Chars, Ashes and Slags: Assessment of Recycled Phosphorus Fertilizers For Organic Farming

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Assessment of Recycled Phosphorus Fertilizers for Organic Farming:

Chars, Ashes and Slags

The application of sewage sludge to agricultural land, a common practice to
recycle nutrients in the past, is currently prohibited in organic farming due to
the risk of soil contamination from pollutants. Incineration of dewatered sludge
or disposal to landfill is costly and leads to greenhouse gas emissions as well
as losses of nitrogen, sulfur and organic matter. Other options to treat dry
organic matter are combustion and gasification. In the resulting ashes or chars,
due to organic matter degradation, non-volatile elements including mineral
nutrients like phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium are enriched,
yet there are also some potentially toxic elements left. The concentrations of
nutrients and contaminants vary widely, dependent on the input material and
the technologies applied. This fact sheet describes different combustion and
gasification methods as well as several types of chars, ashes and slags with
their characteristics and possible applications. Beyond that, it indicates various
options to enhance the use of combustion products in organic agriculture.

Thermal processing of organic wastes is a treat- for processing of feedstocks rich in lignin, such as
ment option to reduce the volume of feedstocks, to woody materials. Incineration of the solid compo-
obtain energy, and to produce useful by-products nents obtained from meat and bone meal [1] and
e. g. as soil amendments. Substrates which can be sewages is an important method of disposal in
treated include sewage sludge, household wastes, the USA, the EU (e. g. in Germany, Switzerland)
food industry wastes (e. g. meat and bone meal), and Japan in order to reduce the waste volume [2].
green wastes etc. Thermal treatment is well suited Dewatered and dried sewage sludge is burned

