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The story Birthmark is a romantic tale by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

The narrator first

introduces us to the scene where scientists are controlling nature and they are claiming to have

dangerous power to themselves. It can be seen in the current world were scientist are trying to

create the human model and modifications of human beings. In the introduction were are not sure

whether Aylmer will also become one of the scientist claiming strong power. The story is about

two couples Aylmer and Georgina. Aylmer think that the birthmark in Georgiana’s face make

her less beautiful. Aylmer wants to remove the birthmark and he want to mix his scientific life

with his marriage life. Aylmer can be portrayed as a male chauvinist has he willingly abuse his

wife. This is a rampant act in the society as men look down upon women and do not involve

them in decision making. Even though Aylmer criticize the birthmark Georgiana stood up and

talk about positivity of the birthmark. I think people should develop Georgiana’s behavior and

should not be bothered by people critics. They should be proud of themselves. Aylmer thinks

that his wife has failure to be perfect. Aylmer had a dream about the birthmark and in he dreamt

that he had removed the birthmark on Georgiana’s face. People should not always believe in

their dreams as Aylmer does. He literally approaches the heart of his wife with a knife.

Combination of work and family issues is seen in the Birthmark has Aylmer took Georgiana in

his laboratory to remove the birthmark.

The author uses symbolism in his work to create tension in his environment. He even

talks about it thinking that the readers may not understand his piece of work. The author says that

the birthmark on Georgiana’s face symbolized mortality. He says that nature has a way of telling

people that eventually they will die. Aylmer thinks that the birthmark on his wife’s face was a

blemish that had to be removed. It tells us that we should not always look at the blemish on

people. By wanting to remove the birthmark, we can say that Aylmer was afraid of death and he
thinks that he is smart. The interpretation he had about the Birthmark on Georgiana’s face lead

him astray. He’s belief is that removing the mortality symbol would mean that he had the power

to make life longer. This has also become the belief of the doctors today. They think that through

scientific processes they are able to prolong life of individuals. That is, they have power of death.

Another interpretation Aylmer have about Georgiana’s birthmark is that she is a sinner.

Georgiana is not a sinner but Aylmer thinks the mark represent spiritual flaws. In the current

world, any physical deformation in the body of women is always taken as a result of sinning.

This is in line with Aylmer’s belief. It can also be interpreted that the symbol on Georgiana’s

cheek represents her sunny spirit and natural generosity.

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