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A quantitative analysis of the nerve fibres

of the acetabular periosteum of dogs
A. Schmaedecke1; J. P. E. Saut2; C. R. A. Ferrigno1
Department of Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil;
Department of Clinics, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

cine have demonstrated that articular dener-

Summary Introduction vation could be useful for the treatment of
There are many techniques for the treatment of hip
dysplasia, and novel research is currently being under- diseases of the hip joint, such as hip dyspla-
taken in the hope of obtaining more efficient and less The study of the hip joint in dogs has be- sia and arthrosis (9).
traumatic techniques. The denervation of the hip joint come important after the development of This technique consists of the surgical
capsule is a simple and effective technique that allows new surgical techniques that enable the sen- removal of the periosteum, in a semicircular
recovery of the functional activity of the affected limbs sory neurotomy of the acetabular region fashion, beginning at the cranial-dorsal
in significantly less time than other techniques. This with the aim of reducing pain. In 2002, margin progressing to the ventral margin of
surgical procedure consists of removing the acetabular Staszyk and Gasse (1) proposed a multiple the acetabulum. Additionally, a circular area
periosteum, thus eliminating the nerve fibres with con- innervation model based on segmented in- is also removed at the insertion of the peri-
sequent analgesia. The aim of this investigation was to nervations, where the nerve fibres penetrate articular muscles, thereby eliminating sen-
quantify the number of nerve fibres present in different distinct areas of the articular capsule, as sory nerve fibres in this area. Preliminary
regions of the acetabular periosteum. The knowledge of
well as the ‘indirect’ nerve fibres that con- experiments performed in dogs obtained ex-
regional differences is potentially valuable for the refin-
ing of the denervation technique of the hip joint cap-
tinually penetrate the muscle through the cellent results (9).
sule. Thirty canine acetabular fragments were used to periosteum and the capsule. In contrast to In 2002, Kinzel et al. (9) reported on 17
compare the nerve fibre density of the periosteum. The the shoulder joint, where the innervations dogs that had been treated using this tech-
results showed a significant difference between the are not symmetrical, the hip joint has inner- nique. 90.6% of these animals clinically re-
mean density of nerve fibres at the cranial and dorsal- vations that are bilaterally symmetrical and covered, while 56% showed remarkably de-
lateral portion (approximately 75 fibres/mm2) and cau- individually variable. creased lameness scores three days after the
dal lateral portion (approximately 60 fibres/mm2) of The close anatomical association be- surgery. One dog remained free of signs
the acetabulum. Those fibres at the periosteum are al- tween the nerve component and the joint is after 10 years of treatment.
most positioned in a sagittal plane, pointing towards well established, since the gluteal (2, 3) and With the aid of a radiofrequency percut-
the joint capsule, suggesting the same density in the ischiatic (1, 4) nerve endings are frequently aneous equipment, Kawaguchi et al. (10)
latter region. These results indicate a new approach to implicated in medical situations, such as used transitory block process of the sensory
the articular denervation technique, thus obtaining
even better results for the treatment of hip dysplasia in
fractures, dysplasia, and surgery. nerve response of the obturator and femoral
dogs. The periosteum is a highly vascular (5) nerves to treat articular pain in human hip
structure which contains innumerous nerve joints and obtained satisfactory results in
Keywords endings. There are various nerve fibres 86% of the patients during a period of one to
Acetabulum, nerve fibres, analgesia, hip dysplasia, within the periosteum which are more fre- 11 months.
dogs quently associated with blood vessels, either However, the greatest advantage of de-
ramifying around or ending at blood vessel nervation is the simplicity of the technique.
Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 2008; 21: 413–417 walls. Occasionally, isolated nerve fibres or There is no need for sophisticated equip-
small nerve terminations can also be found ment and the operation is restricted to the
Prepublished online April 11, 2008 between cells, independent of blood vessels periosteum, thus eliminating the nerve
doi:10.3415/VCOT-07-10-0098 (6). fibres within this area, without disturbing
Articular denervation is a simple and ef- the articular capsule or the joint. Such sim-
fective method that is used to treat articular plicity renders this surgical procedure feas-
diseases of the hand and feet in human or- ible for young and old patients. Other ad-
thopaedics (7, 8). This technique is based on vantages of this technique include the re-
the selective neurotomy of the sensitive duced surgical time and the shorter recovery
nerve fibres within the peri-capsular region, period in comparison to other pre-existing
thus resulting in permanent analgesia and procedures. Furthermore, in the authors’ex-
reactivation of the dynamic component of perience, the low cost of the operation is yet
the joint. Initial studies in veterinary medi- another factor that easily persuades owners
Received October 19, 2007
Accepted February 5, 2008 Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 5/2008

