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Lesson Plan in Science 5

I. Objectives
After a 1 hour discussion with the aid of the worksheet, visual presentation and the mind map, 100%
of the Grade 5-St. Mathew pupils, will be able to:
1. Recognize and describe the characteristics of living organisms
2. Identify the importance of the 6 main characteristics of living things.
3. Answer the mind map about the 6 main characteristics of living things.
4. Grasp that living things have modifications according to their habits, need and habitat.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Characteristics of Living Things
Materials: Mind Map, Visual Presentation, Worksheet and Video presentation
Reference: Science Links for Grade 5 pages 65-70
Values/s: Accuracy in identifying the main characteristics of living things
Patience in listening to their groupmates sharing
Skill/s: Identifying and learning what the characteristics are.
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preparation
 Prayer
o Before we start may I ask Jade to please lead the -“Angel of God my guardian dear........”
 Greetings
o Good morning my dear Grade 5 pupils -“Good morning Teacher Rev, Good
o Okay you may now take your seats morning classmates”
-“Thank you, Teacher Rev”
 Checking of Attendance
o Is anyone absent today? -“none Teacher”
 Motivation
o My dear pupils before we start with our lesson for -pupils sing along with the song in the
today let us first sing a song which is going to be video
all about our topic for today.
o Now I want you all to stand and sing along
with the video.
B. Presentation
 Pre-discussion -pupils sits down
o Impressive singing my dear pupils, now please
settle down now.
o Now let us proceed to our discussion -“Yes Teacher”
o Last meeting, I gave you an assignment. Am
I right? -pupils gets their assignments
o Okay, now I want you to get your assignments.
-pupils will be sharing their answers.
o I have here some examples of living things and
non-living things. Now I want you to look at
these examples and tell me what are the
differences of these things based on your
-pupils goes to meet with their group
o All of your answers are correct, give yourselves
a pat in the back for a job well done.
-Listens to the Teacher
o Now, I will be dividing you into 5 groups.
(starts grouping the pupils.) Now go to your
o I want you to write in a 1 whole paper on what
-pupils are collaborating with their
you think are the 6 main characteristics of group to answer the activity.
living things based on what you saw and heard
in the video presentation. -“yes teacher”
o I will be giving you 10 minutes for you to -pupils choose their representative
finish your task. And your time starts now.
(After 10 minutes)
o Are you done now? -pupils now listens to the teacher
This study o Ok now, I want you to choose a representative 1 2 :11 : 15 G M
a tt e n ti v elTy.-06:00
in your group to share your answers in the class.
o Ok very good. I can see that you really listened
to the song earlier.

o Now, I have here flashcards. In these

flashcards are words or sentence that are -pupils participate/answer the question.
related to the characteristics of living things.
o But first I will be asking you. What are the 6 -pupils listen to the teacher attentively
main characteristics of a living thing?
o Excellent the 6 main characteristics of living
things are:
 Movement: living things move in order to
 Respiration: living things need oxygen to
stay alive
 Sensitivity: living things react to stimuli
 Growth: living things grow
 Nutrition: living things feed to supply
themselves with energy
 Reproduction: living things reproduce
o So now, what you are going to do with the
flashcards is that you will be putting then in the
characteristics that you think the words belong to
in the mind map.
o Look here in the blackboard. You will be
putting the flashcards here if you think that the
words belong to what boxes.

