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Question bank

True or false:
1. human biomechanics may include questions such as whether the amount of force
the muscles are producing is optimal for the intended purpose of the movement. (
2. Anthropometric characteristics may predispose an athlete to success in one sport
and yet be disadvantageous for participation in another. (T )
3. Exercise in space is critically may lead to loss of bone mass among astronauts. ( F
4. sport biomechanists relate to minimizing sport injuries through both identifying
dangerous practices and designing safe equipment and apparel. (T )
5. Dynamics: branch of mechanics dealing with systems subject to acceleration. (T )
6. Kinematics study of the action of forces (F )

7. Translatory and rotary motions are the two basic types of movement that can be
attributed to any rigid segment. (T)
8. General motions are achieved by combining translatory and rotary motions. (T)
9. General motions are achieved by combining angular displacement and rotary
10. Translation describes a linear motion in which all parts of a rigid body move parallel
to and in the same direction as every other part of the body. (T)
11. Translation can occur in a straight line (rectilinear) or a curved line (curvilinear). (T)
12. Translation describes a rotatory motion in which all parts of a rigid body move
parallel to and in the same direction as every other part of the body. (F)
13. Translation can occur in a straight line (curvilinear) or a curved line (rectilinear). (F)
14. Most human movement is general motion, a complex combination of linear and
angular motion components. (T)
15. Most human movement is general motion which is linear motion components. (F)
16. Most human movement is general motion which is angular motion components. (F)
17. Rotation describes a motion in which an assumed rigid body moves in a circular path
around some pivot point. (T)
18. Translation describes a motion in which an assumed rigid body moves in a circular
path around some pivot point. (F)
19. The primary variables related to kinematics are position, velocity and acceleration.
20. Displacement per unit time regardless of direction is known as speed. (T)
21. Displacement per unit time in a given direction is known as velocity. (T)
22. If the velocity is changing over time, the change in velocity per unit time is
acceleration. (T)
23. The magnitude of Translatory motion of a segment can be given in meters or in feet.
24. The magnitude of rotary motion of a segment can be given in degrees or in radians.
25. Displacement per unit time regardless of direction is known as velocity. (F)
26. Displacement per unit time in a given direction is known as speed. (F)
27. If the velocity is changing over time, the change in velocity per unit time is speed. (F)
28. The magnitude of rotary motion of a segment can be given in meters or in feet. (F)
29. The magnitude of Translatory motion of a segment can be given in degrees or in
radians. (F)
30. Linear velocity is expressed as m/sec or feet per second (ft/sec) (T)
31. Angular velocity is expressed as degrees per second (deg/sec) (T)
32. The units for linear acceleration are meters per second squared (m/sec2) and feet
per second squared (ft/sec2). (T)
33. Angular acceleration is given as degrees per second squared (deg/sec2). (T)
34. Angular velocity is expressed as m/sec or feet per second (ft/sec) (F)
35. Linear velocity is expressed as degrees per second (deg/sec) (F)
36. The units for angular acceleration are meters per second squared (m/sec2) and feet
per second squared (ft/sec2). (F)
37. Linear acceleration is given as degrees per second squared (deg/sec2). (F)
38. Kinematics describes the motion of a body, including considerations of space and
time, without regard to the forces or torques that may produce the motion. (T)
39. Kinematics describes the motion of a body, including considerations of space and
time and the forces or torques that may produce the motion. (F)
40. Osteokinematics describes the motion of bones relative to the three cardinal planes.
41. Arthrokinematics describes the motions that occur between curved articular surfaces
of joints. (T)
42. Arthrokinematics describes the motion of bones relative to the three cardinal planes.
43. Osteokinematics describes the motions that occur between curved articular surfaces
of joints. (F)
44. Anatomical reference position is an erect standing position, a person is looking
forward with the feet slightly separated and the arms hanging relaxed at the sides,
with the palms of the hands facing forward (forearms fully supinated and fingers
extended). (T)
45. Anatomical reference position is an erect standing position, a person is looking
forward with the feet slightly separated and the arms hanging relaxed at the sides and
the forearms fully pronated and fingers extended. (F)
46. Anatomical reference position is an erect standing position, a person is looking
forward with the feet slightly separated and the arms hanging relaxed at the sides and
the forearms in midposition and fingers extended. (F)
47. The origin of the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis of the coordinate system is traditionally
located at the center of mass of the human body, assuming that the body is in
anatomic position. (T)
48. The x-axis runs side-to-side in the body and is labeled in the body as the frontal axis.
49. The y-axis runs up and down in the body and is labeled in body as the vertical
(longitudinal) axis. (T)
50. The z-axis runs front to back in the body and is labeled in the body as the sagital
(anteroposterior A-P) axis. (T)
51. The axis runs side-to-side in the body and is labeled in the body as the sagital
(anteroposterior A-P) axis. (F)
52. The axis runs up and down in the body and is labeled in body as the frontal axis. (F)
53. The axis runs front to back in the body and is labeled in the body as the vertical
(longitudinal) axis. (F)
54. Rotation of a body segment is described as occurring around one of three possible
axes and also as moving in or parallel to one of three possible cardinal planes. (T)
55. Sagittal plane divide the body vertically into right and left halves. (T)
56. Transverse plane divide the body horizontally into top and bottom halves. (T)
57. Frontal plane divide the body vertically into front and back halves. (T)
58. Frontal plane divide the body vertically into right and left halves. (F)
59. Sagittal plane divide the body horizontally into top and bottom halves. (F)
60. Transverse plane divide the body vertically into front and back halves. (F)
61. Flexion, extension, hyperextension, dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of the ankle
are sagittal plane movements. (T)
62. Abduction, adduction, trunk lateral flexion, Elevation and depression of the
shoulder girdle, radial and ulnar deviation,, eversion and inversion of the foot are
frontal plane movements. (T)
63. Medial (internal) rotation and lateral (external) rotation of arm and leg, supination
and pronation of the forearm and horizontal adduction and horizontal abduction
are transverse plane movements. (T)
64. Body movements in the transverse plane are rotational movements about a
longitudinal axis. (T)
65. Body movements in the transverse plane are rotational movements about a frontal
axis. (F)
66. Flexion, extension, hyperextension, dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of the ankle
are frontal plane movements. (F)