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Schmaedecke et al.

chloroform, 10% distilled water, and 73%

alcohol at 95% (V/V). The time for dec-
alcification varied according to each frag-
ment, and was checked daily by penetration
of the bone with a 6 metric (22 gauge)
needle. Decalcification was assumed to be
achieved when the needle passed freely
through each section.The time for decalcifi-
cation varied between six and 15 days. The
fragments were then washed with water to
remove the excess of decalcification sol-
Fig. 1 ution and subsequently processed for histo-
Image showing the divi- pathology.
sion and subdivion of the

Silver impregnation
to proceed with the treatment. Even owners and labeled division A (cranial region), B Nerve fibres were identified by silver im-
of older dogs seem to prefer this technique (dorsal-lateral region), and C (caudal re- pregnation (Fig. 2) using the method pro-
in comparison to other forms of treatment gion); these were further subdivided and la- posed by Linder (11), with some adap-
which are commonly associated with pro- beled 1, 2, and 3 (Fig. 1). tations. This method involved the use of a
longed recuperation periods or onerous con- From each subdivision, central 1 cm2 1% silver nitrate solution with pH con-
servative treatments. fragments were obtained. Each fragment trolled by addition of a buffer solution of
The objective of this study was to quan- was obtained after removing the cancellous 0.5% borax/ boric acid until a pH of 7.8 was
tify the nerve fibres of the acetabular peri- sub-cortical bone; only the periosteum and obtained (6).
osteum of dogs aiming to refine a low-cost, the cortical bone were utilized. These frag-
precise and efficient denervation technique ments were then identified based on their
for canine hip joints. place of origin, denominated A1, A2, and
A3, or B1, B2, and B3, or C1, C2, and C3.
The segments were individually fixed in This study was randomized, considering
10% buffered neutral formalin solution for equally each region evaluated, independent
Material and methods five days. of the animal studied. Of all of the animals
After fixation, all of the fragments were only one of the areas (1, 2 or 3) from each of
Thirty hip joints from eight male and seven decalcified in solution made up of 5% hy- the regions (A, B or C) was selected and
female mongrel dogs, weighing between 22 drochloric acid, 3% acetic acid, and 10% then analyzed. Consequently, in this study
to 62 kg, from two to eight years of age, 30 acetabular samples were utilized (15
without any evidence of bone disease, that from the left and 15 from the right antime-
had been sacrificed for reasons unrelated to rus).
the study (in accordance with the bioethics
committee of the University of São Paulo)
were studied. All of the specimens were col-
lected and placed in fixative within three
Exclusion criteria
hours after euthanasia. The acetabular re- The following criteria for exclusion of dogs
gion was dissected, and released from all were established:
muscular and neurovascular insertions. The ● Dogs that did not meet the previously
joint capsule and ligaments were then re- mentioned requirements;
moved, followed by luxation of the femoral ● Dogs whose clinical record revealed any
head at the point of incision and rupture of presumptive or definitive diagnosis of
the femoral head ligament. A fragment of any infectious disease;
this region extending from 1 cm cranially ● Dogs that demonstrated clinical signs of
and 1 cm caudally to the acetabular margin degenerative articular disease (12).
was removed. Fig. 2 Photomicrography from cranial lateral aspect of
This fragment was measured, divided in the acetabulum. Nerve fibres identified by silver impreg-
frontal plane sections into three equal parts nation (magnification 400X).

Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 5/2008

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Nerve fibres of periosteal acetabulum

Negative controls
The specificity of the impregnation utilized
in this study was verified by the usage of
histological popliteal hyaline cartilage
samples from the same studied animals,
since this structure normally lacks nerve
fibres (Fig. 3).