o But before you do the activity, I will be giving you

some pointers or clues or we may call it a
criterion, for you to be guided on doing the
o Let’s now take up each characteristic:
 Movement:
 Why do living things move?
 How do insects, birds, fishes, etc. move?
 Do plants also move?
 Why do they move?
 Respiration:
 What is respiration?
 Do plants also respire/how do plants
 How do they breathe?
 How do animals breathe? (Land, water,
worms and insects)
 Sensitivity:
 What do you understand by sensitivity?
 When you prick your hand what do you do?
 When you see some insect near your eye
what do you do?
 W ha t h a p p e n s w h e
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 What are the different sense organs?
 Do you think plants are also sensitive?
 Growth:
 What is growth?
 Do all living things grow?
 How do plants grow?
 Do animals show growth?
 Reproduction:
 What is reproduction?
 Why do living things reproduce?
 How do plants reproduce?
 Where are seeds produced?
 How do animals reproduce?
 Nutrition:
 What is nutrition?
 Why do living thing need food?
 How do animals produce food?
 How do plants produce food?
 Why are leaves green?
o So, in short, a living thing must have all these
characteristics. Before you consider a thing a non-
living or living go through these criteria and then
decide whether that thing is living or not.
o This time you may now discuss with your group
so that you will have ideas on how to answer the
activity. -pupils discuss with their respective
o I will give you 3 minutes and the time starts now. groups
o Time’s up. Now for you to not be messy in
pasting your flashcards on the board there will -“Yes teacher”
only be 1 person each flashcard to go to the
board and paste it. Am I understood? -pupils starts to paste their answers
o Ok you may now start pasting your flashcards in the mind map.
in the mind map.
 Lesson Proper
(After the activity)
o Please settle down now. -pupils are settling down
o Ok, you did a great job in this activity. But before
we check your answers let us first proceed to
our lesson proper.
(The teacher now discussing about the topic) -pupils listens to the lesson
(Please refer to page 5-6 for the lesson sheet) attentively and answers when asked
C. Processing
o Now that you have learned deeper about our -pupils responds
topic do you think that all of your answers in
the mind map are correct?
o Well now, I will give you a chance to change your
answers. I will be giving you 5 minutes to do -pupils starts to correct their answers in
that. the mind map.
o The timer starts now.

(After 5 minutes) -pupils goes back to their respective seats

o Ok, settle down now and go back to your
proper seats.
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answers are now correct. -pupils listen attentively to the teac
Now to sum up our lesson.
For a thing to be classified as a living thing it must carry out these characteristics
 M – Movement
 R – Respiration (chemical process in cells which releases energy)
 S – Sensitivity (sensing the environment)
 G – Growth
 R – Reproduction
 N – Nutrition (taking in of nutrients)
To decide if something is living or non-living, run
through each of the six criteria of MRS GRN. If the answer is no to any of them, then the object is non-living.

IV. Evaluation
I. What are the similarities and differences between plants and animals in all the aspects in the
Characteristics of Living things?

II. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What are the six characteristic of living things?
2. How do green plants make their food?
3. Where are seeds produced?
4. what is nutrition?
5. How do plants breathe?
6. What is the difference between the growth of plants and animals?
V. Assignment
1. Draw 2 pictures of each of each of the following.
Natural things
Man made things
Non-living things

2. Write the names of two items in your house that

were: 3.
Once living but now dead
Never Living

Prepared by:
Regina Vera L. Oracion

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1. MOVEMENT Characteristics of living things
 Most living things move. Living things move in order to
survive. Plants move but do not move their position. They
are able to move parts of themselves.
 Plants move their roots towards water and towards the
center of the earth. They move their stems and leaves
towards light.
 Animals move to keep themselves safe and to look for food.
Some animals move on land, air and water.

 All living things need oxygen to stay alive. They use oxygen to turn
food into energy.
 To obtain oxygen from the air, animals and plants exchange gases
between themselves and their surroundings.
 Green plants exchange gases with their surroundings through
holes in the under-surface of their leaves. These holes are called
 Animals have different organs of breathing depending in the
habitat they stay.

 All living things react to stimuli. This means they are
sensitive to changes in their surroundings and react to
 All animals are sensitive to what is happening around
them. Example we shiver when it is cold. We withdraw our
hand when we touch a hot thing. Some animals have
complicated nervous systems and brains. They have a
sense of taste, sight, hearing, touch and smell.
 Plants also respond to stimuli, but in a different way to
animals. Some plants turn towards the sunlight. Their
roots sense and move towards water. The sun flower
turns its face towards the sun, during the day and droop
when the sun has set.
 All living things grow. This means they increase their size. They can grow taller.
They can grow wider.

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 All living things reproduce, this means that they make copies of themselves before
they die.

 Plants which have flowers reproduce from seeds. The new seedlings then grow in to
plants. Other plants grow from spores and cuttings.

 All living things feed. They feed to supply themselves with

 Most green plants make their own food. They make their
food from the simple raw materials carbon dioxide and
water. The green color (chlorophyll) in the leaves
together with sunlight allows carbon dioxide and water to
be combined. This process is called photosynthesis.

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