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I. Objective: At the end of the 60 minute period, 75% of the Grade III pupils are expected to:
a. describe the functions and parts of the plant;
b. draw the parts of the plant; and
c. cooperate among other pupils.
II. Subject Matter: Parts of the Plant and its Function
III. Reference: Science III
Kagamitan ng Mag-Aaral
Concepts: Parts of the plant:
Dahon – nagahimo sang pagkaon
Bunga – nagatubo para mangin
prutas Bulak – gabulig para magubra
bunga Puno – nagakapyot sa dahon
Gamut – nagakapyot sa duta
Value Focus: Love and appreciation to plants
Materials: Envelopes, Manila paper, Laptop, Projector
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity
A. Preparatory Activities

1. Review

Class, last meeting we discussed about

different kinds of animals and what they eat
and also the parts of their body they use to eat.
So who can give me an example of an animal
and the food it eats and what part of the body
it uses.

(Students will raise their hand to answer) (Student gives an example of an animal and
the food it eats and the body part it uses)
Well done!

What happens when animals are not

provided with their needs such as food and
water? Animals will die

So put that in mind that we must always

feed our pets or animals.

2. Motivation

Class, before we go to our lesson I have here

a short video for you to watch.

What did the farmer use to plant? Seeds

What happened to the seeds after it rain? The seeds begin to grow

Very good!

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Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity
B. Lesson Proper

1. Presentation

So class I have a picture here,

What do you see in the picture? Plants, Trees and Flowers

What can you say about the picture? It is beautiful.

What makes the picture beautiful? The plants

What parts of the plant can you see? The stem, flowers, leaves, etc.

Do you want to learn more about the

plants and its different parts? Yes Teacher!

Very Good! You will learn more about

this but before that we will be having an

2. Group Activity

I have here some envelopes. Inside these

envelopes are the materials that you need in
making your activity.

Each group must assign their leader

that will guide you on the activity. I will
only give you 5 minutes to finish your

3. Reporting by Group

Let us have the reporting by group.

We will check your output later on after the


4. Discussion

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Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity
The leaves make the food for the plant. The
leaves are the most important part of the
plant. Without sunlight, a plant cannot make
food for its growth.

What part of the plant where it processes/ Leaves

makes food?

What is needed to make food for its growth? Sunlight

Well done!

The fruit holds the seed of the plant. Some

fruits are big while others are small. Fruits
have different shapes, too. They differ in
colors, smell and taste. Some are sweet while
others are sour.

What part of the plant that holds the seed

of the plant? Fruit

What do you think is the other use of fruits?

For food.

The flowers are the most attractive part of a

plant. They have different colors and odors. The
flower helps the plant to bear fruit.

What part of the plant that makes the

surrounding attractive and beautiful?
What is the work of the flower?
It helps the plant to bear fruit.

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Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

The stem holds the leaves, flowers and fruits of

the plant. They give passageway of water and
minerals to go up from the roots to the leaves
and other parts of the plants.

What part of the plant that holds the leaves,

flowers and fruits? Stem

Do all plants have stem? Yes

What is the main work of the stem? They bring water and minerals from the roots
to the other parts of the plant.

The roots hold the plant to the soil. They

absorb or get water and minerals from the
soil. They store or keep the extra food made by
the plant.

What part of the plant that can be seen on Roots

the ground?
Because they absorb water and nutrients/
Why are roots on the ground? minerals from the soil.

Do all plants have roots?
They hold the plant to the ground/ soil.
What are the other functions of roots?

Very Good!

5. Value Focus:

If you were given a plant, what will you do to Love and take good care of it.
the plant?
Because it provides us food and makes the
Why do we need to take care of it? surroundings beautiful

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Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity
Very Good!
6. Generalization

Based on the activity you have done, what We have learned the parts of the plant.
did you learn today?
Leaves, Fruit, Flower, Stem and Roots
What are the parts of the plant?

Very good!
It makes the food for the
So what is the function of the leaves?
plant It holds the seed of the
For the fruit?
plant It holds the leaves
How about the stem?
It absorbs the minerals and water from the
What is the function of the root? ground

Now that you know the parts and functions

of the plant, let us have a quiz!

V. Evaluation:

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the given space before the number.
1. What part of the plant that brings the water and nutrients to the leaves?

a. Roots c. Flowers
b. Fruits d. Stem
2. Which part of the plant that holds on the ground?
a. Roots c. Flowers
b. Stem d. Fruits
3. It is the most attractive part of the plant.
a. Roots c. Leaves
b. Stem d. Flowers
4. It is needed by the leaves to produce food for the growth of the plant.
a. Ice c. Lightning
b. Sunlight d. Fire
5. What kind of food is produced by a plant?
a. Meat c. Fruit
b. Eggs d. Cheese

VI. Assignment:

Draw a plant and label the parts of the plant. Put it in your portfolio.
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Each group will be provided a brown envelope containing a 4-piece jigsaw puzzle, 2 pieces of
¼ cartolina, crayons, and a marker. Each group will only be given 5 minutes to finish their work. Their
will only be five groups.

A. Put the pieces of the puzzle together and identify what part of the plant it is. After putting
the pieces together, stick it on the ¼ cartolina provided for you.
B. Draw and color the picture that was on the puzzle on the other piece of ¼ cartolina
provided for you.

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Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education
The Faculty of Teacher Development
Cadiz City, Negros Occidental

A Detailed Lesson
Plan in
Science III

Submitted to:
Dr. Erwin G. Tiberio
Course Instructor

Submitted by:
Michael P. Enumerables

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1st Trimester, A. Y. 2017-2018

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