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May 8, 2021 International

A college mathematics departm ent I '
. Pans to spend
$1,800 b uymg computers and boot' s E y
' • ac11 computer
costs $300 and each book co sts $90 Wt · h
. . . '

· 1 1c equation 8
• j

represents th is s1t~ahon, where x is the number of

comp uters and y 1s the number of books that the 1,- / /
departme n t can b u y? fJ fJ
A) 300x + 90y = 1,800 j
, I/
2 fJ

B) 90x + 300y = 1,800 V V

l/4-1-6- ~8-
-4 -2 0 12_
C) 390(x + y) = 1,800
i2/ I/
D) l ,800(x + y) = 390 1,1 I
/I V
I I~
V 1/ {8

What system of linear equations is represented by the

lines shown?

A) 3x - 2y =6
D _· 3x - 2y = 12
What is th e x-i n tercept of the graph of Bx+ 6y = 24 B) 3x - 2y = 6
in th e xy-plane?
3x + 2y = 12
A) (3,0)
C) 2x + 3y =6
B) (4, 0) 2x - 3y = 12
C) (6, 0) D) - 2x- 3y = 6
D) (8, 0) - 2x + 3y = 12

..... MS.CU .ii U ii l!"
ka + nb = 10

95.- V k{,f- f (x)

The given equation relates the positive numbers a, b, 90,- V
k, and n. Which of the following correctly expresses -- /

Sp.,, 85.-
.... /
a in terms of b, k, and n ?
e ....
80 .
.... I/

A) a= 10 - - 75 V
70 ... V
nb p.,,

nb ;: /
B) a= 10 - - 65 ti"'
10 - k
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
C)a=-- Speed (km/h)
10 - nb The function f models Jack's pulse, in beats per
D) a=
k minute (bpm), as a function of his speed, in
kilometers per hour (km/h), on a stationary bicycle
Based on the model, what was Jack's pulse , in bpm,
when his speed was O km/h?
A) 4
B) 15
C) 63
D) 123

..., .,
4 2
Which expression is equivalent to g 5 h , where g

and h are positive?

A) ~/gsh10

Triangle DEF (not shown) is similar to triangle ABC B) Vg4h2

above,where side DE corresponds to side AB,
sideDFcorresponds to side AC, and DE = 2AB.
What is the measure of angle DFE ? C)
A) 37°
B) 53° D)
C) 74° Vg4h2

D) 106°

. . 4 - 18x2 + 81 ?
expression is eqmvalent to x j

A) (x-3)4 I
B) (x - 3)(x + 3)3 /
C) (x-3)3(x +3) /
D) (x- 3)2(x + 3)2 X
0 1 2 3

What is an equation of the graph shown?

A) y = 3X

D) y = 2(3t
C) y = 2·"
D) y = 3(2t

llil lfl 5x - 2 + 3x ==3(x + 4) + Sx - 10
lx+21= Ix-Bl c II wing statements is true about the
Which oft h e io o
What is the solution to the given equation?
equation above?
A) -6 ·on has one solution because a single
A) Theequa1t .
akes this equation true.
B) -3 vaIue o f X m
C) 3 B) Th e equa t 1·on has one solution because the
equation is true for all values of x.
D) 6 C) The equation has an infinite number .of solutions
because the equation is true for all values of x.
D) The equation has no solution because the
equation is not true for any value of x.

y = (x + s)2- 8

The equation above can be represented by a parabola

in the xy-plane. The parabola is then translated so
that the vertex is at (0, 0 ). Which of the following y
best describes the translation?
A) 5 units in the negative x direction and 8 units in
the negative y direction
B) 5 units in the negative x direction and 8 units in
the positive y direction
C) 5 units in the positive x direction and 8 units in
the negative y direction
D) 5 units in the positive x direction and 8 units in
the positive y direction
The graph of the function f defined by
f(x) = -(x
+ 4) 2 - 5 is
· h
s own. The graph passes

through the points ( 10 )

- , a and (a, b), where a and
b are constants. What is the value of b ?
A) 4
B) 9
C) 11
D) 16

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Bl m
x - 12x + 23 = o In the xy-plane, the points (-3, 10) and (3, 10) are
Which of the following is a solution to the given endpoints of the diameter of a circle. Which equation
equation? represents this circle?
A) A) x 2 + (y - 10)2 = 9
B) 12 + B) (x + 3)2 + y2 = 36
C) -6 + ./D C) (x + 3)2 + (y - 10)2 = 9
D) 6+./D D) (x + 3)2 + (y - 10) = 36

2x + 3y ==2 m
X - 2y::: 8 An office building has a room with a square -shaped
floor. The actual length of the floor is 90 times the
fhe solution to the given system f . length of the floor on a blueprint drawn to scale. The
. o equations is
(x,y).What 1sthe value of x ? actual area of the floor is p times the area of the floor
on the blueprint. What is the value of p ?

