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Blender to MSFS Guide Rev 0

This guide requires to have a basic understanding of how to create a new project and that
you have created a basic project for your airport.
Configuring project
1. Inside your project folder you should have a PackageSources folder:
Inside the packageSources folder create two folders: modelLib and scene(Should
already be existing when created the airport BGL Asset).
2. If you have already started a project on an airport you will have the BGL asset file
already. If you start a new project make sure you have the following paths correct
inside the inspector (Project Editor-View-Inspector):

-AssetDir should be:


-OutputDir should be:

(Copy paste and press enter)

3. Inside the Project Editor click on the whole package and now the inspector should
open. Click little + sign and add an ArtProj. You can rename this to something like
MyArtProj. It should look like this, but then with your own file names.

Blender to MSFS Guide Rev 0

4. Click in the Project editor on the ArtProj asset. Make sure you have the directories as
-AssetDir: PackageSources\modelLib\

-OutputDir: scenery/global/scenery\

5. You can save and build your project now in the project editor to update the
packageDefinition XML file.

Exporting Blender file. (Note. If created something in 3ds Max, export as FBX and import
into Blender will also work)
1. Make sure you have the blender plugin installed. Link Here: Link
2. Your blender file can be kept at any place on your hard disk together with your texture
3. After you have finished your model in Blender you have to assign textures.
4. In the Material properties tab scroll down until you see MSFS Material Params.
5. Select MSFS Standard from the
6. MSFS uses PBR materials.
Which are made in Substance
Painter. The Metallic and
Roughness map are exported as
one file with 3 channels: namely
R + G + B (Occlusion(R),
Roughness(G), Metallic(B)).
Please refer to the substance
painter documentation how to
export using the right preset.

7. -The main color map goes into the Albedo slot.

-The Metallic/Roughness map goes into the Metallic slot.
-The Normal map goes into the normal slot.

8. After textures are assigned it is time to export. Click file → Export → Extended glTF
9. Then navigate to your scenery project folder. Inside your project folder go to
PackageSources\modelLib and create a new folder that is identical to your name of
the object. In my case I will be exporting a hangar, so I call the folder Hangar.
10. Give the file a name, ideally the same as the map you’re placing it in. I just call it

Blender to MSFS Guide Rev 0

11. On the right make sure to select as format: glTF Separte(.gltf + bin + textures).
12. Under the Textures tab. Type in ../texture (make sure you do not write ../textures,
because then it will not work correctly).
13. Tick Remember export settings.
14. Under the MSFS tab, click Generate/Append XML File. Under filename, type exactly
the same name as the file name that you exporting as. I will call it Hangar. Also tick
on Generate GUID.
15. Under Include, tick on Selected Objects and Custom
16. Click Export.

17. After export is finished. Go to the

PackageSource\modelLib folder. You should see two
folders now. One is your object folder which you named
yourself, and a texture folder. Inside the object folder, you
should see 3 files: A bin file, 3d (glTF) File, and an XML
18. Inside the texture folders you should see your 3 (or how
many you assigned inside blender) textures.
19. Open the XML file in NotePad++ and make sure you copy
that GUID number to somewhere. Replace the text inside
the XML with the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ModelInfo version="1.1" guid="{your Guid here}">

20. Place your original GUID number in the brackets where it

says Your Guide here. Save and close XML.
21. Now open MSFS2020.
22. Inside MSFS open your project. Make sure you have
configured the asset settings as described above. When you select your whole
project, click Build Package.
23. Close MSFS and navigate to your Project folder. Then Packages\scenery. Inside here
you should have two folders called global and world. If navigating inside the world
\scenery you should see the BGL files for your airport. Inside the global\scenery you
will see modelLib.BGL and a texture folder with the textures of your object. If you see
this the building inside MSFS has been successful.
24. Start MSFS again and go to your airport.
25. Open your project via the project editor. Now click the BGL asset and click Load into
26. Inside the Scenery Editor, click View, Objects.
27. Wait for the objects to load and search for your file name. Now you should see your
object and you can add it to your scenery!

Blender to MSFS Guide Rev 0

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