Measurements Fig. 3
Photomicrography. Hya-
Digitalized 400X photomicrographs of the line cartilage by silver
area of each of the fragments were obtained staining. Note the absence
of nerve fibres (magnifi-
using a digital camera (Canon E820, cation 400X)
Canon Inc., Tokio, Japan) affixed to a
microscope. Each fibre was identified and
determined by the software Image Pro Plus
v 4.5 (Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring,
Table 1
MD, USA). Each fragment was analyzed in Mean values, standard Parameters Antimere
three different areas and the average number deviation, and amplitude Right Left
of nerves per square mm was calculated. variation of the number of
nerve fibres of the acet- Mean (fibres/mm2) 69.84 68.27
abular periosteum of dogs Standard deviation (fibres/mm2) 8.21 8.32
(distribution based on the Interval of data (fibres/mm2) 54 – 83 51–85
Statistical analysis antimere analyzed)
Note: Mean values do not present significant statistical differences by Tukey test.
Statistical analyses were performed using a
computer statistical package (Minitab, Re-
lease 13, 2000 – Minitab, Inc., State Col-
lege, PA, USA). The data obtained were
tested for normality using the Kolmogorov-
Smirnov Test. Parametric distributions were
obtained and the variance analysis was de-
termined by one-way ANOVA with Tukey
post-hoc test. The differences were con-
sidered as significant when P ≤ 0.05.

Significant statistical differences were not
observed regarding the mean density of
nerve fibres of the acetabular periosteum of
the right antimere (69.84 ± 8.21), when
compared to the left (68.27 ± 8.32), P=0.09.
Furthermore, there was a lack of significant
differences between each division of the
stipulated regions in both antimera. Never-
theless, marked significant differences were Fig. 4 Distribution of nerve fibres in the acetabular periosteum based on the analysis of each region. The regions A, B and
observed between regions A and B (cranial C indicate anatomical cranial, dorsal-lateral and caudal positions, respectively. The non-coincident letters, a, b, and c, indicate
significant statistical difference between regions, independent of the antimerus analyzed – Tukey test (p ≤ 0,05); The non-
and dorsal-lateral regions) of each antimere, coincident letters, A and B, indicate significant statistical difference between within the antimerus analyzed Tukey test (p ≤
when these were compared to region C (cau- 0,05); Horizontal lines represent medians; Vertical lines represent interval of data; The bar represents 75% of the values. Full
dal region) (Table 1 and Fig. 4). circles represent averages; and *depicts discrepant value.

Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 5/2008

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Schmaedecke et al.

cal marks, in order to obtain more accurate time that this group published their results,
Discussion results. To quantify the fibres, a computer there were not any reports about the inner-
programme was used (Image pro-plus 4.5, vation of the caudo-lateral and ventral por-
The relative sensitivity of a bone to a painful Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring, MD, tions of hip joint. Because of this, Kinzel et
stimulus and its relation to the innervation USA). In our study, in agreement with the al. (9) only suggest a cranial-lateral acetabu-
density of the periosteum is well known and aforementioned model, the acetabulum was lar periosteum removal as an efficient form
has been discussed in depth in the veterinary divided in three smaller fragments and, with of denervation of hip joint capsule. As a re-
literature (6, 13, 14). Although the inner- the aim of minimizing the influence of po- sult, a 90% improvement is reported in pa-
vation of the periosteum is mainly respon- tential artifacts provoked by osseous irregu- tients on whom this technique was perform-
sible for the painful sensation of the bone larities in order to get more precise results, ed. In our study, we demonstrated the pres-
tissue, it is certainly not the only factor as- these fragments were further divided into ence of a significant number of nerve fibres
sociated with bone nociception (15, 16). Pa- three, thus making nine portions from each in the caudal-lateral region of acetabular
tients with painful bones, due to diseases re- antimere. The final image was processed periosteum in all analyzed areas.
stricted to cancellous bone or partial lesions using the same software. With these data, Ferrigno et al. (21, 22)
that involve small portions of cortical bone, The results obtained in this investigation had demonstrated a new surgical approach
did not exhibit signs of periosteal damage are similar to those described by Staszyk to the denervation technique, thus improv-
(15, 16). and Gasse in 2002 (1) but differ to those ing freedom of movement and quality of life
It has been reported that blood vessels found by Kinzel and coworkers in 1998 in 95% of the patients.
and nerve fibres occur together in the peri- (20). The former group demonstrated that
osteum (17–19). The silver impregnation by using acetylcholinesterase, the periosteal
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Nerve fibres of periosteal acetabulum

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in dogs. PesqVet Bras 2007; 27: 61–63. E-mail:

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