II Ell
9n + 3 = 15n y
Whatvalue of n satisfies the given equation?

(O, 2)

1 · .
"' .. - ....
- ~-e-' • .~

2 2
Thefunctfon f is defined by f(x) = x + 10. For The graph of y = ax + c, where a and c are
5 constants, is shown. What is the value of a ?
whatvalue of x does J(x) = 30 ?

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The scatterplot shows the average price per square
foot of a house in the United States each year for
several years. A line of best fit for the data is also

• V
/ -
Note: Figure not drawn to scale. /
In the figure shown, line t intersects lines and k. /

Which additional piece of information is sufficient to
prove that lines £ and k are parallel? /
/ -
A) x > 90 ,,/
B) w < 90 1./
/ -
C) w = y
D) y =z o/

The line of best fit predicted that the average price

per square foot in 2001 would be $76. What is the
difference between the predicted value and the actual
average price per square foot in 2001?

A) $0
B) $2
C) $4
D) $6

(x - 8)3 = 0
What is the solution to the given equation?

A) -8
B) -2
C) 2
D) 8

Questions 4 and S refer to the following information.

Costs of some steps to publish a manuscript can vary, as shown in the


Minimum cost per Maximum cost per Mean cost per

Publishing step manuscript manuscript manuscript
Acquiring an ISBN $125 $125 $125
Professional review , $250 $650 $395
Marketing $35 per hour $75 per hour $50 per hour

a ---- . .
•,,. .. ,,,,..A",. ..,,._'I':
- - - ....,"""'_

Ewan writes 30 manuscripts and wants to get them

published. What is the minimum cost, in dollars, for
professional review of Ewan's manuscripts?
A) $7,500
B) $11,850
C) $13,125
D) $18,750


!/4 i
h of the following graphs cou Id representtherelationship
number of
Wh!C . manuscripts,
? x, and the cost, y, of acquiring ISBNs for


A) y B)
1,000 - J I

600 IC
400 I£-
400 ,L_

200 .e::::.L
200 I

=' j'.'.:_
0 =+- X 0 IL
o 1 2 3 4 5 O I 2 3 4 5
- X

C) y D) y
1,000 ' {_
1,000 .J_
.I- ./-
800 .I- I 800
600 600 .J_
400 I 400
£ I
200 J.
200 I

0 )l.
-- X 0 jl..
0 1 2 3 4 5
- X

0 1 2 3 4 5

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47 w,.isn,
4 4
-- -- ---·------
d refer to the following information
Questions 7 an 8 ·
Water quality managers estimate that a population
of algae initially covered x square miles of water in a . . ·nformation for a chicken noodle soup
The nutntion I h f
nearby river. After a period of time, the algae grew . . h wn in the table. One bate o soup consists f
recipe 1ss o . ) o
to cover 375% of its original area. Which of the 6 servings. (I servtng = 1 cup
followingexpressions represents the area of water, in
square miles, that the algae covered after this period Nutrition Information,
of time? Amount/Serving
Total calories: 203 calories
A) 0.375x
Percent of total calories from fat: 30%
B) 3.75x
Fat: 7 grams
C) 37.Sx Protein: 25 grams
D) 375x Carbohydrate: 9 grams
Fiber: 1 gram

Approximately how many calories from fat are in

one serving of the soup?
A) 61
B) 75
C) 144
P) 609

The total cost.~o - · ·
What is the a m~ke one batch of soup is $20.
PProximate cost per calorie in cents?
A) 1.6 , -
B) 9.9
C) 33.8
D) 59.l

a ID
(x + 1) = 2(x + 1)
What value of x satisfies the given equation?

A) -1

B) 0

The graph of the linear function f is shown. Which
D) 1 equation defines J ?

f(x) = -
2x + 2
B) f(x) = - 2
2X -
C) J(x) = -2x + 2
.. -~. -, ,. ~. •, .c
• t:..... ~·- , •• ~--.;;·_,,:,,·, • • ;;a
In the xy-plane, what is they -intercept of the line D) f(x) = -2x - 2
with equation y = -2x + 4 ?

