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After a long hectic week, people need to relax and want to get ready for the next week.

want to give their body massage so that they can put up their energy and work effectively for
the next whole week. But people cannot get that kind of relaxation at home or by going on a
vacation (they somehow make themselves more tired in process). So, they must need a place
where they can get some treatments and relax.
People need some of the spas in Oman to get relaxation. They need that ambiance which can
make them feel so homely and comfortable. In Oman, people are not much familiar which the
concept of spas to get some comfort. But there is an entrepreneur who wants to do something
new and different for people named Moza Al-Maawali, wants to make a spa that can provide
all of the comforts a person can get in a spa named Bamboo Spa
Moza was just a normal woman having 11 years of experience in banking. She was doing
good in her career but her dream is to build her venture. She wants to open a spa. She was so
passionate about her own business that she made a complete picture in her mind that how her
spa will look like and how it will make difference with others.
The mission of Bamboo Spa:
They want to bring some quality experience, ensuring that each spa has its one selling point
and people are hired to balance your mind, body and soul but here the only focus is you.
In Oman, it is difficult for people to accept that but she takes a risk and start a business with
her own money. She wants to provide the best services to her customers. She knows
whenever someone uses high-quality, natural, and effective products people will come to
them and be their loyal customers so she does the same. She put her employees on training
timely. She also communicates with their customers who face bad experience in her spa and
try to avoid that.
As their spa is growing, she wants to make different branches but she does not want to lose
 As Bamboo Spa is a growing business Moza needs to consider expanding her
business and if she feels losing control. she can do regular meetings with them to get
herself updated with every situation.
 Need to do more advertisements on social media, should also make campaigns so that
more people come to know about them.
 They can put an exquisitive tagline so that their customers can relate to them and
think that they are a part of this business.
Moza's project is once a great idea and she put her dream in action in such a way that her
business is growing so fast and yet profitable. She knows that listening to their customers
leads her to success. Therefore, she always tries to listen to their customer's concerns and put
their suggestion into action.

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