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Resources, Conservation and Recycling 82 (2014) 1–7

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Critical factors in effective construction waste minimization at the

design stage: A Shenzhen case study, China
Jiayuan Wang a , Zhengdao Li a , Vivian W.Y. Tam b,∗
College of Civil Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province 518060, China
University of Western Sydney, School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith NSW 2751, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Construction waste minimization at the design stage is a key strategy in effective waste reduction. How-
Received 11 March 2013 ever, it seems that few studies focus on exploratory factors that can significantly improve the design of
Received in revised form 29 October 2013 construction waste minimization. This paper addresses this research gap by presenting a set of critical
Accepted 4 November 2013
factors that inform and improve the practice of waste minimization design, particularly in the context of
Shenzhen, China. Nineteen potential factors which can influence effective waste minimization are pre-
sented based on related official guidelines, reports and literature. Top institutions in Shenzhen that have
Construction waste
received a Grade A building design certification were surveyed through a questionnaire. From this survey,
Design stage
six critical factors are derived: (1) large-panel metal formworks, (2) prefabricated components, (3) fewer
Critical factor design modifications, (4) modular design, (5) waste reduction investment and (6) economic incentive.
China The applicability and significance of the identified critical factors for effectively designing waste minimi-
zation are also explored. These critical factors not only provide designers and project managers with a
useful set of criteria for effective design strategies to reduce construction waste, but also serve as valuable
references for the government to formulate related construction waste minimization regulations.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction with the construction waste minimization strategies at the design

stage proposed by Housing and Construction Bureau of Shenzhen
Continuous development and urbanization of an old town (2011), many local design institutions have taken actions to imple-
inevitably generates a large amount of construction waste from ment their strategies in the past several years. Practical experience
construction and demolition activities. Such waste has a serious shows that no guidance is available as effective instructions and
effect on human life. For instance, in China, annual construction development of related design strategies to reduce construction
waste accounts for about 40% of the total municipal waste (Li, 2007), waste at the design stage. To address such practical needs, this
that is, more than 200 million tons, of which 100 million tons are study aims to identify a set of critical factors that can significantly
generated from new buildings (Huang and Xu, 2011). Construction influence the effectiveness of construction waste minimization at
waste represents a large amount of construction material, which the design stage from a holistic perspective that spans architec-
is a waste of valuable natural resources. Moreover, it occupies a tural technologies, architectural design, external mechanism and
large landfill area, which further diminishes scarce land resources. aspects of the designer’s capacity and attitude.
It also contains toxic substances that endanger human health and These critical factors are identified based on certain urbaniza-
the surrounding environment (Li and Xu, 2007). tion development practices in Shenzhen City, China. Shenzhen is
One of the best way to reduce the impact of waste on the envi- a major city in the south of Southern China’s Guangdong Province,
ronment is simply to avoid producing waste (Ekanayake and Ofori, situated immediately north of Hong Kong, covering an area of about
2004; Yuan and Shen, 2011). Among the solutions, implementing 2050 km2 including urban and rural areas, with a total popula-
construction waste minimization at the design stage is com- tion of approximately 14 million in 2008. In 2012, the Chinese
monly identified as a key strategy in effective waste minimization National Housing and Urban–Rural Ministry listed Shenzhen as
(Baldwin et al., 2009), as this solution entails the consideration of the national pilot city for construction waste minimization and
every single detail of the overall construction project ahead of oper- comprehensive utilization. Shenzhen is the first city to implement
ation, which therefore prevents unnecessary material waste. In line various construction waste minimization-related design guidelines
which require modular design and awareness of dimensional coor-
dination and standardization, (Housing and Construction Bureau of
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 02 4736 0105; fax: +61 02 4736 0833. Shenzhen, 2011). Shenzhen is also the first city to closely cooper-
E-mail address: (V.W.Y. Tam). ate with typical construction waste utilization institutions. In this