A) ( 4, 0)
B) (2, 0)
C) (0, 2)
o) (o, 4)
m ·-··· ,,. 4

~ '---· ·

A speed of 60 meters per second is equivalent to

z meters per minute. What is the value of z ?
A) I
B) 600
C) 1,200
D) 3,600

m m·· . b es of blue pens and some boxc ~ of
Henn buys 2 ox
E = 18,000- 2,000t h box contains 10 pens, and Henri
blac k pens. EaC
V = 18,000(0.85/ f 50 pens The equation 1O(x + 2) = so
b uys a tot al o · . . .
is situation. Which of the follow111g1s
The given equations are two different models that represen st th .
can be used to find the value, in dollars, of a the best interpretation of the expression x + 2 in this
particular car t years after it was purchased. Which context?
of the following statements correctly compares the
A) The number of blue pens that Henri buys
values of E and V for O < t < 9 ?
B) The number of boxes of pens that Henri buys
A) E is always less than V.
C) The number of boxes of blue pens that Henri
B) Eis always greater than V.
C) E is initially greater than V but eventually
D) The number ofboxes of black pens that Henri
becomes less than V.
D) Eis initially less than V but eventually becomes
greater than V.

. - .
m - ,.

12 7 15 34
Cate o 10 5 19 34
Total 32 20 48 100

The table shown summarizes 100 items by type and

catego_ry.One type C item will be selected at random.
~at 1sthe probability that the selected item will be
m category 3 ?

A) 19

B) 19

C) 19

D) 34

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III m ·
For the linear function f,, J( 6 ) -_ 4 , an d t h e grap h o f lx+3l=0
Exactly how many solutions does the given equation
. y = f(x) in the xy-plane has a slope of.!.._Which have?
equation defines f? A) Zero
B) One
1 C) Two
A) f(x) = - x + I
2 D) Three
B) f(x) = -x+ 2

C) f(x) = -x + 4
1 .
D) f(x) = -x+ 10

Crawford County, Iowa, is shaped like a rectangle.
The length of the county is 6 miles longer than the
width of the county. If A(x) is the area of the county,
in square miles, and x is the width, in miles, which
equation best models the area of the county?

A) A(x) = x(6x)
B) A(x) = x(6 - x)
C) A(x) = x(x - 6)
D) A(x) = x(x + 6)

ll4 4
m m . type of ai·rcraft , the ratio of thrust, in
Data set A I I H For ace rt a1n
newtons , to weight , in newtons, is 27 to lOO. I~ an
Data set B aircraft has a weight of 3,730,000 ne':1ons , whKh of
the following is closest to the thrust, m newtons , of
20 80 the aircraft?
A) 1,010,000
The box plots above show the distributions of
two data sets. Which of the following statements B) 13,800,000
must be true? C) IO1,000 ,000
A) The minimum value of numbers in data set A is D) 373,000,000
greater than the minimum value of numbers in
data set B.
B) The range of data set A is greater than the range
of data set B.
C) Data set A has more data values than data
set B has.
D) The median of data set A is greater than the
median of data set B. m
The graph of the line y =-- x + 3 in the xy -plane is
translated 2 units to the right. What is they -intercept

of the translated line?

m A) (0, I)
B) (0, 2)
In a tournament for 64 teams, each game is played
between two teams . Each team plays one game in the C) (o,3)
first round. For all rounds, the winning team of each
game advances to play a game in the next round, and D) (0, 4)
the losing team is eliminated from the tournament.
How many teams remain to play in the fourth round
of the tournament?
A) 4
B) 8
C) 16
D) 32

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m m

•• ••• A potter is selling vases. The function p gives the

•• •• 0

total profit p(x ), in dollars , the potter will receive if

•I ••I •I ••
• the vases are sold at a price of x dollars each. The
49.7 49.8 49.9 50.0 50.1I I I
50.2 50.3 graph of y = p(x) is shown.
Data set R

•• 1,800 II I I I I I I I

•• ••• •••
•I I I
(18, 1536)
V --- ::!>jY=p(x)
,- ,-
49.7 49.8 49.9 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 "I\.
Data set S I\
Data set R and data set S are represented in the J \
':: 800
dot plots shown. The mean for each data set is 50.0.
Which of the following best describes the
600 J
' \

relationship between the standard deviation of 400 I

data set Rand the standard deviation of data set S? J
200 \

l(2, O) (34, O)\

A) Both data sets have the same standard deviation. 0 X
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
B) The standard deviation of data set R is greater
Price of one vase (dollars)
than the standard deviation of data set S.
C) The standard deviation of data set R is less than What equation represents the relationship between
the standard deviation of data set S. the price of one vase and the profit?
D) The sum of the standard deviations of the two
data sets is 100.
A) p(x) = -6(x - 18)2 + 34