This fact sheet was realised with financial support of the project IMPROVE-P.
auto-thermally (meaning a self-sustained process) Production of recycled P fertilizers from a) Hydrothermal carbonization: Involves treatment several volatile nutrients like nitrogen (N) and sul-
and can, depending on the water content, result in ashes or slags in a closed system at moderate temperatures fur (S). Furthermore, the processes potentially
a net energy gain [2]. Combustion of sewage sludge Sources and available amounts (180 – 250 °C) and a pressure of approximate- transform organic and inorganic P molecules into
is primarily done in large-scale mono-incineration Feedstock for production of P fertilizers from ashes ly 10 bar over an aqueous solution of biomass P forms of low plant availability (see chapter «Fer-
plants. can be sewage sludge, wood, animal manure, meat for several hours, resulting in the production tilizer nutrient concentration») and potentially toxic
Since phosphorus (P) does not volatilize as easi- and bone meal or other animal waste, or a com- of hydrochars (= HTC-chars) as residues. The elements (PTEs) are only partially removed. PTEs
ly as other nutrients it is concentrated in the remain- bination of these different substrates. Currently 1.7  produced char is a coal like material that can can be divided into easily volatile (e. g. Cd and Pb),
ing. In principle, no P volatilizes up to a gasification- million Mg of mono-incinerated sewage sludge ash be used as energy source, for soil amelioration semi volatile (e. g. Cu and Zn) and low volatile (e. g.
or pyrolysis processing temperature of 900 °C and is produced annually worldwide [2]. and as sorbent in water treatment processes. As, Cr and Ni) elements. The availability of chlorine
even at 1200 °C, a maximum of 10 % of total P is In Germany, about 500,000 Mg of sewage Different wastes have been used as feedstock, and the formation of metal chlorides may strongly
lost through volatilization [3]. Nowadays, in countries sludge on a dry matter (DM) basis is incinerated such as sewage sludge, urban organic waste increase the volatility of many metals [10]. Therefore,
of the EU additional reasons for incineration of sew- per year [5] containing about 14,000 Mg P. Approxi- and spent grains. The acidic environment dur- different chlorine-containing additives (e. g. CaCl2,
age sludge and deposition of ashes are concerns mately 100,000 Mg ashes per year are available ing the production of hydrochars as a result of MgCl2, NaCl, etc.) have been used, and a vapori-
about organic pollutants, pharmaceutical residues, from combustion of firewood, containing approxi- an increase of the oxonium ion concentration zation of around 80 – 100 % of Cd and Pb was
pathogens and potentially toxic elements (PTEs: mately 2,000 kg P [6]. In Switzerland, since the ban (H3O+) results in some P release into the liquid observed in most studies when temperature was
metals, metalloids and non-metals often referred as on sewage sludge use on agricultural land in 2006, phase, or the P is adsorbed in the solid phase [8]. over 850 °C [10]. Nevertheless, the concentration of
heavy metals) contained in raw sewage sludge [4]. 200,000 Mg DM of sewage sludge per year is either b) Pyrolysis: Thermochemical decomposition of some of the PTEs in ashes often exceeds the legal
Meat and bone meal is often incinerated because mono incinerated and deposited into landfills, co- organic material by heating of solid (dried) limits for agricultural use [11]. Hence, further treat-
sanitizing it for feed as a category 2 product implies incinerated in waste incineration plants or used in biomass in an oxygen-deficit environment at ment of ashes for PTE removal and P solubilization
high logistical costs, and hence incineration is the the cement industry [7]. moderate to high temperatures (200 – 700 °C) may improve its quality as a fertilizer for use in agri-
cheapest solution. Incineration of organic residues using long heating times. In general, pyrolysis of culture.
