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Resolution N o. ^ __ Page 20 of 25
General Instructions for the Im plem entation of Resolution N o. 9476 as am ended

[Sample template of the Certification to be issued to party treasurers of political parties & party-
list organizations when they have filed the party's disclosure statements & reports]
A n n ex "B-2"

Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Elections
Office of the [RED/PES/CEO/MEO]
[City / Municipality / Province / Region]

C e r t if ic a t e o f C o m p l ia n c e

This is to certify that (name of treasurer)________________ , who is the

party treasurer for (name o f political party/party-list organization) , with a
constituency based in the Municipality/City/Province/Region o f _____________ ,
has duly submitted the following campaign finance statements/reports in
connection with the party's campaign for the 13 May 2013 elections:

Annex Document Title

BAuthority to Incur Election Expenditures
FStatement of Election Contributions &
G Schedule of Contributions Received
H Schedule of Expenditures
H-l Summary Report of Expenditures
I Schedule of Unpaid Obligations
[Put a 'V " only for those documents actually submitted by the party treasurer;
use if not submitted]

The documents listed above were received by the office of the

undersigned on (date o f receipt) .

This Certification is issued merely to attest to the receipt of the above­

named party's campaign finance statement and reports.

Issued th is________day of _________________ , 2013.

[Name of EO/PES/RED]

[NOTE to EO/PES/RED: Please reproduce one (1) copy of this Certification after printing &
signing the same to serve as your office s receiving copy. Kindly note in tlie receiving copy the
name of the requesting party, official receipt (OR) number/date paid, and the date the certification
was received by the requesting party, together with the hitter's signature acknoivledging receipt
of the certification.]

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