Count and Write The Number in Words

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________________________________________________________________ 3. Count and write the number in words.


1 .Match the pictures with the word-combinations. 51+6=________________________________________________________

12+17= _______________________________________________________



Water the plants Vacuum the carpets Clean the flat

Wash the dishes Feed the cat Walk the dog

4. Translate into English.

1. Я завжди поливаю квіти в суботу.

2. Match the pairs.
1) Where do you live? A) He is 26.
2. Мій брат вигулює собаку кожного ранку.
2) How old is he? B) I am from Ukraine.
3) Who cleans the flat in your family? C) I live in Lviv.
3. Мій тато ніколи не миє посуд.
4) Where are you from? D) 24, Shevchenko Street
5) Do you water the plants? E) My mum always cleans the flat.

6) What is your adress? F) Yes, I do.

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