that consumers want. It is a bundle of utilities or a cluster of tangible and intangible
attributes. Product component
of the marketing mix involves planning, developing and producing the right
type of products and services. It deals with the dimensions of product line,
durability and other qualities. Product policy of a firm also deals with proper
branding, right packaging, appropriate color and other product features. The
total product should be such that it really satisfies the needs of the target
market. In short, product mix requires decisions with regard to
Size and weight of the product.
Quality of the product.
Design of the product.
Volume of output.
Brand name.
Product range.
Price is an important factor affecting the success of a firm. Pricing
decisions and policies have a direct influence on sales volume and profits of
Price is, therefore, an important element in the marketing mix. In practice, it
is very difficult to fix the right price. Right price can be determined through
pricing research and test marketing.pricing research and test marketing.


Price is an important factor affecting the success of a firm. Pricing

decisions and policies have a direct influence on sales volume and profits of
Price is, therefore, an important element in the marketing mix. In practice, it
is very difficult to fix the right price. Right price can be determined through
pricing research and test marketing.
Demand, cost, competition, govt, regulation, etc, are the vital factors that
must be taken into consideration in the determination of the price. Price mix
involves decisions regarding base price, discounts, allowances, fright
payment, credit, etc.


Promotion component o the marketing mix is concerned with bringing

products to the knowledge of customers and persuading them to buy. It is the
function of informing and influencing the customer.
Promotion mix involves decisions with respect to advertising, personal
selling and sales promotion. All these techniques help to promote the sale of
products and to fight the competition in the market.
No single method of promotion is effective alone and, therefore, a
promotional campaign usually involves a combination of two or more
promotional methods.
Growing competition and widening market have made simultaneous use
of more than one promotional method all the more necessary. Combination

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of two or more methods in a single promotional campaign requires an
effective blending of promotional inputs so as to optimize the expenditure on
Place (Distribution)
This element of marketing mix involves a choice of the place where the products
are to be displayed and made available to the customers. It is concerned with
decisions relating to the wholesale and retail outlets or channels of distribution
The objective of selecting and managing trade channels is to provide the products
to the right customer at the right time and place on a continuing basis. In deciding
where and through whom to sell, management should consider where the customer
wants the goods to be available.

A manufacturer may distribute his goods through his own outlets or he

may employ wholesalers and retailers for this purpose. Irrespective of the
channel used management must continuously evaluate channel performance
and make changes whenever performance falls short of expected targets. In
addition, management must develop a physical distribution system for
handling and transporting the products through the selected channels. In the
determination of distribution mix or marketing logistics, a firm has to make
decision with regard to the mode of transporting of goods to middle-men,
use of company vehicles or both.

Findings & Analysis

General findings

Lakme is the global leader in cosmetics, with 25 global brands. It has five key
areas of expertise- hair care, skincare, make-up and fragrances. This company has
over 63,358 employees working currently. And it sells its products around in
130countries all over the world. Its consolidated sales are recorded in over 17,063
in millionaires The company manufacture well above 4.7 billion units annually. It
also has investments above 560 million euros in R&D investments.
On the analysis and interpretation of research conducted. It was found that
certain findings are very critical and are directly or indirectly affecting the Lakme
There is a good awareness of Lakme cosmetics products among the consumers.
The quality of Lakme is very satisfactory viewed by the majority of customers.
•There is a neck to neck competition between L’Oréal, Oriflamme, VLCC,

Revlon etc
•75% of the customers are fully satisfied with existing quality While 25% are
partly satisfied
•Majority of women are using Lakme products

•Consumers prefer the Lake products because it provides good quality, good
results, good services, etc and it all fulfills their needs.

Data Analysis

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Gender No
Female 100

Age Group

Under 16 1
16-25 18
25-35 72
35 Above 9


• Do you use cosmetic?

a) Yes
b) No

When do you use cosmetics?

a) At parties & occasions

c) When I want to
b) Always
d) Outside home

How much do you spend on cosmetics in a month ?

a) Less than 200

c) 400-800
b) Between 200 & 400
d) More than 800

Are you a Lakme customer?

a) Yes
b) No

Which of the following products of Lakme have you been using?

a) Mascara
c) Kajal
b) Compact
d) Hair Spa

Are you satisfied with the Lakme products?

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a) Satisfied
c) Neither satisfied nor dis satisfied
e) Very dissatisfied
b) Very Satisfied
d) Dissatisfied

In dealing with Makeup, will u take chance with your skin for experimenting the products of Lakme?

A) Agree
b) Agree little
c) Neither agrees nor disagree
d) Disagree

What were the reasons for you to choose Lakme products?

A) Cheap price
b) Brand's name

• From which source did you get to know about Lakme product?

A) Newspaper
c) Direct sale executive
e) Others
b) Television
d) Internet

Are you satisfied with the promotional offers of Lakme?

a) Yes
C) Can't say
b) No

Do you find Lakme products value for money?

a) Yes
C) Can't say
b) No

- If your Lakme product is not available then what would you do?
a) Will buy some other product
b) Will never change my brand preference.
C) Will wait for Lakme to be available at the outlet as soon as possible

Do you find availability of Lakme product in shops/outlets easily?
A) Very easily available
b) Easily available
c) Neither easily nor difficult available
d) Very difficult
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Would you recommend Lakme to your friends & relatives?


What improvements do you suggest to Lakme for its products?

A) Reduction in price
b) Easily available
c) Improve promotional activities
d) others

Findings based on questionnaire Responses

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Conclusion & Recommendation

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The competition is fierce in the multi-channel retailing environment.

A business that hopes to grow and prosper requires a comprehensive
logistics and transportation strategy, executed flawlessly. The dilemma
for management lies in trying to meet consumers' growing expectations
while keeping costs in check. In response to these issues of multi-
channel growth, more and more carriers are branching out to offer
logistics services.
Those businesses that work to build successful relationships with
logistics and transportation vendors will find that their efforts lead to
improved customer service and profitability. It's not an easy task, but it
is certainly one that's achievable with the tools and technology available
Lakme has been found to be the most preferred brand it meet the
promise made to the customer. Consumer relies on the Lakme products
because it provides good quality, good results, good services, etc. So
that customer may prefer Lakme products.
While conducting survey I found that the customer may like the
showrooms of the Lakme products. They still likes the easily availability
of various products. So the Lakme products customers are fully satisfied
to use the products.

•The supply must be properly fulfilled so the need of the customer
*Target selling for the dealer / agent can increase the sales of
The company must concern to the satisfaction of customer demand.
•The company and dealer should develop its marketing information
system up to date information of competitor's policy, price and product,
target market, so the company can know its strengths and weaknesses,
•Brand preference studies reveal that comparatively there is more
preference for Lakme among consumers so in order to attract and
maintain his consumers. Advertising programs should be intensified.
•Perception of the consumer is changing rapidly. They seek new
benefits and values in their preferred brand. Moreover, consumer likes to
have brand at low rate. So Lakme should insert it so as to meet the changing preference of consumer

Lakme is the market leader in make up product Most of the consumer or brand level they should be treated as intangible
assests. Lakme should ever strive to satisfy them
Fulfill the consumer needs

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