67. Abduction, adduction, trunk lateral flexion, Elevation and depression of the
shoulder girdle, radial and ulnar deviation,, eversion and inversion of the foot are
transverse plane movements. (F)
68. Medial (internal) rotation and lateral (external) rotation of arm and leg, supination
and pronation of the forearm and horizontal adduction and horizontal abduction
are sagittal plane movements. (F)
69. Cartesian coordinate system is the system most commonly used to standardize the
measurements taken, in which units are measured in the directions of either two or
three primary axes. (T)
70. Two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system used for analysis of movements that
are primarily in a single direction or planar, such as running, cycling or jumping.
71. When a biomechanist is analyzing the motion of the human body, the points of
interest are the body’s joints, which constitute the end points of the body
segments. (T)
72. In Two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, the location of each joint center
can be measured with respect to the two axes and described as (x,y), where x is the
number of horizontal units and y is the number of vertical units. (T)
73. When a movement of interest is three-dimensional, the analysis can be extended to
the third dimension by adding a z-axis perpendicular to the x- and y-axes. (T)
74. In Three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, it is usually the z-axis that is
vertical, with the x- and y-axes representing the two horizontal directions. (T)
75. Three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system used for analysis of movements
that are primarily in a single direction or planar, such as running, cycling or
jumping. (F)
76. In Three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, the location of each joint
center can be measured with respect to the two axes and described as (x,y), where
x is the number of horizontal units and y is the number of vertical units. (F)
77. The ability to analyze human movement requires a good command of the language
associated with forms of motion, standard reference terminology and joint
movement terminology. (T)
78. The ability to analyze human movement requires a knowledge of movement
characteristics desired. (T)
79. The ability to analyze human movement requires an ability to observe and
determine if a given performance incorporates these characteristics. (T)
80. Human movement analysis may be quantitative, involving measurements or
qualitative, describing movement characteristics without the use of numbers. (T)
81. Visual observation is the most commonly used approach for qualitatively
analyzing the mechanics of human movement. (T)
82. Human movement analysis may be qualitative, involving measurements or,
quantitative describing movement characteristics without the use of numbers. (F)
83. Visual observation is the most commonly used approach for quantitative analyzing
the mechanics of human movement. (F)
84. The first step in any analysis is to identify the major question of interest. (T)
85. The first step in any analysis is determine the optimal perspective(s) from which to
view the movement. (F)
86. Video enables the performer to view the movement, allowing repeated viewing of
the movement by analyst and performer and enabling performance feedback that
can enhance the learning of a motor skill. (T)
87. Every performance of a motor skill is affected by the characteristics of the
performer. These include the performer’s age and gender. (T)
88. Every performance of a motor skill isn't affected by the characteristics of the
performer. (F)
89. Standard video provides 30 resolvable pictures per second, is perfectly adequate
for many human movement applications. (T)
90. Biomechanists conduct quantitative analyses of human motion by adhering small,
reflective markers over the subject’s joint centers and points of interest on the
body, with marker locations depending on the purpose of the analysis. (T)
91. The number of cameras is important consideration when analyzing human
movement with video, because most human movement is not constrained to a
single plane. (T)
92. An accelerometer is a transducer used for the direct measurement of acceleration.
It is attached as rigidly as possible to the body segment or other object of interest,
with electrical output channeled to a recording device. (T)
93. Researchers typically position six to eight and sometimes more cameras around
the staging area in strategic locations, as human motion is rarely purely planar.
94. If the analyst wishes to observe subtalar pronation and supination in a patient
walking on a treadmill, a close-up view of the lower legs and feet is necessary.
95. If the analyst wishes to observe a particular volleyball player moves on the court
during a series of plays under rapidly changing game conditions is best
accomplished from a reasonably distant, elevated position. (T)
96. Inertia is the tendency of a body to resist a change in its state of motion and
maintain its current state of motion. (T)
97. Inertia has units of measurement. (F)
98. The amount of inertia a body possesses is directly proportional to its weight. (F)
99. Mass is the quantity of matter composing a body. (T)
100. A force can be a push or a pull acting on a body, the product of weight and
Acceleration. (F)
101. Each force is characterized by its magnitude, direction and point of application
to a given body. (T)
102. Body weight, friction and air or water resistance are all forces that commonly
act on the human body. (T)
103. The action of a force causes a body’s mass to accelerate. (T)
104. Units of force are units of weight multiplied by units of acceleration (a). (F)
105. The free body diagram is sketch that shows a defined system in isolation with
all of the force vectors acting on the system. (T)
106. A free body is any object, body or body part that is being focused upon for
analysis. (T)
107. A free body diagram consists of a sketch of the system being analyzed and
vector representations of the acting forces. (T)
108. Because a force rarely acts in isolation, it is important to recognize that the
overall effect of many forces acting on a system or free body is a function of the
net force, which is the vector sum of all the acting forces. (T)
109. When all acting forces are balanced or cancel each other out, the net force is
zero and the body moves. (F)
110. When a net force is present, the body moves in the direction of the net force and
with an acceleration that is proportional to the magnitude of the net force. (T)
111. A body’s center of gravity or center of mass is the point around which the
body’s weight is equally balanced, no matter how the body is positioned. (T)
112. Mass is the amount of gravitational force exerted on a body. (F)
113. Because weight is a force, units of weight are units of force. (T)
114. As the mass of a body increases, its weight decreases. (F)
115. Weight is characterized by magnitude, direction and point of application. (T)
116. Pressure is defined as force distributed over a given area. (T)
117. Pressure is defined as force per unit of area over which force acts. (T)
118. Units of pressure are units of torque divided by units of area. (F)
119. Density is defined as weight per unit of volume. (F)
120. Units of density are units of weight divided by units of volume. (F)
121. A body’s mass is the amount of space that it occupies. (F)
122. Torque is the product of force and the perpendicular distance from the force’s