has some serious drawbacks with respect to main- Thermal treatment technologies and related wastes produces gas and liquid products and a
tenance of soil fertility and environmental quality, outputs for possible soil amendments solid residue high in carbon content, char or bio- To improve the plant P availability and to reduce the
but also presents interesting options for the recy- There are several available technologies for thermal char [9]. The main difference among pyrolysis and PTE concentration of ashes several approaches
cling of valuable elements, especially P. treatment of organic residues (Figure 1): other processes like combustion and hydroly- have been developed in recent years, which can be
sis is: it usually does not involve reactions with categorized into three main groups:
other reagents like oxygen or water. 1. Direct use of P-rich ashes: Ashes can be directly
Figure 1: Schematic overview of thermal processes to treat organic wastes c) Gasification: A process that converts organic applied as fertilizer. In the fertilizer industry ashes
feedstocks into carbon monoxide, hydrogen can serve as substitutes for the finite resource
Organic wastes and carbon dioxide. The material is treated at phosphate rock. In this way, the available infra-
high temperatures (> 700 °C), without combus- structure and technologies are used for P-reco­
tion, with a controlled amount of oxygen and/ very.
or steam. The gas mixture is called synthetic gas 2. Wet chemical P extraction procedures: Several
Drying (syngas), leading to the production of ashes. technological approaches have been tested for
d) Combustion: Combustion is a high-temperature wet chemical treatment of ashes, especially sew-
exothermic redox chemical reaction in the pres- age sludge ashes, e. g. Leachphos, EcoPhos or
ence of enough oxygen to allow the fuel to react Recophos. The basic idea is to solubilize P by the
Thermal treatments with increasing oxygen availability for oxidation completely to produce carbon dioxide and water. addition of acids (e. g. H2SO4, HCl)and to pro-
It is a sequence of elementary radical reactions, duce either a water soluble fertilizer P product or
Hydrothermal also leading to production of ashes. a precipitated P fertilizer product (e. g. struvite).
carbonization Pyrolysis Gasification Combustion Melting
e) Thermo-chemical treatment / metallurgical The acid consumption depends on the Ca and
200 °C 700 °C 1000 °C 1800 °C treat­ment: In the metallurgical treatment, the Fe content in the treated feedstock. PTEs are
organic residues or their ashes are heated to also dissolved by acid application. They can be
temperatures between 800 and 1,500 °C to removed by precipitation as sulfides or hydroxi­
achieve a reconfiguration of solid materials, the des, nanofiltration, extraction with solvents or
Ash che­mical speciation of the P compounds can ion-exchange resins [14].
be modulated by addition of supplements like 3. Thermo-chemical treatment: Thermo-chemical
sand to increase plant P availability. In addition, treatment procedures can be used to phase out
Chemical Thermo-chemical thermal separation processes may also be com- PTEs and to transform the chemical bonding of
extraction treatment bined with gasification of harmful trace elements. P. Several technological approaches have been
tested for thermo-chemical treatment of ashes,
Thermal treatment processes are among the most especially sewage sludge ashes, e. g. ASH DEC
efficient methods to destroy harmful organic com- or MEPHREC, in order to produce fertilizer with
HTC based Char based Ca-or Mg- Ash based Rhenania Thomas phosphate-like pounds, such as dioxins and furans, present in similar characteristics as Rhenania- or Thomas-
fertilizer fertilizer phosphates/struvite fertilizer phosphate like P fertilizer the solid residues [10]. However, all the mentioned Phosphates.
fertilizers (NaCaPO4) (converter slags)
technologies result in losses of organic matter and
For treatment of organic wastes such as sewage sludge, meat and bone meal and organic household wastes different thermal processes are known, which all result in
different end products.