0921-3449/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 J. Wang et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 82 (2014) 1–7

regard, Shenzhen is a typical microcosm of China if we focus on A questionnaire is designed for and answered by consulting
construction waste reduction-related issues, that is, if Shenzhen professionals to determine the soundness and significance of each
succeeds in exploring a new path to effective construction waste optional variable. Professionals are invited to rank the significance
minimization at the design stage, it may be used as a representative of each factor based on a five-point Likert scale, with 5 indicating
model which significantly drives national reform. the most significant and 1 indicating the least significant. Through
a calculation of the mean importance ratings based on the data
obtained from the survey, a statistical test of the mean for each vari-
2. Construction waste minimization at the design stage
able is conducted to determine if the variable is significant or not.
In-depth interviews are conducted to gather further information to
Construction waste minimization at the design phase minimizes
supplement the data gathered from the questionnaires.
waste generation in the construction process by refining architec-
tural design with the use of advanced architectural technologies
3.1. Identifying factors in effective construction waste
and reclaimed materials, thereby achieving resource conserva-
tion and environmental protection (Kun and Hong, 2010). Many
researchers have argued that a large amount of construction waste
Twenty factors in construction waste minimization at the design
is generated because of inappropriate consideration in the design
stage were identified through an intensive literature review using
phase (Ekanayake and Ofori, 2004; Kulathunga et al., 2006; Baldwin
important databases such as Scopus, ABI, EI compendexWeb and
et al., 2009). According to a case study published in (Tam et al.,
ISI Web of Knowledge. To ensure the adequacy and comprehen-
2007b), waste generation can be reduced by up to 100% by adapting
siveness of these variables, nine construction design professionals
prefabrication, which can save up to 84.7% of wastage. This strategy
from Shenzhen were invited for a preliminary study that consists of
compels construction waste designers to consider waste reduction
semi-structured interviews. The five respondents were two archi-
early in the design stage and throughout the design of construction
tects, two mechanical designers and one professor in architecture.
projects (Baldwin et al., 2009).
These professionals were carefully selected who have had at least
Previous research on construction waste minimization at the
20 years of experience in the construction industry, which ensures
design stage mainly involves four components: (i) reasons for
valuable discussions on the identification of a list of variables.
construction waste generation at the design stage, including pro-
After removing one controversial factor, 19 preliminary factors
visional design change as a result of customers’ request, designer’s
were determined. The resulting factors along with their sources
lack of experience, increased construction design requirements,
are shown in Table 1.
lack of necessary design information, inability to foresee actual
construction conditions, and policy change (Bossink and Brouwers,
3.2. Questionnaire survey
1996; Faniran and Caban, 1998; Keys et al., 2000; Yucesan
et al., 2002; Ekanayake and Ofori, 2004; Poon et al., 2004); (ii)
The initially identified 19 factors vary in their significance. Not
applications of new architectural technologies and methods of
all of them may be critical in effective construction waste minimi-
construction waste reduction in the design phase, including the
zation design. Therefore, a questionnaire is designed based on the
optimization of building design life to delay demolition waste,
list above to determine the adequacy and significance of each fac-
reduction of material loss by reasonable procurement planning,
tor. In this study, the questionnaire is adopted as an appropriate
dimensional coordination and standardization, applications of low-
quantitative data collection method. This method has been widely
waste construction technologies, and avoidance of late design
used in previous studies to derive critical success factors in differ-
modifications (Cheung, 1993; Moore, 1994; Ekanayake and Ofori,
ent contexts and can also reach a broader group of respondents (Lu
2004; Batayneh and Asi, 2007; Tam et al., 2007a; Baldwin et al.,
and Yuan, 2010; Wang et al., 2010; Shen et al., 2012).
2009); (iii) architect’s attitude toward construction waste minimi-
Construction waste minimization at the design stage is a rel-
zation (Turner, 1991; Faniran and Caban, 1998; Lingard et al., 2000;
atively new concept. Ordinary design institutions may not have
Teo and Loosemore, 2001; Poon et al., 2004; Kulathunga et al., 2006)
much experience in relation to this context. As such, the main
and (iv) obstructive factors in the implementation of construction
participants selected for the survey come from top companies
waste reduction in the design stage (Poon et al., 2001b; Osmani
whose buildings have been awarded a Grade A building design
et al., 2008a; Zhang et al., 2012b).
certification. They were invited to rank the significance of each
The references above show contributions of various studies
variable under five categories, namely, architectural technologies,
to the overall body of knowledge on construction waste minimi-
architectural design, external mechanism, designer’s capacity and
zation at the design stage. They also show that limited attention
designer’s behavior and attitude, on a five-point Likert scale, with
has been given to the identification of critical factors which influ-
5 indicating the most significant and 1 indicating the least sig-
ence the implementation of effective design for construction waste
nificant. Likert scales are widely used and considered suitable to
reduction. As effective design is, to a large extent, influenced and
measure the importance of factors (Wang et al., 2010). The respon-
determined by many variables involved in design practice, identify-
dents were provided space to suggest factors that were not covered
ing variables that are potentially significant to construction waste
in the questionnaire. They were also asked to provide their contact
minimization at the design stage is vitally important before archi-
information if they agreed to being interviewed.
tects and policymakers can understand how to implement efficient
The full survey was conducted in Shenzhen over a one-month
waste reduction measures in the early stages of a project.
period from June to July 2012. A total of 142 copies of the question-
naire, along with small gifts, were distributed by a survey team of
3. Research methodology four graduate students. Of this total, 86 responses were received,
which indicates a response rate of 60.6%. The questionnaire respon-
A hybrid research methodology is applied to identify a set of dents include structural designers (about 32%), architects (about
significant factors in construction waste minimization design. A 50%), mechanical designers (about 13%), and related project man-
preliminary list of factors from the literature is presented through agers (about 5%). Most of them received university or higher
semi-structured interviews with invited researchers and industry education (about 83%) and have more than five years of work-
practitioners who were asked to provide their comments. The final ing experience (about 75%). Overall, the selected subjects possess
list of optional variables is obtained from these interviews. profound professional knowledge and rich construction design
J. Wang et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 82 (2014) 1–7 3

