Analyzing Tabular Results and Reports: Stresscheck Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 8-1

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Chapter 8

Analyzing Tabular Results and

In the previous chapter, you learned which design plots are available in the StressCheck™
software and how results are displayed graphically. The StressCheck software also displays
results in tables and reports, which are discussed in this section of the course.

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 8-1

Chapter 8: Analyzing Tabular Results and Reports

Input Data Tables

The View > Input Data Tables submenu contains commands for
displaying tables summarizing the data found on all dialog boxes on the
Wellbore and Tubular menus, and permits the export to other
documents, as OLE objects, of dialog box-specific user-entered data.

Input Data Tables submenu

8-2 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

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