line of action to the axis of rotation. (T)
123. The greater the amount of torque acting at the axis of rotation, the lesser the
tendency for rotation to occur. (F)
124. When a force is applied to a body, the resulting motion of the body is dependent
on the magnitude of the applied force and on the duration of force application. (T)
125. The product of force and distance is known as impulse. (F)
126. Impulse is product of force and the time over which the force acts. (T)
127. Tensile force is pressing or squeezing force directed axially through a body. (F)
128. When the trunk is erect, each vertebra in the spinal column must support the
weight of that portion of the body below it. (F)
129. The opposite of compressive force is tensile force.
130. Compressive force is pulling force directed axially through a body. (F)
131. Muscles produce compressive force that pulls on the attached bones. (F)
132. shear is force directed perpendicular to a surface. (F)
133. Stress represents the distribution of force external to a solid body and pressure
represents the resulting force distribution inside a solid body when an external
force acts. (F)
134. Pressure is force per unit of area over which the force acts. (F)
135. Because the lumbar vertebrae bear more of the weight of the body than the
thoracic vertebrae when a person is in an upright position, the compressive stress
in the lumbar region should logically be greater. (T)
136. the thoracic vertebrae bear more of the weight of the body than the lumbar
vertebrae when a person is in an upright position. (F)
137. Decreased surface area reduces the amount of compressive stress present. (F)
138. bending is more complicated type of loading. (T)
139. When an nonaxial force is applied to a structure, the structure compresses,
creating compressive stress on one side and tensile stress on the other. (F)
140. Torsion occurs when a structure is caused to twist about its longitudinal axis,
typically when one end of the structure is fixed. (T)
141. Torsion is defined as load-producing twisting of a body around its longitudinal
axis. (T)
142. When a force acts on an object, there are two potential effects which are the
acceleration and the deformation or change in shape. (T)
143. When an external force is applied to the human body, several factors influence
whether an injury occurs such as the magnitude and direction of the force, the area
over which the force is distributed and the material properties of the loaded body
tissues are important. (T)
144. With relatively small loads, deformation occurs, but the response is plastic,
meaning that when the force is removed the structure returns to its original size
and shape. (F)
145. If the force applied causes the deformation to exceed the elastic limit, the
response is elastic, meaning that some amount of deformation is permanent. (F)
146. Deformations exceeding the ultimate failure point produce mechanical failure of
the structure causing bone fracture or soft tissues rupture. (T)
147. When a single force large enough to cause injury acts on biological tissues, the
injury is termed chronic and the causative force is termed macrotrauma. (F)
148. Injury can result from the repeated sustenance of relatively small forces. (T)
149. When repeated or chronic loading over a period produces an injury, the injury is
called a acute injury or a stress injury and the causative mechanism is termed
microtrauma. (F)
150. There are several types of in-ground force plates and portable systems available
for the measurement of forces and pressure on the plantar surface of the foot which
have been employed primarily in gait research. (T)
151. The vector is a physical quantity that has both magnitude and direction. (T)
152. Scalar is represented by arrow-shaped symbols. (F)
153. The vector symbol’s orientation on paper indicates its magnitude. (F)
154. The magnitude of a vector is its size and represented by its length, a longer
vector having greater magnitude than a shorter one. (T)
155. Force, weight, pressure, specific weight and torque are kinematic vector
quantities; displacement, velocity and acceleration are kinetic vector quantities. (F)
156. The vector is fully defined with the identification of its magnitude and its
direction. (T)
157. Mass, volume, length and speed are scalar quantities has magnitude and
direction associated with them. (F)
158. Scalar is defined as physical quantity that is completely described by its
magnitude and direction. (F)
159. vector resolution is process of determining a single vector from two or more
vectors by vector addition. (F)
160. When two or more vector quantities act at the same time, we can use the rules
of vector algebra to determine the overall effect. (T)
161. To sum the effects of two or more forces acting on a given object we can use an
operation is called vector resolution. (F)
162. The composition of two or more vectors that have the same direction results in a
single vector that has a magnitude equal to the sum of the magnitudes of the
vectors being added. (T)
163. When two vectors oriented in exactly same directions are composed, the
resultant has the direction of the longer vector and a magnitude equal to the
difference in the magnitudes of the two original vectors. (F)
164. When the vectors are coplanar, used is the “tip-to-tail” method, in which the tail
of the second vector is placed on the tip of the first vector. (T)
165. vector resolution is operation that replaces a single vector with two
perpendicular vectors such that the vector composition of the two perpendicular
vectors yields the original vector. (T)
166. Determining the perpendicular components of a vector quantity relative to a
particular plane or structure is often useful. (T)
167. When a vector is resolved into perpendicular components a process known as
vector composition. (F)
168. When vector quantities are uniplanar, vector manipulations may be done
graphically to yield approximate results. (T)
169. Graphic solution of vector problems requires the careful measurement of vector
orientations and lengths to minimize error. (T)
170. A more accurate procedure for quantitatively dealing with vector problems
involves the application of trigonometric principles. (T)
171. Tendons and ligaments can contract like muscle tissue (F)
172. Tendons connect muscles to bones and ligaments connect bones to other bones
173. Hinge joints allow all movements except flexion and extension (F)
174. Interphalangeal joints are hinge joints (T)
175. Ball and socket joints allow all types of motion (T)
176. In saddle joints, rotation is permitted around one axis (F)
177. the proximal and distal radioulnar joints are pivot joints (T)
178. Inactivity increases the risk of osteoporosis.
179. Heredity does not play a role in osteoporosis.
180. High caffeine intake increases the risk of osteoporosis.
181. A low calcium intake throughout your life will increase your risk of
182. Smoking is not a risk factor for osteoporosis.
183. The most important ages for building bone mass are 10-30 years of age in
184. Weight-bearing exercises such as walking can help prevent osteoporosis.
185. There is no way to prevent osteoporosis.
186. Normally, bone loss slows down after menopause.
187. Alcohol abuse is not linked to the incidence of osteoporosis.
188. The most common fractures due to osteoporosis involve the spine, hip, and
189. Limited exposure to sunlight or insufficient vitamin D by diet or supplements
decreases your risk of developing osteoporosis.

