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2 .The duties and functions of executive committee shall among other things include.

(i) To initiate policies to be approved by all members on the committee before they are implemented.

(ii) Initiate the programmes of (KYODEA) and ensure day to day smooth running of the association.

(ii) Check the execution of members of the executive committee.

(iv) Impose disciplinary action on members.

(v) Deal with emergency situations.

(vi) Review and approve business plans and budgets before they presented to the general assembly for

(vii) Ensure management and proper use of association's funds.

(vii) Define and uphold mission, vision and strategies, objectives and policies of


3.A nine member committee shall be made up of both male and female embracing the principle of
gender balance of the third for female. membership is therefore balanced among the sexes currently
subscribing to the association.

The Duties of members of the executive committee.

(4).There shall be the chairperson who shall;

(i) Be the Chief Executive and overall head of the association.

(ii) Check the executive of other officers duties.

(iii )Ensure that the association is on track towards achievement of the objectives stated herein and in
accordance with Article 3 and 5 of this constitution.

(iv) Preside over association's general assembly and the executive committee

(V) Sign the minutes of the previous meeting after found clear and correct.

(vi) Be the Chief spokes person of the association and shall exercise his duties and functions in
accordance with the constitution of the association.

(vii)Be the signatory to the association bank account.

(vii)Have final casting vote in a tie to tie issue.

(ix)Delegate other officers duties as it may deem necessary.

(x)He/she shall be a founder member

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