2 3
Figure 2: Principle of thermo-chemical heavy metal (HM) removal in sewage sludge ash with Figure 4: Mephrec treatment procedure
MgCl2 salts [12]

Mg Cl2 HM Cl2
Adhesive Briquettes Coke Lime Quarz
agent like
P HM Fe P Mg Fe P Mg Fe
Al Ca Si Al Ca Si Al Ca Si
Ash Process Fertiliser
Dewatered Sewage Meat Wood etc.
20 ºC 1000 ºC 20 ºC sewage sludge and bone
sludge ash meals
In the original ASH DEC process oxides of heavy metals form volatile metal-chloride and oxi-chloride complexes after application of MgCl2
and are then separated from the ash by volatilization.

Originally, the ASH DEC process was based on the oxides are reduced to their elemental form, increas-
application of MgCl2 and heating to temperatures ing the vapor pressure resulting in metallic vapors
of 800 – 1000 °C in a rotary kiln, resulting in the and their partial volatilization, and, further, collected
production of Mg-ashes (Mg-SSA = Magnesium in the flue dust. The new procedure is less efficient
treated Sewage Sludge Ash). In the presence of the for removal of PTEs (e. g. no removal of Cr, Cu, Ni,
chlorine donor, oxides of PTEs such as Cd, Cu, Hg, low removal rate for Zn), a major advantage is the
Pb, Mo, Sn and Zn form volatile metal-chloride and likely improved suitability of the obtained P fertilizer
oxi-chloride complexes which are separated from for calcareous soils [19] [13].
the ash by volatilization via the off-gas [11] according The Mephrec treatment procedure, developed by
to the principle shown in Figure 2. This approach INGITEC (Germany), combines ashing and the sub- reactor
is theoretically still available as a process. However, sequent conditioning of the ashes, and is based on (shaft furnace) Converter gas
the ASH DEC process was developed forward as a a reducing shaft melting gasification process (Figure 1800–2000 ºC
consequence of the low plant P availability under 4). Inputs can be sewage sludge and many other Oxygen
neutral and alkaline soil conditions of the Mg-ash- inputs with a high energetic value like wood or meat
es [15]. The current industrial application foresees and bone meal, as well as ashes. Dried sludge and/
the use of sodium sulfates as additives to digest or sludge ashes are pressed into briquettes. The
the ashes and produce Rhenanit (CaNaPO4) as the briquettes are thermally treated for gasification in a
major P-bearing mineral phase, a well-known P fer- 8-11-2016
shaft furnace at temperatures above 1,450 °C. The
tilizer (Rhenania phosphate) (Figure 3) with inter- obtained energy from the converter gas, the P con-
mediate plant P availability. The process is based on taining slag as well as iron metal are the main out- P-fertilizer Grinding, granulation P containing converter slags Iron ore
calcining P containing minerals, a sodium source puts of this process.
and silica (10 : 3.5 : 1.0) at 900 °C to 1000 °C [16] [17]. To influence the P speciation in the P fertilizer The Mephrec treatment converts inputs with a high energetic value in cupola furnaces to slags similar to traditional Thomas-phosphates.
More than 95 % of the ash P is recovered by this quartz (SiO2) is added, as the formation of silico-
process, the P concentration ranges between 6.5 phosphates with a higher plant P availability is driv-
and 11.0 % on a DM base [18]. The removal of PTEs en by the Si availability, and the cooling speed. A tite (Ca5(PO4)2SiO4, or Ca3(PO4)2 * Ca2SiO4) with a PTEs are chemically reduced under these conditions
is performed under reductive conditions: metal- slow cooling induces the formation of silico-carno- high solubility in citric acid (approx. 90 %) [20]. The into their elemental form and some of them (Cd,
Si/P-ratio should be > 0.28, as a lack of Si-ions can Hg, Pb, Zn) are evaporated and separated via gas
Figure 3: Improved ASH DEC process [13] increase formation of tetra-calcium-phosphate (Hil- phase, whereas non-volatile PTEs (Fe, Cr, Cu, Ni)
genstockit = Ca4P2O9) with a low solubility in citric are separated from the slag in form of a liquid metal
Off-gas (heavy metals) acid [20]. In silico-carnotites the Si atom (or SiO44-- phase [23]. Non-reduced oxides like SiO2, CaO, MgO,
tetra­hedra) replaces the P atoms (or PO43--tetrahe- Al2O3 as well as F (Fluor) and most of the remain-
dra) with the subsequent charge imbalance in the ing PTEs form a slag of lower specific gravity floating
crystal increasing their solubility [21]. The P-availability over the P and Fe containing metal phase. To sepa-
is further influenced by the isomorphic substitution rate Fe from the other components (e. g. P, but also
Na / K of the PO4 tetrahedral ionic groups by carbonate C, Mn, Si, Ca, etc.), the metal phase is oxidized by
additive Rotary kiln 950 °C
Natural gas (CO3), as this isomorphic substitution also leads to addition of air (O2) leading to the presence of Ca
structural instability of the crystal enhancing reac- and the building of Ca-phosphates and other oxides.
Sewage tivity and plant P availability [22]. The final product The P is accumulated in the slag and the aim is to
sludge ash contains between 4.0 and 11.0 % P in the DM rep- manage the process to get a similar chemical bond-
P fertilizer resenting approximately 80 % P recovery rate from ing to thomas-phosphates (silico-phosphates) [14]. A
sodium calcium phosphate (CaNaPO4) the input P [18]. The P concentration in the fertilizer pilot plant is now under construction in Nuremberg/
The improved ASH DEC process transforms ashes to sodium calcium phosphate (also called buchwaldite or rhenanite) – a P fertilizer can vary according to the input feedstocks and their Germany to treat the dewatered sewage sludge
similar to Rhenania phosphates. P concentration. from the entire region [24].

4 5
Dried sludge pressed into briquettes before thermal treatment in a shaft furnace Rhenanite pellets produced by ASH DEC. Their cylindrical shape is due to
of a Mephrec-test facility at temperatures above 1,450 °C. 1 Extraction of slag from a Mephrec-test facility.
1 The P containing converter slags obtained by the Mephrec treatment
1 the production in a dye press.

