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The Bolshevik revolution essay

Bolsheviks are members of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party, which, under the
leadership of Vladimir Lenin, seized control of Russia's government. They strongly advocated
militarism. In my view Bolshevik revolution brought to common people and inhabitants of
Russia more harm than improvements, considering the violence of Bolsheviks along with
disinformation and fear people lived in those days.
Leftist revolutionaries led by Bolshevik Party leader Vladimir Lenin conducted a relatively
bloodless coup d’état against the Duma's provisional government on November 6 and 7,
1917. A group of leaders from Russia's bourgeois capitalist class put together the provisional
government. Instead, Lenin advocated for a Soviet government administered by direct
councils of soldiers, peasants, and workers. In Petrograd, the Bolsheviks and their supporters
took government buildings and other vital places, quickly forming a new administration led
by Lenin. Lenin became the first communist dictator in the world.
World War I was an unmitigated tragedy for Russia, with Russian fatalities surpassing those
of any other nation in any prior conflict. Meanwhile, the Russian economy was irreparably
disrupted by the costly war effort, and riots and strikes over food scarcity erupted in
Petrograd in March 1917. The refusal of peasants to sell grain throughout the war resulted in
worsening food shortages, which had a direct impact on internal politics. Food shortages in
St Petersburg and long lines for bread in the city during the winter of 1916 and 1917 sparked
the events of February 1917, which led to the monarchy's overthrow.
At the time, people did not know what is waiting ahead of them. Lenin at the time was very
popular and people not only liked his ideology but also had a huge amount of trust in him. It
was mainly because of his great presenting of his ideology to not only inhabitants of Russia
but also politicians. People believed that he is doing everything for their own good and to
improve their life quality. This is closely related closely to the disinformation that were
spread in the newspapers, propaganda posters and everywhere they could be. Lenin simply
knew what his exact plan was and what he was meaning by his every single step. After a
while people started to be more aware of what is going on with their life’s and how their
wellbeing is being influenced by the “tyrant”. The rumors about the arrests and executions
that made up the civil war's so-called "Red Terror" campaign are among the many instances
of political repression and mass deaths for which he is considered accountable. Hundreds of
thousands of individuals are thought to have perished as a result of the effort. When people
started to be aware of this it was too late to reconsider who are they going to trust because
it was too late. The revolution also brought a few improvements, such as kids having a good
education system for that time despite learning the communist ideologies. Lenin also
brought an eight-hour working day and working conditions were highly improved. Also, the
czarist regime comes to an end, and workers and peasants are given a voice. Because
communism replaces czarist rule, so this has a bad consequence.
This just simply summarizes how people could feel in the 1910s. Their life must have been
difficult, because they didn’t know what to expect and what this new regime is going to bring
to them. After all, in my opinion it has brought much more downfalls and harm to Russia and
Russian people. But if this didn’t happen, we would be where we are at this moment.

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