190. Despite its hardness, bone is also flexible, a characteristic that enables it to
resist various forces. The flexibility of bone depends upon its collagen fibers.
Collagen fibers compose about 50% of the weight of bone. The remaining 50% of
the bone matrix is water.
191. Bone resorpation involves increased activity of osteoclasts

Give the scientific name for the following:

1) Direction as every other part of the body. (Translation/Linear Displacement)
2) Motion in which an assumed rigid body moves in a circular path around some
pivot point. (Rotation/Angular Displacement)
3) Describes the motion of a body, including considerations of space and time,
without regard to the forces or torques that may produce the motion. (Kinematics)
4) Motion of bones relative to the three cardinal planes. (Osteokinematics)
5) Motions that occur between curved articular surfaces of joints. (Arthrokinematics)
6) An erect standing position, a person is looking forward with the feet slightly
separated and the arms hanging relaxed at the sides, with the palms of the hands
facing forward (forearms fully supinated and fingers extended). (Anatomical
reference position).
7) The axis runs side-to-side in the body and is labeled in the body. (frontal axis)
8) The axis runs up and down in the body and is labeled in body. (the
vertical/longitudinal axis)
9) The axis runs front to back in the body and is labeled in the body. (the
sagital/anteroposterior/A-P axis)
10) The plane that divide the body vertically into right and left halves. (Sagittal plane)
11) The plane that divide the body horizontally into top and bottom halves.
(Transverse plane)
12) The plane that divide the body vertically into front and back halves. (Frontal
13) Displacement per unit time regardless of direction. (speed).
14) Displacement per unit time in a given direction. (velocity).
15) The change in velocity per unit time. (acceleration)
16) The system most commonly used to standardize the measurements taken, in which
units are measured in the directions of either two or three primary axes.
(Cartesian coordinate system).
17) System used for analysis of movements that are primarily in a single direction or
planar, such as running, cycling or jumping. (Two-dimensional Cartesian
coordinate system)
18) The tendency of a body to resist a change in its state of motion (resistance to
action or to change) and maintain its current state of motion, whether motionless
or moving with a constant velocity. Inertia
19) The quantity of matter composing a body. Mass
20) Push or a pull acting on a body (the product of mass and Acceleration). Force
21) Sketch that shows a defined system in isolation with all of the force vectors acting
on the system. The free body diagram
22) The point around which the body’s weight is equally balanced, no matter how the
body is positioned. center of gravity or center of mass
23) The amount of gravitational force exerted on a body (gravitational force that the
earth exerts on a body). Weight
24) Force distributed over a given area. Pressure
25) Mass per unit of volume. Density
26) The amount of space that body occupies. volume
27) The product of force (F) and the perpendicular distance (d ﬩) from the force’s line
of Action to the axis of rotation. Torque
28) The product of force and the time over which the force acts. Impulse
29) The pressing or squeezing force directed axially through a body. compression
30) The pulling or stretching force directed axially through a body. tension
31) The force directed parallel to a surface. shear
32) The force per unit of area over which the force acts. Stress
33) The load-producing twisting of a body around its longitudinal axis. torsion
34) Repeated application of a subacute load that is usually of relatively low
magnitude. repetitive loading
35) Application of a single force of sufficient magnitude to cause injury to a biological
tissue. acute loading
36) A physical quantity that has both magnitude and direction. Vector
37) The physical quantity that is completely described by its magnitude. Scalar
38) The process of determining a single vector from two or more vectors by vector
addition. vector composition
39) The operation that replaces a single vector with two perpendicular vectors such
that the vector composition of the two perpendicular vectors yields the original
vector. vector resolution
Choose the correct answer:
1- Linear velocity is expressed as ……
a) feet per second
b) meters per second squared
c) feet per second squared
d) none of the above
2- The units for linear acceleration are ..
a) feet per second
b) meters per second squared
c) degrees per second
d) none of the above
3- Angular velocity is expressed as…….
a) feet per second
b) meters per second squared
c) degrees per second
d) none of the above
4- Angular acceleration is given as ……
a) degrees per second squared
b) meter per second
c) all of the above
d) none of the above
5- Elevation and depression of the scapula are………
a) Sagittal Plane Movement
b) Frontal Plane Movement
c) Transverse Plane Movement
d) None of the above
6-……..runs front to back in the body.
a) The sagital axis
b) The frontal axis
c) The vertical axis
d) None of the above
7-……..runs side-to-side in the body.
a) The sagital axis
b) The frontal axis
c) The vertical axis
d) None of the above
8-……..runs up and down in the body.
a) The sagital axis
b) The frontal axis
c) The vertical axis
d) None of the above
9-…………divide the body vertically into right and left halves.
a) Sagittal plane
b) Transverse plane