Fertilizer nutrient concentration and ability. A low to moderate plant P availability is In biochars, P will likely be associated with Ca and Soil liming properties
characteristics achieved in acidic soils and negligible levels in neu- Mg due to biochar’s elevated pH [34]. Hydrothermal The liming effect of chars and ashes may be quan-
P concentration and P speciation tral soils [26] [28] [27] [29] [25] [30]. In chars obtained from carbonization leading to hydrochars also reduces tified by calcium carbonate equivalency (CCE, the
The P concentration of P fertilizers based on ashes hydrothermal carbonization (HTC-chars) and bio- the solubility of P in the solid phase by increasing value relative to an equivalent quantity of CaCO3).
depends largely on the source materials used, the chars obtained from pyrolysis, P is either incorporat- the share of apatitic P [37]. Available P in biochars Combustion removes acidic functional groups (e. g.
combustion temperature and the P recovery treat- ed in or occluded by the aromatic structures formed ranges from 0.4 to 34.0 % of total P [34]. P availabil- S, Cl), increasing the liming properties of the treated
ment procedure (Table 1). With increasing treat- during treatment [31] [32]. The P forms in partially PTE ity depends on feedstock material and is inversely organic feedstock. The higher the combustion tem-
ment temperature, the pH, ash content and macro- depleted ashes (e. g. magnesium <Mg-SSA> or related to treatment temperature [38] [39] [40] [41]. perature, the higher the loss of acidic functional
and micronutrient content increased. Therefore, the calcium <Ca-SSA> ashes) are semi-crystalline and groups and therefore the CCE of the residual pro­
total P concentration in sewage sludge ash ranges dominated by Stanfieldite, followed by apatite and Other nutrients, their speciation and plant bio- duct [47] [48] [34]. The liming effect of biochars depends
depending on its origin and the combustion tem- Farringtonite [33]. The dissolution of P in Mg-SSA and availability on the treatment procedure [47].
perature between 40 and 130 g P kg-1 ash DM. many other ashes is dependent on the acidity pro- By combustion or gasification treatment of sewage
ton and the degree of P crystallinity determines P sludge organic compounds are removed (> 99 %) Pollutant contents
P bioavailability and influencing factors availability to plants [27] [30]. In an acidic soil, the rela- and only inorganic elements are present in ashes. Potentially toxic element concentration,
The P fertilizer value of ashes depends on P spe- tive P effectiveness of Mg-SSA in comparison to a Macro elements beside P are Si, Al, Fe, Mg, Ca speciation and bioavailability
ciation, and therefore also on the treatment proce- water soluble P fertilizer is high with 88 % and 71 %, and K. Nitrogen and S are more or less completely Varying PTE loads were reported depending on
dure [25]. After combustion P will mainly be found respectively. Mg-SSA applied to alkaline calcareous removed. the different approaches for production of sew-
in water-insoluble crystalline compounds [26] [27]. soil is not recommended, as the relative P efficiency age sludge ash [36]. High PTE depletion rates are
Incineration transforms organic and inorganic P is only 4 %. Wet chemical treatments of ashes will Organic matter reported for wet chemical approaches (95 – 100 %),
molecules to crystalline molecules like Whitlockite provide fertilizers with high plant P availability [36]. Combustion as well as gasification destroys most partial depletion of PTEs with AshDec® and
(Ca3(PO4)2) as well as Whitlockite-like compounds Concerning Rhenanit, we know that it has a very of the organic matter available in the feedstock, Leachphos (20 – 100 %), and no depollution with
Ca 9 Fe(PO 4 ) 7 or Ca 9 MgK(PO 4 ) 7 , Al-phosphates low water solubility and a high citrate solubility with whereas hydrochars (from hydrothermal carboni- RecoPhos® [49] [36]. In biochar and hydrochar pro-
(AlPO4) [28] [29], and at temperatures > 700 °C the for- a moderate to high plant P availability even under zation) and biochars (from pyrolysis) still contain duction PTEs are concentrated with the exception
mation of hydroxyapatites (Ca10(PO4)6(F,OH,Cl)2) neutral soil conditions [own unpublished results] [14]. parts of the organic matter. However, they differ in of low-temperature sublimating elements such
was observed [27]. The same was found for silico-carnotites (Thomas- their physico-chemical properties, due to the spe- as mercury and cadmium [50]. It should be taken
The formation of insoluble minerals reduces phosphates) produced by the Mephrec treatment cific production processes [42] [43]. Hydrochars contain into consideration, that some of the processes
water-solubility, and hence immediate plant avail- procedure. less aromatic compounds and have higher O : C and addressed by Table 2 are not available at a com-
H : C ratios and consequently, relatively small inner- mercial scale; therefore, the data should be carefully
surface areas [44] [42]. Biochars contain much more interpreted.
Table 1: Reported range of values for the nutrient composition (% of DM) of different P recycling products, compared aromatic compounds with low molar O : C and H : C The heavy metal/nutrient relationship (HMN) is
with sewage sludge ratios, resulting in large inner surface areas. The a dimensionless indicator for the PTE load related
N P K S Mg Ca Si References high aromaticity of these compounds contributes to to the (plant) nutritional value of the fertilizers. The
their high stability in soil [43]. The chemical compo- higher the value, the higher the PTE load relative to
Untreated sewage sludge ashes 1) – 7.09 0.69 1.21 1.31 13.7 13.3 [19]
sition and physical structure of biochars results in the benefit attainable by the fertilizer use. In general,
Leachphos – 13.1 0.3 4.7 0.8 14.9 1.9 [13]
a higher resistance to microbial degradation com- the relationship of PTEs and plant nutrients is much
Mg ashes (Ash Dec) – 6.2 1.5 5.43 9.80 13.0 [15] pared to hydrochars [45] [40]. Additionally, hydrochars lower in the PTE depleted P recycling fertilizer than
Rhenanit (Ash Dec) – 7.7 1.2 2.6 1.3 9.3 10.9 [13] have a high dissolved organic-C content that pro- in ashes or even traditional mineral P fertilizers like
– 4.59–5.24 3.0 1.50–2.28 23.2–36.1 7.5–12.9 vides microorganisms with an easily degradable C rock phosphates or Thomas slags (Thomas-phos-
Mephrec [23]