Table 1
Variables for construction waste minimization at the design stage.

Categories and variables Sources

Architectural technologies
Large panel metal formworks Poon et al. (2001a, 2002) and Chiang et al. (2006)
Steel scaffolding Poon et al. (2001a), Chiang et al. (2006) and Tam and Tam (2006)
Metal hoarding Poon et al. (2002, 2003) and Tam and Tam (2006)
Prefabricated components Poon et al. (2003), Tam et al. (2005), Chiang et al. (2006), Tam and Tam (2006), Tam et al.
(2006b) and Shen et al. (2009)

Architectural design
Design for hanging cradles Poon et al. (2002, 2003) and Zhang et al. (2012a)
Design for thinner internal walls and floor slabs Poon et al. (2003) and Zhang et al. (2012a)
Fewer design modifications Faniran and Caban (1998) and Ekanayake and Ofori (2004)
Design for recycled materials such as recycled aggregates Tam and Tam (2006), Esin and Cosgun (2007), Hao et al. (2008) and Tam et al. (2008)
Modular design Poon et al. (2002, 2003), Tam et al. (2002, 2006a), Tam and Tam (2006) and Tam (2009)

External mechanism
Construction waste regulation Karavezyris (2007) and Lu and Yuan (2011)
Waste reduction investment Chen et al. (2002)
Market-stimulating system Wang (2004)
Regulation implement supervision Wang (2004)

Designer’s capacities
Educational background Li (2009)
Work experience Senge (1994) and Ye (2010)

Designer’s behavior and attitude

Environmental awareness Liu (2008) and Tan (2011)
Design strategy training Tan (2011)
Economic incentive Chen et al. (2002) and Osmani et al. (2006)
Waste minimization culture within institutions Osmani et al. (2008b) and Yuan and Shen (2011)

