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Escuela de ingeniería

Oral and Written English Communication

Mechatronics Engineering

Informative Speech

Sebastián Beltrán Milán 31872 

Mexicali, Baja California 29 of October 2020

The difference between Hip Hop and Urban Dance

What is Hip-Hop? Everybody knows that Hip-Hop is a style of dance that recently
became more popular as the years progressed, if you of the older generations you will kind
of remember seeing this type of dance in the TV little by little and if your of the newer
generations you will know that this style of dance is the most popular and commercial
dance there is in our current time. What if I told you that Hip-Hop and Urban Dance are
two completely different things, not really but, they are indeed to different concepts. Today,
we will get a grasp of what these two concepts are and where they came from but mostly
getting to know what Urban Dance is.

Hip-Hop is a culture, a culture based on 4 basic elements. These 4 elements came to

be because of the environment the culture was practiced. The 4 elements are Graffiti,
Breakdancing, DJ, and the MC. Graffiti is they art people do on the street walls while
everything else is happening, Breakdancing is the dance that we all know that can do tricks
and amazing spins while using the floor as a major support. The next two are DJ and MC,
DJ is something we all know and love at a good party, it’s the person that keeps bringing
the good beats and keeps the party alive. Talking about keeping the party alive MC, also
known as the Master of Ceremonies, is the person in charge of talking to the people and
keeping the event as cohesive as it can be while entertaining the people telling them what’s
next which may be a rapping showcase or a dance battle.

Now for Urban Dance, urban dance came to be because of suppression and
prejudice. A well-known online dance studio describes it as this “Urban Dance is a style of
dance, community, and lifestyle revolving around choreographed pieces and performances
by a dancer or groups of dancers” (Steezy, s.f.). It is a form of art that started from
suffering and it creates something beautiful. The first people that starting this type of dance
were the African American and Latino community. They started dancing in the clubs where
they could feel at home and not feel judged by the general public at the time, this time I am
talking about is the 1960`s. Some of these styles of dances include Popping, Krump,
Locking, House, Voguing, and Whacking.

The difference between Hip Hop and Urban Dance

During the next 2 decades Urban Dance became more and more popular as they
started appearing in the T.V., like in shows called “Soul Train”, where the first African
American dancers started to practice this styles, more specifically Popping and Locking.
Later on, the Voguing and Whacking started to be more popularized by the Pop star
Madonna. Voguing and Whacking are two style that came from the LGBT community and
back then in the late 60s and 70s, people from this community weren’t seen as normal
people, and this type of dance let them express who they really are. Pop stars like Madonna
opened they arms to this type of dance and showed the world that they are nothing to be
afraid of and later on people from all over the world started to practice this type of dance.

In conclusion, our current decade and situation revolving Urban Dance could not be
better. They are countless world known competitions that encourage all type of Urban
Dance styles and people from India to Japan to Latin America are getting to know all of
this dances and getting to know the history. As a proud Urban Dancer since now 5 years, I
can tell you dancing changed my life to a whole new perspective. Dance teaches you
discipline and history, it also teaches you values that will carry on forever and will continue
evolving to the end of time. I cannot express the excitement I have to get to know what the
future has for Urban Dance. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

The difference between Hip Hop and Urban Dance


Steezy (2020) What is Urban Dance,

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