よつばと! (2目)

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 写生(する):sketching (しゃせい)
 ういっす:Hi (colloquialism)
 おっす!: Hey!; Hi!
 少し:small quantity; little; few (adverb, noun) (すこし)
o 例え:少し悪いです (“ a little bad”)
 服のセンス:sense of clothing (ふくのセンス)
 お待たせしました:Thank you for waiting; Sorry I took so long (おまたせしました)
o Abbreviation: お待たせ
 水道:water supply (すいどう)
 殺人事件:a murder; murder case (さつじんじけん)
 死体:dead body; corpse; cadaver (したい)
 絵を描く:to paint (draw) a picture (えをかく or えをえがく)
 描く: to draw; to paint; to sketch (transitive) (えがく・かく)
 お絵かき(する):drawing; painting (used in children’s language) (おえかき)
 愛する:to love (あいする) (する verb)
o Often 愛している used similarly a how 持っている for “to have” is used
o 愛してくる:will come to love
 早坂みうらって言うんだ: can use to say how you are called
o “って” is quotation particle
o can be seen as ってゆーんだ in manga
o 早坂 : はやさか
 あのな。。。・なあ。。。: “Hey…” as to get someone’s attention
o Can also use あのねー。。。・ねー。。。・ねーねー
 押す:to push; to press (〜を) (おす)
 お前:You (おまえ)
o Familiar language; for equal or inferior
 裏:うら
o (1) Opposite side; bottom; other side; hidden from view
 例え:靴の裏: Bottom (back of) the shoe
o (2) behind
 つく:also commonly see in the form ついている (kanji: 付く)
o to stick to something; to have something on the surface; to leave some mark; to
o common form: “place に object がついている”
 靴の裏にガムがついている: Gum is stuck on the back of (my) shoes.
 あなたの頭にも何かついています: You have something on your head,
too. (“something is also on your head”)
 考える: To think about; to take into consideration (Ru-verb) (かんがえる) (transitive)
o Similar to 思う and can be used in similar ways
o Also implies speaker has tried to solve the problem/question logically
o Often used with 〜について (about)
 違う: to differ (from) (ちがう)
o (1) Describing two things that are different
 possible sentence form: A は X と違う:A differs from X
o (2) Intend to correct the speaker
 “The situation that I think you are thinking of is different from the
situation I believe I am currently experiencing”
 I.e. this can be like “that’s wrong” (“ちがいます”)
 見つける: to discover; to come across (Ru-verb) (transitive, 〜を) (みつける)
 池: Pond (いけ)
 うまい: skillful; good at something (い – adjective) (usually kana)
o 漢字:上手い (recall: 上手 (な))
 鳥: bird (とり)
 なかなか: quite; very; considerably (usually in kana)
o 例え:なかなか上手いですよ:”it is quite good”
o 漢字:中々
 ふうん・ふーん: filler meaning of “I see, uh-uh, hmmm, really?”
 話: Counter for stories/episodes (わ)
 ひょっと: possibly; perhaps; perchance (adverb)
 ひょっとして: by any chance; by some chance; (should) it happen (that) (expression)
 ひょっとすると:perhaps; maybe; possibly (adverb)
 ひょっとしたら: possibly; by some possibility; perhaps (expression)
 本当:
o (1) Noun: 本当は。。。 “The truth is…”
o (2) Adjective: 本当です: “be true”
o (3) 本当に: oh really?
o (4) 本当ですか: really?
 だって
o (1) Beginning of sentence
 “Because”
 “But”
o (2) After noun
 “Even” (お金持ちだって。。。: “even rich people…”)
o With interrogative pronoun (だれ、何 (なん)、どこ、。。。)
 だれだって:”everybody”
 何だって: “everything”
 どこだって: “everywhere”
 そっくり:
o (1) な – adjective: looks like; exactly like; just like
 X は Y (に,と) そっくりです : X is just like Y.
o (2) adverb: entirely; completely
 俺:I; me (おれ)
o Sounds rude when: talking to boss, elderly person, etc.
o Sounds innocuous when: talking to male friends/schoolmates/coworkers of same
or lower rank (age/position); talking to people you know intimately (family,
girlfriend, etc.)
 ほら: hey! (to get someone’s attention)
 こら: hey! (used to scold/reprove/blame someone)
 やはり:Colloquial version is やっぱり 
o (1) As expected; as (one) would expect
 例え:やはりそれは本当だった:” It was true, just I thought/expected.”
o (2) Nonetheless; all the same; after all
 小さいけど、やっぱりこの町が好きですよ: “This town is small, but I like
it nonetheless/all the same/after all
o (3) On second thought; change one’s mind
 コーヒーください。いや、やっぱり紅茶にします。: I’ll have a coffee…No, I
changed my mind/on second thought, make it a tea.”
o (4) still; as before (“as expected to be the same as before)
 例え:やっぱりわかりません: “I still don’t understand”
 例え:彼女は今もやっぱりきれいだ: “She’s as beautiful as ever” (as
o (5) too; likewise (“as expected to be the same as something/someone else”)
 例え:やはりここも売り切れます
o Can even mean something like “I knew that…” (basically just, “as expected”)
 売り切れる:to be sold out (intransitive) (うりきれる) (Ru-verb)
 見間違える:to misperceive visually; to misread; to mistake for something or somebody
else (transitive verb) (Ru-verb) (みまちがえる)
o possible form: A を B と見間違えた: “To mistake A for B”
o Similar to below, but more so has to do with “misperceiving”
 間違える:to make a mistake (in) (transitive) (Ru-verb) (〜を)
o 例え:道を間違える: “to take the wrong street” (lit. “to make a mistake in the
o 例え:砂糖と塩を間違えないでください: “Do not mistake/confuse sugar and
o possible sentence form: X を A と間違える: “to mistake X for A”
 最初:beginning; onset (さいしょ)
 砂糖:sugar (さとう)
 塩:salt (しお)
 理髪する: to get a haircut (りはつする)

 な and ね
o Can function similarly for particles, but な is a bit “tougher”
o な is more “introspective” while ね is more for when talking to someone else
 って
o (1) Quotation particle similar to “と”
o (2) Topic particle (like は and が)
 Has the sense of “speaking of X…” or “now that you mention X …”
 Could even have the notion of “Hey..” as attention getter while brining X
as the topic
 こそ:Emphasize the word that comes before
o For nouns you do: “noun + こそ”
 ぞ: particle used at end of sentences, which indicates certainty or emphasis
 Ending sentence in さ: colloquial way to make a statement more playfully assertive

 いや: used as a “filler” (something like “well, um, no”)
 じゃん:
o (1) forms a “tag question”
 いいじゃん。: it’s good, isn’t it?
o (2) colloquial contraction of じゃない
 じゃなくて is 〜て form of じゃない
 そうかな vs そうかなだ : Is that so?
o そうかな: You have an amount of doubt what you have just heard; you may have
a different opinion regarding the matter
o そうかなだ : Basically have no doubt about what you just heard; you have learned
something new and are just chiming in
o Note: this word comes from そうですか : in casual it is そうか and you add な
(see above for similarities with ね)
 そりゃ is the same thing as それは (“that”)
 ばんざい!: celebratory cheer; hurrah

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