c) Frontal plane
d) None of the above
10-………divide the body horizontally into top and bottom halves.
a) Sagittal plane
b) Transverse plane
c) Frontal plane
d) None of the above
11-……..divide the body vertically into front and back halves.
a) Sagittal plane
b) Transverse plane
c) Frontal plane
d) None of the above
12-Flexion, extension and hyperextension are………
a) Sagittal Plane Movement
b) Frontal Plane Movement
c) Transverse Plane Movement
d) None of the above
13- Dorsiflexion and plantarflexion are………
a) Sagittal Plane Movement
b) Frontal Plane Movement
c) Transverse Plane Movement
d) None of the above
14-Abduction and adduction are ………
a) Sagittal Plane Movement
b) Frontal Plane Movement
c) Transverse Plane Movement
d) None of the above
15-Trunk lateral flexion is………
a) Sagittal Plane Movement
b) Frontal Plane Movement
c) Transverse Plane Movement
d) None of the above
16-Ulnar deviation and radial deviation are ………
a) Sagittal Plane Movement
b) Frontal Plane Movement
c) Transverse Plane Movement
d) None of the above
17-Eversion and inversion are ………
a) Sagittal Plane Movement
b) Frontal Plane Movement
c) Transverse Plane Movement
d) None of the above
18-Medial rotation and lateral rotation are ………
a) Sagittal Plane Movement
b) Frontal Plane Movement
c) Transverse Plane Movement
d) None of the above
19-Supination snd pronation are ………
a) Sagittal Plane Movement
b) Frontal Plane Movement
c) Transverse Plane Movement
d) None of the above
20-Horizontal adduction and horizontal abduction are ………
a) Sagittal Plane Movement
b) Frontal Plane Movement
c) Transverse Plane Movement
d) None of the above
21-……..runs up and down in the body.
a) Sagital axis
b) Anteroposterior axis
c) The vertical axis
d) None of the above
22-The ability to analyze human movement requires
a) A good command of the language associated with forms of motion, standard
reference terminology and joint movement terminology.
b) knowledge of movement characteristics desired
c) ability to observe and determine if a given performance incorporates these
d) All of the above.
23- The main sources of information for the analyst diagnosing a motor skill
a) the kinematics or technique exhibited by the performer
b) the performance outcome.
c) All of the above
d) None of the above
24-Prerequisite knowledge for a qualitative analysis are…….
a) understand the specific purpose of the skill from a biomechanical perspective.
b) identify the cause of a technique error.
c) experience in performing the skill.
d) All of the above
25.…………is the tendency of a body to resist a change in its state of motion and
maintain its current state of motion.
a) Inertia
b) Mass
c) Force
d) None of the above
26.…………is the quantity of matter composing a body.
a) Inertia
b) Mass
c) Force
d) None of the above
27…………is the push or a pull acting on a body (the product of mass and
a) Inertia
b) Mass
c) Weight
d) None of the above
28…………is the sketch that shows a defined system in isolation with all of the
force vectors acting on the system.
a) The free body diagram
b) The free body
c) None of the above
d) All of the above
29…………is the point around which the body’s weight is equally balanced, no
matter how the body is positioned.
a) center of gravity
b) center of mass
c) None of the above
d) All of the above
30…………is the amount of gravitational force exerted on a body (gravitational
force that the earth exerts on a body).
a) Inertia
b) Mass
c) Weight
d) None of the above
31…………is the force distributed over a given area.
a) Pressure
b) Density
c) Volume
d) None of the above
32…………is the mass per unit of volume.
a) Pressure
b) Density
c) Volume
d) None of the above
33…………is the amount of space that body occupies.
a) Pressure
b) Density
c) Volume
d) None of the above
34…………is the product of force (F) and the perpendicular distance (d ﬩) from the
force’s line of Action to the axis of rotation.
a) Pressure
b) Density
c) Volume
d) None of the above
34…………is the product of force and the time over which the force acts.
a) Pressure
b) Density
c) Volume
d) Impulse
35…………is the pressing or squeezing force directed axially through a body.
d)None of the above
36…………is the pulling or stretching force directed axially through a body.
d)None of the above
37…………is the force directed parallel to a surface.
d)None of the above
38…………is the force per unit of area over which the force acts.
d)None of the above
39-…………is the load-producing twisting of a body around its longitudinal axis.
d)None of the above
40-…………is the repeated application of a subacute load that is usually of low
a)Repetitive loading
b)Acute loading
c)None of the above
d)All of the above
41-…………is the application of a single force of sufficient magnitude to cause injury
to a biological tissue.
a)Repetitive loading
b)Acute loading
c)None of the above
d)All of the above
42…………is the physical quantity that has both magnitude and direction.
a) Vector
b) Scalar
c) None of the above
d) All of the above
43 …………is the physical quantity that is completely described by its magnitude.
a) Vector
b) Scalar
c) None of the above
d) All of the above
44…………is the process of determining a single vector from two or more vectors.
a) vector composition
b) vector resolution
c) None of the above
d) All of the above
44…………is the operation that replaces a single vector with two perpendicular
a) vector composition
b) vector resolution
c) None of the above
d) All of the above
45.Which of the following occurs in the epiphysis of the bone?
a) bone growth
b) bone remodeling
c) hematopoiesis
d) shock absorption