experience. As such, their opinions can realistically reflect problems error was 5% and the probability of accepting the null hypothesis
related to construction waste minimization design. The demogra- when it was true was 95%.
phy of the respondents is summarized in Table 3. The t values of the statistical test on the mean importance rat-
ings were calculated using Eq. (2). If the t value is larger than
3.3. Data processing t(85;0:05) = 1.6627 at the 95% confidence interval, the null hypoth-
esis that the factor was “less significant” or “not significant” was
A mean importance rating was used to calculate the importance rejected and the alternative hypothesis accepted. The variable was
of each variable, as shown in Eq. (1) then determined as a significant contributor in construction waste
minimization at the design stage. However, if the t value of the sta-
n1 + 2n2 + 3n3 + 4n4 + 5n5 tistical test of the mean ratings is smaller than t(85;0:05) = 1.6627 at
u= (1)
n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 + n5 the 95% confidence interval, the null hypothesis that the factor was
where u is the mean importance rating of a variable, and n1 , n2 , “less significant” or “not significant” was accepted.
n3 , n4 , and n5 represent the number of respondents who rated the
variable as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively.
4. In-depth interviews
A statistical test was also conducted on the mean importance
rating of each factor to determine whether the respondents con-
After the critical factors were identified through the ques-
sider the variables significant or otherwise. The null hypothesis H0 :
tionnaire survey, in-depth interviews were conducted to help
u ≤ u0 was tested against the opposite hypothesis and H1 : u > u0 ,
interpret and elaborate the collected data. Valuable regulatory and
where u0 is the population mean. The decision rule was to reject
operational suggestions, with the expectation of guiding the devel-
H0 when the calculated t value was larger than t(n−1, a) , as shown in
opment of design strategies for construction waste reduction, were
Eq. (2).
also contributed by some of the interviewees. A total of eight
x̄ − 0 respondents expressed interest in participating in the in-depth
t= √ > t(n−1, ˛) (2)
Sx / n interviews. Among the interviewees, three were structural design-
ers from the Design Institution of Shenzhen University, four were
where the random variable t(n−1, a) follows a t-distribution with architects from the Shenzhen Construction Science Research Insti-
(n − 1) degrees of freedom, x̄ is the sample mean, Sx is the sample tution and one was a supervisor from the Shenzhen Construction
standard deviation, n is the sample size, which is 86 in this study, Bureau. The interviews were conducted from August to September
and u0 is the critical rating garnered by the factor considered the 2012, each with a duration of 20–30 min. These interviews mainly
most significant. aimed to gather further elaboration and explanation to the critical
In this study, all the variables selected for statistical testing factors. The data from the interviews were also cross-referenced
were considered important factors in the relevant literature. Hence, with the survey results to interpret constraint factors.
the statistical test sought to identify among them the “more” and
“most” critical factors. Therefore, u0 was fixed at 3, because, by
definition, ratings above 3 represent “more significant” and “most 5. Results, analyses, and discussions
significant” factors according to the scale. The significance level was
set at 0.05 following the conventional risk level. This value implies a The mean importance ratings, standard ratings, and t values are
95% certainty that the result was not due to chance. The probability calculated from the survey results. The factors are ranked according
of mistakenly rejecting the null hypothesis or committing a Type I to the order of importance shown in Table 2.
4 J. Wang et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 82 (2014) 1–7

Table 2 Construction quality is heavily dependent on the technical skill

Survey results on mean importance ratings and hypothesis testing.
of on-site workers. In addition, construction activities have the
Variables U Rank S t value Sig highest number of accidental injuries and fatalities, and also cause
Architectural technologies disturbance and nuisance in the environment, such as noise, dust,
Large panel metal formworks 3.326 6 1.034 2.920 * muddy run-offs and a significant amount of waste (Jaillon et al.,
Steel scaffolding 3.023 19 1.029 0.210 2009). All these adverse impacts make the application of prefabri-
Metal hoarding 3.140 9 0.935 1.384 cated components necessary.
Prefabricated components 3.767 1 1.037 6.865
Prefabrication is a manufacturing process that generally takes
Architectural design place at a specialized facility where various materials are joined
Design for hanging cradles 3.047 16 1.217 0.355
to form a component part of the final installation (Sparksman,
Design for thinner internal 3.070 13 1.309 0.494
walls and floor slabs
1999). In the literature, the consensus is that adoption of pre-
Fewer Design modifications 3.512 3 1.003 4.731 * fabricated components in the construction project significantly
Design for recycled materials 3.093 12 1.343 0.642 reduces various construction waste (Tam et al., 2005, 2007a;
such as recycled aggregates Jaillon and Poon, 2008; Jaillon et al., 2009), such as timber boards
Modular design 3.419 5 0.901 4.311
from timber formworks, steel bars from reinforcement bars, bricks
External mechanism from brick and block work and in situ cement. The use of pre-
Construction waste regulation 3.116 11 0.975 1.106 fabrication reduces waste from timber formwork and concrete
Waste reduction investment 3.535 2 1.048 4.732
Market-stimulating system 3.058 15 0.925 0.583
works by about 74–87% and 51–60%, respectively (Tam et al.,
Regulation implement 3.070 14 0.837 0.773 2005). The orthodox that prefabrication in a factory environ-
supervision ment is more conducive to waste reduction compared to the
Designer’s capacity conventional construction method has also been shown by Lu
Educational background 3.151 8 1.203 1.165 and Yuan (2013), who found that the waste generation rate in
Work experience 3.163 7 1.105 1.367 the upstream processes of offsite prefabrication is around 2% by
Designer’s behavior and attitude weight. Prefabrication technologies, which companies in Hong
Environmental awareness 3.035 17 1.034 0.313 Kong and Japan have experimented with, should be promoted in
Design strategy training 3.140 10 1.031 1.255 Shenzhen as part of the construction waste minimization design
Economic incentive 3.442 4 1.069 3.832
Waste minimization culture 3.035 18 0.846 0.382
within institution
Interviewees indicated that compared with in situ traditional
construction, the applications of prefabricated components may
t-Value is larger than t(85,0.05) , which is 1.6627.
be more complex because of (1) the setting up of fabrication yard
and transportation, (2) vertical transportation on site, (3) workers’
training and (4) problems in connecting components. The solutions
According to survey results, six critical factors affect construc- suggested by some of the interviewees include considering early
tion waste minimization at the design stage, namely “large panel decisions in the design to allow sufficient time to set up prefab-
metal formworks”, “prefabricated components”, “fewer design rication yard molds, allowing repetition in the design to facilitate
modifications”, “modular design”, “waste reduction investment”, construction and fabrication in the factory, considering the dimen-
and “economic incentive”. The critical factors, along with the views sions of modules to allow transportation from the factory to the
of the practitioners revealed in the in-depth interviews, are dis- site and implementing a detailed design.
cussed in the section that follows.

