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NAME: ________________________

Social 9

Part A: Multiple Choice
Read each question and source carefully and circle the correct answer. If you have a question, please raise
your hand.
Use the following source to answer questions 1 and 2.

Distribution of Seats in the House of Commons – 1997


1. According to the map, a political party would have the best chance of forming the
government if it gained widespread popularity in

A. British Columbia and the North

B. the Atlantic provinces
C. the Prairie provinces
D. Quebec and Ontario

2. By studying the information on the map, it is possible to determine the

A. popularity of each political party across Canada

B. general distribution of population across Canada
C. proportion of citizens who vote in federal elections
D. number of political parties competing in federal elections
NAME: ________________________

3. The best argument justifying the lengthy process a bill must go through before it becomes
law is

A. it is important to ensure various perspectives are researched, heard and considered

B. it is required that all MP’s and Senators are in attendance to vote on the bill.
C. the queen often must return from Canada in order to sign all bills into law.
D. lengthy debate is a requirement of the democratic process.

4. Canada’s electoral system is called:

A. Single transferable vote
B. First past the post
C. Single vote plus
D. First past the canoe

Use the following source to answer question 5.

The Three Branches of the Canadian Federal Government

5. Which component of government has been placed incorrectly in the above chart?

A. Cabinet
B. Prime Minister
C. Governor General
D. House of Commons

NAME: ________________________
Use the following information to answer questions 6 to 8.

6. The biggest majority government occurred in

A. 1958
B. 1968
C. 1962
D. 1974

7. The Official Opposition Party in 1974 was the

A. Liberals
B. Conservatives
C. New Democrats
D. Social Credit

8. Which one of the political parties referenced in the chart is NOT one of the mainstream
federal parties today?

A. Liberals
B. Conservatives
C. New Democrats
D. Social Credit

NAME: ________________________
Use the following source to answer question 9.

—from Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year, 1997

9. The cartoonist's point of view can be used to explain the recent trend of

A. decreasing voter turnout due to dissatisfaction with candidates.

B. increased voting rights among ethnic minority groups.
C. low attendance rates in the Senate.
D. increase in union strikes among auto workers.

10. The main role of the parliamentary press gallery is to

A. Hold the government accountable

B. Print photos in magazines
C. Inform Canadians on what’s going on in government
D. Both A and C

NAME: ________________________
Use the following source to answer question 11.

Appointed for life Represents Minority Interests

across Canada’s regions

of a
Political office

Debates, Passes or Rejects Bills

11. The political office described above is that of

A. a Senator
B. the Prime Minister
C. the Governor General
D. a Member of Parliament

12. Currently in Canada, we have a

A. minority Liberal government

B. majority Liberal government
C. minority Conservative government
D. majority Conservative government

13. Which statement is NOT true of the Canadian media?

A. The media may expose errors or corruption in government
B. The media influences how people are likely to vote
C. The media is controlled by the government
D. The media influences the decisions that the government takes

14. In Canada, the house of commons has 338 seats, which means a majority government
would have to win at least

A. 175 seats  C. 170 seats  

B.  155 seats D.  201 seats 

NAME: ________________________
Use the following sources to answer questions 15 and 16.

NAME: ________________________
15. Which of the following phrases correctly completes the diagram in Source I?

A. Report to the governor general

B. Are appointed by the prime minister
C. Form the official opposition in Parliament
D. Are members of the prime minister’s cabinet

16. The central issue to which both sources relate is the extent to which

A. representatives within Canada’s government are accountable to citizens

B. the powers of the judicial branch of government should be reduced
C. a majority government is beneficial to Canadian citizens
D. election results should be comparable to popular vote


Use the following source to answer question 17.

17. Which phrase correctly completes the above diagram?

A. Civil Servants
B. Opposition Parties
C. Cabinet Ministers
D. Military Leaders

NAME: ________________________
PART B: Matching
Match the branch with their correct ‘duty.’ Write the letter on the space beside the correct branch

18. _____ Executive Branch A) Makes laws and represents the interests
and rights of Canada’s regions

19. _____ Legislative Branch B) Interprets and applies the laws

C) Proposes most laws, puts laws into

20. ______ Judicial Branch action, and runs the day-to-day business of
the government

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