46.The diaphysis contains ________.

a) the metaphysis
b) fat stores
c) spongy bone
d) compact bone

The fibrous membrane covering the outer surface of the bone is the .50
a) periosteum
b) epiphysis
c) endosteum
d) diaphysis

51. Most of the bones of the arms and hands are long bones; however, the bones
in the wrist are categorized as ________.
a) flat bones
b) short bones
c) sesamoid bones
d) irregular bones

1- Sesamoid bones are found embedded under________.

a) joints
b) muscles
c) ligaments
d) tendons

2- Bones that surround the spinal cord are classified as ________ bones
a) irregular
b) sesamoid
c) flat
d) short

3- Long bones enable body movement by acting as a ________.

a) counterweight
b) resistive force
c) lever
d) fulcrum
4- Bones grow in length due to activity in the ________.
a) epiphyseal plate
b) endoosteum
c) periosteum
d) medullary cavity

5- Bones grow in diameter due to bone formation ________.

a) in the medullary cavity
b) beneath the periosteum
c) in the epiphyseal plate
d) within the metaphysis

6- The following fracture is a:

b. A) Comminuted
c. B) Compound
d. C) Transverse
D) Spiral

7- The following fracture is a:

A) Comminuted
B) Greenstick
C) Transverse
D) Spiral

12- The following fracture is a:

A) Greenstick
B) Comminuted
C) Transverse
D) Spiral
13- Humans have __________ pair of ribs.
A) 2 B) 6 C) 10 D) 12 E) 24

14- How many bones does the adult human body have?

a. 210

b. 206

c. 180

d. 126

15- The Axial skeleton is comprised of ______ bones.

a. 90

b. 126

c. 60

d. 80

.16- The human vertebrae are classified as which type of bone?

a. Long

b. Irregular

c. Flat

d. Short

17- The ribs, sternum and scapulae are all what type of bone?

a. Long

b. Flat

c. Short
d. Irregular

18- the Appendicular skeleton is comprised of _____ bones.

a. 126

b. 100

c. 80

d. 110

19- Which of the following bones listed is an example of a short bone?

a. Femur

b. Cranium

c. Carpals

d. Radius

20- The “sternum” is a very important bone that protects the _____________.

a. Brain

b. Heart

c. Lungs

d. Liver

21-.Patella is an example of which kind of bone?