5.1. Prefabricated components 5.2. Waste reduction investment

“Prefabricated components” received the highest mean impor- “Waste reduction investment” received the second highest
tance rating of 3.767 (see Table 2). The interviewees described mean importance rating of 3.535. Investment in construction waste
the current construction activities in Shenzhen as labor intensive management can help promote construction waste management
and highly dependent on in situ operational methods that involve practices, such as employing workers for on-site waste collection,
the use of timber formworks and a large amount of wet trades. sorting and handling, purchasing waste management equipment
and machines, developing and implementing waste management
plans, motivating practitioners to minimize construction waste
Table 3 and improving the operatives’ waste handling skills through voca-
Demography of the respondents. tional training (Yuan, 2013). By nature, construction is not an
Educational background Percentages of environment-friendly activity. Furthermore, economic benefit is
respondents (%) the priority target of various construction participants. As such,
Undergraduate 54 the participants have a low incentive to spontaneously pursue
Postgraduate or above 29 environmental performance without extra waste investment. This
Junior college 9 behavior is in line with the finding that rewards schemes moti-
High school 2
vate construction parties to increase their participation in waste
Work experience reduction schemes (Chen et al., 2002).
Less than 5 years 25 One of the interviewees suggested the government should
5–10 years 56
encourage a design organization’s environmental performance
11–15 years 13
More than 15 years 6 through a more targeted certificate that can comprehensively
assess the potential of design in waste minimization and through a
Type of designer
Structural design 32
bonus scheme, which also translates to extra waste investment. All
Architectural design 50 interviewees stated that investment is a critical factor that affects
Equipment design 13 the effectiveness of construction waste minimization at the design
Others 5 stage.
J. Wang et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 82 (2014) 1–7 5

