Week 17: Task: Assignment - Final Assigment Part I (Written Product)

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Task: Assignment – FINAL ASSIGMENT

Step 1: Imagine that you work at
“IPERU - Tourist Information and
Assistance”. In order to promote
tourism in Peru,
you have to create 4 texts (50-70
words each one) about the tourist
attractions in the city where you
Step 2: the texts will have the following information :
•Text 1: What can you do in this city?
•Text 2: What can you see in this city?
•Text 3: Where can you buy (souvenirs, clothes, etc.) in this city?
•Text 4: Where can you eat in this city?
Outline your text and include the following context in each text:
What to do in What can you Where can you What can you
Chosica ? see ? buy (souveniers eat in Chosica?
TEXT 1 ( 50 -70 TEXT 2(( 50 -70 ) in Chosica TEXT 4 ( 50 -70
words) words) TEXT 3( 50 -70 words)

Grammar Present simple, There is / There There is / There There is / There

present are, countable are, quantifiers are, quantifiers
continuous, and (some / any / a (some / any / a
adjectives uncountable lot of), lot of),
nouns, prepositions of prepositions of
quantifiers place, place,
(some / any / a imperatives, imperatives
lot of), How much?
Vocabulary Activity verbs Places in town, Shop names, Food, desserts,
times currency, items drinks,
sold at shops ingredients,
adjectives for
Step 3: Write your texts. Add a front page with the name of the city you will
describe and write the texts one below the other.
Add colors, pictures, or icons as desired. What to do in Chosica ?
Chosica is along the mountainous Rimac River
Valley . This area is a popular for outdoor activities:
*Enjoy the Chosica sun :The Chosica
weather permits you and your family take a day to
relax and enjoy the magnificent scenery. In the
morning,people bike around the central park or
go to the clubs and practice different sports like
:swimming, tennis, soccer, etc.

Many visitor spend the night camping in villas and

clubs with open spaces and swimming pools.

What can you see ?

There are some modern places in Chosica :Puente
“Estela Monti” over the Rimac river. Jose Maria
Arguedas Park , The White Christ , etc.
Chosica has a lot of famous clubs in Lima : Certse
Fap, Toboganes de Santa Ana, Las Kiskas, Country
club el Bosque, Club Regatas. Many of them are
near the Rimac river and they aren’t expensive !!
Student’s names :…………. There is a forest of rock formation “ Marcahuasi “
Where can you buy (souveniers ) ?
There are a lot of shops in Chosica center where
you can buy a present for someone. Mega Center
is on 28 de Julio Avenue next to Aburto Tello
Hospital . There are some stands open from 8:00
am to 22:30pm. There aren’t any curry Exchange
near the city hall. There is a Street market called
Señor de Muruhuay where you can find a lot of
cheap things .

Where can you eat in Chosica ?

Eat some good old fashioned Pachamanca at
Paraiso Huanca. It includes lamb, pork, chicken,
guinea pig , potato, yuca, corn, humitas and
tamales. Paraiso Huanca has the complete
Peruvian gastronomic experiences.
Visit Callahuanca, the capital of Chirimoya . It 16
kilometers from Chosica. There is a famous
Chirimoya Festival. People can enjoy different
dessert from this fruit such as : Suspiro a la
Limeña de Chirimoya or Mousse de Chirimoya.
Important information

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Canvas from
November 26th to
November 28th, 23:59.

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