A. long bone

B. short bone

C. irregular bones

D. sesamoid bone

22- How many bones come together to form skull?

A. 20

B. 22
C. 25

D. 14

23- Which of the following statements is incorrect?

a. bone is where most blood cells are made

b. bone serves as a storehouse for various minerals

c. bone is a dry and non-living supporting structure

d. bone protects and supports the body and its organs

24- The rib cage

a. protects the stomach

b. protects the spinal cord

c. protects the heart and lungs

d. provides attachment for the lungs

25- What makes bones so strong?

a. silica
b. cartilage
c. bone marrow
d. calcium and phosphorus

26-The difference between cartilage and bone is

a) bone is rubbery, and cartilage is firm

b) bone is firm, and cartilage is rubbery
c) bone is a more primitive tissue than cartilage
d) bone is inside the body, and cartilage is outside

27- Osteopenia is:

a. The study of bone health
b. A type of bone fracture
c. A female bone disease
d. Low bone mass
28- Bone's shaft or body of a bone; the long cylindrical main portion of the bone is:
A. Epiphysis
B. Endosteum
C. Disphysis
D. Articular cartilage

29- The distal or proximal ends of the bone are:

A. Medullary

B. Periosteum

C. Diphysis

D. Epiphysis

30- Thin layer of hyaline cartilage covering the epiphysis where the bone forms an
articulation (joint) with another bone is:

A. Medullary

B. Epiphysis

C. Articular cartilage

D. Periosteum

31-The space within the diaphysis that contains fatty yellow bone marrow in adults
is the marrow cavity or the:

A. Diaphysis

B. Medullary

C. Endosteum

D. Epiphysis
32- A thin membrane that lines the medullary cavity, contains a single layer of
bone forming cells, and a small amount of connective tissue is:

A. Endosteum

B. Metaphysis

C. Articular cartilage

D. Periosteum

33- The cells in bone tissue include:

A. Osteogenic cells, osteoblasts, osteocytes, and articular cartilage.

B. Osteogenic cells, osteoblasts, lacunae, and osteoclasts.

C. Osteogenic cells, osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts.

D. Osteology, osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts

34-Osteoporosis is a disease of
A. muscle
B. cartilage
C. joint
D. bone
35- Osteoporosis is more common in
A. old women
B. old men
C. children
D. teenagers

36-Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for osteoporosis?

A. Ageing

B. Early Menopause

C. Smoking

D. Regular exercise
E. Diabetes Mellitus

37- Mineralized component of bone matrix represent ……. Of dry body weight

A. 60-70%
B. 33- 53%
C. 25-35%
D. 40-50%
38- Water content of the bone represents about

a. 60-70%
b. 35- 40%
c. 25-30%
d. 40-45%

39- Water content within the bone have the following function except

A- Carrying nutrients to the bone cell

B- Carrying waste products away from bone cell
C- Transport mineral ions for use or storage
D- Responsible for bone flexibility
40- Cortical bone has the following characteristics

A- Low porosity and collagen percent about 5-30%

B- low porosity and collagen percent about 20-30%
C- low porosity and mineralized tissue percent 5-30%
D- high porosity and collagen percent about 5-30%
41- Trabecular bone has the following characteristics

B- Low porosity and collagen percent about 5-30%

C- high porosity and non-mineralized elements percent about 30-90%
D- low porosity and non-mineralized elements percent about 30-90%
E- high porosity and mineralized elements percent about 30-90%
42- Cortical bone has

A- high mineral content

B- high water content
C- high non mineralized content
D- high collagen content
43- Cortical bone can with stand

A- less stress and less strain

B- greater stress and greater strain
C- greater stress and less strain
D- greater deformation and lesser stress
43- Spongy bone can with stand

A- less stress and less strain

B- greater stress and greater strain
C- greater stress and less strain
D- greater deformation and lesser stress
44- Trabecular bone is……. Material

A- isotropic
B- anisotropic
C- isometric
D- isokinetic
45- Maxillary bone is classified as which type of bone?

a. Long

b. Irregular

c. Flat

d. Short

46- Longitudinal bone growth terminates around

A- 20 years
B- 16 years
C- 18 years
D- 22 years

47- Peak bone mineralization occur around age

A- 30-40 in women
B- 20-30 in male
C- 33-40 in women
D- 19- 30 in male

47- Peak bone mineralization occur around age

E- 30-40 in women
F- 20-30 in male
G- 35-40 in women
H- 19- 33 in male
48- In women post-menopause there are progressive