9.0 <1 3.0 12.0 10.0 [13] source [46], leading to N immobilization processes. phate) (Table 2, page 8).
Thomas-phosphate – 7.6 0.1 1.26 33.8 2.34 [20] In the long-term (several decades), both biochars Calculations of the long-term soil cadmium (Cd)
and hydrochars will be degraded in soils like any accumulation risk for recycled P fertilizer using differ-
Sewage sludge biochar 1.12 4.24 – – – – – [34]
other organic amendment, their high stability is rela- ent kinds of ashes or struvite as recycled P fertilizer
Food waste biochar 3.28 0.66 1.92 – 0.49 5.18 – [34]
tive. sources demonstrate a much lower accumulation
Sewage sludge 6.74 3.28 0.70 1.00 0.49 2.64 – [35]
risk than for green-waste composts already allowed
1) mean values for German sewage sludge ashes for use in OF (Figure 5). Similar results were found
for the other PTE included in this factsheet.
The P concentration of the P recycling products based on ashes varies largely depending on the source materials used, the combustion temperature and the P recovery
treatment procedure.

6 7
Recycled phosphorus fertilizers based on sewage sludge: from left: Preparation of a field experiment to assess the P fertilizer effectiveness of
two struvites, Ca-phosphate, converter slag, biochar, biosolids ash. Pot experiment with ash-based fertilisers.
1 recycled P fertilizers. P containing biochar from sewage sludge pyrolysis after field application.

Figure 5: Calculation of the soil cadmium accumulation risk after long-term APF field applica- Persistent organic pollutants and xenobiotics Conclusions
tion of 11 kg P/ha/yr on a dry, neutral soil (Weissengruber & Friedel, pers. communication) Harmful organic pollutants are destroyed nearly com- The use of phosphorus fertilizers derived from sew-
pletely by incineration [49] [10]. Treatment in a furnace age sludge processed with various thermal treat-
0,40 also destroys the persistent organic pollutants and ments, possibly followed by a step of metallurgi-
xenobiotics [23] [10]. The production of chars including cal conditioning, comprises promising options to
HTC chars degrades some of the organic pollutants, recycle a significant proportion (80 to 90 %) of P
however in many cases significant amounts of chlo- from the urban food chain back to the land by rela-
0,35 rinated aromatic compounds are formed as recalci- tively sophisticated procedures, most of them lead-
mg Cd/kg soil

trant transformation pro­ducts [57]  [58]. ing to a significant reduction of organic pollutants