5.3. Fewer design modification cutting and connections, and the difficulty in creating an opening in
such walls. To overcome these disincentives, using a framed modu-
“Fewer design modification” received the third highest mean lar wall is recommended as it allows easy installation of steel panels
importance rating of 3.512. Design modifications can generate an in a short construction period with much less cutting and joining
enormous quantity of waste if they occur at a stage when the build- work.
ing is almost finished (Faniran and Caban, 1998; Poon et al., 2002), The interviewees also opined that to ensure effective modular
because any modification at that time in the design may result in design, architects should consider not only the use of repetitive
part of the structure being taken apart and subsequent generation design or modules to facilitate construction, but also the form
of unsalvageable materials. The main causes of design modifica- and dimensions appropriate to the manufacturing and assem-
tions are last-minute client requirements, complex design, lack of bly purposes, including transportation from the factory to the
communication, and lack of design information (Poon et al., 2001a). site.
Given these complications, very few attempts are undertaken to
minimize waste at the design stage (Osmani et al., 2006). These
5.6. Large panel metal formworks
complications are probably the underlying barriers to the effective
implementation of waste minimization in the project design (Yuan,
“Large panel metal formworks” received the sixth highest mean
importance rating of 3.326. Timber formwork is commonly used
Some of the interviewees provided valuable suggestions for the
for the construction of cast in situ concrete structures in Shen-
avoidance of late design modifications, including considering in
zhen because of its versatility and ease of handling. However,
advance the modifications that may occur at the construction stage,
“formwork” is the work component considered the source of the
ensuring effective communication among designers, contractors,
most waste. Suggestions obtained from the interviewees for form-
engineers and clients, allowing for flexibility in the design and
work waste reduction include considering early in the design
construction process to facilitate changes and preparing detailed
stage the construction method for formworks, such as their size,
drawings and specifications at an early stage. Today’s software
handling and opportunities for reusing or recycling. These consid-
technology, such as 3D images and animations, 3D simulations may
erations should be determinants of the design. They also pointed
also help clarify a project.
out that designers should allow the use of metal formworks, such
as steel or aluminum, which are durable, recyclable as scrap and
5.4. Economic incentive
reusable on site and on other sites for other projects (Poon et al.,
“Economic incentive” received the fourth highest mean impor-
tance rating of 3.442. Previous studies have shown that special
motivational and reward programs are effective and have been 6. Conclusion
considered as a performance-dependent monetary reward system
in the construction industry (McDonald, 1998; Merchant, 1997; The consensus in some literature is that a substantial amount
Coffey, 1999). Nevertheless, most design organizations find that of construction waste originates as a result of inadequate design
the returns gained from environmental design management are too practice. However, despite this consensus, the literature suffers
small. They do not see any short-term benefit from existing envi- from the lack of research on critical factors that can be used to guide
ronmental management and reward programs. Hence, enhanced effective construction waste minimization at the design stage.
incentive schemes are necessary to motivate design organizations Effective construction waste minimization design is influenced and
to improve their environmental design performance. determined by many factors in design practice. As such, identifying
In addition, although the interviewees concurred that waste and understanding all related variables that influence the effective-
reduction must be addressed at its source and be considered ness of construction waste minimization is neither practical nor
as early as the conceptualization stage, the current practices of necessary. Instead, a better route is to identify some critical factors
architects fail to make considerable progress in waste reduction to help participants more focused and through which the use of
through design. The consensus among the interviewees is that limited resources, such as money, manpower, time and manage-
financial rewards are by far the key incentives to drive designers to ment efforts, can be maximized (Wang et al., 2010). Accordingly,
implement construction waste minimization at the design stage. this study has attempted to fill these gaps from both academic and
Moreover, the interviewees suggested rewarding and penalizing practical perspectives.
project stakeholders, especially architects, for their waste minimi- In this study, through an examination of the literature and
zation performance. This finding is also in line with the report by through semi-structured interviews with various professionals, 19
Chen et al. (2002), who stated that rewarding and penalizing meth- factors under five categories were identified. These factors can
ods with regard to on-site material handling have been effectively potentially affect construction waste minimization at the design
used in construction sites through the use of special motivational stage and they were ranked according to their importance rat-
and financial incentive programs. ings based on a questionnaire survey. Six factors with a t value
above 1.6627 were perceived as the most significant in effective
5.5. Modular design construction waste minimization at the design stage. These factors
are “large panel metal formworks”, “prefabricated components”,
“Modular design” received the fifth highest mean importance “fewer design modifications”, “modular design”, “waste reduction
rating of 3.419. Modular construction accelerates construction, investment” and “economic incentive”. These critical factors have
improves quality, and reduces resources and waste (Hong et al., been shown to be reasonable and reliable through a series of statis-
2011). This finding is supported by Poon et al. (2002), who stated tical analyses. The identified factors can be adopted to inform the
that modular construction and modular design can reduce the development of effective design strategies and reduce construction
generation of waste from construction because fabrication is con- waste, especially in the feasibility study and construction design
ducted in factories and is highly applicable in densely-populated stages. Furthermore, the Shenzhen government is advised to for-
cities with high-rise buildings such as Hong Kong and Shenzhen. mulate related construction waste minimization regulations that
For example, shear walls pose disincentives, such as high cost and target the design stage by referring to the critical factors identified
a large amount of cutting waste, because of the large number of in this study.
6 J. Wang et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 82 (2014) 1–7

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