A- Decrease in density of cortical bone and trabecular bone

B- increase in density of cortical bone and trabecular bone
C- Decrease in density of cortical bone and increase volume of
trabecular bone
D- increase density of cortical bone and decrease density of
trabecular bone
49- wolff’s low indicates that bone strength increase when

a. Force applied to the bone decrease

b. Force applied to the bone increase
c. Strain applied to the bone decrease
d. Stress applied to the bone decrease
50- The Sport which can produce bone hypertrophy is

A- Walking
B- Cycling
C- Swimming
D- Jumping

51- Bone density volume in 40 years women is………..the men at the same age

a) More than
b) Less than
c) The same as
d) Larger than
52- Negative calcium balance in astronauts indicates

a. Increase calcium excretion and increase calcium absorption

b. decrease calcium excretion and increase calcium absorption
c. Increase calcium excretion and decrease calcium absorption
d. decrease calcium excretion and decrease calcium absorption

53- The muscles of the body exert ……….forces, while the gravity exert …….

a) shear – bending
b) tensile – bending
c) compressive – tensile
d) tensile- compressive

The best type of exercise for astronaut’s during space fights is

a) active exercises
b) passive exercises
c) low impact exercises
d) resistive exercises

55- the most common fracture site due to osteoporosis are

a) neck of femur and vertebrae

b) neck of femur and clavicle
c) vertebrae and ankle bone
d) metacarpal and metatarsal bone

1. Biomechanics.
2. Statics.
3. Dynamic.
4. Kinetics.
5. Kinematics.
6. Translation/Linear Displacement
7. Rotation/Angular Displacement
8. Speed
9. Velocity
11.Anatomical reference position
12.Frontal axis
13.The vertical/longitudinal axis
14.The sagital/anteroposterior/A-P axis
15.Sagittal plane
16.Transverse plane
17.Frontal plane
21.Anatomical reference position
22.Cartesian coordinate system
23.Two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system
27.The free body diagram
28.Center of gravity or center of mass
30. Mass
31. Force
35.Compressive force or compression
36.Tensile force or tension
40.Repetitive loading
41.Acute loading
44.Vector composition
45.Vector resolution
Write short note on:
1. The difference between two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system and three-
dimensional Cartesian coordinate system
2. Planning a Qualitative Analysis

3. Sagittal plane movements

4. frontal plane movements
5. transverse plane movements
6. The difference between rotation and translation.
7. The difference between speed, velocity and acceleration
8. The difference between mass and weight
9. The difference between pressure and stress
10. The difference between Compression, Tension and Shear
11. The difference between the compressive stress in the lumbar region and the
thoracic region
12. The difference between torsion, Bending
13. The difference between acute loading and chronic loading
14. The difference between vector and scalar quantities.
15. The difference between vector Resolution and vector Composition
16. -Bone modeling
17. -Bone remodeling
18. -Types of bone according to the shape
19. -Types of bone according to structure organization
20. -Bone atrophy
21. -Bone hypertrophy
22. -Risk factors for osteoporosis
23. -Prevention of osteoporosis
24. -Stress fracture
25. -Epiphyseal injuries
complete the following sentences:
1. The vector quantity always of force has variables vector which are:
a. Magnitude
b. direction
c. point of application
2. Internal Forces in human includes
a.muscle b, tendon.,c, bone…….. .
3…static is a branch of mechanics dealing with systems in a constant state of motion
4. …Kinematics……… the study of the description of motion, including
considerations of space and time.
5. kinesiology study of human movement
6. qualitative analysis involving nonnumeric description of quality.
7. Quantitative analysis involving the use of numbers
8. A bone grows in width at …….. While growing in circumference occurs at ……..
9. Human bones have several functions like…….,………,……….,……….
10. The process by which immure bone grow called …….
11. Mechanical loading applied to the bone cause strain which translated in to change
in ………,………..
12. Bone cell which direct modeling and remodeling process called …….
13. Factors affect bone densities are ….,……,…………
14. Changes that occur during bone atrophy are …….,…….,……..
15. Risk factors of osteoporosis that aren’t under control are …..,…..,……,…..

16. The crystallized inorganic mineral salts in bone contribute to bone's ……,
while the collagen fibers and other organic molecules provide bone

1. the scope of scientific inquiry addressed by biomechanists
2. the 11 steps identified in the chapter to solve formal problems
3. 6 Types of Freely Movable Joints? And Give an Example for Each Type?

Differentiate between
1. qualitative and quantitative approaches for analyzing human movement
1. A 0.5 kg ball is kicked with a force of 40 N. What is the resulting acceleration of
the ball?
2. William Perry, defensive tackle and part-time running back better known as “The
Refrigerator,” weighed in at 1352 N during his 1985 rookie season with the Chicago
Bears. What was Perry’s mass?
(Answer: 138 kg)
3. How much force must be applied to a 0.5-kg hockey puck to give it an
acceleration of 30 m/s2? (Answer: 15 N)
Enumerate Functions of Articular Cartilages?

Illustrate With Drawing Arthrokinematic Movements of The Joints?

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