including pharmaceuticals. The approaches very
Hygienic aspects often include a step to remove potentially toxic ele-
0,30 In sewage sludge ashes, a nearly total destruction ments. However, all thermal processes reduce the
of human pathogens is obtained [49] . A treatment plant P availability and lead to significant losses of
above 850 °C inactivates even extremely persistent nitrogen and sulfur, downgrading the material from
BSE prions in meat and bone meal [59]. The risk a fertilizer value perspective. Plant P availability can
0,25 from use of the ash for the phosphate or fertilizer be improved by chemical treatment (similar to pro-
0 31 60 91 121 152 182 industry is negligible [60]. duction of water-soluble mineral P fertilizers) or by
Years of annual application implementation of more sophisticated treatments
Other aspects imitating the production process of Thomas or Rhe-
GW-Compost (OF) Mg-SSAsh (non-OF) BW-Compost (non-OF) Rhenanit Available energy inputs data nania phosphate fertilizers.
Sewage slude (non-OF) Mephrec Struvite (non-OF) Thomas-P Any treatment of stabilized sewage sludge is con- The trade-offs between potentially toxic element
nected to additional energy inputs in comparison concentrations and beneficial elements may be
The long-term soil cadmium accumulation risk for recycled P fertilizer using different kinds of ashes or struvite as recycled P fertilizer sources to the direct disposal of the sewage sludge [61]. Cur- more favorable for treated sewage products than for
is expected to be much lower accumulation risk than for green-waste composts (GW-Compost) allowed for use in organic farming. rently there are no data available for a thorough natural phosphate rocks, bio-waste composts or in
comparison of the different treatment technologies. some cases even animal manure. Combustion will
Table 2: Potentially toxic element concentration [mg kg–1 treated dry ash] 1) Steinmetz et al. (2014) [19] summarized a need of also to a large extent destroy organic pollutants as
320 up to 600 kWh per ton of sewage sludge ash to well as pharmaceutical residues, and kill all patho-
Zn Cu Pb Cd Ni Hg Cr HMN 2)
perform the classical Ash Dec treatment procedure. gens. A major weaknesses of incineration are beside
Untreated sewage 2479 875 129 3.47 233 [19] 0.90
sludge ashes 3)
The Mephrec treatment procedure has an energy the volatilization and loss of N and S is, the degra-
demand of approx. 50 kWh + the energy present dation of the organic matter that could potentially
Leachphos 1390 851 25 2.6 13.8 0.4 109 [13] 0.39
in the added coke. The energy demand of the improve soil quality, and the conversion of easily
Mg ashes (ASH DEC) 4) 275 227 6.7 0.2 72 100 [15] 0.44 Leachphos procedure is 500 kWh per ton treated available phosphorus in human excreta into ashes
(41.1–188) (10.5–249) (<0.1–4.0) (<0.1–0.1) (31.1–72.4) (58.1–120) [11]
ash, 100 kWh for leaching and precipitation, and with very low phosphorus solubility. For ashes and
Rhenanit (ASH DEC) 1710 601 60.1 0.3 56.4 0.3 127 [13] 0.55
400 kWh for product drying. chars, their plant P availability at least under slightly
Mephrec 85 74 20 20 0.014 <0.1 15 <0.1 1 [51] 0.15 acidic, neutral and alkaline soil conditions is very
79 97 20 83 [13] 0.11
Life Cycle Assessment low. The risks of reducing the soil quality by xeno-
Thomas-phosphate 48 23.5 7.3 0.5 6.6 1545 [52] 1.24 For all available P recovery strategies, the specific biotic compounds may be minor with incinerated
Food waste biochar 222 [34] CO2 emissions as well as the specific cumulative products. For chars, more research is required to
Phosphate rock 20.3 155 10 25 29 0.05 188 [53] 0.99 energy per kg P recovered is significantly higher than study the fate of organic and inorganic pollutants.
(4–130) (6–500) (3–35) (0.2–60) (2–37) (0.01–0.06) (1–225) [54] (0.01–2.92) for 1 kg P of commercial fertilizer [49]. Linderholm et Permission to use such fertilizers in organic
Sewage sludge 823 272 29.1 0.87 29.2 0.46 30.6 [35] 0.34 al. (2012) [61] showed that sludge application to farming in the EU would contribute to better nutri-
(1–1420) (107–664) (5.0–83.2) (0.22–1.57) 7.0–85.0) (0.10–2.27) (13.0–78.0) farmland is a more efficient option in terms of ener- ent cycling between rural and urban areas, reduce
1) In parenthesis: range of values; 2) Heavy metal – nutrient relationship calculated according to [55], modified by [56]: the higher the value, the higher the toxic element gy and greenhouse gas emissions, compared to P problems of declining phosphorus concentrations
flow related to the nutrient content of the fertilizer; 3) mean values for German sewage sludge ashes; 4) Seven different MgCl2 treated sewage sludge ashes recovery from incineration ashes. In this life cycle in some organic farming systems and could also
assessment , the energy costs of P-recovery from contribute to the development of practical methods
The concentration of potentially toxic heavy metals and plant nutrients is much lower in the PTE depleted Mephrec-P recycling fertilizer and the Mg ashes and Rhenanit
resulting from the ASH DEC process than in ashes or rock phosphate or Thomas slag.
ashes was counted along with GHG emissions and for processing sewage.
the environmental cost of the N and S lost to air
during the combustion process.