B) p(x) = -6(x - 18)2 + 1536

C) p(x) = -6(x - 34) 2 t 18

D) p(x) = -6(x - 34) 2 + 1536

f t hi5 Pageisillegal.
or reuse of anY part O 53 48

ll4 4
m m
5 The histogram shows the distribution of book prices,
in dollars, for the 27 books for sale at a store.
G4 ,.
53 ··~
'J'2 - 1>-
10 ---.--- -

11' I
µ., 1 -

l .. B
11 12 13 &6

Data values .t 4

The bar graph shows the frequency of each data 2

- I
value in a certain data set. What is the minimum data 0
value in the data set? 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Book price (dollars)
A) 10
B) 11 The first bar represents books with prices ofless than
C) 12 $5. The second bar represents books with prices of
D) 13 at least $5 but less than $10, and so on. In which
interval will the median price of books for sale be
included when the book that costs at least ·$35 but
less than $40 is sold?

A) At least $0 but less than $5

B) At least $5 but less than $10
C) At least $10 but less than $15
D) At least $35 but less than $40

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y ==-x + 5 y
One of the two equatio ns ma. .
lmea . . 20
Th e system ha s no solution WI . r system is given.
be the second equation i t·h·. 1tch equation could 00
n is system?
A) y = 2x +5 60 •
- •
40 •
B) y = 2 X +5 - •
n ••

1 01 2 3 4 5
C) y= -x-4
Which equation is the most appropriate exponential
D) y = -2x +5 model for the data shown in the scatterplot?

A) y = - (IOY

B) y = 2(5?

t D) y = l00 (2fx
S(t) = 10(0.5)
A sample of strontium-90 will radioactivel y decay to
half the original quantity in approximately 29 years.
The function S above models the amount of
strontium-90 , in grams, that remains t years after a
10-gram sample starts to decay . Which of the
following is the best interpretation of the number 0.5
in the function? m
A) The approximate number of years it would take
for 5 grams of strontium -90 to remain in the
(x + 3)2 + (y- 7)2 = 100
sample In the xy-plane , the graph of the o-ivenequaf .
circl wh · h o· 1011 1s a
B) The proportion of strontium-90 that remains e. ic point (x, y) lies on the circle?
after approximately 29 years
A) (3, -4)
C) The number of grams of strontium-90 in the
sample that will decay approximately every B) (3,-1)
29 years C) (3, 1)
D) The number of grams of strontium -90 by which
the sample will be reduced each year over D) (3, 4)
approximately 29 years

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Rectangle A has an area of 64 square met _ TI
)ength an d w1.d th o f rectangle B are 3 t· ers.h 1e
--------- ....---------
Questions 35 and 36 refer to the following
. 1mes t e information.
correspondmg length and width of rectangl A
What is the area, in square meters, of rectan~le .B?
As of 2016, there were 118 known elements . These
elements can be described with 10 classifications as
summarized in the given table.

Number of
Classification elements
Metalloids 7
Other nonmetals 7
m Halogens
Noble gases
A one-digit positive integer will be chosen at
Alkali metals 6
random. What is the probability that the chosen
Alkaline earth metals 6
integer will be greater than 7 ? (Express your answer
as a fraction or decimal, not as a percent.) Lanthanides 15
Actinides 15
Transition metals 38
Posttransition metals 11

m The percentage of the 10 classifications that have 11

or more elements is p%. What is the value of p ?
Sx + 3y = 31
Sx - 4y = 17

If (x, y) is the solution to the given syst em of

equations, what is the value of !Ox - Y ?

An element is a nonmetal if it is classified as a

halogen, noble gas, or other nonmetal. The ratio of
all nonmetals to all elements is 10 to k. What is the
value of k?
The expression 3xy(2y + 3) is equivalent to
. a constant. What is the value
bxy + 9xy, where b 1s

of b?

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... , l
In the xy-plane, line k with equation y = mx + b,
(10, 16) where m and b are constants, passes through the
point (-3, 1). Ifline k is perpendicular to the line
with equation y = -2x + 3, what is the value of b ?

(16, 10)

· ""O

Hours after midnight

The line graph shows the wind speed recorded every

2 hours in a town, where x is the number of hours
after midnight and y is the wind speed, in miles per
hour (mph). What is the greatest average change in
wind speed, in miles per hour per hour, between two
readings shown in the graph?

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