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Gambling Addiction

This is a problem that results to the inability to stop gambling even if it has led to a lot of

problems in one’s life. It has left rich poor. Gambling has several risk factors and causes. It is

more rampant to the middle aged people and men. Families with the addiction problems always

get addicted to gambling faster. There are several signs and symptoms related to gambling

addiction. The person is always in need a desire for more money and any attempt to withdraw

from it results to restlessness and irresistibility. Addicted people always bet more even if they

lose. Gambling is associated with several problems as it can lead to entry into crime. It is a

condition that is perceived by the part of the brain for liking and wanting. Steps have employed

to cub the issue of gambling addiction. There are individual therapies, family counseling and

group therapies.

Food Addiction

It is more or less the same as alcohol or drug addiction. It is a state where the body has

increasingly become dependent on the use of chemical substances and needs them to normally

function. Commonly adductive food substances are those with high sugar content, grains, flour,

salt or combinations. Food addiction progresses slowly and it is chronic. Continued use of the

same types of food repeatedly may tune the mind that it is the only substance needed for the
body function. People who are addicted with food spend most of their time eating as not planned.

They eat until they feel ill. Sometimes they look for certain food when unavailable. The

symptoms of food addiction include agitation, anxiety and overweight among others. People who

are addicted to food may seek help from nutritionists or doctors.

Sex Addiction

it can be defined us the desire and engagement in sexual activities even though it has got

several negativities. Instead of being fulfilled after this act somebody become distressed. It is

difficult to determine the criteria which constitutes an addiction. A sex addict always hides their

characters to keep the conditions secret. A sex addict always feels guilty after sex and they

always regret it. They cannot be treated based on evidence since their diagnosis remains

controversial. Causes of sex addiction may be numerous ranging from relationship problems or

sex trauma. People may use programs such as 12-steps SAA, therapies for cognitive behaviors

and medication. Sex addiction is dangerous and may put someone’s health at risk. It is difficult

to diagnose because it lacks a specific criterion.

Marijuana Addiction

Its frequent use may lead to a disorder called marijuana use disorder which is in the form of

its addiction. The main characteristics is withdrawal where an individual must take the drug to

feel normal. Its use is characterized by sleep and mood difficulties, irritability, restlessness,

cravings, loss of appetite. People who are addicted to marijuana always tend not to stop its use

even though its dangerous to his health. About 10% who smoke marijuana usually become

addicted in the future. A marijuana addict is not able to sleep. There are several ways in which a

marijuana addict can be treated. They include talk therapy and medication.

Methamphetamine Addiction

methamphetamine addiction is the continued use of it regardless of the negative impacts. It

is a type of addiction which is usually faced by Americans. It is highly addictive and always

affect the brain and the spinal cord. People usually resort to because it is easy to get and cheap.

The substance can be snorted, swallowed, smoked or injected into the body. It has both the short

term and long term effect. The short term effects are; breathing faster, high temperature and

blood pressure, decreased appetite and a n increase in physical activities. The long term effects

are addiction, anxiety, memory loss, violent behavior among others. Methamphetamine addiction
can be prevented by behavioral cognitive therapies and the motivational campaigns where people

are being motivated to stop the use of methamphetamine.

Addictions to Hallucinogens

these are illegal drugs producing side effects which are the ones produced by stimulants.

They include DMT, ketamine, LSD, psilocybin among others. Other hallucinogens are not

addictive while others are addictive. They always disrupt the production of natural chemical in

the brain leading to addiction. Continued use may also lead to tolerance prompting individuals to

larger quantities. The short term effects of hallucinogens include; panic, appetite lose, nausea,

weird behaviors among others. The long term effects are depression, memory loss, suicidal

thoughts and speech problems. Overdose is a common event as compared to other drugs.

Treatment of hallucinogen addiction may comprise several programs namely; personal therapies,

detox centers and residential centers among others.

Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine Addiction: What it is, Treatment, and More

it is a drug processed from the leaves of coca plant. It is generally known for its stimulation

ability, meaning it increases energy and alertness. It affects the neurons in the brain leading to an
individual becoming talkative, Europhobic and energetic. Its addiction develops quickly.

Cocaine blocks neurotransmitters from reaching the nerve cells leading to the accumulation of

the neurotransmitters around the nerve cells heightening pleasurable thought of Europhobia.

Some other effects include, panic, anxiety, irritability, depression among other effects. Cocaine

addiction is caused by its excessive consumption. A doctor can diagnose its addiction through

the history of an addict. It can be treated through behavior treatment, medication, exercise.

Alcohol Addiction

It is also known as alcoholism and affects all alcohol users. Factors like sex, genetics race

and socioeconomics can be attributed to as its risk factors. The disorder has no one specific

cause. The severity varies from one person to another. The symptoms of alcoholism include;

hiding from loved ones, dependency, increased alcohol intake, increased emotional issues. A lot

of health problems are associated with alcoholism such as birth defects, ulcers, liver disease,

vision problem. Rehab is the main treatment option for alcoholic. They tend to be violent after

drinking and they can function without taking alcohol. Alcoholic Anonymous are also other

ways of dealing with the problem. One can also resort to counselling, nutritional changes and

drug therapy.
Love Addiction

It is act of showing excessive interest and pervasiveness towards a single or more partners.

One cannot control their romantic love toward others and even if it has negative impacts. There

are no criteria for diagnosing this disorder. It is different from the sex addiction. People believe

that it is a mood disorder while some argue that it is in the spectrum of obsessive-compulsive.

They tend to experience intrusive thoughts. When pathological love is termed addiction they it

becomes behavioral addiction. When one is addicted to love, they may try to stop the behavior

but in vain. Love addiction can be treated in several ways including self-help groups, cognitive

therapies and use of pharmacological treatments such as mood stabilizer and antidepressants.

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