8 9
Assessment of the suitability for use in als that can be used in other industrial applications. References 28 Møller, H. B., H. S. Jensen, L. Tobiasen, M. N. Hansen (2007): Heavy
metal and phosphorus content of fractions from manure treatment
Organic Farming They include a Fe-containing metal ore, a silicate 1 Cascarosa, E., G. Gea, J. Arauzo (2012): Thermochemical process- and incineration, Environ. Technol., 28, 1403–1418.
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Editors: Contact person: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Friedel FiBL-Order Nr. 1709
Universität Hohenheim
Institute of Crop Science ISBN-PDF 978-3-03736-344-7
Fertilisation and Soil Matter Dynamics Group (340i)
This fact sheet is available for free download at
Fruwirthstraße 20, D-70599 Stuttgart, Germany Newcastle University and
Contact person: Dr. Kurt Möller Nafferton Ecological Farming Group Stocksfield, NE43 7XD, United Kingdom Contact person: Dr Julia Cooper
© 2016
ETH Zürich
Acknowledgement: The partners of the
Plant Nutrition Group
IMPROVE-P consortium gratefully acknowledge the
Eschikon 33, CH-8315 Lindau, Switzerland University of Copenhagen
financial support for this project provided by the
Contact person: Dr. Astrid Oberson Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
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the FP7 ERA-Net project, CORE Organic II (Coor- Denmark
dination of European Transnational Research in
Contact person: Dr. Jakob Magid,
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Ackerstrasse 113, Postfach 219, CH-5070 Frick,
For further information see:
Switzerland Author: Kurt Möller (Institute of Crop Science,
For more information on the project consult the
Contact person: Dr. Paul Mäder University of Hohenheim, Germany)
project website https://improve-p.uni-hohenheim.
de/., Reviewers: Astrid Oberson (ETH Zürich, Switzer-
land), Anne-Kristin Løes (Bioforsk, Norway), Julia
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) Cooper (University of Newcastle, UK), Paul Mäder
Doblhoffgasse 7/10, A-1010 Wien, Austria (FiBL), Iris Wollmann (Institute of Crop Science,
Contact Person: Dr. Stefan Hörtenhuber University of Hohenheim, Germany), English editing:
Julia Cooper (Newcastle University)
Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and General editing: Bettina Billmann (FiBL)
Environmental Research
Organic Food and Farming Group Layout: Brigitta Maurer (FiBL)
Gunnars veg 6, 6630 Tingvoll, Norway
Contact person: Dr. Anne-Kristin Løes Photos: Thomas Alföldi (FiBL): page 1; Klärschlam- mverwertung Nürnberg GmbH: p. 6 (1); Reto Manitz (Manitz Kommunikation): p. 6 (2); Outotec GmbH:
p. 1, 7 (2); Iris Wollmann: p. 7 (1); 8, 9
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
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